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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 116145

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"If you wanted to come with us, sir, the offer of course extends to you, as it does everyone," Emilena amended hastily. "We couldn't guarantee your safety, I'm sure you know, but seeing as Mr. Stryker had over two thousand credited kills in the Scorched Earth War of 2030, he'd no doubt be more than adequate to the task of protecting you."

The Stracci's personal butler was something of a legend among the city police folk.


Lily flexed her six fingers curiously once Tony reminded her of them. Her skin was rough and stoney. The sixth fingers were next to and slightly smaller than her pinkies, and her grasp felt weaker and uncoordinated.

She stumbled slightly as she took a step forward, and growled softly. She was hungry and thirsty. For a few seconds, she forgot to relinquish Tony's hand despite having focused on something else; the door.

She tried to say something, but all that came out was a guttural bark.


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"I'm not sure I can be bothered long enough to step away from my business." he said, waving his paw dismissively here. "Besides... someone has to deal with those government hacks." Don Stracci knew the agents were probably going to be stupid and try and bug his place... no one had ever successfully done that before, but he wouldn't put it past these guys. "However... I suppose it depends on how important this truly is..." he trailed off now as Tony suddenly appeared around the corner, walking with Lily... or what Lily now was.

Tony still had his hand in hers to steady her and get her used to walking. "Well... here she is." he said grimly.

His father looked at the monster intently, studiously roving his gaze about her form and her eyes. What was she capable of? "Mr. Fontana..." he signaled his consigliere now. "Do we have any instruments capable of measuring psionics?"

"We might... I can check for you." Max replied back through the headset.

"Good..." Don Stracci said quietly now. He didn't like this... he didn't like this at all.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"My god..." whispered Emilena when she got a glimpse of what Lily had become. This was the gentle Sapaar girl who'd offered her a ride just two days ago?

Lily wasn't walking so much as slinking. Something had changed in her spinal structure and she couldn't walk fully upright. She was shielding her eyes from the bright lights on the main floor, and in a moment of primal panic tore her hand away from Tony and darted into the most shadowy part of the room: the space between the corner and the door to the kitchen.

As she crouched in the corner, nude and with hands bared in a feeble display of self-defense, she hardly even looked like a sentient being.


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"Hey!" Tony said, running after her now. "Hey! It's... it's OK... we aren't... we aren't going to hurt you." He said softly. "Axel! Come on!" the ferret motioned to the rat now.

Don Stracci watched the display, and was disgusted by it. This wasn't right... he couldn't use this woman for his own gain... in fact... ANYONE using her would have an unfair advantage... she was a human under there... a person... and she was suffering. "Ms. Echo." he turned to look at her now. "Are you POSITIVE about what you're doing?" he asked firmly. "This woman needs help... serious help... you aren't leading her into some sort of trap... because if you are... I'll ensure you eternally suffer for it." he growled. "I wasn't sure if I could trust you before, but I'm making myself clear now... she's getting the help she needs, all right? This thing... it's not natural." He hissed. "I don't know what the government is after her for... but it ends now. It goes no further than this!" he pointed behind him at the creature in the corner.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You're free to try whatever you please before we take her out there," Emilena stood her ground. "I'm only telling you what I know and what I think."

She still didn't trust the don's sincerity; nobody in a position of power got there by being compassionate and understanding. But it'll depend on the opinions of the rest of the occupants; she wasn't trying to set herself up in opposition with the Straccis.


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Axel's eyes widened as he saw the figure Tony lead through. "Oh fuck... Lily?" His voice was a strangled whisper. He stood, frozen in shock as she stumbled away from the light and backed into the shadows. For several moments he stood completely motionless, trying to process the sight in front of him.

As if from another room, Tony's voice reached Axel. He blinked, an act that seemed more like a twitch, and took an unsteady step towards the corner she was hiding in. "Li... Lily?" He crouched down and approached slowly, his arms outstretched in an attempt to show he meant no harm. "It's me... Axel..." He tried to stop the trembling in his voice, to sound more confident. "It's alright... nobody's going to hurt you..."


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"Hmph... very well..." the don murmured, noting the iguana, Max Fontana, come around the corner now with a device.

"Found this, boss! It measures psionic levels and brain wave patterns... I don't know if it can actually read abilities though. Don't think we ever used it." the iguana shrugged here.

"Doubt it." Don Stracci murmured. He could never remember what he'd bought and not bought. "Scan her." he ordered.

The consigliere approached Lily now and began waving the reader up and down her body, though stood a respectful distance away, as you actually didn't need to be very close as the range on the thing was good. Tony stood up now that Axel was there. "Hey... Emelina was it?" he asked. "Can we drive to this place if it's far away and park somewhere near the woods?" he asked. "We can't waste a lot of time. Or is it in walking distance? I'm just trying to save time here." he said, his voice strained.

"Yes?" Don Stracci spoke softly now, hearing Stryker's voice in his headset. "Right... OK..." he began speaking in very soft tones, turning away from the group now as everyone was mostly preoccupied.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We can't drive there, it's off the trails," Emilena muttered back, noting that the don appeared to be distracted. "It's actually closer to Pelvanida, the cybernetics factory, than here. I'm just worried that a car will attract attention. Ideally, I'd like to reach the spot without anyone else seeing us. We could lead the purifiers right to the place they're looking for..."

Lily, meanwhile, seemed to get a hold out herself. Shakily getting to her feet, she crept forward back into the light. Glancing at the people surrounding her, the first spark of recognition on her face showed when her gaze passed across Axel. Slinking cautiously up to him, she rubbed her hands along his shoulders as if verifying his identity, and then silently embraced him.


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Axel carefully put his arms around her, trying to be sure he wasn't hurting her in some way. "It's alright... Emilena has a way to help you," he said gently, trying to keep up a soothing tone. Even through his shirt, Axel could feel the roughness of her skin. There's gotta be a way to fix this... there has to be...

Still holding her, he turned his head to look at the others. "It... it looks like she can walk at least, that's gotta save us some time, right?"


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Tony sighed, holding his forehead and shaking it as Max continued to scan Lily. "I feel like going without transportation is stupid... especially if we need to get out of there fast." he said, looking down. "I'm less concerned about the Purifiers finding us out than I am about getting her in and out as quickly as possible." He said, slapping a fist against his paw pads. "If we go with enough protection..." Tony trailed off here, noting his father was talking to someone over his headset. "Um... if we go with enough protection" he continued now, "we shouldn't have any problems. I mean I don't know!" he said, throwing his right arm out to the side now. He began running things through in his mind. OK... what to do... what was the fastest car he could think of? No... the Cobra couldn't carry enough passengers... he needed room for at least six...

Well his dad's Duesenbergs and Pierce-Arrow Berline were fast... and could certainly fit six minimum... plus his dad had upgraded them so... they could hold their own speed-wise.

"If we head there on foot... if" Tony began again. "I'm not going without a means of getting out of there quickly. I can call something in to Pelvanida, have it waiting for us... whatever. But I'm not going out there with no means of escape in case... things turn sour." he said now, finally placing his paws on his hips as he looked at the group. "It just seems foolish otherwise to be stuck in the woods with just our feet... after walking all that way, I might add." he pointed out.

Pelvanida? That was some distance away... but manageable. "Right... Pelvanida by the way." Don Stracci said softly.

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Soren nodded. "My exoskeleton and weapons should be in the delivery truck. By the way, Anne's coming too."

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he laid eyes on what was Lily.

He then overheard Emilena. "Pelvanida? What could they have to do with Lily's transformation?"

He then used the back of his shirt to wipe his forehead and took a breath. "All right, l need some time to plan."

Anne shivered as she looked at Lily. "Maybe we can screw with the Purifiers? Have one group lead the astray while the other deals with Lily?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"If you insist we take a car, I'm not attempting to unequivocally shoot that down," Emilena reminded. "Unlike Soren, I'm not trying to make myself the leader and delegator of this group. We should make decisions together."

Lily meanwhile was hugging Axel tighter and tighter. Because she was starting to sense something.

It was the feeling she always got when her conscience left her body; the feeling of taking up senses already occupied by another. But she was still seeing through her own eyes. She hadn't gone anywhere...

She slowly realized she wasn't the visitor this time. She was the host.


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"But is that a good idea?" Axel asked Anne. "I mean... if there's any Purifier's out there, they don't know where we'll be so... maybe we should just leave them?" He glanced around to see what the others thought. "I mean, it seems like we'd be, like, kicking the hornet's nest..."

He felt Lily's grip tighten. "Lily... Loosen up a little..." He glanced down and paused when he saw the expression on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?"


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"Good." Tony nodded now. "Because going out there without transport is stupid... in fact..." He said now, his eyes darkening a bit. "This whole thing sounds... fishy. I still don't know if I fully trust you." he said plainly, shaking his head.

