The Gang of Five
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"Um..." Vincent looked at the others now, and cleared his throat. "Well... good guess but no. We're not on Council business." he stated, tapping his thumbs together as he clasped his hands. "We're... trying to bring evidence to the Council of Progressive dealings, though." he admitted now. "It'll be dangerous, all right. We're heading to the island they used to operate out of... and still do, apparently. That's why we need your boat." He came clean with his fellow raptor now, but didn't say just what the Progressives were actually up to just yet.

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"They are a nasty bunch, from what I've heard about them." Karl said, "A very nasty bunch, and I'm sure a lot of what they did doesn't make the news." He said shaking his head at what he had heard of the progressives.


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"They are. And no, it doesn't." Nicky took another gulp of beer and looked out at the inky blackness of the sea horizon, the sounds of waves breaking on the beach drifting towards the group. After a moment, he looked back at Karl and rubbed a thumbnail across his glass. "Look, I'd understand if, knowing that there'd be... some degree of danger, you don't want to help us anymore. And that's fine, I'm sure we could find another way. But if you still want to, we'll need your word that you won't tell anyone about the details before we fill you in completely. For your safety, as well as ours."


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Karl nodded, "I can understand, where the progressives are concerned that you do want to be extra careful and privacy.  Sure, I won't tell anyone.  Where the progressives are concerned great care has to be taken." he said, pausing to take a drink & shaking his head.  "They can't see that they are identical to certain humans are and were though they see themselves as better then humans, from what I hear."


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"Way better." Vincent commented as Circe returned with the maps, and handed out one each to Heather, Nicky, and Vincent. She had an extra one made, but didn't give it to Karl just yet, in case the group decided against it.

"Well the maps are ready. Is your boat nearby, Karl?" she asked. "I think I'm ready to get this operation rolling. Hopefully you haven't had too much to drink, detective." she gave Nicky a wry smile here.

"I'm ready... that pork smells good though..." Vincent said, standing up to stretch his arms over his head.

"Take some to go." Circe suggested.

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Karl nodded, "It's nearby and ready to go.  If you need speed it also has hydofoils." He said.


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"Excellent!" Circe stated. "The faster, the better. Well then, let's get going!" she said, waving to the others. "Time's a-wasting!"

Later that night, as Karl's yacht cruised north of Maui, preparations were made to go ashore on the secret island. Circe and Vincent were dropping their guises now, as they'd be useless on the island. Circe's verdant scales glistened in the half-moon's light, her claws flexing as they were released from their bonds.

Vincent relaxed once he was out of his guise, letting the warm night air whip over his scales, and never thinking he'd be this happy to be a natural raptor again. Walking over to Karl, he spoke up. "So you got a small dinghy or skiff on this thing we can use to go ashore?" he asked, raising his voice to be heard over the wind and roar of the engine.

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Heather had unguised as well after she had stepped onto Karl's yacht. She was standing a little off the others, watching the stars that were twinkling in a mysterious way. Earlier, she had studied the map she was handed and she tried to recall the most important land marks for she didn't want to look at it all the time. "While looking at the piece of paper, I might miss something important..." the hadrosaur thought. "Very dangerous place we're going to step our feet on... gotta be wary..."
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Karl took off his guise, storing it in a small guise storing closet, or at least a small closet he used for that, once they were far enough out so they would not be seen & night had fallen.  He nodded to the question.  "I do, also I have a few inflatable rafts as well.  The inflatable ones are the types that take up a small room.  You pull a line and they rapidly inflate.  Though I do have a skiff or life boat as well.  I usually keep it covered so it is not effected by weather." He said.  He was enjoying the feel of being out of his guise.

"Want to see where it is, or the inflatable ones?" He asked Vincent.


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Nicky held onto the railing, feeling small pinpricks of cold over his scales as the boat rode over the waves, sending occasional gusts of sea spray across the deck. His nostrils tightened at the sharp smell of salt in the air. His disguise removed, he'd strapped his gun back onto his side where it was being tossed around in its holster as the boat shifted beneath him.

He looked over at Vincent and Karl. "We need something small and quiet!" he called over, the wind dampening his voice. "We have to assume they have some kind of lookout!" Nicky made his way over to them so he could lower his voice. "An inflatable should be good enough - the sea's not too rough."


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"You're right... I didn't think about that." Vincent confessed, noting Nicky thought about things a bit differently than he did... but then again, as a PI, he really didn't have to worry about sophisticated defense systems on his snooping jobs. "Inflatable it is, then! I'll go take a look at them, and we'll inflate it when we get pretty close... which I think we are... at least according to the GPS." the raptor tapped a claw on the device's screen, noting the approaching island.

Turning to look Nicky over, he smirked. "If only you could walk around like that all the time. Think the humans would take to you?" he asked, pointing to the gun around the compy's waist. "All right... let's break out that raft." he said now, heading down from the bridge to the yacht's storage compartments. It didn't take too long to find what he was looking for, and he gingerly pulled it out, being careful not to puncture the thing with his claws. This was where being a raptor really had its disadvantages. He was careful to rest the raft in just his hands, and laid his claws out flat along its surface.

"Guess I should've done this before changing!" he said, tossing it down onto the deck. "Make sure you bring us in slow, Karl! Get as close as you can without running aground, and we'll let the raft take us the rest of the way in!"

Turning to Heather, he noticed the contemplative expression on her face. "You ready for this?" Vincent asked her.

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"Sure," Karl said.  "guess if you want quiet I should use one of the paddles." He said and got one of the oars, a modern type made of space age materials, so it was lighter then it looked but still strong.  "Since this is quieter then an engine." He said holding up a paddle he had brought out.


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Heather turned around. "Sure I'm ready! I'm always ready," she stated affirmatively, giving Vincent a sheepish grin. "As long as they aren't shooting at me with their guns, I'll be fine."

A thought suddenly came up in Heather's head. "If they'd take their anti-mammal and back-to-our-ancestors thingy serious, we wouldn't have to worry about that, right?"
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"Actually..." Vincent said, giving Heather a serious look. "They're pretty good with their guns. Raal was training his more serious members how to shoot, military style. While the majority he simply brainwashed into becoming feral, his core supporters were all well trained. It's not going to be easy if we get into a shooting match with those guys." he stated.

The island was fast approaching now, and Vincent knew it would only be a matter of time before they were ashore. "OK... stand back everyone!" he said, and pulled the tab, letting the Zodiac inflate on the deck of the boat. "Yeah... oars from here on out." Picking up one of the oars, Vincent looked at Nicky. "Mind helping me heft this over the side?" he asked, grabbing the lines on one side of the raft now.

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Nicky nodded and made his way over to the opposite side of the raft. Squatting down and taking hold of the lines on his side, he looked up at Vincent, blinking against the water droplets hitting his face. "Alright, you ready? Three... two... one... Lift!" The swaying of the boat didn't make it easy, but eventually the two managed to heave the raft up and over the side, landing with a weighty splash in the sea.

Looking between Karl and Vincent, Nicky grimaced, his needle-like teeth glinting in the moonlight. "I don't suppose this thing is claw proof?" In the distance, the dark shadow of the island loomed imposingly, growing as the boat crept closer.


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((I totally heard John Barry's "The Island Speaks" from Dr. No playing as I wrote this post. XD Very menacing track indeed. :smile ))

"Probably not, but we'll just be careful." Vincent said grimly as he climbed into the raft gingerly from the yacht's ladder. "You can anchor us, right?" he asked Karl, looking up. Waiting for everyone else to climb in, Vincent took up an oar and began paddling, watching the dark mass get closer as they moved. He kept his feet up against the front of the raft and his claws flexed upward to avoid any punctures.

Up ahead, white breakers crashed against the beach, their phosphorescent tops being the only indication the sea ended. It was dark otherwise, the shore being dead with no indication of life save for the palm trees and lush vegetation further inland. Fortunately, their voyage was short. The beach was only a few hundred feet from the yacht, and by the time they started crashing through the breakers, Vincent jumped out and began dragging the raft towards the beach through the shallows. Grunting, he slid it up onto the sand. "OK! I guess I'll go hide this then!" he whispered loudly. "Nicky, you take everyone to the road! See if there's any vehicles at the dock!" He wanted Nicky to do this because the compy had the gun, and would be able to at least attack from a distance first if it came to that. "I'll catch up!" Vincent instructed.

Circe stepped out of the raft and onto terra firma, inhaling the sickly sweet aromas of the island as she closed her eyes. "Lead the way, detective. I trust you studied the map well enough?"

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Karl nodded, "Sure I can." he said.  He turned off the motor so that it would, hopefully, not be heard on the island.  He then made sure that the yacht was properly anchored.  It would not do to have it drift off who knows where by the time they were ready to return to it.  

"We can wear some special gloves or put on claw caps, but for the short time we'd be wearing them it may not be worth the bother." he said.  He got into the raft with an extra paddle, in case it was needed or someone lost theirs.  He didn't have a gun, but he had made sure he wore one of his vests, since having pockets were handy at times.  He had put in one of the flare guns into a pocket.  With a few extra cartridges, and some basic survival tools.  He doubted they would be needed, but they were small and light and didn't take up much room so he thought why not bring some just in case.


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Nicky nodded to Vincent as he hopped out of the raft. "On it. We'll wait for you at the dock." As his feet hit the sand, he scanned their surroundings. There were no guards running across the beach towards them, and though the wind was swaying the vegetation further inland, it didn't look like anyone was lying in wait for them. So far, so good... Still squinting his eyes at the treeline, Nicky's mouth tightened at Circe's question. "Don't worry, I did my homework." He beckoned to Karl and Heather with a claw. "Let's go."

He jogged up towards the treeline and was soon pushing his way through the darkness of the greenery, the rumble of the waves dulling behind him. The air was warmer here, with a heavy, earthy smell. Branches overhead crackled - a spooked animal moving across the treetops. Leaves crunched underfoot as the compy crept through, eyes darting around cautiously. Soon, the vegetation thinned and they came across a rough road. To their left, it weaved haphazardly through the undergrowth, tire tracks forming little trenches in the mud, and curved off in the distance, disappearing from sight. Turning his head to follow the road's right hand path, Nicky saw that it continued a little further down until it reached a small, cleared patch of earth. Must lead down to the docks... Silver moonlight spilled across the makeshift parking lot, revealing that a lone, worn-looking land rover had been left there. It didn't look like anyone was hanging around.

Nicky turned a dry expression to Circe, Karl and Heather. "Looks like we've found our ride. Any bets that they were kind enough to leave us the keys?"


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Vincent began covering up the raft with palm fronds, which were scattered numerously throughout the beach front. Laying them over the top and sides, he worked on concealing the craft in a little cove as best he could.

Meanwhile, several hundred yards away, Circe glanced about, smelling no dinos nearby, and darted out of the jungle, heading straight for the Land Rover. "Looks like we're in luck!" she smirked, opening the door and grabbing the keys off the driver's seat. "Seems they're getting careless, but they probably don't have too many visitors. You wanna drive?" she asked, holding the keys up for Nicky.

Down at the beach, Vincent had finished up, and began running towards where he remembered the road to be, sand flying about as he was careful to kick it around and cover his tracks as he moved.

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Karl nodded, "I do hope they did." he said.  Then smiling once he heard they had.   He looked back in the direction Vincent was, "I do hope it doesn't take Vincent to long to catch up to us and nothing happens to him." he said.  He looked back to see if Vincent was coming.   "Great that they left keys.  I guess they are more sloppy since they don't get visitors, or not many indeed.  I do hope our good luck continues." he said.  

He thought, "Hmm, we have to be sure that word of our being here doesn't spread to quickly.  I'm sure we can do what we can to ensure word doesn't spread as much as we can." he said.