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Pterano's Deception: The Three Stones of Life

Mr Wonk · 38 · 5910

Mr Wonk

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Yeah that does sound better. I see I've made no spelling mistakes. (Jumps for joy)

He going to be a hand full that's for sure. :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Actually, you made one. :p

Nathan looked at the barriers on the floor and then began to eat all of them before drafting off to sleep.

Drafting should be drifting.

Anyway, I've been kind off following this story. I like that it's focused on the "bad guy". Well, At least I THINK Zoran is the villain. It's hard to tell if he has any good in him or not. He could have rescued the threehorn just to resque him, or he could be using him for something, expecially now that he see's the stone can strengthen him.

Hmm, I feel something devious coming.  :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mr Wonk

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That's what I like what I've with the story. It leaves you guessing of what's going to happen next. But because there are so many out comes to the story you don't know how it really is going to end. :lol

Anyway thank you for reading vonboy. And everyone else. :DD


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Good for Zoran, but I'm sensing he's gonna do something evil in the next chapters so I guess I shouldn't say 'Good' yet :p
nice chapter, I'm glad Nathan's okay...
and I don't think it's a silly name, my cousin's named Nathan after all :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Mr Wonk

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Thanks for your post man. :DD I hope to post more chapters up later. :DD Nathan an epic name. :lol


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This wonderful piece of work has been submitted to the fanfiction awards 2012. If you're reading this fanfiction, please cast your vote and review here!

Mr Wonk

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Mr Threehorn Conviction

Night had passed and it was a brand new day. The bright curie was in the sky. Mr Threehorn was taking one of his walks around the valley. For him it was a time to reflect on one self being. And a time to reflect what he was going to do today. Have a talk with Pterano. Mr Threehorn still didn't like the thought of Pterano coming back. He still didn't believe he had changed. If he had his way Pterano would have had to wait for five more cold season to come back.

He made his way past the thundering fails. He almost made it to Pterano cave when he saw Tria taking to Pterano sister. He hid behind a large brush which happened to be nearby. He started to try to hear what there where talking about.

'I'm sorry about what happened yesterday' Tria said

'It's fine. I think Pterano recovered now' Mama Flyer said

'Oh that's good. Where is he now? Tria asked

'He on his own in the cave. Everyone out playing with their friends' Mama Flyer said

'I see' Tria said

Mr Threehorn made his move as he walked past the two. It was now or never to have a chat with Pterano. He walked right up to the cave. Pterano landed right next to him but did not notice Mr Threehorn at first.

'Can I have a word with you Pterano?' Mr Three asked.

Pterano jump in mid-air as he saw Mr Threehorn.

'Mr Threehorn! I didn't see you there! W...What would you like to talk about' Pterano said surprised to see him.

'I want to know really….. Have you changed?' He questioned

'Of course I have.' Pterano said

'Really? The Threehorn didn't believe a single word.

'Yes, what you don't believe me?' Pterano

'It's not like it's been your first time being kick out of the valley. But you know full well why don't you.'

'Look Mr Threehorn. I know you didn't come down here just to bully me with your ego. So come out and just say it. You don't want me here!' Pterano was really angry now.

'I didn't say that' Mr Threehorn shocked with Pterano angry.

'No you didn't. But you want to say it'

'Now look here!'

'NO! You look here! You come to my own home just to insult me! And you've done it so it makes me the bad guy.'

'At least I did it without getting anyone killed!' Mr Threehorn shouted.

'WHAT DID YOU SAY?' Pterano said with rage!


Pterano knew what he meant by that. And that was it. Pterano had enough of Mr Threehorn. He run right up to Mr Threehorn raises his right claw in the air and hit him on the forehead.

At first Mr Threehorn didn't know what to think of this. And then he started to bleed from the wound which run into his eyes. Pterano back off at first, he didn't know what he had done until he saw Mr Threehorn bleeding.

'I'm terribly sorry let me….' As Pterano was going to help Mr Threehorn he heard a rage full sound coming from the threehorn. Pterano walked backwards and bump into a stone wall. Mr Threehorn race towards him, his horns ready for attack but just in time Pterano ducked down but fell to the ground doing so. A large crushing sounded was heard in the valley. Pterano look up to see Mr Threehorn head was stuck in the stone wall. That was until he pulled it back out again. In angry of missing his target Mr Threehorn raise his two legs into the air and step on Pterano right arm.

Pain shot throw Pterano right arm. And he began to scream in pain. Mr Threehorn now couldn't see anything due to the blood covered his eyes. So he sat himself down to see if he could wipe the blood off with his arms. Pterano on the other hand was rolling over in pain.

Tria and Mama Flyer where still talking to each other but this time there were going to the direction of Mama Flyer nest.

'You know at least Pterano and Topsy are not trying to kill themselves at the moment. Now that would be bad' Mama Flyer joke.

'I know Topsy can be a bit hot-headed sometimes but he would never do that' Tria said.

Tria and Mama Flyer averred and saw the battlefield which had happen only minutes ago. Mama Flyer saw Pterano on the flyer rolling side to side in pain and Mr Threehorn covered in blood still trying to wipe the blood of his head.



Both of them cried as them went up to them to see what had happen. Others in the valley heard the cries and were heading for Mama Flyer cave as well to see what had happened. Mama Flyer went to his bother to for out what had happened. Could it have been a sharpteeth attack she thought?

'What happened to you, Pterano?'

'Threehorn happened' and then Pterano passed out.

'What happened here?' Grandpa Longneck said

Grandpa Longneck looked around a saw the big hole in the wall that was made by Mr Threehorn. He saw him and Pterano on the ground in pain one way or another. This pretty much answers his own question.

'We better get some help for the both of them right away' Grandpa Longneck said

Mr Thicknose was put to the task. He once saw a dinosaur that had a broken arm before and had learn how to heal one as well. He got a long peace of tree leaves and made Mama Flyer make a cast out of the leaves. And then place it tying it around the neck of Pterano who was still passed out.

'Right that should heal the bone. Thank you Mrs Flyer' Mr Thicknose said.

He then tried to help Mr Threehorn with the deep cut by placing leaves around his head. This would stop the bleeding and heal the wound. Mrs Swimmer applied this but Mr Threehorn was not pleased at all with his new look.

'What is this for?' Mr Threehorn said still angry.

'It's to stop the bleeding Mr Threehorn.' Mr Thicknose explained.

'Oh please you're just trying to dress me up like green food.' Mr Threehorn carried on.

'Please stop fighting Mr Threehorn. If you stop your ego for once then you wouldn't need to have a tiny piece of tree leave to heal your cut.' Mama Flyer said getting angry herself.

'What are you getting at!' Mr Threehorn said

'Now, now we still don't know what happened yet. And it's best we save it for tonight's meeting.' Grandpa Longneck said.

'I was attacked by him what else do you need to know?' Mr Threehorn said

'Yes and it looks like you did more damaged to him then he did to you.' Grandpa Longneck explained

Mr Threehorn didn't say much after that. In fact Mr Threehorn didn't even tell them what fully happened yet. He was going to save it for the meeting tonight.

Looks like things didn't go quite as planned for Mr Threehorn talk with Pterano. Will he be banished for having a fight with Mr Threehorn or will the valley fell sorry for Pterano. Find out in the next chapter!


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:o oh-oh my... *gawk* Topps didnt... Topps did
Pterano shoudlnt' have jumped to conclusions like that, I mean Topps just wanted to- OMG Y I DEFENDING MR. THREEHORN NOW??
lol nice chappie, can't wait to find out what happens :o
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Mr Wonk

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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jul 7 2012 on  10:20 PM
:o oh-oh my... *gawk* Topps didnt... Topps did
Pterano shoudlnt' have jumped to conclusions like that, I mean Topps just wanted to- OMG Y I DEFENDING MR. THREEHORN NOW??
lol nice chappie, can't wait to find out what happens :o
In a way you're right but Mr Threehorn should have never said what he said. I'm already on the next chapter so just a few more days and it should be up!