At that moment, a sungazer lizard rounded the corner, dressed to the nines. He carried nothing visible on him, but he was armed to the teeth. "Ah, Mr. Stryker! You're just in time!" Don Stracci greeted his enforcer. The spiny lizard said nothing in response, but merely gave his don a single nod. His eyes were steely, like cold metal. Death was written on his expression, and it wouldn't take an expert observer to tell this guy was dangerous.

"Ms. Echo was just about to tell us the location she intends to lead you to." the don said here, turning back to Emelina, his own expression having become deadpan. Stryker shifted his cold eyes onto her as well. "If you think... I'm sending valuable people out to some unknown location... on foot... guess again." he said now. "Sorry, Ms. Echo... the location... if you please." he said, more determined now. "I can have soldiers there in a matter of minutes, since they're all over the city at various locations. They check it out first... and not approach it of course... but confirm that your story is true. And if it is... you're free to go." he said simply, raising a paw before letting it fall to his side again. "My word is good after all. I promised my new guests support... and they shall have it... but not until I determine your own word is... trustworthy."

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"For Pete's sake, look what they did to me!" Emilena took her shirt off, revealing blackened electrical burns and whip marks all down her body. "It only gets worse south of the border! And I've already told you, I have no idea what's happening out at that spot. Anything special could be completely impossible for a normal person to detect."

She narrowed her eyes. "I admit I can't 100% trust you either. I don't mean to be rude or ungrateful for the hospitality you've given my allies, but you are businessmen. You know how valuable Lily could be from a political standpoint. I'm trying to get Lily out there to help her. Why do you want to go without even bringing her?"

Lily just hugged Axel tighter. She could tell what everyone was talking about, but she was more focused on her own inner struggle. The foreign conscience within her didn't currently seem powerful enough to control her, but it was trying. How could she prevent it from getting stronger?


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((Just a note, LB&T and I discussed this, so we're currently working this next part out.))

"You're gonna have to trust me I'm afraid... because you seem to misunderstand, Ms. Echo." Don Stracci said, noting her tortured body. "Heh... that's admirable... you've clearly been put through the wash by something... but just what is hard to say. You're not in in a position to negotiate... I'm NOT sending anyone out there until I know we're only getting involved in what you claim." He gave her a slight smile now. "The location... why are you being so recalcitrant with such simple information?" he asked now. "Seems rather suspicious to me. Mr. Stryker." he said simply.

The reptile quickly produced a high-caliber pistol from his jacket and pointed it right at Emelina's right knee. He didn't even blink as he did so. The gun had a high enough velocity that it could shred most standard body armors.

"This is not a negotiation, Ms. Echo. It's an ultimatum." the don said icily now. "The location..." he said once more.

"Dad?" Tony asked, suddenly getting worried.

"Relax, Tony." his father held up a paw here. "I'm not threatening you, or any of your guests... I'm still in their debt after all and I'm TRYING to look out for them... but her... I owe nothing to. She will produce the location... or she'll suffer. If you don't want to watch... please leave the room." he instructed to all those around him now.

Tony gulped, standing in place, eyes wide. He knew from experience his father's words to his friends were good... he'd help them all the same. So... was this just part of his... making sure they'd be safe out there? It did seem slightly suspicious that Emelina didn't want to part with the details of where they'd be going, and that they'd be heading there on foot. But then again, it was probably hard for her to trust his father, and he figured her story about being tortured was at least, most likely true.

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After looking down at her for several moments with no response, Axel sighed and turned his attention to the others, trying to suck in air as Lily's grip tightened. He spluttered when he saw Stryker's gun pointed at Emilena. "Hey, hey, wait! Is... Do you really need to do that?"

His eyes found the Don's. "What if she doesn't know?! She already said she didn't! Jesus christ, she's one of us!" Axel could feel the blood pounding in his head. The thought of someone he knew being tortured made him sick. And Emilena's the only one who knows what to do... if something happens to her...


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"Doesn't know what?" the don shot back at Axel. "The location she promised to take you to? How could she possibly not know that?" he said, pointing out the rather odd nature of Axel's question. "One of you? She didn't show up with you guys... what if the Purifiers turned her, huh?" he asked now. "You ever think of that? What if this is all just a big trap?"

This part... rang more true for Tony. According to Soren, Emelina hated augments... it'd make sense she'd support the Purifiers. His dad had a point, there.

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Axel's mouth opened... then closed again. As desperate as he was to avoid any bloodshed, he had to admit the Don had a point - Emilena should know the location, but still... Was threatening a woman with violence necessary? And could she be part of the Purifiers? "I..."

He glanced down at Lily. If it's to protect her... Even if there's a chance it's a trap... He raised his gaze to the others, feeling light-headed. "Just... answer their questions, Emilena..."