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Being a Yellowbelly

Jrd89 · 33 · 5615


  • Petrie
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*<_< <_< Before I start, I thoroughly understand "wisdom of friends" is the worst LBT movie, and the yellowbellies are the worst characters, hands down <_< <_<*

I just had this question (no of course i don't like "wisdom of friends". I know it's the worst movie. I haven't seen it either all the way through. I've only seen little parts and clips, and I know it's an absolute... horrible... disaster.

I just had a question, if I was a yellowbelly, what would life even be like for me and what would I even do? <_< I'm just curious.

And also, is it true (from what i've read) that there was a yellowbelly who farted on Petrie?  O_O :x How did that happen? can anyone tell me?  thanks.

(Hey, I don't like Wisdom of friends either.. I'm not going to spend A CENT of my money on a "13"  dvd.

 I was just asking a question, that's all.)  I'd be a flyer any day of the week of course! :D you already know that one!  

I just wanted to know what life would ..even be like if I was a yellowbelly. What the heck would I even do, what would even be the point of life? and did a yellowbelly actually fart on Petrie in the movie? (Good God! O_O!!)

If so, how did it happen?  :(  :x "The Wisdom of friends: the LBT movie that shouldn't even exist."..  :x Yuuuck!


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I'd say living like a yellowbelly is careless, fun and relaxed. Even when you're approached by danger you can  hide yourself by camouflaging yourself like a bush. You'd have one leader who always knows the way, even though he can't speak. Others won't understand your culture unless they've lived with you for a while. You are social, and like the occasional party with friends.


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Yes, unfortunately it is indeed true that a yellowbelly farted on Petrie. It was raining, and Littlefoot found cave to shelter in. Ducky and Petrie ran in first, and then were sat on by a moutain of yellowbellies. Then cue the fart. :x

Being a yellowbelly... wow, I really haven't given it much thought, but I would agree with Mumbling here about being carefree and making some fun out of bad situations.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Spike
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Life as a yellowbelly...


You'd be fat, wobbly, have a strange beak.
Every object of the terrain you'd see as a potential to hide or a predator. Or just to have a party more like it! :spit
In that case, you'd be yodeling gossip with other yellowbellies, snorting, giggling and dancing the whole time. You know the group has to keep going, but you're rest assured someone is leading it and so everyone in the troop with you is just laid back and on one long adventure of life with surprises waiting to happen  :DD

On second thought, I think my analysis is making me:  :crazy  :blink:


  • Petrie
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Life as a yellow belly would be like having a child character walk around in the Ulysess. Life would be organized in logical-but-illogical patterns, rules would be glanced that and then kicked aside, and there would be no way to predict what happens next.

And by the way, I oppose the idea of this community making people feel like they HAVE to hate the yellow bellies or the thirteenth movie. I hate it, but by god I'd feel great knowing that it brought joy to someone else. If you like the yellow bellies or the thirteenth film, I'll defend your claim till my last e-breath. :smile


  • Cera
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Sad thing is as much as I hated this movie I'm kinda like a yellow belly. I always make light fun out of serious times and situations. And I make jokes about almost everything. So in a way as much as I hate the movie I do have the similar laid back traits as a yellow belly. I laugh at almost everything and I don't take things all the serious at all.


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Aw snap, then I might be hated for saying: that's the only LBT I have left to watch before I'm caught up on the series - not counting the TV series... still have quite a few to go through... and I ordered it form my library :DD
Please don't hate meh!!
But looking at pic of actual Beipiasaurus' - aka the Yellowbellies - they are a pretty epic-lookin' saurian ;)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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Ah yes, the library :). I watched so many movies from there! :D
Some I would've never known about it if it weren't for the library like Zulu, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Quest for Camelot, and numerous others.

