The Gang of Five
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Ducky123's fic

Ducky123 · 254 · 32632


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This comment made my day :lol Thank you so much!

I don't know much else to say about this. Cera has finally had closure of sorts with her mother and she has chosen to try to remain in the world of the living. I expect this to be a moment of serious character growth for Cera. Despite the pain and hardship, she has decided to rejoin the gang.
Oh yes, it will be a big step for Cera and a very big development. Her mother opened her eyes, or her spitit/soul :p Of course she'll always be... well, Cera though.

Likewise, the conversation between Ducky and Petrie was excellent. I look forward to seeing how this develops in the next chapter. in-yes.gif
Heh heh :lol You will see...

I'm very glad you liked it. Now I'm extra motivated to write on this story again:)
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Chapter 57: A change in attitude?

"What da hell!?!" Cera thought. She had tried to move her body but the realisation that this was not going to happen came in form of an excruciating, stinging pain in her back. "Well, it sure has been a dream..." she mused.
Her yelp seemed to have attracted Ducky's and Petrie's attention fully.
"What that?!" Petrie shouted, alarmed.
"I do not know, Petrie, no, no, no," Ducky responded, shrugging her shoulders.
"The evil Threehorn's gonna eat ya, Petrie, raaaawl!" Cera whispered viciously.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" Petrie cried and ran away.
"Hehehehe! Oh Petrie... This is only Cera, yes it is her," Ducky chuckled.

Petrie didn't hear Ducky so he went on running towards the exit in a panic... where he bumped right into Littlefoot just making his way towards their sort of nesting place.
"Petrie?! What's going on? What are you running away from?" Littlefoot questioned, concerned.
"There... monster," Petrie panted.
"Oh Petrie..." they heard Ducky giggle in the distance. "It was Cera, silly, yes, yes, yes."
"It... was Cera?!" Petrie squeaked in disbelief. "Ohh..."
Ducky and Cera had a powerful outburst of laughter, though Cera's quickly came to an end again since her back didn't appreciate the movement. Littlefoot snickered a bit before grabbing the obviously embarrassed Flyer with his tail and placing him on his back.
Spike smiled in amusement but quickly cut it out since he didn't want to make Petrie feel sad. At least he would feel sad if he was being laughed at.
"Me scaredy egg..." he mumbled depressedly.
"It's alright, Petrie," Littlefoot said.
Neither of them said anything else until they arrived at the girls.
"Lookie what they got!" Ducky exclaimed in awe. Littlefoot and Spike had created a huge pile of food that was firmly placed on Spike's back.
"I could've carried twice as much," Cera stated smugly.
"Sigh... she hasn't changed a single bit..." Spike thought, rather in amusement than in annoyance. With some assistance of Littlefoot, he dropped the food to the ground and took a bite despite having had his last meal only about thirty minutes earlier...
"Spiiiiiiiiike!!!" Ducky exclaimed happily and stormed towards the Spiketail to embrace him tightly. She had only been separated from him for a short period of time but she had missed him a lot already. Once she released Spike, they munched on all sorts of vegetation. Simultaneously, Petrie hopped off Littlefoot's back and began to eat as well, though he chose to stay away from Ducky and Spike.
Littlefoot approached Cera, a shy smile drawn into his face.
"I'm very happy to see you alive and kicking, Cera," he told her happily. "You doing okay?"
"Sure I am!" Cera replied snappily. "It needs more to bring a Threehorn down than a scratch..."
"Your attitude sure hasn't changed..." Littlefoot chuckled.
"So what? Why should it have changed, eh?"
"Well, you've been pretty dead for a day or so... we actually thought you were before... weeeell."
"Spit it out, will ya?" Cera shouted.
"I-I'll tell you right after dinner, okay? You need food, the others need food too," Littlefoot said.
"You’d better..." Cera growled. She tried to get up again but her back was preventing her from doing so.
"Should I bring you some food, Cera?" Littlefoot offered.
"NO! I'm fine!" Cera growled once more.
"Cera..." Littlefoot sighed. "This attitude of yours is wrong. One day you'll get yourself killed..."
"Will. not," Cera retorted.
"Everybody needs some help, sometimes," Littlefoot explained. "You may be prideful, Cera. I can accept that and I'm sure the others can as well, but you can't always be the toughest..."
"I'm FINE!" Cera screamed, angrily.
"Okay, as you wish..." Littlefoot murmured and left the moody Threehorn alone.

While Cera was pouting, Littlefoot joined Ducky, Petrie and Spike. Other than Spike, he didn't need a second dinner that evening. He noticed that Petrie's chest was kind of wet. "Has Ducky cried again???" Littlefoot figured he would never find out if he didn't ask.
"What have you been doing anyway, Ducky?" he asked the Swimmer.
Ducky turned to Littlefoot, munching on some leaves. "Well, we were bored-ed, yes we were," she lied.
Littlefoot gave her a stern, inquiring look.
"Well, not really. I cried again, I did," Ducky then said genuinely. "I have felt very lonely because I need my family very much, yep, yep, yep." She looked to the ground, downheartedly.
"Sometimes, I feel lonely too, Ducky," Littlefoot admitted. "But when I do, I keep telling myself that I'm not alone. I have my mother who's watching me and guiding me and I have you guys."
"Well, that is the part that does not work for me, nope, nope, nope. I have not forgotten your wise words, Littlefoot. I have tried to follow your advise but it did not work. I am so sorry."
"No need to feel bad about it, Ducky," Littlefoot assured, using his tail to lift Ducky's head. Ducky smiled weakly. "As long as you try your best, it's all fine," Littlefoot told. "You shouldn't feel sad because you can't win a fight. You should see the positive aspects and keep telling yourself that they are the only aspects that matter."
"Like... if I keep telling myself that Cera is going to get healthy again?"
Cera snorted in the background.
"For example. Don't let those weak moments ruin you. You are stronger than you may think, Ducky," Littlefoot spoke affirmatively, smiling at Ducky.
"Am I? I am very small so how can I be strong?" Ducky questioned.
"I'm not talking about physical strength, Ducky, but about inner strength, mental strength... Even though your inner turmoil is trying to knock you down, you still find the strength to care for others. Remember how we found Spike? It was you who insisted on taking him along and you know how great a decision that was." Littlefoot took a breath, then continued. "He is a very good friend and he has already been very helpful." "And Cera doesn't even know..." his mind added.
"You are right, Littlefoot, you are, you are. In fact, you are always right, yes, yes, yes." Ducky said cheerfully.
"Now I have to disagree, Ducky," Littlefoot chuckled. "Everybody does have quirks, faults and mistakes. Spike can't talk and he's eating far more than his fair share." As if to confirm this, Spike tucked into the pile of food madly, causing Littlefoot and Ducky to smirk in amusement. "Petrie is easily scared," Littlefoot continued."He can't fly yet and he sometimes speaks in a funny way. Cera is often too proud to admit her faults which is one of them, actually." Cera snorted yet again. "She can be very mistrusting and mean as well. Ducky, you know your faults. You're very affectionate and therefore easily upset about certain things... like the separation from your family. And, obviously, I'm not free of them either. I think my biggest blunder was insulting Cera's Dad back when she tried to convince us of Spike's uselessness. Cera," he was now adressing the Threehorn directly. "I think I should have done it much sooner, I'm sorry. I apologise for everything I said about your kind and your dad. Do you accept it?" Littlefoot looked at Cera uncertainly. Cera appeared to be pondering about this.
"Sure, maybe I did overreact a little back then," she eventually responded. "I'm sorry too."
"Much appreciated," Littlefoot replied, smiling.
Spike walked to Cera.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Spike, I'm very sorry for not accepting you too. May I have a second chance? I now know that we need to work together in order to find our parents. Sorry everyone. Guess it's my fault that we're still stuck in this bloody cave, eh?" The Threehorn uncertainly awaited her friend's responses, however it would turn out.
Spike approached Cera, then moved his moist tongue across Cera's face. Everyone but Petrie laughed.
"I believe he has accepted your apology, Cera, heheheh," Ducky chuckled.
"So do I," Littlefoot said in agreement. "I'm glad that you finally realised that we need to work together. Things will be much easier."
"Yep, yep, yep. Then we can finally continue to search for our mommies and daddies," Ducky cheered.
"True. Y'know guys..." Littlefoot spoke. " Having talked about everyone's flaws, I think I should also point out everyone's positive traits. Spike is very laid-back so he doesn't support arguing or fighting."
"But he did attack me..." Cera remarked. "Though I deserved it..."
"Spike is also very protective over those he cares for."
"Ah, makes sense. I don't hold it against you by the way, Spike," Cera assured.
Spike gave an appreciative smile and turned his attention back to Littlefoot.
"Petrie is braver than he may think. He could've run away from that Fastbiter but instead he warned Ducky and brought himself into danger." Ducky twinkled over to Petrie but the Flyer didn't even look. "Cera is very tough and brave. Ducky is caring and cheerful. What do you think would be my traits?"
"You are very wise, yes you are," Ducky exclaimed, nodding.
"You're... you're good at leading, I guess. Though I'm good at that as well..." Cera replied.
"I think you're right. Though I don't like to be THE leader, I feel kind of responsible for our group," Littlefoot admitted. "
"Uhm, would you mind passing some food over to me? I'm starving..." Cera then requested. The Gang laughed, again everyone but Petrie.
Before Littlefoot could have reacted, Spike rushed to the remaining food and pushed it to Cera, using his tail.
"Thanks Spike!" Cera exclaimed happily. "What did you cover my back with anyway? Feels kinda sticky..."
"Well... ehh, can you tell her the story, Littlefoot? I think you are better in telling them, yep, yep, yep," Ducky piped up.
"No problem, I'll just inform you about what's happened while you were... well, y'know," Littlefoot replied.


Uhh, well, dunno quite what to say :p This is a rather dialogue heavy chapter... but there will be introspective scenes very soon ^^
Hope you like it! :yes

In the next chapter, Cera will be told the story of her own "death" and "reanimation" and it'll be rather focused on Petrie additionally :)
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Very nice chapter.  :) This chapter could very well be titled reconciliations on account of the headway that has been made in Cera's attitude (well... mostly) and the apologies that have been made between the five dinosaurs.  It will be interesting to see how the apologies and reassurances affect their interactions from this point on.

There was only one mistake that I noticed:

"Yep, yep, yep. Then we can finally continue to search for our mommy's and daddy's," Ducky cheered.

It should be 'mommies' and 'daddies'.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Thank you for the review :)

This chapter could very well be titled reconciliations on account of the headway that has been made in Cera's attitude (well... mostly) and the apologies that have been made between the five dinosaurs. It will be interesting to see how the apologies and reassurances affect their interactions from this point on.
Yes, that will be interesting indeed which is why I used a title that indicates some doubt ;) Your alternative suggestion would work very well here of course :)
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Long time no update me guess? Well, haven't been working on it anyway :bang I'm so out of ideas for this one as opposed to my other fic where I have more than I can write down :rolleyes


Chapter 58: What's the matter with Petrie?

Cera got ready to listen closely to Littlefoot's story. The Longneck was standing in front of her, keeping his neck low to talk to her on the same level. Spike was standing next to him; Ducky had climbed up his body and had taken a seat on his head, both ready to listen to a story they probably already knew with the anticipation of somebody who hadn't heard the story yet - like Cera. Petrie stood a little off the others, looking to the ground. "Gee, did my little prank scare him THAT much?" Cera thought. "He sure looks upset..."
"Alright, so we were pretty worried when we couldn't wake you up anymore," Littlefoot narrated. "Ducky told us about a special leaf that is said to cure injuries like yours, Cera."
"Oh yes, yes, yes. They have saved-ed one of my sisters who stepped on a pointy rock in the water, they did," Ducky explained.
"Yeah, so we searched for them. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any."
"So how did ya find them then?" Cera questioned.
"Well, the credit goes to Spike here..." Littlefoot spoke, giving Spike an acknowledging look, both recalling their talk earlier. "It was his idea and effort that saved your life, Cera. It was even he himself who got the leaves."
"You gotta explain THAT!" Cera requested in an irritated fashion.
"Well, Spike's idea was to go to a lonely place and search for our special lights in the sky where our loved ones are," Littlefoot continued. "All of us managed to talk to those who have passed on during the Sharptooth attack. We were told things, some of them we didn't understand, and all of us got a special thing: Ducky got one of those pebbles she wanted to have so much, Petrie got a... well, I dunno what it is."
"It my snuggling stick. Me sleep better with it," Petrie explained defiantly.
"Right, I got a treestar and Spike," he gazed at the Spiketail. "And Spike got those leaves on your back, Cera."
"WHAT?!? Spike... saved my life?" Cera muttered in disbelief and confusion. "My life was saved by a hornless?! How nice..." her mind added sardonically. Usually, she would have thought the one telling her such a thing would have hit his head a little too hard but her mother's words softened her way of thinking in these situations in a way.
"Yep, he did," Littlefoot replied firmly.
"Ohh..." Cera was at loss as for what to say.
"Spike is so very nice, is he not?" Ducky chattered. "I have been right, he has been very helpful to our group and has not slowed us down at all, yep, yep, yep."
"Yeah, 'coz that was my job... stupid stonetooth!" Cera cursed.
"Well, it wasn't your fault, Cera," Littlefoot spoke softly. "I could have been hit instead of you too. Guess it was bad luck eh?"
"Nope, nope, nope, we were having good luck because we are still all here, we are," Ducky piped up.
"So very true, Ducky!" Littlefoot exclaimed. He nuzzled the Swimmer in appreciation. Ducky chuckled.
"Soo, what happened after that anyway?" Cera asked.
"Right... back to the story..." Littlefoot said. "We returned to this place to cover your injury with the curing leaves. You looked really bad. In fact, you weren't breathing or showing any sign of vitality at all. For a day we thought you were dead."
"Gee, was it really that bad?" Cera wondered, stunned.
"I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are not dead, Cera," Ducky spoke. "I was so sad, I was, I was."
"We all were..." Littlefoot added.
"Man, I thought you guys don't like me..."
"Well, we sorta didn't like you but all these catastrophies have welded us together, I guess," Littlefoot explained.
"Fair enough... so that's the end?" Cera asked.
"Just about, yeah. Today in the morning, Spike woke up early and saw you breath again. I suppose you can tell how big a relief that was..."
"Yeah, I can," Cera answered. "Y'know before I woke up earlier, I had a dream..."
"Yay, another story..." Ducky cheered.
"Cool, what was it about?" Littlefoot asked.
"Well, I met my mum and she told me some things that really made me think about many things..."
"Like what?"
"That, sometimes, I have to contemplate other values than threehornish ones... She told me that I need to work in a team... And she told me that you guys do care about me... which is probably why I'm still here, right?"
"Your mother must be very wise, yep, yep, yep," Ducky exclaimed.
"Yeah, she is... Anyway, you guys think I can move again soon? I hate to admit it but that damn injury still hurts whenever I try to move..."
"It should heal up soon, right Ducky?" Littlefoot stated.
"My sister could walk again after two days I believe, yep, yep, yep," the Swimmer responded.
"See, don't worry. You'll be fine in a few days and then we can finally leave this dark place," Littlefoot said.
"I can't wait to see THAT happen," Cera growled sardonically.
The Gang laughed.

The group soon dissipated. Cera was left alone so she could recover, rest and eat her dinner, Petrie sought refuge in a dark corner where he continued to mourn about his timorousness, Littlefoot had gone outside to look at the stars in an attempt to talk to his mother again and Ducky and Spike were quietly whispering to each other.
The Spiketail hummed something, indicating that he was listening to his close friend.
"Do you know what Petrie's problem is?" Ducky asked. "He does seem to be very sad and depressed tonight, yes he does..." She gazed over to where the Flyer was.
Spike put on a thoughtful expression. He eventually pointed at Cera in the distance and mumbled something.
"Yes, that might be it," Ducky replied, having understood the babbling of the Spiketail. "Do you think we should talk to him? He does seem to need some words of encouragement, yep, yep, yep."
Spike yawned, his mouth widely opened.
"Oh, you are tired... I will go without you, yep, yep, yep," Ducky declared. "You cannot talk anyway..." Chuckling, she gave Spike a quick hug before walking over to Petrie.

Petrie was curled up. He hid his head below his wings and weeped silently in self-pity. "Least wings are good for hiding..." he thought bitterly. "Me worst Flyer ever! Me no can fly and me scaredy-egg!"
Ducky walked closer carefully. She didn't want to wake the jumpy Flyer up in case he was already asleep. "He sure looks like he is asleep, yep, yep, yep," the young Swimmer thought.
As soon as she had arrived at her friend, she listened to the sounds that were surrounding her. Her ears received a clattering snoring. "Spike must have passed out already..." Ducky deduced, smiling. The young Swimmer envied the ability of the Spiketail to fall asleep so easily. She often had trouble getting her much needed rest - not only because she missed her mother, who would have always made sure that all of her children were tucked in savely before she fell asleep herself, but also because of the sleepstories that so often disrupted her peaceful slumber in a displeasing way.
Another friend of her, Cera, had seemingly entered the world of dreams too as her breath went very constantly. Footsteps that came out of the path that lead out of their cave told her that Littlefoot was just on his way back to them. "So what about you, Petrie?" Ducky wondered. After a few moments of concentrated listening, the Swimmer came to a result: "He is not sleeping, no, no, no..." Believing that she was right she spoke up. "Petrie?" It was only whispered in order not to wake up Cera or Spike but Petrie heard his friend's sweet voice nevertheless.
"Me no wanna talk, Ducky. Not now..." he sighed, not moving in his curled-up position.
"What is the matter with you, Petrie? Why are you so sad?" the Swimmer questioned gingerly.
"Please leave Petrie alone..." Petrie whispered.
Ducky had a sort of de-ja-vu. "Did not I have said that not too long ago?" She remembered what she was told back then and what way she had reacted, reacting to Petrie's decline of her company in accordance of her experiences.
"Will you let me know when you are ready to, heh?"
Petrie's response was only a nod.
"I will be there when you need me, I will. See you..." Ducky spoke before she turned around to return to Spike's side.

A little later - Ducky had meanwhile cuddled up with Spike in an attempt to fall asleep - Petrie decided to walk over to Ducky. "Maybe it better for me... me been there for Ducky and now she there for me..." he thought grimly.
"Ducky? Me ready now..." he piped up.
Ducky, having already been very sleepy, yawned before she got up.
"Hey Petrie, how are you feeling?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Me dunno... not good, that for sure," he replied crestfallen.
"Oh, do not feel sad, Petrie. I am here, yes I am," Ducky spoke softly and embraced her friend.
"Me goof up everything... me worst Flyer ever!" Petrie cried.
"Oh Petrie, do not think so. You are not a bad Flyer, oh no, no, no," she hummed.
"Me no can fly! Me useless!" Tears left his eyes at a fast pace.
"Hey, do not cry..." Ducky appealed. It was no use though; Petrie clung his winged arms around his friend and snivelled. Ducky patted his shoulders softly and nursed him, waiting until her friend would regain his composure.
Spike eventually woke up due to Petrie weeping right next to him. At first, the Spiketail was slightly annoyed because he had been woken rudely but then he considered that Petrie's problems would be worse than him not being able to sleep. Though reluctant, he got up and gave Ducky a questioning look.
"Oh Spike, do not worry about Petrie," Ducky assured in response. "He is only a little sad because he cannot fly yet, he is." Ducky looked at Spike, wondering why he had a sort of grumpy expression. She soon realised... "Are you mad at Petrie because he woke you up, heh?" she asked carefully.
Spike's face indicated that he was but he shook his head.
"It all my fault..." Petrie cried. "Me useless!"
"Oh, do not say such a thing, Petrie," Ducky said sadly. "You are not useless, you are my bestestest friend and you have supported me so much whenever I am so sad..."
"But me no can help group, me no can fly, me no can lead, me no can scout, me no can fight, me no good at anything!" Petrie bawled.
"If it wasn't for you, I might not have escaped that Sharptooth back then, remember?" Ducky replied.
"Yeah, but my mum saved us..." Petrie retorted.
"Still, he would have eaten me already before she had been able to come to our rescue, yep, yep, yep," Ducky countered, smiling a little.
Spike licked Petrie to support Ducky's point. He totally agreed that Petrie was not as useless as he claimed to be... though being able to fly would be very useful since they would have a scout who could check the way from up above. "We wouldn't be surprised by a Sharptooth attacking, that's for sure," Spike thought.
"Maybe you should see it this way, Petrie..." Ducky spoke up again. "Imagine how Cera must feel now. She is the main reason why we are still here in this cave and not searching for our mommies and daddies... or grandparents. We might have found them if we had left Cera alone, yep, yep, yep. But we are all friends and friends hold on together until the end, they do! My mommy always told me that friendship is the most important thing and that true friends would always be there for each other, no matter the situation. I had a disagreement with Littlefoot when we were searching for the leaves Cera needed so urgently, I did. I was disappointed because Littlefoot left Cera all alone..."
"Huh? What's the matter?" spoke a voice to Ducky's left.
"Oh, it is you Littlefoot," Ducky said relieved, having jerked somewhat. "You scared-ed me for a moment, hehehe."
"Sorry, my fault," Littlefoot chuckled. "What's going on?"
"I was just explaining something to Petrie, I was, I was," Ducky informed the Longneck.
"Oh, why's that? And why's he crying? Did something bad happen while I was out there?!" Littlefoot shouted in concern.
"Nooooo..." Ducky chuckled. "Petrie is just a little upset about something."
"Me upset 'coz me no can fly," Petrie piped up dejectedly. "Me feel useless..."
"Yes, and I was just telling him that he is not useless. Petrie, like I said, I had that disagreement with Littlefoot... I was thinking that he planned to leave Cera dieing in this cave and continue our search for our families without her."
"Ah, I remember..." Littlefoot piped up. "I left her alone to get the curing leaves faster in case there were any and I formed teams since there is safety in numbers... not that we could rely on it but I felt and still feel better when nobody is forced to go alone. Cera was in safety from Sharpteeth so I could leave her alone..."
"So what you wanna tell Petrie???" Petrie questioned, still crying.
"We want to tell you that you are not useless simply because you are a member of this group," Littlefoot explained.
"And more importantly, we are all friends, we are," Ducky amended.
"So... me not useless c--coz me your friend?" Petrie questioned.
"Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky called.
"Yeah, I suppose so," Littlefoot answered, smiling.
Spike nodded as well. Now they were finished and he could finally get back to sleeping. Yawning noisily, he settled down and began snoring again.
"Hehehe, Spike is sleeping already," Ducky snickered.
"Yeah, guess we should do that also. Cera must be sleeping too I assume?" Littlefoot looked around.
"Last time I checked, she was sleeping, yes she was," Ducky replied.
"Right, I'll walk over to Cera and sleep over there so she doesn't feel left out next morning," Littlefoot announced. "Night Ducky, night Petrie!"
"Night..." Petrie mumbled - he was still sobbing in Ducky's arms a little.
"Good night, Littlefoot!" Ducky called and yawned. "Let us try to get some rest, Petrie," she suggested.
"Me no mind..." Petrie whispered.
Ducky loosened her embrace and walked a few steps until she plopped down and cuddled up next to Spike's belly, pulling Petrie along. The Flyer plopped down next to Ducky and curled up.
"Have a good night too..." Ducky spoke sleepily.
"Ducky?" Petrie whispered.
"Yes, what is it?" Ducky questioned quietly.
"You really think it not bad that I no can fly?"
"Yes, Petrie. And I am convinced that you can fly just like all Flyers. You only need to stop worrying about it. You will do fine. I know it, I do," Ducky spoke, smiling at Petrie.
"Me hope so, night!" Petrie shifted a little closer to his friend.
"Sleep well, yep, yep, yep."
Then they fell asleep.

