The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 54414


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Spike nuzzled his sister as she broke down emotionally at the catastrophic changes that had befallen them.  Despite the same emotionally turmoil affecting him, he seemed to be incapable of breaking down at the moment.  It was as if something in his mind were compelling him to stay alert.  To stay vigilant.  His senses, now improved, were working on overdrive.  He could now see the others beginning to come to terms with their immediate situation.  Both the yellow one (Cera, his mind deduced) and the brown... Littlefoot... had spoken and had now seemed to come to the realization of what had happened to the others.  They were sharpteeth now.  The nightmare was a reality.

Seeing no immediate way out of their quandary, Spike softly spoke to his beloved sister.  "You're right, Ducky.  I'm sure that we will get through this.  Just like we always have."  However, the words seemed hollow to Spike's ears.  This was different than any challenge they had faced in the past.  Far different.  

Much like the others, Spike had no idea how to proceed.  He only knew that they were in this mess together and that they would have to face it together.

The only question was: what were they supposed to do now?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie stretched his legs out as he came close to the cave, batting his wings to reduce his speed. His feet hit the floor and he skidded to a halt, claws scraping against the rock. Before him yawned the inviting darkness of the entrance to his nest, and the safety it promised. He started to move forwards, then stopped. Petrie was confused, frightened, but he wasn't stupid. If he could get to his mother, if he could explain what had happened to him, she'd understand... but he knew his siblings, as young as they were, would only see a tall, gaunt sharptooth invading their home. They'd only see the teeth and claws, they wouldn't see him. They'd be terrified. He'd be, if he were in their position, Petrie reflected bitterly. Have to be quiet... can't wake them up. Taking a deep breath, Petrie hunched over and stepped through.

Gazing through the darkness, he could see the sleeping form of his mother on the far side of the small cave. Dotted on the ground between him and her, Petrie's brothers and sisters were curled up, sleeping peacefully. He could hear the light sound of their breaths, could see their small chests moving in and out as they breathed. He could even, he noted with a sick feeling, smell them. Nervously, he took a step forwards... and froze as the claws of his foot clacked against the stone floor. It sounded painfully loud to him and as he stood statue-like, his heart hammering against his chest as if it wanted to tear itself free, he was sure the nest would be woken. But after several moments... nothing. Eyes wide, glinting in the inky gloom, Petrie started to shuffle forwards again, slower this time, making sure to keep his claws off the ground.

He was almost halfway across now, his mother getting closer. Almost there... One of his sisters was sprawled on the floor directly in the middle of his path. Awkwardly, Petrie raised his leg and stepped over her as quietly as he could. They were so small, so delicate... So defenseless. He'd been that way too, until earlier tonight. How was this possible? What had happened to him...

"Uncle Pterano?"

Petrie stopped dead, the quiet voice drifting across and turning his insides to ice. Slowly, he turned around. The sister he'd just stepped over was now sitting up, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "What are you..." She looked up at him... and trailed off when she saw it wasn't Pterano. For a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, she and Petrie stared at each other, the shock of the situation freezing them to the spot. Then something broke in the atmosphere, and his sister opened her beak to scream.

Quickly, Petrie lunged across and snatched her up with one hand, his other moving across to hold her beak shut at gently as he could. Her eyes widened, and she struggled against his grip. He opened his mouth to whisper to her, and winced at the pain that burned his throat as he tried to get the words out. The first few attempts only produced a low, rattling sound. "No... no scared..." he finally managed to force out, his voice hoarse and rough. "Petrie, it... Petrie!" Her struggles had stopped. "No scream, I... no hurt you." She didn't give any sign she understood him, but she wasn't trying to scream anymore either. Petrie was about to take his hand away when he felt a warm sensation running down his arm. He glanced down. A dark red line was trickling slowly down from where he was clutching his sister. He watched, transfixed, as it ran down, formed a small droplet and dripped onto the floor.

Slowly, his stomach a tight knot, he opened his hand. His sister flopped limply, his claws and palm soaked in blood from where he'd accidentally sliced her open. Her dull, glassy eyes started up at him, betrayed and accusatory. Petrie started to shake. Her body slipped from his hand and slapped against the floor. I... I just... He shook his head numbly. No... no, she's just hurt... if I tell Mama, she can help...

A gasp from behind. Petrie spun around, his eyes bulging, droplets of blood raining from his claw. One of his siblings was staring at him, at the body next to him. Still in shock, he could only watch as the small flyer scrambled back and screamed. "Sharptooth!"


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"Come on, mama!  Fly with us!"  

Mama Flyer obliged the small flyer as she flapped her wings and propelled herself into the azure sky.  Everything seemed so peaceful here... wherever she was.  Flying seemed so effortless here and the colors seemed exaggerated into a world that was more vibrant than reality.  The blues were bluer than the deepest blue and the greens were greener than the brightest treestar.  It was a world that she could only enter during her sleeping moments.  It was only here that she could experience this wondrous place and see her beautiful children from before...  from before...


Mama flyer's peaceful dream suddenly took on a surreal quality to it as the terrible word echoed in her dreamscape.  Her peaceful dream instantly evaporated into a horror show of blood, death, and screams.  That word... That terrible word...   It brought back memories from their struggles to find the Great Valley.  From the time they had to abandon their nest in the Mysterious Beyond and leave Petrie behind.  It even brought back horrible memories from her first litter...  Memories that she had long ago tried to repress out of horror and shame.  After that failure, she had always resolved to do the best for her second litter.  She would not fail them like she had failed the first.

"Sharptooth!  Ahhhh!"

She jerked awake as the first scream was joined by a chorus of others.  The word hadn't come from her dream, she realized with sudden horror, it had come from her children!  A sharptooth was here!

"Children!"  She creamed in a terror-induced panic.  Adrenaline flooded her system as her emotions became cloaked under her survival instincts.  Even as she quaked in fear, her emotions began to become numb as her mind prepared for whatever actions were needed.  It was this instinctual numbness which had allowed her to abandon Petrie in the nest while she and the others fled in the Mysterious Beyond.  And it was this that allowed her to abandon her first nest when all hope was lost.  She had no time to contemplate the parallels, however, as her mind entered overdrive and focused on the situation around her.

As her eyes adjusted to her sudden awakening, she briefly took stock of the sight before her.

Seven of her children were backed up to the cave wall, shivering and crying in terror.  Several of them were screaming in their understandable panic, whereas a few were covering their eyes with their wings, awaiting the end.  It was a sight that she had hoped to never see again, but here it was.  Death was again visiting her nest.  

A small distance from her children stood a sharptooth flyer, obviously a juvenile, but still capable of serious damage.  Especially to a nest full of younglings.  He had an almost panicked look, some part of her mind observed, as his beak seemed to quiver in the reflected moonlight.  However, none of this was what caught her attention.

Blood.  Blood was dripping from his curved talon onto the cave floor.  As her eyes quickly followed the trail, she could see that it led to one of her daughters.  She was silent and still.  As dead as the rocks that filled the interior of the cave.  Only a stream of blood stood between herself and her killer.  At this realization, indescribable emotions filled the flyer.  A rage coming from the deepest parts of her soul rose to the surface and expressed itself in an unrestrained wail.

"Valaria!  No!"

With sudden fury, she charged at the winged fiend that now threatened her offspring with death.  He had shown them no mercy and she would show none to him.  As the sharptooth flyer began to step back with his wings outstretched in an almost placative gesture, she flapped her wings once and leaped at him with great velocity.  She would not let this atrocity go unpunished.


Some distant part of her mind registered the flyer scream in pain as her body collided into his chest.  With unthinking fury and primal screams, she attacked him with her beak and wings.  An unintelligible fugue of impacts and cries emanated from the cave entrance as she fought for her life and the lives of her children.  It was like a fever dream.  She could not tell which screams were hers or that of her adversary.  She could not tell where she was or what she was even hitting.  When she felt the first splattering of blood on her wing, she couldn't tell if it were hers or his.  None of it mattered anyway.  It was a battle to the death and it was a battle that she planned on winning.

Suddenly, however, she felt an absence where the enemy was before.  Looking up from her prone position at the cave entrance, she could notice the sharptooth flyer flying away unsteadily into the night.  It was only then that she could feel the enumerable scratches and bites on her body.  A symphony of pain seemed to greet her perception.  But none of that really mattered... at least her other children were safe...

That was when the sound of crying snapped her out of her daze.

"Children!"  With unsteady feet, she rose from her position and advanced towards where the children had gathered.  They had all surrounded Valaria, who was still unmoving.  With shaking wings, she placed her head to her daughter's small body.  She was still breathing, but the breaths were very shallow.  They would have to get it under control immediately if she were to live.  

"Children!  Get some of the leaves from the back of the nest."  She had placed tomorrow's breakfast in the nest during the previous evening.  "Hurry!  We have to help your sister!"  Several of the younglings snapped out of their daze and sprung into action.  They were just as confused and shocked as she was.  She knew that the memories of this night would haunt them for as long as they lived.

It was only then that she became aware of her own tears.  The grief which had been restrained by the heat of battle and the immediacy of the threat had now risen to the surface.  It was then that one of her children made a horrifying observation.

"Petrie's gone too!"

