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Messages - StrutEggStealer

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 66
It's Party Time! / The Reschedule Game
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:20:42 PM »
Lemme take a rain check on that, just in case it might in fact actually be raining and no one wants to get wet.

Hmm, last Tuesday?

But but..I will be at ninja school then....

Nahla, why didn't you tell me you attended ninja school?!

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:17:05 PM »
I ban you back for banning me and for not have anything to do! FOR SHAME!

It's Party Time! / Guess the next poster
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:15:38 PM »
Reasonable indeed, but who said I needed to be reasonable? ;)

I guess Ducky

It's Party Time! / Guess the next poster
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:33:59 PM »
I AM FIRE... I AM DEATH... but I am not Loyfe ;)

Are you Loyfe?

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
All this button and lever talk is frustrating! Banned for making me frustrated!

Ask Me / Ask Ducky123, if you want :)
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:25:51 PM »
Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 9 2014 on  01:59 PM
My holidays are not yet over but I can already tell they've been great.

I'm really excited to answer that one :DD
Writing: I love writing love scenes (kept in an appropriate, T-rated, setting of course). Just some random dialogue is also nice because, mostly, I come up with great ideas as I write them. The most difficult kind of situations are fights. I haven't used this too much in my fics yet though, when I was writing yesterday, I wrote such a dark bit (a rather brutal fight) that I had to ask people whether I should do it the dark way or leave out the descriptive and violent parts... I was amazed how... well it came out and I can't wait to upload that chapter (only 20 other to upload first meh :p)
While I'm at it, I'll publish my second fic on Monday, the Prologue might come even earlier... :angel
I think you can guess which character I like most to write about ;)

Drawing: Before I start, I have to announce there is some new art coming soon :smile
I like to draw Ducky, obviously, but lately, doing a sort of project (that doesn't go too well, sadly), I discovered that Petrie is fairly easy to draw... I so much would love to be able to draw pictures for animation or at least to be able to draw them without reference... I'm aware of the fact that practise and patience is the key but for both I have hardly time on school days :rolleyes

Whatever... :DD Thanks for the question, Strut!
Interesting! :DD I don't feel I've been inclined to writing lovey-lovey stuff. I mean, I love a good heartthrob as much as the next hopeless romantic, but I've never really delved into that genre. Lol oh yes! Keeping the, erm, 'loving' down is imperative for me. I can't really stomach smut or really strong 'lust' *shiver* makes me blush and feel sick :oops

Fight scenes... now those are things I have trouble with. I strive to walk that line between all-out blood bath (ergh, something else I can't bring myself to write) and simple muggings. I tend to go for what's happening in one's mind during the conflict :yes psychological is the way to do!

Ooh! Intrigued, I am! I am, I am! :angel
Drawing without reference takes time (you're talking to someone who still has yet to master it XDD), but I wish you luck!
You are quite welcome^^

The Fridge / What are you eating/drinking?
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:16:00 PM »
Reading all this makes me hungry^^
Just had some Lil' Debbies, pasta and sauce, and ice cream. Happy MLK Jr. Day!!

The Fridge / Careers. : |
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:13:07 PM »
Lol personally, I recommend teaching :)
I know the business option is VERY popular, especially nowadays. In most cases, it sounds like people are only going into business because it's a 'last chance' option or something like that. Not saying anything against people who do in fact HAVE a business degree, but the majority of the people I met during my two years all said "I'm going into Business" and just kind of left it at that.

So for you, Jared, I have to ask: what do YOU want? Based on you yourself.

Land Before Time RPG / The Great Plague
« on: January 18, 2014, 07:59:16 PM »
Ruby quickly righted herself, murmuring an apology for nearly squishing her longneck friend. "I am sorry; that was a little unexpected because it was surprising..." she smoothed out her feathers and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, you are out now, so that is good. I suppose what we should do now is go on and continue," she glanced quickly around. For some reason, she and her friends had a nasty habit of attracting trouble - and a lot at that - whenever they made a venture into the Beyond.

Land Before Time RPG / Rinkus & Jared rp
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:00:00 PM »
I'm interested as well. And I echo the question above :)
I will hopefully be on more now in order to participate

Land Before Time RPG / The Great Plague
« on: January 12, 2014, 06:12:46 PM »
Ruby stepped up to help. She positioned herself beside Chomper. She tried not to look at the dead thing. At this point, it was so far-rotted she wasn't even sure what it used to be. Her eyes started to tear up at the awful smell, so she turned her head. It was nigh unbearable, but she was used to seeing dead things, terrible as it may have sounded. She latched her claws fast around the hard vertebra of the neck and gave a violent tug.

The Party Room / What are you thinking about?
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:35:10 PM »
Thinking about how awesome it is to be eating a warm slice of pizza, and a cupful of blood orange gelato...
now if only I could get my hands on some cheesecake

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:33:52 PM »
Banned! This is MY topic now and I say jokes are In! XD

It's Party Time! / Guess the next poster
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:30:58 PM »
Oops, wrong door *facepalm*


Land Before Time Captions / Ali's mouth full
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:17:47 PM »
Ali: You wanna bet I can't hold my breath?!? *inhales deeply*

Land Before Time Captions / Oh pretty butterfly
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:16:49 PM »
Wonder what happened to Wormy from Spongebob??


Land Before Time Captions / Ducky giving the puppy eyes look
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:10:06 PM »
Ducky: Can I have a flame thrower?


Land Before Time Captions / SPIKE AT HIS WORST!
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:08:32 PM »

(Smaug pwn's)

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky's sad
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:07:17 PM »
^... the top few posts are just so depressing :lol

DUcky: Well, drat! Back to square one again. Yep, yep, yep

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot Is Disapointed
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:05:02 PM »
Littlefoot: I hope you're happy... now that you're choosing this. I hope it brings you bliss...

I'm Wicked, so sue me XDD

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