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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 116245


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"Yes there is." The Iguana pointed to Mr. Altyn. "I detected that he is carrying a recording device. I will need to strip search him in private."

Mr. Altyn's mouth gaped. "What!? This is an outrage!"

"Look, I know those two coerced you into doing something. Roll with it!" he whispered, as he pulled Altyn away from the two Canines. He prayed that the TVs in the lobby and footsteps masked the whispering.


(En route to Purifier Complex)

Soren swore as he rolled off the couch.  "We there already?"


(Club Tyrell)

By now, the rather dirty bar had attracted a fair number of local toughs – including members of a local hoverbike gang – who were watching and placing bets on the two brawlers.

"Told ya. The Augment always wins!" a female Golden Eagle said as she watched Kojuuro quite literally punt Kozlov through the men's bathroom door.

A Ferret biker twisted out of the way as a sink went flying through the air seconds later and impacted against a booth. Kozlov, labcoat torn and covered in debris, staggered out of the bathroom. He pointed at Kojuuro with a large pipe. "You dead meat!" he roared.

"Really? Who got thrown through the bathroom door?" Kojuuro smirked.

Kozlov roared and charged at the Wolf with his pipe. "Amateur." Kojuuro adroitly dodged the swing and knocked the massive Brown Bear off his feet with a swift leg sweep.

"Now where were we? Ah yes." Kojuuro put one foot on Kozlov's chest. He reached for the katana on his belt. Unfortunately for him, Kozlov threw a vicious uppercut to the Wolf's groin. Even though his claws tore through the outer layer of his pants, they didn't pierce the tough metallic bullet-resistant layer. Nevertheless, the impact was immensely painful. Kojuuro gasped slightly and flinched. That was enough for Kozlov to throw him into the soda fountain.

Kojuuro looked around for something to use as a weapon. Finding a vodka bottle, he threw it at Kozlov when he charged with his pipe in hand. The bottle broke upon impact, stunning the Bear as the liquor ran down his eyes.

Kojurro smirked and drew his katana. The crowd cheered, knowing the stakes had been raised.

Through stinging eyes, Kozlov could see the Wolf with blade raised. His heart pounded as he realized Kojuuro was intent on killing him. He silently cursed for leaving his pistol at home. He groped around and found a wooden bench.

With a grunt, he ripped the bench free and hurled it at Kojuuro, who adroitly dodged it. Kozlov rubbed his eyes in an attempt to clear his vision and saw that the Wolf was getting closer.

Lacking no other recourse, he charged towards Kojuuro at a speed that belied his massive bulk. Kojuuro swung his sword, leaving a deep cut on his left arm . Before he could swing again, he was slammed into the bar top so hard that he cracked it. And his katana went flying.

Groaning in pain, Kojuuro smiled. "That all you got?"

"I give lot more." Kozlov raised both arms overhead and slammed them down on the countertop. Kojuuro rolled out of the way just as the Bear's massive fists reduced the three inch concrete surface to a pile of rubble.

(OOC - Can someone play Kojuuro for the fight against Kozlov?)

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(i;ll take him)
 Kojurro panted as he got to his feet, his privates still stinging from being puncded here. he gazed around the room, looking for his katana, which had gone flying when he had been thrown into the tabletop, his eyes scaned the area quickly, he tried t keep away from Kozlov, who looked like he was perfectly willing to kill him. surviving the fight would require him finding his kantana before Kozlow could smash a solid bench over his head.   the other bar customers were taking bets on who would win the fight and calling out " i got 25 bucks on the bear! I got 50 on the Augment! Kick his ass Kozlov!' and the like. 'This is bloodsort to these folks' Kojurro thought as he tried kkeeing away from Kozlov.
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Kozlov ripped out the minifridge that held beer and threw it at Kojuuro. He then ripped out a metal drain pipe to use as a club.