With a shocked expression, she glanced at all of her children.  Counting the fallen Valaria, only eight remained.  That could only mean that Petrie had...  



The flyer's grief-stricken scream echoed across the Great Valley.  As the adults awakened to the horrifying sound, it was followed by the accepted alarm call: a series of three screeches.  Each one being forced out as if under great distress.  As the alarm call was relayed across the valley by the other adults, confusion reigned amongst its inhabitants.  The residents could only be sure of one thing:

The Great Valley was under attack.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"I can smell gender and emotions!" That realisation hit Ruby like a blow in the guts as it was just so utterly strange to the former omnivore. She was completely aware of the fact that carnivores had a strongly advanced sense of smell as opposed to their herbivorous counterparts but Ruby couldn't have dreamed that it was that advanced. "I will be able to smell how my friends feel... how other fastbiters feel..."
Ruby was hit by yet another horrifying realisation just then. "I will be able to smell the fear of those I hunt..." The thought was too terrifying to imagine; Ruby quickly suppressed the angst that build up in her chest. She was a predator now - one of the bad guys in the world of dinosaurs. She would have to eat meat in order to survive - and she surely wanted to... She was too young to die after all.
Soon she also recognised two of the fastbiters as Littlefoot and Cera, whereas Petrie was nowhere to be seen but Ruby wasn't concerned about this. "He might have just taken off and fled from the scene..."
Then she heard Chomper shouting. She didn't get every word but she understood enough.
"Chomper, don't worry. I'm still Ruby because I will always be myself."
Inactive, probably forever.


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Hearing the brown T-Rex sharptooth speak, talking about Littlefoot suddenly filled him with rage. "You... You're not Littlefoot! How do you even know his name?" His young, gullible mind started filling with all kinds of premature assumptions. As it did, he Came up face to face with the other sharptooth. He didn't care if the brown onewas bigger than him, he was just angry.

"You killed him, didn't you? You killed my best friend, and now you're here to kill me, too!?"

His mind continued to race with all sorts of possibilities. What is this pack here surrounding him for? Are they trying to recruit him? What if his friends are now gone? How can I warn everyone one else. Oh, Sh**. What if they don't believe me? What if the grownups think I'm a part of this, and kill me, too?"

He finally heard another dinosaur speak, breaking him out of his little daze. This time it was a pink fast biter claiming that it was Ruby. "leafeaters don't just turn into sharpteeth! You think I'm little enough to fall for this? I'm not!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Littlefoot hesitated for a moment before stepping forward. "Chomper...I'm being's me Littlefoot" he looked behind him "And that talking fast biter is named Cera-funny thats the same name as-" he cut himself with it finally hit him. He slowly turned "You're Cera?" he asked in disbelief "Ha ha..very funny..very funny".

Shock filled him-how were his friends and him now predators? That was not possible-impossible. His eyes flickered from his other friends to Chomper and back "If she is Cera" he said looked towards the yellow fastbiter "They called each other Ducky and Spike" he looked towards the green ones. "And there is Ruby...then that means...." he added finally looking at the last one that spoke "We are..."

A nightmare,that's what this was-a nightmare "We are meat eaters-but that can't happen it just can't!" the cry of alarm from Mama Flyer made Littlefoot jump-they weren't exactly safe here,like this they weren't seen as the valleys beloved children they were seen as a threat-the enemy.

"Listen-Chomper,I am Littlefoot you got to believe me-remember when the others and me got stuck on that island? You were there with your parents and you hide as in what you called 'The Stinky Place' you got us food. You also fell into the Big Water and I jumped in after you,then a swimming longneck named Elsie helped both of us" he tried to think of more things he could say to convince Chomper he looked franticly at the others to back him up.


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Every breath Petrie tried to draw in sent a flash of pain shooting across his chest, his lungs protesting loudly as he struggled for air. His mind was threatening to tear apart, to shatter, as he replayed what had just happened, the images flashing through his head like a broken record.

At the sound of his mother's cry, Petrie had turned around, standing dazed over the body of his sister - dead she's dead you killed her - and he'd opened his beak to... explain? Apoligise? Cry for help? He had no idea. But before he could get any words out, his mother had descended upon him, a figure so full of anger and rage and intent to harm - your fault what have you done - that for a moment he could only stand in shock. As his mother rushed at him, her beak and fists and feet stabbing at him, slashing him, beating him. As he was thrown around, Petrie almost tried to ask why she was hurting him... wasn't she the one who was meant to protect him? To keep him from harm?