Never mess with a threehorn  :p

So true, especially since it’s Mr Threehorn! :lol  


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Quote from: Mr Wonk,Jul 8 2012 on  12:13 PM
In a way you're right but Mr Threehorn should have never said what he said.
Well, can't really blame him. i mean, looking at Pterano's past, it's understandable of Topps to be on the defensive and skeptical ;)
but yeah, he shouldn't have blown up... but Pterano shouldn't have blown up either^^
hehehehe, listen to me defend cartoon characters...
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Mr Wonk

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Journey to the great valley begins!

Meanwhile in the Mysterious Beyond

Nathan eyes opened slowly, and then he left his head only to see Zoran sleeping. He looked at the caves entrance to see it was light outside.

'It must be morning' He thought to himself.

He sat up and realized he didn't feel weak anymore and was able to stand up. So he thought he try walking towards the other side of the cave. He took his first few steps and was able to walk, he move more towards Zoran this time and then started to hear a guiding sound behind him. It was the rocks that where tied to his legs. Zoran rolled over to wear Nathan would be sleeping.

It only occurred to Nathan that he could take his chances and run away. But if he did the chances of getting killed was high. And this time there would kill him on the spot unlike the last sharpteeth he met. And he was now four days behind his family by now. It seemed easier to stay with Zoran, head to the valley and wait for his family to come. With that slotted out he thought he wake Zoran up. He moved closer to him and then started to tap him.

'Hey wake up'

Zoran didn't respond.

'Move it!' The threehorn shouted

Zoran didn't respond

'Fine then, I just run away…..'

Cut off in mid-sentence Zoran grab Nathan's mouth.

'Never joke about running away' Zoran said

'mmmhm' Nathan said as he try say 'sorry' while having his mouth trap shut by the hand of Zoran.

He let go and walk over and give Nathan some barriers.

'When you're fished your barriers well make our move to the great valley' Zoran said as he walked back to his side of the cave.

After sometime Zoran removed the green vines that where attached to Nathan neck and legs. He finally trusted him. And then there both walk out of the cave. It was a hot and sunny day. Zoran and Nathan started the great journey to the great valley. The two of them didn't say much as there walk through the mysterious beyond, until the threehorn tried to break the silence.

'Sooooo how comes you're not flying?' Nathan asked hoping to see the pteranodon to fly soon.

'So I can keep watch on you' Zoran said

'Hey! I said I'm not going to runway! The threehorn said annoyed.

'I'm not here to stop you from running away but to protect you from any dangerous.' Zoran said sill facing forward almost if he wasn't even paying any attention to him.

'Oh I see' the threehorn said.

There walked some more this time entering a canyon. Zoran felt cold like if he could tell something bad was going to happen soon. But he wasn't so sure.

'I think we should sing or play a game to past the time.' Nathan said

'I'm not so sure' Zoran said

'Oh come on, you enjoy it. Trust me!' The threehorn said

'Alright, aright, alright! I do it' Zoran said

'My mum use to sing it to me as a child and sometimes I sing it to myself' As Zoran said he began to sing.

In the shadow of the valley, I would like to settle down, wide open space, wind on my face, distant horizon, the moon on the crest in the shadow of the valley that I love best.

You have always waited for me and you always will be there. Sage brush and pine, old friends of mine, A little bit further, I will find my rest, in the shadow of the valley. That I love best.

I have wandered many places but they're all the same to me. Nowhere I've found to settle down. A little bit further I'll find my rest, in the shadow of the valley that I love best. In the shadow of the valley, that I love best.

'That was amazing!' Nathan shouted

Well thank you very much but we better hurry up and get out of this can canyon before it gets dark.' Zoran said

As there were talking, Fast Biters shadows appeared behind them. There were five of them and were getting ready to attack. One of the fast biters was on top of a cliff on the left hand side; his job was to attack first. The others fast biters where hiding in a bush or behind a tree. Zoran stopped dead. The threehorn stop as well looking confused.

'What's the matter?'

'Fast biters'

'How can you tell? I can't see any of them.' The threehorn added.

Just then a fast biter jump from the cliff to attack Zoran. But Zoran did nothing. The fast biter was falling closer to Zoran as was about to land on him. But sudden what must have felt like hours Zoran raised his left arm and strike the fast biter. The fast biter falls to the ground and didn't get up. A large pool of blood appeared around the body of the fast biter.

'Go I keep them off you' Zoran said as the other four fast biters appeared.

'Are you going to be alright?' Nathan asked.

'GO!' Zoran shouted

Nathan ran while Zoran started to attack the other sharpteeth. The fast biter who was behind a tree ran towards Zoran. The claws of the fast biter reach out to Zoran's head but missed as Zoran dodges them. The flyer grabs the legs of the fast biter and pulled them making him fell to the ground. In shock the fast biter couldn't get back on his feet. Zoran used his flyer talons to kill the fast biter. Another fast biter sneaked up on Zoran this time and attacked the black flyer back.

'Ahhhhhh' Zoran shouted

Zoran eyes went red with angry. He turned around to face the fast biter and punch him in the stomach. As the fast biter bent down in pain Zoran grab his head and choke him to death. Zoran fell to his knees in pain. He looks around to see where Nathan was, but he was nowhere to be seen. But something was wrong. Zoran had only notice that he had only killed three fast biters. Where was the other too? Zoran started to run in the direction where he last saw Nathan. Hoping he was still alive.

Nathan was running as fast as his legs could carry him. The two fast biters where chasing him. Nathan saw two paths he was able to chosen from, he rushed to the left side of the canyon hoping the fast biters would go the wrong way but there didn't. There were still behind him. Sudden Nathan stopped. It was a dead end…

Nathan turns around to see the fast biters. Before he could do anything there both grab him by his four legs but didn't expect the threehorn to try and escape by using one of his legs to kick the fast biter in the face. The fast biter groaned in pain but didn't let go of his legs.

'The moment you let go of me. I will KILL YOU!' the threehorn shouted.

Zoran who was in the air, saw the two paths Nathan could have taken. But he didn't know which one he would have taken.

'Where could there have gone to? I'm just going to have to choose!' Zoran thought to himself.

He went to the left side of the canyon hoping he chosen the right one. The wind push Zoran given him more speed. Sudden he saw three dinosaurs.

'It must be them!' Zoran thought.

He landed on a cliff high up from the ground. He saw Nathan being drag by the two fast biters.

'I better time this just right' Zoran said

The three dinosaurs where just under Zoran by now, he jump of the cliff and opened his wings, this was to slow him down as he was about to attack the two fast biters. Zoran made an angry cry as he landed on a fast biter. His talons dig into the fast biter and both of them fell on the ground. In shock the other fast biter let go of the threehorn and began to run away.

'Are you ok? Are you hurt?' Zoran said

'I'm fine' Nathan said getting himself on his own four feet.

'Good. I'm going to get that last fast biter' Zoran began to run in the direction of where the last fast biter was.

'But he is running away, is there any point now! Hey wait for me!' Nathan shouted

Nathan ran's as he saw Zoran trying to catch the last fast biter. Why was it so imported to catch him? Many thoughts raced through Nathan's mind as he raced towards Zoran. The fast biter had come cross the paths again. His legs where shaking in fear. He took the right side path of the canyon, the only path that has not been exploded yet.

'Why won't there leave me alone! I'm too young to die! It was only going to be kidnapping' the fast biter thought to himself as he run away from the black flyer.

Zoran had catch up and jump onto the fast biter. There both rolled over until Zoran got onto his feet. Zoran notice how different this fast biter was to the others. He was aquamarine blue with red patches around his face, with blue eyes. Unlike the other fast biters who were dark brown or black. He was also out of breath.

'Please I beg of you. D…Don't kill me!'

'Well see' Zoran knock him out with a blow to the head.

A few minutes later the threehorn child arrived.

'Are you ok?' Nathan said

'I'm fine.' Zoran said

'Oh well then that's good just one thing….. Why are bleeding! Nathan shouted.

'Oh I didn't notice. Anyway the good news is that where going the right direction and we have a new 'friend'.

Confused Nathan look at the knock out fast biter.

'Unh, Is he dead?

'No. Knock out'

'Anyway we better make our way out of this canyon before its night fall.' Zoran explained

'How is HE going to travel with us?'

'I'm going to carry him.'

'What!' Nathan said in shock.

'Over the past few days I've been gaining strength from the err…. Barriers' Zoran said

'Oh so I see' Nathan said

While Zoran carried the fast biter, Nathan followed by as there soon exits the canyon. There went on for miles until there thought there had found a safe cave to sleep in. It looked that no one else was living there so there set up camp. The cave was much bigger than the last cave Zoran had made his home in. There was even a second floor in the cave which made Zoran very happy. He would be able to leave the fast biter down there for his 'experiments' Zoran had on his mind without the threehorn knowing about it. Zoran began to tie the fast biter up with the green vines he used on the threehorn once. He also made sure that his mouth would not open at all when he wakes up.

'I don't want you to come down here when he wakes up' Zoran ordered.

'Why' Nathan asked

'Because his dangerous, he kill you when he gets the chance'. Zoran expanded

'Well ok…'

'Good. If I do need you when he awake I call for you' Zoran said

The threehorn went back to the first floor of the cave while Zoran was making the fast biter more 'comfortable' before he wakes up.

Well that's the tenth chapter up. I hope you've been enjoying it but I'm going to be busy now. I hope to make more chapters as quick as I can. But by the speed I'm going I won't be able to finish it on time before the July 26, 2012 as I thought it was going to be finish.

NOTE: I do not own the song ''In the Shadow of the Valley'' who was written by Bing Nathan and Raun Burnham. All rights of the song go to them.


  • Spike
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I will start with grammar as usual :p Hope it'll be useful to you:

you usually write there instead of they,an example:
'Where could there have gone to?
Where could they have gone to?

And sometimes you switch from past simple to present simple:
Zoran grab Nathan's mouth.
Zoran grabbed Nathan's mouth.

he thought he wake Zoran up
he thought he should wake Zora up.

After sometime Zoran
I don't know if it's a mistake but I never rely saw sometime used in this situation,I think it should be after a while.

as there walk through the mysterious beyond
as they were walking through.

'Oh come on, you enjoy it,
You will enjoy it.

My mum use to sing it.

The others

The threehorn stop as well

Just then a fast biter jump

he flyer grabs

attacked the black flyer back.
Attacked the black flyer from back I think.

Zoran eyes went red with angry
With anger.

Why was it so imported

has not been exploded yet.

Why are bleeding
Why are you bleeding.

Good chapter!I wonder what do you mean by "experiment".Sounds like we will see Zorans Psychopath side soon.Huh and he is singing a song which he heard from his mother :wow .Something you rarely see from a bad guy.I think it makes him more realistic,and deeper than just another evil villian.
Good luck with your other things,and continue the upload as it's comfortable to you.:DD

Mr Wonk

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I make sure this comes first know. And yes the psychopath side coming a long very soon. :DD Zoran back story well also be told soon as well. So the next few chatpers will be getting more exciting. Thank you for the grammar tips. It's always helpful. :DD


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Nice chappie!! Hmm, that fast biter sounds a lot like one of my OC's, a Stenonychosaurus named Hadley, who also has blue eyes. :D lol
exciting! I imagine Pterano and Zoran will meet up? that is the impression I'm gathering, which would be EPIC!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Mr Wonk

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Lets just say that when Zoran and Pterano do meet... the great valley won't be the same ever again. :lol You're fast biter Hadley sounds really cool. My fast biter has had a bit of a hard past like Zoran which will be told soon. :DD And you find out why he tired to kill Zoran and catch the threehorn. :wow


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Quote from: Mr Wonk,Jul 17 2012 on  03:43 PM
Lets just say that when Zoran and Pterano do meet... the great valley won't be the same ever again.

You're fast biter Hadley sounds really cool.
Woooooah... :o sounds intense.

if you want, you can view his profile here:
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein