The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 100912


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Chapter 50   Informing the herd

Not only must the message be correctly delivered, but the messenger himself must be such as to recommend it to acceptance.
― Joseph Barber Lightfoot

The fast biter watched as the bright circle rose across the horizon.  The dark shades of night disappeared under the radiant gleam of the sunrise.  A symphony of colors: reds, oranges, and yellows; emanated from the rising orb.  However the brightening sky did not match the mood of the morose fast biter at all.  To her a cloud still hung in the air.  An absence, a loss, which would not be lifted.  It was as if she were going through life while missing one of her senses.  It all seemed unreal somehow.  Shallow.  Fake.


Spike's voice seemed far away to Breeze, for she was still lost in her thoughts.  She still longed for the close friend who would never return.  The fast biter that she had considered a brother.  She had restrained these feelings while they were fleeing to the protection of Littlefoot's pack, but she could not restrain them anymore.  The absence had now festered into a chasm.  A chasm that she felt was insurmountable.  It was only when Spike placed a comforting hand on her shoulder that she broke out of her trance.

"Hey.  Are you alright?"

She sighed.  She supposed that there was no reason to lie.  With a slow shake of the head she indicated her answer in the negative.  She was not alright.  She was absolutely mournful.  With trembling claws she awaited the onslaught of questions.  The concerned looks.  The needlessly in-depth interrogation.  She awaited the inevitable.

But it never came.  Instead, Spike simply sat beside her and watched the bright circle rise.  No words were exchanged.  No intrusive glances were made.  He simply sat beside her while she watched the radiant orb rise into the sky.  She found this demeanor odd, but she did not resist his company.  It felt good to have another warm body beside hers.  A presence which was not imposing like Taunt, nor controlling like Littlefoot, nor ponderous like Ruby.  But rather a presence that simply was there for whenever she wanted to open up.  She hadn't had that since...  since...

Since Skytail.

She barely noticed the comforting embrace while she wept.  Her emotions, which had been restrained for so long, were now pouring out like a flood.  All of the anger.  All of the sadness.  All of the regret.  It all came out like a confusing symphony of misery and torment.  It was a purge of deepest feelings in her soul and like a flood, it was uncontrollable and feral.  It was only when her whimpers died down and she was shaking like a leaf that she noticed that Spike had supported her the whole time.  Not judging.  Not interpreting.  Just being there when she needed.  For that she was eternally grateful.

"Sorry..."  She choked out.  "I was... I was..."

Spike calmed her with a few soft words.  "It's okay.  You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Breeze shook her head.  "No...  I think I want to.  I've kept it inside for too long."  She took in a sucking breath.  "I miss him so much...  He was like a brother to me."

Spike nodded, while not breaking the embrace.  "Skytail?"

Breeze nodded against his shoulder.  But Spike did not say anything further, he was waiting for her to talk when she was ready.  After a few moments, she spoke again.

"He... was like a brother to me, you know?  His parents took me in when I was orphaned... When I had no one..."  She took a few moments to catch her bearings.  Spike did not interrupt but simply gave her the time that she needed.  "I thought of him like a brother... but I guess I also thought of him as something more."  She choked back a sob.  "I wanted to spend my life with him.  And now he's gone!"

The crying was more violent this time now that the truth was out.  Spike, for his part, leaned back in order to accept more of the mournful fast biter's weight.  Several minutes went by before Spike decided to speak again.

"He isn't truly gone, you know?"

As the grey fast biter looked at him with a confused expression, he continued.

"You remember him.  You remember his songs, his deeds, his love..."  He then pointed at her chest.  "As long as you have that then he will always be in your heart."

She shook violently at this statement.  "But that won't bring him back!"

Spike didn't react to her outburst, but instead continued.  "No.  We won't see him until it is our time to move on...  Until then we can only live in a way that would make him proud of us."  He then smiled at her.  "That is the way that we honor his memory."

Breeze was silent for several moments as she leaned against the green fast biter.  For his part, Spike was silent as well.  His existence as a mute leaf-eater having taught him the value of silence.  After a few moments, however, Breeze spoke again.

"Thank you, Finder."  She sighed mournfully.  "I just need some time to sort out things."

Spike nodded.  "If you need any help you know where I am."

Breeze broke away then.  She rose to her feet and tried to stand alone for a few minutes.  Spike did not budge, but rather stayed put in a show of continued support and concern.  After a few moments, Breeze regained her composure and addressed the green fast biter once more.

"Taunt means well... but he would have overwhelmed me with concern.  How did you..."  She trailed off.  Not sure of her question.

Spike fortunately understood what she was getting at.

"I was mute as a leaf-eater."  This caught Breeze off-guard.  Her facial expression indicated surprise mixed in with pity.  "I learned the value of silence and when it was best to listen."  Spike answered plainly.  "Sometimes those who speak too much miss what it is truly important."

Breeze now smiled for the first time that day.  "Well thank you, Spike.  I think that I am okay now."  Her next actions, however, caught the former spiketail by surprise.

She licked him on the cheek.

As he looked at her in surprise, she gave an embarrassed smile and quickly sprinted away.  He was pleased that she had obtained her emotional catharsis, but was confused by her gesture.  What did all of that mean?  He was frozen in that position for several moments until the sound of flapping wings caught his attention.

"Oh no!  They looking at tail here too!"  Came the mocking response from the flyer.

Spike growled in a mixture of amusement and annoyance.  "Oh, shut it, beak-face!"  Then, realizing the implications of Petrie's return, he turned towards the flyer and asked.  "Wait!  How did it go?  Did your uncle get the job done?"

Petrie shrugged.  "Me tell uncle, but it up to him to do the rest."  The flyer then took on a more contemplative expression.  "But a lot going on!  Bad stuff!"

Spike sighed.  "Well, knowing our luck it couldn't be good news now could it?  Let's go get the others..."

As Spike and Petrie headed to where the others were sleeping, the bright circle continued to rise in the sky.  It began to rise into the clouds, as the clouds' shadows began to cover the ground.  But was this an omen of light conquering the darkness or an allusion to darker days to come?


The Red Coast:

Nunti stared at the display in front of him with a mixture of amusement, interest, and disgust.

Despite being rather young, he was not entirely ignorant of the facts of life.  He knew how to care for himself, how to collect food, and how to get along with the other flyers in his herd.  However, he was still extremely young and as a result he often found himself making mistakes which led to ridicule by others in his current herd.  In fact, the only member of the traveling herd that seemed to give him the time of day was Pterano.  When he panicked at the approach of the small sharptooth flyer, the others ridiculed him but Pterano had sat him down and explained to him the importance of keeping your eyes open.

"So you see, young one, it is important to keep your eyes open.  You never know when even a small detail could be what saves you."

Nunti pondered this for a moment, before responding to the elder.  He was the first adult that had spent any time talking to him since he left his mother's nest.  The first year of his independence was quite a lonely one...

"But shouldn't we be afraid of all sharpbeaks?  Even if he was just a small one..."

Pterano nodded.  "It depends.  You are now at the Time of Great Growing, so you are probably safe from a single sharpbeak, but if there are many of them and they are hungry... then that could be quite a different situation."  He then seemed to think for a moment.  "Most sharpbeaks eat fish, so usually they are only a threat to our young."

Nunti nodded.  "So that's why my mother would be so afraid of them..."

Pterano beamed at the young flyer.  "Exactly."

Nunti still had a question, however.  "It is odd that they can't speak.  They must be stupider than us."

Pterano shook his head at this.  "Not quite, they can be quite intelligent."  His eyes seemed to take on a darker expression, as if he were remembering an unpleasant memory.  ...dangerously intelligent.  Some can even speak out language."

"They can!?"  Nunti had never heard of that possibility.

Pterano nodded.  "Indeed.  Though I would be cautious of believing what they have to say.  Many of the other leaf-eaters ignore them since they usually eat fish and they can't be chased off by the ground-walkers...  But they can be devious when it suits them."

Nunti took a hard look at Pterano.  "It sounds like that you know this first-hand."

Pterano didn't answer but simply resumed eating his meal.  He obviously did not want to speak further on the matter.

As the memory of his first conversation with Pterano faded from his recollection, his attention again turned to the scene in front of him.  He almost wished that Pterano were here to tell him what all of this meant.

He was sitting near the coast with some of the adolescent males and disinterested females.  Some of the older mothers would not breed, but they would still congregate to wish their newly adult daughters luck in the courtship rituals.  Likewise, many of the weaker or less successful males would stand apart from the display and simply watch for an opportunity.  Most females would only mate with the strongest males, which had the most impressive crests.  However, there was always the occasional female with odd tastes in a mate.  These were the females for which all of the other males would be on the lookout.  It was their only chance really.

Nunti only knew the basics of courtship and as a result, most of the particulars confused him greatly.  Why were the males squawking at one another while waving their head crests at one another?  Why did most of the females find this alluring?  When would he be expected to participate in this ritual?  Would he even stand a chance once he reached full size?

He then turned his head back to the females which were waiting by the shore.  The older females were holding back and occasionally whispering to their daughters.  They were undoubtedly assisting them pick the better 'champions' in order to ensure that their bloodlines remained strong.  The non-participating males, however, had no such whispers of encouragement or guidance.  Only the females were aware of their extended bloodlines, with many generations of females keeping track of one another, whereas the fathers did not participate in the raising of children.  As a result, an odd paradox developed.  The males were in many ways the most unbound in flyer society, being free to mate with as many females as they wishes provided that they were the most impressive of a highly competitive field.  However, at the same time, they were forced upon the end of their childhoods to enter this competitive world with no guidance, no support, and no easy prospects.  Whether Nunti became a dominant male in the future or a lifelong bachelor, he knew that his fate was truly in his hands.  It was both liberating and terrifying.  

It was these haunting thoughts which burdened his mind on this day.  He was truly on his own.  It was with these morose thoughts that Nunti realized that he needed to create a new support network.  He needed to find like-minded friends.  If he couldn't find that in his current flyer herd, then perhaps he could join with one of the countless others that were currently here?  It was that final thought that was interrupted by a sudden voice from behind him.

"Ah, Nunti!  How goes your first gathering?"

Nunti jumped at the sudden incursion.  However, upon registering who was talking to him, he immediately turned around and responded.

"Pterano!  I figured that you were... well... you know..."

Pterano froze for a moment, before laughing.  "Afraid not, young one.  I long settled on the solitary life..."  Pterano then looked at the females which were congregated all over the coast.  "What about you?  See any that strike your fancy?"

Nunti snorted.  "Until I am older and stronger it might be better for me to not look too closely..."

Pterano nodded.  "True.  Very true."  He then turned his attention back to the cliffs and the ongoing dominance displays which were still going on full force.  "It seems that neither of us has any work left for us here, except to wait for the herds to separate again."  The elder flyer then looked at Nunti with an odd expression.  "I seem to have a problem, Nunti."

Nunti was taken aback by this.  Pterano had just used his actual name, instead of calling him 'young one'.  Obviously something serious was going on.  With that in mind, he listened carefully.  "What problem is that, Pterano?"

Pterano sighed.  "I have just been given a messenger mission from some close friends of mine...  Some friends that I owe some favors to..."  His beak shook a bit on that statement, but he continued.  "I need to do this, but I cannot be the one to do this."

Nunti was perplexed, but he did not interrupt.  "They want me to give a message to the Great Valley.  I trust that you know of the place?"  At Nunti's nod, he continued.  "I got into... some trouble there... so I cannot be the one to give the message."  He sighed again.  "They can't even know that I was the one who was given the message... Someone else needs to be the one to spread the news."

Nunti interrupted at this point.  "I will do it."  At Pterano's surprised expression, he continued.  "There is nothing for me here.  At least nothing this season...  You have been a great help to me, sir.  Let me help you now."

Pterano opened his beak slightly, before closing it again.  It seemed that Pterano was stunned by his sudden acceptance.  His beak may have communicated surprise, but his eyes conveyed pride.  He was pleased with the younger flyer.

"Such eagerness and kind-heartedness.  You remind me of someone that I used to know, Nunti.  I trust that you will grow up to be just as courageous as he is."  Pterano praised.

Nunti took a slight bow.  "You honor me, sir."

Pterano retorted.  "I am endangering you."

"Sometimes they are the same thing."  Nunti countered.

Pterano nodded.  "True..."  With a slight pause, he sighed and continued.  "This will be a rather long message.  I trust that your mother told you of how messengers do their work?"

Nunti smiled and gave an enthusiastic boast.  "I was the best in my nest!  You can count on me!"

Pterano laughed.  "Good... Good..."  He then cleared his throat and took on a more serious expression.  "All right...  This is what you need to tell the valley..."


The Land of Shallow Waters:

"Is everyone here?"

The entire pack was assembled.  Like a sentinel, Chomper stood at Littlefoot's right side, while Ruby and Cera were assembled to Littlefoot's left.  Spike, Ducky, Breeze, and Petrie were some distance away and were talking amongst themselves.  There was obviously a sense of excitement amongst the pack as they were about to carry out a journey that many of them thought that they would never undertake.  A journey to the Great Valley.  A journey to their old home.  Their reaction was completely understandable.  

However, at this point it was also counterproductive.

"Hey everyone!"  Chomper yelled.  "Listen up!"

At the sudden outburst, everyone started to calm down and look towards the four at the front of the group.  They were now ready to get to work.

"We have all heard what Petrie has to say."  Littlefoot affirmed.  "Now we need to make sure that we are ready for this."  At this point he turned towards Taunt and Breeze.  "Have you two decided on what you want to do?"

After a pause, Breeze stepped forward.  She had a neutral expression on her face.  "I guess that we have worked out a deal with your parents, Path."  She turned her expression towards Chomper.  "They need help to defend our territory, so Thud will help guard the place."

Cera sputtered at this news.  "What!?"

Taunt shrugged and stepped forward himself.  "We were able to talk them into it.  My father will help guard the place and if he fails..."

Littlefoot did not hide his surprise in his expression.  "I am sure that your dad will do fine.  But how did you convince Dein and Terri?  They aren't exactly the most..."

Cera offered the missing word.  "...diplomatic?"

Littlefoot snorted.  "Yeah."

Breeze then responded to their query.  "They know what this trip means to all of you and they didn't want to split the pack...  Plus Thud did prove himself by saving me and Breeze.  Dein did make us promise one thing, however."

Ruby was curious.  "What was that?"

Breeze's mouth quivered for a moment.  "Guess we're going to be on run-down duty for a cycle of the night circle."

Run-down duty was euphemism for being the ones charged with chasing prey into the range of the larger sharpteeth.  Although they had started out hunting in such a manner, it was now seen as somewhat demeaning as both two-footers were capable of hunting on their own and the pack was well-trained to hunt as a unit.  This duty did not really trouble them in terms of inconvenience, but it did hurt their pride.  Which was more pressing to some members of the pack than others...

"What?!  What does he think that we are?  His lackeys?!"

With some humor, Chomper answered truthfully.  "Yep."  At Cera's enraged look, he continued.  "My mommy and daddy are the bigger sharpteeth.  We have to do what they say."

With some annoyance, Cera grunted and dug at the ground with her talons.  But she refrained from giving a retort.  Dein and Terri had done so much for them, so this additional chore was not too much to ask.  Especially if they were going to guard their territory in their absence and even tolerate Thud's presence.  However, Cera was not one to admit she was wrong, so she simply gave a huff and walked backwards some distance.  She would not rage against the decision, but she would not embrace with open arms either.

Littlefoot sighed.  "Well, looks like we have some work ahead of us then.  But I am glad that you two will be able to join us.  It wouldn't be right for you two to be left behind after... after all that has happened."  The death of Skytail was still fresh in everyone's mind.  It seemed that the Taunt and Breeze were recovering nicely after finally meeting up with their surviving friends.  They knew that they couldn't replace Skytail, Vigilant, or Scarflank, but they could still be there for the two fast biters.  Their reality was not what it once was, but they knew that they would be united for whatever may come.  All of this was left unsaid, but some of the most profound truths did not need to be acknowledged, they simply needed to be lived.  

At that point, Taunt said another truth that had not yet spoken.  "You're going to warn the Great Valley about Red Claw, but what if he attacks while we are there?"  His words came down on the others like an avalanche of boulders.  Each had simply assumed that they had time to warn the adults and for them to seek shelter elsewhere.  But what if... "Do you think that Breeze and I would simply let you fight alone?  If you fight then we fight.  We are a pack after all!"

Littlefoot was about to acknowledge Taunt's affirmation of friendship when the tender moment was interrupted by a sudden roar.


At the sudden roar of Terri, everyone turned and saw that Chomper's two parents were approaching.  Chomper took the opportunity to sprint after them and after a few moments he embraced his mother's massive foot.  His efforts in turn earned him a nuzzle from Terri's snout.  This was a gesture that was repeated by Dein as well.  It was obvious that the three sharpteeth were getting their goodbyes out of the way before their epic journey.  They had trust in Chomper's friends, but they still were concerned for his well-being.  The well wishes were both unnecessary and certain.  By giving their consent to this venture, they were putting a massive responsibility on Littlefoot's shoulders.

Seeing that his friend was saying his goodbyes to his parents, Littlefoot looked at the other members.  Despite being eager to get the journey started, his voice conveyed noticeable fatigue.  "Well guys, let's go get my dad and Doc.  It is time for us to get started."

At that point, Cera asked the obvious question.  "How do you think your dad and Doc are going to take the news about Red Claw?"

Littlefoot simply turned towards his yellow companion with a somewhat menacing expression.

"I feel sorry for any other sharpteeth we happen to meet on the way to the valley."

Cera nodded at this and gave a slight smile.  They all knew that the longnecks would be on board for the defense or evacuation of Haven Valley.  Now all that awaited them was the journey there and the long overdue reunion.  Uncertain days lay ahead for the band of unlikely packmates, but they all knew that they were in this together.


The Haven Valley:

"So that's why fire rocks can form such sharp points."

Mr. Thicknose nodded at the male rainbowface's words.  Chronos, was his name if he remembered correctly.  He had always wondered why the black stones from smoking mountains, or fire rocks as they were called, could be so brittle and form such fine points when broken.  But the other dinosaur's explanation was quite interesting.  He never realized that the rock had bubbles in its...

Mr. Thicknose frowned as he could see that the female rainbowface, Logos, was now whispering in agitation at Chronos.  For his part, Chronos had the expression of a child caught stealing from a sweet bubble tree.  He couldn't make out what the female was saying, but he couldn't escape the thought that him being told of this little piece of knowledge might have caused a domestic dispute of some kind.  It was odd that Chronos only shared his little bits of wisdom with him when the female wasn't around.  This was odd behavior for a male to hide details from his mate.  Logos is his mate, isn't she?  I have only seen mates argue like this.  In either case, Mr. Thicknose knew nothing of such romantic matters besides what he picked up from others.  His knowledge on all subjects was mainly limited to what he heard from farwalkers on their journeys across the world.  But he had never gained as much knowledge on the mundane and celestial, rocks and stars, as what he had picked up from these rainbowfaces.  It made him wonder where those two had come from.

"What have I told you about discussing..."

"It caused absolutely no harm, I assure you..."

"Blah... Blah... Blah... Are you even listening to yourself?"

Mr. Thicknose sighed.  He knew better than to intervene in such domestic squabbles, but he really felt sorry for Chronos and he most certainly did not relish the possibility that their little chats could be coming to an end.  It was odd anyway, the female had told him a few things as well when the male wasn't present.  Then why would she...  Ah... Mr. Thicknose smiled slightly as he came up with an idea to save Chronos from the verbal onslaught.  His words interrupted the argument with all the subtlety of a rock crashing into a stream.

"Oh, Logos!  There you are.  Nice of you to join us."  He then cleared his throat slightly as she tersely looked his way.  "I wanted to thank you for telling me about those healing treestars.  Those will come in handy the next time someone gets stung by a flying buzzer."

In an instant the Logos's facial expression fell into a personification of defeat, whereas Chronos looked at her with a mix of disbelief and amusement.   He looked like a threehorn does right after he obtains his horns.  The tables had turned quite suddenly.

"Oh... So you exchanged some information, did you?"  Chronos responded with a smirk.

Logos made a placative gesture.  "It was for the health of the younglings.  They could get hurt and if I could help..."  She then looked down in an expression of uncertainty.  She then responded in a whisper that Mr. Thicknose could barely hear.  "I don't know where to draw the line anymore."

Chronos's expression softened somewhat, but he still had one biting remark left.  "What happened to being the 'Commander'?  What happened to avoiding contamination?"

Logos walked over to Chronos and, placing a hand on his shoulder, began to whisper into his ear.

Mr. Thicknose shifted uncomfortably as the two had an extended exchange via whispers and gestures.  He couldn't make out a word that they were saying, nor could he deduce on whether he should leave or not.  He was never the best at reading the body language and intentions of other dinosaurs, which was why he often kept to himself even in his younger days.  However, he did not want to interfere with their private resolution, so he quietly began to move away from the duo.  He simply hoped that he would be able to talk to them again.  The rainbowfaces were good company and he would miss their discussions if they ever left.

A good conversation is hard to come by...

The rainbowfaces intervened before he could even finish that final thought.

"Mr. Thicknose?"  

At the sound of his name being called, he turned towards the source.  He noted with some trepidation that it was Logos.

"We... uh...  We will talk to you tomorrow.  There is plenty more that we can tell you about rocks and healing plants, but first me and my friend need to talk about some things..."

Mr. Thicknose's mind somewhat doubted that the designation of 'friend' was sufficient after the display that he had just seen, but he wisely kept that deduction from reaching his mouth.  Instead, he simply wished them well.

"I look forward to it.  See you two tomorrow then."

Seeing the two rainbowfaces leave, he chuckled to himself.  Oh, to be young and in love...  He mused.  I never bothered with it.  It seemed like too much trouble. With the thoughts of the rainbowfaces out of his mind for a moment, he turned to eating the vegetation from a nearby tree.  His hunger was ignored while he engaged with his marathon conversation with the rainbowface, but now that the distraction had departed his hunger returned in full force.  As a result, he engorged himself on the plentiful leaves as if he hadn't eaten in days.  His furious eating was eventually interrupted however, by an angry scream from nearby.

"Who do you think you are?!  Our children are dead!"

Mr. Thicknose stopped for a moment.  Some unfortunate fool had upset Topps and was now paying the price.  However, the event of Topps going unhinged was not a rare occurrence, so Mr. Thicknose resumed his slow eating.  It was only when he heard another voice join in the chorus of condemnation that he took serious notice.

"Who put you up to tricking us?  Have you no shame?!"

The sound of Grandma Longneck yell in a rage was a different circumstance all together.  With a mixture of curiosity and concern, he rushed in the direction where the voices were.


"The message that I give is true."

Mr. Thicknose could now see the agitated scene in front of him.  Volant had just struck the poor flyer and was shouting almost incompressible threats in his direction.  Whatever he was saying had upset them beyond the point of no return.

"Your children are alive."

His mouth went agape.  Mr. Thicknose had heard some unbelievable tales in his life, but this was absolutely beyond the pale.  The children were most certainly dead.  They had seen the sharpteeth leave the valley.  They had seen the Stone of Cold Fire turn dark in the alley's grief.  Bron had discovered his son's bones.  There was no doubt that the children were dead.  To have someone send the valley a messenger that was obviously trying to trick them.  To give them false hope.  It was unconscionable.  

"I can prove it!"  The flyer spoke in a panic as the other flyers were now circling around him with murderous intent.  "I was told five things that only the children's parents would know!"  As Volant continued to advance on him, he screamed.  "Please!  I am just the messenger!  Do you have no shame?!"

"Stop."  Volant spoke in a frightening monotone as she continued to advance right into the flyer's face.  "Give us your 'proof' flyer.  After it fails to convince us then you can tell us who sent you..."  Her next words were spoken in a silent rage that even made Mr. Thicknose feel disturbed.  "Either they will pay the price... or you will.  I lost my son... my son... and I will not have his memory mocked."  The flyer was now quaking at the mother's threat.  "Now speak!"

The male flyer sucked in a breath.  He obviously knew that his life... or the life of his sender... was hanging in the balance.  Wasting no time, he began to speak.

"Mr. Threehorn?  Your daughter's proof is the story of what she did when she was hatched."  He cleared his throat in fear.  "When she was only half hatched she rammed into your mate's nose and her egg broke."

Topps interjected at this point.  "Many threehorns hatch by ramming into things!  It is part of who we are!"

The flyer resumed, now visibly shaking and closing his eyes.  "She continues, by saying that she then attacked a stinking buzzer, which sprayed her in the face.  Or at least that was the story that you told her when she asked."

To the shock of everyone present, Topps collapsed to the ground as Tria rushed to his side.  The longnecks ran to his side as well and silence descended upon the rest of the gathered adults.  Mr. Thicknose found himself wondering what caused this sudden reaction, when Topps's mournful cry answered the question for everyone in the valley.

"Only I told her that!"  He sucked in a breath as a painful sob emanated from the threehorn.  "She made me promise to tell no one else.  She didn't want anyone to know that the buzzer defeated her."

Silence descended upon the valley.  No one dared speak a word as the threehorns try to comfort one another.  After a few moments, however, a soft voice broke through the cloak of quiet.

"Mama Flyer?"  It was the male flyer.  At her name being called, Volant turned in slow trepidation.  "Your son's proof is the story of what happened when you flew away and left him in the nest..."

As the secrets were told to the assembled adults, a chorus of disbelieving cries echoed across the valley.  The amazing truth was shattering everything that they thought they knew.  But it opened up more questions than answer.  Where were they and why had they not returned?  Why did they not come and tell the adults themselves?  Why did they leave Chomper and thus subject him to the wrath of the parents?  Where did those sharpteeth come from?  But none of those were as important as one question.

"Are they okay?!"  That question came from Ura, Ducky's mother.  "Are my babies alright?!"

The male flyer answered slowly.  "They are fine or so my sender tells me."  He paused for a moment, struggling to remember the rest of his message.  Between being threatened with death and being constantly interrupted, the adults weren't making his job easy.  In fact, after this experience he resolved to never be a messenger flyer again.  "They are coming here to reunite with all of you."  At this news, all of the parents rejoiced until the flyer continued.

"But... they want you to meet them just outside the valley.  Their parents only."

Volant did not understand this request.  "Why?"

The flyer then finished his statement.  "The very last thing that they told me is that they had changed and they wanted to explain it to their parents first."

Confused muttering broke out amongst the crowd as this cryptic statement was processed by everyone present.  What did they mean by change?  What changes could they not tell their parents about while they were in the valley?  

For his part, the male flyer edged backwards in preparation for fleeing from the valley.  He was quite finished with this place and their residents.  Right now, he simply wanted to escape with his life and sanity intact.  No wonder why Pterano got into some trouble here!  He thought to himself.  They're all crazy!  Pterano must have been the only sane person here before he left! As the meeting continued around him, he flapped his wings and took flight.  No one stopped him.


As the confused questions continued to circulate around the impromptu meeting, one voice arose out of the crowd.  It was Topps.

"I... I think that I may know what happened..."  

Several of the adults now began to move in Topps's direction in order to hear his explanation.  Mr. Thicknose was one of them.  The revelations of this day had shattered his view of life and death.  It also threw everything that he thought he knew about what happened to the children.  It was great that they were still alive, but it was also created a great many unanswered questions.  He was eager to begin finding out the answers.  That was when Topps spoke again.

"I think that it may have to do with the Stone of Cold Fire.  It reminds me of a tale that I heard once..."

As Topps went into his amazing tale, Mr. Thicknose was only tangentially aware of the two rainbowfaces who were watching the scene from beside him.  As a result, he did not hear the comment from Logos.

"So it begins..."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Member+
  • Cera
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So the truth is out,I bet they will be quite shocked just how much their children have changed.

Well I guess with Bron and Doc with them,it would be somewhat easier then if they just turned up alone as a pack of fastbiters claiming they were the gang.

I look forward to seeing how that plays out,I've been awaiting the reunion between the gang and their families for so long,true Littlefoot has Bron,Chomper and Ruby have their parents. But I so want to see the others see their parents again,and Littlefoot his grandparents. Look like I finally will ^^.

I am now wondering what the rest of the gangs secrets were,like Ducky and Littlefoot''re evil.

Anyway,great job  :exactly,can't wait until they get to the valley,thats what I want to see most. But take your time  :yes


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Thanks for the review, Nahla.  :) I hope that you enjoy the latest installment.  I should have it posted in a few minutes.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 51   Journey to the valley

“You can't go home again”
― Thomas Wolfe

Dein was not an introspective sharptooth by nature, but as he chewed on the recently killed swimmer, he had time to think about their current situation.  His son and his friends had just departed for the Haven Valley, or so the leaf-eaters had named it.  As with so many other things in sharptooth society, the sharptooth name of the place referred to a story of a sharptooth who had lived there once.  It was called Brekan's Gulch, so named after the legendary sharptooth who had fought his first battle there.  With the news about Red Claw planning something, Dein had been hesitant to let Chomper go.  The meeting was quite contentious.

"But I have to go with my friends!  They need me!"

Terri roared in disagreement.  "We have nearly lost you too many times!  I will not allow you to go into a death trap!"

Chomper shook his head.  "It is not a death trap!  My friends will be there and the longnecks..."

"...who tried to kill you?"  Dein interrupted.

Chomper protested this.  "But that was before they knew that I didn't kill my friends!  They are helping us now!"

Terri took a deep breath and answered sternly.  "No.  I will not permit it."

Dein sighed at the memory.  He had never seen his son argue about something so passionately in his life.  Chomper desperately wanted to be there for his friends and to confront those who had tried to kill him months before.  It was clear that this was a matter of honor to Chomper.  This was simply something that he had to resolve.

"I am a member of a pack!  I go where the pack goes!"  Chomper roared.  It was unlike Chomper to openly contradict his parents besides an occasional whine when he was younger.  Now, however, he was engaging in open defiance.  Such actions, if taken by an adult sharptooth, would lead to the dinosaur in question being chased from the larger sharptooth's territory.  ...if not worse.  This change in tone was not lost on his parents.

"Watch yourself, Path."  Dein spoke in a cold monotone.

Chomper seethed.  "They all have fought with me and Seeker nearly died... What kind of coward would I be if I didn't face this danger with them?!  Would I even be worthy of a pack name?"  The insinuation was obvious; he was accusing his parents of forcing him to betray his vow of packhood.  He was also accusing them of forcing him to be a coward.  There was no shame in running away from a fight where you would surely lose, but there was shame in not standing with your allies in their time of need.  With that in mind, he continued.

"You can't ask that of me.  You don't have the right."

Silence prevailed for the next few moments, as neither Dein nor Terri could believe Chomper's challenge.  They were his parents.  They could demand anything they wanted of their own flesh and blood.  However, Chomper's claim of right was not entirely unjustified.  Chomper was effectively being forced to serve two masters in their current arrangement: his parents and the pack.  Up until now there had been little disagreement between the two, and even when there was the pack would acquiesce to their two benefactors.  Now, however, Chomper had clearly indicated which of the two sides he would favor.  He was choosing the pack over his parents.  He was choosing emancipation over security.  Technically they could make a further demand of him.  They could force him on threat of death or dismemberment to stay in the Land of Shallow Waters.  But each of the sharpteeth present knew that would not happen.  Chomper had chosen his path and now each would have to learn to accept the consequences.

"You do realize what you are getting yourself into?"  Terri asked softly.  Her agitation had now turned to sadness.  Each two-footer sharptooth eventually grew tired of living under their parent's rule and would strike off on their own, but not while they were as young as Chomper.  But he was already a member of a pack at this point, so that changed things.

Chomper nodded.  "I do."

Dein stood expressionless.  His mouth twitched for a few fleeting moments as if he were about to snap or break down.  But nothing came.  With a deep shuddering breath, he gave a simple response.

"Then depart from the nest, Path.  Go to your pack."

It was only when Chomper had departed from their sight that Dein allowed himself to cry.

Dein shook his head at the memory.  He was glad that he had swallowed enough of his pride to wish his son well prior to the pack's journey.  Chomper may no longer be welcome at the nest, but he was still his son.  Even if he had to be considered a 'guest' along with the other members of the pack.  His demand of having the pack perform run-down duty for a month was also a kind of reconciliation in disguise.  To allow another sharptooth to stay in your territory without asking for anything in return either indicated that you did not feel that they were a threat or it was an act of mercy on a weaker rival.  Neither situation often applied, which is why that arrangement was seldom used.  However, to allow a rival to stay while demanding tribute in return was a sign of respect.  It showed that the stronger sharptooth acknowledged the usefulness of the other party.  It was a show of respect.  The former leaf-eaters may not have understood the full significance of the gesture, but he knew that Chomper, Taunt, and Breeze did.

Dein's thoughts were interrupted by heavy breathing to his right.  Glancing back at his mate, he could see that she was still troubled by the events of the day.  Not only had her son left the nest, but he was now on a journey which could be treacherous despite the number of his packmates and the size of their allies.  Like any mother, she was worried for his wellbeing.

"We should have gone with him."  Terri chastised herself.  "He shouldn't have to go alone."

Dein sighed.  "He isn't alone.  He is with the best and only friends that he has known.  He couldn't have better allies."  He then looked at her with a bemused eye.  "Plus you know that we cannot leave the territory.  It is far harder to reclaim lost territory than it is to keep what you have.  Not to mention, I don't think the residents of the valley would like us to pay a visit."  He then added under his breath.  "And unless they are offering a free meal, I am not inclined to visit them either."

Terri snorted in exasperation at her mate.  "Oh, you are horrible!"

Dein gave a toothy smile.  He was pleased that his usual snarkiness had helped bring her out of her funk.  "Hey, you knew what you were getting into when you decided to become my mate."

With a sigh, she nodded and the two nuzzled for a moment.  Each stood silently watching the bright circle descend where the pack had departed.  It was a beautiful sight, but it seemed somewhat lacking without a youngling in the nest.  After a few moments, however, Dein thought about the practicalities of their situation and gave a suggestion.

"I guess that we should check up on Thud."  He snorted.  It was hard to believe that Red Claw's former ally was now serving their will, but he was not displeased with this arrangement.  After all, Thud had shown his good intentions by saving the pack's allies.  "Let's make sure Calin hasn't decided to show up again."

Little did he know that Calin was far, far away.


The Mysterious Beyond:

"And only two came back..."

Red Claw's cold roar could be heard across the bluffs.  The fast biters had returned, but Goron was noticeably absent.  In fact, several were missing now that Red claw took a rough head count.  There also were no new faces to be seen.  Thus, even before Calin spoke, Red Claw could tell that their mission had not gone well.

"Yes, sir."  Zarc answered with obvious trepidation.  

Red Claw blinked.  Why was Calin's underling answering him?  

Zarc continued his response.  "The mission did not go well."

"Is Calin not capable of speaking for himself, biter?"  Came Red Claw's reply.  Normally such a break in decorum would result in the upstart being struck down, but Red Claw suspected something else was at work here so he resisted his impulse.  Besides, the fact that Calin was not subduing Zarc for answering in his place meant something as well.

"I have replaced him as leader."  Zarc answered him plainly.  To say that this caught Red Claw by surprise would be an understatement.  After all, Calin was still standing.  Why would Zarc leave a potential rival in a position to challenge him again?  It made no sense.  With that in mind, Red Claw ignored his displeasure about the mission going badly for a moment and briefly addressed the matter of leadership of the fast biters.

"You have taken leadership without killing Calin?  This is most irregular."

Zarc swallowed and decided to follow the alibi that the two had come up with.  "I bested him in fair combat, but he is too useful to simply kill.  I spared him on the condition that he swore fidelity to me."

For his part, Calin was situated at Zarc's side, but a full step behind where the new leader was situated.  It was a show of subservience, but also support.  It indicated to the other fast biter's that Calin was under Zarc's protection.  Obviously this was the only thing keeping the tan fast biter alive at this point.  None of the pack members were stupid enough to attack the pack leader's second-in-command.  An attack on him would be the same as an attack on the leader himself.

Red Claw gave a toothy grin.  "And to me of course."

Zarc nodded.  "Of course."

Red Claw pondered this for a moment.  If what Rinkus had told him was true, Calin was planning on some kind of usurpation, either against Red Claw or Calin's rivals in the pack.  He could have Calin killed right now for such plotting, but this event seemed to confirm something in Red Claw's mind.  Calin was simply thinking about his position in the pack and trying to ensure his survival.   No fast biter can take me down.  Red Claw affirmed in his mind.   This is an internal fast biter matter.  As long as they fight amongst themselves, they will not dare go after me. With that, he decided to keep this new development under wraps for the time being.  Zarc had replaced Calin and soon Calin would replace Zarc.  Either way, the infighting between the fast biters would keep them his pawns until his mission was over.  That was all that mattered.

Zarc then turned back to the matter of the mission, which interrupted Red Claw's thoughts.

"I apologize for the failure, sir.  It was Goron's fault, but I am leader now and I must take responsibility."

Red Claw snorted.  "Then you are ready to die?"

"Uh... No."  Zarc paled at Red Claw's sudden turn to savagery.

Red Claw laughed at this.  Zarc has more honor than brains... He will not last long.  

Zarc had been one of the few members recruited into the pack that didn't have to kill a loved one.  He simply killed two of Calin's packmates who had attacked him and he was promptly allowed to 'join' the pack.  As a result, he had not had the soul-crushing weight of familicide break his sense of honor and duty.  This made him quite different than the other members of the pack.  Less manipulable.  Less corruptible.  That being said, Red Claw knew that he could count on Zarc's obedience as any disloyalty on his part would lead to someone else taking his place.  With that firmly in mind, Red Claw resumed speaking.

"There has been a change in plans.  The residents of the valley have moved to Brekan's Gulch.  This is fortunate for us and most unfortunate for them."  He gave a toothy grin.  "We are not strong enough to kill them all and to make our presence known to the herds, but we can weaken them for the final assault.  Tonight we begin our journey!"

Red Claw pretended to ignore the muffled moans of the fast biter's who had just gone done with a grueling journey of their own and instead focused on the task at hand.  His fast biter minions were not large in number, but they were brutal in their methods.  However, he knew that he had exhausted the potential of using fear and force alone.  He knew that he would not be able to annihilate the residents of the valley with his current forces, but he could still arrange a significant raid.  If he can show the nearby packs the rewards of following him in the fading autumn, then they will surely follow him in the coming spring with even greater treasure being promised!  One way or another he would have his revenge!  On this night, just as on any other night, one thought sustained him.

The valley will fall.


Elsewhere in the Mysterious Beyond:

As the bright circle departed behind the distant horizon, a single longneck watched the light fade from the desolate expanse that he found himself in.  The Mysterious Beyond, as barren and depressing as it always was, seemed to match his gloomy mood.  There was nothing certain, nothing tangible here.  Only darkness, shadows, and the unknown awaited them.  But despite how foreboding the land seemed, nothing was as desolate as his current mental state.  He didn't know what to think anymore.  He had been the most accepting of his brother's change into a carnivore, but seeing him eat another dinosaur made something snap in his mind.  Gone was the view of gently Littlefoot being trapped in the body of a sharptooth.  Now only the image of Littlefoot the sharptooth remained.  A killer.  A threat.  A danger.  It was something that his mind simply couldn't reconcile with the adopted brother that he used to know.

"Shorty?  May I talk to you for a moment?"

Shorty shuddered at the sudden intrusion by Littlefoot's voice.  He had assumed that he was alone out here.  He had made sure to leave his adopted father, Doc, and the pack behind.  However, it seemed that Littlefoot had easily tracked him by scent.   Danger! Some instinctual part of his mind yelled.   Run away! Came another primal voice.

However, despite ever fiber of Shorty's being calling for him to flee, he did not.  He stayed put in absolute silence.  No indication was apparent that he had heard Littlefoot at all.

The silence dragged on for several moments and Shorty thought that Littlefoot may have moved on.  However, the sound of clicking claws and the sudden appearance of a brown mass in the periphery of his vision soon indicated that he was mistaken.  Littlefoot had decided to sit beside his brother.  Shorty cringed at the conversation that he imagined was about to come.

But the silence dragged on.  Neither of them said anything, but instead continued to watch the falling of the bright circle.  After several moments its light had finally departed and the Mysterious Beyond descended into profound darkness.  Shorty could hardly see anything, not even the figure of Littlefoot that he knew was only a few feet away.  He was effectively blind and helpless to whatever predators may come.

"It isn't wise to walk off in the Mysterious Beyond like that."  Littlefoot noted, ignoring the silence that had been maintained between them until now.   "I can see well in the dark, but you cannot."

Shorty snapped.  "That's because I don't eat people for a living!  You do!"

Shorty couldn't see Littlefoot's face, but he could hear the nod in his voice.   "Yes I do.  That is all that I can eat now."

Shorty took a deep breath and stared disbelieving at the space where he believed Littlefoot was still sitting.  "How can you accept it so easy?  It's disgusting...  It's horrible...  It's...  It's..."

Littlefoot answered from the other side of Shorty, startling him.   "...frightening.  I know.  I know."  It was now Littlefoot's turn to explain himself.   "I was scared, upset, and disgusted when I started, Shorty.  We all were... Even Cera cried when she had to do what she had to do.  It was like a little death for all of us."  Shorty could then hear a sigh emanate from the unseen fast biter.   "You heard our story, Shorty.  I mentioned how horrible it was.  But when you saw me... do what I had to do... it reminded you of something didn't it?"  

Shorty couldn't stand it anymore and simply broke down.  Was he that transparent?  It was something that he had kept hidden from everyone including Bron.  It was the secret about how he became an orphan.  Between his tears, he spoke five simple words.

"Your kind killed my mom."

Besides a hard swallow from Littlefoot and the continued sobbing, silence descended upon the scene.  What could anyone say to mitigate that?  What explanations could possibly be given?  Even if the reality could be acknowledged by reason, the raw emotions could not simply be washed away.  Some memories were simply too dark to overcome.

"My mother was killed by one of Chomper's kind."  Littlefoot offered.  This revelation stunned the green longneck.   "We and the others... we fought so hard to stay one step ahead of the sharptooth... But we eventually had to take matters into our own hands...  I came up with a plan and we used Ducky as bait.  Then we dropped a boulder on his head.  He drowned in a water hole, but Petrie nearly died in the process."  There was a pause for a moment.   "But now when I reflect back on my actions I have to wonder: was the sharptooth all bad?  He was just trying to keep himself fed.  He was just trying to survive.  In the end, we all have to do what we must in order to make it in this world."  

A deep shuddering breath interrupted the fast biter, the first indication that he was finding this conversation to be difficult.   "That is why I cannot stay around the valley, Shorty.  None of us can.  I am a sharptooth now and I must kill in order to live.  I don't want to be faced with the choice of either watching my friends starve to death or killing family, because I know what choice I would make."  Littlefoot's voice took on a cold monotone.   "I also know that if you were faced with saving your friends or killing me that you would choose to strike me down."  

That acknowledgement made Shorty shiver, but he did not disagree with the brown fast biter's words. "We are brothers but we are now worlds apart.  We will have to... be separate... for the good of us all.  But can we not simply be friends while we have the chance?"  That was the question wasn't it?   "I knew back when I was a longneck that I knew that Chomper would eventually have to leave and be what he had to be, but I still remained his friend.  We can't abandon people just because we fear leaving them.  If we did that then we would have no one at all."

It was now, after Littlefoot had poured out his feelings to Shorty, that the green longneck finally spoke.  "I can try..."  He offered in a tired voice.  "I still think of..."  No that wasn't right.  " still are my brother.  But I can't help but think of you as a threat now.  That won't change."  Shorty stated honestly.

Shorty could then feel Littlefoot place a hand on his shoulder, but Shorty did not recoil despite his lack of vision in the darkness.   "That might be for the best, Shorty.  I am a threat so you should think of me that way.  But for the time being we are together... and we will always be brothers."

The two then sat in silence for several more moments.  They were both grateful for getting this difficult matter behind them.  Both of them couldn't help their own feelings, but each could try to understand the other.  But in the end, can any of us do anything more than that?  The beautiful moment was interrupted by the sound of a belly growling.

"Oh, that's reassuring!"  Shorty snapped.  "I am not an appetizer thank you very much!"

Littlefoot laughed.   "Don't worry, Shorty!  You are not in danger."  There was a momentary pause.   "Well... From me anyway.  Can you see anything?"

Shorty simply gave a shake of the head.  He couldn't see anything, but apparently his brother could.

"Alright.  Then let's head back towards the others.  We need to get you back to safety before something eats you."

With the emotional matters now behind him, Shorty's pride took control over his words.  A trait that he shared with a certain yellow fast biter.  "I can defend myself!"

Littlefoot snorted and then grinned playfully.   "Oh yeah!  Then try to get me with your tail!"

Shorty took on a determined grin, faced where Littlefoot's voice had come from and struck with his tail at full force.

"Ow!"  Shorty cried out in pain.  "What the..."

"You just hit a prickly plant, Shorty!"  Littlefoot chided with some humor.   "You really need to work on your aim."  He teased.


After sleeping for an indeterminate period of time, Bron could hear a commotion from nearby.  Squinting his eyes, he could barely see that Shorty and Littlefoot seemed to be in the middle of a play fight of some kind.  Or rather, Shorty was trying to play fight and Littlefoot was playing keep away in the nearly complete darkness.  Shorty was missing horribly and Littlefoot was playfully mocking his longneck brother.  Normally, he would interrupt such behavior before it woke anyone else up, but in that moment he decided to let the two brothers simply be.  It seemed that whatever needed to be said between them had been said.  The family may not be able to stay together forever, but on this night the two dinosaurs could simply be brothers.  A small glimmer of happiness and joy in a world that was often full of despair.  Despite the great uncertainty that the other parents entailed, Bron allowed himself to think that perhaps this journey would have a good conclusion after all.

When he finally lost consciousness a few moments later, Bron went back to sleep with a smile on his face.


The next day:

"Don't look, Shorty!"  Bron quickly cautioned as he could see what lay ahead.  

The large bloated corpse of an adult longneck lay on the barren ground.  He had obviously died a few days prior, as the decomposition had only started to set in.  It would have been faster, but the dry conditions of the area they now found themselves decreased the rate at which insects could find and feast upon the corpse.  The resulting stench was nearly overpowering to the four longnecks, but to the fast biters it elicited a different response.  

"Awesome!  The longneck was courteous enough to die before we got here."  That comment came from Taunt, of course.  "Should we invite your folks over for dinner, Seeker?"  Taunt ended his comment with a taunt at his new leader.

Seeker simply gave Taunt an unimpressed look a responded in an equally snarky tone.  "Did your father ever tell you that you were an ass, Taunt?"

Taunt shrugged in a flamboyant manner.  "Why no... But Stern Claw has on a couple of occasions."

Seeker snorted as Chomper chuckled a little behind him.  "Well for once, Stern Claw is right about something..."  Seeker muttered under his breath.

Stern Claw responded before she could fully analyze his words.  "Why thank you..."  Then she finally got the full context.  "Hey!"

As the sharpteeth chuckled at Stern Claw's antics, it filled the longnecks with a sense of dread.  Another creature had died and yet they were laughing as if nothing had happened.  As if being surrounded by death was a regular occurrence for them.  It was another reminder of the chasm that now existed between the longnecks and the sharpteeth that followed them.

Sensing his father's discomfort, Littlefoot gave an exaggerated cough at the others indicating that they needed to cut it out.  They were disturbing those who were gracious enough to help them when they needed it the most.  His father and brother did not need to see this side of him.  As it was, Shorty had already seen enough of Littlefoot's callousness.  Sensing that they should use their talents to fetch some information, Littlefoot rushed to the body and gestured for his two best sniffers, Spike and Ducky, to join him.

"Dad?"  Littlefoot began, alerting his father to his plans.   "We should take a look at the longneck.  We need to make sure whatever killed him is not a threat to us."

Bron seemed to consider this for a moment, before nodding at his son.  He couldn't argue with his logic.  If there was a hungry sharptooth in the area then they needed to be aware of it.  Likewise, if the longneck were sick with a longneck illness then it would be best for the fast biters to inspect it.  There was no reason to risk sickening himself or his adopted son when the species barrier could serve as an effective guard against many diseases.

Upon seeing his father's approval, Littlefoot climbed on top of the longneck's prone neck and began to sniff furiously.   Male longneck smell.  Rotting smell.  Blood smell.  Nothing interesting here. He then proceeded to inspect the neck visually trying to see if he could spot the cause of death.  There was no sign of an obvious injury, like a bite wound or claw marks.  So this effectively ruled out a sharptooth from being the culprit.  Likewise, there was no sign of illness or smell of disease.  In fact, the only odd smell was a strange fragrant scent...  It seemed familiar for some reason....

"He was killed by another longneck.  He was!  He was!"  Ducky affirmed.  "Look!  His back is broken!"

Littlefoot and Spike both rushed to what Ducky was looking at and gawked at what they discovered.  There was a small wound indicating where a whip-like tail had collided with the sauropod's upper back.  Some dried blood caked the small wound and the smell of bone marrow, a very distinct scent, could be smelled.  This longneck had been murdered by another of his own kind.  The only question was why?

Littlefoot quickly relayed the information to his father, who looked at his son's surprised reaction with some bemusement, before finally nodding his head.  It seemed that his father was not particularly confused by this finding.  For his part, Littlefoot demanded an explanation.

"It was probably a courtship fight, Littlefoot.  It happens with some longneck kinds."  Upon Littlefoot's disgusted expression, Bron continued.  "Son... You weren't old enough for me or your grandparents to give you 'the talk' but..."

Littlefoot snorted.   "I know enough about that, dad.  We don't need to have that conversation here!"   Littlefoot groaned as he could hear Cera gleefully translating this awkward conversation to Taunt and Breeze.  The laugher from the remainder of his pack soon followed.

Bron nodded.  "I know your grandparents told you the basics, but they didn't tell you about courtship displays."  At Littlefoot's confused expression, Bron sighed and continued.  "In our kind, Littlefoot..."  He then quickly corrected himself in light of Littlefoot's change.  "In my kind... the female usually pairs off with the male of her choice and that is that.  But sometimes multiple males may want the same female and then the males fight over her."

Shorty paled.  "You mean that I will have to fight or die!  We are no better than sharpteeth then!"  

Bron shook his head.  "It usually doesn't go this far, Shorty.  The female chooses who she favors after the display and the matter is settled, but if the male tries to force himself..."

At Bron's cautionary tale, Littlefoot carefully sniffed the corpse again.  There was a slight smell of female longneck as well.  Taking a look at where the smell originated, he could see slight wounds to the inner part of the male's legs.  These would be the exact same injuries that he would expect if the male were on the female and trying to...  

Suddenly Littlefoot felt no sympathy whatsoever to the fallen male.  He had gotten what was coming to him.  With a grim expression, Littlefoot turned to his father and gave a knowing nod, a gesture which Bron reciprocated.  They both knew what had happened here and why another longneck had defended the female.  It was a reminder that evil existed in leaf-eaters and sharpteeth alike and that sometimes death was the logical outcome of evil decisions.  Nature often killed indiscriminately, but sometimes it did seem to render justice onto those fighting against the natural order.  This was one of those times.

Littlefoot also noticed that the pack was no longer laughing.  Turning their direction, he could see that they were all equally stern-faced and disgusted.  Fast biters of their kind were pair bonders, who often retained the protection of a pack even when pairing off with their desired mates.  To them the act of betrayal implied with taking another by force was abhorrent to their most basic instincts.  For some other species this would not be the case, but for them it was an unquestioning fact.  It was at this time that Littlefoot broke the silence.

"How about you four..."  He was addressing the longnecks.   "...go ahead for a little bit and see if you can find some food for yourselves.  We will take care of things over here."

Bron stared at his son for a moment, before finally nodding.  There was no doubt what his son meant by 'take care of things' but obviously he had to eat as well.  Even though he was repulsed by the thought of even considering eating a partially rotting corpse, he knew that it was simply part of his son and his friend's lives now.  He didn't need to think about or try to understand it, but he could simply accept it and move on.  And that was the decision that he made.

"Come along, Shorty.  Let's get some food.  We can meet back up with your brother later..."


The Haven Valley:

The female longneck was deeply annoyed with how insular the valley residents behaved.  Ever since she had arrived at the Haven Valley with her daughter, it was as if everyone kept her at a distance.  She understood that the betrayal of Chomper and the death of the children made them paranoid about outsiders and cautious about information, but it still enraged her.  Was she not related to the two elder longnecks?  Did they not know her from several visits before?  Was Littlefoot not one of her daughter's friends?  How could they treat them like this?  They may not have been doing it intentionally, but it was still infuriating.

She and her daughter had struggled enough after leaving to Old One's herd.  The Old One had not been in the best of health in recent years and she finally passed on during one particularly hard journey across the barren lands.  In the vacancy left by her death, many of the stronger longnecks fought for dominance over the herd.  As a result many of the more ambitious males and females fought for rank and even some of the deputies fell in these battles.  It was horrific and greatly destabilizing for the herd, especially after the loss of the eggs.  It was as if the social fabric of the herd was coming apart at the seams.  They put up with the intolerable situation until one day...

During one of the battles, she had seen two males fight one another not only for rank, but also for a female.  Normally in such battles, the losing male would depart with only the loss of the female, provided that she wanted to court the male.  However, in this case the losing male made a fake retreat and attacked the 'winner' of the battle, nearly crippling him.  As he attempted to mount the female as his prize, Ali's mother took matter into her own hands...

"Thank you!  Oh thank you!"  The female cried between sobs.  "I didn't want him to be my... I didn't..."

Utu shushed the poor female.  "It's okay...  He's gone and he can't try to hurt you anymore."

The other nearby females then congregated around the stricken female in a show of solidarity.  The injured male, who was of the lower caste in the herd, also edged closer to the female he fancied.  It seemed that he had won the battle by default, now the only question was would she accept?  In either case, the male seemed wise enough not to immediately press the issue.  After several minutes of rage and terror the scene took on a surreal mixture of tranquility and foreboding.

It was at that very moment that one of the deputies came on the scene.  

"What is going on?!"

Utu answered plainly.  "He tried to force himself onto Claney.  Now he is dead."

The deputy looked sternly at her.  "Females are not supposed to interfere with courtship fights!  You know the tradition!"

She seethed.  "To the dung heap with your tradition!"  

Utu was furious and had more than enough of the herds rules and traditions.  The deputies were arrogant and jockeying for leadership at the expense of the wellbeing of the herd.  Worse yet, she had already had a taste of the lack of compassion that the herd could bestow upon outsiders.  After Rhett’s death her daughter, Ali, was made an outcast by the other parents who deemed her a bad influence on their children.  To an extent, she was given similar treatment.  This final act of brutality was the final straw.  She would not step aside and let her daughter see a male be destroyed and a female be violated just because they were of a lower caste.  The madness had to stop.

The other longnecks, who had just now gathered to the scene of the killing, backed away from the deputy and the agitated female.  For her part, Claney retreated with the others.  Several of the females helped support her as she made a speedy retreat.

"What did you say?!"  The deputy roared.

"You heard me."  She answered plainly.  "He tried to force himself on her.  That is also not permitted by tradition.  What would you have me do, complain about it afterwards?!  After she has been forced to carry that bastard's eggs?!"  She raged in a righteous fury.

The male deputy responded in anger.  "That bastard was a deputy, you obstinate wench!  I trained him!"

"Then you obviously didn't train him well!"  She deadpanned.

The male longneck seethed.  He obviously did not care about her reasons, the lower-ranked male longneck who was nearly crippled, or the wellbeing of the female who was nearly violated.  His only concern was of his rank and others of his privileged group.  "It is not your place to impose punishment!  Only deputies have that right!"

She was more than tired of this sad excuse of a longneck.  Without thinking, she responded entirely on instinct.  

And spit in his face.

At that moment time seemed to stop.  He looked at the female in surprise, while the other longnecks recoiled in horror.  Somewhere in the distance, she thought that she could hear Ali screaming her name in terror, but none of that mattered now.  She had a battle of her own to fight.


Neck collided against neck as she struggled against the stronger male.


She could feel her neck muscles burn as they were abused again and again by his violent strikes.


She didn't know how long she could keep this up.  In that moment her mind began to wander.  Who would take care of Ali in her absence?  Would she be left with these same idiots who valued tradition more than reason?  The competence of the Old One had blinded her to the faults in the herd, but now they were on full display.  It seemed that this epiphany came too late for her, however.  She was going to die here and there was nothing she...


She stared as the male suddenly fell to his knees.  In an act of utter desperation, she had struck out with her tail at his front legs.  Now he lay prone on the ground, with his right from leg bending at an impossible angle.  She had broken his leg.  In the Mysterious Beyond that was a death sentence.  The howls of anger and pain emanated from the male as he shouted threats.

"The other deputies will slay you!  You will pay for this!  You will..."

She ignored him.  Taking notice of the rest of the herd, she could see that the other deputies were approaching from the south, but they were still a few minutes away.  Undoubtedly, they had cut their scouting mission short when they heard the panicked screams and painful yells come from the bulk of the herd.  Also beyond doubt was the fact that they would kill her to make sure that the herd knew that the killing of deputies was unacceptable.  The deputy she had just crippled, and doomed to die, may have overreacted to her act of defending another female, but the other deputies could not let her actions go unpunished.  If they did so then the entire leadership of the herd would be under threat from insurrection.  The maintenance of power meant more than justice.  She had only one hope now.

She had to run.

In a daze, she picked up Ali with her teeth and placed the small sauropod on her back.  Ali looked more traumatized than she could remember, but that really didn't register at that point.  Her mind was fixated on survival.  Wasting no time, she then ran as fast as her massive legs could carry her.

She never looked back.

"What is going on?!"

At her yell, Mr. Thicknose turned around and stared at her with a distracted expression.  It was as if his mind was miles away.  However, after a few moments he answered the confused female.

"You weren't at the meeting, Utu?"

The longneck snorted.  "If I did would I be asking you what happened?  Everyone is acting crazy!"

Mr. Thicknose blinked twice and then nodded cautiously.  The female longneck had entered the Haven Valley nearly a week prior, but was tightlipped on why she left her herd.  The other residents demanded answers, but the elder longnecks insisted that she should not be forced to explain herself.  They simply gave the warning that it was a ëpersonal matter’ and that she obviously was not a threat to the valley.  This had satisfied the others, but he still suspected that there was something more to the story.  There was the hint of betrayal and anger in her eyes, which he had only seen in some of the parents after Chomper ëbetrayed’ them.  He knew better than to force an answer from the female, however.  Whatever it was would remain a matter for her and the other longnecks to resolve.

After looking down for a few moments, he was finally ready to answer.  But that was when an unexpected intruder came to the scene.

"Mommy... what's going on?"

Mr. Thicknose paled at the sight of the youngling.  She was one of Littlefoot's best friends and she had no idea what had just transpired in the meeting place.  It had broken his heart to see her excitedly ask about Littlefoot and the others and to hear about their ëdeaths’ at the claws of Chomper.  He and some of the other adults had actually taken to watching her just to make sure that she didn’t do anything foolish.  She had lost all of her friends to death.  It was logical that the adults were afraid that she might want to try and rejoin her friends...

"I don't know, Ali.  That is what I am trying to figure out."

At that moment, Mr. Thicknose knew that there was nothing he could say that would lessen the shock of the revelation.  Littlefoot and the others were alive, but they had apparently changed... somehow...  He had no idea if Topps's idea about them turning into the fast biters that they chased away was true or not, but it would explain so much.  The stone turning black...  The sharpteeth suddenly appearing... Chomper's sudden 'betrayal'...  The children not returning...

But he had no way of confirming any of this until the children came back.  For the part of the other parents, most of them doubted the story and simply figured that their children were changed by their journey.  A mental change and not a physical one...  They were hesitant to think of themselves as nearly killing their children and driving them from the valley.  There are levels of guilt that even the sturdiest dinosaur could not bear.  In any case, he had to tell the two longnecks something, lest they hear one of the more fantastic rumors that were floating around the valley.  Deciding to simply tell them that the children were still alive, he began his speech.

"Well... what I am about to tell you is a little hard to believe..."


The Mysterious Beyond:

"Another longneck!  Wow, we should keep your dad around, Seeker.  He is apparently good luck!"



"Shut up."

Littlefoot stared at the corpse in front of him.  The longneck had the distinct smell of infection about him.  This, coupled with the obviously broken leg, clearly indicated what had happened to him.  His leg had been shattered in a fight and he stumbled as far as he could go, but he eventually could go no farther.  After that, starvation set in and the longneck died slowly and painfully from a lingering infection.  The smell of excrement completed the disgusting picture.  In the end, the longneck couldn't even move away from his position to relieve himself.  Were he not in a hot and dry environment, he would have long since decomposed.  Compared to how this dinosaur had met his end, being slain by a sharptooth would have been an infinitely more humane death.

"Well, dad... I hope that this isn't an omen.  Whatever herd these longnecks came from obviously had problems."

Bron nodded.  "I agree, son.  This is very irregular."

"This is horrible!"  Shorty protested.

"Death always is."  Doc affirmed.  "In the end it humbles us all."

The pack was already full from eating the longneck from earlier, so they had no need to feast upon the latest finding.  However, it could provide a useful meal for the next day.  With that in mind, Littlefoot asked a question of Petrie.  He made a point to ask him in leaf-eater, so the longnecks could understand.

"How much longer do we have to go, Spotter?"

Petrie shrugged with one wing.   "Not long if me fly, but longer for you.  Me think we get there tomorrow night."

Littlefoot then looked at the rest of the pack.  Ruby and Cera both gave him a slight nod.  This would obviously be a good place to stop for the night.  After a rather nice breakfast of longneck, they could move on the next day.  Seeker then voiced his decision.

"It's agreed then.  We wait here tonight.  Then tomorrow..."  At his gesture in the direction of the valley, Bron finished.

"Tomorrow we go home."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Looks like I'm again lacking behind terribly :bang

Review of chapter 48:

Cera and Taunt... they sure seem to like each other :DD

The scene about Thud was very enjoyable. It seems like Thud has indeed changed completely. His values, allies and personality :)
For a moment I thought this would be the last thing we'd see of Thud but Chomper's parents showed mercy. I wonder how Thud is going to interact with the Seven Hunters :yes

Ruby seems to care about Littlefoot a lot. Likewise, Cera and Taunt are getting along very well :smile I had to crack up here and there :p
I'm also glad that Littlefoot's recovery goes very smooth.

Oh, poor Shorty. Well, at least he can see Littlefoot as what he truly is: a killer. I rather enjoyed the end with Doc and Littlefoot talking :)

Again I have really enjoyed the read (don't I ever? :p) I'm looking forward to see how the meeting will go :yes
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Holy crap, you're setting up for something I've been hoping you'd do, but didn't know if you would do. Are you really gonna have the Gang have to face Ali? Wow, that's gonna be a pretty... interesting meeting if it does happen.

Keep up the good work, Rhombus! I might no put up a reply here often, but I'm open to talk about the story any time you like on skype. :)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Cures you, double-post glitch!!!

Some mod can delete this if they notice it. Thanks.  :yes
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 49:

Wow! What happened with Petrie? :wow He has tricked Rinkus and Sierra masterfully, gathered a lot of information, made Calin's life a whole lot harder and saved his own as well. Coming up with such a well elaborated plan must have been pretty hard I imagine :lol
Only now I wonder what Pterano is doing at the Red Coasts...  :rolleyes:

I'm quite surprised that Chomper feels that way. Actually, he should be happy that his friends had adapted to their new form of living so well but I can see that he sort of feels responsible for them and their change. Now let's see how Seeker and Path are going to solve this :yes
I really like these Littlefoot-Ruby moments... :smile

You give us readers a nice lecture on how the mating of Pteranodons works :)

The talk between Path and Seeker is lovely :yes

Alright, Petrie has delivered the information and Pterano is going to deiver them to the Great Valleians. Not himself though :p

Another very good chapter :) I see a new climax in the extended future of this story, yep, yep, yep!
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks vonboy!  :) I am glad that you enjoyed the latest installment.  I don't want to give too much away, but yeah... Ali is going to play quite a significant role in the next few chapters.


Thanks for the feedback!  :) I am glad that you enjoyed chapters 48 and 49.  I have a feeling that you will enjoy the next two chapters.  The plot is thickening into a conclusion that many readers have been waiting for quite some time.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 52   Revelations

“What good is a secret if it remains a secret ... Secrets are meant to be discovered...”
― Jocelyn Murray, The Gilded Mirror: Constantinople

Littlefoot groggily opened his eyes.

The bright circle had begun its ascent into the sky and the desolate scene in front of him began to come into focus.  An endless expanse of dust and barren land lay in front, with the walls of the Haven Valley barely visible at the horizon.  They were a full day out from their destination, but Littlefoot was nearly bursting with anticipation.  He knew that one way or another there would be closure after their journey.  But would that closure bring peace or torment?

Shaking his head, Littlefoot rose and walked over to the dead longneck.  His father, Shorty, Doc, and Stomper were situated nearly a five minute's walk ahead of the sharpteeth, so he knew that he could get a bite to eat without traumatizing anyone further.  Besides, there was nothing like a satisfying breakfast to begin the day.  

That was when he realized that he was not the only one awake at this hour.  Chomper's unmistakable form was hunched over and staring at nothing in particular.  He was facing away from the brown fast biter, so Chomper did not see his best friend arise.  Sighing deeply, Littlefoot decided to talk to his friend.  Something was obviously troubling him.

"How are you feeling, Path?"  Came Littlefoot's unimposing question.

Chomper did not move, but instead sighed at the sudden intrusion.  "Well... I've been better."

Taking this as an invitation to continue, Littlefoot walked over to the purple sharptooth and sat upon his haunches.  He then took a closer look at Chomper and observed a noticeably downcast appearance.  Odd.  Littlefoot thought to himself.  He seemed in good spirits yesterday.  I wonder what happened. With obvious concern, Littlefoot asked the obvious question.

"What's wrong, Path?"

The purple sharptooth did not look at Littlefoot, but instead closed his eyes.  "I'm a member of the pack now, Seeker."

Littlefoot blinked at this.  "Yes.  Of course you are."  The confusion was obvious on his face.  "You have been part of the pack since we became a pack."

Chomper shook his head and looked at Littlefoot.  "No, Seeker.  I was part of two packs.  Yours and my parents'.  Now I am only a member of yours."

Littlefoot still was at a loss as to what the sharptooth was talking about.  "Well, Chomper...  You are still welcome at your parents' nest.  Being a member of the pack hasn't changed that."

Chomper stared at Littlefoot.  "Not any more.  Now I only belong to the pack."

Littlefoot opened his mouth before closing it again as the full implications of Chomper's words came to him.  Now I only belong to the pack.  With dawning realization, Littlefoot spoke one more time.

"Path... What exactly happened between you and your parents?"


Path... What exactly happened between you and your parents?

It was a simple question, but it did not have a simple answer, Chomper decided.  His actions on that day were both rash and logical, sudden yet long time in coming.  The confusing jumble of emotions that he felt still hadn't dissipated despite him and his parents coming to terms with his sudden emancipation.  The feelings were still too raw.

"Well... It started when they didn't want me to go with you guys..."

"But I have to go with my friends! They need me!"  Chomper couldn't understand why his parents were being so obstinate about this.  He was a member of a pack.  He had to support his packmates!  It was his solemn obligation.  They couldn't simply ask him to be a coward.

Terri roared in disagreement. "We have nearly lost you too many times! I will not allow you to go into a death trap!"

Chomper shook his head.  His parents were being so unreasonable.  "It is not a death trap! My friends will be there and the longnecks..."

"...who tried to kill you?" Dein interrupted.

Chomper protested this. "But that was before they knew that I didn't kill my friends! They are helping us now!"  Surely they were not so blinded by their fear for him that they couldn't see how much Littlefoot's dad had helped them.  He had done so much.  Bron wasn't simply going to betray them on a moment's notice.

Terri took a deep breath and answered sternly. "No. I will not permit it."

"I was in a tough spot, Seeker.  They didn't want me to go, but yet I had to go."

Littlefoot shook his head.  "I didn't know, Path.  If it was that much trouble then we could have had you stay..."

"NO!"  Chomper yelled, much to Littlefoot's surprise.  Both sharpteeth turned to the sleeping pack and were relieved to see that they were still slumbering away.  At that point, Chomper continued.

"No, Littlefoot.  This is something that I had to do."

"I am a member of a pack! I go where the pack goes!"  Chomper was livid.  If he did not defend his honor here, then when would he?  Any sharptooth that was worth their weight would defend those who he loved.  Despite his love for his parents and his knowledge of what they had done for him, he knew that he had to make a stand here.  No one was perfect and his parents were no exception.  He had to stand by his friends and pack.

"Watch yourself, Path." his father spoke in a cold monotone.

This made Chomper pause for a moment.  His father knew where he was going with this.  He knew what could be done when honor was claimed.  The only justifiable way to break an honor bond was to claim another honor bond.  Only honor could bury honor.  Chomper had been unsure if he would take it that far, but at that very moment he knew that he would do no less.  He would follow his friends to the ends of the Earth if need be.  No one, not even his parents, would stand in his way.

"They all have fought with me and Seeker nearly died... What kind of coward would I be if I didn't face this danger with them?!  Would I even be worthy of a pack name?"  The insinuation was obvious; he was accusing his parents of forcing him to betray his vow of packhood.  He was also accusing them of forcing him to be a coward. There was no shame in running away from a fight where you would surely lose, but there was shame in not standing with your allies in their time of need.  With that in mind, he finished the claim of right.

"You can't ask that of me. You don't have the right."

From that moment on, Chomper knew that he and his parents would be apart.  Even though he would always be family and they would come to his aid, he would no longer be welcome at the nest.  He had asserted his independence.  Now he would have to bear the consequences of his choice.

As Chomper finished his tale, Littlefoot could only look on in silence.  He had been ignorant of the struggle that had happened on the day of their parting, but now he knew.  His parents had made him choose between them and his friends, and Chomper had chosen his friends.  It was enough to make Littlefoot begin to shake.

"My mommy and daddy made up with me, kind of."  Chomper added.  "That is why we are all on run-down duty...  It is their way of letting us know... um... of telling us..."

Littlefoot finished.  "That we're useful?  That we are welcome?"

Chomper nodded.  "Yeah..."

Littlefoot stared at the purple sharptooth.  He had put his relationship with his parents on the line just so that he could follow his friends, potentially into battle.  Even though the situation had remedied itself in a satisfactory manner, he was still touched by Chomper's dedication and sacrifice.  Littlefoot felt as if he did not deserve such good friends as these.  With that in mind, Littlefoot embraced his friend and then spoke.

"You're a good friend, Path."  He stared intently into the sharptooth's eyes without removing his hands from his shoulders.  "A good friend... but you didn't need to risk your family because of us!  We would never ask that of you."

Chomper smiled.  "I know, Seeker.  That is why I did it by myself."

Littlefoot could only fix his friend with a sad smile.  "Well... You still have both families, Path.  You have us and your parents have not deserted you, even though they may have let you go..."  Littlefoot suddenly wiped his eyes as it seemed that he had teared up without noticing until now.  Chomper's struggles with his parents had reminded him of his own uncertain reunion that was in the near future.  Would it have a happy ending like Chomper's painful emancipation?  Or would his moments with his grandparents be one of rejection and dismissal?  He knew that in either case he would still have his pack and that he would survive, but like Chomper he wanted to have the peace of mind from not losing his grandparents.  He had suffered from enough heartbreak as it was.

"Well come on, Chomper... Let's go eat some breakfast.  We have a long day today and we will need our strength."  He then took on a cheeky smile.  "Besides, this will be one of the few days that we don't have to do run-down duty because of somebody's parents..."

Chomper smiled at Littlefoot's teasing.  His friend's attempt to lift his spirits had succeeded.  "Don't be mad, Seeker.  It would be a good way for you to lose some weight... the longneck corpses has spoiled you."

Littlefoot gave a toothy smile "Why you?!"

When the others woke up several minutes later, they noticed the upbeat mood of Littlefoot and Chomper.  As far as they could tell they were ready for the long-awaited reunion to take place.

They all hoped that it would have a happy conclusion.


Late evening, outside of the Haven Valley:

Spike stared in awe of the scene in front of him.

In the fading light of the setting bright circle, he could see the high cliff face of the north entrance to the Haven Valley.  On its high peaks the gently swaying stalks of plants could be seen gently moving with the wind.  Down below, at his level, he could see the soil slowly change from a dry accumulation of sand to a rich collection of top soil in the distance.  In a view that would have looked enticing to him as a leaf-eater, the rich greens of trees and bushes could be seen through the entrance.  It was as if the narrow crevice were a secret passageway into a totally different world.  Somewhere in that other world were their parents... and an uncertain reunion.

“So here we are.”

Littlefoot’s voice echoed from the front as he stopped and took in the view.  The other members of the pack soon followed.  It seemed that each of them was taking in the moment.  Even Taunt, who usually would make a sarcastic remark whenever possible, was curiously silent.  He no doubt understood the importance of this meeting for the former leaf-eaters.  Each needed a brief moment to prepare themselves emotionally before they decided on how to react.  It had been a long journey over the last eight months and it was finally about to reach its conclusion.  Here they would be reunited with their parents and try to reconcile their pasts with the current reality.  Finally, however, Breeze spoke up.

“I wish you all the best.”  She said simply.  “I wish that I could see my parents again.”  Spike looked down as he could remember her telling him about how her parents died when she was young and Skytail’s parents had taken her in.  Although Spike did not know his biological parents, he still had Ducky’s mother...  hopefully.  That was a luxury that Breeze no longer had.  “Don’t take the opportunity for granted.”  She finished softly.

Spike took this opportunity to lean slightly against her in a show of support.  “We won’t, Breeze.  And remember that you still have us.”  For his efforts, she returned the gesture as the others looked on.  It was time to get started.


Littlefoot noted Spike and Breeze’s behavior with some surprise.  Those two have gotten rather close... how did I miss that?  Now it seemed than another friend had found a potential future companion.  Unlike the interactions between Taunt and Cera, which were as volatile and overt as their personalities, Spike and Breeze seemed subdued and calm in their behavior.  

Littlefoot smiled slightly.  It seemed that Spike had found his complement.

Taking a brief look at Ruby for a moment, Littlefoot further reflected on his inability to see what was right in front of his face.  In retrospect, his and Ruby’s behavior had been bordering on the romantic for quite some time, but he hadn’t put the pieces together until Ruby helped care for him during his recovery.  

Upon seeing his glance, Ruby gave him a slight smile and looked away slightly.  She was almost as bad at hiding the deep friendship between them as he was.  Not that they were fooling any of the pack anyway.

The others were like brothers and sisters to him, a very close bond, but Ruby was something else entirely he realized.  When did that change take place?  He was left wondering.  But for whatever reason, it seemed that their change in species had allowed friendships to blossom into something more.  Another small blessing in what the leaf-eaters would consider a horrific curse.

The leaf-eaters...

His mind then returned to the matter at hand.  It was now time to reunite with their folks.  However, they had no idea if the flyer had relayed their message or not.  For that matter, they didn’t know how the valley received the news.  Were they accepting or disbelieving?  The best way in which to proceed would depend on what had transpired in the last few days.  But that would require...


Bron looked over at his son.  “Yes, Littlefoot?”

“I think it might be a good idea for you and Doc to enter the valley and to let them know that we are here.  You can send Shorty out of the valley to warn us how the adults took the news.”

Bron nodded.  “That sounds like a good idea.”  He then looked at Shorty.  “Shorty?”

Shorty nodded.  “Sounds good to me!  I can let them know.”

Doc then interrupted.  “I will stay out of the way, I suppose.  Don’t think my word would help convince anybody.”

Littlefoot then gave a word of praise to the massive longneck.   “You have helped us out a lot, Doc.  Don’t let the adults distrust upset you.”

Doc chuckled a little at Littlefoot’s kind words.  “You just worry about not getting stomped on by your folks.”  At that reminder that the parents may not believe their story, Littlefoot paled.  “Good luck to all of you.”  Doc finished.

A chorus of thanks echoed from the pack.  With that the longnecks turned towards the entranceway.

“Dad?”  Littlefoot called.

“Yes, son?”  He answered back.

“We will talk later.”  Littlefoot affirmed.

Bron smiled back.  “Of course, son.  Don’t worry.  I am sure that this will all be fine in the end.”

Littlefoot nodded.  I hope so...

As the longnecks disappeared into the entranceway, Littlefoot knew that the time of waiting had come to an end.  One way or another, they were going to be face-to-face with their parents and grandparents in the near future.  It was all in the hands of fate now.


Grandpa Longneck felt as if he were in a trance.  

He had been as ready as the others to give the flyer a piece of his mind, but the reactions of the other parents to his supposed stories from the children changed the mood of the meeting entirely.  It was after Ducky's mother had been convinced of her children's survival that he spoke to him and Grandma.

"Uh..."  The flyer seemed to look around.  "Which of you are the grandparents of..."

"We are."  Grandma responded immediately.  Her quest for vengeance and anger over the flyer's fantastic tale had now turned into a resurgence of hope.  It was clear from the sound of her voice.

The flyer nodded for a moment.  He was obviously nervous and upset after nearly being pummeled by the other flyers.  He was trying to say his message in a hurry.

"Littlefoot says that before the two sharpteeth entered the valley, he asked you two about babies."

Grandma gasped, while Grandpa thought back.  Yes... Yes he could recall such a conversation.  Littlefoot was just asking an innocent question about how to take care of babies, but they had initially thought that he was asking about something else.

"The reason that he was asking about that was because of Chomper.  He was unsure how to raise him and he thought that he would have to act as a parent.  That was until his parents came to the valley."