He was about to run after Kojuuro when one of the toughs broke a beer bottle over his head. That proved to be a huge mistake as Kozlov backhanded the man, fracturing every bone in his face and snapping his neck with the sheer power of the impact.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As the Iguana pulled Altyn away, Marcus bared his teeth in frustration. This was already taking longer than it should... It didn't take a genius to work out the guard was planning something. His eyes flicking around the room, Marcus noticed a door set into the side of the lobby - a public toilet. As he looked at it, Marcus heard a flush. There was a click as the door was unlocked and an employee stepped out, wiping his hands on his trousers before wandering away. The path the Iguana was taking would lead them right past it...

Secluded enough. Marcus subtly moved a hand along his side, underneath his coat. "Is there anything I can do? This must be a misunderstanding," the doberman said, walking close behind the guard.


Axel turned his head at the thump as Soren landed on the floor. He grinned. "No, not yet. Tony figured we were about 20 minutes away." He glanced at the Exoskeleton that was still plugged into the wall. "That charged yet? Something tells me you'll probably need it..."


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Tony exited the highway in a less protected part of town and began driving towards the large Purifier base, which was easily visible from the main road. He pulled onto a side street and parked the Pierce-Arrow in a public spot next to the sidewalk. Bright smaller buildings flanked them, housing seedy vendors and shops. "OK... we're gonna hoof it from here on out!" Tony said, shutting the big V-12 off and taking the keys.

Stepping out onto the street, the ferret walked to the trailer and opened the door, slapping the side twice. "Hey guys! We're here!" he explained his plan to Soren now, and ran him through all the details. "So yeah... you want to stay here with your exoskeleton, or act like one of my prisoners?" he asked. "I think I'll take Nairda, Anne, and the trio, and Axel's staying here with Lily, just in case. Oh yeah! Also..." he stepped into the trailer now, and rummaged through one of the cabinets, pulling out a pipe, a nut, a wrench, and a small steel grooved rod. Shoving the rod into the pipe, he spun the nut around until it was roughly at the junction where the two met. "And voila! Ghetto bar spreader!" he exclaimed, smiling as he held it up. "I just twist the nut with this wrench, and it'll spread the two ends of this doohickey out, exerting enough pressure to bend the bars of the gun gallery." he explained.

He also retrieved some wrist binders, as part of the upcoming charade.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena was in the waiting room of the don's mansion. A flash of light, and she felt a bullet plow through her brain.

Then she was falling, abruptly in a darkened space. Her fall ended with a splash, where the liquid ate the flesh off of her bones slowly.

Before she could even scream, she was falling again, her broken limbs and bullet-ridden body smashing into a splintery staircase waiting for her in the dark.

A second later, light stung her retinas as an electric field enveloped her. Stumbling away and attempting to clear her head, she had only a moment before a dart embedded in her forehead and she felt herself vaporizing from the inside out...

With a jolt, Emilena sat up, inhaling sharply. As her haggard breathing returned to normal, she realized it had just been a particularly vivid nightmare. Exhaling, exhausted, she collapsed back onto her pillow.

She was halfway back asleep when she realized she had no idea where she was. Sitting up, she took note of her surroundings. She was in a simple bedroom, a warm patchwork quilt and hand-sewn cotton sheet enveloped her in a plush four-poster bed. Pictures of a happy vulpine couple dotted the warm walls, and a plate of cookies and milk sat on a self-heating tray on the bedside table.

In seconds she'd scarfed down the whole batch. Shaking to clear her head, she became aware of voices in the next room. Climbing out of bed (and only then noticing she was clad in deer-print purple pajamas) she crept to the doorway and spotted Emile and Lena Kibagami discussing in hushed tones next to a crackling fireplace.

"Do you think she knows who we are?" Lena whispered. "Should we tell her?"

"What choice do we have? You want to kick her out?" Emile responded. "She needs medical attention and rest, and she won't find that anywhere--"

Suddenly Lena spotted Emilena as she walked into the room. Both grew silent as their daughter regarded them for the first time.

Emilena spotted her sword on a drawing table. Picking it up, she held it in a defensive position.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to kill both of you..."


Nairda gripped his fist, overcome with temporary passion. "It will be hard to leash my untamed fervor for the Purifiers' coming destruction...but I will maintain my poker face...for the good of the coming revolution~" he chuckled softly to himself...


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kojurro used the unexpected assist and leap to a nearby table and sweep of the steak knives lying on it, in process sending the plates covered with steak crashing to the florr ' Hety! thats my steak dinner ' one of thigs called ouit ' buy yourself another one' kojurro shot back as he held the steak knives in his hands, waiting to throw them at Kozlov. he couldnt afford to miss ' Kojurro thought to himself.
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Axel looked at the wrist binders that Tony pulled out with something bordering on alarm. "I, ah, won't ask what those are doing in here." He stood up and approached the others. "Good luck guys. Be careful... stay safe. All of you." He nudged Tony on the shoulder, giving a nervous smile. "You've gotta make it back so you can show off more of your dad's cars to me, right?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda kissed Lily's hand like a true gentleman. "Fear not, dear lady~" he comforted her. "We shall go and slay this proverbial beast, and you needn't worry a hair on your..." He ran his hand down her hair and a sizable chunk of it fell out at his touch. "...errr, a scale on your...forehead..."

He took this opportunity to leap out of the car. "I shall be back posthumously!" he called.

Lily blinked, puzzled. Did he mean posthaste? she wrote for Axel.


Emilena shuddered weakly, looking left to right at her parents. Her father, a scrawny yet muscled man, didn't seem nervous in the slightest. His farmer's tan highlighted the grime he hadn't taken the time to wash off yet. Her mother, a lithe vulpine, looked alarmed but didn't even bother to wrap her open bathrobe around her nude form. Even while talking about Emilena, they'd appeared to have been engaged in less-than-innocent behavior.

Turning away in disgust, Emilena tossed the sword aside. "Goddammit," she seethed. "You two literally aren't worth killing! You aren't worth anything! You are two most pathetic beings I've ever met!"

She whirled around. "I don't know why I even bothered to come here! You couldn't take care of a child, you couldn't keep your genitals off each other long enough to pay for a good orphanage with your military pensions, and you couldn't find anyone but your biological sibling who'd even sleep with you!"

Her parents said nothing as she ranted and raved and used every insult she could think of to criticize them. Somehow, the topic slowly shifted to all the crap she'd been through in the last few days, and she told them everything. By the end, she was so weak she was on her knees, and finally when she couldn't think of anything else to say, her mother got up to help her to bed.

"Stay away from me!" Emilena snapped. "At least cinch your bathrobe first!"

Doing neither, her mother unflinchingly picked her up and carried her back to bed. She was stronger than she looked.

After that both of her parents brought her medicine and re-bandaged a few wounds that were opening up from her stomping around.

"Look..." Emile took a deep breath. "We're sorry. You're right. We weren't very good parents."

"As you've guessed, you were an accident," Lena couldn't meet her eye. "We were in mourning from a good friend's death, we weren't thinking clearly--"

"--But we actually did get you the best orphanage we could afford," Emile added. "And we also paid all of your fees from the Age Acceleration program and the Police Academy. We knew we weren't the kind of people who could care for a kid, so we tried to set things up so you'd be with those who could..."

"...But we recognize that wasn't what you'd expect of us, as parents," Lena chimed in.

"Could you stop finishing each other's sentences please?" Emilena cut in. "That's really unsettling."

(OOC: I got work, I'll continue this convo in my next post. For now, everyone starting posting again PLZ)


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Kojurro thre the first of he three knives aiming for Kolovs stomach, a smirk played across his face as the first knife hit home, and he looked around for a window or some other means of escape- stairs would be nice... still from where he was there was no windows or stairs to be found, just a few tables laid out for patrons who hadnt arrived yet..
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(Club Tyrell)

Kozlov grunted and gasped as he saw the knife bury itself into his stomach. Luckily, his ample gut caused by his penchant for rich, fatty seal steaks and beer as well as vigorous exercise kept the knife from reaching any vitals.

The crowd roared in approval as Kojuuro landed the hit.

Kozlov roared, causing everyone to back away. "Wolf!" he roared. "When I through with you! They need plastic bag to bury you!"

He ripped out one of the heavy steel tables, held it in front of him and charged at Kojuuro, intending to crush him into the wall."


(Purifier Compound)

Heavy footsteps signaled Soren's arrival. He stepped out of the trailer with his helmet tucked under his metal clad arm. He smiled as he flexed his exoskeleton's powerful fingers. His HMD with its blue tracking laser shone over Axel and Tony. His shotgun and the rifle were attached to his back via magnetic plates. "Let's go rip up some Purifiers!"

Anne came out of the Pierce-Arrow with an automatic rifle in hand. "So now what?"



The Iguana turned to Marcus. "This is a company affair," he said. "Now I suggest you let me do my job or I'll revoke your access to film the documentary on company property."

He then ushered Mr. Altyn into a closed, soundproof room that was indeed used for strip searches.

"Okay, Altyn. What are you hiding with those two?" he demanded.

Altyn looked around and wiped some sweat from his brow. "Those two Canines, they accosted me in the parking lot. They wanted me to go get something for them."

The Iguana nodded. "Go on."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marcus stopped outside the door Altyn and the Iguana had disappeared through. From the glimpse he'd caught before the door swung shut, it looked like some form of interrogation room. Good chance it'll be soundproofed... He looked up and down the corridor. It was clear.

He reached back and wrapped his fingers around the grip of his revolver, keeping it under his jacket in case there were any hidden cameras in the corridor. Turning to Aaron, Marcus jerked his head towards the door. "Open it. I'll follow and take him out. We're running out of time."


Axel looked at the note Lily scribbled out and snorted. "You know, I don't think even he knows what he's going on about... You might want to clean that hand, too."


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"Hey... count on it." Tony said, bringing up his paw to lightly slap Axel's arm. "We'll come back in hopefully a half hour." the ferret stated, then proceeded to slap the binders on Nairda and Anne, followed by Marita, Marie, and Rose. He took Anne's gun, grinning nervously. "Uh might want to put a clamp on that. We're sneaking our way in for the moment. I'll provide the guns once we're inside, don't worry." he held the rifle in his paws now and got them moving. "Soren... if you're gonna wear that, hang back and wait for our attack to commence. Also, wear this." he said, holding out an ear bud for him now. "I'll call that piece once I'm ready to start. All right... let's go!" he said.

His paws shook as he walked around the corner and started heading for the compound. He drew out a cigarette and jammed it in his mouth, lighting it up as they approached the base's gates. Up ahead, he could see Purifiers already starting to call out that he was returning, and with some prisoners to boot. "Hey guys!" he called, waving as they drew up towards the front gate. "I'm back!"

"Where ya been?" calmly asked a Gila monster that Tony knew as Cavenaugh. He stared suspiciously at the group, regarding each one darkly.

"Ugh... around. But I got these guys... including... Nairda!" he shoved the fox forward now, grinning. "I bet Marcus will be pleased! Where is he, anyway?"

"On an errand. Ever since that government guy's shown up, we've all been... angrier." Cavenaugh replied. "But what exactly happened to you?"

"I'll give my report to Rhaegson in person." Tony deflected the question and raised a brow. "Government? The hell do they want?"

"Who knows? Sooner he's out of here, the better." the Gila monster shrugged.

"Yeah... I actually ran into one last night... crazy fool even gave me his business card." Tony joked. "He was attacking the factory too. Agent Lupis he said his name was." Tony stated casually.

"Lupis? Yeah that's him!" Cavenaugh exclaimed.

Tony pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled, blowing out a long puff of smoke as Cavenaugh turned around. "Fascinating. I'd like to talk to him actually... in private. Know where I can find him?" the ferret inquired.  

"Yup... hold on... I gotta clear you through." Cavenaugh said, and moved to open communications with Rhaegson. "Hey... Rhaegson! Tony's back. Here with a bunch of prisoners... including Nairda. Want them brought to the cell block?" he asked.

As the Gila monster was distracted, Tony muttered to Anne in a low voice. "When we get to the cell block, I'm going to be frisked. I obviously have stuff on me that'll raise a red flag... you got arguably the heaviest hands of all of us. You think you can be the one to attack the guard from behind while he's frisking me?" he asked softly.

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kojurro's smirked as he saw Kozlow rip out a table and charge, he crouched waiting for his moment to pounce. over the charging Kozlow and use his second knife- by plunging it into his back. in a couple seconds the moment came, and kojurrro managed to leap over the table and Kozlow and stuck his second kinfe deep into the middle of Kozlov's back.  letting go of the blade, kojurro ran forward , skidding to a stop across the room from kozlov. he now had one knife left. ' Kozlov! He called out. ' this last one is going in your throat! He shouted.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nairda held his hands behind him, leashed in the cruel bounds of captivity. Tears bitterly stung his cheek as he glared, defeated, at his captors. "Like all good vigilantes, I am now to die nobly for my cause..." he spoke with resonance, eyes facing the heavens. "I only hope that my death serves as motivation to continue fighting..."

He was so good for a minute he convinced even himself.


Emile broke out in a smile. "You've grown up to be such a strong young woman. We're so proud of you."

Emilena rolled her eyes.

"You did have a big influence on our lives," Lena admitted. "After Karl's death and your birth, we realized just how fragile life is. We retired from the mercenary work and lived as simple farmers on our retirement stipends."

"We were ecstatically happy," grinned Emile. "We may have had another 'accident'..."

Emilena looked incredulous. "You had a second child?!"

"Oh, he was feisty," Lena chuckled. "Much louder than you ever were. I used to have to blow him to get him to stop crying."

"He ended up being too much to handle, so we had to let him go too," Emile reminisced, not noticing the scandalized expression on Emilena's face from what her mother had just said. "But we'd learned from a couple of mistakes we'd made with you; he went right back into the military, trained by a Scorched Earth veteran we both knew."

Emilena put her head in her hands. "Are you incapable of taking care of your own problems?..." she murmured, depressed. "You are the worst people I've ever met..."


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Rhaegson rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, balancing it on two legs. "Tony... Tony... Who the hell's Tony again?" he muttered. After a second, he let his hand fall away. "That's the skinny ferret, right? The kid? I thought he was missing? How the hell did he manage to bring back prisoners? Especially Nairda, that fruity bastard..."

He sighed, his cigarette trembling out of the corner of his mouth. Killing them all straight away would be easier... but Nairda had earned a slower death, and if he was handing out torture, he didn't want to deny the others their turn. Still, something didn't sit right. "Alright, let them through. But make sure his prisoners are actually tied up. Do that where you are, out front, where everyone else can see." Rhaegson cleared his throat and rubbed a hand over his jaw. "Then get another one of your little friends and go with Tony to the cells. If Tony tries anything, blow his fuckin' brains out, then kill the others. You got it?"


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"Got it." Cavenaugh nodded, and approached Tony now. Checking the bindings, he nodded once more. "Right... well I'm accompanying you down to the cells."

Of course you are... Tony thought to himself. Riiiight. "OK... that's fine." he said, taking another drag on his cigarette.

Cavenaugh motioned for another guard, and the two began leading the group towards the cell blocks. Tony waited until they were substantially advanced, and about halfway through the complex. Glancing at his watch, he smiled. Perfect. The guards making their rounds wouldn't be in this particular hallway for another 15 minutes.

Tony shifted himself so he was next to the one guard. Cavenaugh walked slightly ahead with the prisoners. Suddenly slamming his body against the guard, Tony shoved him against the wall and then jammed the butt of his rifle hard against the guard's face, knocking him to the floor. As Cavenaugh turned around, he met the business end of the rifle right in his jaw. "Change of plans, old friend." Tony said seriously, reaching down and collecting Cavenaugh's side arm.

"You son of a bitch! Tony! What the hell!" he shouted.

