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Dark Horizons

Pterano · 11 · 5270


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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So here it is at long last! I DO at least have the prologue completed, and while I'm currently working on hammering out the kinks in chapter 1, this IS officially the start of my follow up to The Past That Yawns Behind and what I plan to eventually become a three part series. This is a rather dark opening, and the story's title will also somewhat convey what we can be expecting as well. So hope everyone enjoys, and I just may have the first chapter up tonight as well if I can get to it.

Prologue: A Cold Serving

The words running through Rinkus's mind at this point in time were "freezing", "chill", "numbing." Never before had he experienced cold like this. His feet crunched in the frozen turf, snow blanketing the countryside as far as his eyes could see. Shivering, he rubbed his hands together, his breath shooting out like wreaths of smoke. "C-c-can't we turn back?" he asked, teeth chattering.

"You afraid of a little cold?" the question came mockingly from a domehead standing ahead of him. He carried a sharp looking chunk of rock at his side, which made for a convenient weapon out here in the wilderness.

"Well... yes." Rinkus said, nodding.

"Ha! Then maybe you should've thought of that before trying to steal from us, eh?" The domehead asked sarcastically.

"I dunno Royce... we've never gone this far before, and there doesn't seem too much chance of finding ANY food." this came from a nodosaurus who was lumbering beside Rinkus. The oldest in the group, he bent his head low to sniff the ground.

"Food's always around, Tyr! You just have to look in the right spot." Royce narrowed his eyes and clenched a fist. "Besides... this little thief ate our stock, remember?" he waved the dagger like rock in Rinkus's direction. That part was true at least. Rinkus had been starving, and had pilfered from the first herd he'd come across... but unfortunately they had caught him, and here he was.

"I know but... surely you've been hearing the rumors... right Royce?" Tyr asked cryptically. "They say there's a new band of sharpteeth out here... and they don't stop for nothin'. They aren't like other sharpteeth. They work together. They're almost like... a unit, you know?"

Royce snorted. "Oh come on! Rumors are rumors! You believe everything your grandma tells you you're gonna start prematurely aging! Buck up!"

Rinkus shivered again. Sharpteeth? Out here? He looked around him cautiously. How did he wind up in this mess? All he'd wanted was some food... but when this particular herd had caught him in the act of feeding off the most luscious greens he could find for miles (which had unfortunately belonged to them), they'd made him an offer. Go out on their foraging party, or take a permanent dirt nap. Rinkus, valuing his hide, had agreed, and the only reason he hadn't taken to the sky now was because Royce had been thoughtful enough to give him a demonstration of his throwing skills... namely how he could throw sharp pointy rocks at rapidly moving objects. It had convinced the flyer that he was stuck, at least for now. But sharpteeth?

"I don't like sharpteeth." Rinkus spoke up.

"Yeah? Well I've killed more than I can count. They aren't so bad... you just have to know how to handle 'em. You thinkin' of... backing out, are you?" Royce asked in a threatening tone, fixing Rinkus with one of his eyes as he flexed his fingers.

Rinkus could only gulp and shake his head. "Good." Royce said with a nod. "Because you think of taking even so much as one step in the opposite direction, I'll gut you and leave you to freeze or bleed out! No one turns their back on our herd!" the domehead shouted angrily. Rinkus only nodded. "No one gets away with stealing, either!"

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" the pink flyer said in a squeaky voice, raising his hands reassuringly in front of himself.

"Just stay with him, Tyr. He so much as flexes his wings, knock him on the head!" Royce ordered the nodosaurus, who smiled.

Walking further on, they came to the edge of a wood, which stretched far beyond either side of them. It had been visible for some time in the distance, and they'd slowly trudged toward it through the thick snow. "Never been in here before. What do you think, Tyr?" Royce asked his companion.

"Hmm... maybe. If there IS anything it'd be underground. We should be looking for a cave or something of the sort. Don't know for certain until we find it. Trees at least will have needles on 'em. They aren't the most delectable thing, but they're better than nothing."

Royce nodded, and motioned for them to follow. Rinkus took big steps, trying to tiptoe, as something out here was giving him the creeps. The woods were dark, and blocked out the Bright Circle, which was hiding more often than not behind thick clouds. The very trees themselves harbored dark shadows, and seemed to close in on them from all sides.

A sudden movement ahead caught Royce's eye. "Someone there?" He called out, holding his rock at the ready. "Watch Rinkus, Tyr!" Royce commanded, and strode boldly forward. "I ask again... someone there?" the domehead challenged.

"I don't like this, I don't like this..." Rinkus mumbled to himself over and over again. He wasn't just shivering from the cold now. Something was... off about this place.

As Royce crested a small hill, his feet pushing snow out in front of him, his vision came to rest upon a fast biter, chewing and gnawing on something in the snow. Royce grinned, and began stealthily approaching it from behind. Didn't see many out here... but Royce was ready all the same.

