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Fanfiction ideas.


  • Cera
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I just had the idea of makig my own version of the original, just darker, like Mr. Bluth intended. And no, Malte, I will not overstep the established boundries set by all the films.

Then, from there, I would like to do my own adapted storyline of the sequels, or just make my own sequel ideas altogether, making a more fixed and complex storyline. Making the previous story have relevance to the current.

Examples: The three bullies (Hyp, Mutt, and Nod, I think was the third one's name) appear every once in a while. The same with Mr. Thicknose, as he was supposed there before any of the main characters.

Changes: I'd actually make Littlefoot's Grandparents stand up for things a bit more and talk Cera's dad down more. Which is what they would have more realistically done.

Anyway, these are just ideas. What does the majority of the fans think?
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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A certain amount of gloomy elements can make a story much more exciting, and I think that the story I'm working with right now and several more I have in mind are gloomier than most of the land before time movies. In fact some of the movies contain rather gloomy elements too, but they are not as impressive in a movie as they would be in a book (for example landscapes of decaying dinosaurs in LBT 2 and 3, the "execution" of the sharpteeth in LBT 6, the fate of those who followed Pterano in LBT 7).
Also I don't think it would do any harm (actually I think quite the contrary would be the case) if the sequels would be a bit closer together, for example through guest appearances of characters from earlier movies (they don't even have to do a crucial job, but it would be good to see they are still around).
As for Littlefoot's grandparents you have a good point too. There are some similarities to your idea and some parts of the story I'm writing right now, though it is not so much Cera's Dad (who really gets into a dreadful dillema throughout my story) but rather Pterano who is talked down by Littlefoot's grandpa. I sort of made his dislike of Pterano shut his mind against him in the story. Littlefoot's grandfather is not as perfect in my story as he is in the movies. Though the circumstances may justify it in the story it does seem unusual that he is yelling at Littlefoot, doesn't it?
Do you have a concrete plot in mind for your story?


  • Cera
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Yes, I have few ideas I wish to express. Now, I'm not going to type down a lot of the dialogue from the first movie, I'd rathe ruse my own, because if I did that, there'd be no point it all and I might as well just type the additional scenes that I have in mind and ask you watch the film while fitting the stuff I added into the film with your imagination, instead of a whole. Although it would save me a lot of typing.  :lol:

Changes and additions for my story based on the original:
1. I'm going to do is give Littlefoot's Grandparents some dialogue, instead of just having them chuckling a couple of times as in the film. Having their role be THAT small in the original was Bluth's worse decision of the whole film.
2. I will establish what happened to Ducky's father, instead of just having him disappear without explanation.
3. I will add a character who has sort of a Chomper complex.
4. I will establish scenes with each of the kids that take place just between them and their families.
5. I will redo the character, Spike, altogether, as he has ALWAYS annoyed me!  
6. I will give a clear explanation as to why the Sharptooth is chasing them so relentlessly.
7. I will add much MUCH more to their journey.  ;)
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Cera
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There are some humor stories of LBT I'd also like to type up. Which I think I will do first, as they will be much shorter.

(Feels intimidated by the task redoing LBT that I'm about to take up.)
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Gang of Five
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Haven't seen much of humor stories maybe because some LBT fans are disguested by that idea.



  • Cera
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LBT humor stories aren't too much of a bad thing.  Those LBT/Yugioh crossover fics on are probably used for humor, but yet I still have to read one of them. :blink:

I have several stories planned and even writing one down.  But because it might a little out-of-boundries to several fans, I might not even put the stories on the web once I'm finished.


  • The Circle
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But because it might a little out-of-boundries to several fans, I might not even put the stories on the web once I'm finished.

This may refer to me. But sincerely I pray you do bring up your story in the web. Just because I and very few others would consider it out of boundaries certainly doesn't mean that the story ought to be kept back from the majority who yould love it!  ;)


  • Ruby
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Has anyone considered writing alternate history fanfictions? You know, stories based on the movies, but that diverge from them at some point? For example, what if Littlefoot had stayed with Bron in The Land Before Time X? Just a thought.


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There is a fanfic on FF.Net I saw once about Littlefoot's mother surviving Sharptooth's attack. I don't remember too much, but I do recall a part where Littlefoot finds Ducky and convinces his mother to let Ducky come along until they reached the Great Valley.


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Malte has been writing a story that was originally before the 11th movie, so before Tria, where Cera's mother comes back to the valley with her tribe.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 13 2010 on  06:42 PM
There is a fanfic on FF.Net I saw once about Littlefoot's mother surviving Sharptooth's attack. I don't remember too much, but I do recall a part where Littlefoot finds Ducky and convinces his mother to let Ducky come along until they reached the Great Valley.
Do you remember the title?



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No, and unfortunately the story doesn't seem to be up anymore. I checked and couldn't find it.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 13 2010 on  06:42 PM
There is a fanfic on FF.Net I saw once about Littlefoot's mother surviving Sharptooth's attack. I don't remember too much, but I do recall a part where Littlefoot finds Ducky and convinces his mother to let Ducky come along until they reached the Great Valley.
Oh yeah, that one was mine.  It was from my early days of fanfiction writing.

Well, I have had an idea for a lbt fanfiction bouncing around in my head for some time. It would start out with Littlefoot and Chomper adventuring together. They find a shiny stone that they think is so beautiful that they decide to bring it back. It turns out to be a magic stone known to the sharpteeth as a Dragon's Eye Gem, and when they touch it, it splits clean in half. One half permanently reflects Chomper, the other Littlefoot.  When  the half that reflects them is pressed up against them, it will  transform them into a "warrior form"(I was thinking Godzilla for Chomper, and a  gigantic longneck with aquamancy (the ability to control water in all of its forms). If the two halves are put together, they combine forms, becoming a lung (Chinese dragon capable of swimming through the air, breathing fire, and master of water.) They would discover the joint form first, but this wouldn't come without consequences (such as Littlefoot gaining an uncontrolable desire for meat, and Chomper for certain green food.) For the bad guy, I was thinking about either a flying three headed hydra that breathes fire, lightning, and acid, a sharptooth who has harnessed the power of the stone of cold fire, or maybe both.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Have you actually written this, WeirdRaptor? Because if you did, I'd be more than willing to read and review it. Oh, I forgot enjoy :D
Inactive, probably forever.

I'm actually in the planning stage right now. Just thought i'd see if anyone else would be into it.


  • Chomper
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Begging your pardon, but do crossover stories count for this topic? If not, can anybody redirect me a crossover idea thread, please?