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Discussion of "A sudden change of species"

Ducky123 · 283 · 27521


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No problems, Vonboy :) And yep, that plan sounds good to me!


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Sounds good to me.

What is the place? If it was decided,I might of missed it  if there is a special location they all meet at.

If not decided maybe that big rocky thing?

Yeah you'll be like

"Nahla,girl what the hell is the big rocky thing you speak of?"

Yeah I'm helpful,but I don't believe it has an official name.

What  I mean is that place the gang use in LBT to talk about their parents and where they see the egg stealers?

Just throwing ideas out there *shrug* or maybe just a random clearing or something.


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Nahla, girl what the hell is the big rocky thing you speak of? I think we said something about them meeting near those cave thingies where Chomper and Ruby apparently live (since I don't watch the show this might be wrong), but I don't know if we actually agreed on it. Maybe someone'll know what the hell I'm speaking about  :p

I'd be up for the big rocky thing if people prefer that  :)


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Quote from: Nahla,Jun 9 2014 on  11:49 PM
What is the place? If it was decided,I might of missed it  if there is a special location they all meet at.

It's already been discussed that it's a hillock with a large open clearing at the top so they can face each other when they wake up. :) It's far enough away from the center of the GV that no adults will see the awakening.

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Right, I remember now. Thanks for reminding me. I might have an idea how to include Nahla's suggestion later. The place, as seen in LBT 2, is a great vantage point and sort of allows them to stay hidden so it *might* be a place they would be looking for after regaining their senses :p

I'll have the next post up in a bit :yes
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Still waiting for vonboy :yes

Well, guess it's time to tell you my plans for the next scene now that the dream sequence is over. (thanks for reminding rhombus :)) The Gang will awake, facing each other. You can probably tell that they will be scared when they wake up at an unknown location, facing a bunch of predators after having dreamed of some :p So, my idea is that there's a lot of chaos and confusion until they realise what happened.
Here are some aspects you might want to include into your posts:
1. Some of them change from being quadrupedal to being bipedal so they need to get used to that first
2. They might inspect they own body... let your description skills flourish! :lol
3. They'll be overwhelmed by the smells they can now detect extremely well.
4. They might start to start thinking about what has happened and where this might lead to :)

Well, I'm gonna do the narrator once vonboy finishes the previous scene. Then I think we should give everybody a chance to have one post of their character awakening until the order doesn't necessarily need to be kept. Though it would be nice if all characters have a similar screen time :yes
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Sounds good  :) Though I'll probably include other stuff for what Petrie notices when he wakes up, might get a little samey if we all put the same descriptions and observations.


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Sure, these are only things people can base their post on but they don't have to... it's only a little inspiration, yep, yep, yep :)
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Oops, I'm dumb - I read it wrong and thought that's what you wanted us to put in the posts  :p


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Seems good,I have a pretty good idea of what my post will be come my turn I just hope it somewhat fits with everyone eleses without pretty much copying,

Oh in the dream part,Littlefoot is dead if you were wondering cause I didn't really  make that clear,I just didn't know we were meant to write the deaths as well,so I just wrote the killing blow being made.

Why no one explain these things to me...I'm too dumb to realize on my own :lol

But yeah,his is everyone dramatic xD.

 So if vonboy wants to join the sharptooth in eating my character in a dream,he is free to do so xD


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I already have an idea of what I will post when it is time for Spike's awakening, but I can change the details if necessary to coincide with the posts of everyone else.  The one thing that I am concerned about, however, is that my planned description of Spike's awakening is relatively large for an RP - at around 700 words in length.  I figured that that was the necessary length for me to describe what sensations Spike was going through both immediately prior and immediately after opening his eyes for the first time as a fastbiter, but if that would be considered too verbose by everyone else then I suppose I could break it up into 2 posts.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I'd be okay with it  :) Mine might be a little lengthy too, but I've done RP posts around that long before and nobody chewed me out for it so I suppose it's alright  :p


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^ Thanks for the response.  :) My followup posts will not be that verbose, but since so much is going to be discovered by the characters in such a short time I guess that it is reasonable if these initial posts are a bit on the long size.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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If he doesn't post soon, somebody can fill in.
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If nobody else wants to take him, I guess I could for a bit just to get the story moving again.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Guys, why does it always takes the very same people so long to post? Without me steadily reminding you, you probably wouldn't even post at all. Taking a character in a roleplay also means that you have a sort of responsibility to keep checking whose turn it is to post and what is being discussed in the discussion thread (well, there isn't much to discuss for we hardly make progress...). Those players who really take that responsibility serious are the ones suffering from your inactivity because they really want to roleplay, to push forward the plot...

