The Gang of Five
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"Oh, yes, yes I'm ready," Heather stammered, having woken up from a little daydream while still moving to the soft beats of the music that was currently playing.

"I'll have to see that my boss lets me have this short-term vacation... Might need to work overtime but I wouldn't mind," Heather said. "I like my job even though I don't earn a lot of money. Just enough to get along fine and save a few dollars every week."
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Nicky sniffed. "I suppose I should get going too. The music in this place is giving me a headache." The crowd isn't doing me any favours eithers. He nodded at Karl. "Thanks again, Mr. Flyn. We really appreciate it. I hope it isn't too much of an inconvenience for you."

He swung his gaze to Vincent. "I still have your business card. If anything comes up, I'll give you a call. Otherwise, see you closer to the New Year. Let's hope Cailan won't be too much of a problem." Nicky glanced at Circe and Heather. "See you two soon. Good meeting you, Circe." As he made his way past Heather he turned his head slightly. "Good luck in the war for Vincent..." he whispered lightly, just loud enough so she'd be the only one to hear it.

Nicky made his way across the room to the exit, grimacing as a taller, inebriated Allosaurus stumbled over him, babbling drunkenly.


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"I'm sure you'll get the time off... and if not... I guess I could try and run a job for one of these dinos here, and get some extra cash." he winked. "Anyway... let's get going. We need to buy plane tickets and... yeah!" Vincent exhaled, his heart starting to race at the thought of what was coming up tonight with Circe. It was still like some dream to him, as if he wasn't really here, but he knew it'd become so real tonight... so real, and yet... surreal as well. He'd be drinking in her intoxicating pheromones and finding himself back in the Jurassic, alone with her. It would be... beyond words.

Smiling, they headed for the exit, bidding their farewells to all gathered, reguised themselves, and headed for Vincent's car.


Vincent was jarred awake by a jolt that brought him out of the dream he'd been having. Yawning, he looked around the aircraft cabin and then out the window. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our final descent into Honolulu International Airport. We are pleased to announce that we're ten minutes ahead of schedule. Local temperature on the ground is a pleasant 70 degrees today, skies are partly cloudy and no rain is expected. On behalf of our flight crew, welcome to Hawaii."

Vincent looked over at Circe, nudging her as she was listening to music on headphones. It sounded like Laura Branigan's "Self-Control", but he couldn't be sure. "Hmmm?" Circe asked, lowering her headphones.

'We're landing. Quite frankly, I'm relieved. I was having a dream about..." he lowered his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him, frowning with concern.

"Yeah... it's just... I was dreaming about your death..." he said softly.

"My death as in when I didn't really die or in my death that hasn't happened yet?" she asked.

"No... the fire pit." Vincent told her.

She reached out, and rubbed his arm. "It was a dream... that's all. Let's just enjoy our New Year's and focus on getting the proof we need." she muttered.

He nodded, flinching a bit as they bumped onto the runway and the flaps were extended to slow the plane's rapid progress down the runway. As their bodies moved forward with the slowing of momentum, Vincent glanced out the window again at sunny Honolulu. Well... it was a lovely location, at least, and beautiful this time of year.

A few moments more and they were off the aircraft and in the terminal. "Now... I passed on word to the others that we'll be meeting at the resort in Maui tonight for a luau. We'll discuss plans there... but I haven't figured out hotel rooms, yet." Circe admitted as Vincent donned some shades. Heather was on their flight, and for all he knew, maybe Detective Chaseman had been as well.

"Oh... well there's three of us so..." Vincent trailed off, looking at the two females he was with.

Circe glanced at Heather, and then looked at Vincent with a "really?" look. "We're taking a ferry to Maui, but we've got plenty of time to catch it." she said, not commenting on the room.

Vincent had to admit, he felt a little foolish having even gotten himself into such a fix. Of course he'd room with Circe... after that night in his condo... it was pretty much a given, right?

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As the plane touched down onto the runway, Nicky stared straight ahead at the back of the seat in front of him, the corners of his mouth turned down. Seated next to him was a mother, cooing at her baby, who'd been squalling loudly the entire flight.

"... and she is just the most hungry little monster out there! It's like, every two minutes she wants more, and then she starts right up again! Aren't you greedy? Aren't you?!" The woman prattled on.

"Hmn," Nicky said, stoney faced. His fingers were gripped talon-like on the arm rests.

"And isn't her voice beautiful? My little girl's going to be a singer one day, you just wait!" The baby paused to draw air into her apparently huge lungs, then promptly emptied them again in a deafening shriek.

"I'm sure she will," Nicky muttered. Please just let this end. The pilot's voice suddenly announced over the intercom that the flight had ended. Nicky unbuckled his seat belt and leaped up, the first passenger to do so. "Well, it was... nice talking to you," he said quickly to the woman, his eye twitching. He wasn't sure if she could actually hear him over the baby. "I'll keep an eye out in case she ever appears in the music charts..." So I know when to deafen myself. He spun around, rushing off the plane and into the terminal.

He rubbed a hand through his hair, looking around as his ears gradually stopped ringing. Spotting Vincent, Circe and Heather, he made his way over, undoing the top two buttons of his white shirt. "Well, here we are..." he said. The pale skin of his disguise looked positively unhealthy in this light.


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Karl had come ahead a few days before the meeting.  He got some supplies for some people to be on the yacht.  he wasn't sure how long they would be on the yacht so he got a bit more then several days worth, as well as already having some mre's, in case anything happened, as well as making sure they had more then enough fresh water, various emergency supplies.  

Then he started going through his checklist, going through it a second time to be sure he had gotten and not forgotten everything.  The second time he went through it backwards.  

His guise as a type with the skin with a special chemical type so it would tan a bit with enough exposure to sunlight, fading to a normal appearance with less then enough exposure.  This was an improvement over the previous one where you had to apply a chemical to initiate that and had to do it periodically to maintain the tan appearance.  The chemical had the look like regular sunscreen.  But he liked this automatic type better.


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"Ah, there you are, Detecti... uh... Nicky!" Vincent replied, remembering what the detective had told the PI to call him. "So I guess we're all here except Karl... and possibly Cailan, if he's showing up. Good thing you managed to catch our flight. Say... I've got an idea!" he said now, digging in his pocket for his phone. "Let's see if Karl can pick us up in his yacht and bring us over to the resort!" Bringing up his list of contacts, the raptor selected Karl and hit call, bringing up the phone to his ear to see if his fellow raptor was available.

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Vincent finally hung up when it went to voicemail. "Oh well... he didn't answer. Let's just see about getting a ferry over to Maui, then. Karl knows we're meeting there, so we'll just meet him there." the guised raptor commented.

"And don't forget... luau tonight!" Circe exclaimed, walking ahead or the group now to head to baggage claim.

By that night, they were relaxing at their rather spacious resort on the Maui beachfront. The night was warm, and the smell of cooking pork wafted all around them. Blue lights dangled from lines overhead, and they had their own private table with which to discuss business that was away from the main party.

For Vincent, this whole scene brought back memories to his last stay here. Circe had a sense of humor, and had booked them into the same resort that he'd stayed at the previous time he'd traveled to the secret island. It was the location of their first night together, and he remembered it fondly (now that he was capable of doing so). Sitting at the table, Vincent looked out at the pounding surf as Circe set them to the job confronting them.

"OK... so I figure we can go ashore on the southern beach.... that was the public entry point before, and I'm betting it's since been closed off. We want to avoid the north for the moment... just in case any feral dinos are running around." she said grimly. Most of those dinos had been successfully deprogrammed, but there were rumors a few hadn't been... and that was Circe's main concern now, though she doubted the Council would've left them on the island. "We might need to hijack a Land Rover or vehicle of some kind... but the good thing is, we'll be guiseless, so we should in theory just be able to blend right in and act natural... like we're a part of the crew working the island." she informed them.

She tapped her finger on a map she'd drawn on the plane. "A road... or path rather, goes from the southern shores to the interior, where my former manor is located, along with the fossil labs. I'm willing to bet those labs are now manufacturing our virus. Clearance of some kind might be needed, so we'll have to figure on procuring some form of that at some point on the island. Did you bring your sidearm?" she asked of Nicky, turning to face him now.

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"Of course." Nicky subtly brushed aside his beige jacket to show Circe the Beretta holstered on his side. "Call me paranoid, but I had a feeling that if there was ever a time I might need it, it was now." He frowned. "But it'd probably be a good idea if we could avoid having to use it. Don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Picking up his perspiring glass of beer and taking a sip, he leaned forwards in his chair to look at the map spread out on the table.

After a while, he nodded. "You're right. Going in from the south seems like the best plan of action. As for clearance..." Nicky drummed his fingers on the wooden surface. "Depending on how lax security is around the manor and labs themselves, would it be possible to pose as members of the security force?" He glanced between his three companions sitting around the table. "It's risky, but it would make it more likely for us to get that clearance... and maybe learn if there's been any changes to the place since the last time you've been there. We don't want to be walking in blind."


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Once he was done Karl sat down to relax and check his cell phone.  Seeing he had missed a call from Vincent he called him.  He had not expected them to come quite so quick and had been busy getting things ready, getting supplies, checking the check list twice, and other things.


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Circe noticed the gun. "Well, as much as I bear no love for my former comrades, I agree. The gun should only be the last resort... gunshots will bring others down on us... and Raal's minions were very well trained in firearms use, so there's that as well." she cautioned. "You know... I might be able to use my pheromones too..." she said thoughtfully. "I'm sure at least some of these dinos are brainwashed after all... if I could at least incapacitate them..." she suggested with a shrug.

She thought about his suggestion. "Members of the security? Well... we'd have to be convincing. It's not a bad idea... but I'm not intimately familiar with Raal's security these days. I'm sure they'd have to use some sort of card or some system to move around though. Maybe we'll get lucky and find some in the Land Rovers... or maybe... we'll have to take them from others." she looked around the table. "Hopefully that's something you're OK with doing, since it'll most likely mean initiating confrontation in some form or another. You better with your gun, or physical combat?" she asked Nicky now. "I also hear you're trained in some hand-to-hand fighting, is that right, Heather?" she turned to the hadrosaur.  

Vincent nodded. "Yeah... oh!" he noticed his phone ringing. Karl? Well he was certainly late... he slid his finger across his phone's screen to answer the call. "Hey, Karl! We're already at the resort! You can come over if you want! We're having a luau!" he said, chuckling a bit as Circe nudged him.

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"Oh yeah, I'll kick their butts faster than they can call truce!" Heather stated with a fierce smirk. Even though the hadrosaur didn't like to fight, she did if there was a good purpose or if she acted in self-defence. Or to show a certain fellow dinosaur that she was tougher than she looked like...
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Nicky shrugged. "I can take care of myself." He didn't exactly possess herculean strength, but his smaller size meant he was quick, able to get in hits faster than most would expect. "Still, if it's a choice between the two, I'll take the gun." He looked at Heather. "Well, that's alright then. Sounds like you'll be doing all the butt kicking for me," he said sardonically.

When he overheard who Vincent was speaking to, Nicky drained his beer and raised his glass. "Tell him the next round's on me," he called over, a smile playing across his lips.


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"Sounds like fun.  Sorry I missed your call earlier, but I was getting some supplies, food, and emergency, as well as going over the check list twice, to be sure everything here is ready for guests who may stay for a day, or a few days." Karl said.   "I'll be right over then." He said, "Should be there pretty quick."


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"Well come over to the resort!" Vincent told Karl. "Next round's on Nicky! Detective Chaseman!" he added, in case Karl didn't get who Nicky was. "Bring your yacht too! We're gonna head over to the island tonight!" he stated.

"Right... so I guess that settles that." Circe murmured. "I can hold my own in a fight as well... so it seems we're covered." she looked around the table now, sipping a pina colada. "I'll make copies of this map in the hotel lobby, and pass them out to each of you... just in case... we get separated. Speaking of which... if we do... I think our rendezvous point should be my old manor." she suggested now.

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"Be right there." Karl said as he drove/piloted the yacht over as close as he could to where the others were.  That done he locked up and went over to where the others were.  "Hope I didn't take to long." He said as he walked over to where the others were.  

"Once this thing you are doing is over you heading back or going to hang around here for a day or 2 to have some fun and relax?" He asked.


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Nicky nodded as Karl approached. "Good to see you again, Mr. Flyn." He paused, then added, "Karl." Pushing his chair aside to make more room at the table, he made eye contact with the waiter. As the man scurried over, he thought about Karl's question. "If everything goes well, I don't think I'll have much time to relax afterwards." Nicky glanced surreptitiously at the others. How much are we going to let him know?

The waiter reached their table, and Nicky ordered another round of drinks. He looked over at the young velociraptor. "Get what you want Karl, it's on me."


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"Thanks." He said.  He gave the waiter his order.  "I just ask since I think I'll be around for a few days at least.  Maybe start work on my next book, though I sent my most recent on e off not to long ago.  So I'd not mind if some of you wanted to stay, after your business is finished.


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"Stay? We might need to head back to warn the Council and present our evidence." Circe pointed out, then got up from the table. "As much as I'd love to stick around a few days... my timetable's going to be dictated by the Progressives' timetable. Anyway... I'm going to make copies of the map for you." she stated, and headed for the hotel.

Vincent caught Nicky's look. "So... I guess I should bring this up... what do you say guys? How much do we tell our new guest? And hey, you're buying this round, right?" Vincent grinned hopefully at Nicky.

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Nicky sighed. "I suppose I did say so," he said, giving a small smile to show he didn't mean it and forking over the money.

As Circe left the table and made her way to the hotel, Nicky turned his attention to Karl. "Before we head out to the island, I can't let you set off before telling you that it might be dangerous. Actually, it's probably safe to assume that it will be dangerous. But we'll do everything we can to make sure you're as safe as possible."


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"Dangerous?  & I heard the progressives mentioned & the council evidence.  Is this some sort of secret unofficial council mission or something?" Karl asked, assuming if it were some part of the government they'd have their own ship.  He wondered what these folks were up to, or were planning to be up to.  He looked at those present to see what they may say and their reactions.