The Gang of Five
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Littlefoot was nervous. He was in a dark, gloomy wasteland. He was familiar with, painfully familiar with.

He saw her lying on the ground, motionless, and he relived that horrid memory that he buried deep in his mind. The memory of his mother saving him from Sharptooth, but getting killed in the process returned like a lightning bolt.

This had to be a dream, he was a child, and in real life had grown up years ago. But he was the size he was when it happened. As he approached, filled with fear, something came over him, an ominous shadow, a sharptooth's shadow.

He whirled around, and his mother's killer stood there, but he was still, his one good eye looking down on the helpless longneck before him. Littlefoot was paralyzed, and he waited for the end to come.

But instead of attacking, Sharptooth grinned wickedly, and he changed. He shrunk to smaller then Littlefoot. He had blue scales, red irises, and black pupils. Littlefoot was speechless.

"Chomper?" He asked. Chomper smirked, and lunged. Littlefoot was on the ground and his once-best friend stood over him, grinning mailiciously. "Chomper...NO!" Littlefoot yelled as Chomper attacked, just as he bit down, Littlefoot woke up.

He was sweating, fear coursing through him. Chomper just tried to kill him, but why, he was his friend, but it was a dream, just a dream. Or was it? He had a sense of foreboding and fear, was this a vision?

He looked to his side, his mate Ali lay there with their daughter, Saura. They were sleeping peacefully. Littlefoot couldn't think of what to make of the dream, he would get their group together and tell them, even though they were all adults, they still came together often. As he cautiously went back to sleep, he felt that something would happen, and soon.

Mr Wonk

  • Petrie
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This is really good. Please make more chapters if your going to. :DD


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Chapter 2, First blood

A flattooth was grazing peacefully on the edge of the Great Valley. Being a clubtail, she was to heavy a target to take down, atleast thats what most thought.

But in some trees not far away, an enormous sharptooth waited, and suddenly, it happened.

Naturally, it shocked the valley, the death of a clubtail seemed impossible to most, but apparently, whatever killed it had sustained no injuries, for no blood other then that of the victim was seen.

But for one longneck, this was even more unsettling. The dream Littlefoot had just last night and this attack just couldn't be a coincidence. He had not told his friends of it, but he had a bad feeling that something was about to happen.


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Chapter 3, Betrayal

"NO!!!" Littlefoot heard Cera scream. Did the sharptooth attack again? He had a very bad feeling it dead as he ran to help his friend, but being a longneck, he could only go so fast.

He hoped Redclaw hadn't found a way in, but as he heard the sound of crashing and roaring, he knew it must have been. But when he got there, it was not Redclaw fighting Cera, but a new sharptooth.

This one was atleast a foot larger then Redclaw, and had dark blue scales and red eyes, his left eye containing a large scar that looked like it was caused by a threehorn. But it was not fresh, so it had to have been an injury sustained weeks ago.

The enormous sharptooth was absolutley pummeling Cera, she was covered in claw marks and bites and the tip of one of her horns was broken. Littlefoot wasted no time, and he joined the fray, and not a moment to soon, as Cera had been slammed into the ground and wouldn't get up.

Littlefoot dove in front of the sharptooth, and swung his massive tail, stunning the sharptooth. The sharptooth roared in anger, but didn't retaliate. "Move!" He said in a vicious voice.

Littlefoot was shocked, and suddenly, he realized who this was. "Chomper??" He asked, not willing to believe it. The sharptooth nodded.

Littlefoot exploded. "HOW COULD YOU??! WE TRUSTED YOU AND YOU ATTACK CERA! SHE DID NOTHING! YOU BE-" Chomper cut him off. "Actually, longneck" Chomper snarled, "I am not after Cera, she is in my way. Her father is the one I am after." Chomper growled.

Littlefoot turned around, and he saw the barely breathing body of Mr. Threehorn, covered in injuries. "Why are you doing this?! What did he do to you?" Littlefoot growled.

Chomper's eyes flared and he bared his 13 inch teeth. "That bastard murdered my family." He roared. Littlefoot took it in. Was this the reason? "I see you don't believe me, so I'll say what happened: I had found myself a beautiful mate and we fell in love instantly, and just a month ago, she layed 4 eggs. I had gone off to catch some food, and when I returned, she was dead. I smelled Cera's father here, and there were threehorn tracks. So I did what any one would do." Chomper growled. His eyes were still angry, but they had a hint of sadness in them. "You call us monsters? You think we chose this, we are merely doing what we are meant to, but your kind kill us in cold blood, and think we have no feelings, I thought I could teach sharpteeth to be nice, but I guess I need to teach flatteeth to be nice! Goodbye flathead." Chomper snarled.