This doesn't mean I'm mad... I'm only a little disappointed.
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Hey guys, had we actually decided what we want to happen once all the characters have woken up? As in, whether we want them to sneak out undetected, or get chased out after they somehow alert the other dinosaurs? I thought of a way Petrie might cause a disturbance and wake the adults which I could put in my next post, but if some of you had other ideas and wanted to be more sneaky about it, I could change up my idea slightly  :)


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Quote from: Ducky123,Jul 16 2014 on  02:29 PM
Guys, why does it always takes the very same people so long to post? Without me steadily reminding you, you probably wouldn't even post at all. Taking a character in a roleplay also means that you have a sort of responsibility to keep checking whose turn it is to post and what is being discussed in the discussion thread (well, there isn't much to discuss for we hardly make progress...). Those players who really take that responsibility serious are the ones suffering from your inactivity because they really want to roleplay, to push forward the plot...

This doesn't mean I'm mad... I'm only a little disappointed.
You want an answer? I don't feel I'm capable of matching the detail of the posts that have just been written. They're all exceptional, but I'm feeling blocked and stymied. Creatively I just don't feel up to the task, but I suppose I could give it my best shot... though someone else feel free to take my transformation post. I'm only holding everyone else up at this point...

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Hey guys, had we actually decided what we want to happen once all the characters have woken up? As in, whether we want them to sneak out undetected, or get chased out after they somehow alert the other dinosaurs? I thought of a way Petrie might cause a disturbance and wake the adults which I could put in my next post, but if some of you had other ideas and wanted to be more sneaky about it, I could change up my idea slightly smile.gif
Glad you mention it :) Well, I thought that the Gang should have some time to figure out what actually happened and (for those having been quadrupedal before) how to walk properly. I do remember Nahla coming up with a good idea... She suggested to have them hide at the place the Gang hid in LBT 2 when they were angry about their parents treating them like babies. I believe they should hide there and THEN one of them can screw up and they're being discovered. :yes How does this sound?

You want an answer? I don't feel I'm capable of matching the detail of the posts that have just been written. They're all exceptional, but I'm feeling blocked and stymied. Creatively I just don't feel up to the task, but I suppose I could give it my best shot... though someone else feel free to take my transformation post. I'm only holding everyone else up at this point...
Okay, that's alright. I, myself, am not always as creative when writing my posts as I would like to... Just try when you feel better in terms of creativity. As long as we're waiting for Nahla, you're not holding us up.
I really don't like to say this but I got to be honest: You can't do worse than vonboy... I'm really sorry von, but your post is too short. Please try to make it at least a paragraph with a few sentences. A one-liner is just too weak in a situation like this  :oops And by saying this, Pterano, it's totally okay if you make a shorter post (you don't have to be as detailed as everyone else). I'd only like you to write at least one paragraph, okay, and you can wait a little longer for your creativity to return? I won't force you of course (hey, I'm just trying to do a good job at leading this RP and I would like the result to be decent at least :smile) but I would appreciate it. :yes
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Glad you mention it smile.gif Well, I thought that the Gang should have some time to figure out what actually happened and (for those having been quadrupedal before) how to walk properly. I do remember Nahla coming up with a good idea... She suggested to have them hide at the place the Gang hid in LBT 2 when they were angry about their parents treating them like babies. I believe they should hide there and THEN one of them can screw up and they're being discovered. in-yes.gif How does this sound?

Sure, that sounds okay, although I'm not so sure that at the moment Petrie would be calm enough to sit down and take the time to try and understand what's happened to him and his friends. I could always break my idea down into a couple of posts to give everyone else enough time to do that  :yes