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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 115127


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Don Stracci considered Soren's request, and slowly nodded. "These Purifiers... it's become a rather dirty business as of late. While I can neither confirm nor deny if I deal in augments, the Purifiers have never been able to prove anything with me, and they know better than to randomly raid my trucks. I own a construction company... mostly road repair, but..." he paused here, his eyes not leaving Soren. "I would be willing to extend you this favor, and get your workshop and house rebuilt. However... the Purifiers are not my concern, even if they did invade the sanctity of your home. But... with that said..." he glanced over at Tony now.

"You did save my son and bring him home. For this kindness, I would be willing to lend you more... indirect assistance, shall we say, against these Purifiers. I don't like them personally." Don Stracci continued. "But I also have no war with them at present. However, there's an old saying... the enemy of my friends... is my enemy." the don stated, cracking a slight smile here.

"Sir, we were talking about maybe some guns. Firepower." Tony spoke up now respectfully.

"Guns?" his father smiled again. "I don't provide guns. I do however, provide hardware." It was clear what the euphemism meant, and also why the don was choosing to use it. "Hardware I can provide in abundance. All untraceable; the cops will never know where you got it, if it comes to that. And if you do get in trouble..." the don pointed at Soren now, still smiling, but in a much smaller way. "I can recommend some very good lawyers... or even a judge or two who sees things my way, provided you keep tight-lipped about where you obtained your hardware." The smile grew a tad here. Tony noted Max was present at the table... most likely for legal reasons. This conversation would be refuted by all of his siblings if it ever leaked, and Max would of course provide the clincher. Tony also knew that anyone who ratted his father out had extremely low expectations of actually making it to court to testify... it was amazing how many friends in unexpected places his dad actually had.

"If you could please provide Mr. Fontana the address of your workshop and home, I will ensure that one of my crews are sent out there. I can't guarantee work will start immediately... it's dependent on what current contracts I have, but we'll get the job done at some point." he promised Soren. "I never forget a favor requested of me." he said with finality.

"Oh... should we also ask for Adrian to be checked into a hospital under the protection of my family?" Tony asked Axel in a low voice now.

The family doctor backed away from the mechanical contraption now who was insisting it be allowed to attend to Lily. He merely gave it a nod. "Suit yourself." he said, moving off to at least get a chart started on Lily on his data pad.

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Axel nodded across the table to Tony. "Ah, Don Stracci? One of the people who... Oh, thanks..." he paused as one of the waiters placed a salad in front of him. "One of the people who brought Tony back, Adrian, was injured pretty... ah, pretty badly. We took a look at him, and I think he's been taken upstairs, but there's only so much that can be done for him outside of a proper hospital. If it's possible... could you arrange to have him taken there and kept under some kind of... I don't know, protection or something? If he was here with us I'm pretty sure that's what he'd want."

He forked a bunch of the salad leaves into his mouth. The fresh food was a shock to his system after the microwaved, processed junk he'd been living on all this time, and he hungrily stuffed down another few mouthfuls. After a moment, he put the fork down and looked up hesitantly at the Don. "I, erm... I don't have a request for me personally. But the girl in our group, the one who went up to take a bath, Lily... she's in some trouble and we still don't really know why. The cops are all over my place so she couldn't stay there but... I'm asking if this could be a place where she'd be cool to, like, hide out and be protected, if she ever needed it. I want her to have at least one place she can feel safe at." He met the Don's eyes. "That's the favour I'm asking. If... if it's okay."


Marcus' head swam. He could hear gunshots, thumping as if they were a thousand miles away, and voices, tinny and distant, crackled from somewhere nearby. He tried to focus his mind. Faintly, he knew he'd been drugged somehow. Lupis... that motherfucker...

He picked up on Aaron's voice coming from somewhere. "Fuckers burned... transformers..." Marcus focused all his attention into trying to get his body moving again.


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Don Stracci nodded. "Of course... I can place him under protection at a hospital of my choosing. He'll have security and the best doctors I can afford." the don graciously offered. He went back to his spaghetti as he listened to Axel's favor request.

"Hmmm... if she can stay here?" A thin smile spread across the don's lips now. "I would say yes but... you should never speak for a lady." he said, waving his fork at Axel in an admonishing fashion, the smile still there. "It's something I learned." he glanced at his wife now, smiling affectionately at her. "Provided your Lily agrees, it's done. But she needs to say yes herself." Don Stracci stated.

That was certainly fair enough, Tony thought.

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(The Heights)

"You have my word, Don Stracci," Soren said as he wrote down the address of his home on a napkin and slid it to the Iguana. "Thank you for your help."

Anne finished off her third bowl of salad.



"Shit!" Sanjay muttered. He quickly looked Emilena over. It didn't look like her spine was involved.

He then looked around the grimy alleyway. He could easily abandon her and the cops would think that she was a bum who pissed off some street thugs. Them again, Agent Lupis was probably watching – and he really wanted that reward.

Looping both arms under Emilena's armpits, he began dragging her to the street.

He flagged down a passing motorist, a Fruit Bat who appeared to be a construction worker.

"Forget it! I ain't helping no bum!" she snapped upon seeing Emilena's bruised and filthy state. She was about to close the door and drive off when Sanjay shoved his pistol in her face.

"That wasn't a request. Now help me get her in the car and get to Stephenson Memorial before I blow your fucking brains all over the road!"

The Fruit Bat backed away and carefully hoisted Emilena into her car's backseat. Sanjay slithered into the backseat and placed his pistol against the seat's lower back where it would be out of sight to the casual observer.


The construction worker gulped and headed out of the dark alley way and into the LED light main highway.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Alright, I understand," Axel said, nodding appreciatively at Don Stracci. "I'm sure she'll agree and... I just wanted the possibility to be there. Thanks."

When Kojuuro reported that Adrian was doing better, Axel looked sideways at him and smiled encouragingly... then did a double take when Lily was mentioned, the smile wrenched from his face. "What?! What happened, is..." He dropped his fork and pushed his chair out from the table, started to rise. "Where's the infirmary?"


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"My pleasure." Don Stracci said to Soren. Max took the napkin, nodded once, and slipped it away somewhere inside his voluminous coat.

"I'll look through our current workload and let you know when construction can commence." Max told him.

Tony sat upright upon hearing Adrian was awake. Well... that was some recovery if he was trying to walk around! This was great news! He immediately wanted to go see him, but had his dinner to finish first. But that wasn't the end of the news, or so it seemed. Axel now desired to get to the infirmary, and Max opened his mouth to inform him where it was located, but Tony cut him off.

"You know what? I'll take you there." he offered. "I wanted to speak to Adrian anyway." he said. "I'll finish dinner when I get back." he promised his father, leading the rat out of the dining room now and towards a set of stairs that went down into the basement.

Moving down the flight of steps, Axel could see the basement was its own separate floor, with corridors that stretched away into a labyrinth of passages. Tony threaded his way through them, and fortunately, it wasn't a very long walk. The infirmary was brightly lit, all sterile and colored an off-shade of light green. There were a few beds down here, much more comfortable than you'd find in a typical hospital. "Here you are." Tony said, holding his paw out towards the open door.

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Axel stepped past Tony through the doorway, and stopped dead when he saw Lily lying in one of the beds. The robotic Doctor who'd helped Adrian earlier was standing over her, performing some kind of test, and Adrian himself was up. Axel barely acknowledged them as he hastened across the room to where Lily lay, stopping on the opposite side of the bed to where the Doctor stood.

From here, he could see the dressings on her hands - it looked like she had deep cuts along the side of them. The pale green light spilling over the room made it seem like he was staring down at a body. "Lily?" Axel whispered, his voice trembling. He bent down and touched her shoulder lightly. There wasn't a response. Looking up, Axel's eyes were lost. "What the hell's happened to her? She was fine just a while ago..."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena gritted her teeth and squinted her eyes as she bled all over the back of the construction worker's car.

"Why the hell are you...?" she coughed, thankfully no blood came out. That implies the abdomen bullet missed most vital organs. "Why aren't you just letting me die...?"


Lily moaned loudly. Her eyes suddenly flew open and her face contorted in pain. "Oh, it hurts!" She tried to roll onto her back, but the bloodied mass that had formed around her tailbone prevented this, so she remained curled in the fetal position. Something cracked and she cried out and arched her back, tearing the splint the doctor had set on her backside.

The bloodied mass was growing longer and fatter by the second. On her hands, two bony digits were pushing their way through her skin. She looked at them in horror when she tried to cover her face. "Oh god..." Her tear-stricken eyes locked with Axel's. "Help me..." she pleaded weakly.


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Marita, upon learning that adrian was up '  If you woukld execuse me Don Stracci, but i'd like to go check on him, i helped stabilioze t\him before he arrived her' She said, in a very respective tone. " and dinner was delicious. my compliments to the che, or chefs' she added. marie and Rose were still eating, Rose was on her second disgh, as was Marie, this was far beter food than what she had at home..
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Axel recoiled back at the sudden burst of movement from Lily. His leg bumped into the small metal table adjacent to the bed, tipping it over with a crash and scattering the medical instruments on the floor. He saw the extent of what was happening to her, saw the digits coming through the skin, saw the growth on her tailbone, and he felt his mind go numb. What the fuck...

He met her terrified eyes, and felt himself slowly pulled back into the moment. "It's okay... it's alright, I'm here..." Axel tried to say soothingly, rushing forward. He attempted to put his arms around her - with her thrashing, it was almost impossible to see if his touch was hurting her. "Look at me! Everything's going to be okay!"

Axel held her tightly and looked up at the Doktor. "Can't you give her something?! For fuck's sake, she's in pain!"


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(Highway 225 – En route to Stephenson Memorial)

"Because I want to keep my augments!" Sanjay snapped. "And besides, you really think Lupis isn't watching?"

"Who?" the construction worker asked.

"Shut up and drive!" Sanjay pressed the pistol further into the seat back.


(The Heights)

"Thank you for the dinner, Don Stracci. Your chefs are quite talented," Soren said as he finished off the fruit desert. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to see how Lily is doing."

He carefully pushed the chair in and stood up. He then waited until Marita moved as he decided to follow her.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Don Stracci nodded at Soren. "I understand. Thank you for the compliments." he said, nodding at the human.


Tony noted how much pain Lily was in, flinching when he heard her cry out for help. "Jeez..." he walked slowly into the infirmary now, not wanting to disturb her too much. "Hey... Adrian." the ferret said softly, smiling at him. "Glad to see you're up and about. You're at my place now... I wanted to help you since you spared me back at the factory." he said. "How are you feeling?"

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well, how exactly am I supposed to protect you when I'm crippled anyway?" snapped Emilena back. She sat up and the action made her cough again. There was blood this time...

"Drive faster!" she spat, irritated. "Can't we just shoot her and take the car ourselves?"


Lily coughed and threw up. There was another crack from somewhere in her body.

She threw up three more times and couldn't stop choking and crying. The anesthetic didn't appear to be helping at all. And the tattoo on her breast had dropped to 4.


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"If you noticed, I don't fucking have legs!" Sanjay snapped. "Cars have to be modified for Snakes to drive them!"

He then turned to the driver. "Go faster!"

"I'móOkay." Sanjay shoved his pistol into her neck. The driver complied and pushed the accelerator to the floor, causing the car to go over 100 miles per hour.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Aw, it's OK." Tony waved his paw dismissively here. "If not for you... I wouldn't be alive either. I wanted to help you as much as I could... so I'm glad you made it." he smiled now sincerely, but was interrupted by Lily's rather loud vocalizations and her becoming violently ill.

"Jesus!" Tony exclaimed, noting Lily retch three times. "Damn! Can't we do something?" he asked.

"That mechanical guy just pumped her full of painkillers and who knows what else!" Tony's doctor responded, pointing. "If that didn't help... I don't know what else will unless... we induce a coma chemically to try and stabilize her!" he said.

"I don't know..." Tony trailed off, watching the display with wide eyes and feeling completely powerless as the horrified Lily could only further change against her will.

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Axel didn't register the sick spilling over his hands as he tried to hold Lily still, stopping her from struggling right off the bed. The cracking noise he'd heard kept replaying itself in his head. It came from inside her... oh jesus...

He heard her choking. "Come on, keep breathing! This'll... this'll be over soon!" Axel babbled helplessly. His head jerked up when Tony's doctor suggested inducing a coma. "What?! Are you kidding?!" He looked desperately between the two doctors in the room. "There's got to be something else you can do!"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily coughed again. "Please...can you all just leave...I don't want you to see..." she threw up again. "...just go..."

She cast an arm out and grabbed the doctor's arm. "Don't...let here," she said weakly but with conviction, meeting his eyes unblinkingly.


Emi's eyes went wide when she saw their destination. "We can't go there!" she gasped. "They've got my records! I killed somebody there! Why would we go to a government building anyway, we're criminals‽"


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Sanjay shook his head. "Doctors aren't supposed to pass judgement. Besides, you got any better ideas?"

The car then pulled up in front of the hospital and carefully helped Emilena out. He then aimed his pistol at the construction worker. "Drive off as fast as you can. If you turn your head, I will shoot you!"

The Fruit Bat nodded and the vehicle sped along a short road and then up an onramp to an elevated highway.

Sanjay then carefully helped Emilena into the ER.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.