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A Parting of the Ways

Nick22 · 691 · 37349


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True... but if you have beebnn around me for an extended p[eriod of time, you 'll know that you should always be on your guard. The universe is a very dangerous place, it always has been, and I am one of those whose job it is to keep things under control, so that the inhabitants can leave freely and confortably.." stripetail replied
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"I guess but then where do you find the time to relax? there isn't danger always around the bend" Nova said to him.


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I rarely relax.. in the normal sense. " Stripetail replied. "I know only too well, that the peace that exists in normal circumstances can be broken by war..and that I have to be ready for it. Constantly on guard.. Well, it beats wasting thousands of years just sitting around my home..Which i have done by the way..' stripetail added. "
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well no one said you don't have to keep watch all the time, just let yourself go Lord Stripetail relax for a short time. keeping watch over things is good only to a point that it not going to be good for your health even for a immortal" Nova said to him "your not the only one that keep guard up on things there must be hundards out there that do as well"


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'Stripetail nodded" "There are a good number that is true.. they form the Council of Immortals, which is the supreme governing body for the guardians of this cosmos... they ensure that each person does their job, they also enforce the rules on immortality. Immortality is not granted as often as in the past, and even then it was granted to but a few..."
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"I see" Nova replied then the waiter comes up with the drinks and main meal placing them on the table in front of Stripetail and Nova.

"Enjoy" he said to them both


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Little more was said during the meal, which was enjoyed by the both of them.. the portions of both food and drink were large, and Nova, being a young dragon, packed away his food with ease... Stripetail was a more moderate eater, being a squirrell, and his position as a lord also imposed restrictions on how fast he could eat... him being from the distant ages where lords had to be mannered in dress and eating(Stripetail had a full set of forks and spoons for 'proper' eating, in total there were 19 utensils used in a formal setting, but he rarely used them).
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Meanwhile, the child within Eva continued to grow, absorbing (in reality, draining) her powers. Since the child was half-mortal it would require power from the non-mortal parent, in order for the child to be born safely and the mother to be safe.
    In this case, however, Evalicator, by creating the child in eva magically, had bypassed this requirement. She had also not contacted Stripetail before doing it, which was another strike against her conduct. Without Stripetail's intervention, the child would drain eva of all her powers, leaving her vulnerable to illness, and she would be powerless to prevent the child from releasing its energy. The child would release its energy periodically, and it would serve as a marker on its development. the more it grew and matured, the more power it would require, and the stronger the surges would become.
   Since it was half-mortal, a mortal mother, even one as magically gifted as Eva, could not handle its needs on her own. As the child grew in size and power , her powers would diminish. only after giving birth, would her powers return to her; and only if the child survived, if it did not, that power would be forever lost, and eva's life would also be in jeporady.
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(does it have to go back into this baby draining thing again... life risk and so on for birth? I know your trying to make something out of it but it kind of getting to a point of repetitive motions in the RPG)


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(Having a baby is difficult, its a painful process , even for healthy mothers. I can understand if it sounds repetitive, because we've gone through this before on a previously diacarded rp. But the situation was different then in several ways, firstly Eva was much younger, secondly Stripetauil was much more direcxtly involved. Here she is older (in her final year of school) and Stripetail is unaware of the situation, although both Evalicator and Eva are afraid of his reaction when he does find out..)
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(I see, well at the moment i seem to not have any ideas to move on from that point. But the risk of death and draining of all power seem a bit too exstream)


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(try Threehorn, I don't want this Rp to die off.. Too many of ours have done that.. Eva will survive this, if you want to know. She is mortal so there is always the risk of death, that is nature of mortality. I wouldn't build her up, as we have, to a be a great witch, and then kill her off at the age of about 20-21, in childbirth. That would be a huge letdoiwn.. and frankly render the storyline moot.)
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Eva felt a bit on the tired side but fine to what she felt like sitting by a window looking to the lightning field ahead. "I will find a way to tell Stripetail this, I have to tell him. It can't be kept back any longer" Eva whispers to herself.

Wayne found the cafe walking in and look around "Nice little place on a station within a wall of reality just outside normal reality if there such a thing" Wayne said to himself stepping into the cafe.


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Stripetail finished his meal as Wayne entered. "How dijid Wayne get here?" He thought to himself...
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Nova recalled something the lightning Dragons had said 'Wayne figured it out so he came out of the trail and he helped in the trail' then Nova look to Stripetail. "Didn't one of the Lightning Dragons mention about Wayne figuring out the trail and then helped it along from the control station?" Nova told him


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"Quite omniscient of him."Stripetail replied. "Still, you don't disturb a student taking an examination, even if you are a prefect."Stripetail still had lingering resentments about Wayne interupting the trail while he was in the middle of it. Once he commited to something he expected it to play to its conclusion.. and he did not like being interrupted in the middle of something. He motioned to Wayne.
"wayne, over here" He called out.
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Lightnight Dragon overheard and lean over a little "No he was part of the same trail you all was in. He just passed his sooner then you all" then the dragon got up and left the cafe muttering to himself how Stripetail didn't listen to all what Nova said and only parts of it.

Wayne watched the Lightning Dragon go by wondering what made that dragon really annoyed then saw Stripetail and walked over to them. "Sorry I wasn't there when you all passed the trail, I had to stay in the control room and wait"


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SStripetail looked at him as Wayne took a seat. "Still,I don;t like people meddling in things I'm involved in Wayne. Even if the trial was a ruse, you didn't have to reveal it immediately, it would have been shown at the end, after i had gone though the entire process. What you did caused my test to be abandoned, in the middle of it . So you completed it before me? So be it, but then let me complete it as well before bursting in! If we had been in reverse roles, I most certainly would not have interrupted your trial, even though I knew it was an illusion. I would have let it play out, and have you figure that out on your own.
You acted arrogantly and used saberrattling to stop the trail. I know this because the Dragoness who you confronted confided in me after the trail was over. You did not act as an experienced and wise Dragon Lord would.And that is a shame, Wayne, I expected better of you. " this prounouncement caused Wayne to look at the floor in embarassment and shame . "You will not become a high-ranking Dragon Lord if you continue to have similar behavior in the future. next time , I don't care what the circumstances are, you let events play out, WITHOUT getting involved. This matter is now closed Wayne, and I will not speak of it again. But you must show better judgement in the future.."
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"That will be enough Lord Stripetail of the Wizzins, because he completed his part of the trail it doesn't mean you can yell him down like a child that outsmarted a adult." they both turn to see a few different type of beings standing there some look like Stripetail's kind the others of different races.

"I am Lemex of Alpha Thator and these are the council of Minsters, we all from different parts of the universe and choose to break from our ways and all found our way to our own new home, that was the families before us. The Thunder Dragons came to us see we was different and more open minded then most. So they asked us to obverse the trail that they comenced." Lemex said to Stripetail, Nova and Wayne.

"Each had their own to pass and Wayne was just lucky to pass his goals which we will not disclose and nor will he." Lemex stared right at Stripetail. "As old as you are... your just a child to this universe. do not let your pain of being not the first to complete your trail ruin the friendship you have with the Dragon Lord"


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"He disrupted my test, and prevented me from completimg it!. I don't care that he completed it first, he should have had the decorum to stay out of my test sand let me finish it! He acted, as you said, like a child..." Stripetail said his eyes flashing. 'i have every right to dress him down, because he showed a profound disrepect to those dragons testing me , and also, in his own way to me. He did not let me finish it on my own, but revealed everything, like a student that just completed a test with flying colors going back into the classrtoom and boasting about it while others are still taking the test. the penalty for that will be automatic failure of that test he just completed, and likely a trip to the headmaster's office.' Stripetail continued. Will the students still taking the test appreciate the disruption? NO! they will not, likewise I have every right to be angry with my friend here."
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