The Gang of Five
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Character House Madness


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minna and the others had found a place to stay, it was a library-type setting with lots of books, a fireplace and a number of comfy looking chairs..
 ilsa reacted as her bra was taken off and pinned sue against the cushions with her on top.. she rubbed her chest against sues and continued moving her claws downs sues sides towards her tail and rear..
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Sue felt a gasp run out of her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around Ilsa's neck-- pulling her in to kiss while also arching her back so the enchantress could let her hands explore. Sue's tail found Ilsa's, and entwined around it, while her legs wrapped around her hips.


"This place has seen better days," Drago said as he whipped away some of the dust on a book lying out in the open. It had an illustration of some ghastly looking creature in the snow.
Atkio shrugged. "Better than psychos with feathers in their hats," he commented, parsing through the bookshelves one by one.


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ilsa moved her mouth away from  sues lips and briefly pressed them against her outflung chest ' enjoying this ' she whispered to sue, staruing down at her from her position atop her..
- yeah, its not much but its better than nothing ' jusa said as she sat down causing a cloud of dust to spill out as she sat on a dusty seat..
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Sue gave Ilsa a pair of killer bedroom eyes, a smile on her lips as she held arms over head to let Ilsa get a better look. "Immeasurably," she panted I a sultry tone. She squeaked a little as she felt her breast being kissed, and her blush returned in full force.


"So if I was a psychopath with a big library," Drago said as he looked through the book spines, "Would I have a book that'd tell me what the hell was wrong with my house?"
"Or head," Juri said with a sigh, sitting on one of the overcomfortable couches and staring up at the pealing wallpaper. "Or my head, for that matter," she muttered, shaking it. "I can never trust another wall again."


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ilsa suckled on sues breasts for a few minutes.. feeling the dinosaurs moans become deeper and deeper..
 - we;; we're stuck here for awhile minna said as she stood next to the fire and wiped some dust into the fireplace off some books lying nearby..
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Sue's brain finally kicked in and started to tell her that making so much noise probably wasn't a good idea. She had a hard time helping it-- it felt so very nice. Sue dipped her own head up and reciporicated the gesture-- she got her lips around one of Ilsa's nipples, and ran her tongue over it. She gave a tiny squeal of excitement as she did it.


Drago gave a little indian nod. "Yeah... Nothing I can see from these titles, though. Conference of the Birds, tax law, a biography about one of the ringling brothers-- they all seem random. Nothing's organized in here."


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Ilsa let sue do as she liked for a few minutes the n pulled away' alright.. Alright' time to go back to the others.. i think. we need to get supplies for them anyway' She said getting and getting dressed again.
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"R-right," Sue said, nervously combing her claw over her crest. Her heart was beating very very fast, and her hands were so jittery that she had a difficult time putting her necklace back on again. "Ilsa?... Thank you..."

"Well keep looking," Juri said firmly as she crossed her arms, as if Drago wasn't looking hard enough. Rolling his eyes, Drago pulled out book after book after book. "Stephen King's 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon', nope. 'Sailing around the World Alone', nope. 'Beowulf', nope. 'The Kit·b-i-Aqdas', nope-"

As he was about to throw the Kit·b-i-Aqdas away, he paused, looking at a book right next to it. Atkito leaned forward. "What did you find?"


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No problem. I enjoyed it too. You're a good kisser sue' Ilsa said as she got up and headed towaerds the door, before stopping and grabbing some food that lay on the table ' grab some of this food on the way out Sue > I bet the others are Hungry."
- Minna  took books off the book shelf 4 at at a time " Books on History, Cooking, Hinduism and the Ottoman Empire were followed by Greek Poetry by Sappho,  dantes inferno as well as purgatorio and paradiso. ' well alt least we have all 3 chapters of the divine comedy minna said with a sigh as she looked over the books.
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Nodding, not sure what else to say, Sue felt around until her hand touched what felt like a food container and ran off after Ilsa, noticing that her lips tasted vaguely different to her own tounge.

Drago pulled the book off the shelf. It was an old, decrepit looking looking blank book. He might have simply thrown it right out if it weren't for a small tag written on the spine: the Lost House.
"I've never heard of this one," Drago said with a hint of suspicion. "There's no author on the front...


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Open in, see if it says anything Jusa said, a hint of excitement on her voice
 Ilsa  looked at Sue for a brief moment she smiled, most likely sue to feeling her lips after being kissed.' so that was your first real makeout huh' she smiled ' well i'm sure you wont forget it. Come on ' she said as she opened the door which lead to the hallway, unfortunately the hallways she opebned to was not the same one they had left upon entering the room. ' ah crap, this place keeps moving aroundf on us.. she said with a frown on her face.
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"If we go back inside, close the door, and open it again, will be another random place?" Sue asked, mostly to herself. If was random like that, they could probably just open and close the door until it randomly came back to the original hallway. But she doubted it was random by program.

For whatever reason, she felt it was deliberate.


"Hold your horses, I'm getting to it," Drago said as he opened the musty old book. The pages were stained with the sulfur-yellow tinge of a book made many years ago. Their was no ink inside the pages-- instead, there was cursive pencil markings.

"My name is Jedidiah Wrinkle," he read. "I've been in this place for three days, and I have no idea how to get out..."


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Didnt think it would as easy as just going out the doorm, and heading back to the others.. figures ' Ilsda sighed and I'm sure whoevers controlling this place had a good peak at us back there, the voyueristic creep.' she cast a light speell as the only lights in this section were from tourches in the wall that sputtered as wind blew from some unknown window. " dont fall behind me sue Whatever you do " Ilsa said.
_ Minna and Jusa crowde around as Drago began reading from the strange book, judging by the appearance that book had there for decades and they werre likely the first in all that time to read it.. and made Minna flinch a bit.
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"Aye aye, captain," Sue said nervously as she regarded the light ball. Guessing it was a light spell of some kind, Sue clung close to Ilsa as the two went down the hallway.
"You're not serious about someone seeing us, are you?" Sue said as her eyes caught some object-- it was brown, had four legs, a back, probably a chair-- and wondered if they were alone in these hallways.


"I don't know who will read this-- I don't know if I've been kidnapped, killed, or victimized by some extremely elaborate and exceeding cruel prank, but there doesn't seem to be any way out of this house. None. I have yet to see a whisker of a window or a coat hanger in this... place. Only wall after wall and hallway after hallway, as if I were a mouse in a mansion designed by D-" Drago paused as his face scrunched up in the pronunciation. "D-Daedelus? Daedelus?" shrugging his shoulders, he looked over his shoulder to the others. "This is... pretty familiar, isn't it?"


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Well someones watching us and keeping us here" Ilsa said as they headed down the hallway, il;sa was looking back and forth, from side to side.
_ so someone was trapped her before,. and never got out of this place.. keep reading. as much as this guy wrote.." Jusa said.
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Sue didn't respond. She was listening. "... I hear something on the floor above us," she said matter of factly. She certainly didn't feel as such. "They don't sound like the others..." She looked over to Ilsa, giving a nervous smile. "Um... what do I do if something attacks us?"


Drago was a little bit flustered by everyone trying to read over his shoulder. He always hated that: it was uncomfortable for someone to be looking over you in any situation.
"I have food and water here, so I suppose my life isn't at risk. I found this ledger in one of the many kitchens that dot the map of this place. It's strange... this was the third time I that I ran across a kitchen just as I got hungry."
Drago shrugged his shoulders. "It goes on like that for awhile: just descriptions of the walls, where he's from, his family, how he can't get out..."


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go to the last page he wote in, perhaps he drw a map or something to get out, or as close as he ever got to getting out' jusa suggested.
 just grab anything around that you can use as a weapon ' Ilsa said changing the spell he was casyting, a blue light circled both her and Sue in the depths red lights appeared to Ilsas vision " Yeah there are other things here.. beter grab a weapon 'Ilsa said summoning her staff  which formed a fireball at the top. tendrils of magic kept the ball in place, until she cast the spell.
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"Uh, Ilsa, I have visual agnosia," Sue stammered, not sure what was happening with Ilsa's spell. "I wouldn't even know what I'd be grabbing-- can't we just find the others as quickly as we can?"
Drago nodded, his brow furrowing a little, as he turned to the last page with writing on it. There many, many pages in between.
"Can't believe I've run across this old thing again," Drago read. "How many years has it been? Lord, too many! What a funny fellow I was! Ah, times changes. People change, really. Oh well... I'll put this little number in the library. Maybe I'll write down what happens to the new batch we're bringing in today-- just for old time's sake."
Drago blinked, and turned his head to the others. "Uh huh... what?"


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iLsa frowned ' we are going to have company soon Sue  Look for a chair leg, a piece of a table something to defend yourself with
 what the heck dies that mean? New batch? Minna asked " Is HE the guy thats been mucking around with us? Great so we have a crazed nutter keeping us trapped here for his amusement."
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Juri shrugged a little cautiously. "It doesn't say batch of what. It could mean 'batch of books'."
"Do you believe that?" Mina asked. It was more than clear she didn't herself, but she saw Juri nod her head.
"Yeah. We shouldn't jump to conclusions-- we should read the rest before we start scaring ourselves-"
There was a loud clatter somewhere in the house, like fireworks going off. Everyone stood silent for a moment.
"We don't know what direction that came from," Drago said, answering before anyone could ask. His hand did seem to fall down to his sword.
"What if it's Ilsa and Sue?" Minna asked impatiently. Drago looked at her.
"What if it's not?" Nobody answered. Hands fell to weapon holsters. Minna merely stood crossarmed, looking at Drago with irritation. She looked like she was about to start a fuss over this decision, when Drago frowned at the book.
"Guys? I took a peak at the pages before the end?" He looked up at them. "They turned blank."
It hit them from above without a single note of warning, as if it had been clinging to the ceiling like some large, invisible gecko. It happened so fast that Ilsa, a girl who did not have visual agnosia, had about as good an idea of what it was as Sue was. But it flailed like an angry cat, jolting them both so badly that Sue collided with the nearby wall. Multiple things were happening in each second-- too fast for her to think.