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Into the Black

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena nodded and began the trek to the cloning room. They passed several Purifers in the hallways, but just looking like they were supposed to be there did wonders.

"Now there's going to be some sort of science team, so we eliminate them quickly before they can sound the alarm," she cautioned, and once the coast was clear threw the door open to the cloning chamber to find...nothing. No personnel. "Huh..." Shrugging, she began setting up the cloning machine. "All right, now we gotta grab Lily while this warms up."


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(Purifier Compound)

Aaron's finger twitched as he viewed the scene through his scope.

He sniffed the air; the heady scent of high explosives hung in the air.


(Abandoned Bakery)

Anne's tremors began to worsen. She bit her lip as the offer of drugs.

"E...Excuse me." She bolted out of the room.

Soren shrugged. "I know you're hiding some more info, spill. Or do I need to introduce your body parts to some machinery?"

The watery sunlight filtering in through the dusty windows provided sufficient illumination.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel looked over Emilena's shoulder at the machinery as she prepared it. The mess of buttons, keys and switches left his head spinning. He nodded at what she said and crossed back over the room to the door. "Where... where are all the scientists?" he asked nervously as he creaked open the door, peering out the crack. The hallway was empty.

He pulled the door open further and held it for Emilena, pushing the helmet back over his eyes.


Felix's breaths became faster, his hopes of escaping vanishing along with Anne. He looked at Soren and gritted his teeth. "What? What the hell do you want to know?! You probably know as much as I do... They made a bomb, it's gonna go off really fucking soon, and then they're gonna make their move. You want to know what time we take our fucking lunch breaks, too?!" he spat, pulling against the chair. "Shit!"

Slumping back, he shook his head. "Look... you won't be able to stop it. You'd be better off if you just got out of Lanthae... as far away as you can. I, I won't tell them about you! I'll leave the Purifiers! Just let me go!"


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Soren nodded. "Keep going. What's the base like? Any defenses? Approximate strength of troops?"


Anne reached inside her dress and pulled out a white tablet from a blister pack. She popped out the tablet and quickly gulped it down. A electric jolt ran through her as the stimulant began to take effect. Her jitters began to fade away and her mind became razor sharp.

She crackes her knuckles and entered through the machine shop again. She leaned against a beat up lathe. "Anything good?"

Soren sighed. "We haven't gotten shit! I'm starting to think your plan fucked us."

Anne raised her hands. "Hey, how the fuck was I supposed to know we'd get newbies? What's your plan? Go in full throttle? Fat lotta good that did us the last few times ya tried!"

Soren opened his mouth but instead, closed it with a scowl. He turned to the women with him. "You all deal with this fucker. I'm going to ask Nairda some questions."

The door slammed as the Human exited the machine shop.


"Nairda!" Soren called. "Have you found anything useful in his clothes?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Uh... I don't know, last thing I saw they were bringing in a lot of guns. There were a lot of people, I, I think they were preparing for some kind of attack against them." Felix blinked the sweat out of his eyes. "Defenses, uh... apart from the guns, I'm not sure. They were hooking up some kind of machine, it was a, a shield I think, I don't know for sure."

When Soren left, Felix tried to control his breathing and looked around at the others. "Why're you even trying? It's going off in an hour, you've got no chance of stopping it!"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena strolled casually towards the laboratory where Lily was being held. Just like last time. Keep your face set. If you look like you're supposed to be here--

She walked into the lab. It was empty.

"She's not in one of the pods," Emilena reported after a quick sprint through the labs. "Well, no wonder they don't care at all about this part of the lab. Where the hell is she?"


Nairda had dressed himself in the clothes of the captive. "Blingin'!" he whooped, turning 360 and modeling his new attire. "Oh, and this."

He handed Soren...Felix's passcard! Complete with a small schematic of the Purifier base on the back, and a magnetic stripe that grants the holder z-level security clearance. It also had a little red sticker noting that Felix was an organ donor...or would be...


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"What?! Nonono, she has to be here, she has to..." Axel moaned, pushing past her and craning his neck around, looking for himself. Emilena was right, there wasn't anything - or anyone - here. He turned back, hand grasping the side of his helmet in anxiety. "Oh jesus... come on, come on, where are you..."

Leaving the empty lab, he turned right and kept following the corridor along. Axel couldn't tell if the dull booming he heard was from the attack outside or the blood pounding in his ears. From further up came the clattering of boots, and Axel fought to keep his expression neutral as a group of Purifiers came charging around the corner toting heavy assault rifles. They rushed past him and Emilena, not paying them any attention. Axel turned left into the corner they came from... and halted mid-step. Further up the corridor, a heavy metal door was guarded by two burly rottweilers. A small man in a white lab coat was speaking to one of them. They nodded and stepped aside, letting him through. Axel half turned to Emilena and jerked his head in their direction, then strode up to them, steeling himself and trying to look confident.

