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Messages - Caustizer

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 66 67 68
LBT Fanfiction / Land Before Time: Rise of Storm Tide
« on: May 25, 2009, 11:08:18 PM »
<Reserved for Plot Summary>

Act 1:

- tramatic events at Ruby's hatching are revealed
- Chomper learns that his parents might be back and the gang decides to search for them
- the gang has an encounter with Redclaw
- the gang escapes, but then suffers a horrible tragedy
- Thudd serves a new master - himself.

Act 2:

- introduction to Rozzy, Ozzy's oldest son and an allusion to a grand egg robbery of epic proportions
- the gang returns to a warm, but dissapointed reception
- Chomper remembers meeting Ruby in the mysterious beyond
- Read the rest yourself! I gets good from here.

The idea for this is to give readers a quick glimpse as to what the story is all about so far without having to read the whole thing. I'll update this as I add sections of the story.

LBT Fanfiction / Ice Age
« on: May 25, 2009, 09:39:47 AM »
Its certainly an idea, but if there was an actual ice age the gang probably wouldn't surivive because of how they are all cold blooded - one of the reasons the dinosaurs even existed was because of the really warm period the earth went through in the mesozoic era.

The Fridge / Your stand on Walmart
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:48:51 PM »
I live in a small town and one problem we have here is that there is nowhere else to buy some of the things Walmart sells in town, or at least not at the price and the selection that is to be desired.

So overall i'm quite neutral on the subject of Walmart - but i don't go there unless its the only place to go for what I need.

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:39:52 PM »
Quote from: brekclub85,May 24 2009 on  05:03 PM
(OOC: Caustizer, you can't control other's OCs.)
You got me...maybe I should have read the rules to this game before jumping into it.  :lol

The Party Room / Things you WISH the LBT Cast would say...
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:08:49 PM »
Strut: Hey you know you can get sick from eating dem raw eggs?

Ozzy: What!?!

Strut: Its it in a book once.

Ozzy: <hits Strut over the head> What did I tell you about reading?

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:01:48 PM »

LBT Fanfiction / Journey to the Island
« on: May 24, 2009, 09:47:23 AM »
It made sense at the start but its starting to wander a bit without reaching any real conclusion. Are you approaching a climax? A big meeting? or just dragging on your story?  :confused

I write a lot and a word of advice that always helped me was:  

"Always know the beginning and the end of your story before you attempt to fill the inbetween"

Other then that keep it up! Even if you end this story you can always fit new ideas into a sequel.  :smile

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Season 2
« on: May 23, 2009, 02:55:09 PM »
Quote from: NeoGenesis005,Mar 15 2009 on  09:01 PM
Quote from: Littlefoot3897,Mar 14 2009 on  10:31 PM
You know I have an idea why don't we write letters to Universal animation studios and tell them we want a season 2?  :idea
Won't they identify our Fan Website.  Just asking because with the technology of today there are so many possibilities of tracking people down.
Why is it such a big problem if universal identifies the GOF website? ... its not illegal to have fan-sites as far as I am aware.

LBT Fanfiction / Journey to the Island
« on: May 18, 2009, 11:23:52 PM »
Ozzy is my favourite character.... namely because hes angry all the tme when everyone else is so happy and light hearted. Produces a nice character contrast between him and the others.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Sharptooth Valley II
« on: May 18, 2009, 11:19:09 PM »
If all the leaf eaters are now sharpteeth... wouldn't they be constantly hungering for the flesh of other dinosaurs?  All those pretty scenes where the gang is eating wouldn't be so pretty anymore lol.

Either way I would like to read this when you post it.

Old Captions / Ozzy and Strut caption 6
« on: May 09, 2009, 12:43:01 AM »
Ozzie: "What do you mean your pregnant"

Is my favourite one so far :)

General Land Before Time / Tell a story
« on: May 04, 2009, 10:51:43 PM »
I was interrupted while watching land before time 2 while I was up north in the wintertime when I was about 8.

Apparently the Snowmobiles had sunk into the lake cause the ice was thin and we had to pull them out.  As a credit to Bombardier snowmobiles - they still ran once we got them out.

LBT Fanfiction / The Threat
« on: May 04, 2009, 10:43:54 PM »
Rinkus and Sierra were in a later movie of the land before time im surprised they are so popular in all these fan fictions.

I like the idea too - reminds me of Kenneth Oppel's Silverwing series.

General Land Before Time / LBT 14
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:35:12 AM »
EDIT: Sorry this was from a much earlier post.

Aww don't pick on Guido! I used to not like him either until i saw how well he constrasted Petrie's character in Hermit of Black Rock. Petrie was forced to think for himself that scary situations since Littlefoot wasn't around to lead, and since Guido was even more scared then he was it was a good test of character as well.

LBT Fanfiction / The Threat
« on: May 02, 2009, 01:52:58 PM »
sounds kind of story

Episode Discussion / Discuss: Return to Hanging Rock
« on: April 27, 2009, 06:23:28 PM »
My Apoligies,

But anyone can critisize anyone else without suggesting anything for themselves. Its the easiest thing to do in the world - any political opposition leader will tell you that.

Now back on topic,

Redclaw never picks Ruby out specifically because she is never alone outside the Great Valley - she always has her friends or family with her.

As for what her parents could do to make him angry - they eat eggs don't they? I could see one of them stealing an egg that belonged to him and eating it.  We never really see them eating, but judging by what we know of the species (Oviraptors) its perfectly sensible for them to steal eggs.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: Return to Hanging Rock
« on: April 26, 2009, 07:04:46 PM »
Quote from: Myrkin,Apr 26 2009 on  09:25 AM
shes so sensitive - might freak out

If she didnt freak out when with pool of lava around her ("The canyon of Shiny Stones"), then I guess she would be able to live with that information.

what could they possibly expect a little fast runner to do against a massive sharptooth?

Nothing with her muscles for sure, but good trick might do the job. Another alternative is finding powerful ally. After all her parents send her to the Valley to learn how to work together with others and not because they thought she will get some extra powers there...

Redclaw only appears when Ruby is around, and has never been in it prior to the TV series

He could be after Chomper instead (or as well). After all, Chomper is almost always with Ruby and he is too a new "asset" to the Valley.

Why Ruby's parents sent only her with Chomper, and not her two siblings

Ruby doesnt need so much care as her siblings do and Ruby has already one dinosaur to babysit, so if her parents send siblings with her it might be to many for her to protect.

The Look Ruby's parents give her after they introduce themselves - it defintively said "Oh no shes back".

I didnt think they were looking at her this way. They were just suprised by her arrival.

Plus her mom telling her it was too dangerous - I mean they must not think its too dangerous to send her tromping off with Chomper to some unknown valley, but coming back is now suddenly dangerous? It didn't make sense, unless of course they didn't want her to come back.

The Great Valley is rather well known and it is much more safe than Mysterious Bayond. After all, in which of these places you can meet sharptooth every day?

when Redclaw suddenly appeared and chased them, but oddly enough seemed to ignore Chomper to snap at Ruby.

As I saw it, he was snapping at them both equally. I didn't notice Redclaw being especially picky at that moment.
Rather then picking at my thoughts, could you suggest a reason why this whole scenario is going on with Ruby? I just came up with a plausable explanation.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: Return to Hanging Rock
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:54:29 AM »
Great Episode.

My theory for why Ruby's parents didn't go with her, and why they sent her in the first place etc. and all the mystery surrounding Ruby is a pretty simple one:

Redclaw is after Ruby.

Possibly for something her parents did or took part in - beyond mere average hunger.  A Sharptooth as large as Redclaw would hardly put as much effort into going after such a small meal without another type of gain.

It would explain why:

A) Her parents sent Ruby away to the Great Valley (theres no sharpteeth there after all)

B) They won't tell her the real reason she went there (shes so sensitive - might freak out). The reason they gave is a pretty shakey one - what could they possibly expect a little fast runner to do against a massive sharptooth?

C) Redclaw only appears when Ruby is around, and has never been in it prior to the TV series

D) Her parents won't go with her to the Great Valley (perhaps they think they won't be welcome, but since Chomper said HE was they thought maybe Ruby would at least be safe there)

E) The reason they know all of Redclaw, Thudd, and Screetch's names. Ruby must have told them, so she had been tangling with them long before the TV series started.

F) Why Ruby's parents sent only her with Chomper, and not her two siblings.

G) The Look Ruby's parents give her after they introduce themselves - it defintively said "Oh no shes back". Plus her mom telling her it was too dangerous - I mean they must not think its too dangerous to send her tromping off with Chomper to some unknown valley, but coming back is now suddenly dangerous? It didn't make sense, unless of course they didn't want her to come back.

It seems kind of unlikely of a reason at first glace, and i didn't even think of it until the steaming geysers episode when Redclaw suddenly appeared and chased them, but oddly enough seemed to ignore Chomper to snap at Ruby.

LBT Fanfiction / Link to my Total Drama Valley fanfic
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:05:51 AM »
I'm no stranger to alternate universes (avatar hint hint) and now it looks like these characters are going to get familiar with them too.

LBT Fanfiction / Link to my Total Drama Valley fanfic
« on: April 22, 2009, 07:04:03 PM »
an interesting concept for a story - Reminds me of Twisted Metal (albight less violent) where the winner at the end gets a wish.  I am curious to know what the characters would wish for though...

Personally I think Chomper is going to win because he = cool.

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