The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 54017


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Oh no no no,this not good. It is not it is not

Ducky was fleeing with the rest of her friends,she was amazed at her new found speed,but that was not her concern right now. She quickly glanced behind her. She wondered why Spike and Littlefoot fell,then she remembered they were used to four legs,unlike her. She walked on two legs her whole life.

Behind her she heard the three-horns chasing "Oh this not good at all" continuing her sprint.

"How did this happen?" she spoke to herself and the others at the same time "Did someone do this to us?"


  • *feels like Pterano*
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As a former fastrunner - a species walking on two legs, Ruby had near to no problem with moving her new body around. Nevertheless, it felt different and she had yet to find out how to use it properly... though of course she'd much rather return to her old fastrunner body...
Ruby heard a scream in front of her and she couldn't even think about it for her eyes caught the danger immediately. "Tria..." Ruby realised. In front of her, Cera desperately tried to escape her step-mother, Petrie who was covered in blood clinging to her desperately. Ruby didn't and couldn't care about Petrie's injuries at that point due to the Threehorn that was, luckily for her, not going after her yet. Nonetheless, Ruby assumed that Petrie had to fight when he had been discovered. The situation was as big a mess as imaginable; there would have to be a long discussion later on... but that could only happen if she made it out alive.
Ruby figured that it, in spite of the Threehorn pursuing her friends, would be smart to stay together so she followed the same direction Cera was running into. "The other grown-ups can't be far away, not far away they can be..." Ruby deduced. Just then, Mr. Threehorn entered her field of vision, charging into her direction.
"Oh nooooooo!" Ruby panicked. She ran as fast as she could but Mr. Threehorn came closer and closer...

When Mama Swimmer arrived at the scene, there was chaos everywhere. She saw fastbiters fleeing, residents of the valley pursueing them and Mrs. Flyer who was besmiered with partly dried blood.
"Dear? What the hell is going on?" she asked the Flyer in a panic. Instinctively, she shoved her children close together and grabbed them all - in her hands they would be save for the time being...
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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As the group of shaprteeth continued in their escape, Chomper noticed the pink fast biter was losing ground. It seemed she was about to be trampled to death by Mr. Threehorn. This filled him with much glee, as he wanted the sharpooth that dared to tell him she was Ruby to die. She probably killed Ruby. The little sharptooth raged in his mind again.  She deserves whatever she gets!

Suddenly, an idea popped into the little predator's mind. If I run off from the rest of these sharpteeth, maybe the adults won't go after me? Maybe they'll just go after the other's instead! It was a long shot, but in his eyes it was worth pursuing. He couldn't get in any bigger trouble than he was in now, right? As soon as he got the opportunity, he shot hard to the right, away from the other fleeing sharpteeth. His plan seemed to work, until a yell almost made him soil himself right then.



It was the booming voice of Mr. Threehorn, who decided to go after the sharptooth he knew all too well.

Just a few moments ago, he was closing in on one of the fast biters. The pink colored sharptooth was about to be put out of the Valley's misery, but now that could wait. He had to put this madness out at it's source, and he knew that source.

That little monster was behind this, wasn't he? Mr. Threehorn thought to himself. How could the other sharpteeth know how to get in here, if he wasn't the one who led them in? The realization shook the old dinosaur. The sharptooth he doubted all along was just what he suspected. A liar, a cheat, and now a killer.

A tear formed in his eye as he thought back to his daughter. It seemed now he would never see her again, but now was not the time to mourn. Now was the time for action. He vowed in his mind, he was going to make this little runt pay, if it was the last thing he ever did.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Littlefoot's head whipped around upon hearing the threehorns roar.Chomper....Even though he knew he could just run and save himself he turned back sprinting after the smaller sharptooth.

"Chomper! Stop!" he keep nearly tripping and had to struggle to keep his balance at this on two legs. "Chomper,come on we got to get out of here" he managed to speak before loosing his footing,looking up quickly fear spreading across his face at the threehorn bearing down on them..closer...closer.

Thinking fast,Littlefoot shoved Chomper into a nearby bush before darting into it himself,luckily avoiding the raging feet and horns of the massive threehorn..and just in time.

"What do you think you were doing?" Littlefoot whispered in a hiss to Chomper "Word is out of a sharptooth attack in the valley,and you go off on your own? Just be glad I came after you and not Cera" he nearly chuckled at that last bit but knew this was not the time "Chomper,I did not kill Littlefoot. I AM Littlefoot,but we'll talk about that later..right now we need to get out of here,but I ensure you I am Littlefoot..just a sharptooth now..and before you ask how I don't know either"

Littlefoot let it drop and peeked out looking for a chance to make a break for it.Go away....go away... Littlefoot repeated in his mind as he watched Mr Threehorn,he was caught he was dead...considering trying to convince the old threheorn who he was would be impossible,the threehorn would stomp on his head before he even got a chance to say a word....there was also the fact Littlefoot realized with horror-he could not speak leafeater anymore.


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Spike ran as the massive threehorn continued to charge at them with disturbing speed.  It was all that Spike could do to try to keep from tripping over his own feet.  He knew that any mistake now would ensure that he was a victim of Topsy's single-minded rampage.  The massive threehorns yells and roars now made no sense to him.  With a horrifying insight, Spike now realized that he no longer knew leaf-eater.  It seemed as if their change had not only taken his leaf-eater body, but his leaf-eater mind as well.

Despite the danger, however, it seemed that all of them were making pretty good speed in their headlong run.  Ruby and Ducky were already used to running of two feet, but Cera was having difficulties.  As for Chomper and Littlefoot...

Wait where are they?

Spike quickly looked around him and couldn't see them anywhere!  Had Topsy already crushed them?  This was horrifying beyond words.  With a panicked voice, he exclaimed to the others.

"We've lost Littlefoot and Chomper!"


Mama Flyer could only stare at the massive hadrosaur.  Her question still echoed in her mind

"Dear? What the hell is going on?"

How could she describe the horror of what had transpired?  The fact that she had lost one child and possibly another due to the sharptooth attack.  It was all too much.  With a trembling voice, she answered the swimmer.

"Flying sharptooth attack..."  She shook her head as she tried to regain her composure.  "Petrie is gone!"

As she began to weep again while cuddling her remaining children, she did not look up to see the look on the swimmer's face.  The look of dawning horror.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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As Petrie's wings beat in the air, the flyer soaring high above his friends as they desperately sought an escape, he caught a familiar voice yelling below him. Guido?! Jerking his head down, Petrie's eyes widened as he saw the familiar blue shape gliding directly underneath him - in all the panic, Guido must have missed seeing him. He... what's he saying?! As Guido's voice drifted up to him, Petrie realised the words were completely meaningless, a jumble of sounds that meant absolutely nothing. Why no...

Petrie's heart jolted in his chest as, far below on the ground, he saw Chomper fall, and one of the sharpteeth - no, Littlefoot! - run back to help him. As he watched in horror, Littlefoot dragged Chomper into a nearby bush, attempting to hide from Topsy. But there was no way the huge adult hadn't seen them. He had to do something...


Guido could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he saw the threehorn thunder closer and closer to the sharpteeth's hiding place. "There! In the bushes!" he yelled down, pointing even though Topsy wouldn't be able to see where he was indicating. Is... is one of them Chomper?! No. No, that couldn't be. Why would he do something like this? Shaking his head, Guido drew in a breath to shout again... and felt it die in his throat as from above him came a piercing, grating screech.

Before he had a chance to react, Guido was almost buffeted out of the air as a dark shape shot past him, a blood-streaked blur shooting almost vertically down as - Guido gasped - it made straight for Topsy. Even as he watched in shock, Guido heard it shriek again, a terrible, bloodthirsty scream. "Watch out!" he cried.


Petrie couldn't pay any attention to Guido as he darted past him - all his attention was focused on the huge wall of muscle and rage that was closing on his friends.

"Please stop! Please! It's us!" he screamed desperately, but Topsy paid him no attention. No! Nononono... He had no other choice. Gritting his teeth, Petrie continued to dart through the air - and slammed directly down onto Topsy's head.

Wheezing as the air was forced out of his lungs, he flailed his arms about as he desperately tried to hold on, using his body to obscure the threehorn's vision. Even as he attempted to keep his talons out, preventing them from doing any damage, Petrie felt their razor sharp points slashing the adult's flesh. Me sorry, sorry- "Littlefoot! Chomper! Go... run!" he croaked desperately.

Petrie tried to hold on, but soon he felt his grip start to tear free. Crying out, he let go and pushed himself upwards, taking to the air once again. He couldn't see if his two friends had been able to escape during his attempted distraction - he could feel his battered, aching body starting to give up. He wouldn't be able to keep going for much longer.


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"Sharpteeth in the valley!?" It was a horrible thought for Mama Swimmer. She needed to act immediately.
"Children! You stay around the other grown-ups! I'll handle this.." she called determinedly. Of course she was extremely concerned about her children's safety... but first she had some sharpteeth to drive out lest they could harm anybody. After all, Ducky and Spike were out there... she HAD to rescue them!

"We've lost Littlefoot and Chomper..." These words echoed in Ruby's ears after Spike had uttered them. She couldn't believe it. They couldn't be... gone. They had to be somewhere; they had had to get separated from the rest. Back from her life as a fast-runner, Ruby recalled fastbiters being significantly faster than the big sharpteeth like Redclaw. So maybe Littlefoot and Chomper were just lagging behind?
"I don't think they're dead, not dead they are I think!" Ruby called into the night as a response to Spike. "We're faster than they are; we can outrun the grown-ups but they can't! We need to help them, helping them we must!"
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Where did they go!? Topsy thought to himself. Chomper and the other little two footer with him seemed to disappear. In his rage, he had lost track of them for a moment. In his continued rag,e he started thrashing around in the growth around him, knocking down a couple trees, and smashing bushes and other foliage, looking for the two sharpteeth.

"Where are you? COME OUT AND FACE ME, COWARD!"

There was some,...flyer, above him, screeching at him, but he wasn't paying him any mind. he was too far in his rampage. When the little flying sharptotoh finally slammed down on his face, he swung his head, back and forth, trying to dislodge the flyer. He felt scratches across his face. This sharptooth was drawing blood. This just further fueled his rage.

"Is this little monster your 'friend' too, Chomper? It's gonna take much more than this to keep me from smearing you all over the walls of our valley, bastard!"

With a final, strong swing, he launched the flyer back into the air.


He... saved me?

He started to think about the sharptooth that was beside him. Did he really know this sharptooth after all. Was it Littlefoot all along?" He had no time to contemplate this, though, Mr. Threehorn was still after him. Hearing his threats after the flyer tried to slow him down filled him with even more terror.

"He won't believe me!" He almost slapped his forehead right there for stating the obvious. "Run! Just run! He shot out of the bush, hoping the sharptooth behind him would follow him.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Littlefoot paused for a moment still in a bit of shock from watching Petrie..well who he figured was Petrie try and distract the angered threehorn. Shaking his head and now fearing for his own life and began to run after Chomper trying to keep his balance and  not slip and fall after the massive feet of the threehorn.

"We...need to get back to the others,don't look back just keep running. Trust me,Chomper just keep running"

Littlefoot was overwhelmed by all the scents around him,he could smell and tell every type of dinosaur that was in the valley-all the scents. Threehorns,swimmers.,flyers..longnecks..

It's...too much the former longneck screamed in his mind Is this what Chomper feels like everyday? he tried to block all the emotion rushing to him all of a sudden,but he couldn't. The cries,the roars of the ones who were meant to protect and now were trying to kill them were ringing in his ears.

We have to get out...we have to get out... this was not a this was worse then a nightmare.

He quickly glanced behind him to see if they had lost the threehorn us..


