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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114743


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"I'll stay back here with her," Axel said, helping Lily up the step that lead to the inside of the trailer. "I don't suppose there's any radios on this thing, are there? Might not be a bad idea to have a way of communicating if we're going to come up with a plan, or if... you know, something happens." Lowering his voice, he inclined his head towards Lily. Stepping up, he joined her inside the Pierce-Arrow.

Looking around, he had to admit it was pretty comfortable. There was even a microwave hooked up on the counter with some packets of instant snacks they could use with it. To the left was a small table flanked on both sides by comfy looking seats. He walked with her over to one and helped ease her down into it, noting that she still looked like she was in some discomfort.

"Hey, you haven't eaten for a while. You hungry?" Axel asked, giving her a smile and turning to the microwave. He rifled through the cupboards above it and pulled out some of the packets. "There's macaroni cheese or..." He shifted through them and hummed. "More macaroni cheese."


Marcus shot a hand out and caught the newspaper, still hunched over the bench at his usual spot in the corner of the breakroom. He held it up and read the headline, then grunted, nodding, though his face didn't display any pleasure. "It was a long time coming."

He raised his eyes to Aaron. "Right. Four 18-G12VX Amplifiers. The closest factory's Pelvanida, so I say that's our target. The amplifiers aren't exactly precious, so they shouldn't be too hard to acquire. Rhaegson wants this job to be quick, in and out, so a small team's better. If you and me go, we can be there and back in an hour."


Rhaegson leaned back in his chair, the phone balanced on his stomach as he dialed. Halfway through, the computer screen flickered and the image came back on, displaying the files he'd been sifting through when the power had been cut. "About fuckin' time! Thank you!" Rhaegson shouted through his door, hearing his voice echo, his sarcasm traveling the halls.

On the other end of the line, there was the sound of the phone being picked up. "Hey, Lupis! Big Bad!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with insincere amiability. "I have my guys heading down to pick up the last few... ingredients. They won't be long." Blowing out a puff of smoke, Rhaegson's voice suddenly dropped lower, hardening. "How are things going on your end?"


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"Oh yeah, let me explain a few things." Tony said, stepping into the trailer now with Axel. "First off..." He went around closing all the blinds over the windows. "Just in case, right? Don't want anyone taking a peek inside and glimpsing a psionic creature after all. Now then... this is what the rich in the 30s would've called a 'land yacht.' Towing a trailer around was a big thing then, and you've got some pretty nice amenities in here. Only 450 of these were produced, but they're equipped with hydraulic brakes, a dining area, ice box, two stoves..." he held up two claws here. "One for cooking, the other for heating the trailer, a water tank for the sinks, and fold-out beds." He pointed everything out, motioned to the comfortable couches to indicate they could fold out into beds. "You also have a radio..." He tapped above his head onto the finely polished wood ceiling of the trailer to indicate a black speaker and radio knobs below it. "The bathroom is through the door with the mirror on it." he gestured to said door now.

"And yes, my dad installed a communicator that links you directly to the Berline." He pressed the call button on a wall-mounted speaker to demonstrate. "Just buzz me and we can talk back and forth. So yeah! This is your new luxury land yacht." he chuckled, letting the rat take it all in. "Pierce-Arrow really spared no expense at making sure their customers got their money's worth. This trailer in fact cost about the same as a nice car back in the 30s. So enjoy it! It'll be a good way to move Lily around the city, and can really help fit our entire group too if we run out of room in the Berline."

He stepped out now, closed the door, and headed around to the front of the car. Getting in, he started up the big V-12, listening to it roar to life and echo around the garage. He revved it a few times for the sheer hell of it, and then threw it into gear, pulling carefully out of the row and into the center lane. The Pierce-Arrow Berline was a rakish looking beauty with four sets of headlights curving out of the front fenders in typical Pierce-Arrow fashion.

Driving slowly down the middle lane until he reached the heavy steel door, he waited for it to open before driving out and pulling onto the main driveway. Rolling around to the front of the house, Tony honked the horn for the others to join him. "Your limousine is here!" He shouted out the rolled down window, grinning at them.

Inside the house, Don Stracci warmly shook Soren's hand. "My pleasure, all right? We'll get on reconstructing your workshop at some point. I promise." he said. He then accompanied them out onto the the front portico of his house. Max was there, with metal crates containing their old weapons, and the new ones they had selected.

"Just do me a favor and put the weapons in the trunk and the trailer!" Tony called, popping the Berline's trunk for them. "Carry what you want, and stow the rest! Also, I'm gonna need someone up front with me to direct me to the compound!" He gave his dad a small wave, and his father nodded, smiled slightly, and waved back.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I can direct you..." Nairda suggested darkly, striding up to the luxury vehicle and riding shotgun. "I've unfortunate history with the Purifiers..." The look on his face betrayed his repressed sorrows from prior encounters with Marcus, his sworn arch-nemesis.

Lily smiled back at Axel and nodded her head. She'd quickly grown to like the cramped space and the darkness of the car interior; as an environment it was far easier to watch all exits and to know just how defensible it was from attack. She couldn't stop her new hyper-cautious prey senses that channeled through her, but she could assuage them.


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Marita, Mair and Rose climbed into the back seat all three holding onto thier possessions. ': i'll be working on finding a floor plan for the compound Lupis is in " Marita said, pulling out her computer. '; since this kind of stuff isnt easy to get it, it will likely involve some hacking..and coming up with plausible stores and covers should we try to enter the compound..delivering a shipment of army cellphones wont cut it.. 'she said to Tony.
Winner of these:

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"No troubles whatsoever," Lupis said grimly, not even bothering to sound truthful. He hadn't left his office, and was sitting in the exact same position Exstasis has left him. "I'm trying something...unorthodox in order to obtain our last missing ingredient."

He sat back. "Jesus, when's the last time either of us slept?" He and Rhaegson were both aware that they secretly bugged each others office; it was an odd sort of mutual trust that both followed. At this point, they could even joke about it openly. "Even if it doesn't work, it's got a good chance of teaching me something new. At the very least, according to Exstasis' report, they're reached the last known location without getting immediately killed. So we'll just have to wait and see."


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"Alright. Thanks Tony," Axel grinned at the ferret as he stepped out, then turned back to the microwave. "Okay then, one healthy and nutritional breakfast coming up..." Emptying the packet into one of the bowls next to the machine, he tossed it in and closed the door, feeling the trailer shift beneath him as Tony pulled out of the garage. It was one of the expensive new makes that could cook food extra fast; after just a few rotations there was a beep and the door snapped open. Axel took it out and started fishing through the drawers, looking for a fork. Finding one, he walked over and set it on the table in front of Lily. "Here you go. Be careful, it's hot."

He took a seat opposite her and tried to give a reassuring smile. "Not bad, huh? I could get used to this..." Outside, he could hear shouting as they prepared to leave. After a few moments of silence, Axel met Lily's eyes. "What happened with Emilena... when she disappeared... That was you, wasn't it?" He swallowed. "Do you... think there's any way you can control it?"


"That we will, my friend. That we will," Rhaegson drawled. "You know, I never got why you keep using Exstasis. That moron couldn't find his own ass with a map and a GPS tracker. Still, I'll leave it in your capable mitts."

He bent forwards to tap off the end of his cigarette, then took another drag and let loose a series of hacking coughs. "Jesus, these things are gonna kill me." He sighed. "We are so close. We can't screw up now."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lupis nodded sagely. "He used to be one of our best. He was the top dog in our partnership; the brass would give him any assignment, no matter how impossible, with his track record. Guess that sort of thing catches up with you."

He was in a pensive mood now. Clearing his throat, he shook his head to wake up and got to his feet. "I'm taking a 2-hour nap. If I don't wake up, beep whatever that infrared scanner is you installed in my Shakespeare bust."

He paused. "Glad your projects are wrapping up Rhaegson. Productivity will kick back up once I can stop focusing single-handedly on this one thorn. And we're otherwise ahead of schedule. I was thinking we should bump your public appearance forward to, say, tomorrow, to take advantage of the recent press from the Andersen murder. If you've already written the script and everything. What do you think?"


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Rhaegon scowled, his dark eyes narrowing. "What, I'm your fuckin' alarm clock now?" he grumbled. "Whatever. Not like I have anything better to do, right?"

When Lupis mentioned Anderson's murder, he grinned broadly. "I thought taking him out would get attention. Fine, tomorrow sounds good. I always did want to be on TV." Brushing the hair out of his eyes, he leaned forwards and put the main dialing body of the phone back on the desk. "Well, I won't keep you any longer. You're gonna need your beauty sleep for what comes next, right? Oh, and try to keep the snoring down - you can't even imagine how much noise the other bug picks up."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily smiled softly at Axel, then daintily took the silverware in her slender hands and brought forkfuls of pasta to her mouth. She noted that her taste buds seemed relatively unaffected, which was a relief considering she'd missed the luxurious dinner.

Once she had replenished her strength, she'd try and connect with her parasite again.


"Don't worry," Lupis rubbed his eyelids. "I highly doubt two hours of uninterrupted time will pass before something urgent requires my attention."

He made to end the call. "You stay healthy Rhaegson. You've fulfilled your end of the bargain perfectly. I swear I'll finish mine, once I get a single goddamn break."


Nairda filed into the vehicle. "We'll be taking a left once we leave the forest~," he informed Tony brightly. " know you're really cute...right?"


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Tony waited for the hardware to be loaded up, both in the trunk and some in the trailer, then he also waited for either Soren or Anne to get into the Berline (the other one would have to ride in the trailer as there was only room for six in the limousine), and he looked in the rear view mirror at Marita. "Oh there's no way I'm driving this car into the compound. We'll park nearby and figure out a plan from there." the ferret commented.

As Nairda gave him a compliment, Tony's brow furrowed, and he frowned. "Thanks, but I'm not interested, nor do I swing that way." he murmured, throwing the car into gear now and taking it down the driveway as he waved to his father one last time, his dad standing on the portico and watching them go. "I would also assume I would have to get onto the Garden Parkway once we leave the road to the Heights." he commented, honking as he pulled up to the exterior gate and was allowed egress.

Shifting into a higher gear as they approached the highway, Tony let the powerful V-12 do the talking and merged into traffic, accelerating up to 80 miles per hour, which the Pierce-Arrow could drive at very comfortably without shaking or feeling like it was on the verge of losing control. It gave an incredibly smooth ride. They were heading east, back toward Lanthae proper, now. The Berline certainly succeeded in turning more than a few heads as the ferret picked a lane and stuck to it, glad he was getting some envious looks.

He pushed the button on the dash linking the comm to the trailer. "Hey Axel... this is Tony, doing a radio check. You read me? We're on the Garden Parkway now, and on our way!" he exclaimed.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"The Purifier base is up ahead..." reported Nairda grimly. "What's the plan? If you had bothered trusting Emilena, she could have helped a lot right now..." He shook his head grimly, thinking of his love and what could have happened to her.


The transition from black to white was jarring. Almost as soon as she found herself blinded by a flash of light, it was gone and she was lying in the soggy leaves of a forest stained with afternoon dew.

Emilena didn't move for over five minutes. Nothing made sense. Her current situation didn't make sense. She couldn't be here. She couldn't even have died; it was too sudden and Stryker was a professional torturer. Torture doesn't end suddenly.

She rolled onto her back. Leaves clung to her fur, fresh dirt stained her countless wounds. Her various sources of pain had blended together and now her whole body just ached in unison.

The wind whistled through the trees above her. It played daintily across her skin. She couldn't focus on anything else.

She couldn't be here. And until she had sufficient time to process that fact, she wouldn't be thinking or doing anything.


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(En Route to Purifier Complex)

Soren sat at the trailer's table, nursing a cup of steaming hot green tea. He had his HMD on and his exoskeleton was plugged into the wall outlet.

He turned to Nairda. "Trust Emilena!?" he snapped. "Are you out of your fucking mind!? She beat me up and tried to get me thrown in jail!"

He then rubbed his temples. "Admittedly, my plan for this is 'kill every Purifier I see'."

Soren then yawned as he trudged over to the sofa, replaced his HMD in its case and lay down on the sofa. "Wake me when we get to the compound." He soon fell asleep, lulled by the engine and road noise.


Anne reclined in the comfortable sealskin seat of the Pierce-Arrow. "So Tony," she said as she opened a cooler and retrieved a small can of beer. "What's our plan when we get there?"

She then visibly shivered as she saw a street sign flash by that read "Holmia – 2 miles". "Mind making a stop in Holmia? I gotta get my fix," the mare said. Holmia was a rather nice commercial district that was also home to a large open air market that sold everything from drugs to weapons to illegal augments.


(Purifier Compound)

"Might as well," Aaron said. He then cracked his knuckles. "How should we do this? We can't break into Pelvanida in broad daylight!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel watched the human walk over to the sofa. "Alright Soren, no problem." Tony's voice issued from the speaker, and he craned his neck, reaching over and pressing the button next to it. "Axel here, I'm reading you loud and clear! Hey, this thing's pretty nice - you might have to pry me out of here with a crowbar..."

His voice grew more serious as he looked around at some of the crates that had been loaded into the trailer. "Are we, ah... are we working on getting a map of this place? Just walking in probably isn't a good idea... even for a super soldier like me." He paused. "Uh... Over?"


Marcus eyed the german shepherd. "No, we can't just break in alone. But there is someone who can help us. We've had... dealings with someone who works there. Mr. Altyn's shift starts soon. I'm sure he can be persuaded to let us in."


Rhaegson laughed, a harsh, unpleasant sound. "I could almost believe you're starting to care about me, Lupis. Almost." He rolled his eyes. "And make sure you do your part. I'm all excited now, and you know I hate being disappointed." Rhaegson unceremoniously dropped the phone onto the cradle.


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"She was leading us to an empty spot in the woods where there was nothing located. Back where I come from, that's what we call a trap. She had clearly been proven to be one of Agent Lupis's stooges." Tony shook his head here. "Trusting her just wasn't an option."

He noted Anne requested they make a stop at Holmia, that rather bustling and upscale commercial district which also boasted the open-air market. She needed her fix. Err... right. "Uh... I guess so, provided we don't stop too long." Tony stated. He radioed back to Axel now. "Well yeah... I think Marita is working on getting us a map of that place. It shouldn't be impossible, given a digital copy has to exist somewhere I would imagine, and I highly doubt they've taken all the precautions to protect their place that my dad has, nor would they have the know-how or financial capability to do so." he cracked, smiling to himself. "Sure it'll be like walking into a military base... but a base we've got foreknowledge about ahead of time. Hey... you think I should try calling them?" he asked now. "I used to know them, after all... could be a cover we could use."  

He took the exit for Holmia, driving down the off-ramp and pulling onto a wide street with brightly lit buildings on either side. He roughly knew the way to the open-air market, and took a right onto another thoroughfare, heading in the direction of the bazaar. He located an extra wide parking spot on the street about a block away from the market, and eased the car to a stop. Fortunately, thanks to the trailer having its own brakes, the ride would be smooth for them in the back as well. Killing the headlights, the ferret turned to Anne, now. "OK... just hurry back. I know this is a relatively safer part of town, but I think we still have to keep moving, all the same." he stated.

He rested his head against his paw (his elbow in turn resting on the Pierce-Arrow's driver's side window), and radioed back to Axel. "We're stopping at Holmia for a bit... Anne needs... her 'fix.'" he informed them. "We'll be rolling again shortly."

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Axel's voice crackled over Tony's radio. "What? What do you mean..." The was a pause. "Oh. Is now a good time? Can't she, like, wait or something?"

In the trailer, Axel was looking around nervously at the blinded windows. He leaned closer to the speaker. "Well... fine, but maybe make sure she hurries it up? It's just, you know... we're not exactly inconspicuous here, and we don't want anyone trying to get a look in." Anxiously, he tightened the blinds of the window next to him and sat back down at the table. The light sound of Soren's snoring drifted across from the sofa on the other side of the trailer.

"Looks like we'll be waiting here for a second while Anne, ah... looks for something," he told Lily. His eyes grew concerned. "How are you feeling? Any... any better?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily smiled softly and put her hand on his shoulder. It was really remarkable that she'd found someone who could possibly care about her despite her condition.

But she had something she had to do. Hello? she thought tentatively, directing the thought at the conscience within. Are you okay?...Can you respond?

It stirred. Curiously poked back. It didn't seem that dangerous. Hi.... Lily continued. Can you talk...err...think back to me? Who are you?

It was very sudden. In a millisecond Lily felt the conscience strike out, leaping out of dormancy and making a play for control of her body. The arm on Axel's cheek spasmed as a foreign body attempted to strike out at the rat invading its personal space.

Lily gasped and refocused with panicked energy. Clenching her fist, she locked her joints and gritted her teeth, forcing the parasite back into dormancy. In less than a second it was over. But she remained spooked for several minutes.


"You just don't understand her~" Nairda shook his head sadly. "I wish I could understand her, but the female mind is a feisty and burlesque thing...But she knows more about what's going on than anyone else here. And how do you know there was nothing out there? We cannot comprehend the spirit realm. This curse on Lily is clearly something above the likes of man..."

He gritted his teeth when he saw Homia. "I have many enemies in Holmia. A life like mine tends to attract undesired attention...I will assist you in your reconnaissance, for your own protection, madam~" he offered charmingly. "I confess to being something of an aficionado for the cloudy analgesics myself. If you're ever interested, we could indulge together..."


Lupis was not one to waste time. Upon the phone call ending, he immediately set the room's security system to a state of high alert and retired to a Spartan cot with a single simple cloth blanket. Using a rigid form of mental training, he could immediately lapse into a dreamless deep semi-consciousness that refreshes the mind at a rate double that of regular sleep.


