The Gang of Five
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Ratiasu · 42 · 9309


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Personally I'm not too fond of the style of that picture (least of all of Petrie). The story of that book is very short. Basically Hyp and the other tell Littlefoot and the others that they got Spike and they free him by making Hyp and the others believe, that a huge dinosaur is approaching (by creating noise large shadows etc.). Hyp, Nod, and Mutt flee, Spike is saved and everyone is happy. The story is much more elaborate in the audio play version of it. It is really a pity that those audio plays (six altogether) are in German. The stories are simple (based on the stories of the carton books), but the dialogues are well done really the way you would expect the characters to talk.


  • Spike
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Ah, I see. Yeah, I don't like bat-Petrie either...


  • Cera
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Somehow, I actually can't quite see Hyp going that far (kidnapping Spike), even if he was a bully for a large portion of the story of LBT3.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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According to both the book and the audio play he had no motive other than being a bully. The story is not my invention. Neither book nor audio play suggest however that they did anything more serious to Spike than preventing him to walk off freely.
I still wonder what Hyp would have done if he had captured Littlefoot and / or the others in that LBT 3 scene after the discovery of the waterhole. It was probably luck for him that he didn't catch anybody, for he would have lost face in front of his cronies if he hadn't done anything to stop Littlefoot and the others from telling about the grownups, but there was no way short of killing in which he could have done that (and however much of a bully he may be I really can't think of Hyp as a murderer).


  • Spike
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Yeah - Hyp's definantely not a murderer. I think they worse they would have done was beat the gang up a bit - nothing too serious because no one wants and angry Mr. Threehorn standing over them. Hyp wasn't (that) stupid. Heh, wow, we sure had a subject fling, didn't we?


  • Cera
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That's what happens in discussions that last for a while, sometimes. I once saw a discussion about chainsaws turn into a discussion about prunes.  -_-

Anyway, back to topic, obviously there are exceptions, like Tria, to every rule. She's fairly level-tempered and lacks the sheer level arrogance of a lot of her fellow threehorns. We're never given enough about the pachys to mak a fair assessment of which is their typical behavior, but then again, there may not be a typical behavior for them.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Spike
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Wow! Chainsaws to prunes! That's something I would have never expected. In any case, that's a good point. But a large portion of the Pachys we've seen in the movies are incredibly aggressive, so maybe the nice 'oddball' Pachys live in the Great Valley.

Sharptooh #436

  • Ruby
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A few of them were seen in the Geat Valley. Ok, maybe only one. He/she appears in LBT V and XI.


  • The Circle
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There are some teenage ones in the tv series seen twice in short scenes.    There have been an adult or 2 shown in the background of some tv series scenes but I don't think they had a talking part.

They are not shown in speaking parts to show if they have a certain culture.  Though threehorns really are not either.  Some one dispute that but really we've only seen mainly 2 adult threehorns in speaking parts, the rest are shown in the background and it is hard to get an idea if threehorns have a certain culture or if there are several diverse cultures from seeing some standing around in the background.


  • The Circle
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There was also a young Pachycephalosaurus among the audience at the very end of LBT VI.


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  • Chomper
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The ones that stole ducky's treestars were very aggressive and in the movie, they appear to be meat eaters.  :bang There aren't very many teenaged dinos in the movie or series,aren't they?Besides Hyp and his gang.There aren't very many young adult dinos unless count Tria or singles ones. There aren't many sibling dinos playing with each other and there is no entire species fighting either. Cera, Ruby and shortie seem to be the oldest ones.  :unsure:


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Not to aggressive since ruby talked to them a bit loudly telling them to drop the tree stars and they do the run off.  Also them, or other teenage domeheads are scared off by Cera while she is singing her mad song.  

I'd guess based on their behavior they are very recent arrivals to the Great Valley and use to living in an area where food is scarce.  Where it is ok to steal from others to get some and if threatened it may be best to run away.  As for the movie, they were likely being territorial and 1 trying to fight off the other domehead.  Remember in the movie food was very scarce and hard to find.  

They have shown an adult domehead standing with some others in a tv episode, like the Amazing Threehorn Girl.  It looks like in this episode the adult knows there is plenty of food and there is no need to steal it or keep others away.


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Interestingly, while Pachycephalosaurus is described as a plant-eater in most media, some paleontologists have suggested that it and its relatives were omnivores. The teeth of the LBT pachys are much larger and sharper than those of the real dinosaur, but if you look at a pachycephalosaur skull (, you will see that this wasn’t exactly a dinosaur you would call a “flattooth.” (There’s no scientific basis for the ghoulish claws of the LBT domeheads, though.) The teeth in the front of pachycephalosaur jaws were pointed and conical (good for nipping), while those in the back were small and serrated, better suited for shredding than chewing. Interestingly, the theropod Troodonóa dinosaur generally regarded as a meat-eaterówas once believed to have been a pachycephalosaur, because its teeth were so similarly shaped; it too may have been omnivorous.
I’m willing to attribute the aggressive behavior of the LBT pachys to territoriality (the two in movie IV certainly seemed to show more interest in attacking each other than the gang), but I wouldn’t put it past the pachys in the first movie to have been intent on eating Cera. Perhaps such an opportunistic diet is what enables the domeheads to survive in regions forsaken by most other dinosaurs, such as the Burning Mountains and the Land of Mists. Consider that the egg stealers and fast runnersóboth omnivorous dinosaursóare seen to do reasonably well in regions that the Great Valley residents consider inhospitable.
As for the domeheads we have seen in the Great Valley (in movies V, VI, XI, and XII, as well as numerous TV episodes), I would imagine that the abundance of green food there removes the necessity for such territorial and part-time predatory behavior, allowing them the same “culturized” lifestyle as the other leafeaters. As an off-note, I suspect that the adolescent domeheads in the TV series are a different species (possibly Stegoceras or Prenocephale) than the other domeheads we have seen, given their radically different coloration and the fact that they lack nose horns (even the baby Pachycephalosaurus from movies VI and XII had those).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: Pangaea,Jun 14 2009 on  08:18 AM
*I didn’t take this photo, and hopefully I am not breaking any sort of copyright law by linking to it. If I am, please let me know, and I will find a replacement.
It doesn't matter if you post up someone else's picture :) (Only if the artist told that you should not use that picture without his or her permission, but that's usually not a problem at all)

At GoF we do not have some kind of rule that you can't post other people's pictures. :yes


  • Ducky
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Pachycephalosaurus is actually one of my favourite dinosaurs. I always wanted to see one of them as important positive character in LBT movie. :)


  • Petrie
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I started looking for posts on Domeheads today and I finally found one! Seems like a dead topic though...... Oh well!  :DD

I personally have a few theories on why the Domeheads in the first movie were so vicious, some already mentioned on the topic.
Theory 1- I have little doubt they were indeed territorial and I feel this has been explained enough already to support it.
Theory 2- They might've been hungry (Yes, I am thinking cannibalist gory thoughts, Malte!  :D  ). As pointed out by Malte, who knows how desperate they were!
Theory 3- I also believed that it pretty much seemed to have been a kind of game for them or something. I caught a few quick screenshots of the Domeheads smirking menacingly, as if they were enjoying scaring the living daylights out of a helpless hatchling. Maybe they are sadistic psycho bullies taking pleasure in attacking poor Cera for no rational reason.
Theory 4- And a dark thought of dino-version hate crimes is brought to my mind: what if they were attacking her simply for the reason that she was another species they might consider inferior to them.... This was a movie on racism and segregation and stuff... So maybe racial violence might be portrayed here.

Or maybe it's all four of them! I'm sorry if my post is a waste of time and isn't as clear as I want it to be, I'm just so sleepy today for some reason.


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On the contrary, reviving old threads and sharing new ideas is exactly the kind of thing that is appreciated and encouraged on the GOF, especially among new members. :yes Keep up the good work! :smile

Your second two theories are definitely food for thought. I’d never thought about the domeheads’ motives that way. The idea that it was the dinosaur equivalent of a hate crime certainly opens up the possibility of a whole new dark side to the species segregation in the LBT world. :blink:

By the way, technically, eating other leafeaters wouldn’t make the domeheads any more cannibalistic than sharpteeth, as cannibalism is defined as eating members of one’s own species. (Come to think of it, though, if the LBT dinosaurs have taboos against cannibalism, that might be exactly the kind of reasoning the domeheads use to justify such behavior.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Yay, so my reply was not in vain! I felt bringing in a dead topic would annoy everyone here, but I'm very happy to know it's not!

I had many reasons for the domehead's behavior, but these were the ones that made the most sense to me. I'm glad to have opened a dark side to this dark-filled movie. But I guess their true motives will never be known. If only those domeheads spoke, maybe then we'd know...  :) But I imagine, if it was a hate crime the domehead's were commiting, that must mean Topsy's a comparatively nice racist!

My science teacher lied to me then.  :cry  She gave me an example of 'cannibalism' and said to imagine a wolf eating my pet dog.... So Malte's comment made sense to me as a 'Leaf Eater eating another Leaf Eater' kinda thing. Makes me question what other wrong stuff our teachers are teaching us...  <_<