The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 115015

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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With a light whiff, a microscopic dart embedded itself into Markus' neck, fired from somewhere behind him. It had an almost instantaneous tranquilizer effect, designed to put every muscle in the body into instant paralyzation. A beast thrice Markus' size wouldn't have the chance to even close his eyes.


The cleaning lady knocked again, and, hearing no response, took out her set of keys and unlocked the door. "I'm coming in..."


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(Purifier Compound)

Sanjay lit his crude incendiary bomb with the lighter and quickly tossed it over the fence and into the pool of oil. The oil sputtered a bit but the paper continued to burn.

"Let's move! Those incendiary packets could burn through any moment!" He began slithering towards the exit as fast as he could.


Aaron's ear twitched at the gunshot echoing from one of the drainage pipes.

He frowned. "Fucking hell, they're above us!"

The German Shepherd slung his shotgun across his back and began climbing one of the ladders that led to the surface.


(The Heights)

"Thanks!" Soren said.

He used the tweezers to carefully push the tiny piece of foil into the cut in Anne's horn. Turning on the soldering iron and letting it heat up, he pushed the foil back a little bit more so there was a little indentation.

A small dab of the white nonconductive glue completely concealed the nick in Anne's horn. By the time the glue hardened, the soldering iron was now hot enough.

Soren tinned the soldering iron and carefully applied solder, covering the glue and making sure that the molten solder made an electrical connection between the two parts of her horn.

The Human turned off the soldering iron and turned on the radio until he got static. "Okay, Anne, transmit!"

Anne rubbed her horn to make sure everything was good. She took a deep breath and her ears splayed in contentment. They then shot up. Her voice – albeit marred with static – soon emnanated from the radio.

"It ain't perfect...but hey, it's better than nothing!

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"That's... impressive!" Tony nodded as he heard Anne's voice come through the radio. Must've been a signal relay of some kind... but Max interrupted the group at that point.

"Ahem... dinner is served." he informed them, and led the way towards the dining hall.

"Right! I'm starved!" Tony said, rubbing his paws as he moved off to follow after the iguana. The dining room was large, like everything in the house, and a long mahogany table stretched off down the length of it. There was more than enough room for everyone, and a crystal chandelier hung from the center of the room, it's bright light playing over the walls and darker table.

Already seated at the table were four ferrets, Tony's siblings who turned to look at him as he entered. There were two males, and two females. The first male, the oldest, was brawny and looked like he could take on a mutant alligator. He was dressed casually, his arm draped across the back of the chair. The other male was more formally attired, but was slighter of build than both the older one and Tony. He had a very friendly disposition.

The older of the two females was... ravishing, to say the least. She had an ample chest, tight waist, and curvy figure. She regarded the group with some interest with deep eyes, though brightened upon seeing her favorite brother enter the room.

The younger female darkened upon seeing the group. She was the youngest in the family, probably mid-teens from the looks of it, and she looked anything but cheery, regarding the newcomers with suspicion and wariness.

"Yo, bro." The oldest brother said with a simple wave.

"Tony!" Both the older sister and the younger brother cried almost at once. The younger brother, Elio, actually jumped out of his chair and ran over to Tony to squeeze him affectionately, causing Tony to exhale.

"Ooof!" Tony breathed.

"It's been... a year! We were so worried! Well... I was at least." Elio said warmly, letting his brother breath now. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Yeah... it's good to see you too, Elio." Tony grinned. "Everyone... I'd like you to meet Victor, Elio, Paula, and Caroline. My pops will probably enter once everyone's seated, knowing him." the ferret introduced the group to the rest of his family.

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Axel smiled and awkwardly scratched his arm. "Erm... hey. I'm Axel," he said, raising his hand in a wave. His smile faltered a little when he saw the dark look Tony's younger sister was giving them, but at least the rest of the family seemed friendly enough. "You guys have an awesome place," he tried lamely. Lily's been gone a while... he thought absently.


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"Yeah... it's 'awesome' all right." Elio grinned at the use of Axel's term.

"Kids?" Caroline asked with some hint of revulsion at the term. Paula however elbowed her sister. "Oww! Watch it!" Caroline growled.

"We have guests." Paula shushed her younger sister. "Yes... we're... the don's children, as you put it. It's very nice to meet you as well." she told him, giving Kojuuro a winning smile.

"Uh right... let's uh... get ready to eat. I'm sure my father will be down soon." Tony said a bit nervously. He took a seat next to Elio, wanting to be near his younger brother for this.

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(The Heights)

Soren and Anne arrived and sat at the table.

Anne nodded as she saw Don Stracci's children.

"Hello," Soren said as he sat down and looked at the lavishly decorated room.

Anne looked around. "Hey, where's Lily and Marita?"


(Patrick's Neighborhood)

Outside a very posh looking gated community, a Ford 2031 Econoline van with the livery of a plumbing company drove up to the guard house. The guard at the front waved them through.

Inside the van were four men – a Purifier strike team. They were clad in dark blue and had pistols tucked into hip holsters.

Their mission wasn't to assassinate Patrick or destroy his property. They were going to give him a little scare.

The electric van's motor spooled down as the driver stopped. "All right, y'all know what to do!"

The men inside pulled down their balaclavas and donned gloves. They muscled out a large box with a laser carved metal note at the top – and the broken gear emblem.

They made their way to the front door of the house. One of the men, a equine of undetermined breed, got a cylindrical tube ready. Another one of the men used a small magnetic accelerator to shoot large ball bearings through every window.

"Go! Go!" the equine hissed as soon as he yanked the pull-ring and tossed the tube through one of the broken windows. The tube in question was a stolen military training grenade, designed to replicate the flash and thunder of an actual grenade but without the risk of starting fires or throwing shrapnel around.

The men scrambled into the van and drove off.

"Well, let's hope that silicon slut gets the message," one of the Purifiers said, pulling off her balaclava to reveal a surprisingly attractive Golden Retriever bitch. She ran a gloves hand through her golden headfur.

"He's probably too busy gettin' freaky with one of those chipheads!" another Purifier cracked.

The van was filled with raucous laughter as they drove off into the darkened elevated highway that led to this exclusive development. A distant bang was heard as the training grenade went off.

When Patrick would wake up, he would find a file box containing forty pounds of metal scrap, a plastic bag with small bit of C-4 and a blasting cap and this laser-cut metal note:

To Patrick Anderson,

You have sold your fellow Baselines out to the technological abominations known as "Augments". The explosion you heard was the grenade simulant we tossed through your window.

As you can see, the box in front of you is filled with forty pounds of metal scrap. This your first and only warning:

Cease prostituting yourself to these hybrid abominations or else the next delivery you recieve from us will be C-4.

[cracked gear emblem]

(OOC - silicon slut = term for someone who supports Augments, manufactures augmentations or works with augmentations. It is a highly insulting term and using it is likely to result in violence.)

(OOC - chiphead = term for Augment. It's not as offensive as Gleamer but it's still not a socially acceptable way to refer to an Augment.)

(OOC - [] in quotes is a picture description.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I think Lily was taking a bath," Axel said as he took a seat next to Anne. "I... guess she's just taking her time to relax for once." He glanced down at the cutlery and tableware - it all looked good quality. The sight of the empty plate waiting for food made his stomach rumble. "I'm sure she won't mind if we, ah, just eat a little without her..."

He leaned his elbows on the tabletop, then quickly took them back off in case it offended the hosts, folding his arms nervously across his lap. "Your dad sounds like an interesting guy... I really, ah, like the collection he has in the garage."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena darted out from behind the dumpster and kept her rifle aimed at anywhere that Purifiers might think to show themselves.

They reached a chainlink fence at the end of the alleyway and Emilena emptied her clip at it. "Bulletproof!" she cursed. Apparently somebody had installed basic security precautions in this area. "Either we climb, or find a way around!" She turned to Sanjay, looking for direction.

The purifiers could only be getting closer to their location....


The cleaning lady pushed the door open and coughed as she saw the room was filled with steam. The bath had been running nonstop for what must have been hours. "Hello?" she choked. The air was thick with a phlegmatic taste.

Stumbling to the jets, she turned off the bath and hit the fans. Once the room was clearer, she could see inside the bathtub and cried out. There was an unmoving body floating limply, and the bathtub water was saturated in thick blood.

Staggering backwards, she sprinted into the hallway and reached the first intercom she could. She immediately dialed the security guard on duty in this wing.

"There's been a murder in the east wing bathroom!" she exclaimed.


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"I'm glad you like my collection... and that you think I'm an... 'interesting guy.'" The voice that responded to Axel's comments was low and accented, and standing at the entrance of the dining room was an older ferret. He wasn't particularly tall, but he wasn't overly short either. He was dressed in a blue pin stripe jacket, white shirt poking out from underneath and blue pants. A thick cigar was clamped between two of his claws, and he seemed to regard the party with a squint. At his side stood a female ferret wearing a red dress with black fur around the neckline, and a pearl necklace. "Auto enthusiasm is a hobby I've always shared with my son." The don nodded in Tony's direction as he took a puff from the cigar.

Tony nodded back once. "Sir." he replied.

"Which one of you..." the don looked at the assemblage. "Is the leader of your group? Which one of you decided to bring my son here?"


Security was all abuzz in the hall where Lily lay in the tub. The family doctor was summoned, and he entered the bathroom now accompanied by security. "All right..." he murmured, stretching gloves over his hands as he approached the figure in the bathtub. "OK... let's see what we've got here..." he whispered to himself as he knelt down to begin inspecting the body.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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It soon became apparent that the body was not dead; she appeared to have passed out from blood loss. Small open wounds had appeared on the sides of both of her hands, and nubs of bone were sticking out, bones that didn't correspond to any naturally-ocurring bones in the human skeletal system. A much larger opening had formed in her tailbone area, which was where most of her blood loss had occurred. She had roughly 80% of the minimum required blood supply still in her system, which was putting incredible strain on her heart and keeping her in a state of unconsciousness.


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Patrick, by this time was awake and was being brought up to speed of what happened. "I'm glad mom and dad aren't here to see this." Patrick said. His human Parents were vacationing in Switzerland and were accompanied by the finest Privately owned security force money could buy.


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marita marie and riose  looked at the food on thier dishes' they had been observing their surroundings as they followed Tony around his fathers house.  marita knew it was good manners to never refuse something when a host offers it to you, especially when the host is someone of the Don;sd persuasuion. saying no might very well get you kiled..
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Axel started slightly and turned in his seat to face Tony's father. He gulped. The ferret looked like he'd stepped straight out of the set of 'The Sopranos', radiating an air of total control. Probably not someone you want to piss off... Axel thought, noticing Tony's sudden sobriety.

He blinked at the Don's question. "Erm... we're, like, a team. Ah, sir... your, er... Don-ness..." Axel grimaced, trying to stop his mouth running. "I mean, we work together, and we all thought this was the best thing to do. Right guys?" he said, glancing around quickly at the others, before returning his gaze uneasily back to the Don.


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Soon enough the Police were at Anderson estate interviewing Patrick. The Victim was being transported by an ambulance to the nearest hospital.


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Don Stracci pulled the cigar out of his mouth and exhaled a wreath of blue smoke about his head, looking at the others. "A group?" he asked now, beginning to walk to the head of the table. "So... I have to give out a group reward?" he asked.

"I don't think you have to do anything, pops, if Tony hadn't left in the first..." Victor began, but a steely look from his father shut him up immediately.