Then the pain had kicked in, and his question was drowned out in his own screams. He'd tried to raise an arm in defense, but it was futile and the blows just kept coming and coming. Somewhere deep down a thought, strangely clear, rose to the surface. That his mother was trying to kill him - you MURDERED Valaria - and that if he didn't get away, that's exactly what would happen. "Mama!" he'd tried to scream. "Ma-" Then something had slammed into his beak, cutting his tongue for the second time that night, and he'd stumbled backwards, crashing onto the cave floor with a cry of pain. He'd known that there was no way to explain himself. Through his tear streaked vision, Petrie could see his siblings fleeing from him in terror as if he were - a MURDERER?! A KILLER?! - some kind of monster. Wheezing, he'd started to scramble away, and as he could hear his mother chase him down, he'd more or less pulled himself out of the cave and fallen over the edge, catching himself in the air just at the last second.

Now he was struggling to stay up, trying desperately to fly... He didn't know where. Away. Away from his cave, his family. From what he'd done. Petrie's body felt like a canvas of agony, and every move he made burned. His skin was lined with deep slashes that didn't seem to stop bleeding, and ugly, purple bruises. Blood kept dripping into his eyes from a particularly large gash that ran across his face, forcing him to blink.

"Hah..." Trying to stay up in the air was too exhausting, the effort too painful, and with a final wheeze Petrie first started to lose altitude, then dropped altogether as his arms seized up. "Guh!" With a grunt, he hit the ground hard and rolled, coming to a stop with his back on the grass. For a moment, he could only lie there, staring up at the stars, listening to the gentle lapping noises of a nearby lake, and his own pained breaths. I've got nowhere to go... he realised. And I... my sister... I really am a monster... No... what had his brother screamed? Sharptooth? That was impossible. Petrie clenched his talons into fists. He was a leafeater. Leafeaters don't suddenly become sharpteeth.

His eyes suddenly widened. But those other sharpteeth that he'd seen when he first woke up... they'd seemed so confused, just as much as he did. And their colours... brown, green, yellow... No. Please no.

Twisting onto his front, Petrie awkwardly crawled over to the small lake a short distance away from him. Drawing himself to the edge, he placed his talons in the water with a small splash and looked down. His heart went numb. Staring back at him was a sharptooth flyer. No... He gritted his teeth. It's... it's me... Through blurred vision, he saw a tear roll down the sharptooth's beak and drop into the water, disrupting the reflection and shattering the illusion that somehow, what he was seeing wasn't real. A droplet of blood followed the tear, bursting on impact and staining the rippling image red.

Those sharpteeth on the hill really were his friends. He was just like them. And right now, they were all he had.

Suddenly, Petrie heard a shriek echoing across from somewhere further in the Valley. His mother. He stared back in confusion, until it was answered by a second cry from further away. He flinched back when there was a third, final bellow. What's going on? Why... He moaned, a harsh rasp, as he realised what was happening. They were sounding the alarm for danger. Only this time, he was the danger. And if they found him...

Whimpering, Petrie twisted around, his eyes desperately searching his surroundings until they settled on a small hill not too far away. The hill where he'd woken up. If his... his friends... were still there, they were the best chance he had. Gasping in pain, he picked himself up and started to stumble towards it, still too beaten up to fly for the moment, as around him cries of confusion and fear drifted across, the Great Valley on full alert.


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Upon seeing Ruby and Littlefoot try to convince Chomper of their identity, Spike decided to follow suit.  The sooner that they could all be on the same page, the sooner that they could deal with the surreal situation they now found themselves.

"It's us, Chomper.  Remember when you, Ducky, and I went with Ruby to find her parents?  It is still us, we have just changed... Although I don't know why..."

Spike was debating between saying more or waiting for Chomper to speak again, but his internal struggle was soon interrupted by a sudden screech.  And another... And then another...  He knew that call.  Everyone in the gang did.  It was unmistakable.

It was the alarm call.

With quick breaths and sudden shock, he looked at each of his friends in turn.  It seemed that their luck had run out.  What were they supposed to do now?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"So wait... what's going on?" Cera asked now, approaching those who'd remained. "How did we... I was having a dream I killed myself as a sharptooth and now... now we're all sharpteeth? But why? What's going on?" she asked with confusion, but then the alarm in the valley began to sound, chilling her blood.

"What? That's the sound for sharpteeth in the valley... you don't think..." She looked at the others now with concern. "Oh no! I have to go tell my daddy!" she said, not even thinking about this as she was starting to let panic grip her mind in an icy vise. She turned and started running...

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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well... Chomper thought to himself. That does sound like something only a few people would know. Maybe Littlefoot did... no! That's... that's just not possible! The little predator put his arms over his head, in frustration and thought. It was starting to look like this group of sharpteeth were his friends, but it just couldn't be true! Every part of him was trying to look for other excuses, and Spike's words gave him what he needed to go on not believing for a little longer.

