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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114794


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(Abandoned Bakery)

Anne had managed to shut Nairda out long enough to complete her work. She rubbed her muzzle with a hand.

"All right, now all we do is wait," she said. The mare then ducked behind a disused automatic package and pulled out her pistol. "And Nairda," she added. "If you fuck this up, I will sodomize you with my horn."


(Lanthae Streets)

A simple electric sedan cruised down the streets and elevated highways of Lanthae. The four beings inside were dressed in casual clothing. All in all, one could mistake them for a group of friends out for lunch or another activity.

The truth was far more sinister. The four were freshly inducted Purifiers eager to prove themselves to Rhaegson and the tip they got was just the ticket.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena had circled around the group and was now behind the conversing forces. Drawing her katana (but not activating it, for fear of the Purifiers hearing), she crept forward towards the back of the one holding Axel hostage.

For their part, the ferret and the gecko were doing an excellent job demanding their assailant's attention, and she basically had to trust that they would consider her an ally and not give her away.

Once she was close enough, she swung with precision, aiming to bifurcate the hostage-holder from the gun-holding shoulder blade through the heart and out the other hip. The blow was designed to be instantly lethal while also quickly severing the muscles allowing the trigger finger to operate, to prevent a repeat of the reflex shooting when she intervened in a situation like this before.

Of course, now that she's made her surprise move, every other Purifier in the team will instantly hear her, and she has no cover...


Nairda shrugged. "Whatever n' shit. I just don't git why they wouldn't instead go fo' legitimate, already obviously existin Augment stores like tha one you used ta own, Soren."


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Axel felt the pressure on his throat suddenly release and he fell back, collapsing over the lower half of the leopard's corpse. Rolling to his side, he gasped for air, coughs wracking his body... and saw the Purifier to the left spin around and aim his rifle at something behind him. Without thinking, Axel snatched up the pistol the leopard had dropped, and fired a volley of shots at him. The bullets caught the Purifier in the chest and he dropped to the floor, gurgling.

The other two Purifiers swore and opened fire on Tony and Vergil.


The sedan eventually pulled up outside the abandoned bakery. The driver frowned, keeping the engine running. "This doesn't seem like a gleamer shop..."

One of the men sitting in the back shook his head. "I told you. This doesn't make any sense. Why the hell did we even come here? We just have to wait a little longer, and we can take them out then... This is a fucking trap, I'm telling you."

The driver turned in his seat. "If they found out we took the initiative and did this now, we're gonna get some kind of reward or something. I'm telling you, Felix."

The man in the back, Felix, looked back at the driver. "You're a moron."

"Fuck you." The driver looked back at the old building apprehensively. "Alright, one of us checks it out. If something looks off, we get the hell out of here. Felix, you're up."

"The fuck I am."

The other two Purifiers nodded their head, pleased they weren't being nominated. "Just check it out. Don't be a pussy."

"Felix, you don't check it out, we'll leave you here and you can walk back." The driver glared at him. "Hurry up."

After a long pause, Felix sighed and opened the Sedan's door. "You guys are assholes. You'd better wait here for me." The others nodded, and after giving them the finger,  Felix climbed out and approached the bakery cautiously. Reaching the door, he pushed it open slowly and stepped in, drawing his gun. Peering around, it was obvious the place wasn't being used any more. He was about to turn and leave when he heard the faint noise of what sounded suspiciously like someone rapping. Glancing around rapidly, he caught a glimpse of someone hiding behind a disused package, their horn poking up and giving them away. "Oh shit! Guys, it is a fucking trap! I told you!" Felix cried, turning to bolt out the door.


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It was over in an instant. Tony blinked, and the leopard holding Axel hostage was down. Whatever this was, he was not one to question providence. Firing off a blast, his laser beam cut through the lower abdomen of the Purifier, causing him to drop to the ground, screaming in pain before Tony permanently silenced him with a shot to the head.

Vergil merely concentrated on the final Purifier, halted his initial salvo in mid-air, and then picked his body up, the bullets clattering harmlessly to the ground, before tossing him against the wall and watching him fall lifeless to the floor. "I think that covers that." the gecko stated simply, brushing his hands together.

Nodding, Tony ran over to Axel, helping him get back to his feet. "You all right? Sorry I didn't negotiate but... I CAN'T compromise my family's integrity. You know how some don't negotiate with terrorists? Well I don't negotiate with assholes." Tony joked, helping support the rat. He looked in Emilena's direction now, recognizing her instantly. "So... you got the signal." he stated, not holstering his gun just yet, but not raising it at her either.

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Soren stepped out from behind the pile of moldering boxes near the door that the Purifier had overlooked he had crouched behind.

"Going somewhere?" he asked as he leveled his rifle with the man's chest.

Anne also trained her pistol on the man.

(OOC - What species are the Purifiers in the sedan?)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(OOC: They're all human, but it probably doesn't matter  :p )

Felix stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Soren blocking his escape. Just beyond, the door hung half open, tantalisingly revealing the street behind it. He could see the sedan, his partners staring out of the windows in open mouthed surprise. "Guys, get-" he started. There was a squealing of tires, and the car sped away. "Assholes!" Felix shrieked.

Slowly, he looked around the room and raised his arms in the air, letting his pistol fall to the floor. A nervous smile creased his thin face. "Uh... this isn't the Robo-Ninja convention? My mistake, I'll just be going..."


Axel coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood as Tony helped him up. "It's alright... I'm... I'm fine," he said, rough-voiced. His nose throbbed with pain, and he put a hand to it. Something crunched again, and he winced, taking his hand off quickly. "Dammit..." Raising his eyes, Axel looked at the person who'd saved him and saw it was none other than Emilena. He nodded appreciatively. "Thanks. You, ah... you weren't kidding when you said you'd be fast..."


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Marita came up behind  Felix' Sorry pal you''re not going anywhere' Marita said aiming the pistol at his face. ' so heres the deal. ' your boss wants to liquidate all augmented people in town, and overthrow the government. which will make life here for the average folk even worse, those who aren't killed because had some 'work' done. we know its going to happen tonight, and we need information on how to stop it. you talk, we'll let you live. you dont, well lets just say things will become VERY uncomfortable for you.' maritas voice had an edge to it.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Diving out from behind cover, Nairda opened fire on Felix with his pistol turned sideways. "Dis is fo' Emilena moddafukkas!" he screamed with relish. "Come and get it biiiiiiiiiatch!!!"


Emilena sheathed her katana.  "I've heavily scoped this area out between our conversations. There's a portion of fence out of line-of-sight from the overlooking watchtowers just past the ventilation sheds to our south. Unless there are objections, it's our best way into the base."

She turned to go, and then paused. "Look, I know you have valid reasons not to trust me, and everyone seems so willing to just question me whatever chance they get, so for once I'm not interested. If you're planning on giving me some ultimatum where you'll only trust me until you have reason not to and then you won't hesitate to shoot me...just fucking leave. I've had it with that and you can just stay behind." Her plan was made for two people; two extras would obviously help, but were not necessary enough to put up with the nonsense she'd no doubt be getting from the last group she'd tried to work with. "We work as a team in there to get Lily out. So only team players are allowed to come."

She removed the helmets from the four Purifiers and threw the best-fitting one to each person. "They don't really have uniforms beyond these hats, so just keep these on. I don't need your name, but if you could tell me something of your skillset, I can figure out where you could best help."


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Tony stepped forward now, holstering his gun. "Or, I could figure out where YOU best help." he stated with a level of derision. "No ultimatums, no. You've heard enough of them, as you've said. An objection, however." he said now, raising a claw. "No one died and made you boss. This was my plan from the start, and my family that's about to hit the place. You say don't say we don't trust you, but we don't fully trust you so tough shit, you're gonna hear it again. You don't like that, you can just go... how did you put it? Fucking leave?" He asked here, folding his arms over his chest. "Anyway, I don't give a shit how badass you think you are, you can drop the attitude, all right? As you said... we're all on a team, and I can do without the condescension. Now... my suggestion..." He looked around at the group.

"Since you're NOT in a position to take command nor do this on your own, I suggest an alternate method of breaching the base. There's a little known entrance under this building that leads right to the reactor room, which is also close to the labs. See where I'm going with this?" he asked sarcastically, treating Emilena with the same level of condescension she'd shown them. "Anyway, it'll give you the perfect access point to the labs without having to go over the fence and traipse your way through the main base. It's ALSO not guarded. My family's about to hit the place, so things are gonna get hot and heavy real quick. I suggest you take Axel, do whatever you need to do to safely get Lily out, and I'll work on eliminating a few key figures and setting the reactor to overload. How much time do you need to complete the cloning process? That's basically the only thing I didn't know." Tony informed her. "Everything else I had figured out ahead of time. Something tells me you aren't gonna need more than Axel to rescue Lily, nor would you want us breathing down your neck, so staying out of each others' way is probably best, for now." he concluded.

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Luckily, "gangsta style" was a very poor way to use a firearm. Consequently, none of the shots hit anything.

Anne, fuming, holstered her pistol and punched Nairda square in the jaw. "That's for being a dumbass!"


Soren reached over and shut the door. "Do exactly as I say or be shot. Empty your pockets and strip naked."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel caught the helmet as Emilena threw it to him, wiping a blood smear from its surface with a grimace. He looked up quickly as Emilena and Tony launched heated words between each other. "Guys, just... just calm things down for a second, alright? Look, if we start arguing, we're not going to be able to think things through properly. Okay?"

He paused and bit his lip. "Emilena, you said you were looking the place over just now? And you found a way in?" Axel glanced at the ferret. "Tony, I... I think that might be the safest way to get in. I mean, this other way, the one that leads to the reactor room... How do you know it wouldn't be guarded? Like, sure, maybe under normal circumstances it'd be clear but... well, this isn't a normal situation. For all we know, they could be guarding it. Emilena just scoped it out... so her way might take longer but at least we won't be walking into an ambush."


Felix watched as Nairda crumpled onto the floor, landing from his admittedly impressive diving skills, then turned his head slowly as he heard Soren's order. "What?! What the fuck for? Are you fucking kidding?!" He saw that Soren wasn't. Felix gritted his teeth. "So that's what you want, huh?" With all these guns trained on him, there was no way he could make a run for it.

Glaring around, he pulled his T-shirt over his head, then unbuckled his trousers and pulled them off. "Getting a good view, you motherfucker? Cocksucking pervert..." Spinning around, he tore his underwear off and threw them at Marita's face, the business end connecting with a satisfying flump noise. "And you too, like what you're seeing, huh? Need to put on the tough guy act to see some dick? Don't get enough of this at home, bitch?!" Felix demanded angrily, indicating his bared package with a furious flourish.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'm just getting that out of the way now," Emilena stated. "This plan was designed for two people, and will work with two people. It could  work even better with four competent people, but if one of them is going to train a gun on me immediately if Lupis gets the chance to play mind games, they're better off staying home."

She glanced in the direction she wants to go. "My way is guarded too; all ways are guarded. But my way was initially guarded by these goons, so we have a small window of opportunity to cut in before the guard changes and the alarm sounds no matter where we are."


Nairda nodded approvingly as he checked out Felix. "Nice! Nice!" he grinned his approval. "I certainly don't git enough you know what tha fuck I'm saying, biatch? Say how tha fuck bout you n' mah crazy ass go up fo' dranks afta this?"


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"My ONLY reservation..." Tony pointed out now. "Is that over the fence means we have to go through the interior of the base... and the reactor is the heart of it... the heart... meaning more fights, more patrols, more unknowns. I know my way isn't guarded because..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out an elevator key. "I picked this up before I defected from the Purifiers. It's the key to this elevator... leads to the service tunnels under the building, which were used as evacuation routes in case of emergency. However, lacking this key, the tunnels were useless as evacuation routes because there was no way out of them. I picked this up a week before you guys captured me, and DIDN'T let the Purifiers know I had it before that little event took place. The reactor room itself isn't guarded because it's in the middle of the base and currently useless..."

He looked at Emilena then back at Axel. "Remember the plan? It's not JUST about getting Lily out, but blowing the base sky high so that things like your limbs don't become useless the minute we step outside. We can go her way, but I think there's a far more likely chance of running into security if the alarms go off... which it seems like they will, than if we come in from underneath. Where's security gonna rush to when alarms go off, after all? The perimeter. Where are they NOT gonna rush to? The interior areas. See my point?" the ferret asked, looking from one to the other.

"Anyway, it's your show, Axel. I just got you out here. However you do it is up to you, but I need to make it to those reactors, and I'm gonna have a much harder time coming in from the outside than I am if I just walk into the room itself from the tunnels. So do what you want, but yes, we shouldn't debate this any further." the ferret said softly. "Go with her if you want, and I'll come along, but just thought I'd voice the opposite perspective here, because it seems you're fixating on rescuing Lily, and we've got some bigger goals here."

Somewhere over the Pacific

Over the stormy and tumultuous waters of the northern Pacific, an aerial fleet of warships hovered in tight formation, currently idling on standby and consuming minimal power. Several massive carriers formed the core of this fleet, with battleships, cruisers and destroyers rounding out the group. At the heart of it all was one particularly powerful flagship, the name Red Castle emblazoned on her side.

Upon the bridge of this behemoth, a creature in long, flowing red robes stood with his arms across his chest, his features pale as death, and his eyes an intense and brilliant yet very dark golden in color. Most of his face was covered by a contraption that concealed much of it, with some of the nose, eyes, and forehead visible. What kind of creature he was was hard to say, for what little could be seen of his skin had been bleached and scarred heavily.

"Lord Kalis..." the words came from an admiral clad in black who approached him from further down the bridge. "Our agents in Lanthae picked up an interesting broadcast a few hours ago and transmitted it here. You'll want to see this."

The one called Kalis turned to look at the datapad in the admiral's hand, and narrowed his eyes as Rhaegson's broadcast began to play. At his mention of the dropping of Lanthae's defenses, a great exhale escaped his mouth. When he spoke, his voice came out raspy and metallic, and not natural in the slightest. "Lanthae... I've been after a way to conquer that city for years... perfect... continue to monitor the situation... if this pulse indeed strikes and lowers their defenses... we'll gate-jump the fleet to the city and commence an attack."

"Yes, my lord." the admiral bowed his head here, slapping the cover of the datapad shut.

"Perhaps I'll finally find what I've been looking for as well..." Kalis said in a wispy voice that sounded like death. He shifted his attention out to the forward viewport, and stared intently into the night, clasping his hands calmly behind his back.

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"I likewise throw to Axel the choice of how we break in," Emilena folded her arms. "I do not care in the slightest if they set off that bomb; the world will probably be a better place if it truly kills only Augments. I'm here to rescue Lily. But if you have an easier way of infiltrating the base, I'm not demanding we follow mine.  I'm a teammate, I'm not demanding I be the leader."


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I prefer girls, you twit' Marita snapped and tossed Felix's underwear back at him' Now start talking pal. the quicker you tell us what we want to know, the sooner you can get the heck out of here, and get your clothes back on.. lets see if any of these things still work ' she said motioning to them.. marita  was perfectly willing to break a few rules if it meant stopping the purifiers.
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Soren scanned up and down Felix's body. "Good. No concealed weapons or tracers."

He turned to Nairda. "Make yourself useful and go through his clothes to see if he's hiding anything."

Anne returned with a disused and dusty office chair and forced Felix into it. "Have a seat." Her hands trembled as a side effect of her drug withdrawal starting to set in.

"Good. Rose, Marie, Marita, tie him up and then we all can have a 'private discussion' with him." Soren angled his head to a door that read "machine shop". As befitting any industrial area, the bakery had its own machine shop to repair and replace broken parts.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marie grabbed a length of cord and tied Felix's arms behind his back. and Marita and Rose Carried the Chair- With Felix tied to it, Into the machine shop, with  marie holding the doot open for the other girls. roses paws began to shake, from biproxytol withdrawal.. Marita flicked the switch- nothing happened. 'Lights burned out in this area.. Ah well' She said as she amd Rose Set Flix down between a couple of machines.
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"Tony... I am focusing on Lily," Axel said quietly. "I know it sounds selfish but... Lily's not augmented. Even if the bomb goes off, she wouldn't be affected. But if we can't get her out before, then she's dead. Or worse." He looked at the key Tony was holding out and paused for a moment. "You know for sure it'll be clear? You're positive?" He swallowed, then shrugged, cradling the helmet in his arms. "Okay then. Let's do it your way. Then you can work on the reactors, and me and Emilena can go ahead." Axel looked at Emilena and nodded.


Felix clenched his jaw and pulled against the cord. It wouldn't give. After a moment, he gave up and looked up at Marie and Rose. "Come on, what the hell are you guys doing?! I don't know anything! I just joined up last week, why would they tell me shit?! What, you think I'm in their, their inner circle or something?!"

He struggled again. "Jesus, come on, just... just untie me! She's a dyke, but you're not, right?" Felix rambled, staring across at Anne. "What do you want? I'll fuck you, or get you drugs, whatever you want! I'll fuck you while giving you drugs!"


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To the exclusion of practically everything else Tony thought with disgust. "Great... so Lily's safe... and what about you?" Tony asked as he turned the key. "Stupid sacrificing yourself if you can't be with the one you love. You PROMISED me we'd ALL come out of this. You even made it a big show to state you wanted to see me alive at the end. Well... do you?" he asked now, punching the button for the bottom floor, which the key would override and take them down into the service tunnels. "And yes... I'm positive. I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't." the ferret responded simply.

He took one of the helmets with him, but figured he wouldn't need it. See what this chick does? She brings up a plan to save Lily, and it's all he thinks about. He didn't even seem to acknowledge her statement about the city being better off if all augments had been killed, including himself. Tony had to admit, his respect for Axel was plummeting with the floors as they rode the elevator down. Never mind the millions that'll be killed. That's all good, so long as you save Lily, right? Bullshit! What a load of pussy-whipped crap! If for some reason they failed... and Emilena decided to help the Purifiers out on their unholy crusade, Tony swore to himself he'd kill her if he got the chance. Still... at least they had the advantage of having an army of mafia surrounding the place. Getting the Purifiers out into the city would be a difficult proposal, at best, though Tony knew their death squads were probably already out there.

The elevator didn't stop at the ground floor, and continued down further, into the tunnels. Sliding open smoothly, the doors revealed a tunnel stretching ahead of them. "All right... let's go..." Tony led the way, Vergil donning the helmet as he followed, noting it was way too big for him, so he simply tossed it aside. It was a bit of a trek. Perhaps 300 yards or so, but at the end, there was only one way out. Tony pushed up on the manhole cover as gently as he could, and peered around.

It was deathly quiet in here, and cold, as no power supplied this part of the base. Sunlight did filter in from some dusty windows, so there was that at least. He held out a paw for the others to remain in place, and slid out lithely through the hole, drawing his gun and scanning the room. The reactors towered like mountains over him, stretching to the ceiling far above his head.

He heard nothing... no chatter... no footfalls... nothing. "OK!" he whispered back down. "Come on!" he motioned for them to exit. "We're clear. Axel, you and Emilena, listen up. When you exit hang a right. Two more rights, you're in the laboratory area, OK?" he told them, still whispering.

"I can sense Lily, if it's any help." Vergil spoke up now. "She's there all right." he nodded.

"Text me when you've got her and the cloning process is complete." Tony instructed them. "I'll turn the reactors on, and that'll give us plenty of time to get out of here. If you think you're gonna be late for any reason, tell me NOT to start overload and I'll hold off. I'm gonna stay here and keep our exit open. Good luck, OK?" he said, looking at them now.

Suddenly, some dull explosions could be heard from way outside. It sounded like rocket and mortar fire, and Tony smiled a bit. "Guess dad's started the offensive with the other families. All right! That'll provide the cover we need!" he exclaimed. He knew his father wouldn't be present in person, nor would any of the other dons, but it was good knowing he had backup all the same.

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Outside, standing on the walls of the perimeter, Marcus stared up at the small balls of light as the explosives curved their way through the air towards the base. Some of the Purifiers nervously shifted, looking as if they wanted to make a run for it. He held up a hand without taking his eyes off the view and growled. "Hold!" Above, the explosives began to arc down... and suddenly exploded harmlessly, far away from the base. As they did so, a faint, dome-shaped blue haze could be seen surrounding the compound. A few cheers went up as more mortar fire detonated against the shield, the sounds dull and muted.
Marcus pulled out a radio and clicked a button. "It worked. Force field is active."

Rhaegson's voice cracked through. "Remind me to give Petersons a pat on the back," he said smugly. "So the mob is attacking us? Nothing like the ritualistic killing of my men to make it obvious somethin's gonna happen. Just keep them busy a little longer."

Marcus put the radio away without saying anything else, and returned his attention to the perimeter. The force field would prevent their attackers from launching a long range assault on them. The mob would need to get up close if they wanted to accomplish anything - across the grounds which provided no cover, and had a few surprises buried away. "Hayton!" someone called across to him, and Marcus turned.

A Purifier came puffing up. "One of our squads is giving us radio silence. We can't raise them."

Marcus frowned and looked at the industrial section. They could spare the men. "Increase the security inside. Go!" The man ran off.

He turned back. "Ready your weapons!" he barked, and all around the perimeter Purifiers cocked their guns, resting on the wall for cover. 50 cal. guns set up on each corner swiveled around, and up in the watchtowers snipers drew back the bolts on their weapons. Marcus fixed his eyes on the horizon and waited to see what the opposing force would do next.


"Of course I want to see you alive," Axel said, narrowing his eyes slightly at Tony. "But we all have our priorities. You made that pretty clear when you chose your family's integrity over me just now." He folded his arms across his chest and didn't say anything the rest of the ride down.

Once they reached the reactor room, he stared up at the machinary. These things'll turn this place into a crater... Listening to Tony's directions, he nodded. "Alright. Three rights. Got it." Axel put the helmet on. "And... good luck to you too."