In this shot directly followig the song...
...Ducky is shrugging just like she was before it...even though in the last shot she had her hands on her hips. Weird. But it gets weirder.
As you can see, during the song Cera the log clearly breaks and the two pieces are left standing at a near-verticle angle.
In this shot after the song, the half of the log visible doesn't look remotelylike it did after it was split---heck, it looks pretty much like it did before it was, as seen in this shot---
I know, I watch a lot of LBT on megavideo. Go ahead and laugh, it's cool.
My point being...maybe this song never happened at all. I mean, Littlefoot even asks Cera afterwards, "What do you think, Cera?"
OK, ok, I guess I shouldn't rush. Perhaps the song was animated afterwards and fit into the middle of a scene in post-production. That would explain the errors.
But wait!Spike, in the 1st grinning just like he did at the end of the song.
There's only one possible explanation left.
It all happened in Spike's head. This would really put emphasis on the fact that he's the "star" of this song.
I'm a huge fan of this song, and think it's really fun and catchy, and it's one of my all time LBT favorites, but I suspect I'm in the minority here, so few have probably gone as far to analyze it as I have.
Am I overanalyzing? Or have I been the first fan ever to discover an itriguing piece of LBT info?