"Spike? Did you just talk? Then you're not really spike! He's never said anything before, why would he start now!?" His eyes filled with anger again. "Stop lying to me. ALL OF YOU! What are you really doing in here?"

He didn't have time to get a reply, as multiple calls ringed through the valley. Warning calls. "Oh no! They're... they're gonna be looking for us! We have to get out of here!" The yellow fast biter was the first to dart off. The T-rex decided to follow her. HE still didn't believe that she was Cera, but he wanted to stay with this group of sharpteeth, if nothing else to find out what they were up to, and to keep his friends safe, one way or another.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ruby was very happy to see that Chomper began to take her and her friend's reasoning into account... but then the alarm call sounded, echoing through the whole Great Valley. Moreover, this rather high-pitched and husky call was soon being repeated by many other dinosaurs.
"Oh no! This is not good; not good it is..." Ruby exclaimed in worry. The alarm call could only mean one thing: "Sharpteeth in the Valley! WE are Sharpteeth!" Ruby's mind raced. "We've been spotted, but how can they spot us if they aren't even here?" "Or are they?" Ruby quickly scanned the area - nobody but Chomper, she herself and 4 other predators were there.  "Wait! That's only 6 of us. Somebody is missing!" The former Fastrunner observed her friends and, indeed, there was one member missing. "Petrie..." Ruby now remembered seeing somebody fly off a little earlier. "Oh no! That must have been Petrie, Petrie it must have been! He might be in trouble!!!"
Suddenly, a soft stinging feeling developed in Ruby's guts. What if Petrie... "NO! Petrie will be fine but they have probably seen him so they will know that we're here too!"
Ruby figured that being a Sharptooth walking around in the Great Valley was as close to suicide as jumping into a fiery pit of a Smoking Mountain.
Chomper was throwing accusations at everyone again but Ruby didn't pay attention at all. She was focused on a much bigger threat than Chomper could ever be. The thought of Chomper attacking her was scary... but the thought of a whole crowd of grown-ups aiming their weapons meant for defence at them to attack was just pure terror. They would have to get out of there or, at least, hide to figure out what actually happened and, most importantly, WHY.
Then Ruby witnessed how Cera fled off the scene. Exchanging a few glimpses with the others, no word was due to be spoken. They couldn't stay wherever in the valley they were. They had to go SOMEwhere, hoping to find a familiar place, not to be caught by the residents and, of course, Petrie.
"Hmm, I wonder if anybody noticed what I noticed.."
"Uhm guys? Has anybody seen Petrie... since I can't see him anywhere?" Pausing, she added. "Err, and where are we going anyway?"


The Family of hadrosaurs was slumbering in absolute peace when the flyer's screech shook them all awake immediately. Ducky's siblings rubbed their eyes dreamily, yawning and stretching their tiny arms, unaware of the fact that they would never see two of their family members again - at least not in a form they'd recognise, and, even it they did, it was likely to be the last thing they would see. Their mother, on the other hand, had literally jerked awake and her brain, even though only hearing the screech in her slumber, instantly drew the right conclusions by pure instinct.
"Children, come here! Quick!" she ordered with a voice so strict that the little ones almost teared up, not being used to such a tone. Besides, they were still partly caught in their very own world of dreams.
"Mommy, I'm tired!" one of them complained. "What is it, huh?" another one piped up. "I'm scared!" cried another swimmer. "Where are Ducky and Spike?"
Mama Swimmer was just performing the alarm call of her own, chiming in with the numerous calls that erupted from every corner of their home now, when she interrupted it, suffering of a harsh cough attack. As soon as it had subsided somewhat, she cast a look to the bunch of little ones. She had hoped her child were wrong but it wasn't. Ducky and Spike weren't in their nest... and Sharpteeth were in the Valley, seemingly. Assuming the worst, Mama Swimmer took in a huge amount of air and screamed, her scream almost overpowering the overall chaotic mixture of calls and screams that were to be heard...
Inactive, probably forever.


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The sound of Petrie dragging his torn, beaten body through the dew dappled grass was swallowed up by the screams, the hoots and yells as the inhabitants of the Great Valley discovered that they were under attack. The sounds were suffocating, seeming to come from all directions.

Don't want to die... don't want to die!

Then, from just up ahead, something managed to cut through the maddening cacophony. Voices. His friend's voices. Ruby, Cera, Chomper... and another voice that he couldn't recognise. It sounded like they were having some kind of argument. Gritting his teeth and groaning, Petrie forced himself on.

Then, Cera's voice grew louder, more panicked. He heard her say something about telling her daddy. Rapid footsteps, getting closer - she was running... in his direction. Approaching the top of a small rise in the grass, Petrie opened his beak to try and call out to them.

Something slammed into him heavily, throwing him back and causing him to shriek in pain as he landed on his wounds. Gasping, he looked up to see a yellow streak dart over him. A fastbiter. No, not just a fastbiter...

"Cera!" he croaked, throwing out a hand. Petrie's talons closed around her leg and he let out a fresh gasp of pain as Cera was pulled off balance and to the floor, the action wrenching his arm around. Sucking in a lungful of air, he tried to continue. "Not there, they... they angry... Must run! Must... hide!"


The wind was rustling through Guido's feathers, the currents letting him slide effortlessly through the air as he glided high above the ground. A warm sun shone down from a clear, uninterrupted blue sky. A flapping noise to his left. Guido turned his head to see Petrie flying beside him, a happy smile on his face. The glider couldn't help but grin back. Up here, far away from the troubles of down below... this was what real happiness could be.

He heard the faint sound of laughing beneath him. Looking down, Guido saw he and Petrie were flying above the Great Valley and, below, the rest of the gang were looking up, waving and giggling. Chuckling, Guido started to wave back... but then he paused. The gang wasn't laughing. They were screaming, and their waves were desperate attempts to draw attention. His eyes widened. In the distance, a pack of fastbiters was charging towards the gang. They were going to be torn to pieces! Guido turned to the left, opening his mouth to tell Petrie that they had to do something - and he recoiled in horror.

Petrie wasn't there. In his place was a hideous, scarred, ragged thing. Specks of blood, both dried and fresh, spattered its dark brown skin. An intermittent crackling noise was coming from its chest as it flapped its wings, as if trying to breath was uncomfortable. Dark, dead eyes were situated at the top of a stained, mud-streaked beak. They regarded the scene below, flatly, without emotion, as the fastbiters reached the gang and started tearing them apart in a frenzy. After a moment, the thing's head turned slowly and those cold eyes focused their attention on Guido instead.

"Help us..." it croaked. The screaming grew louder, deafening, until Guido wanted to cover his ears, to block it out...

With a gasp, Guido opened his eyes. The warm blue sky and gentle wind was gone, replaced by cold and dark. It took him a moment to realise he was safely in his tree hollow, and what he'd just experienced was a dream. After a couple of deep breaths, Guido started to settle back down, sighing in relief. Must've been something I ate... He paused.

The screaming continued. From everywhere, all directions. Panicked, afraid... Guido jerked up. The Valley was sounding the alarm?! Sharpteeth?! How'd they get in?! Then his blood ran cold as he recognised one of those voices. Petrie's mother. Scrambling to his feet in a rustling of leaves, Guido jumped from the tree hollow and spread his wings, letting the chill night air carry him upwards. As he angled himself towards their cave, only one thing was running through his mind. Please let this be a mistake... someone panicked, thought they saw something in the dark... don't let anyone be hurt...

Guido reached the mouth of the cave and landed, his small frame making only a small thump as his feet hit the stone floor. Running in, he felt his heart skip a beat. The kids were in a state, huddling close to their mother. They were huddled around a small, bloodied shape. Not Petrie... it was one of his sisters. Valaria... He felt something sticky against his feet. Glancing down, he saw splatters of dark red against the floor, along the walls. "Oh no..." he whispered.

Desperately, Guido looked up and scanned the crowd of small flyers. Petrie was nowhere to be seen. "What happened?!" he managed to choke out.


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Mama flyer was inconsolable, a fate that was shared by her children...  Or at least the children that remained.  Blood caked her wings and torso.  At that moment she couldn't tell how much of that was hers, the sharptooth's, or Valaria's... and she couldn't care less.  All that she cared about right now was the wellbeing of her gravely injured daughter.  

Deep gashes were still visible on her torso, but the blood loss had now been brought under some semblance of control.  But whether the drop in blood loss was due to bandaging of her wounds with leaves, or due to a terminal drop in blood pressure, was yet to be seen.  Although the emotional part of her brain yearned for her daughter's survival, the logical portion was already contemplating her death.  Mama flyer had never seen an injury of this magnitude where the flyer survived.  She knew the odds were against her.

She couldn't even reflect upon Petrie's death at the claws of the sharptooth flyer at this time.  Right now her thoughts were focused solely on what she could change.  They were focused on the survival of her remaining children and the protection of the valley.  Only after the crisis was over would she allow herself to mourn.  Only then could she take stock of what she had lost on this blackest of nights.  Her morose thoughts were soon interrupted, however, by an unexpected voice.

"What happened?!"

She looked back at the familiar, yet panicked voice.  It was Guido.  

She took in a shuddering breath.  She knew at that moment that she would now have to inform Guido of the most horrible of fates.  Petrie was dead.  He was dead because sharpteeth had entered the valley.  The one flyer who had accepted Guido as a brother and a friend was no more.  He was again on his own.  With great reluctance, she spoke to the teal flyer.

"A sharptooth flyer attack us!  Valaria is hurt and Petrie..."  She choked back a sob, trying to remain strong for her remaining children.  "Petrie is gone!"


As sobs and mournful cries emanated from the nest of the distraught flyers, footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer.  The adults were fast approaching the source of the original distress call.  

The defenders of the valley were arriving.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Petrie
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Grandpa's peaceful slumber was disturbed by the alarm. Jerking awake he took glances around the valley,was the alarm real? Or was it just a sleep story going bad? Then he heard it again.

The unmistakeable alarm call,it was real. Grandpa nudged his mate and stood up as fast as an elderly longneck could. Instinctively Grandpa gazed over to the spot his grandson rested,to his dismay Littlefoot was gone. He knew Littlefoot did tend to sneak off but right now the fact his grandson was missing at the time their were alarms being sent that the valley was under attack filled him with fear he did not want to admit. Without another moments hesitation he quickly went over to the Flyer Nest,around him he could see panic.

Where are the children?

The children were a smart bunch,they have gotten out of all sorts of things. But their luck could not last forever-could it?

Looking up upon the flyer above,he knew already tragedy had struck the valley.

He could not let his panic get to him,he had to remain strong for the whole valley. Clearing his throat he spoke "What's going on? What bought to to sound the alarm this late into the night?" though inside he already knew,the flyers have lost something. He knew those cries all too well,also there was no mistaking the red substance covering the flyer.


Though he asked he knew very well what as going on,the Great Valley was being attacked. And the children were missing,that was two things Grandpa did not want to see ever. And now both were happening at once. He didn't even want to think of the fact there was a chance the children were already gone-lost in the attack. The thought of the any childs deaths was hard enough....but his own grandson-unbearable.

He just hoped Littlefoot and his friends had found safety..and they'll stay there until the threats were removed.

Yes,that had to be it. The children were fine..that had to be. However looking up and seeing that injured,possibly dying Valaria made him begin to doubt his own thoughts.


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Grandma stood back for a moment,staring at the empty spot where her grandson always slept,but he was not there. The sound of the alarm rang in her ears. With a shake of her head the came back to the reality of what was happening.

Fighting back her worry she followed the sound of the call,though it was night out she found her way quite easy. Though by default a longnecks night vision was not perfect,with longnecks being active during the daylight hours and resting during the night,she knew the valley so well it made no different it was day or night.

Upon reaching the flyer nest,she knew something was highly wrong. Blood.

She stopped next to Grandpa,and glanced up as he questioned the flyer. She could see the reaming of the flyer children,all seemed terrified and uttering mournful cries it  will take Grandma ages to forget.

"Where did you see these...intruders?" Grandma spoke up "And where have they gone?" with that last bit,she seemed to be referring to both the attackers and the children. She did not know about the others yet,but she did not where Littlefoot went the others were sure to follow.

She gritted her teeth,she hated to bring this up now but she could not hold in it " anyone..missing their children?" with a quick glance at Grandpa next to her she sadly shook her head "Littlefoot is missing" again she stared into the flyer nest and noticed one little flyer missing "I hate to bring this up but,what happened to your young one,Petrie?"

Littlefoot's gone...Petrie's gone...

Grandma had no idea what was going on,but she did not like this. But right now the whole valley was in danger. She was going to help defend it.

Though one question ran through her mind,

How did this happen?


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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An old threehorn awoke from his slumber upon hearing the warning call. Sharpteeth? How can this be!?. Topsy worked himself up, and looked around his surroundings. He could see no immediate danger, but he could hear other cries from the other adults. Replies to the flyers warning call. He cried out his own reply.

After that, he looked back his nest, and noticed one troublemaker was missing. Immediately, he took off towards the flyer's nest, screaming out his daughter's name.

"Cera! CERA!" HE wailed out, but no reply came. He started to really worry, as he closed in on the flyer nest. The two elder longnecks were already there, and looking bewilderingly up at the nest. "w...what happened?" He said, but when he looked up himself, he had his answer.

Blood. The mother flyer was caked in blood.

After he heard that Littlefoot and Petrie were gone, he chimed in himself. "Cera's gone, too!"

The next words he spoke were much more of a command, shouted out at the mother flyer. "Where!? Where did those bastard sharpteeth go!?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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Tria walked with quick strides,the alarm call still rang in her ears. Around her she could see the other residents reacting to the call,it seemed the whole valley was awake now.

She caught something out the corner of her eye and froze. Then went another one and another all in fleeing like their lives depended on it-sharpteeth.

Keep her eye on the way they were heading she took a deep breath and yelled as loud as she could "SHARPTEETH IN THE VALLEY!" she glared after the sharpteeth "You's better run if you know whats good for you! You'll pay for ever coming into this valley!"

She followed them not letting them leave her sight,these sharpteeth needed to be put in their place...little did she know who she was really chasing..little did she know.


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Damn it, Spike!  Get up!  Get up!  Spike raged at himself as he struggled to recover from his fall.  Although running seemed to come naturally to him in this new body, he was still unaccustomed to using two feet.  Based upon how Littlefoot was now face down in front of him, it seemed that he was not the only one with difficulties.  Despite his own problems, he attempted to grab Littlefoot with his forelimbs.

"We have to run, Littlefoot!  We have to get out of here!"

With trembling hands Spike helped Littlefoot to his feet and they resumed their headlong sprint from the adults.  Their very lives now depended on their new found speed.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper cursed under his breath, now knowing they'd been spotted. He started lashing out at the other sharpteeth around him in his anger. "Dammit, sharpteeth! Why'd you have to come in here, anyway? You're gonna get all of us killed!"

The little predator couldn't believe it. These evil sharpteeth might have killed his friends, and now they were getting him in so much trouble. For a moment, he thought of going  to tria, to try and help them catch these other sharpteeth ,but he quickly scrapped that idea. The parent's would never believe him at this point. They would just think he was with these other sharpteeth. They'd just kill him, too. No questions asked.

Ahead of him, he saw several of the other sharpteeth triping over. Some we're coming by to help them back up. This got a hearty laugh from the friendly shaprtooth. "Gonna have to stop tripping over twigs there, idiots!" It did seem odd to him ,though. How we're all of these sharpteeth so clumsy? If they were this bad at running, they would have all gotten themselves killed long ago. He didn't have long to ponder, though, as another roar slammed into his ears. "SHIT! Not him! Anyone but that old jerk!"


The mother flyer wasn't responding to the old threehorn. Perhaps she's still in shock. Topsy thought to himself. When he heard another call, this time from his mate, he took off in that direction.

After following tria for a few moments, he caught sight of the sharpteeth. His eyes filled with rage, as well as his voice "Come back here, you bastards!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Petrie's breath caught in his throat as Tria's roar drifted across. Gritting his teeth, he desperately tugged on Cera's tail. "Must... move! Now!" He felt the dirt beneath him start to tremble as the female triceratop's feet slammed against the ground, and as he jerked his head up Petrie saw Tria's huge form bearing down on them. "Please!" he started to scream out... but his voice was drowned out by another bellow adding itself to Tria's, this one deeper, louder, full of murderous intent. Cera's father.

Petrie's nerve broke.

Staggering back away from Cera, he struggled to crawl away, adrenaline doing its part to dull the pain racking his body from the movement. Spike and Littlefoot were already sprinting away, rapidly disappearing off into the distance. "Wait! Need... need help!" Petrie's voice cracked as he screamed after them, but by now they were too far away... and the two triceratops were almost on him. Shaking, blinking blood out of his eye, he rose slowly to his feet. A low groan escaped his beak as he spread his wings again, and ignoring the searing protests in his joints Petrie flapped as hard as he could. His feet left the floor, and he angled his body higher, trying to get as far away from the danger below as possible.


As Topsy charged away, the sound of his heavy footfalls fading in the distance, Guido kept staring in shock at the chaos before him. The blood spattered on the walls and floor, the children huddled in terror around their mother, Valaria's torn body. And Petrie... How... How did this happen?!

Slowly, another name drifted through the jumbled mess of his thoughts. Cera... Cera's missing too... Blinking, he rubbed a trembling hand over his eyes, struggling to think clearly. "Stay... stay here and keep them close!" Guido called across to Petrie's mother, fighting to keep his voice steady. "If anything comes back, shout as loudly as you can!"

Giving one last despairing look around him, he turned and ran out of the cave as fast as his shorter legs could carry him, spreading his wings, the wind ruffling his feathers as he was carried up. He knew he stood no chance if he came across a predator on his own... but the threat needed to be dealt with now, before anyone else was hurt - and he had to help in the only way he knew how. Far below, the huge shapes of Topsy and Tria were pounding along - and just ahead, getting further and further away with every second, quick flashes of movement. The sharpteeth. As he watched, their path started to curve to the right. Guido took a deep breath.

"They're turning right! Right!" he yelled down to Topsy.