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Wisdom Tooth Extraction


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Here's what I wrote on my DA journal that pretty much sums it up:

….all because of me. Today we went to the dentist to pull out a highly infected wisdom tooth that’s been paining me for about half-a-year. And it was a prime example of how the pain of the treatment is far worse than the pain of the ailment itself. I would go so far as to say that it was the worse pain that I could remember to date, even far worse than an abscess in need of draining or a broken ankle. No amount of local anesthesia was working…

And I had little control over my body’s reaction. Although my parents were supportive at first, they also seemed to have trouble understanding that when one’s in intense pain, they have little to no control over their subsequent actions. Mine was trembling (the first time I ever trembled in pain and fear of something), jerking, and screaming. Really, it was a wonder I managed to stay still without biting or running away, that’s how bad it was.

Needless to say, the whole procedure was in vain as the dentists could do little to control my body’s reactions. I was trying my very best to stay cooperative and quiet, but my body was having none of it. Not even heavy metal music from my iPod, blasted at full volume, distracted from the pain (and that’s a method that’s always worked somewhat in the past). I believe this is the first time I couldn’t get a medical procedure done…

…and I feel horrible. It was all my fault…

After it was all over, I tried to at least comfort myself with the thought that this is one of the very rare instances where my step-dad showed that he actually cared. We never seem to get along very well and we almost never talk on our own devices (really, I’m full-on convinced that he doesn’t like me, period). But today, he stayed by my side for a good while, letting me hold his hand and reassuring me through my agony. But then, we got home and away from public eye…

I understand he was frustrated, we were all frustrated, but I’m a firm believer that the real truth is always spoken in anger. When we got home, he let loose on me, telling me how I was a wimp for not hanging in there long enough for the tooth to be removed. How he and mom had to miss work, “ALL TO ACCOMMODATE MISS THING” (“Miss Thing” referring to me…). Maybe I’m misinterpretating it, but that’s basically saying to me: “This is all your fault and you’re a disgrace and a disappointment. I’d rather have been working than trying to help my oldest (step)-daughter in her time of need. If only you were more like your sister, you pussy! Wasting all my money on your stupid ass…”


We’re going to an Oral Surgeon on a later date (I’m not sure when). They’re going to have to put me under to finish what they started…

I’m very disappointed in myself.

 :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry

I need a hug...


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I really, really wish I could give you a real hug right now, but this will have to do:

*gives long, comforting, reassuring e-hug*

I'm so sorry for all the painóboth physical and emotionalóyou had to go through. :( Honestly, if your stepfather really thinks that missing a day of work is worth more than you not suffering in agony (not sure if I wrote that right, but you know what I mean), then…well, at best he's got some seriously disorganized priorities, and at worst he's being downright cruel. :anger You certainly shouldn't feel like this is your fault, Sparky: no one could have predicted that the anesthetic wouldn't work for you, or what your pain tolerance would be in this scenario. There are plenty of people out there who (no offense to them) would probably be unable to sit through such a procedure because they'd have no control over their body's fear response (i.e., they'd be shaking too much for the dentist to even get started), and others who would be too nervous to get in the dentist's chair in the first place. (Heck, situations like the one you experienced are exactly the kind of reason so many people are afraid to visit the dentist!) You did your best to see this thing through, but as you said, your body just couldn't handle it. That's nothing to be ashamed of.

I hope you get that tooth taken care of soon with no further complications, and that you feel better in all respects. As always, you're more than welcome to PM or e-mail me if you need to vent, if you need a confidant, or if you just need emotional support. I promise you I won't mind. *hugs again*

Your buddy,


Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I had this done and I was put under and I was in pain for a whole week. I overdosed on painkillers to get rid of the pain. I took Vicoden and four alieve pills. Everyday and the pain finally broke after doing days of that. And I hope you feelbetter soon. And it's not your fault that your body said no to the drilling and other things. Hope that tooth comes out soon. And hope you feel better as well.


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Every one of us has a different pain threshold (not that having a high threshold is an advantage; in some situations it's better to fall unconscious than continue suffering). It's not something you can control, and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. You gave your best, and that's it. I've suffered some pretty bad pains myself, specifically incapacitating abdominal pain that no one could explain, once as a child, but I don't know how I would behave in your situation. Teeth are very sensitive.

Be better soon! :)


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they should have put you under in order to remove the tooth, as removing teeth is a very painful process. local anesthesia in this case clearly wasnt enough. the tooth will come out and you'll be on painkillers for awhile but you'll get through this
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Sounds really painful... :cry
Hope you feel better soon...


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That sounds really bad, sorry you had to go through that. I've only ever had to have one tooth removed, and I didn't enjoy it one bit. Don't listen to what your step dad told you, he sounds like a jerk. Try pulling a tooth out of his mouth when the anaethesia isn't working properly, see if he 'hangs in there'  :bang

Since they had to stop after they'd already started, what the condition of your tooth now? Hopefully they didn't get too far into the procedure.

Also, don't feel disappointed in yourself. You probably lasted longer than I would have   :yes


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When I had my wisdom teeth extracted, they just wanted to give me laughing gas or some shit.  I said screw that and forced them to put me under.  I knew that it COULDN'T be a fun procedure and took the necessary steps to make sure this didn't happen to me.  They really didn't want to do it, but I said I'd refuse the procedure if they didn't.  The dentist wanted his $2,000 so he went ahead and did it after I insisted on it.  I suggest you and everyone else do the same thing.  The pain freaking sucked afterwards and I couldn't imagine being awake while they did that to me.  I hate doctors/dentists.


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When I had my wisdom teeth removed I actually passed out while they were getting me ready. :lol Next thing I know, I wake up in the car remembering nothing from the procedure. (No matter what my mom tells me about it, I can't remember anything.  Apparently, I was in a wheel chair for an hour.  Yeah, I was REALLY out. :blink: )

Still remember the pain after that though.  Ugh! -_-

Still, best of luck to ya. :)


  • Petrie
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Thank you all for the support and reassurances. *group hug* It's certainly making me feel better about all this; it's just hard not to blame myself since that's what my parents are doing and I already have self-esteem issues.

In answer to a question by bushwacked: Right now, a quarter of my wisdom tooth is missing, about half of the expose part. The other half and both roots are still there. The dentists also stitched something up, but I can't really see anything as my poofy inner-cheek is in the way. It hurts a lot and I have to take double the dose of vicodin (sp?), which keeps knocking me out during the day but is of little help at night when the pain is at its worse. Last night was a disaster.

On Wednesday, they're going to give me an IV anesthetic, which is making me nervous. Not only am I needle-phobic, but when I read the description I noticed that it only said that it'll make me "calmer and sleepy and less able to remember".... Nothing on whether I'll still be feeling pain during the operation. When I asked the doctor about it, all he said is that he'll try to make me comfortable and that I won't remember a thing... So...anyone who's had this kind of anesthetic before, can you answer straight-up on whether it'll still be painful or not?  :unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:

My mom's also telling me that they're gonna remove my other wisdom teeth while they're at it. Hopefully, those won't hurt so much. I learned that the reason my tooth was in agony the other day during the procedure was because it was infected, unusually deeply-rooted, and practically on top of the nerve :blink: . Plus, I was also experiencing this weird thing where apparently my brain's misinterpretating the location of the pain. So while they were drilling/yanking my wisdom tooth, a molar tooth on the other side of my mouth (the non-anesthetic side) was reacting to it. I remembered screaming "What the hell are you doing?!" because I was so painfully confused as to why they were drilling a 'random' tooth, when apparently that wasn't the case.

At least right now I'm okay... Anxious and throbbing a bit, but okay. Here's to hoping I'll actually have a good night sleep tonight.


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iv anesthia, is what they use for surgery, on things like your knee or eyes. its much stronger than general anesthesia, and you're usually out as long as they need to remove all your wisdom teeth. none of my wisdom teeth ever came in, but once they do normally the doctors take them they dont aserve any purpose
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Hey, Sparky.

