The Gang of Five
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How Do I Still Live

Nahla · 94 · 11513


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I am completely re-writing it.


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Wow! So many fanfics on LBT are so chilling and dark, but it's a pretty interesting twist on an otherwise happy and colorful cartoon :)
I love this so far! Twisted and dark and simply, plainly written. I really like how you described the events in such a straightforward manner.
And I love the Mythology reference, seems quite fitting. Good luck with the rest of this! :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Thanks,yes I just thought Hades fit him.

Chapter 2


Nani laid breathing heavily,she closed her eyes wishing to be released from this wastland,she wished to be anywhere but here. Far far away,to see her family again-her real family that was. But thanks to that blasted Hades none of those things will ever happen.

"Nani?" a gentle voice asked. Nani's adopeted mother Renee walked forward. The old female lowered her massive head,"It's ok Nani" she said softly nuzzling the younger female on the cheek.

Nani choked back a sob "It...hurts so much",Reene gave a smile "I know it does,but it's all worth it nothing is as special as watching your very own children blossom and grow". Nani broke the peaceful moment by letting out a scream,she felt like he rbody was being torn apart.

Renee hushed her. Her mind wandered off to the day Nani was given to her.


A group of females were munching on dry twigs. Young children cried for proper food,some hid behind their mothers from the guarding fastbiters that were there to make sure none of them escape while Hades was away.No one knew where the leader was gone. Not that anyone cared.

A lone female was laying away from the group,Hades had killed her child. Silent tears fell down her face,she didn't even to get to meet the baby. Soon as it was hatched it was swiped up and killed,for it Hades's was not it's father. She had mated with a lone longneck while she secretly met on the valley boarders. Of course when Hades found out he was furious. The loner was killed,and Renee was locked in a small cave hardly big enough for her to even turn around,till the day of the birth.

Whispers arose,Hades walked forward blood splattered on front on him,a smirk was spead across his face,what surprised the herd most was to see a young child following him. She was the brightest pink,a rare trait in longnecks. Hades smiled "My dearest herd,this is Nani she will be living with us from now on" he said while kicking the young child forward "I 'rescued' her".

Reene frowned and took in Hades,the blood,the looks she knew the truth and so did the other adults. Her family was murdered in cold cruel blood. By the one she now believed to be her savior.

Hades eyes Reene then pushed Nani towards her "Here,you can take care of her...till she's....ready" with that he left.

Nani had no idea what Hades meant when he said till she was 'ready'. However all the adults did. And it was at the day an innocent life was over.

End flashback

Renee was jerked from her thoughts by screaming, her mind slowly bought her back to the present. Now Nani laid down in front of her,preparing for birth.

Looks like she was...'ready'.

Sorry for making a chapter mostly a flash back

And sorry if the ending sounds really creepy.


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Chapter 3


Nani never knew such pain,she wanted to scream out and beg for relief. A few other of the herd members had gathered.

The next few hours pasted in a blur,before she knew it Nani had 3 eggs by her,she felt a shadow step over her. In pain and exhausted,her mind faded to black.

Hades narrowed his eyes staring down at the female "Weakling" he commented,looking up at the other females his eyes glowed "And what are you woman doing? Should you not be out looking for food?".

Renee gulped and stepped forward "Hades there is none". Hades slapped her "Don't be foolish your just blind theres plenty of food!" he stormed away.

Renee rolled her eyes "For the fast biters maybe". She lowered her head to Nani to check if she was still breathing,she was. Sighing with relief she nodded to her 'herd sisters' to take the eggs to a safer area while she tends to her daughter.

Renee nudged Nani on the cheek,with a moan the pink female awoke 'What...happened?" she whispered. Renee laid her head against her daughters "It's over,the eggs are laid and safe,you'll have 3 children,3 beautiful children".

Nani grumbled "Unless they look like their father". Renee closed her eyes "I'm sorry what he did to you Nani". Nani stood up on her shaky legs "It not your fault mother" she answered in a hurt voice while Renee helped her stand "Speaking of which...where are they?". Renee nodded for Nani to follow "They are safe come with me. Nani followed muttering under her breath "Curse you Hades.I wish you would die,you and your little biter pests".

Unknown to the females,the tyrant of a leader was watching them and had overheard Nani's comment. He turned to the fast biters next to him "Wait till the eggs are hatch then...kill the children...then her".

A month passed,and the new life was starting to be born.

