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Google forces Google+ on Youtube users

F-14 Ace

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Long story short, the only way to reply to comments on Youtube videos now is to use your Google+ account.  You can't reply directly on the videos anymore.  I can't even get the comment section to appear on videos anymore.  There is no justification and no defending this.  This is just yet another attempt by Google to force their crappy social network down everyone's throat.  It's a massive inconvenience now just to comment on a video.  There was no justifiable reason to force people to use Google+.  The layout is extremely confusing and it's just a huge hassle.  I still stand by what I said earlier.  These people are a bunch of braindead morons.  Google has done nothing but ruin Youtube ever since they got their dirty hands on it.


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I share your complaints.  Absolutely none of the persons I am subscribed to on youtube approve of the changes.  Google's attempts to force Google+ down my throat are getting tiring very quickly.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

F-14 Ace

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What pisses me off even more is that while researching this issue, I came across a Google forum where users were complaining about how inconvenient and ridiculous the new layout was.  The admins responded with crap like "If you don't like it then go to another website" or "Oh well.  You'd better get used to it".

To sum up Google's response to legitimate complaints: "We don't value the feedback or opinions of our users and we don't care if they like the changes or not.  So either deal with it or get lost."

Funny, because Microsoft basically replied the same way to people who complained about the Xbox One.  After a massive public backlash, they quickly changed their minds. As Microsoft discovered, just because you're a mega corporation doesn't make you immune to customer backlash.   Now it seems Google needs to learn this lesson too.  I hope tons of people boycott Youtube.  After all, taking one of the most popular websites in the world and making it a total pain in the butt to use is not a very wise business decision.


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Boycotting may cause changes indeed.  After all it's been proven that non violence can bring about change.  The new change does sound like a bad idea and I can see how it would annoy many folks.


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Even though Internet petitions typically have little effect on corporations, I have decided to add my name to the list.  

A petition against the Youtube comment changes can be found here: .

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The ONLY reason I still have a YouTube Account is because of those I'm subscribed to are still members here, and until they move, I'll still be watching the videos they provide.

Google's lucky that it's the ONLY thing keeping me there at this point. -_-


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They DID?! A strong DISLIKE in my book!
Inactive, probably forever.


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Just to make a statement its a lot of those anonymous account trolls on youtube that make it trashy.  If you have to actually use your name you're less likely to spout crap you'd probably never man up to and actually say if people knew who you were.  Granted google + doesn't automatically mean you're using your real name, but I can't say I've ever approved of all the lousy behavior on youtube.  Anonymity has its downsides too.

F-14 Ace

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Well, comments are working on Youtube again but you still won't be notified of replies unless you use Google+.  I happened to notice that a video uploaded by the Google team regarding Google+ had the comments disabled for that video.  Gee, I wonder why... :rolleyes:

The problem with this whole thing is that Youtube is a video sharing site, not a social network.  I'm tired of Google trying to turn it into a social network.


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Nov 9 2013 on  04:43 PM

The problem with this whole thing is that Youtube is a video sharing site, not a social network.  I'm tired of Google trying to turn it into a social network.
I agree.  If you try to please everyone then, inevitably, you will end up pleasing nobody.  I would much rather have Youtube focus on being an excellent video sharing service instead of attempting to be a jack-of-all-trades and failing at all of them.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: Petrie,Nov 8 2013 on  09:00 PM
Just to make a statement its a lot of those anonymous account trolls on youtube that make it trashy.  If you have to actually use your name you're less likely to spout crap you'd probably never man up to and actually say if people knew who you were.  Granted google + doesn't automatically mean you're using your real name, but I can't say I've ever approved of all the lousy behavior on youtube.  Anonymity has its downsides too.
Sorry but I'm not willing to give up my rights and my privacy as a user just to get rid of internet trolls.  It's not worth it.


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Heh.  Apparently even the co-founder of Youtube is not pleased with the new comment policy.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

F-14 Ace

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Quote from: rhombus,Nov 12 2013 on  08:45 AM
Heh.  Apparently even the co-founder of Youtube is not pleased with the new comment policy.
They shouldn't have sold it to Google.  All Google has done is screw it up since they got their hands on it.  Before that, we didn't have people getting their audio muted or their videos deleted over someone playing a copyrighted song in the background.  We didn't have all these false copyright violation claims either.

The Anonymous Person

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...Well, it's time for me to voice my opinion over this issue.

I am basically with everyone else here. If people want to comment on videos, they should. Why have a Google+ account to do so?! I, like almost everyone else, do not think this new policy is necessary AT ALL. Unfortunately, this is what happens when capitalism gets their way, which is what, almost all the time? Capitalism is the reason why many things are changed. Some changes are indeed necessary, while others, like this one, are not. Of course, it's good to see that a co-founder of the site agrees with me as well as a lot of people here. When I am at my YouTube account, I don't comment (or look at the section) much, as frankly, I don't like seeing harsh, stupid comments that often turn into arguments when confronted by others, but this time, if I happen to see an angry comment relating to this change, I can clearly see why.

Long story short, this change should have never been made in the first place, and I hope to see an adjustment on this ASAP.


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I am sure Facebook and YouTube are having a contest "Who can have the updates that tick people off the most". Bring back old YouTube,I hate Google+


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I found an interesting video on the 'relevance filter' on Google+.  In this video, this gentleman basically criticizes how the filter on Google+ filters out results which will have a tendency to be clicked on less (fewer click equals less advertising revenues and less info on a user's preferences that can be sold to advertisers) and as a consequence users can become less acquainted with opinions that may differ from their own.  To paraphrase his conclusion: he finds that this social myopia is the antithesis of a social network, in that a social network is meant to bring people together and not necessarily to reenforce a person's preexisting prejudices.  I found this to be a novel criticism of the new comment policy that is slightly different that what others have already brought up in this topic.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

F-14 Ace

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I've got software installed that prevents companies from tracking my viewing references, and I also use an ad blocker so Youtube's stupid ads don't play.  I used to allow Google ads but now that they've royally pissed me off, I'm blocking those too.  They won't be making one cent of my visits to any of their pages.


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Nov 13 2013 on  10:27 PM
I've got software installed that prevents companies from tracking my viewing references, and I also use an ad blocker so Youtube's stupid ads don't play.  I used to allow Google ads but now that they've royally pissed me off, I'm blocking those too.  They won't be making one cent of my visits to any of their pages.
I use ad block as well.  It is one of my favorite extension add-on for Firefox.  If you don't mind me asking, which program do you use to prevent companies from viewing your viewing preferences?  I have used a selection of programs which had the same function, but they impaired some of the functionality of my browser in the process.  I would be interested in trying out something new.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I keep on getting logged out of Google+ for no reason, even though I remain logged in on Youtube. Makes checking my comments even harder.

Also I don't use ad block on Youtube, that's the only website where I want to support the creators of video content.