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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2013

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Fanart Award - I must SKIP. I haven't paid any attention to the fanart/fanfiction section.

Feedback Award - Again, SKIP. I haven't paid any attention to the fanart/fanfiction section. (Aren't I off to a good start?)

Friendly Member Award - I've never seen StarFall Raptor appear in a thread and not be an outgoing and welcome addition to the conversation. He treats everyone with respect and an outgoing attitude worthy of Pinkie Pie. On that topic he's a regular sight adding conversation topics in the MLP fanpage!

Helpful Member Award - nick22 is a very reliable and regular poster who works constantly to keep everybody happy. I've seen him defuse several fires in the RP section and his presence has made a lot of role-plays better. But his influence extends even outside of the role-playing forum; he regularly posts in topics of all sorts, giving everyone a fair chance at voicing their opinion.

Philosopher Award - I see Jansenov in many threads and his debates are always clear, insightful, and demonstrative of someone well-read and open-minded. His posts are a joy to read.

Proactive Award - I cast my vote (again) for Bruton the Iguanadon. He revived a bunch of topics, and since he was deleted from the GOF I don't want his memory to be forgotten.

Role Play Award - I vote for Serris. He just ran an incredibly successful trilogy of RPs to a stunning conclusion, and he's regularly seen participating in other RPs and helping out new RP'ers with information. He strives to keep balance and fair play among his RPs and if we ever need another mod for that section, he has my vote.


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Fanart- SKIP as i don't do drawing or anything of that sort.
 Feedback- while there are many people here who are wiling to give you opinions on things, my vote for this goes to KOR for his feedback in pms, on skype and on the board in general. Honorable mentions go to Malte, brekclub, serris and Jared(jrd89)
Friendly member- while just about everyone here is friendly, my vote goes to IRIS. shes done a fine job as an admin, and is always ready to help out when you ask her.
Roleplay Gamer_ as someone who has roleplayed here for years, there are many rpers here that i Wish to Acknowledge. Drake, JItteryDragon, Kor, Serris,brekclub, LetteceBacon&Tomato, Starfallraptor, chiletrek, and metadude, to name just a few. my vote for roleplay this year goes to SERRIS, for his efforts in Darwins Soldiers series as well as his efforts in the Insane  Cafe.
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Fanart Award - somerandomfangirl
We have seen many new artists on the Gang of Five who love drawing Land Before Time related stuff! As the founder of the Land Before Time Fanart group on Deviantart I am very happy with these drawings, seeing they keep the fanart side of this series alive and well. One that particularly struck me as good and touching was somerandomfangirl's work. The drawings of Littlefoot's grandparents as children were really, really cute! Also, she's already better at drawing and using computerprograms to colour than I ever was during my short drawing career :P: Thank you for enriching the LBT fanart community with your work. Other honourable mentions include: StrutEggStealer, FreckledOne, Ptyra, Ducky123 and Sky (even though the last one is mostly active on Deviantart).

Proactive Award - Murmur
I can't think of anyone more suiting for this award than Murmur. Not only do I remember reading that Murmur wants to create topics and ideas that keep the forum alive and running, these topics also work! Especially the Caption This section, which has been mentioned many times before, but also in the Party Room Murmur has tried to party it up ;) We're really glad to have you aboard, even in less active times!  :DD


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    I choose to vote for Nahla since she has started and run a number of rp's based on LBT, a thing that most had not done for some for there to be LBT based rp, strict lbt.  & some others have also.  Though I do like the non lbt rp also, and play in those more then lbt.


     I choose to vote for Serris since though our characters don't intereact much, his posts do add background color, they can add to the rp like insane cafe and toonworld, and he's run his own rp's, though I've not been in those.


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Hey gang!

Figured it's about time I got my votes in for this year's awards. It's been tough given how many wonderful members there are to choose from, both newbies and old vets. So here we go:

Fanart - I'm never surprised but always impressed by the sheer volume of incredible fanart that gets posted here (I appreciate how oxymoronic that sounds but just go with it! :lol). Looks like our new gang members have taken to the thread and mass populated the topic with a shedload of great pieces. Honourable mentions go out to Ducky123, somerandomfangirl (particularly for her digital artwork) and of course Sky (still think the Wingtails are an amazing character design) but my vote this year goes to StrutEggStealer for the amazing OC designs and profile pages and being adventurous with different art styles and techniques. Well done to you and to all our budding fan artists! Keep 'em coming!

Feedback - And with the mass influx of artwork and fanfics comes many a critic and judging eye from the audience the pieces are aimed at. It's a tricky task to offer constructive criticism that is both heartening but also allows the author/artist to see how they can improve on their work without it coming across as bashing or nit-picking. Everyone here is capable of offering good feedback without creating offence (thus making the decision process more difficult) but my vote this year is going to Pangaea. What amazes me so much about this member when it comes to feedback isn't just the constructive criticism but the level of detail that Pangaea goes into when offering said feedback. He sometimes produces essay-length posts on a person's work pointing out where a piece shines and also where the odd improvement could be implemented. And his responses are dotted around everywhere! Thanks again Pangaea for all your time and effort spent on the forum granting authors and artists the feedback they deserve.

Friendly Member - Uh boy! I know I say it every year but this category is just so painfully hard to pick out just one person from a sea of so many wonderful members who collectively just make this forum one of the best places on the net to hang out (here and :D). There's hardly any point me doing an honourable mentions list coz pretty much everyone would be on it! Still, having given it some thought, I've chosen this member for their charm, willingness to just have an open chat and all round just being a nice person. I haven't spent a huge amount of time chatting with this member but from the moment I did, they have come across as open minded and so easily approachable that I felt they should get a medal for just being them (or a GOF award at least :lol). My vote goes to Ducky123 and I look forward to many another chat.

Helpful Member - Similarly with the Friendly member, it's hard to select just one from so many helpful members here. Still, I can't deny that all the work that this member does for the forum should be brought to light. It doesn't matter what the topic or what is required, this member is always on the front line offering assistance and going out of their way to ensure members in need get what they're after. I am of course talking about our very own Mumbling. As glamorous as the role of being an admin may seem, few are as dedicated to the forum as Mumbling and I think most of us know that. She's quick to respond to anything requiring attention yet she's always one to muck in with the chats both here and in the GOF chatroom (thanks for setting that all up by the way!). Keep doin' whatcha doin' Mumbling! We're all grateful for it! ;)

Philosopher - Many a wise man with a wise word has spoken here on the forum (or woman...acceptance across the board after all. No discriminations :p) and it great to see members voicing sound opinions upon many a testing subject. Honourable mentions to DarkHouomon, Kor, Pangaea, Cancerian Tiger and Rat_Lady7 for their contributions to topics and offering advice and pearls of wisdom where needed. However, he still ranks top in my mind when it comes to discussions. Always open to other voices and duly takes them on board but never afraid to get his point across in a challenging but diplomatic manner. Yeah, you all know where I'm going with this one! Here's to our resident historian! Malte279 you're my pick.

Proactive Member - Another tough one. With so many new members flocking to the forum this year alone, it's been great to see so many new topics and new discussions going on in all areas of the forum. And it is from these new members that my vote goes to this year. There hardly seems a topic where this member hasn't posted and where they do, they keep the conversation flowing before kickstarting another area of the forum with more meaningful conversation. My vote this year goes to MurMur. Well done and thanks for being so active on the forum!

RPG - Despite being a gamer myself, I'm more akin to RPG either involving an emotional detatched spiky-haired Japanese character with a ridiculous weapon or having those letters screamed at me by a fellow squad member as a rocket is launched by the opposing team in whatever gritty grey realistic shooter is on the market these days. That being said, I'm gonna have to SKIP this category purely on the basis that I'm not a big RPGer in this sense and I don't spend much time in that section of the forum. I do nose in there from time to time but I can't say I'm involved enough to make a good decision on who to nominate. Sorry guys!

And those are my picks! Good luck to everyone voting and those who are coming up for some awards. Don't forget to check out the scoring and status pages to updated info.

All the best gang! :D


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Proactive Award- MURMUR. everyday i check in the capion THis1 area MURmur has more new captions up. this is good, not only for board activity but it also allows us to have fun with scenes , to put silly captions onto them. so for that reason, My vote in this category goes to MURMUR.
 Helpful Member- While, like the friendly award, the number of posters here that are helpful approach the number of registered posters (about 750 at last check), by rule i must pare this one down. and so my vote in this  goes to MALTE. malte, as he has been doing for years, its always willing to lend a hand, or listen to a question, complaint, or to weigh in when asked. hes not just a good admin, and someone I consider a friend, but someone who will willing to go that extra mile.
Philosopher Award- while there are several philosophers on this board, my vote this year goes to PANGAEA. his posts are always descriptive, detailed and full of information. whether its discussing the original film, or pointing out the differences between the sequels and Tv series Pangaea is the guy you want to ask.
Winner of these:

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I read a lot in the fanart and fanfiction section now to make up my mind about the fanart and feedback awards. I'm afraid the very fact that I got to look through it so much to make up my mind this time shows not only the (delightfully) high number of worthy candidates but it goes also to show that I have not nearly been active enough in the art section in the past year. I'm very sorry for that but there was so much work to keep me preoccupied :oops
I am very happy though how active the land before time art sections continue to be :yes

When it comes to fanart I want to first of all bring up a member who has so far been overlooked. It may be that this is partly because her art repeatedly appeared in threads not started by herself but rather by GOF members for whom she drew (which by the way is a very friendly thing to do). She continues to draw very lively characters taking light and shadow well into account. Darkhououmon herself says she didn't do as much art this year as before, but I see her art as too good to be overlooked.
Same also goes for the very, detailed work of FreckledOne. The facial expressions of your characters in particular are amazing and again you are one of the artists who really take light and shadow into account to give your images a very realistic look.
StrutEggStealer's art style is looking very artistic to me, which sure enough is an odd statement. What I mean is that your art comes with a great sense of feeling (I can almost feel the sunbeams from that sunrise over the mountaintops on my skin) and they have kind of an impressionist feeling to them as far as I am concerned. One feature that I consider almost a trademark of many of your images is that many of them come without or with only thin outlines of characters and it works out nicely.
With Ducky123 we got a very prolific newcommer to the fanart section and it delights me to see that new members of the GOF are getting active in the art section. I am looking very much forward to see more from you. The same goes for another newcommer and fanartist who is already doing freehand land before time art. So far you posted two pieces of your fanart MurMur and the expression of Ozzy in the picture with his sister is awesome. I am very much looking forward to see more of your art. :yes
Last but far from least there is the art of some random fangirl, oftentimes working not only with good expressions and shadowing but also working with more elaborate backgrounds than many artists.
It is very difficult to make a decision here. In the end the detailed backgrounds in addition to qualities very much shared (in different styles) by several artists and in combination with the amount of art turned the ballance for me. My vote for the Fanart Award goes to somerandomfangirl.


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Making up my mind about the Feedback award became much more tricky than I expected it to become. The reason is not a lack of responses to artwork or an abundance of members responding in the artwork threads, but much rather than I am looking for feedback especially as posts which not only give general praise about the art (which is a very friendly and commendable thing to do) but which are also precise on what exactly it is that the feedback givers like, or (if they are brave enough to not offend the artist) by pointing out things which they think could be improved in further work. Constructive criticism (in both praise and suggestions for improvement) is what I am looking for in particular when deciding about the feedback award. Posts that were specific about points (positive ones) were posted by Jrd89, StrutEggstealer, somerandomfangirl, petrie85 and jansenov
I also got to admit that I focused primarily on feedback for visual art rather than fanfiction to find these feedback givers. In a sense I am giving a little feedback with this award with regard to feedback on the GOF since I think many artists might benefit from a more specific feedback on both pros and cons of their artwork (like in the awesome constructive criticism which Pangaea has given before).
The feedback given by the candidates I have listed before is often very similar with just a very, very tiny lead for one candidate which I see in one case in which he actually refered to negative aspects of some art presented on the board (while sadly not getting more specific):
Although you indeed made some mistakes I somehow like your style of drawing the characters, and you are good at creating backgrounds which I usually fail at
I very much want to encourage critical feedback, polite, but not shy to point out points of possible improvement too so praise actually becomes all out feedback. Because of that recognition of something to be improved and the courage to mention it (while stopping short of actually calling the mistakes by name) my vote for the Feedback Award goes to Ducky123.


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One thing that makes the vote on the Philosopher Award more difficult and easier at the same time for me is that we have many members on the GOF who have very actively participated and posted very insightful or well reasoned (or all of the above) posts but are no longer very active in the discussions anymore.
Anyway, there are still many, many very active participants in discussions whose posts are very interesting and enjoyable to read (too many and too good posters from my point of view for me to often end up as the one elected for "philosophers award" when there are others no less or more deserving).
Pterano and jansenov are two names that spring to my mind immediately when thinking about people with whom it is a joy to discuss things. People moreover with whom one can also disagree about matters but in so respectful and argumentative a manner that I cannot talk to them without ending up learning something and liking them for it. Then there is Pangaea who is our unrivaled expert on paleontology and Darkhououmon who I appreciate very much for her readiness to actively participate in discussions on controversial matters (something some members may avoid for fear of conflict in spite of the fact that they might have to say a lot about the matters in question too) but doing so standing for her views usually without ramming them down so much that it would cause the erruption of fights over them.
I also would like to point out one member who cannot be voted for yet since he has not been around long enough and hasn't yet posted often enough to be a candidate this year, but already I am looking very much forward to read more from you rhombus and same goes for you Phantom. As with other awards I always take particular delight when seeing new members becoming active in these
LettuceBacon&Tomatoe, Cyberlizard and WeirdRaptor are further members whose posts I think very much contribute to the activity especially in the AM sections.
Among the people I named it is tough to make a decision. I did a lot of reading, rereading and rerereding while trying to make up my mind and I didn't really find the one post so much more brilliant than every other that it would have tipped the scales in favor of one of the candidates. I therefore also took the frequency and recency of contributions in threads into account to narrow down the list of candidates. In the end I cannot deny it also took a lot of gut feeling to make up my mind among the remaining candidates who I feel are very much evenly matched. My vote for the Philosopher Award goes to Pterano.


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I was a little too afraid to vote. Please don't pay much attention to grammatical errors if there are any.

Fanart Award = FreckledOne
He hasn't got much fanart, but I love his pictures. The characters are very beautiful and well-drawn. His "dinosona" character is charming. I love the emoticons, too. They have inspired me to make my own emoticons. :)

Friendly Member Award = Jrd89
This was the hardest. There are so many friendly and caring people, and it's just impossible to choose just one, but there's someone who deserves recognition. Jared was the first GOF member to send me a PM, and I greatly appreciate this, because I hadn't received any friendly mails since 1998. He's a very good person, and he is one who can be trusted. I knew it when I first saw his posts back in 2011. We both are flyer fans, too. :)

Helpful Member Award = Mumbling
She was the first member to give me a welcome here, and it is to her I usually go when there's need for help. She's friendly, and she never refuses to help, so my vote goes to her. Thank you, Iris. :)

Philosopher Award = Malte279
This wasn't a hard decision. Malte offers so many interesting and well-written posts concerning LBT and other stuff, and it has always been a pleasure to read them. It's his writing that kept me coming here again and again during all these years.

Proactive Award = Ducky123
He has put so much effort in keeping this forum running, with his many posts and topics. I also wish to thank him for contributing to my own topics and games.

Role Play Award = Nahla
I must say I don't pay much attention to the RPGs. The only RPG I'm interested in is "The Great Plague", but I haven't read most of it, because I wish to wait till the story becomes long enough. But I see Nahla has started several Land Before Time RPGs, and she has done much to keep them alive. So my vote is for her.

Feedback Award is skipped.


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Philosopher Award:
This one was pretty tough to decide. There are many members out there whose posts are quite good, long and philosophical. They contribute to LBT discussions as well as discussions about almost any matter in the Fridge and the After Midnight subforum.
I tried to find reasons for not voting for this member since he achieved the Philosopher Award several times since day one. However, I couldn't find any reasons so without further explanation on the grounds of obviousness I vote for Malte279.
Inactive, probably forever.


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RPG: Skip, I don't participate in this section

Philosopher: Skip, I have not been very active in LBT discussions so I can't say who is the wisest about the mysterious beyond this year :p

Friendly: Ducky123. You've been an awesome addition to the gang of five and the live chat. Thanks for being kind to everyone around here and definitely deserve the friendly member award this year :)

Feedback: Once again, Ducky123. I've seen you've been actively reading people's fanfiction so that you can rate them for the awards. I've also seen you active in the fanart section in general, giving constructive criticism where you can. Even though I've not been particularly big on LBT fanart myself of lately, I can definitely see you've been very feedbacky :p


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Friendly Member:
Ooh, there are just so many people that I could think of on here who deserve this, but I'm going to have to give this to Nick22, who always seems to be willing to try to help out with problems, and who always seems to be willing to try to cheer my crazy butt up!

Helpful Member:
Another tough one, but I'm going to suggest Kor for always being willing to help out when problems come up, and almost always managing to get it to work out!

Not really active outside the Role Play anymore, but from what I've seen, I'll have to say Pangaea for some amazingly well-written and thoughtful posts in debates!

Role Play:
Well, I would vote for myself, but that'd be tactless.  So I'll put forward Serris for his creation of the amazing Darwin's Soldiers RP trilogy!

Proactive Award:
Huh.  This one's hard, but I'm going to have to say that my vote will go to MurMur.  Always keeps new things coming along to make this board fun and interesting!


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GOF Voting

Fanart Award - I must skip this category as I do not look at fanart.

Feedback Award - I must skip this award as I have yet to recieve recent feedback

Friendly Member Award - Choosing this is like choosing the most high octane thriller in a bookstore that specializes only in thrillers. But my vote goes to Nick22 for his attention to the moods of other forum members and his consistent attempts to cheer them up.

Helpful Member Award - Again, there are far too many helpful members to choose one, but if I have to choose, then my choice would be DarkHouhoumon. She is always willing to help with almost any problem.

Proactive Award - Definitely MurMur. This person is pretty much responsible for reviving the Caption Contests.

Role Play Award - In my time in the RP section, I have met many, many, many talented RPers (Nick, StarfallRaptor, Kor and LB&T among them). If it were possible to nominate multiple people for this award, all four of them would deserve it. As I cannot do that, I must settle for a single nomination and that person is: Kor. His posts are detailed, exciting and read almost like snippets from a book. In addition, his use of  obscure and exotic characters from old media is quite intriguing.

Philosopher award - There are many, many articulate people on the GOF with strong opinions such as Malte,  Kor,  DarkHouhoumon, Pangaea just to name a few. But jansenov stands out for his combination of deep facts, neutrality and above all, respect when debating.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sorry for not posting until the last minute. :oops Here are my votes:

Fanart Award: I sorely regret not paying more attention to the Fanart & Fanfiction this past year, especially given the bumper crop of new artists the GOF has received in that time. Based on my all-too-cursory review of the art threads that have been updated in the past 12 months, I have chosen to nominate StrutEggStealer. She has created an impressive number of pieces; employs several different styles of drawing, painting, and coloring; creates very expressive characters, often in interesting and dynamic poses; and frequently creates artwork for other people. Here’s hoping that sheóalong with such honorable mentions as FlipperBoidSkua, somerandomfangirl, MurMur, Ducky123, and FreckledOneócontinue their marvelous artistic contributions to the forum. :D

Feedback Award: I feel terrible that I must come to a decision on this award based on only cursory views of fanart and fanfiction threads. Ducky123, Dosu2Dinner, FreckledOne, and StrutEggStealer have all shown themselves to be prolific reviewers, and if I ever manage to get back into posting artwork, I hope I will hear from them. :) My nomination this year, however, goes to
somerandomfangirl, whose invariably supportive and passionate reviews of artwork and fanfiction alike I truly admire. Compared to the bloated nitpick bombs I manage to squeeze out on increasingly rare occasions, her reviews are short and succinct, summarizing her thoughts about the work, writes them in such a way that her enthusiasm for the story or picture seems to shine through. If I understand correctly from what I have read in the threads, she also does proofreading of chapters for some authors, sending reviews by PM. If this is indeed the case, then she is an even more committed and hard-working reviewer than is apparent to most of us. :!

Friendly Member Award: Ah, the other F-word. :P: To me, the best thing about The Gang Of Five, the most admirable and praise-worthy quality of this community, is just how dosh-garn friendly it is. You’d be hard-pressed to find a nicer place on the Internet. Of course, it also makes this award arguably the hardest one of all to vote on. I must admit that the decision I have made is probably rather biased, as this is also the only member so far who I know personally. But given that I have (most regrettably :cry) fallen so out of touch with the rest of the GOF, I don’t feel that I can make a satisfactory judgment for the already difficult matter of who most deserves this award anyway. This member is of course FlipperBoidSkua, who, in all of the interactions we have had, both online and in real life, has been unfailingly kind and trusting towards me. I cannot express my appreciation for this member accepting me so readily as a friend, and I relish every opportunity we get to communicate. She has not been as active on the GOF as of late (understandable given how busy her life has become), which is a shame, since I feel that her exuberant posts and delightfully random sense of humor bring a great shine to the forum. In any event, I deeply hope that our friendship persists for a long time to come. Thank you, Sparky. :)

Helpful Member Award: This was an exceedingly difficult category, again since my limited activity on the forum has made it even harder than usual to observe which members have been doing the most to help or support others on the forum. I almost decided to skip this category, before it occurred to me that the contributions of a certain adminówhom I was already planning on nominating for the Proactive Member Awardówould equally qualify her for this award (arguably even more so than for the Proactive Award, at least in my mind). That person is none other than Mumbling. It would be impossible for me to thank this member enough times for all her hard work as an admin, especially earlier this year, when, as Malte pointed out, most of the GOF’s staff were too tied up with their lives outside the forum to attend to their usual administrative duties. Iris virtually had to hold up the entire forum all by herself, and from what I can tell, she did a magnificent job. :yes And that’s not even taking this year’s awards into account. Last year, I said that I hoped that Iris would be able to make the 2013 GOF Awards happen, and she came through (Not to leave out the other admins and members involved, of course ;)). Good show, Iris. :smile Here’s hoping the 2014 Awards will happen as well.

Philosopher Award: Another award that was extremely difficult to decide on, because not only do we have several brilliant-minded and philosophical membersóDarkHououmon, Malte279, jansenov, and Pterano are but a few that spring to mindóbut each one has their own individual style of explaining a concept, presenting an argument, and describing their perspectives. After choosing my nominees for five of the other categories, I came within a pycnofiber’s breadth of skipping this one. Then I realized that there was one member whom no one else had nominated for this award, who I felt deserved at least a very special mention, if only for the single stunning post on tolerance and openmindedness she shared a few months ago in the AM’s thread on sexual orientation, which would have been enough on its own to earn my boundless respect and admiration (had I not already deeply respected and admired this member). Cancerian Tiger may not post in discussions as often as she used to, but (much like jansenov’s assessment of my posts as being like Opabinia fossils: rare but monumental :lol), when she does participate in one, her two cents are solid gold and diamond-studded. :p If someone as sporadically active on the GOF as me can be considered for this award (which I have seen twice already), then surely Anna is more than worthy of at least one nomination.

Proactive Member Award: Originally I was going to nominate Mumbling for this award (at the very least she deserves a very honorable mention ;)), but after deciding to nominate her for the Helpful Member Awardóand finding out more about a certain other member’s “qualifications” for nomination in this categoryóI felt that I should give another member a chance. Even after seeing several other people nominate this member for this award, I was not fully aware of the extent of his contributions to the forum until I looked at his profile page and clicks “Find all topics by this member” to investigate for myself. Thirteen pages of posts by this member, in less than five months of membership on this forum. :wow The majority of those threads have been in the Captions section (which is still a great contribution, especially given how hilarious and caption-worthy many of the screenshots he has provided are :lol), but he has also started several new Party Room threads (including some which I have found I very much enjoy :)), created several other original and often very interesting discussion threads in multiple other sections, helped out enormously with providing images for this year’s award banners, and even made custom animated avatars for other members. Both his contributions. This person has shown himself to be an exemplary GOF member in the short time that he’s been here, not only through his many contributions but also in the kindness, generosity, and conscientiousness he has demonstrated. I hope that this member sticks around, and also that I get the chance to know him better, because I feel like I’ve been potentially missing out on a terrific friend. :) I’m sure you can all tell by now that the member I have been speaking of is MurMur.

Role Play Gamer Award: I will be skipping this category, given that I might as well be completely inactive in the RPG section apart from the RP I am leading.

Kudos to everyone, whether I mentioned you or not! :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Alright, I've decided on my final vote.

Helpful member: landbeforetimelover. This is more of a personal vote than one that goes for the board. Austin is always there if anyone needs help with their computer or needs advice on software/hardware. You're a great IT help to this place :)


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Friendly Member

Unfortunately, this is really the only category I can do. I’m not interested in rewards or banners or anything, but I still wish to share this. I haven’t been active at this forum for a while, so I can’t really say anything about the other categories. You might even say that I shouldn’t have the right to vote even in this category, but I’m going to do it anyway. :p

I vote for Pangaea. He’s the only member here that I met in person, and keep in contact with (albeit not very well :( ). He’s such a dedicated friend that I don’t know where to start! He’s nice and smart and funny and just an all-around great person to hang out with. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I know I can always turn to him (although I try not to do so too often). I don’t really have many friends, but he’s one of the few I would call my ëbestest’ friend!

Keep being you, buddy! Don’t let anyone slow you down and may the Squid-Who’s-Explicably-Wearing-Pants be with you!


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The final day for the first seven award categories has come and I want to once again encourage everyone to cast their votes. Only those who cast their votes here (but didn't receive an award or a runner up award themselves) may be voted for in the upcomming appreciated member awards vote.

The Friendly Member Award is and has always been one of the awards most tricky to decide about because of the fortunate fact that the huge majority of Gang of Five members are a very friendly lot who take delight in seeing others happy of offer comfort when others are sad. A complete list of examples here would come down to a list near the length of the participants in the vote. Luckily it is also an award very much based on personal experience and vote for people whose friendlyness we ourselves have enjoyed. Meeting GOF members in real life really is an awesome experience and while one may end up with the realization that some online contacts turn out quite different in real life than online one can also end up realizing that in real life they may be even more friendly and awesome than they are online already. Such is the case with Jason who I recently had the privilege to meet again in real life. Friendly, funny (as in a person who one can always share a laugh with), honest and straight forward with his views. What more can I say? My vote for the Friendly Member Award goes to Jason aka Littlefoot1616.


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The voting is now closed. final tallies will be up soon. tiebreakers, for 1st and runner-up awards(if needed) will be announced tomorrow.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these: