The Gang of Five
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Vengeance of Love


  • Ducky
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Mature ChapterGo here

Rec and Tyra admit their love and mate. She gets a touch introspective while they do.


  • Ducky
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"I'm afraid you were a bit too late." Tyra told him a few days later. "I was no longer fertile."

He shrugged in answer. "The land is not exactly suited for little ones at any rate." Even they, supreme rulers over a once lush valley, had been forced from their homes by starvation. The air blowing from a nearby Burning Mountain had poisoned the plants and driven what herds there were to travel away. And unlike the Fast Claws living in the area, they could not sustain themselves on Tickly Fuzzies.

So they had taken up the trail of the wandering herds, all of which seemed to head into the West. They were not the only ones to have done so and more than once they had had an 'argument' about a recent kill with some of the other Sharpteeth. Luckily there were two of them and usually only one of their opponents, so more often than not it was them that won the argument.

Aside from that one time they encountered a older male Sharptooth, tinted a darker green than Rec. It was one of the few times they backed down from their kill, allowing him to feast on the Swimmer they had brought down.

Tyra's blood had run cold at the look he had thrown her, made worse by the fear she saw on Rec's face.

"You know him?" She whispered as they waited at a safe distance for the other to finish his meal.

"Yes." Rec looked over at him warily. "Surely you see the resemblance between us? He is my father."

She spluttered faintly at that, marveling at the old age the other male had to be then. "Your father?"

"We're not on such good terms after he ate some of my siblings." Rec softly told her. "And I don't like the way he is looking at you, my love."

"Now that I can agree with." She murmured, as the older male threw another glance at her. "How did you say your mother looked like again?"

"Purple-grey." Rec looked at his father. "But you are just as beautiful."

"At the moment that is something I do not want to hear." She stepped back a bit as Rec's father walked over to them, leaving the Swimmer half-eaten on the ground.

"I presume that is your mate?" The old Sharptooth looked from Rec to Tyra.

"My second." Rec coldly stated. "And not one for you to get."

"Oh my poor son." Tyra's skin crawled at the tone. "Have you forgotten that I always get what I want?" The younger male hissed as his father shot forward, bringing his head dangerously close. "Don't make your mother's mistake, boy. It'd be… unfortunate for this beautiful female you snared yourself."

"Don't worry, father, I won't." Rec growled. "Because Mother's only fault lay in not killing you when she had the chance and I won't do that."

His father snorted in amusement and walked away, but only after throwing a glance at Tyra that made her feel like a hatchling looking into an open Sharptooth-mouth.

"Can we stay far away from your father?" She asked once said father was far away again.

"Definitely." Rec looked after his sire with narrowed eyes before returning to their kill to eat.


Despite their best attempts, they encountered Rec's father several more times the following Moons, the older male stalking them as much as he did the herds.

Tyra hardly ever left Rec's side during that time, the old male unsettling her. Rec took to night-time vigils when he believed his father to be close.

Quite some time passed this way, but eventually even his sire no longer felt like harassing a son that had grown quite formidable and was more than willing to deliver.

But their relative peace was rudely interrupted several Cold Times later when the earth revolted. Prey and Predator alike suddenly had to hold on for dear life as the ground shook with unparalleled fury, ripping itself apart in places.

Rec and Tyra, missing the stability of the four-footers, soon found themselves on the ground, praying that none of the rifts would open up where they were. The air echoed with the death-cries of those unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Are you alright?" Rec got back to his feet, wincing at the bruises littering his body.

"There were many days where I felt better." She hissed when she tried to put weight on her left foot. "I think I twisted my ankle."

"Let me check." He ordered in worry. He sighed in relief after a short check-up. "I think you just got an unfortunate bruise, my love."

She sighed too, in defeat this time. "Well, luckily many will have died in this Earthshake, because I doubt I could hunt with this foot."

"I'll see if I can find something." Rec sniffed the wind softly blowing, shaking his head when a drop of Sky Water fell right on his nose. He threw her an amused glare as she chuckled. In a matter of moments, it was pouring.


  • Ducky
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Rec had several virtues beside his great skills as hunter, some of which he could even still boast about at the end of his life: he kept his promises… But something far more profound was the fact that he hardly ever – if ever – lied. In fact, Tyra had never caught him on a lie herself. He might twist the truth, but he had never outright lied as far as she could tell.

This tiny virtue was something that would put a strain on a friendship both would come to cherish, despite not even having seen the other until now. It would be Cold Times until they'd find an old Longneck-female, wounds covering her body and blood pooling on the ground in what everything would call a twist of fate much like her daughter's. They would share stories of times long past, of grieves barely healed and tear new wounds that would sting like few other things.

Rec found them food, a massive bluish Longneck that had succumbed to Sharpteeth-wounds not a short while beforehand. They even had heard the sound of a youngster, undoubtedly calling out to the dying giant, but being unlikely to receive an answer from the older Flattooth. By the time they reached her, the hatchling had disappeared, abandoning the dead Longneck to whatever fate awaited corpses. This time that fate was to be food…

Cold Times from now, once they learned her name, they would feel guilty. Now they only saw a dead Longneck, a feast to them. A feast that would carry a bad aftertaste long after they'd eaten it.

Rec rarely lied and he would not all those Cold Times in the future when he'd taunt a friend into attacking him in an attempt to protect her from the animosity of a Threehorn he had condemned to pain. "Perhaps I even have time to snack on you. Let's see if you taste like her too."

The stench of his father was still clinging to her, the rain not having washed it away fully yet, but the older male was nowhere to be seen. Rec silently hoped he had died in the Earth-shake. They tore into her, it having been over a week since they had eaten last.

They stayed with the carcass for several days until Tyra's foot had recovered and she could properly walk again. Then they moved out, seeking fresh flesh once more. They never met Rec's father again, though it was only Cold Times later that they'd find out why: he had been killed by hatchlings.

Rec laughed when he learned of that. Though he told no one, not even his own son, why. There was enough pain, enough bad blood without adding that one to it.

Soon enough the time for mating came along again. Neither could quite stop themselves. Their roars echoed in the Mysterious Beyond that night.

But even empty statements can carry terrible truths: The land is not exactly suited for little ones at any rate.

Tyra carried several eggs after the encounter, but a combination of foul gasses rising from the poisoned lakes in the vicinity and desperate Tickly Fuzzies and Egg Eaters meant that only one reached its' time of hatching.

If either of them were hurt by this omen of their dying world, neither said so. Both simply enjoyed the egg they had...

Until they came back from a hunt and found it missing, the scent of Leafeaters surrounding the place where they had left it.

For Rec, this carried terrible parallels with his previous nest. For Tyra, White Star's rage suddenly made far more sense. Who ever had taken their last egg would pay dearly, for neither would ignore this slight upon them.

With the stinking fumes they had intended to cover the egg's smell, it took Rec a while to find the trail of the Leafeaters. But once he did, both moved after it with such fury and determination that small Belly-crawlers and Tickly Fuzzies fled from the fury radiated by the two prime hunters.

Neither spoke, both too intend to spill blood this day.

In front of them loomed the Great Wall, the sole protection of the sanctuary of the Flatteeth, but now both of them could clearly see a gaping wound in the proud mountain-range.


  • Ducky
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Their rage overrode their common sense. Despite her little one running along right in front of her nose, Tyra only wanted everything she could lay eyes on dead. It was only after they were beaten by the grown-up Leafeaters that they calmed enough to think things through.

Only to nearly lose it all when they saw some Egg-stealers trying to throw their son to his untimely death. Neither of them got very far, soon being overtaken by the furious parents. Their son reached them soon after, just before the sound of thundering rocks reached them.

"The way in is closed." Rec realized.

"At least we have our child back." Tyra carefully scooped up the hatchling, looking him over. He seemed healthy enough.

"He smells like them." Her husband said after a deep breath. "Let's go. We won't find enough food here…" He looked at the poisonous waters around them. Tyra agreed, carrying the little one as he fell asleep.


They traveled far, all the way to the Big Water where Rec picked up the scent of a Swimmer-herd who had taken a narrow ridge to a nearby island. They followed them, turning the island-sanctuary into a death-trap. The day that he had spend with those Flatteeth had left a mark on their son. He would growl in strange and indecipherable ways at times, as if he was talking.

It was only when a group of young Leafeaters came to their island after yet another Earthshake that they found that he had indeed been talking: in Leafeater.

Neither of them quite understood how that had happened. They had not left him THAT long with the Leafeaters, didn't they?

The smell of the Stinking Flowers clung to the children, but both still recognized the hatchlings as those they had sought to kill all those Cold Times ago.

"They were the ones that stole your egg, weren't they?" Tyra asked as they watched the Swimming Longneck disappear in the distance.

"They didn't steal it." Chomper looked up at his parents. "They thought I was the egg of Ducky's sibling."

"Moronic Leafeaters." Rec growled, eyes darkening at the memory of the last time Leafeaters had gotten to his eggs.

Tyra said nothing, looking after the children with a uncertain expression on her face. "Tell us about them."

The young Sharptooth blinked in surprise at his mother's request, but obeyed.

Several days after he was surprised when his parents told him that they wished to leave the island, pointing out that the land-bridge connecting them to the mainland was gone.

The next day found them on the mainland again with one hatchling who swore he'd never get near the Big Water again. His mother chuckled as they moved inland again, though those chuckles quickly died in her throat when they saw the devastation.

"Leafgobblers…" Rec realized. "And the herds moved that way…"

Chomper meeped softly, failing to be on time to keep his parents from hearing.

"They might be 'friends', but I am afraid their kind is still 'dinner', Chomper." Tyra soothed him. "But we promised they'd be safe. Even if we come across them, they won't be dinner, I assure you."

He beamed at that.


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Are you done with this fanfiction yet @Sleeping-force's-inside? You were also doing Courtship of Ages Past before transitioning to another completely new fanfic Future Before Time. It just seems very inconsistent and impractical to be jumping from one to another.

And yes, I do read your fanfics despite not leaving any reviews. :)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


  • Ducky
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This fanfic is done. Aside from maybe some new one-shots I might squeeze in here or there (see my Masterpost).

I am now busy cross-posting all my finished work from onto the forum. Once that is done I'll actively start with my new ideas so I can post them on both places at once.