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Jrd89 · 67 · 7914


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THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ADJOURNED FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK TODAY.. meaning NOW.. (as of the 26th) they have 6 f**king days left.

if no deal's reached.. I can kiss at least another f**king half decade off of my life. and kiss my 20's goodbye.  The new car hope will vanish. Hopes of moving out/living on my own will vanish. (and forget about girlfriends/dates.. just screw that) might as well say hello to the possibility of "Jared, the 30-35 year old virgin."  O_O Goddd I HOPE NOT.!!

I GO TO SCHOOL FOR 13 YEARS,  from 1994 to 2007... have great school years. THEN after I graduate.. I watch america crumble into s**t.   DAMN it!! x ( :angry: I live in a country where congress fights and fights and fights and fights and fights and opposes to no end, and doesn't know how to properly maintain the country.

Someone help me out here...  > x (    Jared, if a deal fails.. KISS your chances of finally getting the $11,100 back that your mom and dad have owed you (been owing me money since September 2007.) as well as that BRAND NEW Chevrolet Camaro goodbye, and your future Florida life living by yourself independently. :( and being stuck with mom and dad for I don't KNOW how many more years ahead.  :cry

This is also the first year that i'm not feeling in a "christmas-sy" mood as I usually am during this time of year.. I'm just not feeling the "spark" that I usually do at Christmas time.

*Sorry,.. i'm dissapointed/panicky..I had a feeling congress'd head into Christmas break with no deal reached.  DAMN IT. so on the 26th, they'll have 6 days left to reach a deal...  OR LEEEET'S MELT THE F*CK DOWN AND GO BACK TO 2008 ALLLLLLLLLLL THE HECK OVER AGAIN!  :angry: *

I'm very angry, and will have felt like i've been hit and stabbed if they don't reach a deal by January 1st.  That'll mean BROKE country, chance of returning to college f*cked, and new car f*cked, and eventually a place to live on my own f*cked."

IT'LL STING and it'll sting hard (at least for me guys, and sorry for my overreacting)

I'm sure Obama does NOT want to see us dip baaaack into full-tilt-recession meltdown mode and step backwards..all the way back to 2008 alllll over again. :angry:


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jared, the truth is taxes, at their current rates are too low. going baxck to what they were under clinton will improve the 'checkbook' situation. the feds get more income and the defecit shrinks, becayuse spending is going down too. ki the top rate will be 39.6% a rate you wont hit. heck if you do pay taxes you are likely in the lowest bracket. will them going up mean you pay a bit more, yes, but in reality you should have been preparing for this moment all year, because the Repubklicans are extremely anti-government and wont vote for anything that raises taxes even by a nickel. the tax cuts were designed to expire, in reality they never should have been passed in the first place, as at the time we had projected surpluses going ion for nearly 10 years enough to retire most of our debt. instead we had ten years of tax cuts wars and unfunded expansions of givernment. all that needs to be paid for folks, and taxes need to go up t pay for it. we will have a bumpy first half of the year but ioonce we adjust it tit things will start to pick up..
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It's unwise to get a BRAND NEW car in any decade unless you're a superstar. At your age, you'll get HEAPED in debt if you get a brand new car, especially one of that particular brand. If you want a Camero, get one that's a little older and used. At least it'll have some miles on it.


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Not a '10, that's the first year of the style and i'm staying away from any "first year glitches/bugs"  '11?  yeah that's ok..  '12's are used, too. (and it was the last year for CD players in them) '13's are still brand new, and they got this new touch-screen radio system called "MyLink".. but they removed the CD player, thinking that the customer audience is young and that they've all gone digital...  not me, i'm still all cd's for my music.  so that's why I wouldn't want a '13 Camaro.

Before the 2010 camaro, you'd have to return to the stone age 1998-2002 body style. an 11 year old 2002 Camaro?  :angry: *BBZZZZTT!* :angry: No way! I've waited 5 years for a new car. I'm not gonna buy one based on a style that became available in the fall of 1997.

 A used '12 Camaro with a few thousand miles on it sounds nice. AND I can play all of my cd's in it, too since it was the last year to have cd players in them.


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insteasd of buying a new car jared why not put that money into the bank, so you have it if times are tough. in tough times you need to hold off on the wants for better times, you save money instead of spending it.
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Nick if I HAD that $11,100 all back that my mom owe me.., (owed me money since September 2007) it would be in my bank account right now, and the total'd be nearly $12,000. :(

(BTW, a brand new Camaro, with the trim level that I like)  (which is a silver with black leather interior 2LT Coupe with the RS package..)  costs about $32,000. (this is the brand new 2013 price i'm talking about).

 a '12 is identical to a '13 except for the radio...

(a 2012's radio looks like this..notice the cd slot) :

(a 2013 Camaro's radio looks like this in the link below.. all new touch-screen, no slot for the cds, cuz they thought most alllll of their customers have all gone digital with their music. however.. I am NOT one of those "digital music/ipod" people. )

The 2010 and 2011's have a different steering wheel center logo (the word "CAMARO" :

instead of the newer Chevrolet "bow tie" symbol the '12's and '13's have, like in this link of a 2012 camaro's steering wheel)

 and also they has a different design of numbers on the gauge displays.

the 2010 and 2011 Camaro's gauge numbers look like this.. they're in a tall, thin 1960's-ish style

They gave the gauges a new number design for 2012, it looks like this:

There's my technical info, guys. I prefer a '12, because it looks JUST like a new '13, except for the radio, BUT HEY! The only difference is, a '12's radio can play my cd's.. and a '13 can't.


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no need to for all caps jaed, i can tell you're upset, but rather than give up, ask yoursekf, how can i make the best of this situation? we're not going back to 2008 levels, point blank.  it would take say greece italy and spain leaving the euro to produce that much of disruption in the world markets..
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He's got a point. Compared to Greece, we're still doing better. A loooot better. I did hear someone say that they went to Greece for a school trip, and tried to go to the bank. But they found out that they closed early because everyone wanted to be with their families. The first thing I thought was "No wonder they're up to their knees in debt".


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Ptyra, the "it'll be 2008 all over again" was my own thought.  I'm so un-educated. :( You and Nick are much smarter than me in many areas.  :unsure:  I'm sorry. :cry

(sorry for typing in all caps. I know I fuss and yell like a spoiled rotten brat (my mom called me that a bunch whenever I threw a yelling screaming fit when I was a boy. :( )

That's my technical Info on any changes the Current generation of Camaro has gone through since it returned for the 2010 model year after a 7 year absence.

You see.. I notice and observe these little details, changes, and updates that a typical person wouldn't take notice of in this car over it's last 4 years. :(


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keeping cool is a strength. you cant get flustered over this. if we had better leadership representing us, we would't be in such a mess , ciourse if we had better leadership, wed be addressing the infrastructure in this country, as well as decreasing the gap between rich and poor.but we're not.
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I can't personally do anything about the poor leadership of the country, Nick. It's not a problem I can personally solve or do anything about. I have no choice but to ride through it, and deal with it.


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You want to know the difference between people who succeed and people who fail?  They don't spend money unnecessarily.  The last thing I purchased for myself (and not for business purposes) was a small Rainbow Dash figure.  It came in a pack with Guilda and a Wonderbolt.  Before that it was a second graphics cards so I could have triple monitors on the computer in my office.  I'd never DREAM of getting a car that's anywhere near new.  I sold the car I had that was new and now I don't even own one.  If I did buy one, it would be some Subaru Outback from like 1997 or something like that.  My mother and I lease a car now (we did this just to axe another car payment) and after the lease we're buying something cheap outright.  

Successful people NEVER go into debt and they never buy unnecessary things.  People that are NOT successful buy whatever they want and go into debt on every occasion.  The last thing you should do in your situation is buy a 2010 car.  It's just not smart.  Really, it's only practical purpose is to get you from point A to point B.  Sure it'd be nice to have a cool car, but it's not necessary.  I've had both awesome top of the line cars and pieces of shit worse than what you're driving now and honestly when you step back and compare them objectively, it's much nicer to own a piece of shit.  

As for the issue at hand (fiscal cliff), this economy is getting so shitty I'm going to go drop $30k in silver to hedge against inflation and protect myself from this ridiculous fiat currency.  It's just such BS.  And I'm going to own REAL physical silver, not the BS paper silver.  Really, what's the difference between the US dollar and paper silver?  People make no sense.  I'm gonna go rent a safe deposit box.  $30k in silver is quite a lot of silver (about 60lbs).


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OK landbeforetimelover. O_O  ok.. you do what you think is best for your life.

I can buy what car I want, I DIDN'T SAY I WAS READY TO BUY.. RIGHT now.. O_O

I go by a saying: "Don't bite off more than you can chew" which means (don't buy something that's too expensive or that would be difficult for me to handle/maintain the payments on... than what i'm capable of handling.

I didn't say I was going to run out and buy a car now, dude. This'll still be several months away. For now, I am working/saving money in my bank account, and if i had that $11,100 that mom and dad owe me.. that'd be put away in the account, too.

I won't be buying a car for several months yet.. I'm ok for now. ;)


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I'm not sure if the Republicans and Democrats will ever come to an agreement on how to avoid the fiscal cliff. The Republicans want to cut beneficial programs like Social Security and Medicare while the Democrats are in favor of raising taxes on the rich (at least that is the vibe I get with those two partisan groups). But neither side will accept the proposal of the other.

Republicans fail to see that cutting Social Security and other beneficial programs like that will not help the defeciet. We will not see any improvement in the society; in fact we will see the opposite. Things will go downhill. Sure the rich will be just fine, but the middle class and poor class who relied on Social Security will suffer and poverty will increase. Social Security, in truth, has nothing to do with the defeciet and, if cut, that money will not go back anywhere where it would help out the economy. Ronald Reagan himself realized this when he was in office years ago.

I am in favor of raising the taxes on the rich like the Democrats are pushing towards, but Republicans are so determined not to let that happen. My guess is they are only doing this because of the financial support. They crave that money they get from the rich and are letting them get richer so they can get bigger and bigger chunks of money.

But I see no other way to avoid the fiscal cliff. The rich have a ton of money. They can part with some of it. Raising taxes on the rich would allow more money to through the economy and ease up the defeciet and help improve our country's condition. Another great option is to reduce the military's budget. The army has way too much money, a lot more than it actually needs. Cutting it by half will not destroy the military and it will greatly benefit the economy as a whole.

We don't need tax cuts for the rich and we don't need an overly bloated military budget. Both are the reasons the country is in such bad shape.


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Jared, just remember that most rich people don't act like their rich, and that's why their rich. A lot of people have fancy toys, new cars, big ass houses, ect, but they're not all as rich as they look. They don't actually own those things, and they're living in dept with huge lease or house payments.

I know you want a BRAND NEW CAR!, but if I was in your shoes, I'd put that 12 grand in savings, assuming I'd ever get it back in the first place.
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Is a brand new car really necessary? What's wrong with a used one?


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Dec 21 2012 on  08:46 AM
I am in favor of raising the taxes on the rich like the Democrats are pushing towards, but Republicans are so determined not to let that happen.
I agree, the rich are a likely target, but how is that fair? Most people who are rich came into that wealth by working their ends off, and now... we want to tax their hard-earned living to our own means?

I mean, I can understand the temptation. Just the other day I read that some well--to-do somewhere had bought a million-dollar Ford Mustang or something obscene like that, so it's easy to tax the rich and let us get off easy.

But is that really fair?

If this keeps up, the rich won't have money to be taxed for, and then where will we be? Without any moneybags to tax... we're screwed. Charge them like you would any other citizen, don't pick on them just cuz their wealth's good.

That's just the way I see it :bang

@Jared, have you thought about leasing a car? I'm leasing a new Jetta for about $200 per month and I'm about as far from rich as you can imagine :) really, I think it's a good way to go.
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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Dec 21 2012 on  10:50 AM
I mean, I can understand the temptation. Just the other day I read that some well--to-do somewhere had bought a million-dollar Ford Mustang or something obscene like that, so it's easy to tax the rich and let us get off easy.
Fair? How is it fair?

Let me ask you something.

How is it fair to put heavier taxes on the middle class and the poor? How is it fair that the rich just get richer and richer and don't have to pay a whole lot while the poor and middle class are forced to bear the bulk of the country? How is it fair that the rich make much more money than most people in this country and yet get so many tax breaks while the middle class and poor, who are struggling to make ends' meat, are expected to pay more and more in taxes?

No offense, but the rich are not victims here. The poor and middle class are. The rich act like victims, acting as if "Oh no I won't have as much money!" But the reality is because of all the money they make, they should be taxed higher. It is like asking the tallest person to reach something. It is not "picking on them"; they are the only people who can do that job. The rich should contribute more to society.

They will not be drained of money. Raising taxes on them back to 75% will still leave them with way more money than most people in this country.

My family happens to be middle class, going into poor. They are struggling every day just to get by. My mom talked about that they might even lose the house. Are you telling me they are not 'real victims'? That they are just 'lazy' and 'should try to get better jobs'? Well I'll tell you this: they are trying to get better jobs, but it is quite hard in this day and age.

So please don't tell me how the "Poor rich are being victimized and taken from their money", because there are a lot more people out there more deserving of a tax break than the rich who make tons more money.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Dec 21 2012 on  08:28 AM
Is a brand new car really necessary? What's wrong with a used one?
That's my thinking too. A 2010 car is still a bad idea, even if it's several months away. The only time that it might be okay to get a 2010 would be in, say 2025...but compared to cars by then, it might be a piece of crud. It doesn't matter how much different the logo design is or the interior design. You will not have the money to afford one. Even in several months! It is an extremely stupid thing to do, especially if you're freaked out over the economy!


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Strut, the top tax rate was as high as 94%, and adjusted for inf;ation required income of more than 80 million to hit. the five waltons have a combined wealth of 100 billion, no family could ever need, or even spend, that much, even if they tried. trying to recapture idle money, money sitting there doing nothing, is why taxes shuld be very high, it puts an incentive to keep reivesting money into your work or business rather than take it out for yourself, use it or lose. as for the tax burden, the poor cannot shoulder it, and the rich refuse to, even through they own roughly 90% of the wealth in this country, and could shoulder the burden the best. so with those two clases eliminated it falls on the middle class.
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