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Anne scowled. "I don't know you very well. I personally prefer nootropics and the classic marijuana."

She got out of the car and drank in the heady scent of Holmia Square. Surprisingly upscale bars, stores and resturants lined the area.

The mare immediately made a beeline for the florist named Corso Flowers.

"Hola, senorita!" the shopkeeper called as Anne entered. His voice carried a distinct of Canary Islands accent. The shopkeeper in question was a huge and muscular Presa Canario wearing an apron with several pruning shears and other florist's tools in the pockets.

"Hola!" Anne replied. Her lips peeled back in the distinct Flehmen response of Equines when the faint scent of marijuana hit her. She chewed her lip as she pondered what to buy.

The big canine chuckled. "No rush." He got to work preparing a floral arrangement that someone had called in for a funeral.

"Mr. Garc“a Mart“nez," Anne said. "I'd like theĆ³"

"Certainly, Ms. Phoe."

Anne shuddered. "Only cops call me that."

The Presa Canario laughed. "Then don't call 'Mr.'. I'm not old enough for that."

Anne facepalmed. "All right, Joaqu“n. You got two 'Get Better' wreaths?"

Joaqu“n reached under the counter and flipped a sequence of switches. Two plastic bottles of 'plant food' emerged from the small dumbwaiter under the counter. He passed them over to the mare who handed him a credit chit (the one she had gotten a while back by hocking some stolen goods).

She placed the drugs into her pocket and exited. "Buenas dias!"

Joaqu“n smiled and returned the goodbye. He sniffed the air and sighed. He needed to clean out the water pool for his hydroponic flowers.


Anne returned to the car with her bag of drugs. She smiled as she found that Joaqu“n threw in a complementary pack of rolling papers,  a lighter and two tablets of moziafil (illegally diverted from a factory and thus the government hadn't had a chance to levy its 25% drug tax yet). Enough marijauna to last her for a few weeks, all for 900 creds.

"Anyone mind if I roll a joint and light up?" she asked as she grabbed one of the 'plant food' bottles.

(OOC - A Presa Canario is a large dog from the Canary Islands.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"It's all right... we won't be too long... plus, this district is fairly safe." Tony replied to Axel's concerns. "You just relax back there... this car does NOT stick out... trust me." he chuckled, looking around at all the contemporary limos and hot rods hovering and cruising down the street around them. "My dad sometimes shops down here in fact."

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Anne returned, and Tony threw the car back into gear again. Too bad they didn't have time to shop... Tony actually liked Holmia. "All right! Let's get moving!" he said, cruising up to the traffic light and popping a U-turn to get back onto the highway. "Ahhhh no! Sorry!" Tony quickly replied to Anne. "My dad would kill me if he smelled smoke in here! He's got that whole you know... anti-drug thing going. Best wait till we stop." he suggested, taking the left down the main street that led back onto the highway.

"Yeah well... I think we understood her just fine!" Tony mumbled back, accelerating once he reached the on-ramp and merging back into traffic. He brought the Pierce-Arrow up to speed again, and shook his head. "Anyway... we're heading east so... is it off this highway, or do I take another one?" he inquired.

He buzzed Axel again. "So Axel... you want me to ring Marcus? I think I have his number. Maybe I could I dunno... use that to try and get you guys inside?" he asked.

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Axel flinched slightly as Lily's fist clenched and a panicked expression flashed across her face. The movement scraped her claws across his cheek, though not deeply enough to draw blood. After a moment of shocked silence, he spoke up nervously, seeing how worried she looked. "Hey, it's... it's okay. We'll... just be careful about touching each other. I'll..." He was about to say more, but the sound of the car door slamming shut, as loud as a gunshot in the silence of the trailer, interrupted him. Axel felt the weight of the trailer shift as Tony pulled away. Slowly and cautiously, he reached over and touched her hand lightly. "We're going to get you back to normal. Don't worry."

Soon after, the sound of Tony's voice addressing him  turned his head. "Marcus? Who's that? One of your Purifier... friends?" He considered. "Uh... I guess that could work. It's not like we can just go in guns blazing... And we don't want to risk Lupis running if he find out a group broke in looking for him. What if... you said we were your prisoners? Would that get us in?" Axel asked, not knowing how well organised the base would be.


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Aaron nodded. "Don't know him but whatever helps."

He then pulled the car off into the visitor parking lot. Pelvanida had an exhibit hall that was open to the public and consequently, it was a bit of a tourist attraction.

At the same time, Mr. Altyn's 2008 Tesla Roadster cut through the visitor parking lot on its way into the employee parking lot.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.