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Nicky felt his heart skip a beat. "L.A's the next target?" he said, his voice a harsh whisper, sub-consciously rubbing his jaw. Damn it... if she's telling the truth, this is bad... Something in her expression told him she was telling the truth, but then again, that didn't mean much with this raptor. Given the sophistication of the virus being used in New York, he'd anticipated it would be used again - but to hear that the city he'd grown up in was the next target, all the mammals he knew...

"How do you know..." He trailed off as another piece of the puzzle fell into place. "Dan said Vincent's investigation took him to an island in Hawaii. The license plates on the vans outside Skylark were from Hawaii too... I guess Morrow's murder really is linked to it. Why Morrow? What was he hiding?" Nicky stepped closer to Circe. "What island is it?" he demanded, "We can't waste any time here."


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"What, Circe?" Vincent asked now, motioning to her. "Well... I don't fully trust her myself... but I don't think she's malicious. She DID love me, you know." Vincent informed Heather. "Rather intensely... and it seems she still does. She didn't know Raal was playing her for a fool, or that he really intended to initiate genocide on the human race." the raptor PI explained now. "I WANT to trust her... really, I do. Everything in me is aching to do so... but I'm not an idiot either. I'm going to remain cautious." he reassured the hadrosaur.

Circe could see Nicky was starting to panic, and she calmly moved towards him, placing her hands on his shoulders and emitting a stronger dose of her herbal scent. Her eyes met his, and she spoke to him in even tones. "Detective Chaseman... I need you to relax." she said now. "I understand you're concerned about this... but getting worked up and panicking is going to help no one." she told him very smoothly, giving his shoulders a squeeze. "I need you to take a deep breath... and slow down. Please." she pleaded before releasing him.

"I know this is horrifying news... but please... calm yourself." she told him again. "I know because I've been following one of Raal's closer members. I should rephrase though... I don't know one hundred percent if L.A. is next but... the way he's been talking... it leaves little doubt in my mind." she said now. "Raal hates this city... for more reasons than one. Now... please calm down and I'll answer your other questions."

She herself took a deep breath, clearly concerned for his well-being as she composed herself. "I don't know what Morrow was hiding... nor why he was targeted. His murder was a shock to me. When I broke into Vincent's apartment the other day, I was simply leaving him that letter. I had no idea I'd run into a professional hit team that targeted the Councilor. I'm afraid I can't help you on that one. I know little of the Council's dealings, and even Raal rarely talked about them when I was with him." she explained slowly. "Doesn't Vincent know?" she inquired now.

"Now... I understand your desire to not waste time, but what is getting worked up over something going to do? Far better to have a clear head and calmed heart. The island is a smaller one off Maui. It used to only be accessible via hydrofoil, as the Progressives owned it, but it's fallen into 'disuse' as of late. However, I've determined it's actually serving as Raal's main bio lab for the west coast region. I managed to... relieve one of his operatives of that little piece of information. However... that island... was used to devolve dinosaurs as well. The one half of it was nothing but a pen for feral dinos, whom Raal was brainwashing into serving as his loyal army. I... didn't realize the extent of what he was doing back then. I was told that side of the island was radioactive... I promise you I had no idea the real secret Raal was keeping from me. With that said... I can't say if any of those feral dinos are still around or not. The Council helped deprogram many of the dinos the Progressives had taken in, but Raal's core group remained... and if they've gotten their hands on more wayward innocents off the streets... well... I'd hate to think of what he's doing to them." she said sadly, hanging her head.

"I was so blinded by his ideals back then... of wanting to get in touch with my Ancestors... become pure dinosaur. Erase the humans' contamination. But I DIDN'T want to do it via genocide." she said firmly, her face hardening as she raised her gaze again. "I didn't know he had planned such a thing. I simply wanted to become as close to my Ancestors as possible and live away from humans. Not... wipe them out so that our kind could once again rule the earth. No." she shook her head again.

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"Hey Sam, glad to see you." Karl said as he walked over to a dino that he new that worked in one of his family's companies.  

"Thought I'd see you here.   How you doing?" Sam asked, a female dino.  

"Doing ok.  Finished my book and sent it off.  There was some sort of thing that happened at the condo where I live.  I'm staying over at my parent's place for a few days." Karl said.  He was sure what happened at the condo would be on the news but he kept it vague since he didn't really know what was going on himself.

"Cool, staying in the swell basement, a great place for some for some of those parties." Sam said.

"It is." He said nodding, "Though I"ll be glad to go back home."   He ate the rest of the meat appetizer he had.  "Heard about the virus or what ever it is that is going around?" He asked.

"Only affects humans, I have indeed." She said nodding, sipping some liquid she had in a glass.

"I was wondering, could it be possible to make a virus or something to target a single species?" Karl asked.  "I know someone who mentioned he heard the progressives were up to some nasty stuff, owned an island or something.   And when I read about this virus online I thought about that.  Maybe based on the 1914 influenza.  "

"It is possible." Sam said pausing her sipping her non alchoholic drink.  "You'd need to have the know how.  The proper training, something like I and a few others have that you met.  And the proper laboratory to do that.  Not all that easy to come by."  Sam said.  "The key thing with the 1914 influenza is it was easy to spread from human to human and it could easily get deep into the lungs, both which made a lethal combination."

"Hmm, I suspected as much.  We were one of the ones to help sequences a  sample of the 1914 virus so it could be compared to that bird flu that was going around a few years back. "  

"Yes, nasty thing.  The bird flu lacked certain things that 1914 one had.  With how easy it was to spread and the fact someone tracked the 1914 outbreak back to a certain spot in the UK, I wonder if the progressives were around then or if it was by pure chance a virus got those combinations by chance." Sam said.  

"Yes.  Though none of the companies we own who could do that are doing that.  The closest is some coworkers of yours are working on, a way to make making the flu vaccine faster and cheaper to make." Karl said.   By we he was meaning his family, including his grandparents.

Sam nodded, "Yes, instead of having to rely on chicken eggs all the time.  Joe thinks he has an idea that may work.  Just glad your family agreed to try it out." Sam said.

"if it works out it'll benefit many, if not it may lead accidentally to some other discovery.  And if not then like Thomas Edison would say, we would have diffidently found out a way that does not work." Karl said.


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As Circe grasped his shoulders and explained the situation, Nicky felt himself calming down. She's right. Come on, you have to think straight... He dug his claws into his palms and looked back at her. "Alright. I can't think of a reason why you'd be telling me this if you were still a part of it... So maybe I believe you. For now." His expression told her that he still didn't trust her completely.

Nicky shook his head. "No, Vincent doesn't know why Morrow was targeted either. It doesn't make any sense, but..." He paused and considered. Normally he wouldn't be so open about his cases to someone outside of the investigation - but it wasn't like Circe was just your run-of-the-mill raptor. "... But something was taken from Morrow's condo, and I'm betting that whatever it is was the reason he was killed. Thing is, there's nothing else there which can tell us what is was." Could it have been linked to whatever happened... is happening on that island?

He sighed. "The island does sound like the most likely place they'd set up the lab. And if we're going to stop the attack, that's what we'd need to target. But why do I feel like the Council won't be prepared to take the time to investigate it?" he asked, a touch of bitterness in his voice.


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Circe shook her head. "Forget the Council for now. I CAN'T approach them... and they won't move without proof. The only way to get proof... is to go that island ourselves." she said, giving him a serious look. "I know its layout well... but it'll be dangerous... as it'll most likely be heavily guarded." she stated. "Of course... I wouldn't mind a good word being put in for me to the Council... if... you ever get the chance." she said suggestively, looking at him in profile now.

A slower dance suddenly began playing over the speakers, and Circe perked up upon hearing it, smiling as she recognized the tune. "I see our host has heard my request." she stated. "I'll give you the next dance if you want." she told Nicky, winking at him as she moved purposefully over to Vincent now.

"Vincent..." she said, looking at him longingly. "Might I have this dance?" she asked, giving him a slight bow.

Vincent blinked, and then smiled as he fell into her deep green eyes. "Of course." Vincent responded, and reached out for her hand, which she clasped, and led him towards the dance floor. "I'll be back!" he called over to Heather. He didn't of course even suspect the hadrosaur had a crush on him, otherwise, he might've been a bit more careful about accepting a dance with Circe, but as it was, he didn't know, and he found the raptor hard to resist.

As the dance began, Circe moved Vincent close to her and began to lead him over the floor, the PI following her for the moment. Circe gazed into his eyes, and gave him a smile. "I can't express in words how elated I am to be with you again, Vincent." she said, reaching up to stroke the side of his face.

He smiled back. "I... still can't believe it's really you. I'm... I'm happy but I'm also terrified... my heart is racing at a thousand miles a minute... pounding... I'm terrified I'm going to wake up, and realize this was nothing but a dream."

She gave him a sympathetic, almost pained look now. "I know what you're feeling, Vincent. I've felt the same way myself. I was terrified you'd be killed before I had a chance to see you again... but I assure you..." she reached behind him and pinched his rump, causing him to yelp. "This isn't a dream." she smirked now. "I'm real... and I've been waiting for you."

"I've... been waiting for you too... but... I thought you were dead so..." Vincent trailed off.

"You've looked so sad to me the times I've passed you in the street without you realizing. It pained me... but seeing the glow return to your eyes tonight... being close enough to feel your heart beat in your chest... it made the wait worth it. You can conquer your pain Vincent, because I'll be here to help you... I'll be here to love you." she said softly, caressing the side of his face again in an affectionate manner.

Vincent blinked, realizing he had tears in his eyes. "This isn't a dream, is it?" he asked, smiling widely at her.

"No, it's not." Circe shook her head, smiling gently as she leaned in to him now, bringing him right up against her as the music slowed even more. "Merry Christmas, Vincent." she whispered, planting her lips upon his once more in a deep, passionate kiss which he eagerly returned.

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As Circe walked over to Vincent, Nicky ground his sharp teeth, deep in thought. It's true. If the Council wouldn't look into the virus itself, there isn't a hope in hell they'd consider this island. Going in ourselves is the only way, but if it's heavily guarded... He looked at the two raptors as they began dancing to the new music.

 Dammit, she's got me over a barrel here... If the island was protected, which seemed likely, then the easiest way of gaining entry was to use insider's knowledge of the location - which Vincent and Circe possessed. The idea didn't make him comfortable. Placing such a large amount of trust, not only for his safety but that of the mammalian population of L.A, in two relative strangers (one of whom was an ex-member of a terrorist organisation, no less) wasn't something he was used to... and covert operations weren't his usual pastime either. But what choice did he have?

As he stood thinking, Nicky glanced at Heather standing on her own. Suddenly feeling a little bad for her, he carefully grabbed a small glass of champagne from one of the waiters skating past, and making his way over he offered it to her. "So... enjoying the party?" he asked, awkwardly noting that the two raptors had begun kissing in front of them.


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If only glaring could kill...

Heather's mood dropped to a very low level. It wasn't the fact that Vincent and Circe were petting but the fact that Vincent wasn't paying her much attention at all that annoyed her deeply (although the fact that he was with Circe did bug her a lot, actually). It didn't help easing the suspiciousness she held against Vincents flame.

"Thanks, Nicky," Heather said as the compy offered her a glass of champagne, grabbing it and drinking from it. When she was asked if she was enjoying the party thus far, she, like Nicky, gazed at the pair of kissing dinosaurs.
"To answer your question, I don't," she stated. "Vincent completely ignores me!" As Nicky was about to say something, she added.
"I mean... he did ask me earlier if I was alright and such but even there he had his eyes on this Circe weirdo all the time." Heather sighed.
"It's your job to deal with people like Circe... do you trust her, Nicky?" she then asked.
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Nicky considered for a moment. "I don't know what to think of her," he said finally. "Reappearing now, after all this time, just when this virus has broken out? I don't like it. But then again, why would she share all this information if she's in on it?" He shook his head. "I don't trust her. But I've got no choice... if we're going to deal with this we'll need to work together."

He shifted his weight. "Still, from what I've heard about Vincent it sounds like he isn't stupid and it looks like he's okay with her... Maybe a little more than okay... so I suppose I can put my reservations on hold for now." Nicky paused as he realised what he just said probably wasn't doing anything to make Heather feel better. "Sorry."


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As the dance wound down, Circe embraced Vincent again, closing her eyes. They had moved well together, Vincent apparently well versed in dancing. They hadn't danced during their last encounters though, and this was their first time doing so. Walking back over to Nicky and Heather now, Circe glanced in the detective's direction. "Well... sorry about that. I couldn't pass up the opportunity I myself had created." she informed him. "Anyway, have I answered all your questions satisfactorily, detective? I believe I did offer you the next dance, if you so wanted it." she said, flashing him a smile.

Vincent shook his head at this, but was smiling as well. He noticed Heather seemed a bit... glum, though. She hadn't exactly answered his last question if she had been OK or not, and he'd really only gotten an indication that she didn't trust Circe from Heather. Wait... was she... jealous? But... why? As far as he knew, Heather didn't like him in that fashion so... was something more going on here?

"Are you feeling all right?" he asked with some concern. "You look... troubled. I think it's pretty clear at this point that something IS wrong." he said, moving over to her now. He noted she had a glass of champagne in her hand. Vincent didn't typically drink, but he certainly chewed herbs much more than he should. Speaking of which, he stopped a waiter, and placed an order. If Heather was drinking, he may as well give in to his own needs. "Excuse me, two basil leaves, folded, not torn." Vincent ordered. The waiter nodded, and moved off to one of the numerous bars around the ballroom.

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"It's okay. I guess you're right," she replied a little sad. "I think I won't help you by holding a grudge against her but if she appears to fool us I'll kick her butt," Heather declared grimly, drinking a sip of her champagne.

When Vincent finally returned to Nicky and her, offering Nicky to have a dance with Circe, Heather was actually happy though she didn't exactly show that in company of Circe.
"Well, I was just... bored, y'know," she stated in a reply to Vincent's honest question. "I mean, you two kinda left Nicky and me behind but that's okay, really." Heather tried to look happy which worked very well since she had a sudden idea...
"You haven't seen her for a long time, believing her dead so I understand." Emptying her glass, she hoped that Vincent had swallowed her made up cover to hide her true feelings. She actually wanted to push them back and just enjoy the evening so she asked hiim.
"Well, since Nicky and Circe... have a dance, why don't we..." she said a little shyly. She was kinda shy anyway so she hoped that Vincent didn't notice how... excited she actually was. People having a crush on somebody tended to speak in such a excited but shy way after all as she reckoned.
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"I... suppose you have," Nicky admitted to Circe. "Look, if you get us to the island safely, and don't try anything, then I'll have a word with the Council about you. Along with Vincent, I'm sure." His shoulders slumped. "You were being serious about the dance? Alright then, but don't expect anything flashy. It's been a while since my last dance lesson." If catching the dance instructor who murdered his pupil counts as a dance lesson.  "If I tread on your foot, don't say I didn't warn you."

He took her hand and walked with her to the dance floor. True to his word, as they began dancing it became clear he wouldn't be winning an award any time soon. "You were lucky to get out of Skylark unharmed..." he started, in an attempt to save face. "And managing to take one of the bastards out was... actually pretty impressive."


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"Thank you, detective Chaseman. I appreciate it." Circe told him gratefully in response to his words that he'd talk to the Council about her if she delivered on her end of the deal. She chuckled as she walked with him out to the dance floor. "Oh don't worry... I've suffered much worse than a foot that's been tread on in the past few months." she joked.

Vincent considered Heather's request now, finding it altogether suspicious, but not in a bad way. "You want to dance?" the raptor asked, nodding towards the floor. "OK... let's do it." He gave her a bow, took her hand, and moved beside Circe and Nicky now to keep up. A more traditional carol was playing now ("The First Noel", even though it had no significance for dinos whatsoever) compared to the definite love song (the Corrs' "Runaway") that Circe and Vincent had danced to, but even so, Vincent had to admit, the carol was a fine one to move to.

"So you were bored?" Vincent asked, raising his brow as he plucked his two basil leaves from the returning waiter and popped them in his mouth. The herb began to work its way through his bloodstream to his brain, starting to relax him and ease the anxiety he felt over the possibility of losing Circe again. "Are you sure there's nothing... else going on?" the PI pressed, wanting to see if his theory of Heather being jealous was correct. He started the dancing now, taking one of her hands and placing his other hand on her waist as they began to move over the smooth floor.

Circe could immediately tell that dancing was not Nicky's forte, but she didn't give him a hard time about it. She politely matched her movements to his own, and made sure to keep her tail away from the other dinos circling about them. She treated this dance very professionally, unlike the one she'd just done with Vincent, and while she was up against him, she wasn't mashing herself tightly to him, and avoided any flirtatious moves.

He mentioned Skylark, and she smiled. "Oh... I'm surprised you didn't arrest me for that." she commented, giving him a sly smile. "Though... I suppose you could argue it was self-defense. He was raising his gun and I reacted in the only way I could: tail-crack to the head. Whether I killed him or not, I didn't care at the time... I was only concerned with my own safety, and getting out of there unharmed, as you said." she explained. "You see, I have no love lost for my former comrades, and whatever they were planning for Vincent's apartment... well I couldn't let them simply get away with it. It was more a reaction than anything else."

"The use of my tail..." she brought it up so the tip was above her head, and waved it slightly. "Came from my journey towards Progress... or... whatever you want to call it now. While I still believe in the principle of Progress... I don't and never will agree with Raal's interpretation of it, and knowing basically his principles were just lies he fed me over the years... makes it worse." she confessed softly. "Creating an army of mindless slaves is not Progress, nor is using them to commit genocide. Despite my varying views on humanity throughout the years, I would never condone such actions against the humans. Raal's actions could lead to open war between us and the mammals if it was found out, and what would that solve?" she asked now.

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Karl went to the dance floor to do some dancing.  He picked of the dances that he knew that would fit in with the music they were playing.  He had a good level of skill.  He had studied some dancing while he was going to university, as well as some on the side along with martial arts.  Including the human martial art Capoeira.


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Heather took Vincents hand and placed her other hand on his waist as well. Dancing to the wonderful song they were playing, Heather desperately tried to think of an answer that would please Vincent's sudden curiosity. Even though she really would like to admit her love, the shyness and the fear of getting the brush off prevented her from being open towards Vincent.
"What do you mean?" Heather asked as innocently as she could. "There is nothing... else. As I said, I just felt a little left out, that's all."
Putting a smile on her face, she said.
"Let's just enjoy the evening now. I have pushed back my reservations against Circe and I will try to trust her even though my instincts tell me not to."
Heather pulled Vincent about an inch closer and concentrated on Vincents movements to adapt her movements to his.
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"Mm-mm." Vincent playfully scolded, and moved Heather's hand to his shoulder from his waist. "That way, our arms aren't crisscrossed." he showed her. She said there was nothing else, but he wasn't so sure about that. He still felt that quite possibly Heather was jealous of Circe, but the only way that could occur was if Heather actually had feelings for him. But as far as he knew, she didn't.

He noted the hadrosaur brought him in closer... almost up against her now. "Why Ms. Corrigan... are you coming on to me?" he asked, raising a brow as he gave her a curious look. "You seem to like this rather... intimate dancing." he commented, not moving away from her, but not moving any closer just yet either.

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"Conflict between mammals and us would lead to more death on both sides than I want to think about." Nicky shook his head. "I suppose I can see why you'd find it alluring to think about going back to how we used to be as a species. But we've evolved now, and trying to fight it is pointless. And if it means a future without mammals, I don't want to think about it. Besides, apart from all the secrecy I think we have it pretty good."

He looked at Circe as they moved. "Still, if what you just said is true... I suppose I don't have too much of a problem with you. It's psychopaths like Raal that need to be stopped." Nicky's jaw set firmly. "And that's exactly what's going to happen."


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"I agree." Circe responded to his desire of stopping Raal. "But... you really consider this evolved?" she asked, motioning with a hand to the party. "I mean look at us, detective. We're holding a dinosaurs only party in secret in the Hollywood hills because we can't stroll down Vine Street without our guises. All because our Council millions of years ago decided to hide ourselves from the humans thanks to them first slaughtering us when we made contact. We offered them nothing but peace, and they forced us into hiding amongst them. I'm not saying the Council should've waged war on the humans but... you have to admit, that's a hell of a thing, choosing to integrate into a race that only offered you violence and mistrust." she said now, spinning with him as they moved by Vincent and Heather. She noted Heather seemed to be moving Vincent in kind of close... was it possible the hadrosaur liked Vincent too?

"Did you know..." Circe said, shifting her focus back to Nicky. "That our Ancestors had powerful scent glands? So powerful in fact, their pheromones could be detected from miles away. We haven't 'evolved' into not using them, we've lost the ability to do so thanks to our integration. I'm living proof that we can still get in touch with our latent abilities... I've learned through years and years of training how to control my pheromones, and now they're quite potent." She gave him another dose of that herbal smell which might've made his head spin for a brief second, but she kept it no longer than that, as she didn't want him zoning out and tripping over his own feet.

"I mean why should we have to hide our natural, beautiful bodies from them?" she asked now, her brow furrowing. "We were here first... and we were so far advanced, even back then, that we could've had all this and more... but we chose not to. We chose to live more simply. I just..." she sighed here, clearly frustrated. "I grew up desperately... desperately wanting to be human. So desperate, I even idolized a fellow dino who had cut off her tail and died just to try and be one of them. But when Raal took me in... he showed me that we're all beautiful. That we shouldn't try and erase what we are and forget our identities just to try and be them. We AREN'T them... we never WILL be them... so why try?" she asked him now.

There was sadness on her face however, a deep grief welling up in her eyes. "But his words were lies." she said, looking away from the compsognathus. "He didn't care about finding our true selves... well he did but... he also wanted to wipe out free will, and murder the mammals... something I can't..." her voice was weak now, faltering. "Something I could never do... I'm sorry. I'm not trying to change your views on our current society. I just... I don't even know what I want anymore." she said heavily, with resignation. "I want to stroll down Vine Street with the sun playing upon my scales, and not have to hide in fear over what the mammals would do to me. I want to see our culture thrive and not gradually slip away the more like them we become. Yes, I admit there are things in human society I like... but is it worth the loss of ourselves too?" she asked, looking sullen now. "I don't know... perhaps the loss of my parents at an early age has just made me a stupid and confused female with no sense of identity." she confessed, shrugging in a leaden fashion.

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"You're not stupid," Nicky said. "And I don't think you're confused either. I can see where you're coming from - I mean, of course I'd like to walk down the street or go to work without having to worry about a human somehow seeing through my disguise. Hell, I'd love to just be able to shake hands with a human in my bare scales. But... I just don't think it's possible. They're not ready to learn about us. I'm not sure if they'll ever be. And if the only alternative is war..."

He paused for a moment, then continued. "I became a cop because I'm good at stopping people from killing other people. That goes for both species, humans and dinosaurs. If the only way to keep us from killing each other is to hide among them... then that's the way I think it has to be. Does that make me a coward? I don't care. Because at least we're alive, and so are they."

Looking down at Circe, he could see that she certainly seemed sincere about her feelings regarding not wanting to hurt humans. "Look, don't... don't blame yourself for whatever Raal's done. You aren'tlike him. At least, not so far as I can tell." The music was beginning to wind down. Nicky's mouth twitched in an almost-smile as he tried to lighten the mood. "At least you picked up how to control your pheromones. That could've come in handy a couple of times for me, I'm telling you."


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Karl continued dancing to the music with the person he was with.  He danced his best, while keeping his skill close to the one he was with, instead of showing off his skill.  He listened to the music, letting that, and the person he was with, dictate his  dance.