The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114489


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Marita soon reached the floor where adrian was being watched over, the door was ajar so she she herself iniside.. ' hi adrian" she said kindly.. ' how are you feeling?" she asked..
_ marie and rose finished thier seconds courses, and asked to be excused' Excuse me is there a a couple free rooms where rose and i can change and get freshed up?' Marie asked the Don.
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"Um... maybe we should go... but I want her comfortable as you can at least make her, OK?" Tony asked his doctor, who nodded.

"I'll do what I can. I only suggested the chemical coma to ease her suffering... it looks as if she's mutating in a rather painful fashion." he pointed out to Axel. "You don't know what's wrong with her, do you? Like her medical history? Why this is happening?" he asked the rat.

Tony turned to Adrian now, offering him a small smile. "Is there... anything I can get you before bed? I'll try and provide it, though I think I'm gonna turn in soon, once I finish up my dinner." the ferret informed him.


The don nodded. "Yes... our valets will show you to your rooms." Don Stracci said, standing up now as he ordered one of the waiters to take Tony's dish to the kitchen to keep it warm. "The guest rooms are up the stairs and to the right, down the hall. I've provided for each of you to have your own rooms, so no worries on that." the don said.

"If you'll follow me, please." One of the valets at the door bowed to Marie and Rose, and began showing them to their rooms.

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Axel shook his head. "No, I don't, I... I've only known her for a few days and she... she can't remember..." He paused and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out shakily. Panicking won't help her! He opened them and met the doctor's eyes. "No, I don't know Lily's medical history, or what's happening to her. But she's been getting worse." He bit his lip. "But that wolf... the wolf knows..." Axel muttered lowly.

He looked down at Lily. Picking up a cloth that had been knocked to the floor, he wiped the sick from her mouth gently. "Look, I'll be close by, okay? If you want me, just... just call out for me..." His ears flattened weakly as he left her side and crossed the room to where Tony and Adrian stood, wiping his hands with the towel as if in a daze. Thoughts of the wolf agent, and what he'd done to her kept rushing through his thoughts. He was too pre-occupied to wonder what Lily had meant when she'd pleaded for Kojuuro to be kept out.


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Don Stracci smiled at Kojuuro. "The pleasure was all mine! It was good to see you again. What are you up to these days, anyway? Still taking contracts?" he inquired, a smile creasing his face now.


"Well... OK." Tony nodded now, smiling. "Just let me know if you do." he told Adrian. He then turned to Axel. "Wait... what wolf?" he asked, an idea suddenly forming in his mind. It couldn't be... that wolf, right?

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Marie and Rose followed the valet of the stairs finding the guest room prepared and ready for them. warm, made up beds looked inviting, with a bassket of fruit, candy and other snacks sat on the bedstand. ' this place is wonderful! Marie exclaimed, as she went into bathroom in her room to take a nice long bath.
- how are you holding up marita asked Adrian. " felling better bnow huh? it was a close call with you, you know. a VERY close call."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Doctors can pass judgment when the patient file reads 'Killed the last doctor who operated on her and a security guard,'" Emilena shot back. "I thought he said you were smart, this is the most moronic decision anyone I've met has ever made!"

But Lupis had been quite clear; follow all of Sanjay's orders to the letter. Grumbling and light-headed, Emilena allowed herself to be led to the place she'd fought police, guards, and Purifiers to escape last time.


Lily coughed and threw up again. She had refused to let go of the doctor's arm. "I meant it!" she pleaded, "I tonight! Please!"

There was another cracking noise; her spine was realigning. Letting out a low moan of pain, she dug her nails into the cot as a shuddering pulse ran through the tumor on her backside.


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Sure enough, when Sanjay bought Emilena in, the doctors, nurses and orderlies were scrambling to get her onto gurney and into the OR to stablize her. The few that recognized her, didn't care about her previous "escapades". They just cared about her wounds.

"What happened?" a Golden Eagle asked.

"Got shot during a robbery." Sanjay took a seat in the waiting room.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As he joined Adrian, Tony and Marita, Axel glanced up at the fox. "Hey, I'm... I'm glad you're okay." He slowly looked at Tony, still chewing his lip. "When we were hiding out at Soren's house, a wolf came looking for her. He was dressed like some kind of... I don't know, a government spook or something... He told Soren he'd pay him if he turned her in. Then back at the factory, there he was again. He knows what's happening to her, if... if there's a way to stop it or reverse it or something..." His hands were balled into fists at his side.

Axel paused, staring at Tony. "Why? Have you seen him?"


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Tony hesitated now, thinking on things. He looked down, then nodded. "Yeah... I shot him from behind as he was retreating from Kojuuro and Lily at the abandoned factory. It was just a decoy though... he took me hostage, and agreed not to harm me if I let him escape. He took me to the edge of the factory, dropped me off there, and left."

The ferret paused here, wondering if he should mention the card. He glanced at Lily again, then over to Axel. "There may... be a way to get in contact with him." he said slowly. "If you could... well I mean, if such a thing were possible... what would you do?"

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Axel swallowed. "Whatever it takes to get him to talk..." The words sounded alien coming out of his mouth. He stepped closer to the ferret. "Look at her, Tony! He knows exactly what's going on, and he has to know how to help her! He has to!" Axel repeated, as if to reassure himself.

His tail flicked urgently. "We can't just sit here and wait for... whatever's happening to her to happen. If you have a way to get to him, you have to say. Please, Tony."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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A few hours later, a doctor and nurse came in to address the cotridden Emilena. "All right, Miss Echo, you should be all set," the doctor said, reviewing a clipboard. "The bullet was removed safely and the wounds have been bandaged and fully cleaned. Just try to take it easy for the next few days." The nurse smiled and held out a copy of the diagnosis and a small cup of gelatin.

Emilena climbed out of the cot. "If you insist, doctor."

"Now there's one final thing," the doctor added, as Emilena closed the door so the three of them wouldn't be disturbed, "You don't have any payment information on would you like to balance your bill?"

Emilena stepped up and put her hands on his shoulders, smiling seductively. "Check."

In a blur she grasped his head in between her palms and twisted his neck 270 degrees with an audible snap. The nurse stumbled backwards as his body hit the floor and opened her mouth to scream, but Emilena kicked her in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her. Dragging her hyperventilating body to the sink, Emilena smacked her head against the porcelain and then grabbed a scalpel and stabbed her repeatedly in the temple.

A few minutes later, she returned to the waiting room dressed in the nurse's clean skirt and blouse. "Mr. Bhat?" she said pleasantly, "They're ready for you in the aumbulance parking lot. If you could please come with me?"


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Now it was Tony's turn to bite his lip, and he finally nodded. "Well..." He walked out of the infirmary now, motioning for Axel to follow him, so he was out of earshot of Adrian and Marita for the moment. "He left a card with me... there's nothing on it, but I think it's his business card." Tony said slowly, in low tones. "Maybe... maybe we can trap him... capture him even; get him to talk. Or... I could call him, pretend I need his help, and ask him if he knows why Lily is the way she is." he suggested. "Unfortunately, I DO kind of owe him for sparing my life so... I kind of would prefer the latter option first." he admitted.

"If I call him... you're gonna have to promise to keep calm. No yelling... no indicating you're even near me, OK? I'm gonna talk to him like it's a private conversation. We'd need to come up with a really good plan if you want to trap him though." Tony warned. "He's smart... he used a decoy, and a cloaking device. Plus he'll most likely have backup at any meeting I arrange so... we can't go into this half-cocked. Do you understand?" he asked the rat. "So first things first... let me try and talk to him... see if I can at least find out why Lily is suffering and changing. Then... if that proves to be a dead end... we'll go from there. And don't worry... I won't let myself get talked into anything. I've already kind of thought about what I'm going to say." he reassured Axel as he thrust his paws into his pockets.

"So... you have a lighter or a match or anything I can use to get this ink to appear?" he asked now. "If not, we can always head to the kitchen." He didn't pull his paws out of his pockets just yet, however.

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"You don't get it, he'll keep coming after her if we don't deal with him..." Axel muttered. Then he sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair, brushing aside a lock that had fallen over his eyes. "But... fine. We'll see if we can do it your way and get what we need without violence. The most important thing right now's to make sure Lily's okay." A small part of him was relieved - even in these circumstances, he didn't know if he'd have it in him to hurt someone. But if it comes down to it...

Axel nodded when Tony mentioned a lighter, patting his pockets and pulling a cheap, plastic one out of his jeans. "Good thing I didn't quit smoking," he said dryly as he handed it over. "And... look, thanks for telling me about the card."


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"Hey... no problem." Tony replied, pulling out the card now as Axel handed him the lighter. "Look... if it comes to that... then we'll just have to get him first, OK?" the ferret asked, giving him a nod. "I promise... I'll do everything I can to lure him out into the open. But just give me this chance first... I want to obtain information, see what I can find out, and go from there."

He lit the lighter, and held it under the card, being careful not to set the card alight too. "OK... let's see..." he murmured, and just like that, ink began to appear.

Lupis Wing II
Central Intelligence Agency

This card will evaporate in 30 seconds

"Oh! Crap!" Tony said, quickly digging in his pocket for his phone now as he handed the lighter back to Axel. He fumbled around with it, quickly pressing the buttons and dialing. He could at least save the number... and it was a very easy one to remember too.

Typing it in, he dropped the card now, letting it dissolve into nothing as he held the phone up to his ear, and listened to the ring...

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(Stephenson Memorial Hospital)

Sanjay put down the newspaper he was reading and slithered out to the ambulance bay.

A few of the people in the waiting room gave odd looks at the "nurse" but no one paid too much attention.


(The Heights)

Soren made his way to the infirmary. He gasped as he saw the multitude of medical personnel around.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The security guard in the ambulance bay nodded once to them as they passed.

Emilena stopped. "You're not going to ask why I'm this section? Or check my identification?"

The guard shrugged. "Don't care."

Emilena gave him something to care about when she walked up behind him and snapped his neck. Grabbing his rifle, she marched to the nearest ambulance, where two paramedics were wheeling out a recently-rescued heart attack victim.

"What the hell are you doing?" gasped one when he saw a nurse coming at him with a rifle. Emilena shot both of them, then opened the driver's seat door and cracked the driver's skull open with the butt of the rifle. "Get in," she told Sanjay, backing the ambulance out of the garage and crushing the legs of the man going into cardiac arrest on the pavement.

The phone picked up on the seventh ring. "Faux Manchu Chinese Cuisine, now offering takeout from 9am to 6pm, this is Mike how can I assist you today?"


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Tony motioned with his paw to Axel to speak to Soren as the human approached them now. He turned away, and took a few steps down the hall. "Yeah, yeah, very funny, Lupis." Tony said. "I'd like some lo mein, with a side of information, if you don't mind. It's Tony... the ferret you ran into earlier tonight." he stated, waiting to see if the act would be dropped.

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Sanjay nodded as he slithered into the passenger's seat.

Making his way to the back of the ambulance, he soon found the medicine cabinet. Seeing as he had no lock, he simply smashed the glass front with the butt of his pistol and started rooting around for anything he could use to fill his venom tanks with.

But first, the washout procedure. He injected some saline into the metal port and moved his head around, sloshing the fluid around. Finding an empty basin, he clamped his metal fangs against it and sprayed out the water he had used to wash his venom tanks. A few more times and he was ready to go.

Sanjay grabbed the vial of etorphine – an immensely powerful narcotic painkiller intended for use in either heavy anthros like Rhino, Elephants or Bears or in Augments with either enhanced liver and kidneys or extreme resistance to morphine based narcotics. In anyone else, a standard dosage was assured to kill. Carefully taking a syringe and drawing up the potent chemical, he looked in a nearby mirror to find the small metal port just near the side of his "neck".

He carefully guided the needle into the port and gently slid it through the self-healing silicone septum. Depressing the plunger sent the entire contents into his empty tanks.

He tossed both syringes into the nearby sharps bin and rejoined Emilena. "All right, no we need to decide where we might find our target."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel gave an exhausted shrug as Soren approached. "That's something I'd like to know." He waited for Tony to move a little further away, then continued in a lower tone. "It's Lily, she's... Something's happening to her. She's got new fingers, and... and something's growing on her... just..." Axel's voice trembled slightly. He swallowed and gritted his teeth.

He glanced down the corridor at Tony, still on his phone. "But we think we know how to help her. You remember the wolf who came to your house, looking for her?" Axel turned back to Soren. "Tony's got a way to reach him. If we can just get something from him, anything that can tell us how to fix it..." he said, ears poised determidly.