The Anonymous Person

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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Mar 4 2013 on  09:32 AM
Aw snap, then I might be hated for saying: that's the only LBT I have left to watch before I'm caught up on the series - not counting the TV series... still have quite a few to go through... and I ordered it form my library :DD
Please don't hate meh!!
But looking at pic of actual Beipiasaurus' - aka the Yellowbellies - they are a pretty epic-lookin' saurian ;)
Don't worry, I don't think we'll hate you for it! I will warn you, however, that the photo of the actual dinosaur is nothing compared to what you'll see in 13. I haven't seen the movie yet either (only bits and parts), but BEWARE!


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^ hehe, I realized that as pictures of the Yellowbellies came up alongside the reference :lol
I admit, they look far too goofy for LBT, or at least far too goofy than what I'd HOPED for LBT.
I'm just hoping that I'm able to watch it when my family isn't around. I REALLLLY don't need them ruining LBT anymore for me... and I REALLLY hope this movie doesn't either.

As for what I've read about the Yellowbellies, conceivably I could possibly be one (that is if I hadn't already made up my mind to be a Stuthiomimus ;)). I am optimistic (to the point of putting my foot in my mouth), and I try to see the bright side of things. I'm also a little goofy.
Snap, I knew it, I will be hated!! :DD

Annnnd I watched the movie the other night, too. Wasn't as bad as I thought. Kind of cute in a way, but it was a little too goofy for my standards. Plus, I thought I could draw a better Beipiasaurus than that! :DD
Foobie ftw!
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Life as a yellowbelly...


You'd be fat, wobbly, have a strange beak.
Every object of the terrain you'd see as a potential to hide or a predator. Or just to have a party more like it! spit.gif
In that case, you'd be yodeling gossip with other yellowbellies, snorting, giggling and dancing the whole time. You know the group has to keep going, but you're rest assured someone is leading it and so everyone in the troop with you is just laid back and on one long adventure of life with surprises waiting to happen dino_happier.gif

On second thought, I think my analysis is making me: crazy.gif blink.gif

Heh. I like your description, Ludichris1. ;) Lol.

It sounds like a very free, optimistic, laid-back. care-free life.

**but still, for me, nothing would beat being a pteranodon/flyer. :yes**


  • Spike
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Quote from: Jrd89,Jul 27 2013 on  01:33 AM
Life as a yellowbelly...


You'd be fat, wobbly, have a strange beak.
Every object of the terrain you'd see as a potential to hide or a predator. Or just to have a party more like it! spit.gif
In that case, you'd be yodeling gossip with other yellowbellies, snorting, giggling and dancing the whole time. You know the group has to keep going, but you're rest assured someone is leading it and so everyone in the troop with you is just laid back and on one long adventure of life with surprises waiting to happen dino_happier.gif

On second thought, I think my analysis is making me: crazy.gif blink.gif

Heh. I like your description, Ludichris1. ;) Lol.

It sounds like a very free, optimistic, laid-back. care-free life.

**but still, for me, nothing would beat being a pteranodon/flyer. :yes**
XD yeah not saying I WANT to be a yellowbelly lol


  • Cera
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And You'd have a I.Q. of mustard since you'd be very dumb and stupid as well.


  • Petrie
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You're whole focus in life is to nom on some food and find any source of it.  You don't know anything else that could be essential since you have a brain of a dinosa...wait.


  • Cera
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You will be so dumb that you can't find food on your own and you'd have to rely on others to do your work for you.


  • Petrie
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Personally, *next to flyer*, Being a yellowbelly wouldn't be an absolutely terrible horrible thing.  I'd enjoy the no-pressure, no stress, carefree life.

At the same time, flyers can also be relaxed and laid-back at certain times.  But everyone, remember that flyer is still my #1 favorite LBT species. Not only a relaxed life, but the ability to fly around in the air and be able to see places that a regular land dinosaur can't reach, too. :)


  • Spike
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Besides, you wouldn't be able to call yourself things like "fabulous, fearsome"
or "tremendously brave and strong"  xD


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  • Petrie
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I wouldn't mind being a Yellowbelly. Their lives seem pretty laid back. I love a laid back lifestyle.


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That they can survive with such laxity and cluelessness is the ultimate watering down of the LBT franchise.