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Cera's legs burned with exertion as the group continued their headlong sprint away from her father.  Despite their uncertainty about using their new legs, it seemed that they were surprisingly proficient when they switched from walking to running.  Against all odds, they now seemed to be building some distance on the elder threehorn.  All except for Littlefoot and Chomper, that is.

"We've lost Littlefoot and Chomper!"

As soon as Spike had uttered those words, Cera's heart sank.  Chomper would not be as fast as fastbiters and Littlefoot was not certain on his new two feet.  If they were allowed to fall back then that spelt doom for them.

I will be damned before that happens!"  Cera protested inwardly.  What they need is a distraction.  Sighing inwardly, she knew what she had to do.  Despite the obvious risk to herself, she would not allow harm to befall her best friends  She would do what was necessary.

"Everyone, run to the exit!  I have to get them before my father does!"

Ignoring the protests from the others, she made a wide turn towards the Thundering Falls.  If she knew her father correctly, then he would focus his attention on the sharptooth who appeared to remain a threat to the valley, which should provide Chomper and Littlefoot with an opening.

The only question now was: how was she supposed to escape?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ducky had been gaining quite some distance between the charging Great Valley residents and her changed self. Deep inside, she knew she was still herself to some degree but things had changed. The former Swimmer had yet to figure out how her body and her brain worked...

Ruby could have run faster but she slowed down her sprint somewhat in order to allow Spike and Cera, whose speed was nowhere close to the speed fastbiters of their age should have, to stay together with Ducky and her. "We need to stay together if we want to survive together!"
Ruby thought. It were the very same words she exclaimed worriedly when Cera suddenly rushed over to another place, claiming that she'd want to help Littlefoot and Chomper. At this, two particular thoughts popped up in the pink fastbiters head:
"Wait a moment! So they're alright which is good but will they stay alright? Besides, shouldn't we stay together?" The girl knew that Littlefoot and Chomper needed help. Maybe they should follow Cera?

Ducky watched with concern Cera departing from them. She cried out a warning but Cera didn't seem to hear her or she just ignored her. At first the former hadrosaur didn't understand but then she saw just where Cera was running to... or, more precisely, who she was approaching hurriedly. Ducky realised that Cera's plan was actually good. "If we follow Cera, then we can all escape together, yep, yep, yep!" Ducky knew now what she had to do.
"Ruby, Spike! We need to follow Cera, yes we must! Littlefoot and Chomper need us!"
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Spike stared at the scene in confused horror.  Not only were Littlefoot and Chomper left behind, but now it seemed that Cera had taken the initiative to give them a chance to escape.  One unfortunate situation was now being traded for another.  Both Ruby and Ducky seemed to slow as they considered what was happening, but then Ducky shouted something that made him pause.  

"Ruby, Spike! We need to follow Cera, yes we must! Littlefoot and Chomper need us!"

His intellect told him that this was a bad idea.  That Cera was needlessly risking herself and that their friends might yet make it out from behind the massive threehorn.  But yet, both his instincts and his heart told him that this was the right thing to do.  Even in his leaf-eater days he would not willingly abandon his friends.  His choice was clear.

A pack stays together no matter what!

Spike did not have time to consider where that particular thought had come from or to ponder when exactly his friends had become a 'pack'.  In the heat of the moment he simply knew that the pack had to stick together and he had to trust that his friends knew what they were doing.

"Let's go!"  He shouted as he followed Ducky in her pursuit of their yellow feathered friend.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ducky's words matched Ruby's opinion on the matter completely. Without hesitating, the pink fastbiter changed directions, now heading towards the Thundering Falls with enormous speed. Even as a fastbiter, Ruby still felt that she was sort of responsible for Chomper which motivated her to run even faster to get him out of trouble in time - although it meant danger and trouble for her...
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Where did that little monster go? Topsy was thinking to himself. He had been thrashing around the area he last saw Chomper, and wasn't turning anything up so far. He was simply destroying everything around him in his search. From the corner of his eye, He saw a Yellow fast biter dash past him, followed close behind by several other fast biters.

"They're heading back to the valley, no!" He left the devastation to start chasing after the new threat. He wanted dearly to punish Chomper, but he also couldn't forget about these other sharpteeth. They could be after our other kids! He didn't even know where the kids known as the 'gang' were, but the other children were now in grave danger!

Chomper saw the other fast biters as well. "Now's our chance!" He called out to the fellow T-Rex behind him. "Let's get to the exit already!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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Grandpa has to remain calm,he had no idea where his grandson or his friends were. But right now he had to focus on the job at hand-protecting the valley. "Bring all children here,do not scatter them in different areas,Grandma and I shall stand guard"

Knowing both he and his mate were not as young and strong as they once were,Grandpa volunteered them both to guard the children,they had already lost some. They couldn't afford to lose more.

His mind drifted to Chomper-where was HE? Did he cause all of this? Had the little sharptooth betrayed them?

If so..what did that mean for the missing children? Did Chomper not only betray the valleys trust,but also turn on his friends?

He didn't have time to think about that now.for right now many lives and the valley it's self could be in danger,in the distant he could hear the roars of the old threehorn in full rage,not something that was new to him overall but this time it was different,the threehorn sounded like he was out to kill.

Scanning around the moonlit valley,Grandpa could not get the thought out of his mind Littlefoot..where are you? Please be safe wherever you are...please just be alright..


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Grandma had the same thoughts as Grandpa but she could not run off in search of the missing children right now,she had a duty to perform. The 'gang' would be fine,they just had to be. With a trembling breath stood in front of the valleys young residents,if any predator wanted one of these children as midnight snack,they'll have to deal with her first.

The smell of blood coming from the flyer nest disturbed her,the scene of what she saw in that nest was still displayed in her mind,she never thought such a horrible thing would happen in their peaceful valley,the sharpteeth that attacked them tonight must of got in somehow...someone let them in...but who would do that? could he?'m just jumping to conclusions..when this is over we'll find all the children safe and well,they are just hiding...they are ok...they have to be.. she told herself this but still she had her doubts,where did these sharpteeth come from? What did they want? Was Mr Threehorn right all along about Chomper?

Have we made a mistake letting that sharptooth stay? the old longneck wondered,friend of her grandson or not,if he has betrayed them tonight she would refuse to forgive him..and if anything happened to Littlefoot as a result of this..she wondered if she'll be able to forgive herself.


Littlefoot quickly followed Chomper,relief filled him when he saw the exit "We just need to make it out..and we should be okay" he said more to himself then Chomper. Trying to block out the roars of the valley behind him,the former longneck put on an extra burst of speed which in turn had mixed results,he got out of the valley not used to such high speeds on two legs,he lost his balance. Quickly getting on his feet he stared back into his former home wondering where the others were Where are they? We got to get as far from here as possible he could not believe this was happening..this could not be real.

We'll be okay...we always are..we'll work this out together...we'll fix this

Though,deep inside Littlefoot could not help but wonder- How are we supposed to fix this mess?


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Spike's legs burned with exertion as he continued his headlong sprint away from the enraged threehorn.  They had succeeded at shifting Topsy's attention from Littlefoot and Chomper, which only left one rather large problem.

How in the hell were they supposed to escape?

He looked to his side for a moment.  The green form of Ducky and the pink specter of Ruby were keeping a brisk pace in front of him.  They obviously had more experience at using two feet than any of them.  Meanwhile, Cera was somehow leading the group despite her lack of experience in her new form.  Which was equally curious was that he was keeping pace as well.  Perhaps their new forms were meant for running?  Perhaps that was why this felt so natural despite being so very wrong.

The thundering footsteps of Topps actually began to fade slightly as they made some distance on the persistent threat.  They must have been running faster than any of them could have ever imagined.  Sensing this, Spike took the opportunity to look behind and observe the current situation.  Sure enough the massive form of Topps was still in pursuit despite falling behind, but that was not what attracted his attention.  

A brown Tyrannosaurus disappearing behind a rock wall.

"Cera!  Chomper and Littlefoot are out!"


Cera took on a determined smile as she heard Spike's affirmation.  It had worked!  Their slower friends were now out of immediate danger.  Now for the other part of her plan...

"Everyone, go around this hill and loop back!  We have to escape with the others!"

With no further words, she turned and followed the base of the small hill that stood to their left.  Her father would chase them around the hill as scaling it would take too much time.  His only option would doom him to not again catching sight of the fastbiters until it was too late.

Cera smirked.  Even though the escape had yet to be completed, she already knew that they had won.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ruby smiled in spite of the threat in form of Topsy chasing her and her friends. Littlefoot and Chomper are safe!" she cheered. Her main concern was Chomper since she was supposed to keep watch of him but she was also concerned about Littlefoot because he had always been a sort of leader of them. Losing him would be horrible. "But now they're safe! Now we need be reach safety as well so we are all in safety!"
With that in mind - and Cera's orders in her ears, she redoubled her efforts to sprint away from the raging Threehorn - around the hill... and towards the exit!
Inactive, probably forever.


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Ducky kept pace with the others,luckily for her she was long used to two legs so this was easier for her then it was for her former four-legged friends. At least Littlefoot and Chomper are now safe,yep yep yep

The sounds of the threat behind them grew more distant as the exit drew closer-we did it! Ducky cheered in her mind.

Ducky left herself relax just a little bit as she and the others passed  through the main exit to the valley,they were no longer in Great Valley lands. They were in what was called the Mysterious Beyond-the land of sharpteeth so be fair,they were in their land now.

Reality overtook her Our...our..own parents...tried to kill us...they chased us..out of our home... she skidded to stop to catch her breath,her blood still pumped from the mad sprint for her life "We did it everyone,yep..yep..yep" she slightly turned her head to look at her friends,she couldn't believe these..predators were her friends..she couldn't believe she was the predator she now found herself as,with a shaky breath she tried to keep back an emotional breakdown,it was not enough. The first tear fell from her eyes,she quickly wiped it away,there would be time for that later."Where is Petrie?"


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His head fuzzy, mind blurry with the effort of staying in the air and not falling behind, Petrie weakly looked down, searching for the rest of his friends... and his heart skipped a beat when he realised he couldn't see them. Where?! Where are they... If he was on his own, he wouldn't be able to make it, he... No, there! He caught a glimpse of a tail disappearing behind a section of the rock that encircled the Valley. As a flyer, he could just have flown higher, making his way over the Valley and into the lands surrounding it - but his body was a mess of pain and he knew he couldn't handle the effort. Grunting with exertion he altered his course, making straight for the opening. Below, the enraged sounds of their pursuers became fainter.

But that leads to the Mysterious Beyond! part of him, deep down, cried out as he drew nearer, his stomach twisting in knots. But where else would he go? And after what he'd done...


From further back, Guido's face twisted in frustration as the sharptooth flyer got further and further away. As torn up as he'd appeared, he was fast - soon Guido knew he'd lose sight of him... and who knows how many would suffer if the sharptooth was allowed to roam free?

Suddenly the sharptooth flyer twisted in the air and dove down. Guido gasped. Where's he going?! He looked ahead, and saw the passage the sharptooth was aiming for. He couldn't see any of the others - they must have had the same escape route.

Still keeping an eye on the flyer, Guido lowered his altitude until he was gliding just above Topsy. "They're leaving!" he called out, pointing ahead as the flyer vanished from sight behind the rock.


Petrie's chest heaved raggedly as he followed the passage that led out, blood pounding in his ears. Can't stop... can't stop... And suddenly, before he knew it, everything opened up. He'd escaped the Valley - to whatever waited outside.

Up ahead, he saw the unfamiliar forms of his friends regrouping. As he neared, his arms seemed to lose strength, and with a whimper he dropped, landing on the hard floor at their feet with a crash.