The Gang of Five
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Ducky123's fic

Ducky123 · 254 · 32710


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Ah, a cliffhanger...

I rather liked your portrayal of the gang's emotions in the aftermath of Cera's 'passing'.  It is very believable that Ducky would be the most difficult dinosaur to get calmed down after such an ordeal, as she is the most empathetic.  That isn't to say that the others aren't devastated, they most certain are, but Ducky would have the hardest time coping.  :yes

We also get to see some additional plot points developing in this chapter.  Sharptooth scoping out a possible area where herbivores (and the kids) will probably seek out soon enough and Pterano finding signs of life from the children.

A good chapter overall.  :yes I just found one item that may need some modification.

Leafeaters would be likelier to gather here than in the open desert that surrounded the place.

Likelier is not technically incorrect, but "more likely" is more often used in cases like this.  Likewise, "most likely" is generally preferred than "likeliest".  This is more a stylistic choice than anything else, but I have noticed a strong preference in most fiction that I have read for the style that I indicated.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Yeah, you're right. Of course Ducky would have the hardest time coping but she learned an important lesson ;)

Thanks for the stylistic suggestion. While I can learn vocabulary and grammar, I cannot learn style. It's something that comes with practise and making mistakes :yes

I daresay you're going to like this chapter :smile


Chapter 51: Not just one delightful surprise...

When Pterano returned to the mixed herd, everybody was just in the process of getting up. He waited until the crowd gathered and as soon as Grandpa was about to say something he piped up.
"Hey, I've been awake early so I searched for any signs that might lead us to the children. From up high, I haven't found anything of interest but when I returned to the ground to have a snack I found many plants that had bitemarks clearly made by the children..."
"So what does this tell us? Nothing!" the old Threehorn ranted. "We already know they've been there so what's the point?"
"Well, if we look where these bitemarks are, we can reconstruct the way the must have taken, right?" Pterano answered.
"That is a good discovery you made, Pterano," Grandpa said appreciatively. "Would you and your sister mind taking the task?"
"I'm all for it," Mama Flyer called.
"And how are we gonna reconstruct their way when we leave the green food, eh?" the Threehorn shouted.
"Uhm... we follow their tracks if there are any?" Pterano suggested.
"The ground is very hard, not sandy, so we won't find any here," Mr. Clubtail piped up.
"That is correct, even we Longnecks being the heaviest beings undoubtedly don't leave tracks on this ground," Grandpa stated.
"Let's go down to eat, we will need the food," Grandma proposed, everybody agreeing.
The two Flyers took off, taking their young ones along. The others made their way down the plateau.

Spike rubbed his eyes to make sure they were working properly. Did he really see Cera's chest... moving??? Spike got a little closer to investigate.
"Her chest is... moving... Does this mean she is...ALIVE?!" Spike goggled at the orange Threehorn. "I can even hear her breathing. IT HAS WORKED!!!" Spike cried in euphoric joy. Excitedly, he walked over to his friends and shook them awake rudely.
"Oww, what is it, Spike!?" Littlefoot complained dreamily.
Petrie on the Longneck's head stretched his wings.
"Lookie!" Ducky exclaimed, pointing at Cera.
Spike uttered excited sounds, freaking out of joy.
"Huh, what with Cera? She dead, 'member?" Petrie squawked.
"SHE'S BREATHING!!! CERA'S ALIVE!!!" Littlefoot screamed upon realising that the Threehorn was breathing.
Ducky was suddenly inundated by feelings of all sorts and it didn't seem to be any different with the others. She climbed up Littlefoot's neck - the Longneck was just getting to his feet - and squeezed Petrie, crying and laughing at the same time.
Littlefoot and Spike walked to their friend, grinning madly.
"Me... no get air!!!" Petrie croaked, being squeezed by Ducky so tightly that breathing was impossible.
"You better release him Ducky," Littlefoot chuckled.
"Sorry Petrie," Ducky giggled, releasing the morderous embrace. "I am sooooooo happy, I am, I am!" She gave Petrie a wild kiss, leaving the Flyer bewildered, and jumped onto Spike's back. Climbing down of the Spiketail's back and hopping to his face, she received a high-spirited series of licks that tickled the Swimmer exceedingly.
"Stop it Spike, hehehehe!" she laughed lustily.
As soon as Spike obeyed, Ducky hugged the Spiketail in return for his kindly action.
Littlefoot bowed his head down to allow Petrie to glide down. Finally, it was his turn to receive a mighty hug from Ducky which he returned as kindly as he could.
"See Ducky, you mustn't lose hope, no matter how pointless the situation may be," Littlefoot said with a smile, still being overwhelmed by his feelings.
"I know, Littlefoot, yes I do. I will never lose hope again, oh no, no, no," Ducky replied happily.
Although Cera was clearly alive, there wasn't any evidence she'd ever wake up from her coma. Nonetheless, Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie and Spike celebrated her "resurrection" merrily, jumping around in joy, laughing, smiling, calling and dancing around.

While all the dinosaurs that were restricted to staying on the ground were eating their full on the vegetation, the Flyers were investigating the bitemarks the kids had made. They were also looking for tracks but there weren't any as was to be expected. At some point, there weren't any more bitemarks so they returned to the rest of the herd, getting a snack as well.
"So, was the research of any use?" Grandma Longneck eventually asked Mama Flyer.
"Sadly not," the blue-ish Flyer replied. "There are plenty of bitemarks but no tracks at all. We don't know where they went."
"Well, don't be sad, dear," Grandma said calmly. "We'll run into each other sooner or later, of that I'm convinced."
"Yes, we must not lose hope and keep our destination in sight," Grandpa said wisely.
"You're right, where are we going now anyway?" Petrie's Mother questioned.
"I don't know, dear," Grandma replied.
"Gather!" the Threehorn barked.
"Here we go..." Grandpa sighed.


Well, welcome back, Cera :smile

Trying to keep a weekly schedule from now on. I'm currently not working on this one but only since I don't have enough time to work on two stories intensively :yes

In the next chapter, there will be more information about the place that gave this story its name (about one year after starting to work on it, gee :smile) and... Threehorn being... Threehorn :lol
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Hooray!  Cera is back.

I don't really have much to say about this chapter.  I think that you captured the reactions of the gang quite well, especially Ducky's reaction. :yes  We now know that Cera is alive but her recovery from the coma is still an open question.  Likewise I suspect threehorn is going to make everyone miserable as the adults continued their search.  :rolleyes  

Keep up the good work.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks for reviewing :)

I don't have much to reply either so I'm just going to say: Glad you liked it, yep, yep, yep! :smile
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Chapter 52: The Land of Many Wonders

A rustling in the undergrowth. The Eggstealer knew he had to be quiet in order not to be noticed stealing the eggs in the nest that was hidden in some high reed. Despite not seeing his breakfast, the Stealer could still smell it very well. Slowly, he crept closer and closer, hoping he wouldn't encounter an irate parent. Now in the open, he carefully walked closer to the weed on silent claws. Having arrived at the vegetation that was used to shelter the nest from curious creatures like him, he listened to the sounds around him. There was nothing indicating the presence of any other being so he pushed the weed away and entered the nest. Six delicious eggs of some sort of Swimmer were smiling at him. Swimmer eggs were small but they tasted lovely in his opinion. "Plus there are plenty of them..." he mused. Just as he was about to crack the first egg, the ground began to shake. "An earthshake?" No, the tremor came too regularly. "An irate Swimmer?" He heard a deep growl, the rumbling increased in strength. "No, worse..." The Stealer dropped the egg and ran for it upon realising that he was being on the menu of a raptor. The ugly Sharptooth trampled the Swimmer nest without even noticing, destroying six innocent lives in his nastiness. He quickly gained on the Stealer who was pretty much starved.
"A starved meal is better then no meal at all," the Sharptooth concluded. Besides, it was easier to hunt down.
The Stealer sprinted through the open forest. The distances between the trees were too big to make use of them. Bad luck sent it's regards.
The Sharptooth chased the Stealer around for a while, always keeping two to three steps distance. When the Stealer slowed down for his strength was all used up, the Sharptooth picked up his pace and approached. He stretched his skinny arms and sliced across the stealers neck, back and hip.
The Stealer yelped in pain as blood began to weep out of the fresh injury.
The Sharptooth then jumped and snapped his breakfast's neck with brutal force.
"Being on top of the food chain has its advantages," he mused, having his hard earned breakfast.

"Found anything?!" the Threehorn barked.
The gathered dinosaurs gazed at Pterano.
"Nothing that would improve our chances to find the kids..." Pterano sighed. "The ground is simply too hard, their little weight doesn't deform the ground at all."
The Threehorn snorted in annoyance.
"So where are we going now? Anybody got an idea where the whole place's not gonna blow up?" he bellowed.
The crowd began chatting loudly; nobody had a clue. Some suggested just walking somewhere to see if they would find food, others suggested following the river that passed the oasis, pouring its water into the Big Water. Others again suggested staying where they were or following the coast of the Big Water.
"Quiet!" the Threehorn barked.
"Do we need a vote?" Grandma asked. "I have heard at least four suggestions."
"I don't think we do," Oscar said, relaxed.
"What d'ya mean, eh?" Mr. Threehorn shouted.
"I might know a place where we could head to," he answered in a polite way. "It'd even fit one of the suggestions I heard during this chaotic babbeling."
"What's the point if some children are missing?" Ducky's Mother murmured.
"Where is this place?" Grandpa asked excitedly, ignoring the Swimmer.
"Far, far away from here..." Oscar whispered.
The crowd fell totally silent, listening eagerly.
"Beyond the highest mountains this world has ever seen..."
Some were gasping, others salivating.
"There is an island. It's surrounded by a huge watering hole but it's not deep at all so it can be passed relatively easy. Sharpteeth think they will drown if they dare enter it so it'll be as safe as your Great Valley. There is said to be green food in abundance - more than you could ever eat - and there are said to be special sweet tasting fruits growing there only. They are supposed to be the most delicious thing a leafeater could possibly feast on."
"What is this place called?" Grandpa asked in excitement.
"The Land of Many Wonders."
Oscar's listeners were gasping upon hearing its name. It sounded mysterious, wonderful and promising after all. But could he be trusted?
"You can’t be serious if you believe this crap!" the Threehorn bitched. "Back to our previous thought..."
"Do I have to remind you that I have been right last time you accused me of lying?" Oscar objected coolly.
"Well uhm..."
"Again, you show just how narrow-minded you are, Threehorn. Maybe we should... vote on this? What do you think guys?" Oscar questioned.
Most of the dinosaurs cheered.
"Humpff! Maybe they believe you, I don't!" Cera's Father stated firmly. "He's probably gonna lead us into a desert 'till we starve, no!"
"What makes you so sure I would?" Oscar questioned earnestly. "If I did that, I'd risk my own life as well, just saying."
"Well eeeerm..."
"Trust me, I know the way and most of its dangers. I will lead you to the Land of Many Wonders. The only thing I'm asking you to do is to trust in me."
"Say Oscar, where'd you know all this stuff from?" Mr. Clubtail questioned, either sounding accusing or confiding.
"Shouldn't we vote first?" Oscar wondered.
"You're just fooling us, I know it!" the Threehorn snarled.
"I'm not," Oscar replied undismayedly.
"I think it won't hurt if you tell your story first," Grandpa said, ignoring the quarrel yet.
"Maybe it'll change the voting results!" the Threehorn protested aggressively.
"So?" Oscar hummed. "Might be affecting them in a positive OR negative manner for me..."
"Now my friend, would you be so kind to cut it out now?!" Grandma ranted, being deeply annoyed by the constant fighting that was always fanned by the cantankerous threehorned dinosaur.
"Humpff, yourself!"
"Don't make me toss you out of this peaceful herd, Threehorn..." Grandpa warned.


I honestly don't know why I set up the first scene of this chapter... Appears to be random at first but if you remember some of my earlier chapters... ;)
Threehorn... :smile I thought an open end on this chapter might be the best choice even though it interrupts a scene... Oh and we finally learn more about the mysterious "Land of Many Wonders" :smile

Hope ya like it! :yes

In the next chapter there will be the continuation of the scene I interrupted in this one, and Oscar telling his story. Also a small piece about the Gang...
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Ah, so now the Land of Many Wonders is mentioned as a possible source of shelter.  Although Mr. Threehorn is dismissive of the idea, of course.  Although I think that Grandpa Longneck's warning in the last sentence might be a bit much.  Knowing Mr. Threehorn's character, he might force the longneck to attempt to act on his threat out of pride.  I also like the little bit at the beginning of the chapter, which helped us relate to the unforgiving nature of the Mysterious Beyond.

I only had a few corrections to note:

The crowd began quacking loudly; nobody had a clue.

I am confused by the usage of the word "quacking" here.  In the context of the sentence perhaps "yelling" or "talking" would work better.  Although it is true that calling a person a "quack" means that they are a charlatan or giving out unsupported advice, "quacking" is only used in English to describe the act of making a duck's vocalization.

"Don't make me tossing you out of this peaceful herd, Threehorn..." Grandpa warned

It should be "toss you out of the herd".

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks for reviewing,  rhombus :)

I know Grandpa's warning is a little harsh. I thought Grandpa would be more likely to react out of character here as opposed to his usual calmness and desire to solve problems peacefully. Mr Threehorn has constantly ranted about everything and only slowed them down unneccessarily. Therefore I believe that a more aggressive reaction of Grandpa is at least imaginable in this situation. On top of that, they have been in pain, horror, stress, sorrow and exhaustion so they're emotionally very weak and vulnerable.
I'm glad that you liked the first scene. I wanted to show not only the harshness of life in the Mysterious Beyond but also that our Sharptooth is still kicking :smile I guess I have already figured out that he's going to play a similar role like the Sharptooth in the Original movie :p Besides, if I recall correctly, I had ended a period of writer's block by writing this scene... it was just popping up in my head randomly and I thought: Why not? I remember feeling rather happy with myself when I had finished that scene  :exactly
I am confused by the usage of the word "quacking" here. In the context of the sentence perhaps "yelling" or "talking" would work better. Although it is true that calling a person a "quack" means that they are a charlatan or giving out unsupported advice, "quacking" is only used in English to describe the act of making a duck's vocalization.
Thanks for the information... In German language you can say "quacking" in the context I have used it here though it's also sort of metaphorically speaking. Now I know better and I'll change it :)
It should be "toss you out of the herd".
Ah darn it :angel This is a mistake I clearly have made often enough... I should have been aware of that one but it must have slipped through my proofreading. I'm not sure if anybody noticed but the last three chapters (last two on Shorty's Dark Past) weren't proofread except by me :angel I have received the corrections just yesterday so I'll probably fix a few bugs here and there shortly :) Thanks to bushwacked btw! Your proofreading is always very helpful even though you don't have to point out many mistakes anymore :p Much appreciated!
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Chapter 53: Oscar's secret

Suddenly, there was silence. The challenge had been uttered.
"You... you wanna fight me, Longneck?" the Threehorn jeered.
"If you don't start changing your rude and aggressive attitude towards everyone, I'll have to expel you. All provided the majority agrees with me. Whether that would happen in a fight or without violence would be up to you, my friend." Grandpa had him where he wanted him.
"Y-y-you don't want that, Longneck..." Cera's Father stammered in worry.
"No, I don't so don't force me to." Grandpa sighed. "Anyway, you wanted to tell us a story, Oscar?"
"Well, yes... However, I think, since certain dinosaurs may not like to listen, I will tell it later to those interested, maybe in the evening?" Oscar replied.
"Sounds good," Mr. Clubtail having asked the question in the first place stated.
"So we are going to vote now," Grandpa announced.
The vote's results were pretty unimpeachable since everybody was in favor of Oscar's suggestion to go on a long journey to find the Land of Many Wonders, aside from Cera's Father who abstained the vote.
They got ready to leave, took a last bite and started the daring journey for it was their only hope left.

Littlefoot's, Ducky's, Petrie's and Spike's euphoria lasted the whole day. In the evening, they eventually noticed their hunger.
"Oww, I'm hungry," Littlefoot piped up, looking at his friends.
"I am hungry too," Ducky replied. "I have not eat-ed anything today, oh no, no, no."
"Me hungry too," Petrie joined in his friends.
Spike's roaring stomach emphasised his strong hunger.
"Let's go out and get some food," Littlefoot suggested. "I'm slowly getting annoyed of the constant darkness in here anyway..."
"Yes, it is very dark in here and I do not like that," Ducky stated.
"What 'bout Cera?" Petrie piped up. "What if she wake up?"
"Well... maybe we can do it the way we did it before..." Littlefoot replied. "You and Ducky stay with Cera and Spike and I get the food. Agreed?"
"Sound like good plan," Petrie croaked.
"Yep, yep, yep. It has worked-ed before after all," Ducky said supportively.
"Cool, you coming, Spike?" Littlefoot wondered.
Spike smiled and galloped ahead.
"Seeya!" Littlefoot called.
Ducky and Petrie waved their goodbye.

In the evening, many members of the herd had gathered around Oscar who was going to tell them where he got his great wisdom from. Oscar knew that he had once told them but he doubted many saved that information in their brains.
Among the listeners was Cera's father. He had to promise not to utter a single word in order to be allowed to listen.
"So I told you the story how my homeland got destroyed and split by the Big Water. After I had arrived at the other side, I wandered around for a long, long time. I was basically starving when two Rainbowfaces found me. They invited me to join them for a limited time, meaning that they'd support me until I gained enough strength to survive in the hostile lands on my own. We were in a region with literally no food and water; whichever direction you looked, there was only sand, sand and even more sand. They gave me food and water but I never discovered where they'd get it from... In general, they were kind of... how shall I put it? Weird? Not weird in a negative way, but weird nevertheless. They were acting suspiciously and mysteriously, only answering simple questions and not telling me anything about themselves, actually, but at the same time they were really kind, especially the male one...
One day, I "accidently" listened to them talking about a matter that I clearly wasn't supposed to ever hear..."
"What did you hear, Oscar?" Mama Swimmer asked excitedly, for once not thinking about her lost daughter.
"Well, I guess I can't tell you, unfortunately..." Oscar replied elusively.
"Huh?!" said a few dinosaurs in the crowd.
"I'll come to that in a bit," Oscar responded assuringly.
"You better d..." the Threehorn was about to mutter but a death-glare from the Longnecks prevented him from finishing his thought.
"Well, the matter they were talking about was too serious in my view to not pipe up. They were angry at first; specially the female, that is. After they had recovered from the shock of me listening to them, they offered me to listen to the whole story since I knew too much anyway. Additionally, they have since the first day told me how sophisticated I would be. I suppose they decided to tell me since they considered me smart enough to understand what they're saying but not tell their secrets to other dinosaurs who are not. They wanted me to swear never to give it away towards others which is why I can't go into details..."
"Fair enough..." some of his listeners muttered while some others appeared to be slightly annoyed.
"That way, I was taught that we're walking on a globe, and that the world we know of doesn't just end somewhere. I was also taught how weather and climate works, how smoking mountains work, what causes earthshakes and so on... That's the very reason I have such a great wisdom."  
"So they also told you about several places, eh?" asked a Spiketail.
"Quite," Oscar answered. "I was told about the Land of many Wonders for example, as I was about many places - both some where you should wander to and some where you should better make a huge bow around..."
"That was a very good story, Oscar," Grandpa said appreciatively. "I don't think many will mistrust you anymore," Grandpa glared at the Threehorn. "I, personally, totally trust you. Besides, you would make a good storyteller." Grandpa chuckled.
"Thank you, Mr. Longneck," Oscar said, bowing slightly.
"Just Grandpa... that's what I'm commonly called," Grandpa stated, chuckling once more. "My mate, respectively, you may call Grandma."
"Are you a storyspeaker then?" Oscar questioned the towering Longneck.
"I used to be one in my younger years but I still do storytelling events if somebody wants to hear stories," Grandpa replied.
"Ah, I assumed that," Oscar spoke. "I know that Longnecks have a sort of tradition if it comes to story speaking..."
"You are right. Every big herd has a story speaker and there are also some travelling around," Grandpa explained.
"And... you used to be a resident or a transient?" Oscar questioned with true interest.
"At first, I was a resident but when I met the love of my life..." Grandpa twinkled to Grandma. "... I became a transient in search of a place to start a family."
"Your life sure hasn't been boring, I reckon?"
"No, it has been very eventful, sometimes more eventful than I had liked... like nowadays..." Grandpa sighed.
"It's time to sleep," Grandma mentioned.
"True, " Mama Swimmer commented. "The kids actually have to be tucked into their nests. Those that are left anyway... Night!"
"Goodnight!" commented a few, mostly her friends from the Valley.
"I'll call it a night as well," Oscar announced.
"Sleep well, dear!" Grandma called, smiling warmly the way she often did despite all the hardships she had to suffer lately.
The crowd disbanded; each dinosaur and family chose a place to spend the night. Soon, the only sound to be recognised was the snoring of numerous different kinds of dinosaurs. Only a very small minority guarded the herd, just in case...


More of a filler chapter I guess but still I hope you will like it :yes Oh, and it's proofread now (so are the three previous chapters :yes)

In the next chapter, there will be a scene including Ducky and Petrie and... no, I'm not going to tell you :smile
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Wow.  Grandpa Longneck certainly put Mr. Threehorn in his place.  He quite wisely played into the majority vote dynamic in order to discourage Mr. Threehorn from resorting to violence.  In a direct challenge by force, the threehorn would more than likely feel obligated to fight.

As for Oscar's story, that is quite interesting indeed.  I am pleased that the rainbowfaces get a reference.  They seem to serve a valuable role in Oscar's tale and it also fits into the universe of your story quite well.  The only thing that I might question in the depiction of the story is that the other members of the herd didn't make a greater challenge to Oscar's claims that the world was a globe.  I would imagine that some of the dinosaurs might challenge that assumption, while the flyers (being migratory and having to rely on the knowledge of the Earth's curvature) might be more accepting of his claims.  Other than that, I like Oscar's story very much.

Overall a good addition.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you for reviewing :)

You are totally right about Grandpa. Of course he would avoid a fight at all costs but a little warning is never wrong to make Mr. Threehorn back off :)

Yes, the Rainbowfaces have taught Oscar everything he knows. Your little critism is fair and I see where you are coming from. I have put my focus on Mr. Threehorn disagreeing with Oscar's views back then but I, indeed, didn't have the others utter their misgivings... They all were tired, exhausted and injured so the odd stories of a stranger didn't mean much to them at that time.
I'm glad that you liked the chapter nevertheless :) Since it is a rather minor thing, I don't think I should change it. I reckon you don't mind if I keep it the way it is :)
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I'm glad that you liked the chapter nevertheless smile.gif Since it is a rather minor thing, I don't think I should change it. I reckon you don't mind if I keep it the way it is smile.gif

You are correct it is a rather minor thing.   :yes I can see how if the rest of the herd was tired that they might just let it slide and not voice their disagreement on that minor point of his tale.  It is also true, now that I think about it, that if the flyers did believe in a round Earth then the other dinosaurs might have simply thought that the rainbowfaces shared in "the crackpot flyer idea of a round Earth" and not let that minor point color their view on the rest of Oscar's information.

I look forward to seeing how this develops.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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New chapter everyone!


Chapter 54: Struggling with thoughts

A yellow-ish Threehorn opened its eyes. It lied on a big meadow with soft, fresh grass, trees growing here and there. It was Cera. The girl got up, stretching her little body as she did so. Observing her surroundings, she noticed that she was at a place she hadn't been at in her life yet. While there were similarities to the Great Valley or the oasis she has been at, something was different... something she couldn't really track down. "Where am I? What happened? Am I alone?" These were only a few of the bucketload of questions buzzing around in her shielded head.
Upon further inspectation, she noticed a little group of dinosaurs in the distance, dinosaurs of her kind... "At least I'm not alone whew!" the little one thought, relieved. Then another thought hit her. "Where are those kids I used to travel with?" Cera wondered, only now remembering some more details of what had happened before she must have fallen asleep. Likewise, she also wondered how she managed to get to that place to begin with. After all, the last place she remembered being at was a cave with an awful lack of light...
"Did I sleep-walk?" the Threehorn thought, puzzled. She quickly brushed this thought aside though since there hadn't been a single bit of green around the system of caves if she remembered correctly. She was pretty sure she did.
Cera attempted to walk to a bush of berries to take a bite. She immediately changed her mind however as she felt that something was... wrong, somehow. Her back didn't hurt... for the first time in ages as it felt.
"How is that even possible???" Cera questioned herself . She had adapted to the constant stinging pain in her back like a Flyer would adapt to the unability to fly... eventually.
The little comparison her brain created made her think of Petrie, the self-conscious Flyer that used to travel with her. She honestly felt sorry for the guy, now that she had a weak moment, apparently. It clearly wasn't her way of treating others to show some empathy but considering that she was all alone at this very moment, unsure about her whereabouts and feeling utterly lonely, she decided to allow herself to express her feelings as there was nobody to see her weakness anyway...
"What's going on?!" her mind cried. Cera almost strained her neck at the attempt to take to look at her supposed injury on her back. What she saw, wasn't helping to sort out the mess she got herself in in an unknown way. The injury was still there, looking even worse than she remembered. The perplexed girl touched it in another act of strain... and again there was no pain. She didn't feel any pain at all.
Confused, Cera decided to join her fellow Threehorns to ask them a few questions. Whereabouts and so on...

Neither Ducky nor Petrie knew what way they should try to make the period of waiting for Littlefoot and Spike to bring them and Cera some food the least unnerving and boring. After staring at Cera's body moving up and down at such a regular pattern that it became predictable very quickly for a while, both drifted off into a thoughtful state of mind.
Ducky felt kind of lonely without Spike on her side. The Spiketail was really good at entertaining her despite his unability to talk; whenever he was nearby, Ducky didn't have time to have negative thoughts. His absence, however, made the little Swimmer drift off into a melancholic trance. She couldn't stop thinking about her family and how much she missed them, how lonely she felt without them playing with her all day. Despite having Littlefoot's words of wisdom in mind and despite her joyfulness lasting for the better part of the day, she couldn't prevent tearing up. Sadly, Ducky stared at the ground, watching her tears dribble down.
Petrie remembered a dream he had been having two nights ago. Pterano, his beloved uncle, had died in it which had scared him deeply. Of course, Petrie knew that it had just been a bad sleepstory after all but considering the rough, dieing land there were always doubts whether or not one would see a fellow dinosaur again...
"If only me could fly..." Petrie thought, sighing. It would be so much easier if he could. Sharpteeth? Easy to deal with once you have reached a certain height. An earthshake? The air isn't affected by it so fly up high...
Petrie so wished to have the ability to fly like his siblings and all the other Flyers around the world. He would have pushed his heart out of his chest if that was possible, so great was his desire.
Petrie had always been the outsider. Therefore, he wasn't surprised at all that the group he was currently travelling with didn't have any use for him. He was small, anxious and weak plus he didn't have any special abilities. Spike could at least track down food with his well developed sniffer and Cera was really tough while Littlefoot was smart and sort of leading them without anybody really calling or considering him that - a leader. Last but not least, there was Ducky, often sad and depressed but at the rare moments where she was truly happy she spread it like a Clubtail would spread its odor at a hot summer day. This ability of the Swimmer girl was the main reason the shy Flyer liked her the most, by far.
Thinking of Ducky, the Flyer turned to her to look how she was doing since she was suspiciously quiet. He had to notice the tears forming in her eyes to be poured forth, rolling down her cheeks and dribbling to the ground and he couldn't not hear the light choked sounds that came from her chest.
Ducky was probably feeling lonely, Petrie concluded and he honestly didn't mind some company at that moment. This time, he ordered himself, he wouldn't stand still, staring at the Swimmer for an eternity and not uttering a single word, no. This time he would walk to her without hesitation, collecting all bravery he had and offering her consolation.
Petrie got up from his sitting position and walked to Ducky, anxiety and uncertainty building up in his chest. God, how he hated his goddamn shyness...


Hope you like this addition :D

Ducky and Petrie will be on the focus in the next chapter. But what will they do being alone in the cave? Will they be happy, sad; will they talk or think? ;) The other three fellas will also have a scene each, don't worry :yes
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Now this is an interesting chapter.  :yes Who exactly are these threehorns that Cera is seeing in the distance?  Likewise, the fact that she still has her injuries, but they don't seem to hurt at all opens up some interesting possibilities.  After all, this story has already established a supernatural element to its plot...  I guess that I will have to wait and see.

The introspection from Petrie was also quite well done.  You capture his insecurities very well.  :yes I look forward to the Ducky and Petrie focused chapter.

A very good addition, but one that leaves many more questions than it solves.  Of course, that just means that I will have to keep reading to find the answers, doesn't it.  :p Keep up the good work!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks for the review :)

Now this is an interesting chapter. in-yes.gif Who exactly are these threehorns that Cera is seeing in the distance? Likewise, the fact that she still has her injuries, but they don't seem to hurt at all opens up some interesting possibilities. After all, this story has already established a supernatural element to its plot... I guess that I will have to wait and see.
Nothing supernatural this time, but your assumption is close enough ;) You will indeed have to wait for my next update to see this mystery being resolved, yep, yep, yep!

The introspection from Petrie was also quite well done. You capture his insecurities very well. in-yes.gif I look forward to the Ducky and Petrie focused chapter.
Thanks. Ducky and Petrie are going to realise that they mustn't forget a really important thing (which I shall not name yet :angel ). Petrie, despite the difference in species, I always imagined to like Ducky a little more than the movies may indicate. Therefore, I thought he might show a behavior rather typical for a person not daring to start a talk with their crush (Petrie doesn't have a crush on Ducky of course :D). Petrie, being a rather shy guy, would have some difficulties to get a conversation going so I figured he should work on that here (have in mind that he didn't dare to in an earlier chapter). I also thought I should have him remember Pterano...
Petrie's unability of flying, like in the original movie, will grow in importance soon :yes

A very good addition, but one that leaves many more questions than it solves. Of course, that just means that I will have to keep reading to find the answers, doesn't it. dino_tongue.gif Keep up the good work!
I'm very happy that you liked this chapter :smile Yes, you're as right as a human could be... they got to read the next chapter in order to see the questions being answered :p
I will keep up the good work if my motivation returns :D I'm probably getting distracted too much...
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Posting schedule will be every second week from now on, as I'm mostly working on the other fic recently... more ideas and more fun, y'know :p


Chapter 55: The true meaning of friendship

"Hey Spike?" Littlefoot asked the Spiketail as they were feasting upon some green food.
Spike gave a grunt that was supposed to mean yes? as Littlefoot concluded. Language barriers could be annoying but Littlefoot was confident that he would get his point across and so would Spike.
"Do you think Cera will appreciate the fact that we - you saved her life?" the Longneck questioned. Littlefoot had always wondered what Spike had actually in his mind as he couldn't express his thoughts with words and gestures didn't work half as good as words did. He tried to interpret Spike's unintelligably babbling but he wasn't successful at that.
"Uhm... I'm afraid I'm not so good at understanding you as Ducky seems to be..." Littlefoot muttered, ashamed.
Spike moved his warm tongue across Littlefoot's face which made him giggle for it tickled him a little.
"You forgive me?" Littlefoot asked despite knowing the answer already.
Spike's nod assured his guess.
"Well, how about talking about this with Ducky and Petrie?" the Longneck proposed. "Ducky could translate what we can't yet understand; maybe we will one day." He was pretty sure they would one day or that Spike would learn how to speak, somehow.
Spike seemed to be agreeing so they soon finished their meal, gathered enough food to keep them fed for at least the next two days, and headed back to their friends...

Ducky kept telling her mind to cease crying but it only made things worse. She was very relieved when she saw Petrie approaching, probably to console her like a good friend would. The Swimmer considered the self-conscious Flyer her best friend. Her relation to Spike was probably even closer, rather considering him a brother than a friend.
"Y-you alright?" the Flyer stammered.
Ducky didn't answer right away. She wiped some tears from her eyes - a move making little sense as there was a very fast influx of new ones. When she tried to answer, only choked sounds would come out of her mouth.
"You missing your family?" Petrie said sentimentally, thinking about how much he actually missed HIS family.
Ducky's answer was a soft cry that quickly grew louder and more mournful.
"Sometimes me wonder how me can stand all this..." he mumbled quietly before tearing up as well.
Ducky had got up to walk to the wall of the cave, covering her eyes with her hands. She then leaned against it and slowly slided down until she ended up in a sitting position. Pulling her legs close to her body, she hugged her knees and hid her head between her arms. At that moment, she gave up the resistance to cry and openly did so.
Petrie followed the girl - a scene he knew too well in front of his eyes... His best friend's sadness and grief didn't help him to deal with his own. He could only keep the desire to openly admit his depression back until he reached Ducky. Leaning against each other, they cried for they missed their families very deeply - especially those who weren't among the living anymore...

As Cera was approaching the small group of Threehorns who were grazing on a hill, she noticed more and more details. The Threehorns were mostly grey and orange and there were a lot of children running around. One grey Threehorn looked familiar for some reason... as did the two young ones she was cuddling with.
When Cera had finally got close enough to hear what they were saying, she couldn’t help but overhear two certain names that made her chest explode in a bulge of emotions.
"You're such lovely girls, Candy, Cara," said the female adult.
Cera was at a loss as for what to say or think.
"They're dead, aren't they?!" Cera thought, trying to understand what her eyes were receiving. "They just CAN'T be alive... so am I dead or WHAT?!"
The orange Threehorn walked closer to ask the dinosaur she supposed to be her mother a few questions...

The fact that Ducky was weeping into Petrie’s chest for the thousandth time in like what felt only a few days deeply annoyed the Swimmer. Petrie had calmed down to the level of soft sobbing while she was still crying after her mommy - and quite noisily at that. She wondered how the other members of the group took her constant outbursts of sadness. While she wasn't afraid of Spike's view onto this as he was the most peaceful dinosaur she had ever met, she was particularly afraid that Petrie and Littlefoot considered her too much of a hatchling. Cera would bully her for that anyway if she could. She knew that both of them told her the very opposite of what she was fearing but she just couldn't take it for granted that they were speaking up their true opinion.
Hopelessness - a feeling she thought to have banished from her mind - returned, making things just worse. Ducky was well aware of the fact that there was hope and she knew that she wasn't allowed to lose hope again. Nevertheless, she didn't succeed. Despite having ceased to cry after her mother, she was still wailing very mournfully, hiding in Petrie's chest and desperately clinging to her friend.
"Help me, Petrie!" she cried, getting shaken by a strong sob.
"Me no know how!" Petrie whined. He was already stroking the Swimmer's back for a fair while but it didn't seem to work at all.
"I-I d-do not w-w-want to cry, no, no, no..." the girl managed to whisper before the sobs became too violent for speaking in a way anybody would understand.
"Me know, Ducky, me know..." Petrie said softly, nursing the unfortunate girl. "You being sensitive and you and me know that."
It needed Ducky a couple minutes to reply.
"I know... so y-you are not m-m-mad at me?"
"Why should me be mad at you?" the Flyer boy questioned.
"Because I am a h-hatchl-ling, y-yes I am..." Ducky replied, whimpering.
"You feeling lonely right now?" Petrie then asked.
Ducky nodded in response.
"V-v-v-very lonely!"
"But me here, Ducky. You not alone..."
"B-but I feel alone, I do, I do!"
"Why Ducky? You never alone, not really... My mum told me when she brought food. Loved ones never go, not really. They still in your heart, guiding you."
"I know, Petrie. I miss BEING with them and I am scared-ed."
"Scared of what? Being alone?"
"Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky finally found the strength to remove her head from Petrie's chest that was totally soaked in her tears. She kneeled down, her tears now hitting her own legs. "I am also feared because I do not want to be eat-ed by a Sharptooth or starve," she mumbled.
"Well, me fear me never be able to fly like a Flyer," Petrie said with unexpected depression.
"Why are you not able to fly, Petrie?" Ducky asked. The shift towards problems that weren't her own seemed to calm her troubled mind.
"Me no know! Me always do things wrong," Petrie complained. "Me bullied by brothers and sisters for that."
"I am sorry Petrie, I did not want to make you sad, oh no," Ducky said, the production of tears having ceased completely.
"You no make me sad, you make me happy. Me happy to have such nice friend like you!" Petrie told his friend.
The two children gazed at each other.
"Hugs?" Ducky asked, opening her arms.
Petrie didn't need to think about this twice. He willingly accepted the comfort Ducky was offering him, just like he was always offering her his frugal console whenever she needed it. That was what true friendship meant, right?


Another rather emotional chapter. I'm fairly happy with this one (and I'm usually self-critical ^^), though I could have worked with thoughts a little more imo :p Hope you like it too. :yes

The next chapter will be centered on Cera. Ducky and Petrie will have a small scene as well :)
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This was a very nice chapter that captured the emotional state of the characters quite well.  :)

The first scene was very nice with Littlefoot and Spike having a conversation.  Well... More or less.  The acknowledgement that Littlefoot could not understand Spike all that well, but that they could relate to each other's emotions was quite nice.  It shows that Spike is not stupid in any way, in fact he is probably the most observant of the gang in many ways, but that he is simply mute.

As for the Cera, my suspicions seem to be right.  The female threehorn acts like that she is her mother and the children seem to match the description of Cera's siblings.  The next chapter or two should be very interesting.   :yes

As for the Ducky and Petrie scenes they seem to be very well done.  Ducky's loneliness and Petrie's lack of confidence is slowly being overcome by their mutual friendship and desire to find their folks again.

All in all, a very nice addition to the story.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you for the review :)

The first scene was very nice with Littlefoot and Spike having a conversation. Well... More or less. The acknowledgement that Littlefoot could not understand Spike all that well, but that they could relate to each other's emotions was quite nice. It shows that Spike is not stupid in any way, in fact he is probably the most observant of the gang in many ways, but that he is simply mute.
Yes, of course Spike isn't stupid (although he sometimes causes trouble throughout the franchise :smile) but observant and laid-back/easy-going. Especially Ducky and Petrie value his decisions after all, for example when Littlefoot and Cera are arguing :yes

As for the Cera, my suspicions seem to be right. The female threehorn acts like that she is her mother and the children seem to match the description of Cera's siblings. The next chapter or two should be very interesting. in-yes.gif
Certainly, they will be interesting, yep, yep, yep!

As for the Ducky and Petrie scenes they seem to be very well done. Ducky's loneliness and Petrie's lack of confidence is slowly being overcome by their mutual friendship and desire to find their folks again.
Exactly. Their support and friendship is mutual as both of them are suffering of the situation - Ducky of her loneliness and her emotional weakness and Petrie of his uncertainty and his inability of flying.

All in all, a very nice addition to the story. smile.gif
I'm happy that you like it :yes
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Cancerian Tiger

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So, Cera is going through that experience after all.  This will be interesting :).


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^Oh yes, it will indeed :lol

Darn it. I need to write on this story but I am having so many ideas for the other story but near to none for this one :bang Oh well, I'll just try sooner or later :p Enjoy the read! ^^


Chapter 56: Just a dream?

"Mum? Is that you?" Cera asked quietly, addressing the grey female Threehorn.
The spoken-to turned around, seemingly not surprised at all.
"Ah, I saw you coming. My dear, sweet Cera!" she said happily, bowing down to allow her daughter to hug her which she wildly did.
"Oh mother, I'm so glad to see you again!" Cera cried.
"So am I, my daughter," her mother responded with tears of happiness in her eyes.
"So I'm dead I guess?" Cera then questioned her mother.
"Yes... and no," came the response.
"Huh? You're either dead or alive, not something inbetween!" Cera shouted with some annoyance in her voice.
"Oh dear! Calm down, I'll explain. At this very moment, you are neither dead nor alive."
"But how's this even possible???" Cera questioned.
"Well, you would have died due to that injury on your back sooner or later but down there - where the living are - is somebody who deeply cares about you and your wellbeing. Whether to stay here or return to the world of the living, is completely up to you."
Cera didn't expect that answer. Who cared about her? Her dad? It had to be him... but how would he know of Cera's severe wound? How would he know that she was about to die? So was it those guys she used to travel with? Did they really care for her after everything she has done and said? Cera prefered to find that out by herself rather than to ask her mother. Though she clearly disliked the thought of somebody saving her life for a Threehorn never needed any help. Never ever!
"I'm... not sure what to decide, mum," Cera mumbled with uncertainty.
"You are very strong, brave and determined, Cera. Don't you want to go back to have a fulfilling life?"
"Well, sure... but I don't want to lose you now that I'm finally with you..." Cera responded.
"You have never lost me, Cera," her mother said calmly, smiling at her daughter. "And you will never lose me..."
"You gotta explain THAT to me," Cera remarked.   
"Oh Cera..." the adult chuckled. "You might know that there is the body and the soul..."
"Uhm... maybe?" Cera replied.
"Well, if you die, you leave your body behind but your soul does not die. Your soul will move to a special place that is unique for every dinosaur. We call it the Great Beyond. From there, you'll watch after those you care about."
"So... lemme get this straight... You're dead, right? You've been killed and feasted upon by this Sharptooth but your soul, I'm just talking to with my soul, has moved on to this place but my body lies around in that damn cave, right?"
"That sums it up just nicely," Cera's Mother said, nodding.
"That's weird!" Cera protested.
"Yet, this is the truth," her mother answered.
"So what d'ya mean by saying you've never lost me?"
"I'm always in your heart and watching you, Cera. So let your heart guide you. Listen to what it is telling you and decide thereupon."
"You gotta be kidding, Mum!"  
"Cera..." the female grown-up sighed. "I cannot order you to believe my words and neither do I want to... I can only beseech you to never forget what I just told you. You'll regret it otherwise; maybe not tomorrow but you will, one day." Cera's Mother took a breath and locked eyes with her bewildered daughter. "So will you return to the world of the living or do you want to stay with me and your sisters in the Great Beyond? If you go, there will be a bunch of young dinosaurs that will be very, very happy to see you open your eyes and return to them. We, on the other hand, will meet again one day anyway... when your time has finally come to leave the world of the living forever..."
"I'll go back... I guess," Cera mumbled. "Guess I'm too young to die, eh?"
"You are never too old or too young to die, Cera. Remember that Mr. Thicknose was pretty old when he eventually passed on and also remember that the Longneck had laid four eggs but only one hatched alive. You know that very Longneck, Cera. Let me tell you one thing you should always remember."
"Okay," Cera responded simply.
"You may be a Threehorn, very strong, proud and determined to achieve everything you want to, but you also have to remember that working in a team is the better option in many cases. Sometimes, you have to ignore those threehornish ways of thinking to achieve something. The true traits every dinosaur should have are not pride, strength and determinedness but friendship, peace and love. Everybody needs some help in his life, remember that! You may leave now."
"Just one last question, mum... Is this here even real?"
"It is all happening in your mind, Cera."
"So am I dreaming?"
"Yes, wake up... now."

Cera opened her eyes. She didn't immediately recognise the place she was at but the voices she heard were familiar.
The Threehorn had felt a sudden sensation and everything had turned black. Then she had lost consciousness only to wake up in almost complete darkness.
Cera's mind wasn't yet working fast and her eyes needed some time to adjust to the darkness. Since her sense of sight wasn't working yet, she relied on her ears. She received silent whispers of two different dinosaurs, both sounding familiar.
"Ducky? Petrie?" she finally realised. "So where are Littlefoot and Spike?"

Ducky and Petrie hadn't known how long they were united in their embrace. Eventually, Petrie removed his wings from Ducky's body and smiled at the girl.
"You my best friend, Ducky. Me ever told you that?" he said very quietly.
"I do not think that you have told me that, oh no, no, no," the Swimmer replied. "But neither have I told you that you are myyyy best friend."
"Me really... your best friend?" Petrie asked, astonished. "Me thought Spike your best friend..."
"Well, Spike and I... I think we are more like brother and sister, yep, yep, yep," Ducky explained.
"Ah, me understand... Soo... anyway, you my best friend, now me said that."
"You are my very bestest friend, too! Oh yes, yes, yes!"
Ducky's and Petrie's shining smiles met each others before they gave each other another quick but powerful hug.  Then they moved on to other subjects.
"Me really wish we be in more happy situation right now," Petrie said with a sigh.
"I know, Petrie, I know," Ducky replied. "I am not happy about this either, oh no, no, no."
"Well, me coulda told you that," Petrie then snickered.
"Hehehe," Ducky giggled. "You know, Petrie... As long as we stay together, we will be strong, we will, we will."
"That true, we will make it as long as we together," Petrie spoke, smiling.
Then, out of nowhere, came a yelp...


Hmm, I don't have much to say so I'll just leave it up to you to comment on the events of this short but interesting chapter :yes

The next chapter is a lengthy one and there's one event that'll have more impact on one of the five than you might think after reading the next chapter :)
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Beautiful.  Just beautiful.  :)

I don't know much else to say about this.  Cera has finally had closure of sorts with her mother and she has chosen to try to remain in the world of the living.  I expect this to be a moment of serious character growth for Cera.  Despite the pain and hardship, she has decided to rejoin the gang.

Likewise, the conversation between Ducky and Petrie was excellent.  I look forward to seeing how this develops in the next chapter.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.