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Jrd89 · 67 · 7927


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^Exactly.  And depending on a variety of factors, it might be best to just keep what you have and fix it up.  You can add a CD player to your current car for less than $200.  Go with something used and to some guy that does it on the slide (cash only, no reporting to the government) and you can probably get one installed for about $80.  

Having an old car isn't that bad.  Every time you drive it you can think of how much money you're saving.  And that's a GOOD feeling.  Just get the thing overhauled so you're not breaking down all the time, install a CD player if you want it, and enjoy the endless savings that go with it.


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Well, I think he's got a point about the car he has right now. It's on it's last legs it seems. Installing a CD player would be pretty much futile.
Still, there are plenty of old cars in working order. My mother and I saw a Thunderbird earlier today. In 2011, my dad and I saw (and geeked out over) a 1930 Ford in such pristine condition, it was driven regularly. And I knew it was a fargin' old car because it had a "vote Roosevelt" sticker in the back window XD . I think that was my favorite part. It even had the old horn and backseat--the owners said they used it for groceries.  

Old -/- total crud. It's a real eye-turner I think, and I really enjoy seeing old cars on the road when I can


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My parents tend to get old cars and a lot of them break down after a couple years. Like the one we have now, a Saturn, the reverse is busted and the transmission is going so it's very hard going uphill.

But that's not really the car's fault. It's my dad's. The car's warnings work fine and dad has seen the warnings. But he's the kind of guy that pushes things off until he absolutely has to do something. One of my sisters complains about this regarding my dad. We do not understand why he doesn't fix the problems when they first become apparent. It would save him money, but he insists on not doing anything, perhaps thinking the problem will magically go away or something.

The Saturn can still be saved, but it would cost hundreds of dollars, money dad may not have had to spend had he just gotten it fixed before the problem escalated. Now they are looking to find a new car. I just hope that dad will finally learn the error of his ways and actually get the car looked at the moment something goes wrong.

But knowing how stubborn he is, I doubt he'll do that.


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You're right, Ptyra, this thing IS a piece of crap. IT MAKES A HORRID TERRIBLE LOUD GRINDING NOISE when it's running 1,000 RPM'S and under.. and it has attracted UN-WANTED stares and negative attention. it says  "HEY, LOOK AT THE PIECE OF S**T he's driving!*  the terribly loud grinding noise sounds like this: (and dad thinks it's the engine's fly-wheel....WHICH WE JUST HAD FREAKING FIXED BACK IN APRIL some hillbilly mechanic who lived out in the country (dad gave him the flywheel part he found on a "junkyard" Riviera and put it on ours.. and now THIS one is GRINDING LIKE THE OLD one did in April '10 !!! :angry: :angry:   DAMN it! :angry:  :angry:

 ***RUNNGGA RUNNNGA RUNNNGA.. RUNGG-A RUNNG-A RUNNG RUNNNNG RUNNNG RUNNNG  RUNNG  RUNNGG RUNGGG!!!!!!  and the car shakes too, as the engine makes that HORRIBLE HUMILIATING "LOOK AT ME!! I'M A POOR A**ED HILLBILLY DIRTBAG!!" sound. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:  :angry:*** THAT'S the sound the engine makes when it's running at 1,000 RPM's or lower.

I have to have it revved over 1,000 rpm's (gently holding the gas pedal down very slightly..just so it's above 1,000 RPM's while waiting at red lights and stop signs) to avoid red light/stop sign grinding/embarrassment.

Personally, I say that lbtlover couldn't be more wrong on keeping the damn car.

LBT Fact: That '95 Riviera was built in April of 1994. at that time,! of the 12 LBT sequels EXISTED! (The Great Valley Adventure was released in December 1994)

Ptyra, this is not a car that should belong in a vintage/antique/collector car museum. It's not that kind of a car. It's a '95 Buick Riviera worn to near s**t, NO horn, TERRIBLE LOUD grinding noise due to the "second" fly-wheel problem in the last 2 years..

HAVE I MENTIONED that my dad's had the transmission worked on... TWICE? WE'VE gone through 3 transmissions (and yes the second and third ones were used parts dad found in a junkyard off of another Riviera.)

It's had SO MANY damned repairs done to it in the last 4 years.. it's freaking un-real!

Don't worry. i'm not going to get a brand spanking new 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, rest assured.  O_O  I'm not gonna get something that's dumped/gotten rid of it's cd player for those young digital music Apple Ipod-nuthead buyers.. and a '12 is IDENTICAL in appearance inside and outside except for the radio.

an '11 Chevy Camaro is identical inside and outside to a '13 except for the style of the numbers on the speedometer/gages.. and the radio. IF you wanted to know.

I will also add..that this coming August-September, the '14's will be released, making a 2012 Camaro 2 years old this coming August-September.

Remember... :) THIS  CAMARO   will  not.. will not...willlll not...   be   a   brand   new  2013.  

(A used '12 with between 10,000-15,000 miles on it will do and it'll have depreciated a few thousand dollars, too.. PLUS I can play my cd's in it).

 :)  :)  (lets NOT forget the down payment/monthly payment method, too.)  :| Remember that you DON'T have to pay for a brand new car IN FULL $$$ on the spot.

I WILL NOT go any newer than 2012 for a Camaro.  

Production of the Camaro stopped after 2002. Then, there were NO CAMAROS made between 2003-2009, and then it returned with the neat retro-1960's style in March of 2009 as a 2010 model.

2011 Camaros look exactly like a '10 does.   a '12 Camaro has the chevrolet "bowtie" logo on the horn pad of the steering wheel instead of the word "C  A  M  A  R  O" on it like the '10's and '11's did.  and a '13 has that new. AM/FM/Satellite/Mp3/ipod player in it with NO cd player.

If I get a Camaro, i'll choose an '11 or a '12, Ptyra. (I'd like the '12) (I repeat once again that this is an event that is still several months away, and I do not know when it'll happen either.)

the '95 Buick Riviera WILL get sold  GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD-BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! > : )

Dad and I have no intentions of keeping the car, ALL KINDS of's poured HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of dollars of repair work into it, taking it to several different mechanics/guys... and will put that heap of trash out for sale (when we can GET our freaking Michigan house/property sold, and when mom really starts making sales in real estate and gets to really selling houses so that our money supply is great again. I'M doing MY part at my job..Dad's doing HIS part at his job.. mom's the one who's not making money getting regular paychecks every 2 weeks like dad does (I get paid once EVERY week at my job).. because as a real estate mom ONLY gets paid when she's sold something.) When mom's gotten to bigger sales, earning more money, and/or our Michigan house is sold.. then mom and dad  can give me all of the money back that they owe me. Meanwhile I can build my bank account and save the money as the wait continues. ;)  

We'll see what happens with my mom in this busy Florida winter season and how she does on her condo/home sales.... the winter tourists here in Florida really start to pour in after Christmas is over. and it'll be really busy with all the tourists until the very end of April when those people start going back to their homes up in the north for the summer. First though, I want to see how the first half of 2013's going to play out for me, my mom, and my dad money-wise.

Ptyra: To me, your car's age is fine. mid 2000's ('04, '05, and '06) is ok. those aren't "old/pieces of crud" to me.  I'd call "old"...  a car more than 10 years old.

My car age scale is:  ( between brand new-5 years old is "young".  between 6-10 years old is "middle aged". and 11 years old or older is "old". )

So Ptyra, to me, your Dodge Neon is in it's "middle" years.. meaning of course it's nothing new, but it's also not an old junk-heap on its last legs ready to collapse and die. You're ok for right now, and you can keep it for as many years as you want to, and sell it whenever you want to. ;)  It's your car, Ptyra. ;)


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THE MERCEDES HAS SHIFTING PROBLEMS.. THE RIVIERA has acceleration issues and trouble keeping a steady engine idle. It now has 249,399 miles on it. THE Darn car stalled out on me 5 times today..but I recovered things, I stopped on the side of the road.. re-started the engine..and got it running again..and I continued my driving.

Somehow, I need to remain calm and keep relaxed. All the "tough stuff" has to pass eventually. :|


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Well, look on the bright side. You keep the car going way beyond what the manufacturer intended. You could become a car repair wizard. ;)

But everything has its limits. Are you sure that car will hold out until you have enough money for the 2011 Camaro? Why not settle for something cheaper and a bit older? It won't be a 2011 Camaro, but it will still leave your current car in the dust.


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Jansenov, what we'll do, is  dad will get a car first.. dad and I will share whatever that vehicle is... then when I have enough money, i'll get my own car (the Camaro) and IT WILL be used ;) it is not going to be brand new. ;)

That's the car plan with me and my dad, Jansenov.  

I'm not a repair wizard. :| that's dad and the auto repair center mechanics. Not me.

(although I do know how to check fluid levels (the list includes washer fluid, oil, transmission fluid, and engine coolant) and also tire pressure. I know a few things, anyways. I'm not some idiot who only drives it and puts gas in it and doesn't do anything else. ;)  No way! Lol!

I'm fortunate to know how to do a few things, but not everything. (and I do not know how to change a flat tire, (i've never had one anyways, and my dad doesn't let the tires go completely bald on our cars and gets new tires regularly when necessarty.)

Btw, In my high school days, (2003-2007), they did not have an auto shop class like my dad did in his high school years (1973-1977). I'm not a car mechanic wizard. O_O but I know a few things anyways. ;) and I can name the years a body style ran for on some cars (nearly all I know about for "styling" info are American cars (Are GM and Ford.. i've never been a fan of Chrysler or a Chrysler person.. and think they're the crappiest of America's big 3 automakers.

Ford has brushed up on their quality, and are not the "ollllld" "Fix Or Repair Daily"..."Found On the Road Dead".. Ford that they used to be several years ago)

To give you an example for styling info, for the Riviera.. the 1995 Buick Riviera's body style ran from 1995-1999 and it was the last body style before they quit making them due to very low sale levels. (only 1,956 1999 Buick Rivieras were built) and the last 200 were called "Silver Arrows", which is a special paint scheme/trim.. hearkening back to the original 1963 Riviera "Silver Arrow" concept car.

I'm not those "well, it's a thing that has an engine and 4 tires" and my dad and I know a lot about cars (well.. my dad's specialty.. information-wise, is GM..especially the '60's and '70's.., he knows things about Ford's too, but he likes GM the most, if you wanted to know. ;)

 my mom is the dumbest on cars in our family. Dad and I are the smartest (well, with GM and Ford vehicles anyway.) with cars in our family. Don't ask me or my dad about foreign cars though.  heh heh. My dad likes European Luxury brands (Mercedes/BMW) if you talk about foreign stuff.. But don't talk about asian/jap cars..we do NOT do that in our family. No "Jap/slant-eye rice-burners" as my dad sometimes says.

But dad and I are about american cars for information. (GM and Ford, we're not into Chrysler..(dad knows some 60's/70's Chrysler info though, he's best with the '60's on that... and all his "when dad was a boy, he used to see those..".. flashbacks..etc..  you know.

and dad knows/likes GM the best personally. It's made him sad to see the end of Oldsmobile in '04.. who used to make models such as the Cutlass Supreme and the Toronado.

 and the end of Pontiac in '09, who used to make cars like the Grand Prix, the Trans-Am, the Firebird, the Bonneville, the GTO.. :|  y'know, those cars.) It made my dad very sad to see those 2 brands go.  I strongly love Chevrolet's Camaro resurrection to return to competing against Ford's Mustang, and Camaro is winning currently in sales. I know last year (For "new" car sales in 2011) there were more Camaros sold than Mustangs, so Chevrolet's muscle/pony car is winning the battle (right now), guys. ;)

But as I was saying.. the plan'll buy another car to replace the very old/ancient Riviera.. dad and I WILL SHARE his new car.. THEN,. when I have enough money.. I'LL buy my own car. ;) ok? that's my plan.


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If you want to get the car by the time it will be used, you will be living under your parent's roof for a looooong time.
If you want a Camero, get an older model. I have neighbors selling one that they've had for several years now, but I'm not sure what it is or condition or how much for. But don't get that model unless you want to be in your parents house until you're 35!


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Ptyra, i know you're on the "home team"... I know you're telling me to watch out and be careful with what you're doing. By the way, if you wanted to know... the last year of Camaro before they brought them back for 2010...was 2002. :|

I want to see what happens in the year ahead. I'M NOT BUYING BRAND NEW. Dad and I will share his "next car" he buys to replace that trash piece '95 Buick Riviera.

Our house in Michigan MIGHT SELL this year.. remember that. ;)

 I MIGHT be getting my $11,100 that they owe me..given back to me. remember that, too. ;)

It's not like i'm Mr. Crazy-Car-Headed Jared and want to get some brand new $65,000 662 horsepower Ford Mustang Shelby GT-500. >: O !!! . or a brand new $126,000 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 with 638 horsepower >8 O !!!. THAT WOULD be beyond the most insane point of insanity in existence..

(PLUS i can't drive manual transmissions anyways.. I only know how to drive I don't want to "work constantly shifting through gears all the darn time. : ( I hate stick shifters personally."

I want to see how the upcoming year is going to play out. I can do what I want to. :(  I made $12,071 this past year alone at the Publix grocery store (more than what i've earned in any year before in my life.).., my dad earned $125,000 at the power plant.. that's 1/8 of a million dollars. (but remember the bills/all the crap my parents are catching/keeping up on, too. that's the only reason why I don't have my owed money back, and why we haven't replaced the old Riviera with another car yet.

Cheer me on, guys. Hope that our old Michigan house sells (we have renters in it now..and they MIGHT buy it! it's only a matter of time and decision from them) , and also... hope that my mom can sell a bunch of real estate/houses/condos this season. ;)  Stay positive, guys..

Plan is.. Dad buys new car... dad and Jared share "that" car... when the "Month/point in time" comes that Jared has enough money, he'll get his own car. ;) IT WILL NOT BE BRAND NEW!   I promise, guys.

I WILL keep working and WILL keep saving money. :| I got raised to $8.25 an hour. I made $12,071 in 2012 alone. I think i'll be saved up to $17,000 before the end of summer..and if i still haven't bought yet.. i think i'll be at $23,000 before the end of 2013.. (REMEMBERING that the price of a brand new 2013 Chevrolet Camaro 2LT coupe with the RS package.. is about $32,000.    the '12's will have depreciated below $30,000...   PLUS I DON'T NEED ALL THE MONEY at once to pay for it. I can do the down/monthly method. :( I have faith in myself. I know I can do this.  Be optimistic.

:( it's a bummer that you're the only guys i've talked to who are against me getting a Camaro. :(  (except for Struteggstealer and Belmont so far.)   not any.. "good luck, Jared. ^_^".. or "You can do it Jared, keep working at it, you'll get it. ;) "   :(    

Those who i've talked to (at the store) about the Camaro support it and some give me encouragement. :( OF COURSE my dad does, too... saying.. "think of that new Camaro, Jared"..  or.. "don't worry Jared..things are going to get better.. we're just going though some s**tty times right now.. but they ARE GOING to get..better. just keep hanging in there... they're going to get better."

And I know that they will eventually get better.


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i think the problem here was that of context. you gave the impression that you were thinking of a topflight, almost new car in the teens and paying for it yourself. which was not your intention at all, but that was the impression some of us were getting. . having your dad help pay for it makes it much more reasonable for you, after all, he makes much more than you do. lets say you split the cost 50=50, at 15K that means your share would be 7500.  that would be covered by the money your folks owe you, and you can pile up cash from your jobs for other things.  lets say you want to take a trip to a national park, for instance. you'll have money to do that, if you keep putting money away. obviously, you guys need a car as your car, well, is falling apart, and you're keeping it together with  duck tape at this point. saving money is a good thing, and that raise eill help rack up money faster. having self confidence is good, and we like earning things.  having your own car is obviously a big goal for you, and thats a very good thing, you keep working hard and saving money, then you'll get that car. once you get enough money you look for something you like, thats in your budget, or a little above if dad is willing to pitch in a little. i'm roooting for you jared, hopefully 2013 will be better for you.
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I'll keep saving my money, Nick. Let's see what 2013 will bring me. (Sorry for sounding like a hot-shot showoff).. I didn't mean.. "hey guys.. I'M getting a nearly new Camaro.."  what I mean to say was.. "i'm saving my money" so eventually i'll be able to get one.

Dad'll buy a Riviera replacement, we'll share the replacement, then when i'll have enough money, when my income is right, when the time is right.. i'll get the Camaro. :| Right now it's about hanging in there and saving's not about buying the car as soon as possible. Right now for me, it's about saving.

Thanks for rooting for me, Nick. Yes, I am looking forward to having a better 2013. ;)


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Dec 21 2012 on  10:39 PM
Which is why I support the rich getting more heavily taxed. There's no reason why they need all that money. What good is that money to anyone if it just accumulates in some rich dude's house, sitting around and doing nothing?

If the rich truly want to be an important element of society, then they can pay their share. Expecting the middle class to pay for all the taxes is ludicrous. The middle class just don't earn nearly as much. It makes more economic sense to tax the much richer folks who have a lot more money to spare.
Then again, what incentive is there for people to be successful if they're just going to get taxed more?
Just bc some executive isn't doing 'real work like physical labor' they are still doing work. Filling out order forms, planning deals, getting in touch with employees so they are covered, finagling schedules is a lot of work. Don't ever think of 'rich people' as just sitting on their rears doing nothing, they earned that much money by working HARD, doing physical labor, and now they are in the execs position, and someday, that's where we will be, if we work hard enough.
The middle class don't HAVE to pay for everything, and neither do the rich.
Who says they don't pay their share? Obama, you're a rich guy, set the example if you want people to follow you.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Taxes may be higher if you earn more, but so is the income. Contrary to popular legend there is no way you can end up having less because you earn more due to higher taxes. If a higher tax rate is imposed upon people who earn more than a million bucks a year someone who earns a 1 000 100 a year will still get more than someone who earns 999 999. Thing is that the first million is still taxed at the same rate and only what is earned beyond that first million is taxed at the higher rate.
No work one person can do justifies that person getting paid hundreds of times as much as someone else who is working. Given the havoc caused by many bankers, CEOs and other so called "financial experts" and given how many get paid pensions way beyond what most people can ever dream to earn in their lifetimes as "compensations" for being replaced after totally messing up in business I really don't see why those who have in abundance should not be required to pay higher rates.


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I don't understand it either.

Interestingly enough, there are rich folks who want to be taxed higher. I forget the article, but it mentions a lot of rich people (either most or half) do want to pay higher taxes. But the Republicans won't let them.


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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Dec 29 2012 on  04:30 PM
Don't ever think of 'rich people' as just sitting on their rears doing nothing, they earned that much money by working HARD, doing physical labor, and now they are in the execs position, and someday, that's where we will be, if we work hard enough.
People like you just don't get it.  It's just like it was hundreds of years ago.  America is NOT a place of opportunity like it once was.  You're born into a social class and it's almost impossible to get ahead unless you win the lottery or happen to invent some million dollar invention.  There are exceptions, but it's rare.  Taxing the rich higher on their upper brackets of income won't fix this problem, but at least the little guy won't have to pull most of the weight anymore.  

The "work hard, earn money, put it in the bank, and retire at 55" thing hasn't worked for at least 20 years now.  Now it's nothing but big fat cat bastards cutting your wages/hours and making you do the job of three people.  Then they fire you right before you retire so they don't have to pay your retirement.  Oh and I love how they give you 38 hours a week of work so they don't have to pay you any benefits.  That's just lovely.  The greed of the 1% needs to be curbed.  You can do that by taking away 99% of the money they make over a "reasonable" amount.  It worked in the past and it will work now.  But the amount needs to be a LOT lower than it is now.  Any more than 5 million a year is just ludicrous.  Remember, they can KEEP their $4,999,999 and save it up.  So they'll "retire" with a couple hundred million.  If that isn't good enough for them, then TOO BAD.


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While I agree with progressive taxation, it alone cannot mitigate the consequences of catastrophic decisions of certain people in powerful positions. Higher tax rates above a certain income can bring in additional trillions, but they are of little comfort when bad decisions destroy tens of trillions in wealth and lives.

So even more than progressive taxes, we need to devise an effective way to remove psychopaths from positions of power. And while I read various estimates of the percentage of psychopaths in the general population, from 0.3% to 4%, all those studies agree on one thing: the more powerful a position in society, the greater chance it is occupied by a psychopath. That type of personality is naturally attracted to power and, being reckless and irresponsible, has no moral issues in doing anything necessary to reach it.

I like socially just societies, but even more I like societies led by people who fear for their fate and the fate of their fellow humans.


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(Ptyra I do have an alternative plan too if I can't do the Camaro. I got serious in my thinking today. :(  

An alternative plan that i've been keeping in my mind... to a 2011-2012 Camaro.. is an '05-'09 Ford Mustang)

The busy winter tourist season here in Florida runs through the end of April. (before they head back north to their homes for the summer). IF I KNOW for SURE.. that I still CANNOT afford an '11 or '12 Camaro... then i'll go looking for a 2005-2009 Ford Mustang, since Chevrolet made no Camaros from 2003 to 2009.

An '09 Mustang doesn't sound too bad (4 years old, it'll be 5 model years old when Ford releases the '14 Mustangs this spring) How about that? :| :|

Having a latest design available/top notch car is not my life! :|,

and the important thing is... I've gotta have room money-wise for other things that I want to do in my life besides making car payments/car insurance payments...

Summary: If I can't afford to buy an '11 or '12 Chevrolet Camaro when I reach the point in time when i'm ready to buy....... then i'll use my alternative plan and try for an '05-'09 Ford Mustang.

I want to have nice, fun wheels..but I don't want to go bust the bank open on it either. I like the new Camaros/Mustangs .and I love their 1960's-retro styling. (Mustang's debuted in 2005, and Camaro's debuted in 2010)

and I'd like to have one of my own. so if the 2011-2012 Camaro is STILL goint to be too much for me to buy when i'm ready to do it... then i'll look for a 2005-2009 Mustang if I want something cheaper, and an 05-09 Mustang IS going to cost less, but it'll be just as nice/fun of a car as an '11-'12 Camaro.

I'm sorry for being Mr. Show-off/showboat back there in my earlier posts. : |


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(at the eleventh hour) they did it! The Senate reached an agreement! ^_^ Yes!


  • Cera
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That's great news man glad things are working out for you.


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Any news on what this deal entails yet, or are they still ironing things out?
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Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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