The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114363

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily sighed. "I'm sorry, Kojurro...I just don't think I'm a very sexual person. You can keep going, but you should just focus on pleasuring yourself. You were doing a fine job, it's just me."

She shivered in the puddle of cold sweat that had formed in the lengthy amount of time since they had started.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily smiled weakly. "Oh-okay...if you're sure..."

She lay back and focused on the roof of the car.


"Hello?" Emilena flung a handful of green goop at Sanjay. "Earth to Sanjay? You're supposed to be giving orders, apparently you're really good at that?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"ETA five minutes," the driver said over the intercom.

Lily jumped. "Come on, you're almost out of time!" Tiredly she slipped his coat off and scrabbled at his belt buckle. "Quickly, let's go!"

If she didn't seal the deal, he'd be under no obligation to seal his...


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(Purifier Compound)

Sanjay flung the goop out of his eyes as he looked around. The bars were too narrow for him to slip between and the area appeared to be deserted.

He noticed a security camera in the corner and flung a handful of the healing slime at it.

"All right," he whispered. "That should attract attention. Once the guards come, we can subdue them, grab their weapons and flee."


The repulsortruck turned down the aforementioned street. The area was surprisingly nice and clean with none of the garbage and bums lying about.

"Tony," Soren asked. "That complex up ahead, is that where we're going?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"No, no..." Lily forced his belt off desperately and tried to pull his pants down, "That's not good enough! Come on, we had a deal!"


Emilena grinned. She suspected there were some serious flaws in that plan, but that's never stopped her before. "I figured we can't trust that bastard either. You've been here a while, got any shivs or improvised weapons you've made around here?"

She clutched the only weapon she'd been left with; the syringe that had saved her from the poison.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Tony nodded at Soren's query. "Yep... that's the Heights." It was aptly named, being on a high bluff that overlooked the city, with the only access being a road that wound up to it from the outer wall. An inner wall ringed the massive compound as well, hiding it from view from the street below. "OK... start slowing down, Axel." the ferret instructed. "You'll be flagged down by some guys at the front gate. They may look harmless, but make no mistake... they're all armed. Also, they'll have other guns trained on you from hidden positions too so... I'll identify myself immediately once we get within range. They won't shoot unless you try and break through, so just take it easy." he cautioned.

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The Heights loomed over the truck imposingly as they started making their way up the hill that snaked around to the front gate. Axel gulped and eased his foot off the accelerator, dropping the truck's speed considerably. The SUV behind beeped its horn, and he jolted in shock. Holy crap, this place is a fortress...

Driving up slowly, the gates soon began to emerge in the distance, creeping closer. "Okay... here we are..." Axel said nervously, while trying to adopt a relaxed, innocent expression on his face and failing miserably. "Maybe you could start, like, waving your arms or giving the secret signal or something, Tony? Please?" The sentries at the gate had begun to stir, staring at the battered truck heading their way.


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A guard in a dark blue trench coat held up his hand for the truck to stop, and Tony could make out the assault rifle just barely visible under the guard's coat. "Stop." Tony whispered under his breath, and hopped out of the truck now as it rolled to a halt. "Guys! It's me! Tony!" he called over to them, removing his hat.

"Check fire!" came a yell from inside the gate.

"Tony?" the first guard asked, blinking as he looked the ferret over. "Holy shit! It IS you! Where ya been?"

"That's for my father to know." Tony responded. "These guys kind of rescued me." he said motioning behind him to the truck.

The guard regarded all the SUVs suspiciously. "All of them?" he asked in disbelief, and Tony nodded. "What's the password?"

Tony swore under his breath. His father used two passwords, one for duress, the other for non-duress. But he changed it every year... and it had been a year. He went with the old one for non-duress, hoping it'd work. "Priority mail." he said.

"That's the old one." the guard responded. "But all right... you been gone a year." Tony sighed visibly, relaxing as the guard spoke a few words into his radio. Waiting for a response, a few awkward moments passed, and then the guard approached Axel on the driver's side of the truck. "All right, you, drive up to the front of the house. Here." he held out a map for Axel to follow. "Do NOT deviate from that route. The SUVs are gonna have to park it in our lot. You'll be subjected to thorough screenings at the main entrance, so be prepared." the guard warned, then waved a hand, and the front gate began to retract sideways into the wall. A secondary concrete barrier also visible behind the gate lowered into the ground, and a gravity trap along the ground deactivated as well.