Ducky is giving Petrie the pep talk :p Hope you like this chapter as it's one of the better ones imho   :angel

The next chapter is gonna have a few shorter scenes.
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This was an excellent addition to the story. :)

The gang telling the story to Cera was presented very well.  We also get to see her growth as a character as she doesn't dismiss the supernatural explanation out of hand, but rather thinks back to her mother's words and listens.  It seems that all of the gang has been touched and achieved personal growth due to hearing from their parents or ancestors when looking at the stars.

The pep talk between Petrie and Ducky was awesome as well.  Perhaps calming Petrie's nerves will allow him to function better in the group.  All that he really needs is some confidence.

Overall, I rather enjoyed this chapter.  I look forward to seeing what happens next.  :yes

I only had a few comments:

"You gotta explain THAT!" Cera requested irritated.

This should probably be reworded as "Cera requested in an irritated fashion" or "Cera asked in irritation".

...Petrie sought refuge in a dark corner where he continued to mourn about his timorousness...

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, I just wanted to applaud your use of the word 'timorousness' in a sentence.  I barely see it anymore in written English.  It has special meaning to me in that I won a grade school spelling bee in part by correctly spelling "timorous".

"Spike must have passed away already..." Ducky deduced, smiling.

"Passed out" or "fell asleep" would be better here.  'Pass away' is a euphemism for dying in English.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you very much for the review :)

The gang telling the story to Cera was presented very well. We also get to see her growth as a character as she doesn't dismiss the supernatural explanation out of hand, but rather thinks back to her mother's words and listens. It seems that all of the gang has been touched and achieved personal growth due to hearing from their parents or ancestors when looking at the stars.
Yes, Cera has grown in character. Usually, she would have called Littlefoot and the others mad for telling her such an unlikely story but the talk to her mother has somewhat changed her attitude. Of course the talks have also encouraged and changed the others a little :yes

The pep talk between Petrie and Ducky was awesome as well. Perhaps calming Petrie's nerves will allow him to function better in the group. All that he really needs is some confidence.
Very true :) Petrie just has to believe in himself in order to learn flying eventually; just like he did in the Original movie...

Overall, I rather enjoyed this chapter. I look forward to seeing what happens next. in-yes.gif
Glad you enjoyed the read! :smile In that regard, I also hope you will like the next one...

...Petrie sought refuge in a dark corner where he continued to mourn about his timorousness...

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, I just wanted to applaud your use of the word 'timorousness' in a sentence. I barely see it anymore in written English. It has special meaning to me in that I won a grade school spelling bee in part by correctly spelling "timorous".
Why thank you. I was just trying to avoid the common word "fear" that I use quite often although there are certainly enough alternatives and synonyms :smile

"Spike must have passed away already..." Ducky deduced, smiling.

"Passed out" or "fell asleep" would be better here. 'Pass away' is a euphemism for dying in English.
Whoopsie! :smile I'll make the indicated corrections :yes
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Chapter 59: A new day

The Swimmer woke up. It was early in the morning; the Bright Circle hadn't risen in the sky yet but the colours of the sunset were already visible in the direction that they came from: the Great Valley that no longer was...
"The Great Valley..." she sighed. It had been her home for many years; many good memories swirled around in her head when she thought about it: Before its destruction by the force of nature, she didn't have to be on alert since Sharpteeth couldn't enter and those who, somehow, sneaked in nevertheless were driven out rather quickly. Furthermore, there was food in abundance as opposed to the outside world, the Mysterious Beyond. Equally, it had water; lots of it in the Valley... and only scarce resources where she currently was. Well, admittedly, there was a wide river only a few longneck lengths away from her sleeping spot but it was a lucky coincidence that they were travelling along a source of water at the moment.
Out of sheer habit, she gazed over to her children who were sleeping peacefully, curled up in the warm, protected area that was bordered by her head, belly and tail. Like every morning, she counted the little ones and just like every recent morning she counted only eleven young Swimmers. One of them, Ducky, had been separated from her during the destruction of the place they went to after their home had blown up. Whether she was still alive or buried below tons and tons of concrete rock, she didn't know. "Well, the Flyers say that they must have escaped... but there are so many dangers out there and we don't know if they have taken the same path." she then remembered. Her dear daughter might be all right but might also be nothing more than a few gnawed bones... She decided to spend her thoughts on a slightly different matter: Her family... Back in the Great Valley, her family was complete: Twelve wonderful children and a lovely partner to watch them grow up with... "If only he was still with me... Why did he have to choose fighting the beasts instead of protecting the family?" she complained. Though soon another thought changed her mind. "But wait... he DID protect the family by fighting along with everybody else." That made sense to Ducky's Mother. Mourning about the two losses she had to endure a bit, she watched the Bright Circle introducing a brand new day and her snoozing children rotatorily.

Petrie jerked out of his sleep. "What that?!" he wondered as he noticed something on top of him. But then he remembered... "Oh right, it Ducky... Me slept next to her last night and we probably shifted in sleep."
Petrie was blinded by the darkness that surrounded him. It always took him and his friends a few minutes for their eyes to adjust to the lack of light in the cave. "Me sure hope we finally leave dark place today..."] Petrie thought.
Suddenly, Ducky shrieked and jerked, startling Petrie.
"Ahhhhh, you scare me, Ducky!" He squawked timidly.
"I am very sorry," Ducky replied, panting heavily. "I just had a bad sleepstory, yep, yep, yep."
"Oh, you okay?"
"Yes, I think so... I mean, it is only a sleepstory. It is very scary but it is not real, oh no, no, no."
"Yeah, that sure would be worse if sleepstories come true..." Petrie remembered his sleepstory about Pterano dying. "Me sure happy if THAT sleepstory won't happen in real..." he thought.
"But sometimes, we have sleepstories that have already happened," Ducky said. "For example, I just had that sleepstory where we were eated-ed by the Sharptooth and it really happened, yes it did..."
"Uuhh, no remind me of that..." Petrie croaked, covering his eyes.
"Yes, it was very spooky... Do you think that it is morning already?"
"Me no know; it too dark in here..."
"Hence I asked, yep, yep, yep." Ducky chuckled slightly. "Maybe Littlefoot knows?"
"Oh, me too awake to sleep again anyway," Petrie exclaimed.
"Yes, I am not sleepy either," Ducky said.
The two fell silent for a few minutes.
"It sure boring... me wish we could go back to Great Valley and have fun..." Petrie spoke.
"Yep, yep, yep... but the Great Valley has been destroyed," Ducky spoke, agreeing. "My mommy said that we can never ever return to it."
"Yeah, my uncle Pterano told me that also... He said we need to find new home..." Petrie remembered how crestfallen everybody looked when he was told. He had never seen his uncle in despair before...
"If only there was something funny to do..." Ducky sighed.

Petrie's Mother sailed through the fresh, cool morning air. She had been disturbed in her sleep by a nasty sleepstory earlier and since she had trouble getting some more rest she decided to do an early scout flight. "You can never be too sure with all those malicious creatures around after all..." she thought.
Pterano and the children were still sleeping, Pterano being a sleepy head.
During her flight, she neither noticed any threat nor any sign of the missing children so she quickly returned to her family.

Littlefoot awoke as something poked his belly. "Huh, what is it?" he mumbled dreamily.
"Sorry to wake ya but would you mind getting some food with me? I'm starving!" Cera hadn't had much to eat lately since she spent a fair while of the last few days in a sleeping or even unconscious state. Despite the luscious meal in the evening, her belly was as empty as it could be in the morning.
"Sure, I'll go get Spike and then we’ll gather some food for you," Littlefoot answered, getting up.
"Actually... I had in mind to go with you..." Cera said shyly.
"Huh? I thought you couldn’t walk yet?" Littlefoot wondered in confusion.
"Well, haven't checked yet if I can walk today," Cera replied. "One way to find out..." The Threehorn moved heedfully, stretched her legs, shifted around a bit and eventually tried getting up. "Hopefully, it works! Hopefully, it won't hurt... least not so badly..." Cera thought. To her surprise, her back only stung a little. Additionally, the swollen feeling was completely gone. She walked a few steps, her smile growing wider with every step. "It works! It really works!" Cera cheered happily.
"Hey! That's great!" Littlefoot joined in. "That means we can leave the cave forever!"

Mr. Threehorn rolled around in his sleeping spot, experiencing the failure to protect his family during the battle back in the oasis in his dreams again. Eventually, he jerked out of his troubled sleep. He sighed. "Oww, what purpose do I have? There is nobody to protect, nobody to take care of, nobody... to love. And frankly, there is nobody who cares about me, or loves me anymore. So why on earth am I still here?" The Threehorn was deeply upset. He had lost EVERYTHING. His daughters, his wife... "Hang on... there might be Cera but unless we meet by miracle..."
It wasn't the fact that he was now alone, in fact. No, rather, it was the fact, which bugged him most, that he could have PREVENTED it. If he had fought better, if he had taken on the big one instead of his wife... there were so many things he accused himself of doing or not doing but THE one thing he didn't accuse himself of was actually the main reason why he had lost his children...

Meanwhile, Ducky and Petrie listened to their friends talking. When they heard Cera and Littlefoot celebrating, they got up and ran over to them.
"Hey, congratulations Cera!" Ducky called joyfully.
"Yeah, that very good so we can leave dark place asap," Petrie joined in the happiness of his friends - with the exception of Spike who was still snoring peacefully. The sadness from the previous evening was all forgotten.
"Well, can we go now?" Cera asked snappily.
"Go where?" came the question of Ducky.
"We leave cave now?" Petrie said at a guess.
"Exactly!" Littlefoot answered. "We're going to get breakfast and then we'll see."
"I will wake up Spike, yes I will!" Ducky called and sprinted back to the Spiketail. As soon as Spike was awake, the five youngsters left the cave they were in and began walking towards the exit...

Oscar was watching the sun rise as he heard heavy footsteps behind him.
"A beautiful sight, isn't it?" he greeted the dinosaurs approaching him. It were Grandpa and Grandma Longneck. Oscar's stare was still directed at the rising sun.
"It certainly is," Grandma responded knowingly.
"We just love the beautiful colours that the rise and set of the Bright Circle produces," Grandpa joined in the talk. "What do you feel when you look at them, Oscar?"
Oscar turned around for a moment to scan the two elderly Longnecks.
"Well, I don't know, Longneck," came his response, being deep in thoughts. "But it certainly is one of the many wonders of life if you ask me."
"Very true," Grandpa admitted.
"What do you two feel when you watch it?" Oscar then questioned.
"I think I can speak for my husband too by saying that we feel sadness and longing but also hope," Grandma spoke, sluggish.
"That is correct," Grandpa sighed. "We two miss three members of our family and one of them will not return... and the other two are either dead or straying through the lands in search of us."
"And watching the Great Circle appear every day, gives us the strength to hope that it is alike with our grandson and our son in law... that we will be united again one day," Grandma spoke in a depressed manner.
"Yeah... and we wish that, when our time has come to leave, our descendants will be in a safer and better world where they can flourish in peace and happiness. That is our dream but, currently, it looks like we are bound to fail." Grandpa's head hung low in sadness and grief.
"I see you're very desperate, Longnecks," Oscar noted in a respectful manner. "I haven't been involved in the fight with the Sharpteeth so I can't judge whether or not you made mistakes but I am convinced that you have done your best in a very dangerous situation. Many others fell along with your daughter and they died in an attempt to protect those they cared about most: Their children." Oscar paused. "They fought for something that was worth fighting for so they passed on in dignity and honour." Oscar paused. "Their death wasn't in vain... they shall forever be honoured and remembered for their altruistic sacrifice."
"I do not question you here," Grandpa replied. "But a parent should not outlive its children."
"Well, we have to take whatever the Great Circle of Life is bringing us," Grandma spoke wisely. "Sometimes, it gives... and sometimes it takes from us what we love most..."
"Yep, we can't change what we can't change..." Oscar mused. "Well, but as long as we try our best to prevent bad things to occur, we can't fault ourselves for things we have no might over whatsoever."
"Yes..." Grandpa sighed. "Yes, you're right. Perhaps, we should consider that more often."
"Certainly, you should," Oscar spoke. "At any case, you two still have each other. Hold on together and stay as strong a team as you are. I'm sure you will meet your grandson and your son in law again."
"Thank you, Oscar," Grandma said in appreciation. Oscar shrugged them off with a slight bow.
They went back to watching the sun rising...


My apologies for the late update but I just couldn't find any time to update last week, let alone write.

The next chapter will give the Gang two new problems to solve and Oscar is going to play teacher again :)
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That was a rather nice chapter.  :) I don't really have much to add, though the fact that Cera can now move again means that the gang's long journey will continue.  Likewise, the last scene of the adults watching the sunrise was very nice indeed.  I like how you have interspersed the grief and inner thoughts of the adults in this chapter.  That really helped to establish the overall mood of the chapter.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you very much :)
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sudden bump

I just read your signature, Ducky, came here, and... I just want to ask:
it has 60 chapters, and... it's abandoned?


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Glad you ask (and thanks for the bump, maybe people will read it too? :p)

This was my first fanfiction idea but it was poorly written and planned. At some point, I've hit a wall and didn't know how to continue the story. If I ever pick it up again, it'd be heavily revamped (the early chapters in particular).

If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate to hear them. After all, the Gang are about to go on a long journey and I just lack ideas for events to happen during that journey as well as character developement. I'm currently too busy with my other stories anyway but maybe I'd consider giving it another try some day...

Have you read it yet by the way? If you did, what do you think? Does it have the potential to be a good story? I'm not so sure if it is myself :unsure:
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I don't know...

No, I didn't read this yet.

Since I had one big bad experience in my past, when story I read (and the most important - I empathized VERY MUCH about that) was suddenly abandoned, I don't want to start reading stories until author publishes final chapter.

This story is so big so far... I don't think I have a time to read this.
I don't know.
excuse me, Ducky.


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Well, the story looks bigger than it actually is. The average chapter length is probably around 2000 words. I think the story was about to hit 100000 words when I stopped working on it.

And don't worry, Snik. It's your decision and I respect that a lot. Personally, I'd die from excitement for that one day when a story is finally finished  :lol:
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