The fast biter seemed to sense his approach, and turned around, its head whipping about as it roared... but too late! Royce was swift, and buried his "dagger" deep into the fast biter's neck, causing it yelp out in pain as it stumbled backward. "And again!" Royce yelled, pulling back and thrusting forth, stabbing the sharptooth in the gut now. "Down you go!" he crowed, standing over his fallen foe triumphantly.

It turned out this wasn't the only one however. Another suddenly jumped out of the darkness, shrieking. Royce squared his body opposite his opponent as the first fast biter flopped on the ground, dying. "Oh... you brought a friend did you? Come on!" he snarled, and began hopping from one foot to the other as the fast biter charged forward. By this time, Tyr and Rinkus had crested the slope as well, the two watching the combat from afar. "Heheh, oh you don't mess with Royce, boy. He's killed more sharpteeth than I have toes!" Tyr exclaimed.

Second before the sharptooth bit for Royce's neck, the domehead nimbly stepped aside and kicked the the fast biter in the flank, sending it tumbling to the ground in a heap. Rinkus briefly glanced in Tyr's direction, but to his dismay, he could see that Tyr was only half watching the fight, and was still keeping an eye on him. But wait! What was that? Turning his head rapidly from right to left, the pink flyer almost thought he saw... but yes! He did! Shadows... shadows that seemed to blend and meld right into the snow... they were moving amongst the trees, silent and black. Rinkus squinted, trying to get a better view, but it was hopeless from this angle. He could see nothing substantial.

Royce seemed unaware of them as he delivered a powerful headbutt into the fast biter, the hapless sharptooth colliding with a tree as it was thrown back. It roared out in defiance, only to have Royce land right on top of it, his weapon stabbing deep into its side as he did so. Screaming with rage, the fast biter tried to claw back, but Royce simply walked on top of the sharptooth's body, hopped off the other side, and delivered another headbutt to it, directly onto the fast biter's cranium. The sharptooth sighed, and went limp.

"Ha! Pathetic! Not even scratched!" he shouted over to Tyr and Rinkus. "That's how you dispose of a sharptooth! And you were worried!" Rinkus's eyes suddenly widened as Tyr cried out a warning to his confident comrade. Another fast biter emerged from the shadows, but this one was different from the previous two. Its scales were solid black, like coal, and seemed to reflect the white in the snow as it strode forward. It was larger than the average fast biter, and red streaks marked its body, as if it had been ripped at numerous times with claws... though these marks were indeed scales. It snarled at Royce, who turned around, briefly caught off guard.

"Huh... another one?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "Very well... you're about to meet Royce the Ripper!" he yelled, squaring off once again opposite his latest challenge. The fast biter made no sound in reply, and instead charged, making a beeline for the domehead. Royce let out a yell, and spun at the last minute, using his tried and true dodge method, but this fast biter turned with him, its teeth flashing as it snapped away, Royce just barely avoiding the blow. Royce brought his weapon in for the attack... only to meet solid claws head on as the raptor managed to parry the blow.

Panting, Royce lunged again and again, his nimble body easily able to keep up with the sharptooth, but every time his blows were turned aside. While the sharptooth remained agile on his feet, Royce seemed to be tiring slightly. "You think you're impressive?" Royce snapped. "I've killed many of your kind! You're just another stupid sharptooth! Come on!" he twisted and turned, jabbing right, left, up, down, and side to side, but his attacks were met each time by the fast biter's claws, which never once faltered, and indeed, the black scaled brute almost resembled a boxer as he bobbed and weaved in time to his attacker's movements. Royce went for a headbutt here and there, but each time he connected with naught but air.

Backing off a little to rest, Royce was breathing heavy now, and though he had not yet been injured, he had not landed a single blow on his opponent. Spitting into the snow, the domehead wiped his mouth. "All right you overgrown sack of teeth. You think you're bad? You ain't seen nothing yet!" Royce crouched, and then sprang forward, running through the snow, which was kicked up like geysers in the ground as he charged. Faking the fast biter out, he dove for the ground, sliding on his back and knocking into the sharptooth from underneath him. This caused the fast biter to fly forward into the air, planting its face roughly into the snowbanks as it was knocked onto its belly.

Royce rose up, panting as he brought his rock up above his head. "SAY GOODNIGHT!" With a great cry, he brought his "dagger" down upon the sharptooth, but his blow was halted in midair as the fast biter had twisted around and grasped Royce's weapon with his right foot. The movement had been so fast that Rinkus had barely perceived it, and the pink flyer could only gasp, his eyes widening at the spectacle.

 Snarling, the black fast biter suddenly flexed his claws, and to Royce's horror, his "dagger" shattered into thousands of shards, the bits pelting his face and cutting his skin as he grunted and gasped in shock. "Impossible!" he said, backing away and dropping the fragment of his now useless weapon. A fast biter couldn't be that strong!

In a flash, the dark fast biter was upon him, grabbing him in a vice, and trapping him before he could so much as flinch. While Royce's whole body ached from his exertions, the sharptooth seemed to not even be breathing heavy. His rancid breath filtered over the domehead's face, and as Tyr and Rinkus watched, the fast biter brought Royce extremely close. "Embrace death" it whispered in his ear, and Royce's eyes widened.

"You can speak... GAAAGGGH!" before he could finish his sentence, an immense pain exploded in his chest, and he knew he'd been stabbed. Looking down as his body started convulsing, Royce could see blood spilling out of his chest, where the "talon" of the fast biter had impaled him.

"Oh blast! We gotta get out of here!" Tyr said, turning and almost tripping in the snow... but it was no good! Black scaled fast biters similar to the one that had killed Royce were all around them now, having appeared from seemingly nowhere. "Not possible!" Tyr said, his voice showing evident strain. "No one can sneak up on us like that!" Out of all the times he'd been out here, never once had he been taken by surprise. But here it was; they were all around him with snarling, flashing teeth and claws. Tyr crouched down, his tail at the ready as he growled, though fear was apparent in his eyes.

Rinkus whirled around, his heart racing as he realized he was trapped. But with Royce gone... he glanced hurriedly in the domehead's direction. Royce was on the ground now, motionless as his blood started staining the snow crimson around his prone form. Tyr was in his fighting stance, and Rinkus seized his chance. Spreading his wings the flyer took to the air, heart pounding as he beat his wings as fast he could. Must not look back! Just go!

"RINKUS!" Tyr roared out, only to have the most horrid screams Rinkus had ever heard in his entire life split the sky as Tyr was jumped from three sides at once. He hadn't stood a chance, and now it was too late. Rinkus flapped as fast as his wings could move, panic seizing him now as he attempted to put as much distance from himself and this cursed forest as could. The screams sounded in his ears, and chilled him to his core far more effectively than the air was capable of doing. The fast biters were shrieking victoriously, and turning their eyes to watch as the flyer soared off across the frozen wastes...

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

Mama's Girl

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Oh my gosh, you totally made my day with this, even though it's late :)

Yay for promised sequels and, ok I know you're going somewhere unpredictable with these freakily talented fast biters.

Hmm, yeah I have some half formed thoughts even now, but I'm not sure if I'm on track enough to say them at the moment. I'll just wait and see how my ideas hold as you go. Looking great so far, and yeah I think I have an idea how this'll go even from just the prologue.


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Oh wow! Another brilliant piece of work! Gaah! phantom fast biters? creepy yet insanely cool^^
well I mean at least they seemed like phantoms, describing how fast they moved, how they appeared form nowhere.
I reaaaallly can't wait for the followups to this  :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Well I'm glad I made your day/night. :DD I wasn't expecting my sequel to be so anticipated, so thanks. :)

Well we shall see where things go and if your ideas are correct. :yes Yes, they are going to be a significant part of the story. :)

@StrutEggStealer: Yes heheh, they most certainly do resemble phantoms :yes That's exactly the mood I was going for with them. :)

Here's chapter 1! I'm gonna shoot for a weekly update rate, similar to Vonboy, and the only reason I'm doing two this week is because I'm so glad to be done with the FSOT, and I wrote both simultaneously, so yeah, figured why not?. :p

Chapter 1: Portents

"And there I was! Facing the largest and most frightening sharptooth I had EVER seen!" Pterano exclaimed, looking about him frantically as he stood perched on his rock, relating his tale of daring-do to the gang, who were mostly listening with rapt attention, though Littlefoot was smiling. They were older now, and bigger. While far from grown ups, they were hovering around the start of their formative years. Consequently, Pterano's stories, while amusing, were hardly taken very seriously by any of them (except occasionally Petrie, who was always sucked into his uncle's tales like a leaf into a whirlpool).

"Rarrrrrgggh!" Pterano bared his claws, growling at them to mimic the sharptooth. "I wasn't certain what I could do! It looked like the end was in sight! But I gathered all my courage, and... and..." He paused for dramatic effect, Petrie at least hanging on his every word. Littlefoot was grinning, Cera was rolling her eyes, Ducky was listening politely, and Spike was munching on some grass.

"So what did you do?" Littlefoot asked, trying to hold back a chuckle as he noticed how mesmerized Petrie looked.

Pterano smirked, and circled his fist around and around. "I gave him the old one-two punch! Uppercut to the jaw, then a jab right to the snout! It was over before you could even blink!" the flyer declared.

"Hold on!" Cera interjected. "You didn't really do that, did you?"

"Cera! Shhh!" Petrie hushed her now, wanting to hear more.

"Oh come on Petrie! You KNOW this isn't a true story! He's just having fun!" Cera insisted. "Your uncle didn't really do any of these things!"

"Need I remind you that my uncle is the Great Valley's hero!" Petrie crossly folded his arms over his chest. His speech had vastly improved with time, as had his size. He was about a quarter Pterano's size now, or about the size of his mother, with still much more to grow. “He saved me three cold times ago, remember?”

“We all did!” Cera pointed out. “It wasn’t just him.”

“Cera… stop being so rude. He’s right there, after all.” Littlefoot nodded in Pterano’s direction now, but the flyer only shook his head, smiling warmly.

“It’s perfectly all right. She’s right after all. It WAS a group effort. Oh… hello Chomper.” Pterano said, waving as the young sharptooth approached them now. He was still the youngest in the group, but he was growing a bit too.

“Hey guys!” Chomper waved back, walking up to them and stopping next to Littlefoot. His stomach suddenly grumbled, and the longneck regarded the sharptooth with concern.

“Didn’t you get something to eat?”

“Oh yeah! I did. I’m just uh… digesting, that’s all.” He said, rubbing his belly.

"Well... OK." Littlefoot said, nodding. Chomper gave him an uneasy smile. They turned their attention back to Pterano, but the story was being put on hold. The ground suddenly start shaking a little, and Littlefoot looked around, noticing his grandfather approaching. "Grandpa!" he said, rising happily to his feet.

"Hello Littlefoot. Hello everyone." Littlefoot's grandfather greeted the group with a nod. He was starting to show his age, and moved much slower these days, lumbering along at a steady albeit sedate pace.

"Grandpa Longneck!" Pterano exclaimed. "So very good to see you!" he was addressing him by Littlefoot's title more out of respect than anything else. The flyer bowed his head in deference to the elder.

"Ahem... Pterano... Littlefoot... I need to have a word with both of you." the flyer and young longneck blinked, and then exchanged glances.

"Both of us?" Pterano asked, just to make sure he'd heard correctly. The elder longneck nodded solemnly.

"It won't take long, I promise." Grandpa said. Pterano motioned with his hand, indicating Littlefoot could go first.

"Can I come too?" Petrie asked, stretching his wings and yawning.

"No... I need to have a private word with your uncle, Petrie." Grandpa Longneck responded. "As said, it won't take very long." Pterano moved to walk beside Littlefoot, heading away from the group toward a hill.

"Grandpa... what's this all about?" Littlefoot asked, suddenly growing uneasy. His grandfather never interrupted them during the day, unless something serious was going on.

His grandfather sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as he walked. Pterano regarded the old longneck with sympathy, as he knew that perhaps in another ten cold times he'd possibly be in the same situation. He'd been trying to stay in shape, and going for daily flights as often as he could. "Littlefoot... Pterano." Grandpa began. "I'm... growing advanced in age. I don't..." he sighed again, unable to finish. He stopped walking now, and stood, not speaking as they crested the hill. "I don't know if I have much more left within me."

"What do you mean?" Littlefoot asked, growing alarmed. Pterano swallowed hard, standing close by the young longneck in case he needed support.

"Please Littlefoot... just let me finish." his grandfather said. "You know how much I love you and your grandmother. But I just don't know how much longer I'll... be here."

"No! Don't talk like that!" Littlefoot said emphatically, almost snapping as he felt sick to his stomach. Pterano instinctively reached out, placing a hand upon Littlefoot's back and patting him slowly.

"Pterano... my grandson is not old enough to take my place on the Council just yet. His time is coming but... he's going to need guidance... and someone will need to carry on my voice should something... happen."

"Stop it!" Littlefoot shouted, tears coming to his eyes now. "No... you can't!" Pterano wrapped a wing about Littlefoot, trying to comfort him. The young one certainly seemed beyond agitated, but Pterano could hardly blame him for that. Losing a family member was... never good, especially one you'd known as long as this.

"Littlefoot... it's... it's OK." the flyer said softly. "It has to happen to all of us." he could feel the young longneck trembling in his grasp, and the flyer's heart broke over this. This was something no grandson wanted to face... especially since Littlefoot's grandfather in particular had come to be so respected and revered in his grandson's eyes. The younger longneck sniffed, trying to stop himself from crying.

"Pterano..." Grandpa Longneck continued. "I'm going to propose to the Council tomorrow that you join our ranks. I know there will be opposition to this move... but your actions three cold times ago spoke volumes about your character. If nothing else... I have faith in you. You'll have support from some others as well... and the dissenting voices will at least hold their tongues out of respect for me, or so I hope."

Pterano swallowed again, nodding, uncertain of what to say. "I... are you positive you want ME taking your place?" the flyer asked, placing a hand on his chest.

“Yes.” Grandpa Longneck persisted. “You’ve proven time and time again that you have changed for the better. You saved Ducky when she plummeted off Threehorn Peak. You also helped save your nephew when he was abducted by Brightneck three cold times ago. I’ve been watching you, Pterano, and quite frankly, you’ve been a productive member of the Great Valley, a great uncle to Petrie, you've shown tremendous support to your family, and there’s really no reason why you SHOULDN’T have a position in the Council.”  

Pterano paused, closing his eyes to ponder this. "I... I'm not sure I..."

"Please, Pterano. You're the one I'm entrusting this too... no one else... remember when you had returned during that whole... what was it? Stone of Cold Fire incident?"

The flyer nodded, reopening his eyes. "Of course.

"You got me so flustered and riled up, even before I had gotten a chance to speak with you, which ultimately I did not do until after you returned to the Great Valley to be exiled. I had such a mistrust of you back then because you had not been honest about what you'd done, and you were looking to expand your own influence and power when you DID return." the flyer hung his head now, closing his eyes as he continued listening. "And I didn't trust you upon your recent return either. You were not forthright with us, but that's only because you had been threatened by Brightneck and were unsure of what to do. You proved your courage and your willingness to change when you saved both Ducky and Petrie, AND you kept the young ones safe during the fast biter attack upon our valley. I've come to trust you over time, and I want you to be my successor. Please accept. I don't have anyone else to turn to." the longneck pleaded, his ancient eyes searching the flyer for answers.

Pterano kept his eyes closed, feeling guilty that he was being asked to step up and replace someone as grand and wise as the longneck before him. He didn't want this but... he could feel Littlefoot under his wing too... and the young longneck was shivering.

"It's time to put your talents to use, Pterano. You've proven resourceful, clever, and smart... in MOST regards at least." the elder longneck chuckled, referring of course to Pterano's well meaning intentions that could so often be blinded by his ambition, though that was years ago at this rate. The flyer had certainly mellowed with time.

Sighing, Pterano opened his eyes once more, looking down at Littlefoot, who was trying to remain respectfully quiet while the adults talked. It was clear that he had been crying however, but had put on a brave face to try and mask it. "Mr. Threehorn is not going to like this." he said at last.

"Yes... I know." Grandpa nodded slowly. "But don't worry... you're MY nomination... and he has to accept who I nominate, after all. He doesn't get to pick who replaces me. He'll protest yes... but ultimately he can do nothing about this."

Pterano nodded. "I'd prefer some time to think about this but... you're right. We may not have much time. I... I accept, sir." he said, nodding solemnly. This caused the old longneck to smile.

"Good... you already know most of them on the Council... but those you don't, I'll be sure to introduce you. We have a few new faces as well. The meeting will be tomorrow, after we've had our breakfasts."

Pterano felt Littlefoot move away from him, the young longneck approaching his grandfather to look up at him now, shaking his head as he did so. "Grandpa... you can't leave me."

"I don't WANT to leave Littlefoot... believe me. I am going to hold on for as long as I can... of that you have my word. This is only a precaution after all. I could have a long time ahead of me." he said, cracking a smile and nodding at his grandson. He brought his crane-like neck down in order to nuzzle Littlefoot, Pterano watching the two silently. He was saddened to see this... and somehow, had never really thought it possible that Grandpa Longneck could one day not be around. Was he dreaming? Had he not woken up properly this morning? But no... there was just something so final about what was going on here that it COULDN'T be naught but reality.

"Now... why don't you go with Pterano back to your friends? I'm going to go back to Grandma and lie in the shade for a bit." the old longneck suggested. Littlefoot sighed, and nodded slowly.

"OK... I'll see you tonight."

"You most certainly will." his grandfather confirmed.

"Come on Littlefoot... your friends are waiting." Pterano said, flapping his wings and taking to the sky. "I still have to finish that story, after all."

"Actually..." Littlefoot said, thinking a moment as he started walking back. "Maybe we could hear another story?" he suggested. "Maybe about the time we all worked together to save Petrie? I think I need something a little... uplifting now." he said.

Pterano paused in mid-flight, hovering above the longneck, until he finally broke into a smile and nodded. "THAT... I can do."

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  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Oh, how sad :( I can't imagine LBT without Grandpa Longneck. Poor Littlefoot. Realy, his grandparents are so much more to him,

And WOW, I definitely did not see THAT coming :blink: Pterano, replacing Grandpa Longneck on the Council? whhooo... but not a bad choice; should have happened a while ago, after he helped to save Petrie. I'm glad he accepted :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I loved the actiony bit in the prologue.This new Gang (:p) of sharpteeth seem like a force to be reckoned with.

I guess Pterano's just telling his stories for the laughs now? :lol Hopefully he sees now almost no one believes it anymore, and just be telling them as fun stories.

You already told me basically what was going on beforehand in the very beginning, so this isn't very surprising. It's good to see Littlefoot could at least bear through the whole meeting, and not trample off.

Anyway, this is only beginning, and I'm looking forward to what's coming up next. I know you said you weren't focusing on Pterano as much , and was going to involve a lot of characters in this one, so looking forward to who pops up next. :)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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Similar observations from me. While it makes sense how Grandpa Longneck would be very advanced by now...yikes, I just can't imagine how either Littlefoot or the Council will go on, but of course they will.

Yeah, Pterano (who I think is the one you had notice it) is right, Tposy isn't going to take this well at all! But the I've found the grumpy threehorn fun to either write or watch...voice concern about stuff ;)

All in all, still enjoying and I don't see any grammar mistakes, but then as I've admitted, I'm not an editor :DD

I will make one guess though, theses freaky fast biters cause trouble right when Pterano's trying to make sense of what's just been thrust at him :)


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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OK FINALLY overcame my time constraints and writer's block to get this friggin' chapter posted! Yes Mama's Girl, your prediction on the freaky fast biters isn't too far off. :yes They become prominent later on. :)

Well we'll see who pops up now! Some surprises maybe and *gasp* I actually threw in a small song! You get (imaginary) goodies if you can tell me where I got the song from (I changed the lyrics around a bit though). It's an obscure one from a rival film studio to Universal. XD

Chapter 2: Firsts

Pterano landed beside his sister’s nest. Most nights, he wouldn’t sleep in the nest itself, but on the rocky ledge above. It was his way of keeping an eye on his family. Tonight though, he wanted to speak to his sister. “Pterano.” She said, turning to look at him. “I heard the news.”

“You have?” he asked, surprised that word had traveled so fast.

“Yes… the vote to call you into the Council is convening tomorrow.”

“Wait… into the Council? I thought it was just to see if I could replace Littlefoot’s grandfather at a future date?” His sister solemnly shook her head at his words.

“No… you hadn’t heard?” she asked.

“Heard… what?”

Looking about her, she caped her wings about her body, and narrowed her eyes. “Pterano… there was a death today.”

“A death?” he asked in a whisper, looking down at the nest and his nephews and nieces. His sister regarded her children as well, then pursed her beak.

“Come on.” She spread her wings, and took off. “Children, uncle Pterano and I need to talk. We’ll be right back.” Pterano moved to follow his sister, the two flyers landing on the ledge where Pterano usually slept.

“What’s this all about?” Pterano asked.

“It only happened today. The eighth member of our Council, he suffered a fall today, and died of his injuries.”

“Where was this?” Pterano inquired.

“On the section of the wall closest to Threehorn Peak.”

“What was he doing up there? And who was it?”

“I can’t say what he was doing up there. It was Lothar though.”

Ptearno thought a moment, rubbing his chin and narrowing his eyes. “Lothar… the older one?”

She nodded. “Yes. Him.”

“So they’re voting on whether or not I’ll be replacing him, is that it?”

“Yes… but brother, there’s something you should know. It may be nothing but… do you know Mrs. Wimble?”

“The flyer that lives over by the Thundering Falls?” Pterano asked, nodding in her nest’s direction.

His sister nodded. “Yes. She was out flying in that area, near Threehorn Peak today. Well… as said… this may be nothing but… she claims that the area where he fell… it’s almost impossible to fall from there. And on top of that… she claims she thought she saw someone else up there with him… what she describes as a shadow moving up near where he fell.”

“Are you meaning to tell me that Mrs. Wimble thinks old Lothar was… well didn’t fall on his own?” Pterano asked, brows raising in surprise. “She’s saying someone pushed him?” Pterano emphasized.

“I… I don’t know brother. But it happened AFTER Grandpa Longneck asked if you’d consider replacing him. Shortly before the Bright Circle sank.”

Pterano paused here.

“We all learned about it tonight… and that our vote was going to become slightly… modified. The vote is now for you to JOIN the Council, and not just possibly replace Grandpa Longneck.”

“Now hold on, Tess!” Pterano protested, shoving his hands in front of him. “You’re implying that old Mr. Lothar was murdered? Who on earth would do such a thing? To what end would they possibly be aiming for?” he asked skeptically.

“Well… I don’t know Pterano… but Grandpa Longneck stopped by earlier… and as much as I hate to say this to your face… I think he trusts you. If one of our own is for whatever reason targeting the Council, then perhaps you SHOULD accept the appointment.”

Pterano’s eyes widened. “Why would I want any part of that? Authority is nice and all but… threats against my life? No… I didn’t sign up for that… AT ALL.” he emphasized. “I should turn this promotion as it were down at once! I’ll fly out to Littlefoot’s grandparents’ nest and tell them I can’t accept!”

He went to spread his wings, but he felt a tug on one of them, his sister grabbing him before he could “escape.”

“Pterano!” she glared at him now.

“Er… yes?” he asked, confused.

“Pterano…” she repeated. “Listen to me… all your life you’ve run from responsibility. You used to soar so high up in the skies to avoid all the arguing and differences of the others. You never liked getting involved… you always flew ahead and reported on what you saw and enjoyed your own little world. Pterano… it’s time. You need to step up and do this. BE the leader you always wanted to be! Grandpa Longneck is relying on you! He has faith in you… for whatever reason. But whatever reasons he has, he believes in you… and so do I. You can’t fly away from this. You’re the only one he can trust apparently… so please… don’t shirk this. For his sake if nothing else.” His sister implored.

Pterano pursed his beak, furrowing his brow as he considered this. Grandpa Longneck… trusted him? What on earth for? What could he possibly do? He had NEVER led anything in his entire life, save for that herd! What sort of a leader was he anyway? There had to be some mistake… but his sister’s eyes held no doubts. They were genuine. They were asking him to do this.

Closing his own eyes, he sighed. “Fine… I won’t turn this down then. I’ll do it… for you. And for him I suppose.” He added.

“Good.” She said, nodding. “Now come on… let’s get some sleep… we have a busy day tomorrow after all.”

Pterano was standing on the outskirts of the circle, nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot. The meeting had been convened regarding his entry into the Council, and it had created quite the stir so far. Murmurs were already flying and buzzing around their heads as the potential fate of the flyer was discussed. Pterano could hear everything from “he can’t be trusted” to “maybe he deserves a chance” and everything in between. It wasn’t making him feel any more comfortable about being put on the spot like this, and he wondered if perhaps he’d not committed some error by accepting Grandpa Longneck’s request.

“Ahem… I’d like to have your attention, please.” Grandpa Longneck cleared his throat, and stepped forward. “Please… we need to put this to a vote. Now as you know, there are seven votes amongst all of us. My own, Mr. Threehorn’s, Mrs. Swimmer, Tess, Kevin, Sigismund, and Roose.”

Pterano had never personally met the last two, but he knew who they were. Sigismund was an iguanodon, and responsible for looking after the valley’s resources in times of crises, such as the swarming Leaf Gobblers. It had been decided that one was needed for such times, and Sigismund had been chosen to fill such a role.

As for Roose… he was a commander of some sort. He led the Valley in times of battle, as he was a very skilled combatant. He was a gallimimus and reputed to be very fast. He lacked the rainbow coloration of the Rainbow Faces however, and was a plain blue with green splotches. Pterano had never spoken to him as the fellow was said to be very quiet, and who knew what went on in his mind as he studied everyone about him with his sharp eyes.

Kevin was Hyp’s father, and he was really the only other one that Pterano didn’t know to some greater extent.

“Well! I’d like to start off by saying that this is a waste of time! Mr. Thicknose can replace Lothar! Or no one can! We don’t NEED an eighth member after all!” Topsy snorted, huffing as he spoke. “To even consider that flyer is ridiculous! He’s gotten himself into more trouble than good if you ask me!”

“But he did save Petrie.” Tess pointed out.

“So did our children!” Topsy persisted. “Pterano doesn’t deserve to be one of us! He was exiled for a REASON after all.”

“Yes and his exile has expired.” Grandpa Longneck reminded him. “He served his time and that time is now past. He’s been here for several cold times now, so I don’t see why this is such a big deal. I feel it’s natural that he should be on the Council.”

“But then we’ll just end up with all these ties!” Mr. Threehorn complained. “We can’t have that! I say it’s a good thing we’re down to seven members now! No more tie votes and headaches all the time! And knowing Pterano ohhhh he’ll always side with YOU long… neck.” Topsy emphasized the last words with distaste and rancor.

“Ugh… my dad’s at it again.” Cera grumbled, rolling her eyes. “You know… I don’t like your uncle very much Petrie… but my dad just seems to be trying to block him just because he doesn’t like him… I doubt he’s worried about Littlefoot’s grandfather after all. I mean… as much as I hate to admit this… your uncle DID save you. So he’s not totally worthless I guess.”

“Mmmph! He’s not worthless at all!” Petrie said in a lower voice, narrowing his eyes at her.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just be quiet. I’m listening.” Cera said, nodding in the adults’ direction.

“Then who do you propose to replace Mr. Lothar?” Hyp’s father asked now.

“No one! As said, we don’t need an eighth member! It just creates useless ties!” Topsy shot back.

“That’s unacceptable. We need an even number of members on the Council.” Grandpa Longneck replied, shaking his head.  

“It just seems like you’re delaying these proceedings needlessly, friend.” This came from Hyp’s father again; he was frowning now and shaking his head. “We can debate this all day, but ultimately, we are here to vote on this very matter, so why not open up the vote?”

“Agreed… we ARE here to vote. So let us proceed in that case.” Grandpa Longneck said, nodding. “I vote to allow Pterano to join our ranks. I feel it’s imperative that he be given this chance to join the Council and help make decisions through consensus. I vote yes.”

One by one, the Council proceeded to vote yes, and Topsy’s name came up last. He grumbled a little, glaring at Pterano with malice, but shook his head. “Argh! It’s unanimous I guess! FINE! I wont go against the unanimous opinion of longnecks and siwmmers and fast runners and… whatever!”

“That’s a yes, then?” Grandpa Longneck asked.

“Humph!’ Topsy snorted in response.

“Then…” a smile spread across Grandpa Longneck’s face. “It’s unanimous. Welcome to the Council, Pterano!” he exclaimed.

Pterano hesitantly stepped forward, looking surprisingly shy amongst his peers. “Ahem… I suppose I can only say… thank you… and I’m humbled to be sitting among you on the Great Valley Counc-”

“Ohhhh stuff it!” Mr Threehorn interrupted.

“Hahah!” Pterano regarded Topsy with narrowed eyes, but only looked at him in profile as he walked by, not turning to face the threehorn. “It’s nice to see SOME as warm as ever concerning me.” He moved to Grandpa Longneck’s side. “Thank you once again for this opportunity. I promise… I won’t let you down.” For whatever you actually need me for, he didn’t add.

“I’m sure you won’t Pterano… I’m sure you won’t.” Littlefoot’s grandfather seemed to be implying something here as he gazed at Pterano with a sagely look… but just what it was was hard to say. The old flyer could only smile, and gazed out at the gathered dinos, smiling as he turned his own thoughts inward, wondering just what it was Grandpa Longneck wanted from him…


The voice belting out the song was strong, and belonged to a very red looking flyer, a carmine in color as he zoomed through the skies, a bold look of determination upon his features as he sang his heart out, looping and turning and performing rather impressive aerial acrobatics.

“A flyer is a winner and he’s never late for dinner. He explores everything he can out in the Great Beyond! You can always hear him shouting and you’ll never ever doubt it: To the skies! And what lies beyooooond!”

The tune was mostly catchy, and even though he was no star singer, he was at least on key for the most part. An equally red rhamphorhynchus flew after him, struggling to keep up with the dips and twists and dives. “Norton!” he called. “Norton! Wait! You’re sure a piece of work, you know that?”

“Hahah!” The carmine colored flyer called Norton turned in mid-air, flapping to stay stationary and looked back at his fellow flyer as he grinned. “I have to be Sylvaticus! Father would approve I think!”

“You don’t know that Norton.” The red Sylvaticus responded.

“No… but I’m pretty sure I’m right!”

“And since WHEN do flyers ever shout that?”

“Huh… well I’m sure father shouts it out! I mean what self-respecting flyer wouldn’t, after all? A flyer always has to be the best he can be!” Norton replied, nodding.

“Hah! Yeah… right. Whatever you say. Anyway, where are we heading today?” Sylvaticus asked.

“That mountain over there! I saw a few caves that would make perfect roosts for flyers! Who knows… we might… well let’s just take a look, shall we?” Norton suggested.

Sylvaticus sighed, and shook his head. “You’re hoping HE might be there… right?”

Norton’s face fell a little, and he nodded. “Yeah… I haven’t given up looking. You should know that by now. My dad’s out there somewhere… and I’m going to find him. I’m not ever giving that up.” Norton shifted his gaze to the great expanse stretching before them. “It’s a big world… I haven’t even scratched the surface yet. I CAN’T give up!”

“What if he was eaten by some sharptooth or something? I mean… that’s… within the realm of reason, right?” Sylvaticus asked.

Norton’s eyes only widened, and he flapped directly in front of Sylvaticus’s face now. “That… NO. He was too great for that to happen to him!” Norton emphatically insisted.

“Well I’m glad you have faith at least. My own family… hah. I don’t think I’ll ever see them again.” Sylvaticus shook his head.

“Ah. Well… shall we?” Norton nodded in the direction of the mountain peak. Sylvaticus nodded as well, and the two began flapping in the direction of one of the caves in the distance.

“So what’s it like for you?” Sylvaticus asked now as they flew. “I mean… do you feel incomplete without your father… or is it just more curiosity?”

“I… I don’t know, Syl.” Norton shook his head. “I just know I want to find him. He’s the only thing I have left… and yes… I guess it does hurt… thinking about it. It’s like a part of me isn’t complete… yes. Heh… it’s my purpose in life, I guess you could say.”

A sudden blue glow ahead of them caught their attention. “Huh… what’s that?” Norton murmured, banking toward the mountain now. The glow was emanating from one of the caves. It was certainly mysterious… and Norton had a sense of adventure about him, and he would never back down from something like this.

Landing on the lip of the cave, the red pteranodon gasped as his eyes beheld a crystal of the purest blue, pulsing and glowing as if infused with its own source of energy.

“Wow!” Sylvaticus breathed. “What… is it?”

Norton only shook his head. “I’m… not sure…” He started shuffling forward now, into the cave and toward the glowing blue stone.

“Hey! Norton!” Sylvaticus said, but Norton acted as if he didn’t hear his friend. It was as if he was being drawn toward it now… and indeed, the young flyer could hardly explain it himself. It was almost as if something within the stone was calling out to him… asking him to walk forward.

“Norton… I don’t think we should…” But Sylvaticus didn’t finish, as Norton wasn’t listening.

Norton walked forward, as if hypnotized by what he saw. Sylvaticus himself didn’t really see anything out of the ordinary here, but Norton kept walking, in awe. He stopped before the pulsating crystal, and stared into its depths. And before Sylvaticus could so much as react, Norton began to reach his hand out, stretching to touch the stone…


Cliffhanger time! Wahahah! Let's see if I can update this on a faster basis than I've been doing. :p

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Hey, first comment^^ good to see this having a comeback.
Oooh, I like all the suspense and dark secrets you've thrown in. I feel sorry for old Lothar, whoever he was :(
Awesome chappie and Hey, Norton gets some face time^^ look forward to reading more
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Well thank you for the review! Sorry it's taken me SO long to get to yours... but then again it's taken me a long time just to get this thing written as is. :p Life hasn't been the best lately and I've been far less active than I'd like to be here, so I need to make the effort to show up and get reviews written and become more active. :(

And yes, Norton is making his long overdue appearance now. XD :yes

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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No worries, I haven't been posting much either, besides FanArt (happy I finally learned how to DO it :p)
I'm glad that you're back. Life just sucks sometimes :(
Also, funny thing, as I was reading, I seriously thought of this song I've come to associate with our resident egotistical flyer :DD It's Time by Imagine Dragons.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein