The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138588


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Adrian glanced at Emilena, then stepped towards Marita.
"I will expand on that deal.  If, and only if, you fulfill the terms of the contract, I will help this woman be treated for her addiction."
He said curtly, eye glinting...


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There was a thump up ahead, and as he rounded the ventilation unit Axel heard a cry of pain over the edge of the roof. He ran up and peered over, starting when he saw Lily lying in a heap on the glass ceiling over the pool. There was a small crack in the glass, but it didn't seem to be getting any bigger.

"Hang on, I'm coming down..." Axel slowly lowered himself over the side, and when he was hanging by his fingertips he let go, landing with a light thump. He made his way over to her, stepping gingerly and trying not to look down. "Are you okay?" Then he saw her leg twisted at an impossible angle. "Oh jeez..."

Voices rang out above them. "Which way'd they go?!"


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My my aren't you a vindictive bitch' Marita said curtly to Emilena. ' as i said before that stuff is extremely addicting, and its extremely difficult to break free from its grip. i dont want any part of that stuff.. i'm guessing this is somehow payback for me reminding you of your responsibilities as an officer... you dug up dirt on me to get even, huh. i'm guessing your superiors are loving you right about now?' she returned the jibe emilena had  thrown at her. ' the electric sheep huh ' not exactly a high rent place , even as strip clubs go. they don't make enough to afford the highest level security so hacking in, will be a relative breeze.. what is roses stage name? Marita said as she went to her computer and powered it up..' i'll help you, but not for your sake. Its for Rose that I'm doing this. and you had better come through with that promise of detox.' she said looking at Adrian. " rose deserves better than what shes had to deal with.
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Adrian nodded.
"I don't go back on my word.  Once we're in, I'll get her out.  That is a promise."
He said, eyes gleaming confidently...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena smiled. She'd suffered far greater insults from far more eloquent and dangerous people to care about such emotionally-charged retorts.

"Her stage name is 'Honey Bunny,' which makes no sense to me but I suppose it pays the's a false bio and work account for my own stripper identity," Emilena handed Marita a flash drive. "I thought we had incorporated the account already, but we must have erred somehow because we were denied access to the club. So just figure out what mistake we made, and get that account activated.

She glanced at Adrian. "Figure out something for you to do while you're at it. Adrian is my bodyguard, in name only." She felt like adding that last part to make it very clear she needed no protecting.


"Help me up!" snapped Lily, who despite the request managed to get to her feet on her own. With a pop and a flash of pain, her dislocated leg relocated itself. She began hobbling toward the side of the roof. She saw trees, and in her mind trees meant safety.

Before she reached it, she looked back at Axel. "If you can...break the glass...they'll think we went that way..." she forced out, and then dropped over the side of the building, aiming for some large bushy hedges flanked by a concrete walkway and a grassy but solid terrace.


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Adrian chuckled.
"I'm already in their system.  Long story."
He said calmly...


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Marita plugged in the hard drive and began to type away.. ' ah i see you forgot to double encrypt your pass word, and and file 3 years of experience along with references from previous work. they double and triple check new employees but if you have experience, its easier.' she  added as she worked on incorporating the false id. ' after about 6 minutes she straightened up. ' Done' she said I'm a model agent who is looking for talent for a stage show
 she said as she printed out ids ' hers read ' elisa turner. ' heres yours ' she said tossing it to Adrian. and yours' she said to Emilena. ' by the way ' you're scheduled for a performance at 10 pm ' she smirked. ' had to make it convincing after all.
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Adrian grinned as the two halves of the cybernetics that covered the lower half of his face, rolling his neck.
"Cutting it a little close, aren't you?  Heh.  Whatever.  Once we're in, point out your sweetheart to me, and in the event that things get loud, I'll do what I can to get her out of there."
He said, voice masked by the overlay.


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Axel watched Lily drop over the side, then turned back to the glass. The scuffing of feet from the roof above was getting closer, as was the thumping of the police helicopter heading straight for them. She was right, and it was now or never.

He stretched his foot out, and with a grunt stomped it down as hard as he could over the crack that had already formed. The glass panel shattered, the shards scattering over the pool below - luckily, nobody had gone in for a swim.

"Hey! Did you hear that?! It came from this way!" Someone yelled.

Axel quickly scrambled to the edge and fell over the side, landing with an Oof! next to Lily in the bushes, praying they hadn't been seen going this way.

(Sorry for not adding to this for a bit, hadn't seen it was updated)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena started. "What? I wasn't actually going to dance, you dolt! There are more important things to focus on while we're in there!"

She checked the time. Of course, at top speed they would arrive with just enough time to make

After a long frustrated guttural noise, Emilena put her tenchcoat back on and stomped out the door. "If any of those disgusting cyberphillic drunkards try anything, they'll be losing more than their tips..."


Lily helped him to his feet. "They're going to call for backup, and backup always arrives from the opposite direction of the initial cops!" She whispered frantically. "We can't leave the city! Where do we go?"

It was taking all her effort not to sprint for the forest...she knew they'd catch her. She had to put her faith in Axel once again.


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"Ok... Where are we now?" Axel gasped, trying to get his breath back while craning his neck for a street sign. When he saw one, he nodded. "It's a few blocks away. It'll be safer if we cut through the side streets. C'mon, we can get to Soren's quick if we hurry."

Luckily, it looked like all the police had followed them up to the rooftops. He pulled Lily down the road and through the alleyway opposite. Whenever they had to cross the road, he looked anxiously from side to side, but apart from a few cop cars racing past, it was clear. The helicopter soon thundered over them, but kept going.

After 10 minutes, Axel spotted a large house in the distance. "We're here..." He smiled hopefully at Lily. "He'll take us in." Leading her up the driveway, Axel started thumping on the front door. "Soren! You in?! You gotta help us!"


Marcus stalked his way down the Electric Sheep's entrance corridor, his normally heavy footsteps dampened by the pink carpeting and pounding music up ahead. He tucked his fake identity card into his pocket. It was expensive, but worth it; fooling the guard had been easy.

He reached the two main double doors and pushed them open and instantly the music swelled, assaulting his ears. There were less patrons than usual, as would be expected at an earlier time like this. He skulked over to a table in the corner, brushing aside a dancer who tried to stroke his arm, and took a seat, watching the small crowd writhing on the dance floor. One must know something...


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as i said , i had to make it convincing. ' marita said as she grabbed a few things and followed emilena and adrian out of her apartment.. she headed down the steps to aderians car.
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Soren heard the pounding on the reinforced door echoing through his house. Quickly throwing on his shear-thickening fluid impregated clothing over his pajamas. He donned his head mounted display and grabbed his shotgun. He silently prayed they weren't the bent cops he'd encountered earlier.

His house was illuminated with infrared light, rendering it completely dark except to those who could naturally see in infrared or who had augments or equipment designed to do so. Luckily, his head mounted display allowed him to see in such wavelengths.

The man made his way to the front door and patched his HMD into the house's cameras. As if the door didn't exist, he saw an Augment and a normal Human woman.

He recognized the Augment; it was one of his best customers. He opened the door but kept his gun ready.

"Axel," Soren said with a yawn. "It's four in the f---ing morning. What's so important that it couldn't wait until the next day?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Soren! Hey..." Axel grinned nervously. "I, uh, I know it's early but... we could really use some help." He indicated the girl standing next to him. "This is... well, we actually don't know her name, but..." Axel coughed, knowing what a mess they must look, and how bizarre the situation must be for Soren.

From somewhere in the distance there was the faint wail of police sirens. Axel looked behind them nervously. "Look, I know this looks really weird, and we'll explain everything, but could we come inside? It's not safe for us out here. Please."


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Adrian chuckled and nodded to Emilena.
"If any of them get too close, they'll lose their limbs.  That, I can promise you."
He said softly...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily didn't say anything. This man was clearly armed, and she trusted Axel's ability to persuade him over her own.

She shivered in her damp clothes and couldn't help but glance behind her to see if the police were close enough to get a visual.


Emilena sat in the front, keeping her face and tone neutral. "Let's just get there and get this moving quickly. How long does a strip dance even go anyway?"


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well it depends on the dancer really. some only go for a minute or two, others can go for 15 or 20 minutes.. yours..' marita typed in a few libnes.. ' will be for 3 minutes. a short one. so grit your teeth, flash a smile- and your tits- and bear it for 3 minutes..
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Soren sighed but quickly ushered the two into the house and bolted the door shut.

The lights immediately lit up, revealing a very sparsely decorated foyer รณ just a few potted plants and sculptures made of old cybernetics hardware. He slung his shotgun over his back.

"How about we discuss this over some hot tea?" he said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You would know how long strip dances go off the top of your head, wouldn't you..." Emilena muttered, still sore from the prospect. "Make sure to stay ten miles under the speed limit for the rest of the drive, Adrian. Heaven forbid we get there at a reasonable time."


Lily zipped into the house impolitely fast.

"Th--that would be good, Mr. Soren..." She realized her teeth were chattering. She was colder than she thought. "Thank you, and I'm very sorry for the trouble..."

She looked at Axel, intending to follow his lead. She didn't want to risk insulting their host by touching or doing something she shouldn't.


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Axel nodded, relieved to be off the street. "Some tea would be great. Thanks Soren." He smiled what he hoped was a reassuring smile at the shivering girl next to him, and moved closer to her. She looked completely lost.

He inclined his head towards one of the sculptures as they made their way through the foyer. "Hey, one of the old M87-D augmentations," he said, trying to start an idle conversation. "I thought those things were impossible to find now?"