"Rhaegmar says we're taking over your shift," he said, standing up straight and setting his shoulders. "He wants you out front."

The rottweiler closest to him frowned and looked at his partner. "Rhaegmar? Don't you mean Rhaegson?"

Axel glared at the Purifier and leaned in, their noses practically touching. "The fuck do you think I just said? He wants his best men out there, or are you too fucking stupid to know there's about to be a goddamn war out there?! If you're too pussy, I'll go tell him myself..." He turned to leave.

"No, wait!" the second rottweiler blurted out. "We are his best. We're damn soldiers!" The other guard nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Soldiers. Getting bored of babysitting these guys anyway."

"Then get out there, prove it and stop wasting my fucking time." The two guards nodded at each other and lumbered off. Axel waited until they were out of eyesight and looked at Emilena, letting out his breath. "I... guess they don't look for brains when they hire here..." he said shakily, his shoulders returning to their slight slouch. "Come on..." Gesturing towards the now vacant door, he pushed the handle down and shoved the heavy structure open with his shoulder, nervously fingering his pistol. He made his way through, stepping aside to allow enough room for Emilena to enter, and scanned the room. Four scientists - three humans and a golden retriever - were milling around computers and other machinery Axel didn't recognise.

"She's a little more stable, but we're going to need to keep an eye on her," one was saying. When they registered Axel and Emilena in the room, they all paused and looked at them curiously. Axel ignored their gazes and looked past them, his eyes drawn to a table at the far end of the room... and he felt himself go numb when he realised what - who - it was. Neck, wrists and ankles strapped down to the metal table, Lily was fastened down tightly. Needles were stuck into her, clamps biting into her skin. Several cables snaked out from each, leading to the parts of machinery scattered around the lab. He couldn't tell if she was conscious or not. Axel felt his hands trembling, and he heard a ringing in his ears. He slowly pushed the door shut behind him.

The golden retriever put down the pen he'd been writing with, and walked over. "Uh... excuse me, are you-"

Axel raised the pistol and shot him in the head, gore spattering the wall behind as his body dropped heavily to the floor. One of the other scientists squealed and rushed across the room, trying to make for the emergency alarm. The rat tracked him and pulled the trigger three times, each bullet tearing through the man's chest. The scientist fell sideways into a cabinet, instruments clattering to the floor, and lay coughing, choking on his blood.

Axel turned to the two remaining scientists who were cringing at the far end of the room, his pistol shaking as he pointed it at the both of them. "Get her out of there! Now!" he screamed.


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Soren took the card. "Thanks! At least you're good for something."

He then entered the machine shop.

"All right, 'Felix'," he said, holding up the keycard. "It seems we have something. Now, care to explain what 'z-level' security clearance is?"

Anne smiled as she leaned against an old laser CNC milling machine. The computer was long gone as was the laser module but the motors were still intact. "You could just have given that up and we'd let you go."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The first scientist scrambled over and grabbed the controls.

"Don't!" the second one shouted. "They'll kill us if we do what they want!"

Emilena shot the second one. "Don't listen to him," she said to the first one, not even bothering to put believability into her words. "We'll let you live if you release her and explain what this machine does."

Quaking, the scientist rushed over and detached all the diodes, clamps and needles. "At-at the m-moment, its in stasis mode..." he stammered. "We drained her of psionic energy, a-and now we're waiting for her to recharge..."

After he removed the last hypodermic needle, Lily stirred. As the scientist attempted to step away, her hand lashed out and her claws embedded into his thigh. As he screamed and tried to tug out to safety, she bared her teeth and dragged him closer, digging her claws up from his thigh and into his abdomen, sending his intestines spilling onto the floor. As his hands flew to his stomach, her other fist swatted them with a force that snapped his arm bones audibly. Finally, she ended his life by baring her teeth and ripping his jugular out of his neck.

Following this Lily slunk out of the chair. Teeth bared and shoulders hunkered, she hissed at them and paced around the table, eyeing the exit they were blocking her from.

Emilena took a step back, drawing her katana defensively. "Uhhh...Axel, you have any ideas?" she asked.


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Axel drew back, keeping close to Emilena as Lily prowled around, making sure he was out of range of her claws. "We need to... restrain her somehow..." His eyes darted around the lab, looking for something that could be used. One of the clamps the scientist had removed was connected to a thick, sturdy cable that snaked across the room, its end attaching to a machine near Axel. Slowly, not taking his eyes off Lily, he reached over and yanked it out then reeled the rest of it in, the clamp skittering across the floor.

Axel quickly glanced at Emilena. "Alright, just... just keep her attention," he breathed, curling the ends of the cable around his hands. "I need to get behind her..." Cautiously, Axel edged back and strafed his way across the edge of the room, his heart hammering as he tried to move with as little noise as possible.  He prayed that, whatever they'd been doing to drain her psionic energy, it had left Lily physically weaker than normal... otherwise this could end very badly.


Felix rose his head when he heard Soren say his name, and swallowed when he saw his keycard. "Z-level... it'll get you access to the shitters in the compound, not much else." He grinned bitterly at Anne. "Must have slipped my mind. Next time you want to play at being James Bond just to use the fucking john, let me know."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena gritted her teeth and leapt forward. Lily snarled but retreated.

"Dammit, if I'm too aggressive I'll just make her tougher to flank..." she murmured to herself. Backing off, she tried to look nervous so that Lily might press the issue but Lily didn't seem interested.

Drawing her pistol, Emilena fired wide, sending Lily cowering. "Make up your mind! Fight me or not!" Emilena snapped at her. She took two more steps forward, sword brandished. Lily took two steps backwards.

Finally Emilena just fired repeatedly at Lily, leaving her huddling in the corner. "I'll try not to hit you!" She called to Axel.


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Gritting his teeth, Axel raised his hand in a thumbs up gesture. That'd be nice. He'd managed to skirt his way around the room so that he now stood just out of Lily's line of sight. He swallowed tensely, his throat feeling as dry as sandpaper. With her animalistic, unpredictable movements, getting close to her was tough - and Axel didn't want to think about what Lily would do if she suddenly turned just as he was creeping up.

Another shot from Emilena sent Lily cowering further back, closer to Axel... and he made his move. Leaping onto Lily, he planted a knee in her back and drove her to the floor, face first. As they fell down, he looped the cable around her front and drew it tighter when they landed, pinning her arms against her waist. Axel looked up desperately at Emilena as he put his full weight on Lily, struggling to keep her down and the cable tight around her as she thrashed, clawed and snapped beneath him. "Get another cable! Tie her feet!"


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might as well come clean pal.'marita replied to felix..' z-level clearance isnt given to newbies.. you had to have shown some ability to get this level of clearance..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena vaulted over the middle table and grabbed the shredded coat of the diswmboweled scientist. Rat-tailing it into a rope at top speed, she tackled Lily's backside and quickly restrained her lower appendages.

Lily thrashed and snarled, but something kept her from howling or making loud noises; perhaps she still knew that there was no such thing as rescue or safety from those around them. In addition, she was already exhausted and drained from the machine, and soon enough she was limp and couldn't fight back as Emilena hoisted her over her shoulder.

"You're gonna have to serve point," she groaned, staggering somewhat. "God only knows who's gonna see us with this thing..."

She stumbled out the door, letting Axel take the lead.


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Axel followed Emilena out the door then stepped ahead, leading the way as they wound their way back through the hallways, Lily in tow. He could feel his pulse racing. They were nearing the cloning room, and so far they hadn't come across any Purifiers. So far, so good...

They turned into the corridor that lead to the cloning room... and Axel stopped dead when he saw the two rottweilers he'd lured away walking down towards them. They were engaged in a heated conversation with each other, and didn't immediately notice the three intruders standing in front of them. "-told you we shouldn't have listened! Next time I see that guy, I'm gonna..." The rottweiler who was speaking trailed off when he glanced ahead and saw them. "Hey! You! What the hell's your problem, making us..." His eyes narrowed as he noticed Lily draped over Emilena's shoulder. "What the fuck are doing with her? She's supposed to be locked away!"

For a long while, Axel and the two Purifiers stared at each other. Then the second rottweiler's hands scrambled for his gun, and Axel quickly raised his pistol, firing a volley of shots at them. The second Purifier crumpled as a bullet tore through his skull, and his partner collapsed back, coughing, against the wall as two holes appeared in his chest. Then Axel's gun clicked as it ran dry. The Purifier staggered away from the blood smeared wall and looked weakly up at Axel. The rat desperately pulled the trigger again to no avail, and gasped when he saw the rottweiler's shaking hand reaching down to draw a sawed-off from the waist of his trousers.

Axel felt his stomach drop. Letting his pistol fall to the floor, he quickly turned and yanked Emilena's katana from its scabbard, then started to sprint up the corridor. The Purifier managed to pull out his weapon and raised it. A panicked noise escaped Axel as he tucked his head lower and threw himself forwards. There was a deafening boom as the sawed-off was fired... but the Purifier's aim was slightly off, and Axel felt heat along his side as the shot just missed him. The rat brought the sword in low as he drew even with the rottweiler, and the razor-sharp blade sliced through his middle, spilling out coils of intestines. The blade caught on his spinal column and stuck, throwing Axel off balance. Gurgling, the rottweiler slammed an elbow down on the top of the rat's head, and Axel was forced down - but he was still gripping the sword's handle, and the movement pulled it free of the bone with a grating screech. Screaming, the rottweiler fell back to the floor. Picking himself up, Axel stumbled over him and raised the sword, then brought it down, stabbing through the Purifier's chest again and again until he stopped moving.

After a moment, he looked up at Emilena, his face spattered with blood. Gasping for breath, he motioned for her to hurry up. "Come on... we... we're almost there..." As they drew near the door to the cloning chamber, he held out Emilena's sword with a trembling arm to her free hand. "Here. Need to do this quickly... there's no telling who heard those shots...."


Felix laughed in Marita's face. "What level of clearance? I just told you it's the worst kind. It's the only kind they give to new members, you stupid bitch."

 He slumped back in the chair. "Look... there's nothing else I can tell you. I don't give a shit if you all get yourselves killed trying to stop this thing. But I've got to tell you, this isn't exactly a picnic for me. So if that's what you're going to do, then let me go and fuck off. Or if you're going to hurt me, stop acting all high and mighty, and just get it over with." He spat on the floor and glared up at them.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You are no longer the boy I had to drag along back at Soren's house," Emilena complimented. "Keep the sword for now, until I can put this down..."

They entered the cloning room and headed over to the readied pod. But before they could get there, they heard voices blocking their path.

"What was it this time? Tell me!"

"I refuse to talk about it..."

Putting her finger to her lips, Emilena stumbled forward as quietly as she could. Around a corner, Agent Lupis was talking with a freshly cloned rhino.

"Goddammit, how many of us have you killed?" The rhino was shouting angrily. Tears were running down his eyes. "We're not him, you asshole! Each time we die, we stay that way! I dont want to die!"

"I never plan for it to happen, John," sighed Lupis, but the rhino cut him off. "--No! Don't call me that! Give me a new name, let me leave, and figure out your own problems without sending me to die like you did all the others!"

The two stared silently.

"You've had this conversation before, havent you?" The rhino spat. With that he stomped off in the other direction.

Lupis rubbed his temples with his thumbs and groaned with irritation. He then walked away as well.

Emilena paused a few moments, then when nothing had been heard for a few minutes continued creeping toward the aisle with the prepared pod. "Well, that was--" she began, when suddenly Lupis came barrelling out from behind some tanks, smacking I to her and sending she and Lily skidding along the floor.

"Why won't you die, Officer Echo???" he snarled furiously, pinning her and lacerating her chest with his claws.


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"Marita, why don't you use the card reader on your laptop to see what's on the ID?" Soren asked. He turned to Anne, Marie and Rose.

"I'm gonna need all of you to help me have a 'private discussion' with him."

Anne nodded. "Cool."

Soren and Anne picked up the office chair and carried it over to another section of the machine shop. There, a decrepit spindle sander and a drill press were present.

The Human rubbed a finger across the sandpaper. It was a very rough grit intended for roughing up a metal surface in preparation for applying a coat to it. He pressed the on switch and the motor hummed to life.

He placed a hand on Felix's shoulder. "Now, you see that spindle sander?" He pointed to the aforementioned machine tool. "We're gonna make that and your balls good friends."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel stumbled backwards as Lupis suddenly charged Emilena down, tightening his grip on the sword. In the split second it took for him to get over the shock, he recognised the wolf and his lips drew back in a snarl. It looked like he hadn't been noticed, but from what he could see it looked like Emilena was getting torn apart - he had to act now.

Coming up behind Lupis, Axel drew back a leg and kicked Lupis as hard as he could, the blow connecting solidly with the wolf's ribs. As Lupis rolled off Emilena, Axel pursued him and raised the katana. "Fuck you!" he screamed, starting to swing it down, aiming for the wolf's face.


Felix's body started to shake when he looked at the sander Soren was pointing out. He swallowed, tears starting to flood his eyes. "Torture f... for no reason, huh?" His voice trembled and Felix closed his eyes. "You fucking... fucking psycho! Just fucking do it then! I can't tell you anything else!"


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Marita ran the id through the check and three names popped up, Ffelix's, a human named grivis and a salmander named Rico.. 'so this id was used before' she said 'twice before it seems..' she got up. and headed into the room with the others ' so, Felix, why are there two other names associated with your id?'
 she asked pointedly.
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Soren smiled. Anne's ears involuntarily lay back. The smile was a murderer's smile.

"Psycho?" Soren replied softly. "How dare you call me a 'psycho' when your band of Luddites plan to slaughter every Augment in the city and kill everyone who's worked with them?"

As the door opened he then turned to Marita. "That's odd. Is the clearance level what he says it really is or is he full of shit?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.