The Gang of Five
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Messages - lbt/cty_lover

Pages: 1 ... 247 248 249 250 251 252
The Welcome Center / Hello to all
« on: November 27, 2007, 10:37:14 PM »
I mean with some of the older members, there are these boxes with stuff like "Best Gamer 2006". That is what I meant.

LBT Projects / Missing
« on: November 27, 2007, 10:33:33 PM »
Don't go through too much trouble. It is just that I recently joined and I want to know what that video was like.

Strict-LBT-Only / Character List (for the strict role plays)
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:37:20 PM »
Character Profile:
  • Name: Vylor
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Long-neck
  • Gold body
  • Silver stripe going down back
  • Silver underside
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • IQ: 200+
  • Description: Vylor came out of nowhere. He was once an elf, but a spell went wrong and he became a longneck and was transported into the past. He seems to have an immense knowledge of how things work, and is frequently asked when someone needs help. He is the size of a child, but will help anyone in need, no matter how much injury he will acquire. Also seems to radiate intelligence and friendship. In times of great emotion, usually anger, his elvish form takes over temporarily.
  • Personality: Seemingly omnipotent. His emotions are unknown, and he acts with the air of someone who knows he is more intelligent than those around him.
Vylor's description and history will be discovered in my RPG.

Role Play Discussion / Ideas? New RPGs?
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:31:36 PM »
Does anybody have any ideas for a good LBT RPG?
Also, if you have an RPG that is waiting to start, will you please inform me?

1988 Theatrical Release / Tell Your Story About LBT
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:27:19 PM »
I believe I was three when I first saw it. I was young then, though, and it was just a movie. When I got a little older, I felt it become more than a movie. I also began watching the sequels. It became an obsession at around seven.

The Welcome Center / Hello to all
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:22:28 PM »
Question: what is with the superlatives?

LBT Projects / Missing
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:21:08 PM »
If you have it on a disk somewhere, can you try to get it back online?

General Land Before Time / Will you let your kids watch this?
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:01:08 PM »
This started out as a topic asking a simple question. Now it has evolved into a discussion on society.

General Land Before Time / Highest I.Q.
« on: November 27, 2007, 04:27:32 PM »
Quote from: lbt/cty_lover,Nov 21 2007 on  03:32 PM
I.Q. is the measure of one's ability to learn.
However, Cera seems to learn at a somewhat rapid rate. Her stubborn nature might conceal her true intelligence.

LBT Projects / Missing
« on: November 26, 2007, 04:27:12 PM »
Can you send the file to me, Threehorn, pokeplayer984, or someone who has a YouTube account?
The file expired.

LBT Projects / No Way Out
« on: November 26, 2007, 04:21:21 PM »
Awesome vid! Keep up the good work!

General Land Before Time / Will you let your kids watch this?
« on: November 26, 2007, 03:47:37 PM »
Definitely! Who wouldn't?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Favorite episodes
« on: November 25, 2007, 06:19:44 PM »
I only wanted to see The Brave Longneck Scheme. By the way, this is the first time I conquered my phobia of discussing the LBT TV series. Ali was treated more as a cameo character. She needed to be more of a main character.

LBT Fanfiction / My Fanfic
« on: November 25, 2007, 04:55:02 PM »
Chapter One: Preparation