It seemed to me that you could really use something to cheer you up after that incident, and since I couldn’t give you a hug in person, I came up with what I hope is the next best thing:

I started planning this card right after I responded to your original post, and threw it together over the last couple of days. Hopefully it’ll lift your spirits a little. :)

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Jan 11 2013 on  09:50 PM
My mom's also telling me that they're gonna remove my other wisdom teeth while they're at it. Hopefully, those won't hurt so much. I learned that the reason my tooth was in agony the other day during the procedure was because it was infected, unusually deeply-rooted, and practically on top of the nerve :blink: . Plus, I was also experiencing this weird thing where apparently my brain's misinterpretating the location of the pain. So while they were drilling/yanking my wisdom tooth, a molar tooth on the other side of my mouth (the non-anesthetic side) was reacting to it. I remembered screaming "What the hell are you doing?!" because I was so painfully confused as to why they were drilling a 'random' tooth, when apparently that wasn't the case.
Ouch! :o Well, no wonder it hurt so much; as far as your nervous system was concerned, you were getting a tooth removed without any anesthesia at all! :blink: All the more reason your inability to make it to the end of the procedure is completely understandable.

Glad to hear that you’ll be getting that tooth (and your other wisdom teeth) removed soon. Hope everything goes fine, and that your mouth heals up quickly.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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I had that anesthesia done years and years ago, when I had to have five teeth removed before getting braces.  I had too many teeth :p.  It's really not bad at all, and trust me, I don't like needles any more than you do.  They put a gas mask on me first before they pricked my arm, and I was still awake but felt nothing.  I think you'll be alright :yes.

I guess I don't get why getting wisdom teeth removed is hard for many.  I had four, and they were pulled while I was awake.  I don't normally use novocaine when I get my teeth worked on as I have a very high pain tolerance, but I did that time as a precaution.  I didn't even need the Vicodin afterward :blink:.


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Thanks a ton for the card, Pangy!! Tomorrow is the big day and this awesome piece of work is really bringing my spririts up and calming my anxiety a bit!! I'll certainly send you a legit review of the card (that vampire bat is MADE of awesomeness!) in a PM when I get the time. I have a feeling I'm gonna be out of it for a while after the surgery!! :D

And thanks to Nick and CT for telling me about the IV anesthesia and for your reassurances as well. Looking passed my needle-fear, I think everything's gonna turn out to be okay tomorrow! :yes

Wish me luck peoples!! I'll give an update when I'm coherent enough! :p


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Jan 16 2013 on  12:40 AM
Thanks a ton for the card, Pangy!! Tomorrow is the big day and this awesome piece of work is really bringing my spririts up and calming my anxiety a bit!!
If that's the case, then the card has done its job. :smile You're very welcome!

I'll certainly send you a legit review of the card (that vampire bat is MADE of awesomeness!) in a PM when I get the time. I have a feeling I'm gonna be out of it for a while after the surgery!! :D
I knew you’d love the bat! :lol I came up with that character (I call him the Dapper Vampire Bat, or just the Dapper Bat) ages ago; his original debut was on one of the Christmas cards I made for my family last month. He proved rather difficult to draw (and I didn’t even try to color him the first time around), but I knew it would be worth it to take the trouble to put him on this card as well; I figured that if this guy didn’t give you a laugh, nothing I could possibly draw would.

Also, you should feel free to post your review of the card right here in this thread, if you’d rather not add to the topics we’re already discussing by PM/e-mail. Whatever you decide to do, I can’t wait to hear your full response! :D

Once again, good luck on the surgery (and your subsequent recovery). Hope to hear from you again soon, Sparky. :wave

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Good Luck!!! :goodluck
My wisdom teeth haven't appeared so far, but they'll come out one day :( I hope they will be nice to me :DD
I know how it is to get a tooth pulled and I hate it!!! I can guess how you felt the last days
again Good Luck :)
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