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Help...lost a fanfic!

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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A mere seven months ago I read a fanfic called "Two from the past" by an author named "Hunter and Company". I'm not gonna tell what happens, otherwise I'd spoil it all. But the problem is, I'm not sure what there is to spoil---it doesn't seem to exist anymore! :(

The link to where it once was:

I was so horrified to discover was one of the most beautiful fanfics ever, and, upon looking at the land before time fanfiction site, noticed there were less then 250 fics, and many of them poorly written. This was a gem amongst those rocks, and now I'm scared it's been lost. Does anyone on here have it? I'm really worried it's lost forever! :(


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Sorry but the story has been deleted. And it doesn't seem to exist anywhere else. I did attempt to look for it, but it's gone. If you want the story back, I suggest you contact the author about it.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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No...this cannot be happening!! :(

Why was it removed?! This was my favorite fanfic ever. It hurts so badly to lose it! I'd take getting this back over getting the cut original movie scenes---that's how freakin  badly I want it back! Please, anybody out there...I need it!!! :( :( :(

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Someone please answer me! It can't end like this!!!! It just can't!!!!!! (I'm crying inside...I really loved that fanfic.)

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I cannot say why it was removed. That is why I suggested you get in contact with the author. Sign into your account (or if you don't have one, you can set up an account for free) and ask them.

Also let me point something out. Please do not make multiple continuous posts. If you have something new to say, just use the Edit button. And please be patient; don't get desperate just because someone hasn't answered in less than ten minutes. People here have lives outside of this forum, and you won't always get replies as fast as you would like.

I'm not trying to offend you or anything.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I tried and I'm having trouble doing it.


I know you're not trying to offend me, and thank you. That fanfic, though, it meant so more to me then I could ever write down in words. I'm sorry if I'm being overly dramatic, but it was really, really good, really really moving and I looked forward to reading it again one day. Losing it hurts so bad. :( If I was the crying sort of guy...

Hopefully someday it will resurface. Are the odds likely?


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I have a account (same name, it's DarkHououmon), so I just sent a message to this author about the story. I do not know this author, so I don't know how often he/she comes online, or if they are even still active. I cannot say for certain when I'll get a reply.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Thank you so much. I can't begin to say how grateful I am...


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I'll post a response about what the author says, whenever he/she is able to give me a reply.


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So far no word. I looked at their profile again, and the last time anything was updated was about a year ago. It might be possible they're no longer active on the site, maybe only coming on once in a great.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Thanks for trying, though. Sorry about earlier, really sorry. We all have our moments.