There was murmuring across the valley.  Neither of the grandparents had told anyone else about that incident, besides the other parents of the gang of five.  In fact, Littlefoot had only provided the full facts to them after they escaped from the island where Chomper's parents had been staying.  After he had told them about Chomper's origin and him saving the gang, they were tempted to be upset with their grandson, but the joy of a reunion that they thought would never come overrode their anger.  They simply told Littlefoot that the gang could have gotten a lot of people killed had Chomper's parents succeeded in their attacks and they weren't simply looking for their son.  They were lucky that Chomper had managed to find his parents and the valley was left in peace.  

Now, however, the full truth was out.  The eyes of the other adults were fixed on the parents of the missing children.  This was a deciding moment, Grandpa knew, because a confirmation of the story from him would settle two things.  First, it would establish without a doubt to the valley that the children were alive.  But it would also confirm that the parents of the five children had hidden a secret from the other adults.  A secret that they had kept in order to protect their children from distrust and possible punishment from the valley.  To care for a sharptooth and to entice adult sharptooth into the valley as a consequence...  For any other dinosaur such actions would likely lead to exile, but they had covered it up.  If he now confirmed the story then the days of him and Topps holding sway over the valley would be over.  However, his grandson meant far more than any of that.  His status.  His reputation.  Family meant so much more.  With tears beginning to seep from his eyes, he spoke to the valley.

"Only Littlefoot would have known that."

Gasps of surprise and a few grunts of anger arose from the other adults as it had now been confirmed that the parents had hidden the endangerment of the valley from them.  Undoubtedly, they all would lose their positions of authority in the furor that was coming, but none of that mattered to him.  With an almost inaudible voice over the shouts, cries, and general confusion, he spoke three simple words.

"My grandson lives."

Even two days after the message, he was still flabbergasted over what had transpired.  In his mind he simply repeated the same idea in his head.  Littlefoot is alive...  Littlefoot is alive... But no matter how many times he thought of the words, it seemed unreal.  For far too long he had accepted his grandson's death.  It was just another failure in his life to add to the death of his daughter.  The loss of Littlefoot had affected Grandma especially hard, but she now seemed better acclimated to the possibility that he was still alive.  He, however, seemed to be operating in a daze.  How could the situation get any more surreal?


Grandpa looked up to see his mate yelling in an excited fashion.  He had not seen such a reaction from her since she was much younger, but she was practically bouncing with excitement.  Well, as much bouncing that could be expected from a massive sauropod...  It was a sight that snapped him out of his trance.

"Yes, dear?"  He asked warily.  He noted that Ducky's mother, Ura, was with her along with Volant.  Topps was heading towards the entrance to the valley in the background and two large forms could be seen approaching him.

Grandma ran up to him, noticeably out of breath.  "Bron is back!"

Grandpa looked stunned.  "He is?!  Why... he isn't expected until the next Cold Time."

Volant called to them at this time.  "I was going to greet him, but I wanted to tell you first.  I wonder if he heard the news?"

Ura now spoke up.  "I'm sure he did!  Otherwise why would he be returning?  After all he went down there to..."  She couldn't finish the sentence.  "I still don't believe Threehorn's story.  That couldn't happen to my babies!"

Grandpa took this opportunity to be the voice of calm.  "Now... now... We will find out soon enough."  He didn't want to admit that he was as terrified of the possibility as she was.  "Now let's go greet Bron."


Ali's life had seemed to be a never-ending parade of tragedy and sorrow over the last year.  It had taken a terrible toll on the female longneck as her eyes now had the far away stare of one who had seen too much in life.  First, she had lost Rhett to a horrible attack by a dinosaur that she thought she could trust.


She still had not recovered from the feeling of betrayal and utter hopelessness that caused.  In a way, she had not only lost one friend, but two.  Rhett had been taken from her by the veil of death, whereas the Chomper that she had grown to know from the valley was no more.  Only a killing machine remained.  Perhaps that was all there ever was...

Then came the catastrophic attack on the herd's eggs.  The future of the herd lay in its ability to produce new younglings.  However, in one darkened night Chomper and his evil band of fast biters had struck again.  Distracting the adults while egg stealers raided the nests.  There would be no new dotting mothers in the herd, or protective fathers.  All of the herd's joys and hopes seemed to evaporate in one night.  It was no wonder that the Old One died soon thereafter.  She probably died of a broken heart.  Her mother's killing of another herd member and mortal wounding of another was simply a symptom of what the sharpteeth had done.  They had destroyed the fabric of the herd and now it was all coming apart.  She had felt no particular loss in leaving the herd.  For Ali, there was nothing of value left in the herd anymore.  Her only remaining friends were found in the Great Valley.

Or so she had thought.

Upon entering the Haven Valley, both she and her mother were surprised to see the Great Valley dinosaurs.  Ali had burst with excitement.  Perhaps Littlefoot was here!  That was, however, when she had heard the terrible news.

"Thank you for the warm welcome and for telling the others to let me be...  It was terrible in the herd and I had no choice... I..."

"It's alright, Utu." Grandma Longneck affirmed.  "You have been through so much..."

Utu nodded.  "Still, you have my thanks.  It is nice to finally go somewhere where Ali can finally have a safe upbringing.  She has lost so much..."  Upon seeing her face, Utu smiled a little.  She could already tell what Ali was waiting for as she was shifting around excitedly.  Her happy but impatient state was something she had not seen since Rhett died.  She decided to not keep Ali waiting.

"It seems that Ali wants to play..."  It was then Utu noticed that Littlefoot was nowhere to be seen.  Perhaps he was with friends.  "Can she go play with Littlefoot for a while?"

Grandpa Longneck took in a deep, shuddering breath, as Grandma Longneck froze.  Neither of them said a word for a moment, but Utu realized what must have happened.  It was with a heavy heart, that she realized that Ali was about to be heartbroken again.

"Littlefoot...  Littlefoot was killed by sharpteeth."

That was when Ali screamed.

Ali couldn't remember much after that.  She raged and attacked the ground in her disgust and sorrow.  Upon hearing that Chomper had been responsible, she fell into uncontrollable sobs.  Everyone that she loved was gone.  Everyone except her mother.  And Chomper was the fiend responsible.  Her feelings which had for so long associated Chomper with anger over the death of Rhett now turned towards outright hatred.  He had taken everything from her!  If she lived to adulthood she would see to it that she would take everything from him.  An odd numbness had set in on the longneck.  The thoughts of revenge and hatred left her feeling empty and dead inside, but that was preferable to the despair.  At least the emptiness didn't hurt.

But then Mr. Thicknose had shattered her newfound equilibrium.

"A flyer came by and gave us news that only they would know.  I didn't want to believe it at first... but..."  Mr. Thicknose was speaking in a hurried fashion.  This was most unlike the scholarly dinosaur.  This was not lost on Utu, who wanted him to get back on track.

"What?"  She demanded.

Mr. Thicknose seemed to shift for a moment and licked his lips, as if her were searching for a gentle way to say what he was going to say.

"The children are alive."

Ali was still trying to process this news.  They were all alive!  That meant that Chomper had not killed his friends... but that also meant something else as well.  The parents had chase Chomper from the valley.  Was that what forced him to start hunting?  To start stealing eggs?  With a sickening sense of realization, she realized that her former herd's problems all stemmed from a misunderstanding.  A misunderstanding that led to Chomper's exile.  This did not in any way alleviate her hatred of the purple sharptooth, nor did it bring Rhett or the unborn younglings back, but it did give her some context for what had happened.

However, it also opened up as many questions as it answered.

Why had Littlefoot and the others left the valley when Chomper fled?  Did they go with the other sharpteeth as part of an adventure?  If so, why?  Did they know anything about what Chomper and his friends had done?  Why had they not told their parents where they were or that they were safe?  The question went on and on.  Poor Ali was feeling as if her despair were being replaced with uncertainty.  She had no idea what to believe anymore.

It was the burden of having to deal with these thoughts that brought her to the watering hole.  She had to try to regain her bearings and return to some sense of normalcy.  In the cool water she hoped that she could do just that, but a sudden commotion from behind her caught her attention.

"Bron!  Have you heard the news?!"  Ura spoke excitedly.  Ali could barely see her, but her voice boomed across the valley.  

Realizing that the appearance of Bron might mean that Littlefoot and the others would follow, Ali sprung out of the water and sprinted towards the clearing.  She had to hear the news for herself.

"I have."  Came Bron's satisfied voice from some distance away.  As she ran towards the clearing she could see more and more of the adults.  The forms of the Grandparents, Bron, and Ura were clearly visible.  In the background, both Topps and Tria could be seen advancing on the scene.  A flyer that Ali couldn't immediately identify was also circling overhead.  When she spoke, however, Ali recognized Volant immediately.

"Did the same flyer come and talk to you?"

Now that she was within a longneck length from the gathering, she could clearly see Bron shake his head.  

"No.  I talked to the children myself."  Gasps escaped from this listening, as Ura let out a happy screech.  "The flyer was sent to help you all prepare."  Bron licked his lips in nervousness, an odd expression coming from him.  "They are outside."

Ali couldn't hear anything that she could understand in the sudden uproar of voices.  All of the parents gathered seemed to want to ask their own questions of the longneck.  Tria seemed almost beside herself with emotion, as Mr. Threehorn tried to comfort her and calm a confused Tricia as well.  However, after a moment, Ali could hear Bron say something that made everyone go silent.

"Littlefoot... and the others... have changed."

Ali looked perplexed by this announcement as she eavesdropped on the parents behind a bush.  In what way had they changed?  What exactly was Bron getting at?

Topps looked down for a moment and took a deep breath.  "Was it the stone?"

All of the parents seemed to understand what the threehorn was getting at but Ali had no clue.  What stone?  What are they all talking about?  Her thoughts were interrupted by a nod of Bron's head.

"Yes."  He took another deep breath.  "Littlefoot told me that they all made a wish on the stone."

Ali was now utterly perplexed by this.  They had made a wish and it had changed them somehow...  But what did that exactly mean?  And why did the parents seem to know what Bron was going to say?

"They wished... to become powerful enough to defeat Red Claw."

Well in order to beat Red Claw they would have to be a lot stronger, faster, or smarter... Ali pondered.

"And it granted their wish after they had a sleep story and sleepwalked...  I had a similar sleep story... did all of you?"

As the other adults nodded at Bron's question.  He continued.

"Well...  As you know...  Our children were running from sharpteeth and eventually became trapped.  Then they saw their own bodies and when they looked into the water... they saw their new bodies."

Ura began to sob, while Volant looked up in a look of disbelief.  Only Grandma Longneck had the fortitude to ask the inevitable question.  "So the sharpteeth that we chased from the valley... The sharpteeth that we thought killed them... Those were actually them?"

From Ali's perspective everything seemed to stop.  The sounds of the flyers and buzzers, the gentle flowing of the streams, the rustling of the leaves all were pushed to the background in light of what the parents were suggesting.  If that were true then everything she thought she knew... Everything that she had valued... would be called into question.  The very idea seemed against the laws of nature and reason.  The shear cruelty of this.  The shear madness.   It was impossible.

With Bron's next words, Ali's world came crashing down.

"Yes.  Our children are sharpteeth now."


With wary eyes Mr. Clubtail watched the dinosaurs depart through the valley entrance.  

He had always respected Grandpa Longneck and Topps ever since they had worked together to lead the residents to the Great Valley so long ago.  The residents officially voted on all of the major decisions, but in truth these three dinosaurs helped to calm and guide the herds to their destination.  Even though the threehorn and the longnecks often disagreed, often viciously, they had never failed to eventually lead them through any hardships that they may have encountered.  From sharptooth attacks, fires, water shortages, and even leaf gobblers, their leadership was vital to their survival.  

Now, however, the news of their cover up had caught the other residents by surprise and the old order had been left in disarray.  He could understand the impulse to not discuss how the children had raised a sharptooth in the valley so long before Chomper and Ruby had been officially allowed in.  The acknowledgement of the children's actions may have lead to their banishment despite the calming words of the parents.  However, the fact that they had kept the entire incident a secret enraged most of the residents.  Even as the parents were undoubtedly leaving to see their children, hushed discussions were already taking place.  Discussions that would have been unthinkable days ago.  

No official decisions had been made, but he knew as well as the others that the two dinosaurs would no longer wield the same influence that they had before.  Even if the talk of nominating new herd leaders came to naught, he knew that things had changed forever.

Then there was the matter of the children.

The entire valley had mourned the loss of the children and had participated in the efforts to bring their 'killers' to justice.  But the revelation that the children were alive shook the other adults to the core.  Why would the children leave suddenly and then never come back?  What if Topps' story was true?  What if the children had turned into the sharpteeth that they had chased out of the valley?  Mr. Clubtail had no doubt that a prompt expulsion from the valley would be the response from the other adults if that story were true and the children returned.  Regardless of good intentions, the residents were unwilling to make any further concessions to any sharptooth.  Not after everything that had happened.  In fact, many of the adults were already musing that if the children had been changed then it was probably punishment for allowing a sharptooth into the valley in the first place.  If the children were cursed for their deeds, then let them be cursed somewhere else.  None of them had dared say this to the faces of the parents, but he knew that it would only be a matter of time before a reckoning occurred.

Sighing, Mr. Clubtail turned away from the entrance and slowly walked back towards his sleeping area.  Night had already begun to fall upon the Haven Valley and shadows began to grow across the rich landscape.  The growing darkness seemed to suit the mood of many in the valley.  There was indeed joy in the fact that the children were alive, but trepidation at the possible implications.  He decided that he would keep his thoughts to himself.  As far as he knew, he was the only one who had seen the parents sneak out.  He would not ruin the privacy of their reunion for the sake of his own curiosity or the sake of sharing gossip with the other residents.  He would let them have this moment that had been so long in coming.

As Mr. Clubtail quickly fell into a peaceful slumber, two rainbowfaces watched the entrance with great concentration.   Each was leaning against the other slightly, as their eyes glowed in the darkness.  Silence permeated the scene as each seemed to soak in the importance of the moment.  After a few moments, however, the soft snoring of his female companion told Chronos that she had finally fallen asleep.  Before he too fell into a slumber, Chronos spoke into the night.

"Good luck, children."


The green longneck sprinted through the underbrush in the unrelenting darkness, heading to a destination that was unseen by him.  His heavy breathing and the thundering of his feet could be heard for some distance around.  He was obviously so fixated on his mission that he was paying attention to little else.  As a consequence, he did not seem to notice the pair of eyes following his movements.


Ali watched Shorty sprint through the underbrush with some trepidation.  She had never met Shorty, but she knew who he was through Littlefoot’s stories.  He had mentioned that Shorty was his adopted brother and that although the two had their difficulties in the past, they had reconciled and Bron formally adopted Shorty.  Of course, that was before everything...  Before the children leaving...  Before their ëchange’...

Ali still couldn’t believe her ears.  Was Bron insane?  Where the other parents mad as well?  Leaf-eaters simply didn’t change into sharpteeth.  Such a thing doesn’t happen!  But Ali couldn’t deny that all of the signs pointed in that direction.  The sharpteeth had convinced Bron of their legitimacy and they obviously knew things that only the children would know.  But if it were true...

It can’t be true!  It didn’t happen!

Ali sprinted off behind Shorty, being careful not to be noticed.  This was not difficult as he seemed to be entirely fixated on running to an as yet unknown destination.  Maybe he is going to meet the sharpteeth? She had thought earlier. I want to see these imposters for myself!  So now here she was running away from the valley in order to chase a longneck she didn’t really know; and all of this was to obtain closure that she feared she would never obtain.  Because never mind how much she struggled against the idea, the thought still remained.

What if they are those sharpteeth?

If the words of Bron were true then her world would be turned upside down.  It would mean that Littlefoot and the others would have to eat meat... would have to kill.  They would have become no better than Chomper.  Chomper...  The very name now filled Ali with rage.  He had taken everything from her.  Her friend... Her herd’s security... Her childhood... She would never forgive him.  He and his companions were the embodiment of evil to her.  Seven sharpteeth that spread nothing but misery.

Seven sharpteeth...

Seven friends...




Ali’s mind was in a daze now that the full implications of that association came to her.  What if those sharpteeth that attacked her... that killed Rhett... that attacked the herd... what if they were them?  What if they were the killers?  It was a possibility that she didn’t want to confront.  If that were true...  

If that were true then she would be truly alone.

In front of her, she could see Shorty begin to slow and look around.  She took this as a cue to quickly hide behind some bushes.  She had to get to the bottom of this and see the fiends for themselves.  Were they really the gang?  Were they the same seven sharpteeth that attacked her and Rhett?  There were so many questions and only one way that she was going to find an answer.


Shorty’s voice rang out across the empty clearing causing Ali to flinch.  It seemed that Shorty was indeed trying to find Littlefoot.  But why would he attempt to do so before the parents got here?  She didn’t quite understand his reasoning.  However, that was when a haunting voice shattered her contemplation.

“I’m here, Shorty.”

The voice was deep and raspy, but it had a distinct quality to it.  A cadence that she had only heard in one other voice.  It was as if Littlefoot’s voice were being forced through a sharptooth’s throat.  It was a horrifying sound and it caused Ali to shake in apprehension.  It can’t be!

Shorty seemed to bounce up and down despite his fatigue.  It was a curious sight from Ali’s perspective.  Who in their right mind would act joyful when being addressed by a sharptooth?

“Well then show yourself, will ya?”  Shorty teased.  “The sneaking around thing gives me the creeps!”

The sound of laughter echoed from the bushes, as Ali could hear rustling as the sharpteeth broke through them.  As they all came into the open, Ali’s heart sank.  The rose and yellow fast biters that had chased them into the clearing...  the brown fast biter that had killed Rhett...  Then two of the fast biters that attacked her herd during the egg theft...   It was them.  It was the killers.

They were the killers all along.

“How did it go?”  Littlefoot spoke with obvious concern.

Ali’s mind went numb.  The very sharptooth that had struck Rhett down was speaking in Littlefoot’s voice.  The monster!  How could he?!  How could he betray us like that!

Shorty smiled.  “They already know what you are and that you’re alive.  I guess that you have the rainbowfaces to thank about that.”

At this the sharpteeth took on looks of noticeable surprise.  Cera in particular took on a contemplative expression as Taunt muttered a questions of some kind, which Ali could not understand of course.  There was general growling and muttering amongst the seven as they digested this news.  Finally, however, Ducky spoke.

“I am glad that they came through for us.  I am, I am!”  The tell-tale pattern of Ducky’s speech caused something in the longneck to break.  It was definitely them.  There was no doubt now.

“They saved us a lot of trouble.”  Littlefoot agreed.

Shorty was still full of activity, however, as he had not finished what he had to say.  “Your parents are coming.”  He paused for a moment.  “Are you guys ready for this?”

The pack was silent for several moments as if they were contemplating the question.  However, when the answer came, it was unanimous.

“I am more than ready to see mom.”  Spike intoned.

“I am too.  Yep, yep, yep!”

“I’m ready, but I hope that dad is alright.”  Cera admitted.

Petrie sighed.   “Me hope mama not too mad.  Me what me is now.”

Littlefoot was the last to answer.   “We have put this off for too long.  They at least deserve to know what happened to us.”

Shorty smiled.  “Well, that is good.  Because I think that I hear them now.”

Sure enough, Ali could hear the sound of heavy footsteps echo from the valley entrance.  The adults were obviously several minutes away, but they would be there soon enough.  To be reunited with their children.  The murderers...  The egg-stealers...  The sharpteeth...

Ali had enough of it all.  Her dear friends from so long ago had betrayed her and her family.  They had taken her feeling of security and innocence.  Worst of all, they had taken her best friend in a flurry of violence and rage.  The damage that they had done could never be repaired.  Their crimes would never be forgiven.  If the adults were willing to forgive them... to accept them... then they were just as depraved in her eyes.  She would not allow this miscarriage of justice to take place.  She would not allow the unforgivable to be forgiven.  With a thundering heart and shuddering breath, she knew what she had to do.

In a head-long sprint, she hurled herself back in the direction of the Haven Valley.  She would warn her mother about what was taking place.  She would tell the other adults about what these savages had done to her and everyone she loved.  She would see to it that the valley knew exactly how dangerous and untrustworthy they were.

If they decided to enter the valley then she would see to it that they got the homecoming they deserved.


“What was that?”  Shorty questioned.

Littlefoot shook his head.   “I’m not sure.  Did we spook someone?”

“If we did then they must have not been too bright!  We have been talking for a while in the open.”

Breeze nodded at this.  “Should we chase whatever it was?”

“No.  I’m sure it’s not a threat.  Whatever it is.”  Cera affirmed.  She seemed quite preoccupied with the upcoming reunion.

“Yeah, but it might be tasty!”  Taunt replied, clearly not getting Cera’s mood.

Cera grunted.  “If you don’t want me to take a bite out of you...”

Taunt backed away with a placative gesture, but still smiling at the yellow fast biter.  He seemed to know when to stop before he got over his head.  As it was, everyone could hear the approaching footsteps and knew that their time was short.  It was time to focus on the emotional ordeal that would soon await them.

Littlefoot sighed.   “I guess that it’s time.  Thanks, Shorty.”

Shorty smiled.  “No problem, bro.  I will tell them where you all are.”

As Shorty left they were all left with their thoughts.  All they could do now was wait.


Grandma Longneck felt as if she were carrying the weight of the world upon her shoulders.  For so long she had raged at Chomper and hated those sharpteeth that had taken Littlefoot from her.  But now that the true cause of their disappearance had been discovered, a gaping emptiness was left in her heart.  What terrors had her grandson had to endure?  What suffering?

And she had been an instrument of his suffering.

Despite the fact that they couldn’t have known better, the guilt was almost too much to bear.  They had threatened their own children with death.  They had sent out others to find and destroy them.  They had even dishonored their memory by effectively turning the old valley into a well-protected camp.  And for what?  Out of misguided fear and a desire for vengeance.  In a way she could not feel any ill will towards the children, even if they had killed.  They had simply done what they had to do to survive.  By her reckoning, the actions of her and the other adults were far worse.

She felt a pressure on her neck and looked towards her right.  Her mate had detected her agitation and tried to give her support in his own way.  Now their necks were touching in a gesture of affection.  

She had to smile despite her downcast mood.  She reciprocated the gesture and then turned her neck forward again.  

Glancing to her left, she could see the others.  They were all in equal states of shock and mental exhaustion.  Ura looked overwhelmed and was being helped along by Tria, who seemed to use the act of assistance to distract her from her own thoughts.  Topps, for his part, was looking like an aged elder.  In the past year he had seen more tragedy and surprises than a dinosaur should see in a lifetime.  His eyes had a stare to them that only the traumatized would know.  Then there was Volant, who was situated on her back.  Her expression was completely blank and unreadable.  The longneck had no idea what the flyer was thinking.  Bron was to the extreme left of the group and he seemed to be looking at something in the distance.

“They’re over here!”  Called Shorty.

Bron’s response was immediate.  “Thanks, son!”

She picked up the pace.  She would finally be able to see her grandson after all this time.  There was so much that she wanted to say.  So many emotions she wanted to express.  It was overwhelming.  With a crash, all of the parents entered into the clearing and stopped in their tracks.

In front of them were eight pairs of yellow eyes.  Their silhouettes could not be seen clearly from this distance, but their appearance still made everyone pause in trepidation.  Silence reigned in the area for several moments as each group seemed unsure how to handle the situation.  It was the most surreal experience Grandma Longneck could remember in her long life.  It was then that she heard a voice that she thought she would never hear again.

“It’s so nice to see you again, Grandma and Grandpa!”

Grandma Longneck sucked in a breath that she hadn’t known that she was holding.  The voice had changed, but it still had something... something that was uniquely Littlefoot’s.  The sharptooth accent instantly confirmed everything.  This was her grandson now.  Littlefoot the fast biter.  She knew what she had to do.

She entered into a fast trot, which took the others by surprise.  Grandpa yelled a panicked “Dear!” and some of the other sharpteeth scattered as they saw her charge at Littlefoot. She could also feel a weight depart from her back as Volant flew off.  None of that mattered now because Littlefoot was in her sights.


For his part, Taunt was paralyzed by fear.  Was this it?  Was this how it ended?  Had Littlefoot’s grandmother decided that she didn’t want a sharptooth for a grandson?  He could hear some of the others scatter into the underbrush as the other parents began to shout at the grandmother, but yet she continued to advance.


Come on, Littlefoot!  Run!  What aren’t you running?!


He closed his eyes as he could see the massive sauropod close in on his leader.  This was it...

“Grandma, that tickles!”  

Taunt rose from his position in utter confusion at the nonsensical turn of events.  What?!

The brown fast biter who had challenged Calin and lived to talk about it was now being nuzzled by a massive sauropod and squealing like a lost child.  His only respite was when the elder male grunted something at her and then promptly nuzzled Littlefoot for himself.

Taking a look around, he could see the others coming out of the foliage and being welcomed with equal pandemonium.  What Taunt assumed was Ducky’s mother had just picked her up to nuzzle her and accidently gotten scratched in the process.  This only delayed her a moment, as she picked her up more carefully the next time and promptly resumed where she left off.  Then it was Spike’s turn...

He looked towards the leaf-eater flyer and wondered why she was keeping to herself, but quickly realized his mistake.  Petrie was nearly completely enveloped in her massive wings and was being carried to and fro as she rocked back in forth in utter rapture.  He debated for a moment rescuing the poor flyer before he suffocated in her grasp, but he soon thought the better of it.

Then there was Cera, his good friend.  More than friends. He corrected in his mind.  Cera was being enthusiastically nuzzled by the female threehorn, while her father kept back.  That was what she was afraid of.  Taunt noted.  They had talked for many hours about her hopes and fears about the upcoming reunion.  She had been afraid of her father not accepting her new role.  Her new fate.  She had told him that her father had seen far too much death and suffering at the claws of sharpteeth to ever forgive them.  Well, at least she still has her stepmother...  

That was when he saw something that made him freeze.

Her father nudged Tria away from Cera for a moment and looked the yellow fast biter straight in the eye.  Neither of them moved as each stood ramrod straight with expressionless faces.  Neither blinked.  Neither moved.  Despite all of the joy and ecstasy around them, they seemed to be stuck in a challenge of some kind.  Tria seemed deeply concerned, but did not interfere.  Despite the risk to himself, Taunt considered seeing if Cera needed aid...

But that was when the threehorn grunted something unintelligible at the yellow fast biter.

To Taunt’s surprise, Cera smiled and grunted something equally indecipherable back.

As parent and child suddenly broke into tears and nuzzled one another, Taunt was left in utter confusion.  What just happened?

“He said...”  Taunt nearly jumped at Chomper’s unexpected appearance.  “...that only my daughter could be that stubborn.”  Chomper then smiled and gave a little laugh.  “Then she said: 'only my father could be that much of an ass.'”

As Chomper laughed in a mixture of joy and relief, Taunt could not help but do the same.  His beloved friends had finally acquired the reunion that they had desired for so long.  They had lost their old bodies and innocence, but they had not lost themselves.  For this one night at least, they could still be the same children that they were before the change.  

Taunt’s happy thoughts were soon interrupted, however, by a sudden sigh from Chomper.

“I guess that we need to mention Red Claw.”

Taunt looked at the sharptooth in disbelief for a moment, not wanting to ruin the happy reunion.  But, he had to admit, Chomper was correct.  They had to warn the valley before Red Claw could make his attack.  Giving Chomper a quick nod, he watched as the small sharptooth left his side and slowly approached Littlefoot and his grandparents.  At that moment, Taunt thought back to the remark that Cera’s dad had made earlier:

“Only my daughter could be that stubborn.”

Taunt smiled.  Indeed she is.  As long as we are as stubborn as she is then I know we are in good shape.  He speared himself one final look at the longnecks who had now just noticed Chomper’s slow approach.

We are too stubborn to die.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 50 :)

The first scene is already extremely powerful and it caused a wide variety of emotions :lol
It's the first time a scene is focused on Breeze. Now that no threat is imminent, she has finally found a chance to cope with Skytail's death. Spike's comforting strategy is extremely powerful and his words are just plain sweet :)
What really cracked me up (and I suppose it was intended :lol) was Petrie's witty comment.
Oh no! They looking at tail here too!
I really adore the increase of romance in this story to be honest, yep, yep, yep ^^

Nunti seems to be an interesting character :)

It seems like Chronos and Logos aren't of the same opinion :lol "Contaminating" is very vague a term thus they're having some trouble defining the "borders". I think you've captured Mr. Thicknose's personality quite well here.
It also seems like Nunti has already arrived... or what else could anger Grandma like that? ;)

Well, poor Nunti... I guess Pterano is in his guilt now at th every least :p Topsies reaction is very unlike him. I really do wonder what tale he is going to tell... Of course I have a well reasoned guess that I shall not name until I get around to reading chapter 51 ;)

Very nice chapter again :)

Someone else needs to be the one the spread the news."
The one to spread the news.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thank you very much for the review.  :)

The first scene is already extremely powerful and it caused a wide variety of emotions dino_laugh.gif
It's the first time a scene is focused on Breeze. Now that no threat is imminent, she has finally found a chance to cope with Skytail's death. Spike's comforting strategy is extremely powerful and his words are just plain sweet smile.gif
What really cracked me up (and I suppose it was intended dino_laugh.gif) was Petrie's witty comment.

Yeah, the first scene does kind of run the gambit from being sweet and sad to being witty.  I wanted to show the full range of emotions there to show that although the newcomers are adapting well, they still have the lingering mental scars from what they lost.

As for Petrie, it seems that his first "gathering" has been a bad influence on him.  :p

Nunti seems to be an interesting character smile.gif

Yep, he has some echoes of Petrie in him.  Pterano sees some of this as well, which is why he thinks that he can trust Nunti with this most important mission.  It will be interesting to see how he develops as the story goes along.

Thanks for the correction.  I have made the necessary correction in the story.

I hope that you enjoy chapter 51.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 53   Storm clouds

“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

The parents all seemed to break away from their loved ones as Chomper's form emerged from the bushes.  Here was the purple sharptooth that they had hated with the intensity of the bright circle.  The one who they had all assumed to be the instrument of their children's doom.  A figure of betrayal and hatred in the valley.  The only dinosaur that the valley had ever taken the extraordinary step of voting to track down and assassinate.   His name had become a curse, not to be said in polite company.

But now they all knew the truth.

As Topps saw the purple sharptooth slowly walk towards the longnecks, he felt more than a pang of guilt.  He had very nearly killed the sharptooth during his panicked exit from the valley.  He had even gone so far as to break his horn in the process.  Now here he was with the children that he thought had been lost months before.  It had felt like that several lifetimes had passed since those momentous events, but now he could see how little things had truly changed.  His child and her friends were still obviously friends in their new lives and Chomper was part of that.  Topps was not ignorant of the harsh realities of the world; he knew that the very fact of the children's survival surely depended on the purple sharptooth.  After all, only he could have taught them the skills that would necessary to exist in the Mysterious Beyond.  

To kill...  To hunt...

With a heavy sigh, he looked back at his daughter who still had tears of joy in her eyes.  He gave her a knowing look, to which she simply nodded.  He knew what he needed to do.

"Chomper?"  He called out hesitantly.

The small sharptooth stopped suddenly and seemed to pause for a moment.  Then, in a very hesitant fashion, he turned towards the source of the call.  It was only then that Chomper responded.


Topps wasted no time in getting to the point.  "You...  You helped them, didn't you?"  On its face, it was a stupid question with an obvious answer, but it still needed to be said.

"Yes, daddy!"  Cera responded immediately.  "He helped us learn how to use our sniffers, how to track, how to hunt..."  She cut herself off suddenly once she realized what she had just said.

Topps noticeably winced when Cera made her statement about learning 'how to hunt', but he was not really surprised.  Ever since Chronos had told him the story about the stone, he had several weeks to contemplate the idea of his child becoming a sharptooth and everything that entailed.  This did not mean that he freely accepted this twist of fate.  Far from it.  But he was passed the point of being shocked by the revelation.  He suspected, however, that the others would have a harder time coming to terms with that reality.

At this point, Tria swallowed and spoke to the sharptooth.  "Thank you, Chomper.  Our children are still alive because of you."

Topps looked back at his mate, who had a slight smile on her face.  She simply gave him a knowing nod.  He realized that she knew that he would have a hard time admitting he was wrong about Chomper, so she made the difficult move for him.  To ensure that Chomper knew the feeling was mutual, he quickly nodded in Chomper's direction.  After all, he knew that if he failed to do so then Tria would compel the matter.

Chomper seemed to calm a bit at the kind response that he received from the threehorns.  With some curiosity, Topps watched as he began to growl at Littlefoot in a conversational manner.  After a few moments of listening, Littlefoot began to growl back.  It seemed that the two were having a conversation of sorts, much to the bemusement of Littlefoot's grandparents and the other parents.  When Cera and Ducky began to growl as well, Topps decided to intervene.

"Would any of you like to say something in a way that we can understand?"  He said in a deadpan manner.  He had no idea what the children had been talking about.  It could have been anything from the weather to how longnecks tasted as far as he knew.  Luckily for him, Cera spoke and gave him some context to their conversation.

"Daddy, we didn't just come here to visit...  there is something else that we need to talk about..."

At that moment, Topps decided that he didn't like the wary sound of Cera's voice.

"Alright."  The sound came from Grandpa Longneck's direction.  "Maybe we should gather around and listen to what our children have to say."


"Well, if he wants a fight then let's give him a fight!"  

Littlefoot had to smile a bit at the bravado of Cera's father, but the issue was more complicated than that.

"Well, it's not just Red Claw..."  Littlefoot offered. "He also has a pack of fast biters that does his bidding."  He then looked at his grandparents and pushed some of his feathers aside to show the massive scar on his neck.  "We have met them before."

"Oh, Littlefoot!"  Grandma Longneck exclaimed while looking at the massive injury.  His grandfather also stared at his grandson's wound in disbelief.  A wound such as that was usually lethal.

Chomper nodded at Littlefoot's words.  "Yeah.  And Red Claw has some flyers too..."  He then gestured at Petrie. "Petrie talked to some of them."

Volant looked at Petrie with surprise, to which Petrie responded with a look of discomfort.  However, after clearing his throat, he soon elaborated on the tale.

"When me was flying to Pterano..."  Petrie began.

"What does he have to do with all of this?!"  Topps demanded, before Tria tried to gently shush him.

"Me getting to that!"  Petrie responded in some agitation.  "Me tell him to tell all of you about us.  But he tell someone else to tell you.  Because you not believe him."

Topps snorted at Petrie's words.  "You are correct there.  We almost didn't believe the flyer he did send."

Petrie nodded at the threehorn's words.  He felt sorry for whoever his uncle did send to convince the parents.  It must have been a thankless task. "But before me get to uncle, other flyers find me!  Rinkus and Sierra!"

Volant reacted with concern at this.  "Oh dear!  They didn't hurt you did they?"

Petrie shook his head firmly.  "Me convince them that me bad flyer too.  They told me what Red Claw planning.  It not good."  At the expectant looks of the adults, he continued.  "Red Claw want to kill valley, be he too weak to kill valley now.  He want to hurt valley now that adults in Haven Valley.  Haven Valley not as strong."

Grandma longneck turned to Grandpa in a concerned gesture.  "My goodness, he is right!  It would be harder to defend Haven Valley.  The entrances are large!"

Ura now offered her own concerns.  "You're right!  You mainly relied on the fact that sharpteeth wouldn't find the place.  But if Red Claw has fliers..."


There was nervous chatter and discussion for several moments as the adults deliberated on what this meant for the adults in the near future.  Should they evacuate?  Should they prepare a defense?  However, after a few moments Topps made a suggestion that seemed to resonate with everyone.

"We will need to call a meeting tomorrow.  All of the herds will have to discuss this."  He then looked at the Grandpa Longneck.  "I don't think that they will listen to us anymore."

At this revealing admission, Grandpa Longneck could only nod.  This led to the obvious question by Littlefoot.

"What does he mean, Grandpa?"

Grandma Longneck shook her head and tried to calm her grandson's concerns.  "Don't worry about it, Littlefoot.  We can talk about it tomorrow during the meeting."  However, as soon as she had said it, she realized the folly of her idea.  The children were sharpteeth.  How were they supposed to simply waltz into the valley meeting?  The parent already weren't on the best terms with some of the other adults now that the truth about the children was out in the open.  However, they valley should hear the story from the source...

"I guess... that we need to bring the children to the meeting as well."  She offered weakly to the others, unsure how they would take the idea.

Tria was accepting of the idea, but with reservations.  "I'm not sure how the valley will take the idea of sharpteeth in the valley.  Maybe we can have them see their siblings first at the entranceway before going to the meeting?"

Ura nodded.  "That would be good.  I am sure Spike and Ducky would love to see their brothers and sisters again."

"Oh I would!  Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky affirmed.

Spike then spoke.  "I can't wait to finally talk to them!"

Ura and the other parents look at Spike with surprise.  "You can talk now, Spike?!"  Ura muttered.

Spike seemed to realize how much of a shock this would be to the adults and quickly explained himself.  "Yes... I could only speak sharptooth before, but Chomper taught me leaf-eater again."  He was cut off from speaking more when Ura hugged him tightly, a gesture which Ducky also joined in.

It was at this time that Ruby made her presence known from the bushes. "So we wait out here until morning and then in the morning we go in?"  She asked in her usual manner of speaking.

Topps smiled at the sound of her voice.  He had felt great guilt when Chronos pointed out that he had been forced to tell Ruby's parents of her death.  They had not been told of Chomper and Ruby's survival by the flyer so they were unsure of their fate until the two dinosaurs had showed themselves.

"You're alive!"  Topps exclaimed, but then he quickly regained his composure.  "Um... Yes.  Yes that sounds like a good idea."  He then looked at Cera.  "That way, Cera, you can see Tricia again before the other adults can complain about sharpteeth being in the valley."

Cera was happy at this news.  "How has Tricia been?!"

Topps smiled.  "She was sad about your 'death', but she has been growing.  She can say many more words now and she even crushed her first rock a few days ago."

Grandma Longneck smiled at the scene of father and daughter catching up on lost time.  They were in an extremely difficult situation with the intentions of Red Claw and the fate of the children was still to remain apart from them, as they simply couldn't settle back into the valley.  However, the mere fact that their children lived and were well placed her heart at peace.  Much of the guilt and regret that had built up over the last nine months was dissipating with the sight of their children's love.  Her moment of peace and tranquility were soon interrupted, however, by a comment from Cera.

"Don't even joke about that, Taunt!  Or I will rip out your spleen!"

Cera seemed to immediately look embarrassed about the fact that she said that aloud.  Or perhaps that she said it in leaf-eater.  Grandma deduced.  However, Littlefoot soon came to the yellow fast biter's aid.

"Well, Cera..."  Littlefoot said with obvious coyness.  "Before we go to sleep and prepare for our big day tomorrow, perhaps we should introduce our other friends." He then gestured towards the bushes and gave a few odd hand signals.  As if on cue, an orange fast biter with black stripes and a grey fast biter emerged from the foliage.  

The adults considered these two sharpteeth warily.  These were not their children, but rather sharpteeth that had been born and raised that way.  This gave them all some pause.

Spike was the first to speak up.  "This one right here is Breeze." He then gestured for her to come towards him and she did so, earning a quick appraisal from Ura.

The orange one seemed to stare at Cera for a while with an almost bewildered look.  Finally, she decided to introduce her friend.

"This insufferable, foulmouthed, fiend is Taunt."  Her introduction made the members of the gang all laugh out loud.  However, Cera then gestured for Taunt to go towards her.  

Taunt moved towards Cera with the utmost caution, obviously being frightened by the stern-faced threehorn that was staring at him with unknown intent.  He carefully positioned himself behind Cera and took on an unassuming posture.  However, Taunt's noticeable fear seemed to please Topps and he did nothing more to escalate the situation.  That was when Ducky decided to have the last word.

"So when we all visit our brothers and sisters tomorrow, are all of you bringing your boyfriends and girlfriends along too?"

This made Topps sputter and take on a stunned expression.  He may have prepared himself for the revelation that the children were now sharpteeth, but he was not ready for that revelation.

As Grandma Longneck struggled not to laugh at the threehorn's stunned expression and the sheer insanity of the situation, she heard Bron mutter something to her side.

"Topps stunned into silence.  I thought that I would never see the day."

Sleep did not come easily to the sharpteeth.  Their parents and grandparents had reentered the valley in order to watch over their other children and to get them ready for the reunion the next morning.  Likewise, the lingering questions about Red Claw's threat to the valley still resonated in the minds of the sharpteeth and their parents alike.  Would the valley listen to them?  Would they even be permitted to speak at the meeting?  It was obvious that something had changed in the leadership of the herds, but none of the sharpteeth was quite sure what that was.  It was only the next morning when they reunited with their families at the outskirts of the valley that they began to have their questions answered.


The next morning:

Cera awoke with a start.

The sun was just beginning to peek above the horizon as the lingering darkness began to be overtaken by the signs and sounds of a new morning.  Today was the big day when they all would be reunited with their siblings.  They would have that brief moment of welcome respite before the uncertain meeting would begin.  She had no idea how the other adults would take the news of their transformation, or how they would respond to the news that they were about to bring.  To be honest, she wasn't looking forward to it.  She remembered how the adults would argue back when she was still a threehorn and it was very chaotic then.  She hated to think what it would be like now after so much had happened.

Smiling, she slowly rose from her resting place.  She was eager to wake the others so that they could get this started.  She was not about to let her lack of sleep get in the way from meeting Tricia after such a long absence.  With this in mind, she turned around to wake the others...

Only to find that they were nowhere to be seen!

Cera quickly sprinted from her sleeping place, tripping over Taunt in the process, and began sniffing at where the others had been sleeping the night before.  She could tell by the freshness of their scents that they had left a few moments ago.  Cera was enraged.  How come they had left to see their parents without waking her first?!

"We told them to let you sleep for awhile; it seems that you needed it."

Cera jumped at the sudden intrusion of Tria's voice.  Tria spoke with some humor, but Cera did not feel anything humorous at the moment.  Who knew how long they would be permitted to visit with family before the valley would tell them to leave?  For that matter, they might actually be chased out again for all she knew.  She didn't want to waste any more time that could be spent catching up with her family.  With that in mind, she jabbed Taunt with her claws, waking him up again.

"Ouch!  What did you do that for!?"  Taunt exclaimed.

Cera took on a toothy smile.  "Come on, Taunt!  It is time for you to meet my family."

Taunt paled at this.  "I think that I met them enough already...  Your dad looked at me like I was a buzzer to be stomped on."

"Well... that certainly is an idea."  Cera deadpanned.

"Hey!"  Taunt protested.

Cera laughed at his antics.  "Come on...  It is time for you to have a proper introduction.  Besides... if you don't show up then I will tell my daddy what you said back at the meeting last night."

Taunt sprung to his feet.  "You wouldn't dare!"

Cera smiled.  "Would I?"  She then gestured for Taunt to follow.  "Come along, Taunt..."  Taunt gave an exasperated sigh as he reluctantly followed behind the former threehorn.

Tria watched the scene in front of her with obvious amusement.  It was obvious that Cera and Taunt where quite a pair, although she knew that Topps would not be very welcoming of any male courting his daughter.  Let alone another fast biter.  Tria could only shake her head at the absurdity of the situation.  Despite still being a youth, her stepdaughter was growing up fast.


Meanwhile, near the northern entrance of the valley, Littlefoot was catching up with his grandparents.  All of the longnecks in the family were there: the grandparents; Bron; and Shorty.  For his part, Littlefoot was joined by Ruby and Chomper, who were telling the grandparents about their fight with Calin.

"And then we had the idea of going to the mud pits.  If we went to an area where there were only two entrances, than that would force them to attack us 2 at a time."  Littlefoot was explaining. "It evened up the odds."

"But we were too late!" Ruby protested.  "Calin had already ripped you throat open and I wasn't there!  I wasn't there when he ripped open your throat!"

Chomper sighed.  "You can't blame yourself, Ruby!  We had to find some help!"

Littlefoot nodded at Chomper's words. "Chomper is right, Ruby.  You also helped to nurse me back to health.  I may not have lived if it wasn't for you." He finished his gentle chiding by giving her a light nuzzle, a gesture that she reciprocated.  

Grandma Longneck looked at the scene with a slight smile.  Despite the change in species that her grandson had undergone, the undertone of love and affection was still clear for anyone to see.  Littlefoot was obviously too young to even contemplate mating or raising a family, but the obvious affection between Ruby and him were leading to an obvious conclusion.  However, not wanting to ruin the moment, she remained silent.  

Sparing a look at Grandpa, however, she could see the same knowing expression in his eyes.  It was obvious that Littlefoot had found his companion.  They had hoped for so long that perhaps Ali would be that special someone for their grandson, but it seemed that fate had other ideas.  Either way, they were happy that Littlefoot had someone to call his own.

It was at this time, however, that Grandpa decided to ask a question that had been on his mind ever since he learned of Littlefoot's fate.

"Littlefoot, you have killed..."  He quickly modified his statement.  "You all have killed.  How..."  He sighed.  There was no diplomatic way to ask this question and even though this truly was his grandson, he couldn't shake away the uneasiness of knowing that Littlefoot killed other leaf-eaters for a living.  It was abhorrent in so many ways.  Thankfully, however, Littlefoot finished the question for him.

"How can I eat others when a sharptooth killed my mother?  How can I be the same thing as what I feared for so long?"  He asked simply, which earned him a nod from his grandfather.  Even though he had implied the question in a more far more diplomatic manner than Bron, the question still irked Littlefoot.  It was a simple matter of biology now, he had no choice.  Did the bright circle have to justify why it rose each morning?  Did the breezes have to justify why they blew across the seas?  Did the streams have to justify why it flowed downhill?  It was simply the natural order of things and he was on the other side now.  He knew that his grandparents knew this as well, but accepting the harsh reality was a far different matter than understanding it.  With that in mind, even though Bron and Shorty had already heard the tale, Littlefoot decided to give his grandparents the full story.

"It all started when we couldn't find enough ground fuzzies to keep us from going hungry..."


"Why are we going outside the valley, momma?"

Ura smiled at her children.  She had tried to protect her children from the rumors that had been floating around the valley about the missing children out of fear that they may turn out to be wrong.  She was only partially successful in that endeavor.  This morning, however, she knew the truth and it was time for her children to do the same.  It was time for them to be reunited with their sister and adopted brother, even if it was only for one day.

"Children, you have heard the rumors about your sister Ducky and brother Spike being alive... haven't you?"  Upon hearing their somewhat subdued affirmations, she continued.  "Well last night your sister came home."

The collective shout of happiness from the enumerable children was immediate and deafening.  They had been shackled with the burden of Spike and Ducky's 'deaths' for so very long.  Death was not an uncommon occurrence for swimmers in the Mysterious Beyond, but the children had been spared that harsh reality in the Great Valley.  That was, until Ducky and Spike disappeared.  Now that the truth was out, the children were utterly ecstatic.  The questions began immediately.  

"Where are they, momma?"

"Are they okay?"

"Where were they?"

"Are they in trouble?"

Ura chuckled a little at her children, as tears began to flow from her eyes.  "No, children.  They are not in trouble.  But they have changed...  They are... different."

"How are they different, mommy?"

"Why are you crying?  Are you hurt?"

"No, children I'm not hurt."  Ura affirmed.  "I'm just happy... As for why they are different..."



The children began to hide behind their mother as two familiar sights greeted Ura's eyes.  Ducky and Spike were both advancing towards the family, but had stopped in their tracks at their siblings panicked screams.  It seemed that they had expected Ura to have explained everything to the children before they got there.  That probably would have been wise.  Ura chided herself.  However, now that the reunion was now in progress, she decided to finally explain the new reality to their children.

"Don't worry, children!  These two sharpteeth won't hurt you."

One of the brothers didn't understand.  "But mama!  They're sharpteeth!"

Ura nodded.  "Yes, dear.  But these aren't just any sharpteeth...  Do you all remember the Stone of Cold Fire?  Well..."  As she began to explain the whole situation to her children, Ura couldn't help but hope that the others were having an easier time then she was.


"Ahhh!!!  Flying sharptooth!"  

The scream emanated from the nest as Petrie flew in without preamble.  The outburst caused Petrie to turn towards his mother.

"Me thought you tell them?"  He asked with some concern.

Volant nodded.  "I did, but they still seem to be afraid."

"Mama, fly away!  There is a sharptooth here!"

Petrie sighed.  "Me may be sharptooth, but me also Petrie!"

At Petrie's telltale manner of speaking, the shouts and panic died down.  Petrie's voice was unmistakable.  They may not have believed their mother's words when she first mentioned the change, but now they had no choice but to believe.  Nonetheless, they looked upon Petrie with expressions of shock that had become all too common as far as Petrie was concerned.

"So... So it's true!"  One of his more intrepid brothers spoke out.  "You... You're a sharptooth now?"  The fear was still present as some instincts were hard to override.

Petrie nodded.  "Yep.  Me sharptooth flyer now." Upon seeing his siblings begin to become more concerned at that affirmation he decided to temper it somewhat.  "But me not bad sharptooth!  Me only kill when me need to.  Me usually eat ground fuzzies and fish!"

A nearly unanimous chorus of "Ewww!" echoed across the nest as his brothers and sisters gave their frank assessment of his diet.  It seems even turning into a sharptooth did not prevent Petrie from being a subject of criticism for his siblings.  In the past this would have filled him with sadness, but right now it actually seemed quite welcoming.  It reminded him of simpler times.  When his biggest problems were avoiding ridicule and hanging out with his friends.  Now he had much more to worry about.

"So you have eaten other things?"  One of his sisters asked.

This question disturbed Petrie somewhat.  It had an obvious answer, but he was unsure how his siblings would take the answer.  Regardless, he decided that the truth would be the best policy.

"Yes.  Me eat other things."

"Other flyers?"  One of his brother's questioned.

"When Petrie was starving?  Yes."

At this affirmation, several of Petrie's brothers and sisters backed away towards the very back of the nest.  Even Volant took a somewhat unreadable expression as she stared at her son.  It was at that moment that Petrie realized that she may have suspected how far he had gone to get food, but this was her first confirmation of her suspicions.

Silence reigned in the nest for a few moments as the siblings seemed stunned by Petrie's admission and was trying to come to terms with it.  Volant was also somewhat taken aback by the bluntness of Petrie's confirmation.  He had certainly changed from the innocent flyer that he had been.  After a few moments, however, she asked a probing question that only an empathetic mother could ask.

"How did that make you feel?"

On the surface, the question seemed innocent enough.  However, Petrie could now tell what his mother was up to.  She was trying to get him to open up.  To express what it was like for him to be what he now had to be.  Some part of his mind recoiled at the idea of letting himself go and admitting his faults and insecurities to anyone, even his family.  But he ignored that side of himself.  He owed it to his family and to himself to give a proper account of his feelings.  Even if he often pretended to be untouchable in order to avoid the emotional pain of his life, he knew that his 'mask' was an illusion.  The Petrie of old still remained.  With a somewhat shaky voice, he answered his mother's query truthfully.

"Me feel bad afterwards."  He admitted in a soft voice, which made his brother and sisters look at him in a somewhat more sympathetic way.  "She just trying to protect her nest..."  This caused many of his sisters to cringe and gasp at what was implied by those words.  Volant, for her part, now had tears beginning to pool in her eyes.  "But pack starving.  If me not kill then we die.  Me have no choice."  The tears were now running down Volant's eyes. "She attack me afterwards...  Me would die if not for Ducky.  Ducky slashed her wing and then finish her..."  Silence reigned in the nest at those words.  "Ducky cry about it for a long time."

The stillness of the nest was only broken by Volant's soft crying and Petrie's own sobbing.  This was the first time that he had truly opened up about his experiences and how they made him feel.  Even when he talked to Pterano about it there was an element of secrecy in order to not admit weakness on his part.  However, in front of the knowing eyes of his mother, Petrie could tell no lies.  After a few moments, Petrie spoke again.

"Me sorry me be here.  This be a mistake.  Me leave..."

That was when a large wing blocked his path.  It was his mother!  Soon thereafter, several other small bodies congregated around him as well.

"No, Petrie.  You don't have to face this alone.  You have done a lot of terrible things, but you had no choice."  Volant was openly crying now.  "The valley won't allow you to stay, but you don't have to face this alone."  She then placed her wing on his chest.  "You will always be my son, Petrie.  Never forget that."

As the entire family embraced in a scene of mass weeping and hysterics, Petrie was surprised by his own emotions.  This was actually one of the happiest moments of his life.  Yes, he had admitted his faults to his family and yes they did not truly understand his pain.  Yes, they were all crying right now.  And, yes, he was still confused and bewildered by the entire experience.  But despite all this they were still willing to listen to him and accept him as one of their own.  In that moment three welcome words were echoing in his mind.

Me not alone.

It was at that moment the sound of heavy breathing and a sudden crash could be heard.  Immediately being distracted from the familiar embrace, Petrie and the others turned towards the entrance of the nest.  Petrie gasped when he saw what was before him.


The teal flyer stood in shock at the sight in front of him.  Could he have heard correctly?  Could that sharptooth possibly be Petrie?  

He had rushed back from his latest scouting run when he had heard the rumors about what had happened to the children.  He had hoped that Volant could tell him more about the possibility of them being alive.  Of Petrie being safe.  That was when he had heard shouts from the nest.  Amongst the shouts were "Petrie!" and "sharptooth!"  In a panic he had hurled himself at the nest and glided to the best of his ability, which in the current wind conditions wasn't very well.  But despite his disorientation from crashing into the nest, the sight in front of him caused him to stop in his tracks and take notice.

"Guido..."  The sharptooth said as if he had seen a ghost.  The voice sounded foreign and deeper, but it still had a very noticeable pattern to it.  A pattern that he had heard from only one other flyer.  The next sentence from the flyer, however, confirmed his suspicions.  "Me glad to see you."

Guido could barely notice that his beak hung agape as the fantastic stories that he had heard were suddenly confirmed.  If this was Petrie then... then...  He hurriedly looked up at Volant, who simply gave him a sympathetic nod.  With unsure feet, Guido stumbled up to Petrie.

"Me was going to find you next Guido, but me talk to family firs..."

Petrie's words were cut off by Guido's tearful embrace.


"You're not alone, Cera...  I can't understand what you have gone through, but... you are not alone."

Cera nearly teared up at her stepmother's kind words.  She had already made peace with her new reality, or so she had told herself, but the calm understanding of her stepmother seemed to touch something deep inside.  Perhaps she was not quite as at peace with herself as she had been led to believe.

"Cera... still love you."  Tricia spoke with much better enunciation that Cera thought possible.  Her sister had grown so much in the last nine months.  In response to this Cera nuzzled her sister, eliciting a giggle from the pink threehorn.  It felt so good to finally see her family again.  But she forgot about one little detail...

"Now what about the strange fast biter that you brought with you?"  Topps demanded.

As the eyes of the threehorns were now fixed on the orange fast biter, Cera allowed herself one anxious thought.

Well, this should be interesting...


"Well, I guess that we need to get the meeting started soon.  The bright circle is rising and the threat from Red Claw is real."  Grandpa affirmed.  His speech very quickly changed the focus of the three sharpteeth.

Littlefoot sighed.  "I guess that you are right."

Chomper looked concerned.  "Do you think that they will even let us get to the meeting?  Will they chase us out again?!"  A small hint of the young sharptooth's excitability was on display with that question.  Although his question did have a legitimate point.

"Don't worry, children.  We will keep you safe."  Grandma Longneck affirmed.  "Although, I don't know how the meeting will react to be honest."  She sighed.  "They will probably tell you to leave afterwards..."

Ruby then spoke up.  "It is alright, Grandma Longneck.  If we have to leave, then we leave.  We have left before."

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah... We could always keep in touch through Petrie!"  He affirmed happily.  "But this is not our home anymore.  Sharpteeth do not belong in the valley."

As Ruby and Littlefoot both absentmindedly held hands, Chomper noticeably rolled his eyes at the antics of the two.  It didn't even look like that the two were aware of their actions.  However, it had not escaped the notice of Grandpa.

"I wonder how Ali will react when she sees you two acting like that!"  Grandpa Longneck stated with some humor, before taking on a more serious tone.  "I'm sure that she will be glad to see all of you.  She seemed depressed when I saw her."

"She is here!?" All of the sharpteeth said in near unison.  Bron and Shorty looked shocked at this news as well.

"Yes.  She had been here for nearly a week now.  It seems that she has lost much in the last year."  Grandma Longneck affirmed.  "Poor girl."

Littlefoot was nearly in a panic.  This was an expression that was shared by Bron, Shorty, Ruby, and Chomper as well.  Only his grandparents seemed confused by the lack of joy at the mention of Ali's presence in the valley.  Littlefoot had neglected to tell his grandparents about Rhett or the attack on the herd's eggs.  He had simply mentioned killing a dinosaur and stealing some eggs.  In this case the details were very important.  In this case they were damning.  Taking a deep swallow, Littlefoot spoke.

"Grandma?  Grandpa?  There is something really important that you should know..."


Taunt stared at the threehorn as he emitted a series of grunts and growls at the fast biter.

"Uh... Cera?"

At Taunt's question, Cera immediately cut him off.  "Shut up, scales-for-brains!  My daddy isn't done talking!"

The grunts and growls continued for several moments as Cera seemed to nod and take mental notes of her father's 'words'.  For his part, Taunt couldn't make any sense of it.  It was just a bunch of sap-sucker nonsense as far as he was concerned.  However, he knew that whatever the threehorn was saying was dead serious, so he refrained from making any sudden moves or mocking statements.  Even though Cera was the sole translator here, he didn't want to risk that her father would correctly guess that he was mocking his words or mannerisms.  He had a strong aversion to being crushed or gored.  Thankfully for Taunt, however, Cera soon gave him a translation of sorts.

"Well, daddy said quite a lot but here is a summary: he doesn't trust you, he doesn't want anyone to hurt or mistreat his daughter, and if you do then he will personally rip you limb from limb..."  

Taunt opened his mouth, but then promptly closed it.  He quickly decided against making a mocking gesture at the massive threehorn and instead settled on stating his thoughts to Cera.

"Is your dad always this scary?"

Cera laughed.  "Only when he sees sharpteeth."

Taunt retorted with a snort.  "You are a sharptooth too, unless you have forgotten."

Cera laughed, but then began to emit a series of grunts and growls again at her father.  Another long conversation in leaf-eater then occurred to which Taunt had no way of following.  After a few moments, the large pink female began to join in as well.  Well this is certainly nice. Taunt thought to himself.  I am stuck between two threehorns who are debating my fate in a language that I don't understand.  It seems the joke is on me this time.  Ha.  Ha. He noted without humor.  Instead, he felt a mixture of anxiety and concern.  He had absolutely no idea how this was going to turn out.

He nearly jumped when Cera called his name.  


"Huh?"  He muttered in confusion.

Cera smiled.  "Say yes."

Taunt tilted his head in confusion.  "To what?"

Cera sighed in exasperation.  "Just say yes before my father crushes you."

"Gee, how can I argue with that logic?"  Taunt deadpanned.  "Yes."  He finally relented.

After another brief exchange of words in leaf-eater, Cera turned back to Taunt and whispered into his ear.  "You will be glad to know that my daddy is willing to tolerate you."

Taunt blinked.  "Um... Thanks I guess?"

A series of bellows then emanated from the massive threehorn.  He didn't need that translated for him.  That was a herd call, which was meant to either call out a warning or a meeting of some kind.  So this was it...  The meeting was finally happening.

"Well, here we go."  Cera affirmed.  "Are you ready for this?"

Taunt shrugged.  "Are you?"

Cera shook her head.  "Not really, but we can't delay any longer.  We have to do this."

Taunt nodded at Cera's words, before placing a hand on her shoulder in a loving gesture.  He looked up to see that Topps had fixed him with a suspicious glare, but nonetheless the threehorn continued to move ahead at his mate's prompting.  It was certainly a good thing that they were not going to move into the valley, because Taunt doubted that he would survive more than a few days under the threehorns scrutiny.  However, as they moved forward towards the entrance, he asked the one question that was on his mind.

"What did I say 'yes' to anyway?"

Cera laughed.  "Daddy didn't want me to submit to any boy.  So he wanted to make sure that you acknowledged that I was the boss in the relationship."

Taunt paled "What!?"

Cera continued laughing.  "Too late now!  Unless you want me to tell my daddy..."  She cautioned with some mirth.

Taunt fumed and decided to resort to an appeal to tradition.  "But only females submit to males..."

Cera snorted.  "Yeah... Tell that to Terri."  She then smiled a predatory smile at Taunt.  "And even if that were true then you could simply be the 'female' in this relationship.  You already nag like one..."  Cera countered with some sexism of her own.

"Why you little!"  Taunt protested.  However, his usual banter with Cera was cut short by a commotion from in front of them.  He could see Volant and Petrie speed towards them, with the rest of the pack and their parents following close behind.  It seemed that the meeting call of Topps had spooked them all for some reason.  But why would that be the case?  Taunt asked himself.  We agreed to call the meeting after the reunions...  As soon as Petrie got within earshot, Taunt asked the obvious question.

"What is wrong, Spotter?"

Petrie landed with a thud and struggled to catch his breath.  "We have problem!  Big problem!"

Taunt blinked a few times as he could hear the others beginning to shout in leaf-eater.  "What kind of problem is that, Spot..."  He never even finished his question, as a sight caught his eye from a distance.  In front of a massive herd of leaf-eaters of all types stood a large longneck with a smaller one to its side.  Both of them had looks of outright contempt fixed upon the sharpteeth and their parents.  It looked wrong.  It looked very wrong.  There was something very disturbing afoot and he had no idea what it was.  That was until Cera answered the unspoken question for him.

"That is Ali!  We were the ones that took her herd's eggs... and we killed her best friend!"

Taunt closed his eyes at this news.  Of course it couldn't be as simple as informing the valley in a meeting or meeting Cera's authoritative father.  No... They had to encounter the one dinosaur in the world who hated them more than anything else.  He couldn't imagine a more problematic or dangerous complication.  The next few words from Breeze matched his thoughts exactly.

"Oh crap!"


A confusing and unintelligible chorus of voices emanated around the assembled adults as they took notice of Chomper and the other children.  Now the truth of the matter was confirmed for them all.  The children had been changed into sharpteeth and forced to flee from the valley.  This was a happy occasion for many of the adults, but not for them all.  

Not for those that Ali and her mother had already spoken with.

Clearing his throat, Topps attempted to bring the mass of adults under some semblance of control.  "Alright, everyone!"  As several of the adults began to lower their voices, Grandpa Longneck tried to get the meeting started.

"Let us tell you about the glorious news."  He began.  "Our children are alive... although fate has changed them."  He looked at the assembled adults with a look that communicated both mournfulness for the change and joy at their reunion.  In many ways he was just as conflicted as the children.  "Despite that... they are still the children that we knew and loved... and they have brought us a very important message."

There was murmuring at this news, as the adults were obviously nervous about any message coming from sharpteeth.  However, their confused mutterings was interrupted by an angry interjection by Utu, Ali's mother.

"Those... monsters attacked my herd and killed Ali's best friend!  Why should be trust any of their messages!  I say that we crush the fiends and be done with it!"

The mutterings of the herds now became agitated and uncontrolled.  The claims of the longneck had now caused immediate discord in the ranks of the adults.  Nearly all of them had experienced loss at the claws of sharpteeth, so to hear that the children were capable of such butchery caused a visceral reaction.  Seeing this, Ura tried to appeal for order.

"Now come on, everyone...  These are our children..."

Ali's mother interjected angrily.  "Your children or not, they cannot be trusted!"

Volant angrily shrieked.  "Let them have a chance to say their case!"

"To the dung heap with their case!  They're sharpteeth!"  She retorted back.

The adults were now uncontrollable.  Several of the threehorns were noticeably taking on defensive positions around some of the others and other dinosaurs were becoming obviously belligerent.  Utu was trying to rouse the herds to anger and she was succeeding quite well.  If this kept up then the herds might try to attack the children or even expel the adults in their way...  The situation was becoming dangerous for everyone involved.

Grandma Longneck seethed.  Upon hearing Littlefoot's story, she could understand why Ali and her mother would be enraged at the sharpteeth and even why they sought revenge, but they were doing this at the expense of not only the children, but also of her friendship with the grandparents.  She had encouraged the valley to take them in despite the prevailing paranoia.  She had even quashed the questions about her reasons for leaving her herd and joining the valley.  Was this the way that Utu repaid her kindness?  By trying to instigate a mob to attack her own grandson and perhaps even threaten them as well?  She knew that the influence of the old elders was greatly reduced after the revelations of covering-up Chomper's previous stay in the valley, but this sudden turn against those who had led them with honor for so long...  It was maddening!

"Now, I think that is enough!"  Topps angrily interjected.  "They carry very important news that we need to hear!"

At this one of the threehorns stepped from the assembled adults and challenged the elder male.  "I think that we are tired of hearing you tell us what is important!"

Grandma Longneck looked on in horror as it seemed that the two threehorns would come to blows, but then another sight caught her attention.  Other threehorns were joining the challenger, walking behind him in a show of support.  Now no less than half of the threehorns seemed to be rallying against their former elder.  Not even Topps could stand up to a challenge like that.  With unblinking eyes, he addressed those who had joined with the upstart.

"Well, Whitehorn, it seems that the herd follows you now.  Do you plan on killing what lays in front of you?"  Tria tried to intervene between the two males, screaming hysterically in the process, but several other threehorns blocked her path.  This simply had to run its course.

Whitehorn seemed to size up Topps for a few moments.  His brown complexion and snow-white horns stood in contrast the elder with a broken horn.  It was a picture of youth and ambition versus maturity and wisdom.  Despite this, the younger threehorn sighed at his predicament.  With a wary voice, he spoke.

"I hope that you don't force me into that."  Whitehorn admitted.  "You deserve better than that, elder.  You have led us through many rough days... but if you do not step aside then I will do what I must."  The next words were spoken in a cold monotone.  "I must do what is in the best interests of the herd."

All of the other dinosaurs stood in shock at the turn of events in front of them.  The revelations of the cover-up by the parents had weakened their standing amongst the herds and now one of the elders was being challenged.  Such an event would have been expected in the Mysterious Beyond, but the drive for dynamic leadership was lessened in the lush circumstances of the valley.  But now the further revelations about the children's misdeeds had pushed the potential challengers into action.  One way or another, the threehorns were seeing the end of a dynasty.  Nearly everyone expected Topps to fight until the bitter end and to die in a position of leadership.  He did not seem the type to retire into a position of respected elder, but his next actions surprised everyone.

"I will step aside on one condition that you listen to the children.  I gave Cera my vow that I would let them speak here.  Surely you would not ask me to violate my promise to my own daughter?"

Whitehorn seemed to consider the words of the elder threehorn with careful consideration.  Topps seemed to know that he was beaten, but he would use what little leverage that he had left in order to ensure his daughter's safety.  The opportunity for Whitehorn to take the mantle of leadership without a fight would be a tempting one for any threehorn.  If one was injured in battle then he could be challenged in turn by any opportunist, but to become leader without sustaining any injuries in the process...

No one else in the herd dared to move as the two threehorns were locked in a battle of wills.  Finally, however, Whitehorn spoke.

"Consider this your last victory as leader, elder threehorn."  Whitehorn said in a haughty, but honorable tone.  "I will allow your daughter and the other children to speak.  Now assume your place."

In a movement that was both unbearably slow and nearly impossible to believe for the dinosaurs present, Whitehorn assumed a place of implied leadership towards the front of the adults, whereas Topps and Tria moved to the mass of assembled threehorns with Tricia in tow.  Cera could only look on in disbelief.  Grandma Longneck could not imagine the confusing combination of emotions she must have been feeling at that moment.  

For his part, Topps had the slightest of smiles on his face.  From the jaws of defeat, he had pulled a victory.  He had saved his daughter.  He had saved the children.  There was no way that Whitehorn could permit any threat to the children now.  He would ensure that the rest of the threehorns were in check, and with them, the rest of the valley.

After a few moments, Whitehorn spoke.

"Well, then... Get on with it.  What do you sharpteeth have to tell us?"  He did not acknowledge that they were the children of the parents, he simply referred to them as their current kind.  This was not an unexpected opinion from a threehorn.

"Who cares what they have to..."  Utu began.

Grandma Longneck had enough, with her rage at the breaking point she erupted at the other longneck.  "You ungrateful fiend!  Is this how you treat our kindness!"

Utu sputtered.  "Your kindness?  Is that what you call having a grandson that kills your daughter's best friend?"  The two longnecks were now on the verge of squaring off.  Their eyes were locked and necks at level with one another.  It seemed to the onlookers as if another battle was soon to take place.


"Grandma, stop!"

Grandma Longneck ignored those familiar voices as she continued her walk to the subject of her anger.  "You rave about my grandson being a killer?  Why, Utu... are you not the same?  Worse yet, you are a killer of your own kind."

Utu seethed.  "What would you have me do?  Let her be raped?  I had no choice!"

Grandma Longneck was now within striking distance of the other longneck.  In her anger she retorted back.  "And neither did my grandson!"  

Utu screamed.  "You lie!"  

Utu immediately bound forward with every intention to attack.  Her tail was raised to counterbalance her forward motion as her feet galloped in a full-fledged trot.  With all of her neck muscles tensing up she rolled her neck back and struck at her foe with all of the strength that she had.  

Grandma Longneck could only prepare to do the same as she braced for impact...


Grandma Longneck fell to the ground, her momentum stopped in its tracks.  It was as if she had struck a stone wall!  She quickly shook her head.  She had to get up.  She had to respond.  She couldn't let the other longneck land an undefended strike upon her!  She had to fight back!  She had to rise!  With uncertain feet she slowly rose from the ground and stopped.  For what was in front of her was not Utu.

It was Doc.

"Sorry, ladies.  But I am afraid you two will have to fight some other time..."  Doc muttered.

"How dare you!  She was asking for it... She..."  Utu could be heard protesting from somewhere behind Doc's massive body.  She sounded even more discombobulated than Grandma felt at the moment.  Doc's only response was a shrug-like motion with his shoulders.  It was then that she felt her mate's presence.

"Dear!  Are you alright?"

She smiled weakly.  "Well... I could be better.  Doc isn't very comfortable to run into!"

As the two nuzzled and she was helped to her feet, she could hear Ali mutter concerned questions to her mother on the other side of Doc.  It was heartbreaking for her to realize that all of this hatred for Littlefoot and the others had sprung from real tragedy in the longneck's life.  She had lost everything that she valued because of the actions of her grandson.  Even though the hatred was misplaced, as Littlefoot intended no malice, the damage was still done.  Now the love that had blossomed between Ali and Littlefoot had turned into a raging torrent of loathing.  The line between love and hate could be impossibly thin and now they had crossed that threshold.  In that moment, realizing the pain being felt by everyone concerned, Grandma could only feel empty.

That was when she heard the threehorn speak again.

"Alright, sharpteeth, say your piece and begone!  Tempers have flared enough!"

She slowly turned and faced the circle where the sharpteeth were now situated.  Littlefoot and Chomper both seemed to look at her with some concern, whereas Cera was noticeably looking towards her father in the crowd.  He was only a spectator now... The mantle of leadership had since passed on.  Finally, however, Littlefoot seemed to clear his throat and took a long look at the crowd.  Then he began his speech.

"We have some very bad news about Red Claw..."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Well, after having this put in the back of my mind after some new things popped up, I've finally caught up. Dang! I KNEW you were gonna bring Rinkus and Sierra back! And more Pterano! YAYZ! And, as usual, it's filled with emotions and drama, with some funny things in there. I especially like when Littlefoot simply says, "Shut up." to Taunt. Just the way it was set up, and everything. The reunion was really sweet and emotional as well (good to see the families took the news well), though it's unfortunate that Ali and her mother are no longer trusting...not that you can blame them. And now to see what happens when the adults are told Red Claw's plan...
Now, I REALLY can't wait to see what happens next!


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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Thanks for the review, CeraTheRed.  :) I am glad that you are still following the story.  I think that you will enjoy how things develop in the near future.  Things are about to get interesting.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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You are welcome. Yeah, I've got other things invading my brain right now, but I eventually came back to LBT. XD
I can't wait! You really ARE good at writing!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 51

Wow, Chomper and his parents are having quite some argument. Chomper has some good points. Who'd want to stay safe as opposed to helping your allies even though it might be the last thing you do? It's almost unbelievable that Dein cries :lol

Not sure what to say about the Redclaw scene. I liked it but there's nothing meaningful that comes to my mind right now :p It's a little scary that Redclaw is so forgiving here though... not quite to be expected.

Aww, the talk between Littlefoot and Shorty is so sweet :) I'm glad that Shorty is accepting Littlefoot as a brother still but also seeing him as a threat. Likewise, I like the mention of Chomper's relation to Littlefoot back when he was a leafeater which was really similar. The two seem to share one thing: Their mothers had been killed by predators at young age.

Sometimes I can see that you're a major in biology when reading The Seven Hunters :p This is obviously a very tricky situation for both sides but they can resolve it relatively easy by sending the leafeaters away for a while. Littlefoot finally gets "the talk" and the witty comments of the fastbiters among each other are always capable of making me chuckle :lol

What the... this is an absolutely surprising development :wow Now we know who the fastbiters are feasting upon... and how utterly right Littlefoot's analysis is. Since Ali's mother isn't provided with a personality in the movies, there's a lot of space for fanfiction authors and you've depicted her very well and believable if you ask me.
Also, it seems that the once so strong herd is slowly withering away in an act of self-destruction. Maybe it's only good that they left.
So that would mean that Ali might have to face the killer of her dear friend who happens to be one of her good friends as well. Now, I'm extraordinarily excited to see that meeting. Convincing Shorty is one thing but convincing Ali seems to be impossible. I'm so darn excited right now :lol
I also see that at least some dinosaurs have been able to read the sign and I'm still surprised that Mr. Threehorn aka Topps(y) is the one of them most accepting of the possibility :yes

...and they found the deputy as well... climax approaching... I said it before I say it again :smile

This chapter is just one of many examples as for why this story is going to get the highest rating from yours truly (going to post these later today). I know I have encouraged you before but I really think that you do have a chance to become a book author for a living. Keep up the great work :exactly

It was clear that is what a matter of honor to Chomper.
was instead of what.

"I knew back when I a longneck that I knew that Chomper would eventually have to leave and be what he had to be, but I still remained his friend.
Back when I was a longneck.

Then you obvious didn't train him well!" She deadpanned.

but the elder longnecks insisted that she not be forced to explain herself.
that she should not be forced

Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, Ducky.  I have made the indicated corrections.

Wow, Chomper and his parents are having quite some argument. Chomper has some good points. Who'd want to stay safe as opposed to helping your allies even though it might be the last thing you do? It's almost unbelievable that Dein cries :lol

Yeah, Dein realizes that Chomper is now moving on to self-sufficiency.  Even though Chomper is still a child he has become an 'adult' in the eyes of sharptooth society.  He will now make his own alliances and mistakes, whereas his parents will have to be spectators on their son's choices.  This change is always a difficult one for parents, even for one as brash as Dein.

Not sure what to say about the Redclaw scene. I liked it but there's nothing meaningful that comes to my mind right now :p  It's a little scary that Redclaw is so forgiving here though... not quite to be expected.

Yeah, when Red Claw has a chance to lash out punishment and doesn't take it, you can be assured that he has ulterior motives.  What those are will only become apparent as the story progresses.

Sometimes I can see that you're a major in biology when reading The Seven Hunters :p This is obviously a very tricky situation for both sides but they can resolve it relatively easy by sending the leafeaters away for a while. Littlefoot finally gets "the talk" and the witty comments of the fastbiters among each other are always capable of making me chuckle  :lol

Yeah, Littlefoot most certainly does not want "the talk" while the others are nearby.  Especially with Cera translating everything for Taunt.  Because he knows that Taunt would 'helpfully' remind him of the details of the talk whenever he and Ruby are anywhere near one another.  That is just the sort of 'helpful' guy Taunt is.  :p

What the... this is an absolutely surprising development  :wow Now we know who the fastbiters are feasting upon... and how utterly right Littlefoot's analysis is. Since Ali's mother isn't provided with a personality in the movies, there's a lot of space for fanfiction authors and you've depicted her very well and believable if you ask me.

Thanks for the kind words.  Yeah, I was hoping to show how strong a female Utu would have to be to protect and nurture Ali is a harsh environment like the Mysterious Beyond.

Also, it seems that the once so strong herd is slowly withering away in an act of self-destruction. Maybe it's only good that they left.

Yeah, Littlefoot and his pack have effectively destroyed the Old One's herd.  Their raids sped up the Old One's death due to her distress and now the remaining deputies are engaging in battles to assert dominance.  Worse yet, without the stabilizing influence of the Old One, the herd is breaking apart and a distinct social split between the deputies and the 'commoners' has developed.  This degeneration does not bode well for the pack.

This chapter is just one of many examples as for why this story is going to get the highest rating from yours truly (going to post these later today). I know I have encouraged you before but I really think that you do have a chance to become a book author for a living. Keep up the great work :exactly

Thank you very much.  :) I greatly appreciate the support and kind words that I have received from my reviewers and those who were kind of enough to vote on my work for the fanfiction awards.  I can only hope that the remaining chapters live up to your expectations.  As for the book writing, I will have to consider it.  Though it will have to wait until after this story has finished.

I hope that you enjoy the next chapter.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Here is Chapter 54.  As it exceeds the forum character limit, it will be another two post chapter.

