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Careers. : |

Jrd89 · 15 · 2411


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It's ok guys, was just thinking of careers.  Mom says that i'd make a good stockbroker with me and how good I am with numbers.

I'm not confident with "software" engineer. and... it sounds very complicated/difficult to know/understand.

I don't know if stockbrokers earn large, 6-figure incomes though. :(  However, watching how businesses and stocks do sounds interesting, and how much they gain or lose throughout the weeks/months/years..  I do watch MSNBC at a couple points in the day, and see how much the DOW, the NASDAQ, S&P 500, as well as what the current price of a barrel of Crude Oil is at (so I know if gas prices could decrease a few cents..from a drop... or could increase a few cents from a gain in oil prices.

Anyways.. was thinking of software...or....stockbroker..  What's your opinion on these two careers?

I don't know.. But Bagging groceries/helping mostly old people loading their cars, bringing in carts, and sweeping/mopping floors, and fricking.. cleaning bathrooms (DISGUSTING urinal guards, spraying cleaner, cleaning p*ss off the seat, cleaning disgusting hair out of the sinks.. (Yeah, I do get protective rubber gloves)

I HATE mom, I hate dad, I hate sister.  dad's fussing, n*ggers..  mom constantly mad at the "We're alllllllllll the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame... let's all stand in a circle hold hands and sing Kum-Bah-Yah..

I always come in with a depressed scowl on my eyebrows when I head back home and walk in the door. I AM the "one odd person of the family" I am NOT like mom, dad, or my sister.

Dad and mom with their closed views.. mom STILL talking about Mitt Romney and more "Obama's a muslim!.. JUST YOU WAIT, jared! He will do this.. he's gonna (do this)  he's gonna (do this). and Mom hates those "damn liberals/we're allll the sammme kinds of people" My dad and mom are constantly bashing/punching/slamming Obama.. and my mom, dad, and great aunt maggie all agree that he's a muslim. My dad predicts someone WILL assassinate Obama, and says.. "Someone's gonna blow his brains out. You wait, Jared."

Yet, on the positive end, you GOF members don't make such a terrible  deal out of things that my mom and dad really argue/lash out about, and you're more gentle, don't have short tempers and short-circuit on some issues that my mom and dad would, and don't b**ch back at me or holler at me.

I come here for fun, for comfort, for "you're ok, Jared.. you're a good guy."  For positivity. I come here for more than looking for LBT Pterosaur subjects. This site and skype have saved me (with online social skills) since I have zero, crap, zilch for in-person social skills.  

No, dad, I don't sit "my a*s on the computer lookin at car pictures all night" I get on the GOF and skype for some friendly socializing from people my generation, and realize that "we're not out to ruin the country" as my mom/dad say.  I get a lot of "that's youuuurrrrrr generation, Jared... they think.. "welllll that's probbbblemmmm.... they're people, toooooooooooo. gotta feeeeeeel sorry for themmmm."

At least my 90 year old great aunt maggie shows support. she hardly rejects or says no, and never throws an argument, and she's always been in a positive or happy mood when I see her or talk to her. She's never in a grumpy/"i don't want to hear about it, i'm busy." kind of mood.

Personally, I don't think our generation is out to wreck/ruin the country. DAMN are my parents grumpy, grumbly b**chy fussers. WHEN I MOVE away, i'll be very very relieved. The sooner I get a career i'll enjoy (while earning a bunch of money, a 6-figure income, each year..) the happier i'll be. : | I don't think us 20-somethings are really out to cripple, crumble, and destroy the United States Of America.

I hate my parents and sister. > : ( they're always saying, "WHATS your mood. what IS your problem?"   i say in my head "I hate/can't stand all of you.. that's what." short tempers, rants, hearing "n*gger" spoken nearly 20 times every day from my dad/mom's mouth.

And yeah, my parents say that our generation will NOT preserve the integrity of the U.S.  and my dad hates it how "we're messin' and fiddlin' around with our little computers, phones, and other little digital gadgets."  SCREW you, Dad! > : ( We "operate" digitally every day, internet, I-Phones, Social networks..

ANYWAYS, turning to careers.. I wonder.. if stock brokers earn 6-figure incomes each year.

I don't think i'm smart enough for software engineering, it sounds too difficult and much too advanced and complex.

Mom thinks that i'd be great working with stocks, and thinks that i'd make a good stock broker. What's your view on these two careers, guys? I think that a stockbroker would not be as hard of a career as a software engineer would be. But.. I hope stockbrokers also earn a large income in the area of 6-figures (like.. between $100,000-$125,000 per year.)  :(

(I can't wait to prove both of my parents wrong, and that us 20-somethings are not out to ruin and wreck the country. ;)


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I don't know much of either job.  Do you have a preference yourself?  I wonder if stockbroker would be more stressful.  That may be 1 important thing to consider, and how prevalent are jobs in the area where you want to live or do live at.