"My father takes security seriously, as you can see." Tony said with a shrug as he climbed back in beside Axel. "One of his capos will probably be meeting us at the front entrance. Whatever you do, don't set him off... both of them are trained killers. Just know you'll have to be screened if you intend to enter the main house." the ferret advised.

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(Purifier complex)

Sanjay opened his mouth, revealing his metallic fangs. "Metal fangs and highly neurotoxic venom. I can punch through thin sheet metal with them."


(Mob Compound)

Anne was sleeping off her high in the back of the truck.

Soren was sitting in the back of the truck, his exoskeleton was now little more than a passive piece of armor.

His two guns had detached from his now powered down suit and were lying in the truck's compartment.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily pushed Kojurro away angrily. "Why can't you make this simple?" she snapped, tears running down her eyes. She curled up in a ball and faced away from him, overcome by emotion. "Here I am letting you...letting you..." she couldn't even say it. "And I don't even know what the point is, I know you won't hold up your end!"

She couldn't take it any more. Getting up and grabbing her dress, she put it on and threw the car door open. Jumping out of the SUV, she hit the ground rolling.

"Hey! What the hell is she doing?" one of the guards snapped. Instantly a dozen assault rifles were trained on the convoy. "Stop! Stop the cars now!"


Several guards stepped into the hallway of the jail area. Each one carried a high-powered rifle. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" one of them snapped, pointing his rifle at Sanjay.

"We've been told not to kill you, but our orders were significantly less clear on the subject of kneecaps," the other snapped at Emilena, cocking and aiming at her leg.


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Axel looked at Tony grimly. "Yeah, I can see your dad likes his privacy... Alright, where did that guy say to go..." He started pulling the truck towards the gate as it slid open. At the sudden shout from the guards, he slammed his foot down on the brake and glanced at Tony, panicked. "What? What'd we do? I don't..." Movement in the rear-view mirror caught his attention, and he looked over his shoulder to see a shape in a dress rolling on the road alongside one of the SUVs. His eyes widened. "Oh, f*ck..."

Without thinking about the guns trained on him, Axel scrambled out of the truck and started waving his arms, moving closer to her. "Wait! Don't shoot her!" he shouted at the guards. He looked back at the truck desperately. "Tony, say something!"


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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A burst of gunfire cracked out, kicking up dirt at Axel's feet. "Stay where you are!" one guard shouted.

"Wait!" Tony cried, moving to get out of the truck. He had to slide over to the driver's side though, not wanting to exit on the passenger side for fear he might be too late. "Wait!" he threw up his paws in the air. "It's all right! I don't know... what happened. But just... hold fire!" he pleaded. The guards didn't riddle the convoy thankfully, but didn't lower their guns either.

"Get her up!" one of his father's soldiers ordered.

"Yes... yes! Right away!" Tony exclaimed, and moved rapidly over to Lily, who thankfully wasn't too many SUVs back.

"I don't like this." the ferret could hear the guards murmuring. "They're awfully suspicious if you ask me."

"Hey..." Tony said softly, approaching Lily now. "Are you all right? Just... don't make any sudden moves." he advised her as he stood over her now before kneeling down. "They want you to stand up. But do it slowly... OK?" He tried to sound reassuring so that she wouldn't panic and set security off.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily's face burned red with embarrassment. She tried to comply but the wind had been completely knocked out of her, she couldn't even speak. The car didn't look to be traveling that fast...


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Tony noticed Lily wasn't doing a very good job of rising. She appeared dazed, and perhaps the fall out of the SUV had winded her more badly than the ferret had initially thought. He could hear his father's soldiers muttering all about him, their weapons still trained on Axel and the prone Lily.

"All right..." Tony said, knowing he had to do something. He reached out, and firmly grasped hold of Lily. He didn't yank her to her feet though, but instead gently started helping her rise. "Just take it slow." he told her softly. "It's all right! It was an accident!" he called over to the guards, who gradually showed signs of relaxing, though their wariness still remained and their rifles didn't lower much.

"Are you all right?" the ferret asked her now. "I'm going to have to get you to a vehicle. We'll go at your pace though if you were injured." he politely informed her.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily staggered to her feet. Not meeting anyone's eye, she allowed Tony to lead her back to the first SUV. She didn't say anything.


Emilena kept the syringe hidden behind her back and glanced at Sanjay, looking for a cue. She wasn't sure how they were supposed to deal with two armed guards when they weren't even freed. Maybe they should have waited for the wolf to free them after all.