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What's the deal with Jitterydragons videos?

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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When i watch youtube parodies I expect to laugh...but Jittery's videos leave me grossed out and sickened and unentertained. I hate how he portrays Pterano---as a "god" , with a whole "sad, dramatic death"... sheesh. And the brick, if you know what I'm talking about, was sick. And...wait a second, what's with putting a gramophone over Littlefoot's head? This guy took one simple line: "It flew real low." He took that line and tried to make it into some franchise. And he just keeps pasting the same stupid pictures---a cow, a pizza, and more random stupid things---instead of making it really funny. Well, I'm not buying any of it. I'm not here to insult Jittery, just discuss whaat the deal w/ his videos is.


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You should look beyond what you see. Pretty much. If you can't have it that people are making parodies of your favorite show, don't watch them. It's simple as that. I personally very much enjoy his videos, as I see it as a creative addition to LBT. What I dislike about the videos would be *too* many random references to other movies/series which I know little about.

However if you do not enjoy or appreciate randomness (we have another admin here who just doesn't understand it), I can see that you don't enjoy his videos.

Maybe Jittery has an opinion on this :p


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I'm not into random humor and stuff either myself, so I am just avoiding it. I believe I did see that video once, but that was because I clicked the video link. Not my cup of tea, but not a problem either while nobody else is ramming it down my throat. People have every right to make such videos same as people have every right to watch them or not to watch them if they are not interested. Live and let live.


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I love JitteryDragon's videos. He makes Youtube Poop videos, which are a type of humor. Random videos where you can't tell what will happen (at least with his type of YTP vids). I enjoy the type of humor present in JD's vids and laughed at many parts like Ducky being turned into fried chicken, them singing a song about Chomper being crazy, God Pterano verses Phonofoot, and the gang playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Understand that these videos are not meant to offend. JitteryDragon does like Land Before Time. The videos are done simply out of fun and enjoyment. Don't judge them so harshly. They are not bashing the movies; they are meant to make even fans of the movies to laugh (if JD offers the kind of humor they like that is; not everyone enjoys YTPs).

There are many LBT fans, including on this messageboard, who do like JD's LBT YTP videos. If you don't like them, then you don't have to watch them. Nobody's forcing you to watch them.


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Jitterydragon, I think, is the very best example of a fan that I can think of. Though he does like something, he's very willing to make fun of it. And I think that's why his videos are so great.

I still think one of his funniest moments was God Pterano's message ending in Petrie dancing to "Dancing Queen" XD . And one of the episodes beginning with the Dr. Who intro.
(I would have made a Dr. Who crack with the Rainbow Faces, personally. I swear to you! That male Rainbow Face is The Doctor! And...random companion)


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The Dancing Queen with Petrie was awesome. XD And yeah I definitely agree that he's a great example of a fan. I like how he's able to make fun of stuff that he likes. That's a good sign in a fan, in my opinion. The ability to make fun of something that you enjoy, that is, without truly bashing it, something JitteryDragon accomplishes well with his LBT YTP videos.