Fanfiction link:

Chapter 54   A hasty raid

“There is no shame in strategic retreat if it lets you remain strong enough to go after the enemy later.”
― Jane Lindskold, The Buried Pyramid

"When we heard what Red Claw was planning, we knew that we had to warn you all."  Ruby affirmed to the assembled adults.  "If we didn't warn you all, then all of you wouldn't be warned!"

As Ruby finished her explanation, the assembled adults began to murmur amongst themselves in a mixture of fear and confusion.  They all knew that Red Claw was capable of butchery, but they were unaware of his personal vendetta against the valley.  The announcement that he had a pack of fast biters at his disposal did little to improve the mood of the residents as well.  However, as was often the case, a dissenting voice emerged from the crowd.

"How do we know that this isn't one of Red Claw's tricks?  Perhaps you are working for him?"

Before any of the pack could respond, another voice emerged.  "Yeah!  You're all sharpteeth now.  Perhaps you are working for the bigger sharptooth!"

Littlefoot protested this.  "We would never do that!  You know us!  You know we aren't that way!"

Another voice called out, this time from a swimmer.  "We know that you were all troublemakers!  Perhaps you haven't changed at all."

"We may have gotten into trouble when we were leaf-eaters... but we never intentionally harmed anyone..."  Cera began to protest, but the yelling and arguing from the adults drowned out the rest of her words.  With dawning horror, the pack began to realize that some of the adults were becoming unruly and preparing to charge in their direction.  Even with Whitehorn's assurance of security, there was only so much that the threehorn could do if the adults began to submit to mass hysteria.  With that in mind, Littlefoot took the initiative to defuse the situation.

"We will leave you now." At his words the adults began to grow quiet.  "It is obvious that we are not wanted here."  He then looked at his grandparents with sympathetic eyes.  It seemed that both them and his father were on the verge of an emotional breakdown at the antics of the herds against their own flesh and blood.  With that realization made, Littlefoot made one final request.

"Let us say goodbye to our parents and then we will leave you in peace."


"I can't believe that they acted like that!  Urgh!"  

Cera raged and stomped the ground in frustration.  She and the other sharpteeth were now walking away from the south entrance into the Haven Valley.  Their mission was complete, for better or worse.  Their goodbyes had been given and the message had been relayed.  Now all that remained was their journey home.  Not the home that they left so many months before, but rather the home that they had made for themselves.  It was time to end this chapter of their lives and to move on to fate as predators.  It was obvious that nothing remained for them here.  Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when Taunt laid his hand on her shoulder.  She glared at him for intruding upon her personal space without her consent, but she did not pull away.  That was when she heard Littlefoot's comment.

"At least... at least we got to say goodbye to our parents properly."  He gave a weak, sad smile.  "That is what matters... as for the rest of the valley..."

Taunt muttered at this.  "After the way that they treated you who cares about the rest of the valley?"  It was a sentiment that earned an affirmative snort from Cera.  She was still furious with the valley and their lack of trust.  However, not everyone was so quick to wash their hands of the valley.

"I think that they are just scared.  I do, I do."  Ducky made a broad gesture with her arms.  "We all have killed before.  Why would they believe us?"

Spike nodded at this.  "We are what they fear now."

Breeze gave Spike a light nuzzle as he made his remark.  She then spoke for herself.  "At least it seems like your parents are doing okay.  As long as they know that you are well then I think that they can move on."

Cera muttered at this.  "You don't know our parents."

Breeze shrugged.  "That maybe so, but I know what it means to be part of a family.  Even if you have to be apart, just the knowledge that you are loved and remembered... sometimes that is enough."  Upon realizing that Breeze was talking about Skytail, Spike reciprocated Breeze's earlier gesture by nuzzling her.  It seemed that despite having an entirely different life, Breeze still understood their insecurities and emotions quite well.

Ruby now joined in.  "Well, I guess that Spotter can still send messages back and forth between your parents and us.  After all he gives me messages from my parents.  From my parents he gives me messages."

"Me can do that.  After all me want to talk to my mama too."  Petrie affirmed.

Littlefoot sighed.  "Yeah...  That sounds like a plan.  I just wish that we had more time to say our goodbyes...  We had to leave in a hurry.  I needed to talk to Shorty and my dad one more time."

Chomper smiled at that.  "I am sure that they already know, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot looked at the purple sharptooth in confusion.  Seeing this, Chomper continued.

"Oh come on!"  Chomper gave an exasperated, yet somewhat amused sigh.  "Between the way that you kept on stressing your brotherhood with Shorty and the way that Bron began calling him 'son', I think that they got the hint."

Ruby looked confused by this.  "What hint is that?"

Chomper smiled.  "Littlefoot?"  He was allowing the former longneck to tell the story from his perspective.

"Well..."  Littlefoot began.  "I can't be the longneck that my father wanted me to be.  Not anymore.  So it is up to Shorty now.  He will have to learn how to lead herds, how to court girl longnecks, how to avoid sharpteeth... us."  He swallowed.  "He will have to be the son that I cannot be anymore."

Ruby's mouth hung agape upon hearing Littlefoot's explanation.  "You are still his son, Littlefoot.  You should remember that even though I will remind you.  You can't do longneck things anymore, but he will also think of you as his son."

Cera then spoke.  "Yeah!  If he didn't think of you that way then you would have gotten stomped long ago!  You dad is as stubborn as you are!"

Littlefoot took the bait.  "So says the former threehorn..."

In response Cera simply took a little bow in a mocking manner, as Taunt began to cackle in laughter at her sarcastic display.  After a rather somber and expedited parting, it was nice to see the pack began to act like themselves again.  After a few moments however, Cera began to realize that Spotter had disappeared.  She looked around for a few moments, before seeing the brown sharptooth flyer perched on a nearby rock, his superior eyes staring at something in the distance.

"What's going on, Spotter?"  She asked with some concern.  "What do you see?"  The other began to take notice of the flyer's antics as well and turned towards their friend.  That was when he said three simple words that stopped them cold.

"Me see trouble!"


The teal flyer looked out at the departing sharpteeth with an expression of loss.  After so many months of thinking that Petrie and his friends were dead, he had discovered that they were alive and well, just to be forced to lose them again.  He knew that it would have to come to pass eventually, as they were now sharpteeth, but the manner of their eviction made something burn inside of him.  They deserved better than that! He raged.  They simply did what they had to do...  They had to survive so they...  He shook his head as he knew that his mind was going into dangerous territory.  He could understand the rage of Ali and her mother's hatred at those who had hunted her daughter and harassed her herd, but urging the others to kill them off would achieve nothing.  What was done was done.

As his disjointed thoughts raced in his head, he looked back towards the departing pack.  From his vantage point on the top of the rock wall he could see them all clearly.  Cera looked angry and frustrated, as he would expect based upon her personality.  Both Spike and Ducky looked contemplative as they both appeared to be saying something to one another, whereas Littlefoot and Ruby both were shouting at something in the sky.  What were they screaming at?  That was when he saw him.


He was hovering in the air and seemed to be staring at something in the distance.  Guido followed his gaze and couldn't see anything.  Petrie must have better eyes than me...  He thought to himself.  Maybe I should fly out there and ask him what....  That was when he saw something that made him pause.  Entering into his field of view was a very noticeable mass of light brown.  It was still a half hour away at least, but it was clearly approaching at a brisk pace.

"Red Claw!"  Guido screamed.  

The pack's words were confirmed.  Red Claw was fast approaching their location and that could only mean that an attack was imminent.  He had to get the word out.  Much of the herds wouldn't believe the pack, but maybe they would believe him?  If nothing else, he could call upon the other flyers and get further evidence.  As he was about to dive into a flight over the valley, however, a sudden call interrupted his thoughts.

He turned around to see that Petrie was flying full speed directly at his location.  Guido immediately waved with his wing to indicate that he saw the flyer and briefly waited until he landed with a loud thud beside him.

"I saw him!  Red Claw!  We need to get..."  But Guido was cut off by Petrie.

"Yes, you warn them!  But me must tell you something.  Something important..."

Guido listened intently to what the other flyer had to say, but then paled when he realized the full implications.  "Petrie, you can't do that!  The other sharptooth flyers may not believe you and the valley would attack you... They would think that you are a bad sharptooth..."  Petrie soon interrupted him again.

"Me know!  Me know!  Littlefoot say same thing!  Me ignore him too!"  Guido could only shake his head at this, as Petrie continued.  "You tell momma me not bad flyer but me have to act like one.  If bad flyers think me one of them, then me get information from them.  Then me act like me attack you and give you information."

"It will be dangerous, Petrie..."  Guido protested even though he could tell that Petrie had made up his mind.  His experiences had obviously change Petrie, he was not the same over-excitable flyer that he had once known.  He was now a far more courageous and calculating figure.  Guido was simultaneously impressed and concerned at this change.

Petrie smiled.  "Me know.  But it be dangerous for all of us now anyway.  Let mom know."

Guido nodded.  "I will, Petrie."

Petrie seemed to look up at that moment and apparently saw something that made him pause.  With a grimace he spoke again.

"You know how me tell you that me attack to convince bad flyers?"  Guido nodded at this with great trepidation.  "Me have to do that now, act like you scared."

As Petrie lunged at the teal flyer and Guido reared back and desperately tried to dodge Petrie's faux attacks, Guido slowly approached the ledge in preparation for flying back into the valley.  As he did so, he said one final thing to his dear friend.

"Take care, Petrie.  You will never be a bad flyer to me."

As Guido flew off, Petrie could only look on.  At that moment he realized just how much he missed his close friend and his family.  Would he ever see them again?  That was when another voice caught his attention.

"Sandstorm!  I knew that you would be here!"  Petrie looked up to see the form of Sierra flying over him.  "Couldn't wait to start the action, huh?"

Petrie smiled a deranged smile.  "Me start panic.  Panic causes mistakes.  Mistakes leads to dinner."

Sierra laughed a hysterical laugh.  "Let's go one then!  The pink one is supposedly leading the flyers."  Sierra was obviously referring to Rinkus there, albeit with a mocking tone.  "But when the blood starts flying we will do what we want anyway."

Joining in Sierra's laugh in order to fake enthusiasm, he took one quick look back at the valley, which was now in a full mobilization for the threat that was approaching them.  He uttered one final sentence as he flew to an uncertain destination.

"Take care, Guido.  Me hope me see you again."


"Hold the line!  No sharpteeth can get passed us!  It is our duty to stop them at all costs!"  Whitehorn was roaring at the other threehorns, as they took their positions in a makeshift line at the south entrance to the valley.  A familiar voice then called from the front.

"What about the children... sir."  Topps added the 'sir' when he remembered his new social status.  He was merely a deputy now.  Whitehorn was now leading the threehorns.  

Whitehorn glanced at Topps for a passing moment before responding.  "The spiketails have formed a defensive parameter around the children."  He began speaking in a soft tone, before remembering that he was the boss now and modified his voice appropriately.  "We must make sure that it doesn't come to that!"  He added more forcefully, hoping that no one noticed his momentary lapse.

"Yes, sir!"  Topps responded forcefully.  It was spoken in such a over-the-top manner that Whitehorn had no idea if he was saying the words in order to honor or mock him.  With a grimace, Whitehorn moved on to the other members of the line and made sure that they were secure in their positions.  A flyer soon interrupted his work, however.

"The south entrance is covered.  Argo reports that his threehorns are ready."  Volant reported with a messenger flyer's commitment to accuracy.

"Good, good."  He then studied his line for a moment.  "This is biggest entrance into the valley; we should have most of our reinforcements here.  Gather the longnecks."

Volant nodded once, indicating that she got the message but was unsure if it should be sent or not.  Under such circumstances, the messenger request confirmation.  

"The longnecks should leave the south entrance then?"

Whitehorn grunted in frustration.  "Yes!  Only Argo and his forces should be there.  We will hold the line here."

Volant nodded twice, indicating that the full message was received.  "Understood."  With that she flew off with great speed towards the other entrance.

The battle lines were now drawn.


"Red Claw wants us to make a distraction for the valley's flyers.  If we do that then they won't see what is coming and he can divide and conquer."  Rinkus intoned to the other flyers: Sierra; Ranklin; Glinch; and a newcomer called Sandstorm.

Or as his friends called him: Petrie.

"So attack the other flyers.  Is that what you are telling us to do?"  Sierra asked in an impatient manner.

Rinkus slowly responded.  "Well... yes, you could put it that way."

Sierra gave an exasperated snort.  "Then why didn't you put it that way!"

As Petrie rolled his eyes at the antics of the two sharptooth flyers, he noted that one of the others had taken on a predatory smile.  That was when Glinch spoke.  

"Would you two knock it off!  Rinkus may look nice, but I think you are looking for tail in the wrong place."  He then ended his insinuation with a boisterous laugh.  That did not last long, however.

Ranklin gave Sierra a cheeky smile.  "Do you think that it is time to take care of unfinished business?"

Sierra gave him a toothy smile.  "Oh yes..."

The flurry of movement occurred before Petrie could even determine what he was seeing.  With a sudden crash, Glinch was slammed against the adjacent wall as Sierra embraced his neck with his razor sharp teeth.  As he thrashed about, Petrie could only hear bits and pieces of words.

"Come on... joking... can't breathe..."

In the tumbling of wings and teeth, blood could be seen splattering on the adjacent walls as Sierra's teeth had hit their mark.  The actions of the stricken flyer now seemed to become more frantic and pitiful as it tried to escape from Sierra's rage-filled assault.  Only snarling and gurgling could be heard from the two combatants.

Petrie opened his mouth slightly, only to have another flyer place a wing on his beak to shush him.  As Petrie looked up at who had intervened he could see that Ranklin was shaking his head.  With a low voice, he whispered at Petrie.

"Do not intervene here, this has been coming for some time..."

As Petrie took his advice to heart, he watched as the two flyers tumbled for a few more moments, but it was obvious that Sierra had the upper hand.  As Glinch began to flail uncontrollably, Petrie could see spurts of blood begin to gush from the flyer's neck.  It was only then that Rinkus spoke with noticeable boredom.

"You got his throat, Sierra.  You can drop him now."

After a few moments of hesitation, Sierra threw the gravely injured flyer to the ground as if he were disgusted with him.  Then, with deliberate slowness, he spat in the flyer's face.  As Sierra stepped back, however, Petrie could stare into the dying flyer's eyes.  In their black depths was a deep, primal longing for another breath.  The last true desire that any dying person has.  Intermingled in that, however, was a hopeless despair that Petrie had seen only a few times in his life.  The look that a dying dinosaur gave when they knew that there was no hope, no chance of survival, and that they would spend their final moments alone.  It was that look that he now saw in the flyer's eyes and it was horrifying.

Finally though, after a few moments, the eyes began to glaze over and the flailing of the body simply turned into the uncontrolled muscles twitches that often followed death.  Glinch was no more.

"I have been looking to do that for quite a long time."  Sierra muttered.

Petrie now spoke.  "Dominance battle?  Or you just want to kill something?"

Sierra looked at the flyer with an odd expression as Ranklin looked uncertain about the small flyer's question, but when Sierra laughed Petrie knew that he was safe.

"A bit of both, kid!  He was trying to take over for a while, but Red Claw can't promote him if Glinch is dead, now can he?"  As the laughter echoed across the rock wall, Petrie feigned mirth at Sierra's words, although he only felt  disgust.  This flyer insane!  

Thankfully, Rinkus was there to get the meeting resumed.

"Well... Now that that is attended to.  Let's go over the rest of Red Claw's plan..."

Petrie listened intently.  Regardless of how dangerous, power-hungry, or insane these flyers were, he knew that it was up to him to alert the valley to their plans.  Despite the logistics involved, Petrie knew that he could not afford to fail here.  It was up to him.


"Quickly everyone!  Into the stream!"

After Chomper's yelled instructions, the rest of the pack obeyed.  After a few moments, there were eight sharpteeth shoulder deep in green, algae-covered water.

"Well this is disgusting!"  Taunt muttered.  "What is the plan, Path?  Are we supposed to look pitiful and have the other sharpteeth take pity on us."

Chomper snorted.  "Of course not, Taunt!  That wouldn't work because the only one that they would take pity on is you."  At this playful retort, both Breeze and Cera laughed out loud.  Before Taunt could respond, however, Chomper spoke again.

"If the stream hides our scent then the other fast biters can't smell us.  If they can't smell us then we can sneak up on them."

Breeze then shrugged.  "Then what?!  There were at least twenty fast biters in Calin's pack when he attacked us in the lowlands.  How are we going to face off against all of them and live."

Chomper nodded.  "If we do what I am thinking than we can delay them."

Taunt was exasperated at this point.  "Yes, Path!  But you see, I would like to live..."  As Chomper rolled his eyes, Taunt continued.  "You know, survive?  Suck down breath?  Not be eaten?  I don't know, that whole living thing is rather important to me."

"Well... If you would like to keep on living, Taunt, then you should shut up and let Path finish his thought."  As Taunt rolled his eyes, but went silent, Cera continued.  "Now get on with it, Path."

Chomper soon continued his idea.  "If we delay them long enough then we can buy the valley some time.  Because if Red Claw is going for the south entrance then obviously the place for the fast biter's to attack would be the..."

"North entrance."  Taunt finished as he began to understand.  "Divide and conquer."

Chomper nodded.  "Yeah!  So we need to buy time so that the attack fails.  An ambush doesn't work if the defenders see it coming."

Littlefoot nodded and now intervened in the conversation.  "And if we draw them into the stream..."

Ruby finished the thought.  "Then they will be slowed down a lot."  But then she took on a perplexed expression.  "But Taunt is right, we want to live and we can't live if we are killed.  So how are we supposed to not be killed?"

There was silence for a moment as each pondered that question.  Obviously they would lose in a straightforward fight.  They would have to have an advantage of some kind.  They couldn't defend from the valley entrance because the residents didn't trust them and would most likely attack them as enemies.  They couldn't fight from the stream for very long because they would sitting ducks for a pincer attack.  They had to have some way to make an attack from the stream and retreat backwards without being overran by their enemies.  It was with that in mind that Ducky spoke.

"Brother, do you still have all of the pointed sticks that we all made?"  At Spike's affirmative nod and gesture towards the pile of sticks that he left on the shore of the stream, Ducky took on a predatory smile and continued.  "I think that I have an idea.  Yep, yep, yep."


Ali paced impatiently as she and the other children were congregated on the inner side of the rock wall, with the spiketail herd keeping watch over the entrances to the top of the wall.  She understood why she had to be here, but that did not change the fact that she was now a mixture of bored and terrified.  

So Littlefoot and the others...  She quickly corrected herself. The sharpteeth were correct.  They probably were just here to spread panic before the battle anyway, the monsters...  

But even she did not believe her own thoughts.  The pack had taken her best friend from her and harassed her herd.  They had even threatened her life in their initial hunt, but they had not lied about the threat that now faced them.  She had pushed even the possibility that they were capable of good deeds out of her mind when she realized what they were and what they had done, but now that their good intentions had been confirmed she was left alone and adrift.  She had no one to confide in.  Neither Shorty, nor even Tricia for that matter, would speak to her or look her in the eye.  It seemed that her quest for vengeance had made her enemies on both sides.

She was alone.

As she could hear the sound of approaching footsteps in the distance and a sudden roar, she knew that Red Claw was near.  The valley would soon be under attack.  Feeling that she had nothing to lose, she decided to walk up to the top of the rock wall in order to think by herself and to attain some peace of mind.  The spiketails were distracted by their guard duty and none of the other children cared about her fate.  She knew no one would stop her.

In her departure, she didn't notice Shorty's piercing gaze following her.



"Alright, everyone!  This is it!  Hold the line and guard your partners.  Strong or not, he isn't getting passed us!"  Whitehorn called out to his forces, as they made a defensive line with their horns facing out.  Right now they were maintaining a defensive line as a show of force to the dreaded sharptooth, but they would not hesitate to fight back if it came to that.

Threehorns did not retreat.

Glancing at Topps, he could see that he was entirely fixated on the sharptooth in front of him.  It was amazing to Whitehorn that the elder had willingly stepped aside in favor of him.  Usually such a willful transfer of power only happened between fathers and sons or when an elder was utterly incapable of performing the duties anymore.  Topps, however, had simply requested that his daughter be permitted to speak and then leave peacefully.  It seemed that this threehorn, who Whitehorn had replaced due to thinking that his judgment was faulty, actually was showing fine judgment.  Was he wrong in assuming the leadership during Topps moment of weakness?


In this moment, however, there was no time for him to lose his train of thought.  He berated himself inwardly.  I am leader and I need to start acting like it!  With a loud booming voice, he resumed giving commands.

"Lean forward a bit, Cator!  We can't let him think that he has an opening!"  He then paused.  Now it was time to intimidate the fearsome sharptooth.  "Alright, everyone!  Stomp and present!"

As the threehorns stomped with their forelimbs and bobbed their heads in an aggressive gesture, the sounds of their show of force could be heard across the valley.  Now everyone could tell that the battle had begun.


"We need to hurry along!  It sounds like the battle has begun!"  Bron shouted out from in front of the group.

Grandpa spoke between gasps.  "I am sure the threehorns can keep it under control until we get there!"

"It doesn't seem right for the other entrance to only have a few guards."  Grandma cautioned.  "What if this is a distraction?"

Doc sucked down a breath as he galloped beside the longnecks.  "Either way, I suppose that we have our orders."

Bron's voice could barely heard over the thundering footsteps.  "I hope they are good ones."

From some distance behind, Ali's mother followed in silence.


Zarc stared at the scene in front of him.  To his left was a stream that flowed into Brekan's Gulch, or Haven Valley as the leaf-eaters called it.  It was a rather shallow and narrow stream that had over the span of millions of years, carved the opening into the valley's wall.  Now only a remnant of the original roaring river remained.  To his right was a field of short grasses and a few bushes.  Besides the stream, there was little else in the outskirts of the valley to maintain any sort of plant life and it showed.  This all meant that when they entered the valley they would have no cover to hide their advance.  They would have to rely upon speed and speed alone in order to complete their mission, all while Red Claw feigned an attack on the other entrance.

What a bastard.

His feelings about his leader aside, Zarc knew that he had little choice but to complete the mission in front of him and to kill as many valley residents as possible.  The killing of even a few children and elderly dinosaurs would greatly lessen their morale of the remaining residents, making the eventual assault on the Great Valley a more promising endeavor.  If they were to induce a panic and drive the residents out where they would be vulnerable then that would be even better.  But right now they needed to advance into the valley entrance...


Both Zarc and Calin turned their heads at the sudden sound and gawked at what they saw.  A small green fast biter had emerged from the stream and stepped on a stick, alerting them all to her presence.  But this wasn't a member of their pack, nor was it a total stranger.  

No.  Zarc knew this fast biter.  He knew her all too well.

"You're going to wish that you never left the Land of Shallow Waters, runt!"  Calin called out in a rage.  A sneer clearly visible on his face.  Zarc could only agree with his sentiments.

"Pack!  Kill the intruder!  But make this quick, we have our orders to complete!"

Zarc sprinted ahead in a full-blown run at the rapidly retreating fast biter.  She seemed to be running back into the stream.  How unwise.  Zarc affirmed, as a fast biter's greatest defense was their speed.  If they entered into water then they were sitting ducks until they dried off as the water would weigh them down.  That was when he realized what she was doing.

"Wait!  Don't go into the..."

The sound of splashes could be heard as six of his followers leaped into the stream and continued to advance on the intruder.

"...water."  He finished helplessly.

Zarc sighed.  This would undoubtedly slow them down.  Although it was odd for this fast biter to simply try to delay her pursuers by going into the water.  It did not really alleviate the mortal threat to herself and it would slow her movement as well.  She obviously did not think this all of the way through, assuming that this was some kind of plan on her part.  

That was when he noticed seven water plants bobbing in the water.  Each one seemed to be bobbing out of time with the gentle waves.  As the six fast biters approached the green fast biter, shades of brown, pink, and yellow could be seen emerging from the water plants.  He barely had time to register what was happening.

He was being tricked again.

"Oh crap!"  Calin yelled from right behind Zarc.  It sounded so distant, even though he was close by.  That was when the bloodshed began.

Whoosh!  Whoosh!  Whoosh!  

Sticks flew through the sky as fast biters were impaled before they could react to the threat that now faced them.  As the stream began to turn a shad of crimson, the screams of his comrades could be heard.  He knew all of the victims by name.


"My leg!  My bloody leg!"

That was Arven, the tracker.  He had been part of Zarc's entourage since he joined the pack.  He had even been his deputy tracker when he was made prime tracker under Calin.  But now he was seeing his final moments play out like a bad sleep story.  A yellow fast biter grabbed the pointed stick with her teeth and brutally twisted it.  The shrieks of pain and agony drowned out all other sounds in the vicinity.  As the blood gushed in massive stream, Arven's thrashing and moans began less and less noticeable.  Until finally he struggled no more.


There was Davron, the scout.  A single pointed stick embedded in his throat.  He never even had time to utter a scream.  The sound of futile gurgling and the thrashing of legs was all that he could produce.  After a few seconds he was gone.


Breven, the swift then fell.  A pointed stick had grazed his shoulder, which caused him to pause and begin to turn back.  But that opened himself up for an attack.  A dark green fast biter emerged from his hiding place and slashed with his talons at Breven's stomach, disemboweling him.  A series of sickening gurgles and high-pitched scream emanated from the mortally-wounded sharptooth as he struggled in a pain-induces daze to try to gather his intestines back into his body.  When the other fast biter finally slashed his neck open it was a mercy killing more than a murder.


Zarc's mind became numb as he could hear the death screams of the other fast biters.  But the sights haunted him.  Pointed sticks impaling torsos and gouging out eyes.  Fast biters being distracted by injuries to their legs or thighs, only to be disemboweled or to have their throats slashed.  It was a depiction of hell on earth and his foolish orders had led six members of his pack to their ends.  

At that moment something broke within the sharptooth.  He was not like Calin.  He had truly cared for his packmates.  He had helped train them, listen to them, and even befriend them to the extent that the pack's dynamics permitted it.  He had watched them mature and become well honed killing machines, but he never lost sight of the other aspects of their nature.  Now their sudden loss made a primal instinct rise up in the fast biter.

His mind cried out for vengeance.

As a pointed stick landed beside him, he grabbed it with murderous intent and began to approach the water.  He did not respond to the screams of his remaining packmates to turn back.  He had something personal to attend to.


Ali's body was resting against the rock wall, but her mind was anything but restive.

I... I guess that I can't blame them for trying to survive.  But why Rhett?  He didn't deserve to die!  If only I hadn't gone after those treesweets.  Then that would have never happened. That was when another thought entered her mind.  A most unwanted thought at that moment.  Then they would have starved.  Would you have sacrificed seven for the sake of one?

Ali was in turmoil.  She certainly realized now why sharpteeth and leaf-eaters lived separate lives.  It was a sad fact of existence that most longnecks ended up as a sharptooth's dinner before they reached adulthood.  Such was the place of longnecks in the great circle of life.  But it was quite another thing to directly speak with the instruments of death and desolation.  It was one thing to understand the harsh facts of life, but it was quite another to go out and live them.

And Ali had experienced far too many of those harsh facts in the last year.

It was then, however, that she began to realize that perhaps she had been looking at it from the wrong perspective.  How did all of this look from Littlefoot's view?  What would it be like to be starved to the point of madness?  To be forced to either kill or starve to death?  To realize that you had killed one friend and nearly slaughtered another?  To yearn for meat and eggs every day of your life, with the realization that each meal was only a brief respite from the insatiable hunger that drives your life?  To never see your parents or grandparents again?

To be chased out of the valley at the behest of your former longneck friend...

Damn it!  What am I going to do?  I really screwed this up! Ali lamented as she continued to contemplate the situation that the cruel hand of fate had dealt them all.  Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sounds of a commotion down below.  Hearing screams of pain and anguish, she raced to the top of the rock wall and gaped at what she saw.

A scene of utter bloodshed lay before her on the ground below.  Fast biters were screaming as they were impaled in place upon pointed sticks.  Another seemed to be operating in a stupor as he struggled to find his missing organs that had fallen from his sliced-opened abdomen, only to be dispatched by Spike's agile claws.  Still others were thrashing in the water as the stream turned red with the blood of the fallen.  It was like something out of her worst nightmares, but it was as real as the bright circle.  Littlefoot's pack was engaging the enemy in battle.  They were risking their lives in order to defend a valley that had shunned them and shamed their parents.  The act of selflessness that she saw before her made her tear up in shame.  The valley was not worthy of such a sacrifice and neither was she.  Everything that she thought about sharpteeth had been shattered in an instant.

But that was when she saw it.

A blue fast biter was approaching the water with a spear in hand.  His eyes seemed focused on the leader of the pack.  On Littlefoot.  It seemed that his other packmates were yelling for his attention, but he ignored them as he approached the edge of the water.  As he placed the spear in the talons of his left foot, she knew what was coming.  

"Littlefoot!  Look out!"  She cried out before she realized what she had done.

Littlefoot looked up from the fast biter he had just dispatched and saw the advancing spear just in time.  As he dived forward into the water, the spear careened above him and fell harmlessly into the water he had been sitting in just a few moments ago.

Ducky's spear did not miss her target, however.  The scream of Zarc could be heard for miles around as his leg was impaled just above the ankle.  He fell into a heap on the ground as the other packmates backed away and began to retreat from the stream.  This engagement of the battle had ended.

Relieved by his escape from death, Littlefoot looked up at the rock face where the warning had come from.

That was when his eyes met Ali's.



Littlefoot was then promptly shaken by his rose-colored counterpart.

"Huh?"  He answered in a daze.

"What is it, Seeker!  What are you...  Oh."  Ruby muttered in disbelief.

"Yeah..."  Was all that Littlefoot could mutter in response.  The very longneck who had saw to it that he and his friends were expelled from the valley had now saved him from a grisly end.  They would need to speak later.

But for that to happen there has to be a 'later'.  At that realization, Littlefoot took stock of his surroundings.  The rest of the enemy pack seemed to be advancing towards the valley entrance without their leader, leaving Zarc to bleed alone on the sandy edge of the stream.  Quickly analyzing the situation, he called out to the others.

"They are heading towards the entrance.  We need to pursue."

Taunt was unsure of the wisdom of that.  "But the valley doesn't trust us.  They will attack us on sight!"

Littlefoot shook his head.  "You know as well as I do, Taunt, that some of the fast biters will get through.  Spiketails aren't agile enough to defend against a coordinated attack.  We need to help."

Cera nodded.  "What about him?"

Littlefoot looked up at what Cera was gesturing at.  Up at the shore of the stream lay Zarc, his blue scales being colored red by the significant blood loss from his leg.  He was dragging himself away from the shore in an attempt to escape from his enemies, but it was too late for that.  With grim determination, Littlefoot gestured for the others to follow him as he grabbed the spear that had nearly impaled him earlier.  It only took him a few seconds to reach Zarc.

"It seems that this is the end for you, Zarc."  Littlefoot spoke in a cold monotone.

Zarc grunted in rage as he realized that he was not getting away from his pursuers.  "My pack will avenge me!"

Littlefoot made a point to look around with a distinct sense of disinterest.  "Will they?  I don't see any of them here."

Zarc looked panicked.  In a flurry of movement he looked all around him, but none of his 'friends' remained.  Even Calin, the fast biter that he had trusted like no other, had left him to his fate.  A sinking feeling of betrayal filled him as he screamed in anguish.

"Time to die."

Zarc screamed at Littlefoot's declaration, but only for a moment.  A spear to his chest quickly dispatched the former leader of the enemy pack.

Now they had a valley to help defend.


"I considered knocking you off of the cliff."

Ali jumped up and backed away at the sound of the voice.  It was Shorty!  He was looking down at the scene below from nearly half a threehorn-length away.  He only looked up at her after a deliberately slow movement.

"But now I am glad that I didn't."

Ali sputtered.  "How long were you here?!"

Shorty shrugged.  "Long enough."

The two stared for a few short moments that seemed to stretch into eternity.  It was as if an entire nonverbal conversation was being conveyed in their eyes.  After the moment, however, Ali spoke.

"He is still him, isn't he?"  There was no need to clarify who 'him' was.  "Deep inside, I mean."

Shorty nodded.  "It took me a while to realize that too, but it is still him."  He then sighed.  "You were right about one thing though."

Ali fixed him with a bemused glance, which caused Shorty to answer the unspoken question.

"They have to leave.  They are sharpteeth after all."  He paused as if to collect his thoughts.  "But they deserved a better parting than that."  His voice was harsher than he had intended.

Ali nodded.  "I really screwed things up... but..."  That was when she realized something.  Rising, she looked down below to see that Littlefoot and his pack were quickly advancing towards the entrance.  In the distance, several other fast biters could be seen as well.

Oh no!

"They're heading for the entrance!"  She screamed, which caused Shorty to look as well.  "We have to warn the spiketails and the other kids!"

The two longnecks then climbed down the rock face with as much haste as they could muster.

Now the danger was heading for them.


Volant flew with great velocity as she swerved wildly to and fro in the sky.  

The sounds of stomping echoed across the valley as the threehorns faced off with Red Claw, but it was up to her and the other messengers to relay information from the two defensive positions.  As a result, they flew in parallel to one another, with one flyer going one way whereas another went the other.  It wasn't real-time information, but it was as close as the flyers could muster.

That was until the sharptooth flyers showed up.

Now she was dodging and weaving through the air to avoid the massive flyer's attacks.  She couldn't risk a potentially debilitating injury at this time.  All of the other flyers were relaying messages and the ground-dwellers obviously couldn't help her.  Her best option was obviously to avoid a confrontation, but that was greatly delaying her ability to relay her message.  It was not lost on her that that was probably their plan.

The worst part about all of this was that she recognized this flyer.

Sierra's form was just as she had remembered it from the last time Pterano had entered the valley, except that Sierra bore the tell-tale scars from being scorched from the smoking mountain.  His sociopathy was on clear display as his words reached her.

"Come on sweetheart...  I promise that I won't hurt Pterano's sister..."

Oh Pterano.  She thought to herself. You were always a poor judge of character. Any other person could have told Pterano that Rinkus and Sierra were up to no good, with Sierra being outright malicious at times, but Pterano couldn't see passed his pride.  If someone validated his worth by praising him then they could get away with much in Pterano's eyes.  Volant still wondered from time to time if her brother lived, but she often doubted that possibility.  With few friends, the Mysterious Beyond could be a dangerous place.  She certainly hoped that the last legacy of Pterano was something better than Sierra.  But right now that was all that she was faced with.

She then heard a series of screeches.  Sharptooth talk, she deduced.  But she didn't look back as she continued her headlong flight.  That made the voice behind her all the more surprising.

"Don't hurt me!  But act like you hurt me!"

Volant turned in surprise.  "What?!  Petrie?!"

"Me attack you now.  Roll!"

Petrie grasped ahold of his mother talons with his own and began to roll in an uncontrolled way.  Despite his larger size than his siblings, he was still dwarfed by her, so she rolled in the air and took Petrie along with no difficulties.  If it hadn’t been for Guido’s warning then she would have been at an utter loss as to what was going on.

"Me not bad flyer, but me have to pretend or be killed by bad flyer!"  Hearing this, Volant rolled in the other direction and began to thrash about in order to make it more believable.  She then spoke quickly.

"Guido told me, but why are you..."  She was then interrupted by her son.

"No!  Listen!" She went silent.  "Red Claw's attack is a fake.  Real attack is fast biters."

As the two careened towards the ground, Volant knew that they had little time to finish this conversation.  If they both rose then the other sharptooth flyer would know that their battle was a fake.  They would either have to break apart from their headlong roll or one would have to make a controlled crash soon.

"A few threehorns are guarding the..."  She was interrupted again.

"Not enough!  Thirty fast biters!  They go after children and the weak!  Warn others!  Drop me!"

It took her a while to process that Petrie told her to drop him, but as soon as she did she let go and allowed the flyer to disembark.  Taking a look behind, she could see that Petrie had crashed into the water below.  She felt a pang of despair, until she noticed a slight wave of the wing and a wink from one of his eyes.

He is faking it...  Volant felt a sudden rush of relief.  No doubt this was part of Petrie's plan.  Now the rest was up to her.

Steeling herself and taking a calming breath, she propelled herself full speed towards the south entrance.  She had to warn the longnecks.  They had to have reinforcements before the fast biters arrived.  

The lives of the valley residents depended on it.


High above the scene of Petrie's 'crash', and unseen by Volant, Sierra hovered with a noticeable frown on his face.  The small flyer that he had seen as a budding example of himself was on the water and not moving.  Not even a rising torso could be seen.  It was obvious that Sandstorm was dead.  His attempt to distract Pterano's sister had ended in failure.  

"Damn it!"  He roared to himself.

With a noticeable lack of control in his movements, he retraced his path and began to fly back towards where the other sharptooth flyers were staying outside of the valley.  They had made their distraction, now it was up to the fast biters to make their move.


Chomper couldn't hear much over the sound of their thundering footsteps.  Only the sounds of their stomping feet and the whoosh of the air against his body made any sound.  This made him feel as if he were in a world all to himself.  A small bubble of calm in a sea of chaos.  But he knew that the bubble of sanity would pop soon enough.  

The enemy pack awaited them.

Despite his exhaustion, he struggled to keep up with his friends.  He knew that he might not be the first to join in the battle, but he would participate all the same.  He would not let his friends fight alone.  He would not linger behind.

Looking up, he could see the north entrance of the Haven Valley, tall and majestic.  Surrounded on either end by a tall rock wall, with only the narrow entrance providing entry into the valley's depths.  It was through that entrance that he saw the first hints of trouble.

An adult threehorn lowered his horned head and threw a fast biter against the rock wall, causing the carnivore to fall to the ground with a distinct thud.  The predator would never rise again.  However, between his feet and the feet of his two companions, the remaining multitude of predators could be seen gaining entry.  The enemy pack had crossed the threshold.  Now none of the innocents in the valley would be safe.

As they advanced closer to the trio of threehorns, a loud growl emanated from the entryway and the threehorns rejoined the line, blocking the path.

"We have to protect the children!"  Littlefoot yelled at the enraged defenders.  "The enemies are in the valley!"

One of the threehorns yelled in a mocking tone.  "How do we know that you aren't one of them!?"

At that moment something snapped within Chomper.  He had emancipated himself from his parents, crossed a desolate desert, and looked a hostile crowd in the face just to have the chance to help a valley that despised him.  He was under no obligation to do these things, but he did it nonetheless out of the caring nature of his heart.  But even that had limits.

"We don't have time for this crap!"  He barely noticed Cera and the others look at him with concern.  "I don't need to hear anymore spiketail crap from an arrogant horn-face!  Lives are on the line!"  Later on, when reflecting on his words, Chomper would conclude that it was a probably good thing that he said that last sentence in sharptooth.

He saw red.  He was angrier than he could ever remember being.  He had sacrificed so much for so little.  Why did they not listen?

Thankfully, however, Cera said just the right words to the threehorns.

"If we were their allies, would we be caked in their blood?"  This gave the threehorns pause.  "Let us protect our families.  Would you deny us that duty?"

The appeal to sacrifice and duty seemed to make something change in the threehorn guard's eyes, as he moved aside and yelled at the others under his command.

"Fantus, watch the entryway!  Don't let any more of them enter!  Vivus?  Your with me!  We have fast biters to kill!"

With that the two threehorns and the eight sharpteeth entered the valley in order to drive out the invaders.


"Quickly!  Up the path!"  Shorty screamed, as the other children sprinted up the rocky ledge.  The spiketails may be willing to defend the entrance to the best of their ability, but the best way to protect themselves was to not be seen.  Let the fast biters go after harder targets.  With that in mind, and while the other residents were scrambling to fight the intruders, he and Ali were rounding up the other children and sending them up the path to the top of the rock wall.  However, in his single-minded determination, he neglected to see where Ali was.

"Ali?!"  He called.

He didn't immediately heard anything over the shouting and the trampling of feet, but after a few moments he barely heard Ali's voice in the distance.

"Quickly, Tricia!  Come along!"

He could see the small longneck try to corral the pink threehorn.  Tricia obviously did not understand the full implications of what was going on and was having trouble following the instructions of a longneck.  I guess she has a bit of Cera in her, after all.  Shorty noted.  But the instructions could come from no one else at the moment.  The spiketails, like Tricia's mother, were in the middle of defending the valley.  It was up to them now.  Only the children and juveniles could fit up the entryway onto the top of the rock wall.

And fast biters.  His mind added.

Shorty was anxious.  They had to hurry if they were going to get everyone out of sight in time.  If they failed to do so then the predators would know where they were.  Then they would all be under threat.  With his patience waning, he quickly nudged Tricia towards the entryway and called to Ali.

"Alright, come up here!  We have to leave now!"  

Ali didn't seem to hear him, however.  "Where is Dinah and Dana?"

Shorty sighed.  "I'm sure that they are already up here somewhere!  Now come on!"  With some relief, he noted that Ali was sprinting towards the entrance and towards safety.  But that was when everything changed.

A sudden shout and a scream from a spiketail could be heard in the distance as both Ali and Shorty looked towards its source.

"Fast biters!  Hide children!"

Shorty quickly sprinted up the entrance, as he was confident that Ali was right behind.  But a sudden scream caused his blood to run cold.  Being cautious as not to give away the location of the other children, he peered over the rock that he was behind.  The sight before him filled him with dread.

Ali was surrounded by three fast biters in a rapidly closing circle.  Her screams only seemed to make the fast biters more frenzied in their task as they began to lunge and snap at their quarry.  It was only a matter of seconds now.

In those heartbreaking moments, Shorty knew that there was nothing that he could do for the juvenile longneck.  He also realized that any attempt to help her would give away the location of where the children were being sheltered.  Dooming them all to the ravages of the sharpteeth.  Had he never found out about Littlefoot's condition then he might have charged ahead in a foolish defense of Ali or shouted, giving away his location for the sharpteeth to hear.  But the stories of his brother's trials and tribulations had taught him many hard truths and one of those was that the good of the herd took priority over the life of any individual.  This was just as true for leaf-eaters as it was for sharpteeth.  With that in mind, Shorty swallowed and tried to ignore the tears welling up in his eyes.  Breathing a whispered “I’m sorry” to his companion, he turned towards where the other children were hiding.

And left Ali to her fate.


Ali's ears burned from the insistent screaming.  Only part of her mind was even aware that the ear-piercing screams were coming from herself.  The only thing going through her mind at the moment was the struggle to avoid being killed by her pursuers.  But even she knew that this was a struggle that she was going to lose.


Ali's scream became a high-pitched shriek as one of the lunging fast biters had succeeded in slicing into her back.  As she barely struggled out of his grasp, she could feel herself begin to be overtaken by the spasms of pain that now overwhelmed her senses.  She knew that the end had come.  As the three other fast biters began to advance towards her, she didn't move but instead closed her eyes.

I guess that I will see you soon, Rhett...


Ali's eyes jerked open at the sudden scream from in front of her.  The fast biter that had been advancing towards her from the left was now limping away from the scene with a pointed stick sticking out of his side, whereas the three other fast biters were now focused on something else.

"Littlefoot?  Cera?"

The voice that greeted her sounded angelic, even if Cera's words were not.

"Get out of here, you stupid flathead!  Run while you still can!"

Ali struggled to her feet and made an attempt towards where Shorty and the others had fled.  With a deliberate pace, she placed one foot in front of the other in order to scale the heights that the others had climbed.  However, her battered body was not equal to the task.  As her shoulder shook in an uncontrolled fashion, she realized what was coming before it finally hit.  With a final shudder, her feet gave way and she collapsed to the ground.  She knew that she would be unable to rise now.

The fate of this battle would decide her fate as well.


You bastard!

Cera had often felt angry in her life.  She was well acquainted with that emotion.  She knew the tell-tale loss of control that came with the first rush of adrenaline.  She knew the subtle shakes that came with the emotion.  And she knew the hollow feeling that came with the inevitable cool down.  But this... This was different.

She felt numb.  It was as if a cold darkness had possessed her.  Now only intention and will remained.

The green fast biter in front of her had a particular scent on him.  The scent of young threehorn.  She could smell their body odor, that she still knew from her threehorn days.  She could smell their fear.  She could smell their sadness.

She could smell their blood.

Despite the fact that she had killed her own kind before and had even slaughtered young threehorns in order to distract an elder threehorn from Dein, something about this fast biter's actions filled her with rage.  Something that she couldn't quite determine.  Maybe it was the fact that she felt obligated to protect the valley.  Maybe it was the recent reunion that she had with her family.  But whatever it was, it filled her with a feeling of rage.  Despite the orgy of violence that was taking place around her, she focused entirely on the hapless fast biter.  She would make him pay.

Cera approached the stricken fast biter with the grace and tranquil fury of a predator.  She gently bobbed to and fro, while her eyes conveyed no discernible emotion.  It was a sight that would invoke fear in whoever was the recipient of their gaze.  The fast biter in front of her was no exception.  As the sounds of battle raged on around her, she was singularly focused on this specimen.  She would kill him, but first she would make him suffer.

She suddenly moved to her left, which he countered with a slow parry to his left.  But due to his grave injuries from the stick sticking out of his side, he was far too slow.  With a swift movement she slashed at his left leg with both of her razor-sharp talons.

A howl of unfathomable pain arose from the fast biter as he fell to the ground.  He would have no hope of moving now.  No hope of escape.  He would now know that regardless of whatever happened here, he would die today.  His pack would not accept a cripple and her pack would not permit him to live.  He was a dead fast biter.  Either way, the fallen threehorns would be avenged.

Hearing a shout to her left, she reluctantly turned away from her handiwork and saw that the rest of the pack was forming a makeshift defensive perimeter around Ali.  Ducky had a noticeable gash to her shoulder and was barely maintaining a defensive posture.  For his part, Spike stood in front of her in order to protect his sister.  Of the others, Ruby and Chomper seemed to have a few lacerations, but they seemed to be minor.  Despite her desire to avenge her former kind, she knew that she would have to back up the others before the situation got any worse.  They were quickly being outnumbered by members of the enemy pack.  With a frightening roar, she said one final taunt to the stricken fast biter before assisting her friends.

"I will finish with you later."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Here is the conclusion of the chapter:

"Flee while you still can!  We will not hesitate to kill you!"

Littlefoot knew that his taunt would have little effect, but it might delay their enemies for a while.  After all, that was all that they needed now.  Time.

The two fast biters that stood in front of him did not answer, but instead lunged at Littlefoot with murderous intent.  Being careful not to collide with his other packmates, he dodged to his left and parried an attack from the shortest of the two threats.  However, he was horrified to note that this left Ali open to attack.



The fast biter who was advancing to the center of the circle was suddenly tackled by a blur of yellow.  With a swift bite to the offender's rump, the fast biter retreated from his assault.  While not taking his eyes off of the threat in front of him, Littlefoot called out to Cera.


Cera for her part growled at the retreating fast biter and launched a faux lunge at another, causing it to retreat from the immediate vicinity.  After this was done, Cera yelled at her leader.

"We're in a bad area, aren't we?!  We should move out!"

Littlefoot dodged another attack from the fast biter he parried earlier, taking a glancing cut to his left forearm.  With a swift strike of his talons, he caused the attacking fast biter to back off and retrench at his new position, nearly two fast biter lengths behind his original position.  Littlefoot then addressed the yellow fast biter.

"We need to protect Ali and defend the kids until reinforcements get here!"  He looked around.  There were several more fast biters emerging from the trees and underbrush, many of them with fresh blood on their bodies and faces.  How many innocents have they already killed or injured?  The children were all gathered up, but there were still many small adults in the valley who would be easy pickings for fast biters.  It was almost too horrifying to contemplate.  However, despite his feelings of obligation to those in the valley, he knew that they were being outmatched.  With that in mind, he called upon a new strategy.

"Spike and Ducky?  Help drag Ali to the entrance where the children are.  We will cover you." Littlefoot spoke in leaf-eater, seeing to it that the enemy fast biters could not understand his instructions.  "Everyone else, cover them and retreat towards the entrance.  Move!  Move!  Move!"

In a flurry of movement, and with noticeable pained moans from Ali, the pack sprung into motion.  Ducky and Spike each placed themselves upon one of Ali's sides and proceeded to assist her in moving through the thick grass.  Ali's blood covered the ground along the way.  Meanwhile, the rest of the pack went into their well-practiced retreat strategy of having the two fast biters in front retreat back and then charge forward slightly, whereas the two in back did the exact opposite.  The result was a small group of fast biters moving through a scene of carnage.  

There were now eight fast biters around the pack, but others were approaching from all around as they seemed to be heading into their area of the valley.  The situation was fast becoming critical.

Fast biters struck at Littlefoot and Cera as they tried to clear a path for the pack.  As they moved forward they were besieged on all sides by the fast biters that had decided to focus on them.  Teeth and claw met flesh as the battle was engaged again and again.  Finally, however, the pack approached the quasi-hidden entrance to the top of the rock wall.  A narrow opening in the wall that went at a 45 degree angle towards the peak of the wall.  It was well hidden by the foliage and the color of the rock, but it was not hidden in terms of scent.  The odor of leaf-eater children could be smelled very well by the predators and they knew that they needed to block the passage before the enemy found it.  As Littlefoot and Cera led the way for the advancing pack, they could see the fast biters moving and focusing on Ruby and Chomper who were covering the pack's rear.  With a slight upsurge of hope, Littlefoot thought that success must be at hand.  That was when the fast biters in front of Littlefoot parted, to reveal another fast biter who was already situated at the entrance.

"Why hello, Seeker.  Remember me."

They were too late.  Calin was already at the entrance.


"Thank you for showing me the entrance, though I would have found it anyway."

Cera seethed.  "Haven't you done enough!?  How many have you killed today?!"

Calin gave a little laugh.  "Oh, not enough for Red Claw's tastes.  He wants a massacre, you know."  He then smiled at the pack of fast biters who now had enemy fast biters surrounding them on all sides.  "It is a shame that you didn't join us earlier... we could have been a great team..."

Spike spat at the tan fast biter.  "Die in a dung heap!"

Calin smiled even wider.  "Charming... Why don't..."  He was suddenly cut off by a frenzied ball of talons and teeth.

Spike and Taunt both tried to intervene.  "Breeze!  No!"

An orgy of violence commenced as both Spike and Taunt lunged at the tan fast biter in order to assist their dear friend.  For their part, the other pack's forces attacked as well, forcing the other members of the pack to defend their own positions.  

Meanwhile, in the pile of bodies there was no telling who was friend or foe, not even the enemy pack members dared to intervene in the orgy of violence.  Finally, however, Calin's tail and rump came clearly into view and two pack members grabbed the tail and pulled him from the savage melee.  Taunt and Spike, for their part, to the opportunity and pulled Breeze off of Calin.  Both Calin and Breeze looked brutalized as each had clawed at the other's torso with their forelimbs.  Large blood gashes covered them from head to toe as their normal colors were replaced with crimson.  It looked as if each of them had been dragged through a field of boulders and forced to stand.  It was a horrifying sight.  One blood-stained body stared at another.  The eyes of each conveying nothing but rage and fury.

Calin raged at Breeze and her counterparts.  "I swear upon my honor that I will skin you alive, you vile piece of filth!"

Breeze raged back.  "You have to get me first, you bastard!"  Her growl filled both her packmates and the enemy with a sense of dread.  Breeze was acting with the fury of someone who had nothing left to lose.

At this point Taunt had an idea.  "So... Who else wants to take us?"  He then gestured at some of the other fast biters.  "You?"  He gestured towards another.  "Or how about you?"  He then smiled.  "You may kill us, but we will kill a lot of you first."  He said the last sentence in a cold monotone.  The taunt had turned into a threat.  

Littlefoot then joined in the act.  "Are you ready to die for nothing?"  He bared his teeth.  "We are not afraid to die for our honor, but you have no honor to defend!"

"You have already made your kills for your leader... