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Something weird happened to me


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Hey guys, I need some advice. When I was still in my bed - to lazy to get up, something really strange happened to me. My brain suddenly shot some sort of electrizity through my body, making my whole body numb in an instant. It didn't last long, luckily, but it happened twice and one time with less force. As you can imagine, with being numb I mean not being able to move my muscles which also includes my mouth. So if this had been something dangerous, I wouldn't have been able to call for help.
While I was having this strange incident, I could still think clearly. Oh, and I was definately awake. That wasn't a kind of dream, this was real.

I'm a bit unsure if this means no good... Anybody experienced that?
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Only thing I ever experience (time and again) is that shortly prior to sleep I suddenly get an extreme outpour of adrenaline giving me a sensation as if I was falling for a short distance and making me wide awake.
Anything involving an actual paralysis (making you unable to call for help) sounds a lot more serious. You should most definitely tell your parents and probably a doctor. I do hope it is not some kind of warning sign, but if it is it should better be heeded.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The other thing (besides what Malte mentions) is a sensation where your brain is awake but your body is asleep. Try as you might, you cannot move any muscles voluntarily. You're trapped in a sort of semi-sleep where you have to lie perfectly still and relax before coaxing yourself awake.

When I was young this would happen to me a lot, and it isn't a pleasant experience. If this sounds like what happened to you, calming your mind and reminding yourself that it's not permanent, you can wake up very soon, everything is okay, that usually helps it go away. Eventually it just stopped happening all together (but for some people, it could be signs of sleep apnea. Read more on sleep paralysis. And here's what Malte was talking about, for good measure
And here's what Malte was talking about, for good measure


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After doing some research, I think it also might have been a pinched nerv... If I experience it again, I'll call a doctor. And I stress it again: I was awake, it just came out of nowhere.

Thanks for your advice :)
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Hope that doesn't happen to you again.  

The closest to that that I had was a few times years ago I woke up and was unable to move.  Though when that did happen I focused on getting my right thumb to move, then when I could move that my index finger.  By the time I could get my middle finger to move I can move my hand then the paralysis is over.  A year or 2 ago I heard on a podcast I listen to that that can happen if the whole brain doesn't fully wake up, if you have certain parts that are not fully awake.


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When I start to have sleep paralysis I force myself to move and then it stops. However, this thing Ducky is having doesn't sound like sleep paralysis.


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That's sounds pretty scary, I'm glad you're okay now. Hopefully it won't happen again!


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I have had sleep paralysis a few times in my life and it can be rather frightening experience, especially if you are unaware of what is occurring.  This condition normally happens during REM sleep in order to prevent us from acting out our dreams and injuring ourselves.  In the cases that I have experienced, it was accompanies by complete apnea, where I couldn't breath for about 5-10 seconds, which was utterly terrifying.  

I am glad that you are feeling better now.  It would probably be wise to discuss the situation with your doctor if you experience these symptoms again, just to confirm that it isn't something more serious.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well, here's hope: It didn't happen this morning :)

I doubt it was sleep paralysis considering I was awake for at least 30 minutes prior to the incident.
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