Nani was watching her shaking eggs,by the time the day ends she would officially be a mother.

Cracks appeared in the first egg,a small blueish male emerged. Nani smiled "He...looks like my father Ben,and I shall name him so. My little Ben". She licked her newborn. The second born was a was a mix between purple and blue with a touch of grey. It looked very odd. But she was beautiful. Nani proudly named her 'Lily'.

Nani smiled as her 2 newborns slept on her back. She looked at the 3rd egg watching for movement. A tiny crack quickly spread as a startled infant appeared tumbled out. She was completely confused,where had her shell gone?.

When the herd saw her colouring they were startled. She was the bright pink like her mother,with the same sparkling eyes. Not an inch of her father was seen in her. Nani pulled her close,the hatchling looked up wide eyed at the big monster. "I will name her Nahla". Nani declared licking her.

Nahla pulled back and tried to run off,only to bump into Hades. Hades looked down and his face darkened "A girl...A GIRL!" he turned to Nani "How could you!". Nani stood up after passing her infants to the herd "So what if she is a girl she is YOU daughter not that YOU deserve to be her father!".

Hades stared at her "How...dare you...not that it matters since your dead anyway" the fast biters closed in.


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Chapter 3:

Nani never knew such pain,she wanted to scream out and beg for relief. A few other of the herd members had gathered.

The next few hours pasted in a blur,before she knew it Nani had 3 eggs by her,she felt a shadow step over her. In pain and exhausted,her mind faded to black.

Hades narrowed his eyes staring down at the female "Weakling" he commented,looking up at the other females his eyes glowed "And what are you woman doing? Should you not be out looking for food?".

Renee gulped and stepped forward "Hades there is none". Hades slapped her "Don't be foolish your just blind theres plenty of food!" he stormed away.

Renee rolled her eyes "For the fast biters maybe". She lowered her head to Nani to check if she was still breathing,she was. Sighing with relief she nodded to her 'herd sisters' to take the eggs to a safer area while she tends to her daughter.

Renee nudged Nani on the cheek,with a moan the pink female awoke 'What...happened?" she whispered. Renee laid her head against her daughters "It's over,the eggs are laid and safe,you'll have 3 children,3 beautiful children".

Nani grumbled "Unless they look like their father". Renee closed her eyes "I'm sorry what he did to you Nani". Nani stood up on her shaky legs "It not your fault mother" she answered in a hurt voice while Renee helped her stand "Speaking of which...where are they?". Renee nodded for Nani to follow "They are safe come with me. Nani followed muttering under her breath "Curse you Hades.I wish you would die,you and your little biter pests".

Unknown to the females,the tyrant of a leader was watching them and had overheard Nani's comment. He turned to the fast biters next to him "Wait till the eggs are hatch then...kill the children...then her".

A month passed,and the new life was starting to be born.

Nani was watching her shaking eggs,by the time the day ends she would officially be a mother.

Cracks appeared in the first egg,a small blueish male emerged. Nani smiled "He...looks like my father Ben,and I shall name him so. My little Ben". She licked her newborn. The second born was a was a mix between purple and blue with a touch of grey. It looked very odd. But she was beautiful. Nani proudly named her 'Lily'.

Nani smiled as her 2 newborns slept on her back. She looked at the 3rd egg watching for movement. A tiny crack quickly spread as a startled infant appeared tumbled out. She was completely confused,where had her shell gone?.

When the herd saw her colouring they were startled. She was the bright pink like her mother,with the same sparkling eyes. Not an inch of her father was seen in her. Nani pulled her close,the hatchling looked up wide eyed at the big monster. "I will name her Nahla". Nani declared licking her.

Nahla pulled back and tried to run off,only to bump into Hades. Hades looked down and his face darkened "A girl...A GIRL!" he turned to Nani "How could you!". Nani stood up after passing her infants to the herd "So what if she is a girl she is YOU daughter not that YOU deserve to be her father!".

Hades stared at her "How...dare you...not that it matters since your dead anyway" the fast biters closed in.


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Chapter 4:  (Sorry bout forgetting to upload 3 before but is now)

The Fastbiters attacked,Nani screamed "Please don't my children need me!". Hades laughed "Oh your children are dying too ".

Renee ran forward to get the fast biters of her daughter "Get them off her!" she shouted to Hades. Hades smirked "Nope".

Nahla looked around terrified,a herd member picked her up and placed her with her shaking siblings. The rest of the herd jumped in to defend Nani.

The fast biters knew they were outnumbered and outsized and fled. Hades yelled after them "GET BACK HERE YOU WEAKLINGS!".

Nani quickly stood up and limped on three legs to her children. The hatchlings stumbled forward to greet their mother.

Hades got into her face "You have won today Nani but I high suggest you keep an eye on your little brats,for I give permission for the Fast biters to eat them if they find them alone" Hades chuckled and turned away.

Nahla stared after him tilting her head she didn't understand why the big male was everyone hated the big male.

But she would unfortunately find out soon.

It was only time.

A few years passed and life was still hard. Nahla had grown quite a bit as had her siblings.

"Mother?" Nahla asked softly laying next to Nani's head "Mother why is everything all dark here?". Nani blinked "Because...we have a very bad drought".

"Whats a drought?" Nahla's brother Ben,he was the oldest of the siblings,Nahla being the youngest. The middle child was Lily,she was often made fun of by the other children in the herd because of her colour scheme.

Lily who was laying on the other side on their mother rolled her eyes "Where we have no water DUH remember Grandma told us about it".

Ben poked his tongue at his sister,Nahla looked up she had another question "Mother...who is our father?".

The question shocked Nani,she raised her head to look at her youngest daughter in the face "".

"Yes?" Ben urged her. Nani gulped "Your father is our leader Hades". The children gasped "If he is our come he never comes and sees us or plays with us?" Nahla questioned.

Nani bit her lip "I can't tell you's,your too young for something like that".

"Aww" all three children complained in unison making Nani chuckle. Nani laid her head down again and sighed.

"Do you miss Grandma mother?" Ben asked. Renee had sadly passed away a few short days ago,she was always a fighter but illness took her in the end.

Nani nodded "Yes I do,but I know she will always be watching over us".

Lily lowered her head and commented "I hate Hades he wouldn't let Grandma have the cure".

"Yeah Hates is stupid!" Ben joined in. Nani was about to agree when the dinosaur in question stood over them.

"I otta teach you brats some respect" Hades said in his cold cruel voice loweing his massive feet upon of them,Ben and Lily screamed but it was far to late.

Nani jumped to her feet screaming as she stared down at her two motionless children,she turned to Hades her rage growing "YOU...YOU MONSTER".

Hades chuckled and attacked Nani,he shoved her against a rock "Say nighty night Nani" he gave a cruel laugh and bought his foot down on to her neck. A scream filled the air.

Hades just laughed as he pressed his foot down harder intending to snap her neck. Fastbiters gathered some were feeding on the bodies of Ben and Lily. Nahla was hiding behind a rock 'Mother!" she screamed running out hoping to save her.

Nani weakly turned to face her daughter one last night " escape'.

Nahla had tears pouring down her face "But mother.." she whispered.

Nani's eyes started to close "Nahla..I love you and I'll be with you always remember that-" she got cut off by a snap and she remained motionless.

Hades laughed and got off the dead female,he then turned to Nahla "My dear daughter..." he smiled stepping towards her "I'll give you a choice you can either Stay here and and I'll teach you everything I know or you can die".

Nahla shook "All you know is EVIL I never want to be like you NEVER!" with that she turned and bolted to the exit.

Three fastbiters came up to Hades side "Kill her" he said simply.

Nahla panted as she ran,aware of her chasers. She reached the valley wall and started the climb. A fastbiter snapped at her tail causing her to lose focus and slip. She kicked a fast biter and she continued her climb,when she reached the top she looked down,she had only one choice-jump.

She looked behind her,her chasers were closing in. She took a deep breath and jumped for her life.

The fastbiters glanced at each other,and figuring she would surely die from that fall left.

Nahla landed at the bottom with a thud,she stood out in pain,her sides were bleeding and her ankle was twisted. But she did it-escaped The Shadowlands. With a sigh she started limping away thoughts of her family on her mind

She glanced back at the Shadowlands and sang a soft song "And where my journey my lead me,let your prayers be my guide,I can not stay her my family,but I'll remember my herd" she gulped and looked forward she took the first step on her long journey. While she walked she glanced over her shoulder to her former home "Beso bo my people beso bo".


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Oh! I didn't expect that from the last chapter! :o how sad, to watch her family killed before her...
I like how this is reminiscent of Lion King, but unique enough to be its own. Hades is asking for it.... are you taking requests from viewers to pummel him? :DD
Look forward to more
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Yes it kinda a Lion King and later on Romeo and Juliet kind of thing.

No prizes for guessing what little longneck will be our romeo.

And everyone wants to pummel Hades,no one likes him. Lets all plan to destroy him! wahahaa  :lol.


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nice fic so far ;)
I first wondered how Hades kill other Longnecks :lol
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Willl get more interesting when the movie  characters come.

Hehehe Littlefoot as  a romeo

O Litltefoot, Littlefoot, wherefore art thou Littlefoot?

Sorry had to.


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:DD I look forward to that :nyah
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Hades hates it.

He tries everything to break Littlefoot and Nahla apart,even attempting to kill- no spoilers  :angel


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Chapter 5:

Sorry lazy one

Guess who the voice is...


"Nani is dead...such an awful event and the poor poor children who barely begun their lives,this is a loss for us all" Hades addressed his herd in mock depression.

The females hang their heads and sobbed,well lest they Nani and her children were in a better place now...well thats what they thought.

Nahla had been walking hours,she was hopelessly lost. She let herself collapse to the ground. She was starting to think she should of just let the fast bites eat her,least she would be with her Mother and siblings.

"Nahla" a gentle voice whispered.

Nahla raised her head,"Who is there?" she demanded,she did not know that voice but it calmed her,it seemed so motherly but it was not her mother.

"That not for you to worry about" the voice replied "You must find the Great Valley"

Nahla tilted her head "The what?.

"The Great Valley but for now,sleep" light shone upon Nahla and her eyes became droopy. She dropped to the ground fast a sleep.

"I'll protect you Nahla" the voice whispered then faded.

Meanwhile in a valley far away,another young longneck was talking to his Grandparents.

"Littlefoot,you should be graceful" Grandpa said

"I am..." Littlefoot replied looking at the ground. Grandma gave a have smile "Some children don't even have a family or food"

Littlefoot looked up shocked "Really?". Grandma nodded sadly "Yes it is sad but true,there are many straving children out there you should be graceful for how much you do have then complain about how much you don't:.

Litlefoot rubbed along his grandparents "I will Grandma"

Days passed and Nahla still wandered the Mysterious Beyond,she had found a few herds but all refuse to take her after hearing she was the daughter of Hades.

She still hasn't forgot that voice and the thing about her needing to go to the Great Valley.

"How do I even get there?" she complained out loud.

"Follow the bright circle past the rock that looks like a longneck,and past the mountains that part,I'll be with you Nahla" the same voice from last time whispered then faded.

Nahla shook her head and looked into the distance,the burning mountains were a good 2 day week at least. "You gotta be kidding me..." she complained.


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Doesn't sound like she's enjoying this adventure so far^^
Wow, I am really really hating this Hades more and more as the story progresses, so dark and devious and cruel; in a category all his own, even worse than Scar :o
...and who is the voice? :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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No she is not lol. And everyone hates Hades even me...and I created him.

Chapter 6:

Nahla limped across the land. She stopped and looked around again the voice whispered "Don't give up".

Nahla growled "When I find out who you are I'm gonna slap you".

The voice chuckled "My my dear,your sure grumpy today:.

Nahla rolled her eyes "Course I am! My mother is dead,I'm lost,I'm tried and hungry".

A tree-star blew and landed in front of the child,Nahla seemed confused "Erm thanks creepy ghost lady...but I must go now" she picked up the tree-star and fled.

A figure appeared,Mother shook her head "She is perfect for Littlefoot,I just hope all goes to plan".


Sorry short,but you get a funny kind of one for once.


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DACK! the voice!! :D Ohh, that's an aweosme transition, much thanks for bringing her back^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Yes Littlefoot's mother is sending Nahla to the valley for her son....for some reason,but her plan works cause they do fall in love.

Nahlas new famous quote "When I find out who you are I'm gonna SLAP you!"


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Aw, but what about Alli? :(
Just kidding, I'm sure her 'evil plot of love' will work^^
Out of curiosity, how long after the series does this take place?
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Around a year,so they are older then the series/movies.

Ali does not appear in this story at all.

Sorry Littlefoot/Ali fans but I'm doing the rare Littlefoot/OC  wahahha.

Why Littlefoot's Mother chose a Shadowlander....hmm should I tell you... nah :x


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Lol, I'm not offended, I was just wondering. It's your story, go with it..
and NUUUU, don't tell the plot! :o lol
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein