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Messages - Drake

Pages: 1 ... 100 101 102 103 104 105
General Land Before Time / Your LBT movie
« on: August 14, 2008, 08:30:04 PM »
What about Allosaurus? It was theorized that they may have hunted in packs. (Though it's only a theory.)

The Fridge / Favorite Ice-Cream
« on: August 14, 2008, 08:07:40 PM »
My favorite right now are Klondike bars which is vanilla ice cream covered by a frozen chocolate coating.

My favorite flavor is strawberry. I think I've had mint chocolate before and loved it, but I haven't really eaten much in my lifetime.

1988 Theatrical Release / How did the LBT dinosaurs choose mates?
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:57:19 PM »
And location could also play a factor. For example, in the Great Valley, I think they may be more lax in choosing mates, while out in the Mysterious Beyond they're probably more pickey and look for mates that will be able to protect and provide for them.

Old Captions / Petrie n' Ducky Caption 2
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:47:12 PM »
Ducky finally snaps...

The Welcome Center / Hiya!
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:44:16 PM »
I picked it because of its relation to dragons, being a common name for them.

Finished RP's / The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:24:18 AM »
"Yeah... Well, I don't think we'll be staying," Sparx said. "Which way is out?"

"I don't know that getting out is going to be that simple, Sparx," Spyro said. "Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you."

Cynder nodded. "Yes, it is."

Visual Art / Dinosaur drawings
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:06:41 PM »
Wow, awesome. I look forward to seeing more of these.  :DD

Finished RP's / The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:03:31 PM »
The trio stepped out of the closet, Sparx still trailing behind the other two.

"We were playing tag," Cynder replied. "We flew into a cloud and then all of a sudden ended up in there."

She flicked her tail at the closet. Spyro glanced around the room. Dixie, Scooby, Stripetail, and Mr. Ace all looked something like the Atwala from tallplains. The dinosaurs reminded him a bit of his own kind, especially the "longneck."

He wasn't sure what to make of the humans, for some reason they reminded him of the apes.

Sparx hovered up toward the ceiling and his attention was immediately drawn to the injured Kenji.

"What happened to him?" the dragonfly asked nervously.

Role Play Discussion / Land Before Time: Twilight Valley RP
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:52:36 PM »
Off topic: Drake, if you stopped at chapter 5, you're missing all the good parts!

Oh... I need to get back to it then and maybe write a review for it. Don't expect anything though since I find it difficult to write reviews.

My OC: Claw Valley (Might change later, we'll see how things go.)

Gamers Zone / neopets
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:48:02 PM »
Ah, neopets. I used to play that a long time ago, but I lost interest a while ago.

I have no idea how to accumulate millions of points. The rarest item I ever managed to buy was a white paintbrush.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / i found good news
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:34:58 PM »
Just the fact that these people spend the time to bash such a show shows that it's more popular than most would care to admit

or so unpopular that people are willing to go out of their way just to make fun of it.

I've always has this feeling that people don't really think about LBT as having"fans" outside of little kids. Perhaps I'm wrong but I don't think LBT is made fun of for the sake of making fun of LBT fans. It's made fun of because it's something that a lot of people seem to like just making fun of.   

I can see that.

Too bad, they can't find something more constructive to do.

Gamers Zone / Saddest Game Moments?
« on: August 12, 2008, 11:35:17 PM »
I haven't ever actually cried at any games. (I did cry once at a TV shot, but that's not the topic to discuss this on.) I did find the ending of the Eternal Night to be quite sad though and the song "Broken Soul" only reinforced that feeling.

Role Play Discussion / Land Before Time: Twilight Valley RP
« on: August 12, 2008, 11:33:00 PM »
I think I'll join in with the original character I'm working on. I checked out the fanfic and it was pretty good. I stopped somewhere around chapter 5.

Computer and Electronics / ALL of Your Data
« on: August 12, 2008, 09:17:57 AM »
I don't know how much I have and I'm not sure I can count it all up because I probably have hundreds of gbs worth of fanfic story chapters saved, not to mention whatever else my family puts on here.

The Welcome Center / hello
« on: August 12, 2008, 09:02:21 AM »
Actually, we are all very sane here,

Speak for yourself. I take great pride in being crazy.   :p

Anyway, welcome to the Gang of Five.

Role Play Discussion / Land Before Time Olympics?
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:38:09 AM »
One would have to be careful they don't enter too many events. Don't want to tire yourself out before you reach whatever event you might really be looking forward to.

Old Captions / tria caption
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:36:14 AM »
Rita Repulsa: *Shortly before this picture was taken.* Magic wand of whatever, make my monster grow!

1988 Theatrical Release / was Bluth right?
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:34:11 AM »
I'm with Cancerian Tiger. The characters certainly seem real and feeling to me.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:31:19 AM »
With Me-by Crimson Fang.

Finished RP's / The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:27:02 AM »
"Oh, you're not going to kill us?" Sparx asked, peeking out from over top of Spyro's head.

"Nope, we're real," Spyro said. "My name is Spyro. The dragonfly is my adopted brother Sparx."

"And I'm Cynder," the black dragoness said.

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