"Quiet, boy. No, I believe in doing something... I reward loyalty, after all." the don said as he snuffed out his cigar in a crystal ashtray. Looking down at the meal prepared for him, he smiled. Spaghetti carbonara... his family favorite. There were also selections of veal, steak, salads, and chicken which waiters moved about the table with, offering them to each of the guests. If they didn't see what they liked, the waiters were more than happy to place a custom order.

"So... as a token of my... appreciation..." Don Stracci continued as he began twirling the pasta around his fork. Tony had the same dish as his father, his father remembering his son's shared tastes. "What can I do for you for bringing my son back?" he asked, shooting his narrow gaze around the table.

Tony shoveled a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth. He didn't want to speak out of turn, and if he recalled, there were some who had more solid ideas on what they wanted. Weapons would be good though, for as the ferret recalled, they would need some more firepower... and perhaps an all access pass to a hospital under the guise of a family member for Adrian. But of course... it was up to them what they wanted... Tony had his own ideas, namely a fast classic car for his personal use, but... later.


"She's still alive!" The doctor announced. "But she's lost quite a lot of blood! Let's get her down to the infirmary!" He noted the... changes that seemed to be causing this blood loss all over her body. It was as if she was metamorphosing into something... completely not human.

A few minutes later, Lily was set up on a bed down in the family infirmary. The doctor was busy cleaning and dressing her injuries to prevent further blood loss so that her heart could start replenishing the lost quantities. He was debating on whether or not he should hook her up to an IV, but didn't wish to start a blood transfusion until he knew her type, which he would get to after her wounds were probably dressed. He noted the bone protrusions through her skin, and did his best to work around them. As remarkable as it seemed, her entire structure seemed to be reworking itself.

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(The Heights)

Soren swallowed his mouthful of spaghetti carbonera. "Don Stracci," he said. "I only desire two things: repair of my workshop and house and exacting revenge on the Purifiers who destroyed my life."

Anne was eating the salad with gusto. Apparently, her high had worn off and she was having a serious case of the munchies.


(Purifier Compound)

The transformer fire had now gotten the attention of those in the compound.

Aaron climbed out of the sewers as soon as the alarm went off. The transformer that Sanjay had set aflame controlled the pumps – without them, the sewers would flood. He radioed Marcus. "Marcus! The fuckers burned one of the transformers!"


Sanjay looked at the fence. The holes were just wide enough for him to fit through. He squeezed through the gap and disappeared for a moment. He then returned with a knotted rope which he tied to a dumpster. "Climb that!" He tossed the rope over the fence.

(OOC - Again, I ran into the issue of meat in an anthro world...See the discussion topic. Pterano, can I assume the meat is lab grown meat?)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena had tried and failed to scale the fence; her bulky rifle slung behind her back kept throwing her off balance. Grasping the rope and gritting her teeth, she felt Sanjay pulling her over as the first of the Purifiers located their position.

Suddenly one of the bullets severed the rope and sent her plunging. Grasping the top of the fence with a wild cast of her arm, she panted loudly and was forced to abandon the rifle. Hoisting herself over, she went tumbling into the grime on the other side as the first salvo of bullets pinged against the fence.

She got to her feet staggering. "Go, go go!" she panted, racing down the alleyway as fast as she could.

It wasn't until they'd reached relative safety in an alleyway on the outskirts of the city that she realized she was limping and bleeding. "Sanjay, I think..." she staggered and collapsed. She'd been hit twice; once bullet had passed through the space below her left rib, the other was embedded in her right buttock.


Lupis stepped out of the shadows behind the paralyzed Marcus. Politely sliding the Doberman to the side, he equipped the rifle and sniped the first three Purifiers who attempted to follow Mr. Bhat and Officer Echo over the fence. Pressing a button on his watch, he lifted the radio jammer so that Marcus could hear the survivors radioing him in confusion and fright, trying to figure out what was going on.

With a shimmer, the Agent dissipated from sight.