"Shut up!" Tony snapped back. "Keep your voice down, or I'm knocking your teeth out! Free the others!"

"I can't do that..." Cavenaugh said.

"Then you die and they go free anyway." Tony replied simply. "It's your call."

Regarding the ferret darkly, Cavenaugh turned around, and reluctantly began to undo the bindings around their wrists. "Leave him be." Tony ordered the others. "I need him to report in to Rhaegson that everything is OK. We knock him out, he's useless. OK..." he tossed Nairda Cavenaugh's sidearm. "Anne, bind that unconscious guard with the binders. I'm gonna take you all to the armory, we'll help ourselves, Marita disables the security, and we head right to Lupis. Rhaegson just bought himself a ticket to hell for interfering with my plan, as far as I'm concerned." Tony stated angrily. "If he's with Lupis, we take them both out." He was really pissed his elaborate scheme had come undone... but oh well. He'd get Rhaegson for it.

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(Club Tyrell)

Kozlov gasped as the second knife ended up in his back.

He roared again and rushed Kojuuro, backhanding him and sending the knife flying. The enraged Grizzly Bear picked him up with one hand and slammed him into the concrete bartop, cracking it some more. He then picked up a large piece of concrete broken loose from the fight and dropped it on Kojuuro.

The crowd roared its approval and several of the spectators were grumbling about losing their creds. He panted as the adrenaline rush wore off. Luckily, the nearest hospital wasn't too far. He staggered out of the bar to thunderous applause.



Aaron looked around in case anyone was passing by. He tried the doorknob. "It's locked. No matter." He then lifted his leg and kicked the door as hard as possible. Not suprisingly, the reinforced door didn't budge.

The German Shepherd pondered his options. He then realized that welhen he was a construction worker, he was given nearly free reign of a building. "Fuck this. We don't need him."

He then turned around and made his way to the exit. "We'll disguise ourselves as construction workers."


(Purifier Compound)

Soren waited just outside the gates for the signal to attack. Even after thirty minutes, it never came.

"Fuck this!" he muttered. He set his exoskeleton to the highest power and casually strode to the front door of the compound. The steel door provided no resistance as he ripped it from its hinges and tossed it away like an empty beer can.

"Hey, halt!" a Purifier shouted at the armored humanoid striding into the base.

Soren ignored him. A bullet bounced off his chest plate to no effect. The frightened guard continued shooting – to no effect. Soren reached the guard, picked him up with one hand and crushed his neck with no effort. He dropped the dead guard and continued on his way.


Anne had rather large fingers but the pistol fit her well enough. Being caught in binders multiple times, she was familiar enough to use them. A press of the button activated small electromagnets that rendered the binders even more difficult to break.

"Now what?" she asked. She looked around to make sure there were no other guards or cameras.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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kojurro gasped, spitting out blood as he slowly crawled from where Kozlov had dropped him. his head  throbbing, most likely from a severe concussion. blood dripped from cuts on his face, and side, dripping onto the floor. kojurro moaned,  as he  reached a nearby table and staggered to his feet. ' guys.. stronger than he looks ' kojuuro said.. ' call an ambulence.. would you ' he said to the spectators ' i dont think i can get to a hospital on my own in this condition
Marita  followed tony, the bonds had left slight bruises on her paws, but nothing major. 'once we get to the armory i'll undo the security defenses and give you guys a small window. figure 5-10 minutes at the most..
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An alarm rang out as Soren's rampage continued on the lower floors.

"Shit! We've been discovered!" Anne exclaimed as her ears suddenly laid themselves flat on her head. She looked around for potential hiding places. She found a small pipe closet and got in. It was times like this she was thankful for being a Shetland Pony instead of a Clydesdale.


Soren didn't seem to have much of a goal as he walked through the lower floor. Behind him was a trail of broken bodies and other debris from his metal fists.

A piece of rebar ripped from the wall flew through the air like a javelin as the enraged cyberneticist hurled it at one of the Rottweiler guards who had rushed to meet the disturbance.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.