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Does Littlefoot seem bossier in the original?

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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I oticed Littlefoot seemed a tad more agressive in the original..and so did Darkhououmon. I thought we'd had a topic on this but apparently we don't. So I'm startinng it.

Darkhououmon said:

One thing I note about Littlefoot in the first movie was how stubborn he was when it came to the directions his mom gave him. He seemed to think that going straight was the only way to go. Rather than walk around that mountain range, which still would have left them on the right track, he thought it best to go through them, despite how exhausting it was. He was also bossy as well, forcing the others, despite being so tired they collapse, to keep pressing on rather than let them take a rest.

Cera is known to be pretty bossy in the sequels at times, but in the first movie, I feel it is Littlefoot who was the bossiest. She never told the others what to do (aside from Littlefoot going away) and she did not attempt to force Littlefoot to come with her and the others came with Cera on their own accord. Littlefoot is the only one who was actively trying to make the others do what he wanted, including getting them to help him defeat Sharptooth, something that could have cost them their lives.

This is from memory. I'll have to watch the movie again to be sure.

This doesn't mean I think Littlefoot is a bad character. I'm just saying that Cera isn't the only character that is known to be aggressive. Littlefoot is as well, though largely in the first movie. In the sequels, he mellowed out more. He has his moments, still.

What  do you think? Is it right that he should still have his moments?

Anyways, he seems a little too agressive in movie 1; it was an interestig side of him to see but different from the Littlefoot we're used to.


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One of the biggest hints of Littlefoot being bossier in the original movie is the way he tried to force Cera to continue going with him and the other when she wanted to leave. When Cera declared she was going to go the "easier way", Littlefoot is already hostile, evident by the way he speaks to her and the way he looks pissed off even though Cera never said that the others had to follow her. He literally gets up in her face and tells her it's "the wrong way" despite the fact he had no way of knowing that himself; Cera's way could have been right after all.

The other is how he physically attacks Cera when she refused to take back an insult. Yes it was insensitive of Cera to call Littlefoot's mother stupid when she's dead, but remember that's all she said about his mother, and being called "stupid" isn't the worst insult she could have come up with. She didn't resort to using one of the racial slurs she picked up from her father (flathead being one of them), which would have been a worse insult, in my opinion.

So yeah, I definitely believe Littlefoot had a bossier attitude in him in the first movie, especially how he behaves towards Cera when she tries to leave, and this is before she even insulted his mother. When she makes that slippage, Littlefoot unleashes his rage in a more violent way than we've seen in any of the sequels.


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One could say that he had a "bossier attitude" in the original movie, but there are some circumstances that too should be taken into account.
In case of the quarrel about the way it was not a disagreement about trivial matters of little consequence, but rather a matter of life and death which was likely to cause a somewhat more intense emotion.
I believe that the notorious change of order very much influenced the impression we get of Littlefoot in this context. For example the assumption that Cera's way left them on the right track is based on the change. Littlefoot found the Great Valley and then returned to lead his friends back on the track which by now he knew (not only with his heart but also with his eyes to be the right one). With the change of sequence in which the finding of the Great Valley was moved to the end this impression has been very much changed.
This change also did a lot about the impression we get from the scene in which they plot the death of the sharptooth. Littlefoot has been accused of petty revenge for this scene. In the original setting the Valley had already been found and Littlefoot and the others found Sharptooth pretty much on the doorstep of the Valley, about to enter and thus leaving them much less of a choice than in the setting with the later discovery of the Valley.


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I'll go ahead and make this clear since I don't feel I went into enough detail in my first post: I'm not saying that Littlefoot shouldn't have gotten angry at Cera. I would have expected him to. I'm not saying Cera was innocent either, because she was not.

What I am saying is that I feel Littlefoot was already getting hostile towards her before she insulted his mother, and I can't fathom why if I were to think of him as having the same personality he did in later movies. I can see him being determined and trying to urge Cera not to leave, and you could say he was doing that, but look at his reaction specifically. He's angry, he's hostile, and he's not asking her in a nice way not to leave; he just declares that her way was "wrong" despite having no way to know that for certain.

Yes Cera's insult was hurtful towards him, but it wasn't the worst insult she could have come up with, and when Littlefoot started badgering her, she didn't say anything further about his mother. Littlefoot attacking her for one insult is going a bit too far in my opinion and he could have handled his anger in a better way, for instance resorting to simply yelling at her to leave.

But again, I'm not saying Cera was in the right and I'm not saying Littlefoot should have gotten upset. I'm just not convinced that Cera's one insult puts her entirely at fault and justifies Littlefoot's violent reaction. Now if Cera used harsher words or continued to mock Littlefoot's mother, then I could see it ultimately snapping Littlefoot into attacking her.


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I tend to agree that Littlefoot was more "bossy" in the first movie and am not arguing against what you are saying Kacie ;)
I just meant to add a few points not previously considered. It is not my intention to argue about exactly how much fault is to be attributed to Cera respectively Littlefoot. It should be mentioned though that Cera's opening line of the dialogue was not well suited to keep Littlefoot calm though (it included: "Your crazy!") and Littlefoot had ignored that attack though he did sound rather irritated.
In this context I may have grown up with a somewhat different impression of the entire scene though, because in the German translation of LBT Littlefoot's voice when he first responds to Cera sounds distinctly less irritated and more appealing / regretful than one could say about the English original.