   Argana flew into the hollow late next morning. Vylon was waiting for her.
   "Do you have what I asked for, Argana?" said Vylon. "It will be necessary for our journey."
   "I have exactly what you asked for. Six diamonds, along with the tools necessary to shape them. Why do you need them?" asked Argana.
   "They are part of a puzzle for my pupils. They must be shaped in the correct way it to work."
   Then Vylon entered the tree. When he returned, there was an ornate leather saddle in his hands. On it was a depiction of a vine that snaked all around the saddle.
   "Why not the other saddle? We will need speed, not comfort." Commented Argana after seeing the saddle.
   "I can't find the other saddle. Anyways, we need this saddle because of its compartments." Replied Vylon.
   After this, Vylon began packing the saddle in silence. There was something about the elf that wasn't quite right. He was hiding something, and she was going to find out what.
   "Who are the pupils? I feel that I should know who they are as well." Said Argana.
   Vylon kept quiet. He knew better than to, but something was holding his tongue. It seemed as though he was withholding a terrible truth that would devastate Argana if she knew.
   "What is the matter? Did you find them or not? Or are they unfit in your eyes for you to teach?" asked Argana mockingly.
   "Give me a minute. I shall show you." Said Vylon after a long pause.
   Vylon entered the tree. When he returned, he was holding the eggs and a bowl of water. He set the bowl on the ground in front of Argana. He then picked up one of the eggs. The next words had an ethereal tone to them. They were, "Draumr kopa." The surface turned black, and then an image appeared on the water.
   On it was that of a creature with an elongated neck, like that of a dragon. The creature had red eyes, and the body was mainly tan, but with a dark brown line going down its back. Vylon let the image disappear, then grabbed a different egg. He spoke the words again, and this time a orange-yellow creature appeared on it. It had a single white horn at the tip of its snout, and a crown at the top of its head. Vylon again picked up a different egg, and this time, a light green creature appeared. It stood on two legs, unlike the other two, which stood on four legs. The head had a duck bill on it, and had a dark green line running down its back. The fourth creature had leathery wings, a beak, and was brown. It seemed very small relative to the four-legged creatures, but similar to the other two-legged creature in size. The fifth creature was green, and seemed to have a small set of plates protruding from its back. The end of the tail had a very small set of spikes.
   Argana looked in disbelief. She could not contain her emotions.
   "They aren't even human! How can they be destined to be Dragon Riders if they are not in the pact!" she exclaimed with anger.
   "It seems as though I made a mistake, but I didn't. I found a way around this problem, as well. There is a certain spell that allows one to change their outer appearance. They can become elves on the outside, and that is all I need for them to fit the spell's requirements," replied Vylon calmingly. "They seem to know each other very well, which will make our job much easier. I will not have to get them to meet, and then get them to work as one unit."
   "I want to know who they are as people. Let us hear what they are saying." Said Argana.
   "As you wish." Said Vylon. He picked up all five of the eggs. He then intoned the words to hear what was being scried.
   Cera was sitting down. Her legs were tired from running around all day.
   "Why must we keep running? Why not just sit down and talk?" she asked in a tired voice.
   The rest of the gang decided that they should rest. They had been running to the valley's mouth to meet Littlefoot's dad. They had been running since dawn.
   They sat in silence. The only sound was their panting. When Ducky had caught her breath, she said, "I know. Let us talk about our sleep stories!"
   "I had this really weird one last night. There was this tall thing on the back of a long neck with wings. The tall thing said, 'Sleep well. I shall see you in the future.' " Said Cera.
   "I had the exact same one!" exclaimed Littlefoot.
   "I did too!" said Ducky.
   "Me have same sleep story!" said Petrie excitedly.
   "What about you Spike? Did you have that sleep story?" asked Littlefoot. Spike nodded.
   "I wonder who that thing was? Was it even real?" asked Littlefoot.
   "Don't ask us," responded Cera. "We are just as confused as you are!"
   "Can we get back to running? We will have to be home before bedtime!" exclaimed Littlefoot.
   "Oh, all right. But if the herd is not there we are heading home." Said Cera.
   The group continued running to the valley entrance. None of them suspected that they were being watched.

LBT Fanfiction / New names for the gang
« on: November 25, 2007, 04:45:51 PM »
The gang we know and love has been framed for a crime they didn't commit and were forbidden to ever live in the valley ever again.

What was that crime?

After many years, they have changed greatly in size and appearance.

How do they look now?

You should pick out the names and get on with the story. It seems like a good plot.

One possible name for Ducky might be Pandora. The name suits her nature of curiosity.

Can you give us an estimated start date?

LBT Fanart / Just Like Old Times
« on: November 25, 2007, 04:03:48 PM »
The art is great. Good depiction of them as adults. The scale is slightly messed up with some of the characters, though.

LBT Fanfiction / Requests for New Fanfics
« on: November 25, 2007, 03:53:56 PM »
I personally want someone to make a comic about the gang as they are older.

LBT Fanfiction / The Adventures of Littlefoot and Ali
« on: November 25, 2007, 03:39:47 PM »
This had a lot of potential at the beginning.
That has dropped somewhat. :(
Archie should make a reappearance, and should stay until he makes a major impact on the plot.
Bron should also make a reappearance. As well as Doc. But good job with Sue.

LBT Fanfiction / My Fanfic
« on: November 24, 2007, 08:00:02 PM »
Here is the news on my short story. I will be adding a new post like this one for each week.
  • 11-24-07 -- Chapter one coming along slowly. Not a lot of time on computer. Speed will pick up now that I am on my computer more often.
  • 11-25-07 -- Chapter one picking up speed. Almost at section where setting shifts from Vylon to Great Valley.
  • 11-26-07 -- Haven't started chapter two. Will let everyone know about it when it has started. I'm still brainstorming.
  • 11-27-07 -- Still haven't started chapter two. I wasn't on my computer enough. I was on my dad's computer, which doesn't have the file on it.
  • 11-28-07 -- Still haven't started. I'm into too many RPGs. I will work on it over the weekend, though.
  • 11-29-07 -- Finally started Chapter Two. Will work hard on it over week-end, unless my lab report takes up most of the weekend.
  • 11-30-07 -- Didn't get any work done on it today. I had a doctor's appointment.

LBT Projects / Upcoming LBT Music Videos
« on: November 24, 2007, 07:46:36 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Nov 1 2007 on  12:22 AM
Maybe you can ask or start your own thread asking for song suggestions.  Some here may be able to suggest songs you have never heard of.

I second that idea. You should.

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