The Gang of Five
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Character House Madness


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brute force isnt going to get us out of here' Ilsa said ' as for teleporting, we;d have to know where we are in relation to our home world for it to work. since we dont know that, it wont work.
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Kiryu allowed her to do so, registering her as a minimal threat. "What do you mean?" he asked, unsure of the question. Dokueki got up, shaking his head, not attacking the wall again.

"I would suppose, we create this 'map'" said Dokueki, glancing over to Sue and Kiryu


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Sue smiled to Kiryu, taking 'what do you mean' as 'why did you touch me'.

"My hands don't have visual agnosia," she said gentley. "They know what they feel."
Sue looked over to the larger dinosaur looking man and nodded. "If we can't teleport and we can't force our way out, I don't see what other choice we have."
She wished she could run her hands over everyone's faces to know exactly what they looked like, but she knew better than to ask. She gave a thankful nod to Kiryu and turned to the others.


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Just as the others finished talking, a pair of odd portals shimmered into existance.  From the first one, a set of three anthropomorphic foxes stepped out, blinking and looking around.  As the first one looked at the group, one of them, a female in a black jacket, let out a happy squeaking noise and hugged Minna.
"Minna, yay!  We managed to find you!"
She giggled happily.  As the second portal closed, it seemed that nothing had come through, instead leaving only a skull and a suit of armor.  However, seconds later, the armor moved, floating up and assembling into a humanoid shape and glancing around...


  • Banana Egg
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Kiryu analyzed each of them, registering them as minimal to average threats. A loud booming and distorted voice could be heard moments later. "My dear guests, I'm sorry for these circumstances, but an old geezer needs some entertainment every now and again. As such, I have rooms set up that you shall be sharing with each other. Trying to avoid the arrangements will result in.... unpleasant things."


  • Petrie
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Sue's eyes widened. "Okay, now where is that voice coming from?" She uttered. In her life, filled with distorted images that didn't make any sense and strange faces that were impossible to remember, she couldn't remember ever being quite this confused.


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Utena! By the gods! What are you doing here? Minna said, surprised by her friends appearance. 'hello Utena. I'm guessing Juri isnt far away, as shes basically your best friend.. Ilsa said.
_ the strange voice caught her attention. ' lets just hope this isnt like the 10 priests who got knocked off one by one..
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The voice began listing names "Jeremy, you are with Isla. Veyu, you are with Sue. Kiryu, you are with Minna."

(Once starfall tells me who he wants with his characters i'll add them to the list here)


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The armor glanced at the speaker.  
"I take it that changing rooms is likely out of the question?"
It asked softly as Utena nuzzled up to Minna.
"Yep.  She and Akito came with to find you!"  
Juri chuckled, walking over to Ilsa.
"Yeah.  And now we're stuck here."
She added...


  • Banana Egg
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"Claire, you shall share a room with Drago, the living armor. Akito, you will be with Red, his name shall be obvious as to who he is.". "Dokueki, you get to be with Juri and finally- BlackWarGreymon is with Utena" finished the voice, fading away into nothing- a sound of blocks being placed as rooms formed nearby


  • Petrie
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Sue frowned, looking up angrily at the ceiling. "I don't remember signing up for the Truman Show. Who are you? Where are we?"


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The armor glanced around again, the skull's eye sockets glowing faintly.
"Hm.  It would appear we are in a place removed from space and time entirely.  At least...that would explain the vast discrepancies I see before me."
It observed...


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Kiryu nodded in response, appreciating that there was a being similar to himself that could notice the differences. "I'm off to the room." stated Dokueki, uncaring as he wandered off. The others doing the same.


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Sue spun around, looking absurdly as everyone was walking away.
"Hold on, hold on. We're in a completely unknown location against our will by some guy that we've never met, and we're just gonna shrug and do what he says?"
It was more than that, though. She knew in some way she was being a bit petulant, but the fact was that she was afraid. She felt very alone being away from her family and friends-- people who she knew so well that she could actually recognize their faces. Right now it felt like she was in a sea of distorted shapes and strange voices, deliberately being kept away from the people in her life that acted as her anchor.


  • Banana Egg
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Kiryu spoke to her "For now, we do not have the option of choice"


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we better go find our rooms' Ilsa said to Minna.
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Jeremy pointed at Isla "You, our room is here"
Kiryu leaving Sue to walk with Minna


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Akito looked at her, then shrugged a little.
"At the moment, I'd say we don't have much choice.  We'll cooperate until we know more, at least.  Otherwise...who knows what?"
He sighed...


  • Banana Egg
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"Guess we find our room now right?" said Red to Akito, walking over to him with his hands behind his head. Claire sighed, looking over at the armor then back to BlackWarGreymon, both sharing a moment before going to their rooms.


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