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Got My New Pets!!


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I just got two new baby rats!! Yayz!! Their names are Koopa and Tanooki! You can see them in this new video I made!

I apologize for my webcam's horrible quality and for my speech (the whole thing was unscripted) , but I think I still managed to get the point across! Aren't they adorable? :smile


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Love your hat! And their names! :P:

They're adorable! :) Are they getting used to you yet?


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Their super cuteness were just made super epic by the name choices! Hope you have a wonderful time together FlipperBoidSkua! :D

Nice outfit by the way! :DD


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We wants your hat-ses, precious :lol
and they are absolutely to die for cute! I love mice and how inquisitive they are, always sniffing, and squeaking^^
Congrats on your furry friends!!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you guys find them as cute as I do!! Squee!! X3 And I wasn't expecting comments about my hat!! It's one of my favorites to wear!! The matching sweater was a bonus!!  :DD I guess that and my ratties' names is just more proof that I love Super Mario too much! :lol

Are they getting used to you yet?

Typically, the first day's reserved for them exploring their cage and make it their new home. They've been skittish at first, but that's natural given that they're with a stranger in a strange place after traveling away from their family for the first time. Luckily, they're settling into their cage beautifully; they're currently cuddled together in their little tent. :)

Tomorrow, I'm gonna start introducing myself to them!! It should be pretty easy for them to get used to me since they're already socialized, but it could take a week or more depending on their personality. It'll take some work and lots of baby food, but it'll be very rewarding once they've bonded to me! :yes

And thank you for the youtube comment, Mumbling! I don't get those too often!


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Aw that's cute ^^ Good luck tomorrow, then! :) Hope they bond with you soon.

And no problem, I have the habit of doing that on every video =P


  • Chomper
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Aww, they're SO cute.  :D  I wish I could have pet rats... I love rats.


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I'm glad your enjoying your new pets, and you seem to be recovering well from loosing your other pets recently.

Hope you get to enjoy them and take good care of them for a long time. :yes
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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Aww, they're SO cute.  I wish I could have pet rats... I love rats.

Yay! A fellow ratty lover!!

I'm glad your enjoying your new pets, and you seem to be recovering well from loosing your other pets recently.

Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, I’m getting used to losing pets… Although my ratties and Picasso isn’t really lost to me; I take comfort in knowing that I’m free to visit when I like. My ratties are always excited to see me, although Domino seems to be taking it a bit harder than the other two.

On my last visit the other day, Domino insisted on staying on my shoulder and lap every moment and when it was time for me to go, Dad had to remove her and she seemed intent on taking my shirt with her. I felt so bad for her, but there’s nothing I can really do about it except to visit often!

Hope you get to enjoy them and take good care of them for a long time.

Thanks! I have every intention of loving my babies forever!!

I also feel it appropriate to give you guys updates. After observing them interact with each other, I've determined their personalities!

Koopa seems more playful and adventurous, but he’s also skittish when it comes to people and will hide whenever he catches movement from me. I’m hoping that’ll change with time. He also has a thing of pulling Tanooki’s tail to get him to play. He also LOVES Cheerios and is more willing to try new foods. It’s still too early to tell, but I think he might become the dominant ratty.

Tanooki is also pretty playful, but seems to prefer lazing around most of the time (must be why he gets his tail pulled by his brother all the time!). He’s much more picky when it comes to food and for the first time since I’ve own rats, he doesn’t seem too interested in treats and is content with his regular food. He also has this weird, yet hilarious, Water Bottle Ritual: he turned in circles a couple times, then drinks in a rather unique way… He turns his head upside down to drink from below, and then the rest of his body follows suit and he’s soon drinking whilst on his back! I’ve never seen that before!

Anywho, I've been experiencing some difficulties in trust training. Although Tanooki has made good progress, he recently met with an accident (falling whilst climbing upside-down on the bars of his cage) that he now associates me with (I caught him before he hit the ground). He's completely unharmed, but is now acting pretty fearful of me, with Koopa encouraging his skittish behavior. Luckily, I'm not giving up and will start again from Step One. :yes


  • Petrie
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They're adorable, Flip! They're gonna bring you a lot of happiness. My little sister has a rat, and she loves him to death. Really cute and really smart.

By the way, thanks for your great fanfiction: I'm still working on the on you inspired me to write.

A certain koopa Nutt.


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Congratulations on getting your new rats, Sparky! They’re very cute! :smile And I loved hearing your observations about their personalities.

So these two are from the same litter? Wow, I didn't know that was possible; I'd always assumed that Dumbo rats were a separate breed or something. :oops But if that's true, then I guess it must be some sort of recessive gene that gives them the funny ears. Interesting.

I'm pretty sure that all three of my siblings have told me at some point that they would love to have rats as pets (as would I). It’s probably not going to happen as long as Sasquatch (our cat) is around, though. Oh well.

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 1 2013 on  05:07 PM
On my last visit the other day, Domino insisted on staying on my shoulder and lap every moment and when it was time for me to go, Dad had to remove her and she seemed intent on taking my shirt with her. I felt so bad for her, but there’s nothing I can really do about it except to visit often!
Aww…that is so sweet, and so sad. :cry

Good luck on training your new ratties (especially Tanooki) to not be afraid of you, and hope you get to see Domino, Knaw, and Skeet often!

Random observation: I spy a Dragonite plushie (and a heap of smaller, indistinct plushies) in the background of the video! :p

Last-minute thought: Ooh! You should find some way to record Tanooki's Water Bottle Ritual. I'd love to see that! :lol

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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They're adorable, Flip! They're gonna bring you a lot of happiness. My little sister has a rat, and she loves him to death. Really cute and really smart.

By the way, thanks for your great fanfiction: I'm still working on the on you inspired me to write.

A certain koopa Nutt.

Oh, hi!!! How did I miss you signing up here!! Welcome to the forum, buddy!!!

They're certainly bringing my joy; rats are the best pets I've ever owned and I've owned a LOT!

And you're welcome!! I'm actually thinking of adding a few extra scenes in Guilty Until Proven Innocent since for me, deleted scenes can't stay deleted for long... <_<  I'll get more on that on the actual thread of importance. Anywho, keep going with that fanfic of yours!! I can't wait to read it!!

And ooooo, I take you're fully aware of what I'm talking about concerning my new babies' names!! :DD

I hate rats but I'm glad you got them.

That's alright, I don't expect everyone to like them. Thank you for the good wishes though!!

Congratulations on getting your new rats, Sparky! They’re very cute!  And I loved hearing your observations about their personalities.

Thank you, Pangy!! Observing them has been a very interesting past-time!!

So these two are from the same litter? Wow, I didn't know that was possible; I'd always assumed that Dumbo rats were a separate breed or something.  But if that's true, then I guess it must be some sort of recessive gene that gives them the funny ears. Interesting.

Well, the thing is, rats haven't been domesticated long enough for true breeds to emerge. Right now, we call the differences between them "variety", so they can all occur in the same litter. Plus, their mom's standard ear, their dad (a wonderful beige hooded rat named Jackson) is dumbo. Surprisingly enough, the majority of the litter are dumbo. Claiming Koopa was very lucky as he was the only standard-earred male in the brood and competition for these baby rats was surprisingly fierce. Luckily, I got first dibs cause I waited outside in the cold and rain HOURS before the store even opened! THAT'S dedication!! :lol

I'm pretty sure that all three of my siblings have told me at some point that they would love to have rats as pets (as would I). It’s probably not going to happen as long as Sasquatch (our cat) is around, though. Oh well.

Watch this:

However, from what I heard, I think Sasquatch might be too hyper to be trusted around ratties! :lol

Aww…that is so sweet, and so sad.

I know right. I was visiting just yesterday and she was still acting like that. This time, she tried to slip away from Dad and when I looked back as I was walking away, I saw her watching me leave (anthropomorphism imminent: she looked very sad, like she was being abandoned). And here I thought it would get better with more visits, but I felt even worse than last time! :cry

Good luck on training your new ratties (especially Tanooki) to not be afraid of you

I'm gonna write an update on that actually, as soon as I finish with this response!!

Random observation: I spy a Dragonite plushie (and a heap of smaller, indistinct plushies) in the background of the video!

Yup!! Most of my plushies are still in their bags, but currently (and during the time of that recording) I have my giant Dragonite and Gengar plushies, as well as my Super Mario Bros. Plushies consisting of: A Koopa Troopa, a Paratroopa, a Dry Bones, a Hammer Bro, and a Boomerang Bro.

...Man....this obsession really is bad.

Last-minute thought: Ooh! You should find some way to record Tanooki's Water Bottle Ritual. I'd love to see that!

I've been thinking the same thing! I bet it'll be a big hit on youtube!! Now if I can figure out a way to record it in a decent, non-shaky manner with my webcam without freaking Tanooki out...

Time for the Update!!

Last Saturday was their 7th week of life. They can now be considered teenagers! At first, my attempts to regain Tanooki's trust hasn't really been working out, so I had to change my methods a bit: this time, I focused on the encourager of Tanooki's fear (aka, Koopa) using a combination of Trust Training and Forced Socialization (which I prefer to call "Hands-On Therapy" :p ).

Basically, in addition to my previous method, I hold little Koopa for 20+ minutes. The reason behind this is that a rat cannot sustain its fear for more than 20 minutes. After that, they begin to relax in your hold and realize that you're not going to hurt them. Using this method, Koopa now allows me to pick him up out of the cage without a struggle. He's also skilled at shoulder riding and is nibble-grooming me (a great sign of affection among rats). Whenever he's exploring and gets spooked, he runs to me for safety. He knows how to come when called and to stand on his hind-legs on command. Currently, he's learning how to walk on his hind legs and he's had his first Fetch session this morning (he's got the chasing the ball of string down, but bringing it back is something he'll still need to master). Despite his skittish beginnings (he's still terrified of strangers), he's a very fast learner and I'm so proud of him! Ah, the power of Cheerios!

With Koopa no longer fueling Tanooki's paranoia, I've been making some progress with Tanooki as well. He still runs and hides (and prompts Koopa to do it as well, although I can tell Koopa's doing it to simply follow his brother rather than actual fear) when I make too much movement in his direction and he still squirms when I remove him from the cage. But once he's out, he tucks his head into the crook of my arm and practically falls asleep. Just the other day, he was bruxing (when rats are happy, they grind their teeth) for the first time whilst being held by me. He seems to react with interest to certain music (Specifically this one: ) in that he'll peek out from my arm curiously whilst it's playing and he now enjoys getting ear massages. I can tell he's still nervous about me, but it's definite progress.  :yes


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2013 on  10:57 PM
Watch this:

However, from what I heard, I think Sasquatch might be too hyper to be trusted around ratties! :lol
Oh my gosh, that vid was the absolute cutest thing in history^^ That rat either has a naive trusting issue, or that cat is extremely patient. I practically melted whenit showed them cuddling^^

Congrats on the Therapy :) it sounds challenging - I remember from hands-on experience that animals won't do well as pets unless they are held or remain close human contact, etc... then again, it's hard to do that with sheep XDD and animals smell fear, too... another reason I get so jittery. "They're staring into my soul!!"

But it sounds like you've got this. Good luck^^

... and please post more vids :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Thanks for the update, Sparky! :smile Great to hear that the training’s going so well. It was really interesting, too: I’d never heard of bruxing before! And I knew rats were smart, but I had no idea they could be trained to do so many different tricks! :! Not to mention the adorable mental imagery of the rats’ interactions with you! :DD

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2013 on  10:57 PM
Well, the thing is, rats haven't been domesticated long enough for true breeds to emerge. Right now, we call the differences between them "variety", so they can all occur in the same litter.
Hmm…I guess that doesn’t really surprise me. Makes me wonder, though, if people really could selectively breed rats to produce distinct types. (Somehow, the image of a giant domestic rat breed was the first idea that came to mind. :lol) It probably wouldn’t take too long, either, compared to the time it took for separate breeds to emerge in other domestic animals, considering the rate at which rats produce new generations.

Luckily, I got first dibs cause I waited outside in the cold and rain HOURS before the store even opened! THAT'S dedication!! :lol
Well…never let it be said that you’re not a devoted rat lover. :o

I'm pretty sure that all three of my siblings have told me at some point that they would love to have rats as pets (as would I). It’s probably not going to happen as long as Sasquatch (our cat) is around, though. Oh well.
Watch this:

However, from what I heard, I think Sasquatch might be too hyper to be trusted around ratties! :lol
Yeah, I've seen quite a few photos and videos showing cats getting along with rats and other small animals (and they are adorable :wub), but sadly I don’t think Sasquatch is that kind of cat. Even if he did view a rat as a friend rather than prey, I'd be afraid of Sasquatch getting playful around said rat, because he plays awfully rough. He has a history of eviscerating his catnip toys; his beloved Grinch plushie has considerably shorter fur than it originally did due to Sasquatch tearing them out with his teeth; and he has become known as "the Destroyer of Feet" for his habit of ambushing us (usually while we're going up or down the stairs), simultaneously digging all 25 of his claws into our feet, and nomming away. :lol It's painful enough for us; I don't want to imagine what it would be like for a rat. *shudder*

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2013 on  10:57 PM
Last-minute thought: Ooh! You should find some way to record Tanooki's Water Bottle Ritual. I'd love to see that!
I've been thinking the same thing! I bet it'll be a big hit on youtube!! Now if I can figure out a way to record it in a decent, non-shaky manner with my webcam without freaking Tanooki out...
Maybe you could set up your laptop close enough to the rat cage that the water bottle is in frame of the webcam, and start recording when Tanooki goes for a drink? I guess that might limit your ability to actually use your computer, though… Maybe if you set up your rattie surveillance system before or while Tanooki was out of the cage? I can only imagine that after 20+ minutes of playing and training with you, he’d be pretty thirsty, and go straight for the water bottle after being returned to his cage (This is just speculation on my part; obviously you’d know much better than I whether there’s any kind of predictability to Tanooki’s drinking habits).

The reason behind this is that a rat cannot sustain its fear for more than 20 minutes.
Really? Interesting. :! Do you know scientifically how that works? I suppose it makes sense for an animal to have a sort of "fear timer" like that, to keep it from continuing to hide from a threat so long after it has passed that it misses out on time it could spend foraging or performing other crucial activities, but I've never actually heard of or thought about such a mechanism before.

Hope Koopa and Tanooki’s good progress continues, and that you get to visit your other ratties (especially Domino) often!

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Got unexpected news!!

One of the employees at the pet store I frequent (Pangy should be familiar with it ;) ) just rescued an abused Mama rat who was abandoned right outside their door in a very small carrier. Turns out, she was also pregnant. She had given birth (the employees told me how they thought the litter wouldn't make it due to the roughed up nature of their mother) and the babies have been weaned and sold... except for one, whom they suspect to be a runt, given how small he was compared to the others.

Enter me coming in yesterday evening after work, as I was picking up some toys and supplies for Koopa and Tanooki (who are coming along wonderfully, btw! They're getting fat and squishy!!). Hearing the story and seeing the lonely little guy, I knew it was meant to be!! Needless to say, I spent a lot more of my paycheck than I originally intended!! Oh well... That's what Savings are for! :D

If my stoopid, new laptop had a webcam, I'd totally make a video for you guys to see him, but alas, it seems I'll have to describe with words...

He is absolutely gorgeous!! He's a odd-eyed (one eye's red, the other a darker ruby colored) Dumbo with exceptionally big ears. I think those ears might be bigger to his body size than Tanooki's!! He has white, very soft fur and a spot of beige near his left eye!!

Currently, he's seven weeks old and living in a temporary cage. He's very curious and amazingly brave, compared to how Koopa and Tanooki were when I first got them. He seems completely oblivious to any noise or movement I make and doesn't run for cover very easily. He's an avid chewer; everything put into that cage must be nommed!! Not even his food bowl (no, screw the food, it's the BOWL he wants to eat! :lol: ), igloo, and the cage itself is safe! I gave him plenty of chew toys and his favorite is this Shish-kabob thing hanging from the bars that has several blocks of wood and a bell at the bottom... and of course, he's more interested in trying to eat the bell than the wood!!

He rushes to the door when I open it to see what's up, although he's not yet used to petting. He shies away from my hand, but doesn't seem frightened by my presence in his cage. In fact, last night, we had a moment where he let me pet him in the cage and he began falling asleep right then and there!! And when I stopped, he looked up at me with this face that said:

"Why'd you stop? Pet me, slave!!"  :lol

I'm gonna be making efforts to fully socialize him and then I'll work on introducing him to Koopa and Tanooki. He's still too small and male rats are notoriously aggressive towards youngsters. So I'll wait until he's bigger and strong enough to hold his own if things get messy.

His name is Gizmo!  :^.^:


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Wow, what a story! Gizmo sounds adorable; I'd love to be able to see him. Please tell me you're getting a webcam soon!

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Aug 8 2013 on  04:26 PM
Enter me coming in yesterday evening after work, as I was picking up some toys and supplies for Koopa and Tanooki (who are coming along wonderfully, btw! They're getting fat and squishy!!).
Aww…I wish I could see them, too! :lol

Hope the little guy does well, and that Koopa and Tanooki will get along with him when you introduce them.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.