The Gang of Five
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Review the sequels here!

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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I'll keep it short: this is the place to review the sequels! Anyone's welcome! :)

Here's mine:

LBT 2: The second film, of course, has a very different feel then the original. But since this was, I think, the first LBT film I encountered (although 4 was mainly the one I really knew for a while), it feels much more like the LBT I love. (Ironic, eh?) It's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but a pretty sweet one at that. Thanks to the brilliantness of this film, it's still as epic to as it would be if I were 5. A fun film I'm sure gonna be watching again, and fun to watch late at night.

LBT 3: I really like this one---it's my favorite!  :smile  The storyline is a really goodn solid storyline which doesn't just focus on the young dinosaurs but on the condition of the valley as well. The bullies are done totally right. The settings are awesome, the songs are awesome, too. There's a lot to like here---brilliant songs, awesome storyline, beautiful music---it feels even more polished then the 2nd! All overall, a freakin good film, which I plan to watch in the future.

LBT 4: With the 4th LBT film, it becomes apparent that what the first 2 sequels offered us was only the beginning of what looks like a great, action packed, fun film series.

Is it as good as the first two sequels? Not exactly. There are a few weak points---not every ich of fat is scraped off this time, but there's so much that's interesting here, like the characters. Ali is a really interesting character, Dil and Ichy are hilarious, and Archie is awesome, too. Tickles is annoying and unnecessary, but nothing compared to later characters. The new settings are awesome. I mean, seriously, you get the huge waterfall with the double rainbow, the dark blue cave, and of course, the land of mists, which is dark, ominous, and freakin awesome---which makes it all the more frustrating that it's never been revisited.

Though not as good as the first two sequels, 4 is so interesting that even the few weak points of the film are nothing much to talk about. The mist-yriousness here makes it a great film to watch late at night.

LBT 5: And here's when Grosvner came along... The problem here is most of the good stuff is used up within the first half of the film. The first two songs are cool, but the third is awful. Some songs up to this point have been a little annoying, but not to this degree. Also, the colors are off this time---rather then go for beautiful blues, greens, and greys, this film seems to have too much yellow, and one rather ugly incident during an action packed scene were the sky suddenly decides to change to red.

 All overall, though, it's not terrible, but definitely a drop from the previous ones.

LBT 6: If the 5th film feels like the middle of transitioning from an awesome, older-fans-can-enjoy-it-too-film to a kiddish, older-fans-can-enjoy-it-too-if-they-really-wanted-to-film, then 6 completes that transition. We get a stupid, country western appeal, two annoying little toddlers who instantly make you want to barf, and too much red. It's by far the weakest film and, while it may still be interesting enough, it's lost the mysterious charm of 2-4.

LBT 7: This one feels like a bit of a fresh start after the two year hiatus. Indeed, it
is different---the animation is new, and really bad---it's all thick and soupy and so the film suffers from it. We also get aliens in the film---what? And it's overall more mystifying then anything LBT has ever given us. Oddly enough, it works out fairly well---it's a really interesting film. For a new fan, this should be an awesome expireience. For a fan of the old stuff...less likely.

LBT 8: It's here that it's starting to feel like what it is---an endless, pointless series to satisfy obsessed fans. It's perhaps the dullest work to date---please, just because there's a snow setting doesn't make it any better then the last three. The animation has changed again, but it's not that great here either. It doesn't even focus as much on Littlefoot. Even devoted fans may find it tiresome at this point. But hey, it's not the worst thing they could have given us.

LBT 9: After 8, my expectations of whatever future material LBT had in store were extremely low. This film is far more interesting and it's star guest character is  a complete charm. We get an amazing action scene in a lake---seriously the best action scene we've had in years. And the ending is just beautiful. Not all of this film does so well though---the animation is still bad and is now mixed in with CGI. Several of the songs---and one in particular---absolutely stink. But hey, it's not that bad.

LBT 10: It's here things really start to go down. They've changed up the animation again and it's god-awful It's too bright and shiny. They've decided to give Littlefoot a father. After this long? I don't think so. It's so overdone and overproduced, particularly the final 15 minutes. LBT 10 is complete disaster and the series should seriously have been shelved after 9, at latest.

LBT 11: Movie 11 actually makes the last one look good. Little Longnecks? Are. They. Serious?!! That, and it's even more overproduced then the last one. Towards the end of the film most of the main cast all end up bawling together pointlessly, followed by one of the worst sharptteth action scenes ever, and then a HUGE gathering of the entire great valley---ending with most of them terribly animated. Overdone. Overproduced.  OVERKILL! It's a complete disaster and worth breaking the DVD for. Theone positive thing about this movie is that there's a romance storyline. Yeah, you actually read right.

LBT 12: I've already said pretty much everything I wanted to say about this film in the last 2 reviews. To say this film is a carbon copy of the last two would be putting it midly. It's oveproduced, overdone, terrible animation, it sucks. Nuff said.

LBT 13: 5-9 were eww...10-12 were blech...this one is---VOMIT!!

tHERE'S A REASON this one is the last one, people.


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I used to listen to Friends For Dinner a lot years ago. It was my favorite song from LBT5. That and Big Water. Always was okay. I never liked it all that much even as a kid. I listened to it and sometimes on repeat if I was in the mood, but it just never caught my attention as much.

Nowadays, though, I don't really like any LBT song. Even If We Hold On Together has lost its appeal to me.