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Heh...I think of the Incredibles when people talk about stockbrokers. "We're supposed to help OUR people! Starting with our stockbrokers, Bob, who's helping them out!?"


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A stock broker would be an incredibly stressful job.  And I can't imagine a much worse job than a software engineer.  If you like numbers and doing the same thing every day and sitting in front of a computer while you pluck away writing code, then go be a software engineer.  One thing I've learned (and more people are learning by the day) is if you want to make a decent living, the last thing you should do is "get a job."  If you like helping other more successful people increase their wealth while they pay you peanuts, then a job is perfect for you.  Even becoming a hair dresser would be a better job than the two jobs you mentioned.  

My hair dresser and I talk a lot (we're good friends actually).  Her parents wanted her to go be a dental hygienist but she decided to become a hair dresser instead.  She has two sisters.  One of them went to college for 4 years and is now making $12/hour working for a day care.  The other one went to college for 4 years and still can't find a job 4 years AFTER graduating.  They've both had to ask her parents for money, but she has her own house that's almost paid off and a 100% paid off car.  She's 28.  A hair dresser is about the worst thing you can do when it comes to "working for yourself" as it has important limitations, but it's still like 1000x better than just going and "getting a job."  

My point is, getting a job = becoming a slave.  If that's what you want then by all means, go crawling to some large company and get paid pennies on the dollar for bringing them in millions.  It would certainly make them happy.  And if you're lucky they won't dump you when you turn 40 and make you lose your benefits and medical insurance.  And you might get that house paid off by the time you hit 50.  Maybe.


  • Petrie
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LBTlover: you have your opinions, but I disagree with you. I didn't say I was going to go sign up tomorrow either. O_O  !  : (  and hey, you can't earn money if you don't work. Money doesn't get handed to you for free.

Ptyra: Remember. ;)  these were just things I was looking up/thinking of. There's nothing i've officially decided on or "set in stone.."  lol.. stone pun..

but i'm looking/learning at what's involved. I know these sound very complicated, and it takes lots of skill, study, brains, and focus, but it can be done. (I'm just looking at these careers. Sounds like a challenge, but a do-able challenge if I put my brains to it.
And Ptyra.. (i'm currently at my part-time grocery store job.. earning only $8 an hour only making between $180-$200 per week?  X_X  *EHHHHT! X_X  THAT is not gonna do it. and it's VERY boring.. nothing NEW EVER HAPPENS there. the same 3-4 things constantly. MAN is it boring there. ughhh.

I appreciated the Incredibles quote, too. Lol. heh.

This is stuff i'm just looking at for now, Ptyra. I'm not setting anything in stone yet. Don't count it out and say it's impossible. I do need to take a look for "job abundancy" in the area.. if there are even any brokers down here in southeastern florida, which I imagine there are.  (plus hey, i gotta get back to college before any thing happens first)

It's a challenge. *take it easy guys, i was just "reading" about the careers. I wasn't making any official decisions. I was just looking, and learning what's generally involved.*

The Chronicler

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I may not be as interested in the stock market as you are (I studied mechanical engineering in college), but I have learned quite a bit about how it works by watching "Mad Money with Jim Cramer" on CNBC. (It's on every weekday at 6 pm, if you're interested in watching it. It's mostly about helping ordinary people like us make money in the stock market.) Although I've learned a few things that would come in handy if I ever decide to do a little investing (not likely to happen anytime soon), I mostly watch this show for the humor, admittedly. That Jim Cramer sure can be funny some times. :lol:

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Well, chronicler, If you wanted to know, my mom loves Jim Cramer's tips and advice he gives and the points he makes on "Mad Money" I like his sense of humor, too. I've watched some of his shows, but I don't watch it regularly. On occassion if i'm running through the channels and it happens to be on, I watch it for a few minutes, then I go find something else.


  • Petrie
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(And guys, while the career itself may not be a stockbroker..)

When I return to college, I think it'd be best for me to take a business course, as far as making money/having a successful career goes.

I want to have a good, strong income, while enjoying what I do at the same time. When I return to college, i'll take a look to see what business courses they offer, and what's available. I'd like to eventually have a 6-figure yearly income, like my dad has at $125,000 per year.  I'll see what courses the college has to offer business-wise when I  return. Please, no negatives, guys. I live in southeastern Florida. There are opportunites down here that I wouldn't have had in a million years up in southwestern Michigan.

 Please no negatives. Don't say "Jared, you're wasting your time, you'll fail. Don't do this."  :(  I don't appreciate negativity and discouragement, guys.

I'm just saying.. if I want a career that'll bring me in some money, I should take a business course when I go back to college. I choose whatever path I want to take, ok? :( There's not a thing wrong with doing that. My mom wants whats best for me, and I do, too. We've talked, and we both agree. I have got potential in taking a business course when I return to college. : |  I'm being optimistic. Don't say it's a stupid move. Don't say I'll fail. I'm a good, smart guy. our family's income is not part of "the rich"  we rank in "the upper middle class".  My dad makes $125,000 a year at his job at the nuclear power plant. :( He makes some darn good money.

"The rich" are classified as $250,000 or more in income per year. :( Guys, i'm not on the wrong track. I can do this if I apply myself. Have faith, be positive. No pessimism and negativity, please.


  • Chomper
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Have you ever considered going into massage therapy? Apparently, it's an emerging profession. Also, maybe try bartending, (especially if you have a good personality, you'll get good tips :smile ). But for both you need a license/certificate, but neither really require a degree.


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Olly: No thank you. I'm not interested in bartending or massage therapy. It's okay. I made this thread for telling you guys what i'm interested in, and sharing it. ;)


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Well, you know if you do go to college and you like business, you might find accounting interesting. :smile I can't do accounting since I'm......well,  let's just say math is NOT my thing :confused and I'm a more artistically/musically inclined person. :p Also, because of your shy personality, any job in which you work with computers might be good for you. Lots of people with aspergers go into computer science. I'm sure "stockbroker" and "software engineer" aren't the only two things you might be interested in. I mean, I'm not saying you wouldn't enjoy either of them, but you shouldn't just consider just one or two careers. You should consider ALL the options you have (and trust me, you have more options than you realize). Look at me: I'm 22, I'm in my 4th year in college, next semester I will be a senior, and I STILL don't know what I want to do with my life.  :wow So just think about it, Jared. :)


  • Petrie
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Olly, don't worry ;) I am considering the possibilities. I wasn't only focusing on those 2  careers alone. There are so many possibilites! :D

Yes, a business course is the right course for me to take if I want to get to rolling in the dough ($) in my life. ;)  

(BTW, guys, don't get the wrong idea, I never said I wanted to be a "Mr. Greedy, selfish, dirty, hot shot/ business tycoon :cheers ". )  Do not get that idea, guys. Remember that not all rich people are nasty and cruel. :(  

But my goal is.. I want to earn an income of 6 figures per year ($###,###)

Or if it's more, then a 7-figure (single digit million $ #, ###, ### ) per year at the most.

(But no, I don't want to be one of those nasty fat cat "more money than they know what to do with" billionaire!

THAT'S WAY too much money, guys!! That's beyond too much. REALLY. <_< I would never want to own more money than I could spend in my lifetime.

I do want to make 6 figures per year :yes,

(Jared, would you ever want to be a millionaire?):|  that's fine, but that'd be enough. I'd draw the line at millionaire.

(a billionaire?) :blink: What? :angry: No, Thank You! :angry:  That's more money than I could spend in my whole lifetime.

I live in southeastern Florida, this is a VERY good area in terms of business. You never know, guys. ;)

Palm Beach county is directly south of me, guys. Containing cities such as West Palm Beach, and Boca Raton to name a couple of them.

I'm so blessed to be living down here in Southeastern Florida. I've got so many more chances and opportunities down here than I EVER would've had back in Southwestern Michigan. by FAR. Hands down, no buts about it. :(

I'm very lucky to live down here, guys. And I am willing to apply myself when I return to college. :yes I only get one shot at life, and i'd like to make the most of it. ;)


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*Update* I was browsing courses on a local community college's website (Indian River State College)

One field I've found interesting is "Electronics Engineering Technology"

I'll give you the link to the page (with the description of the field):

The description says: "Lasers, fiber-optics, robotics, automation, wireless networks, biomedical equipment, space exploration, and modern electric power generation are cutting-edge technologies made possible by electronic engineering. The demand for technicians in these fields is at an all time high. Starting salaries for entry-level technicians in any of these fields are higher than the national average. The Electronics Engineering Technology degree offers specialization options in lasers and photonics, robotics and industrial automation, power plant technology, computer technology, and telecommunications."

"Higher than the national average?" That sounds good. :) I also wonder what kind of salary it could lead to at the same time.

Working in this field looks neat and interesting to me. (I've always liked electronics, even though I don't know how to use some of them, they fascinate me. ;) )  

*Remember that i'm just browsing what they have to offer, guys. I have no set date as to when i'm going back to college. But I wanted to share with you, a course that the college offers, that interests me. :yes*


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In short, I want a job/career that I enjoy, and I also want one with a yearly income of  at least $100,000 per year. (a 6-figure income) ;)


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Lol personally, I recommend teaching :)
I know the business option is VERY popular, especially nowadays. In most cases, it sounds like people are only going into business because it's a 'last chance' option or something like that. Not saying anything against people who do in fact HAVE a business degree, but the majority of the people I met during my two years all said "I'm going into Business" and just kind of left it at that.

So for you, Jared, I have to ask: what do YOU want? Based on you yourself.
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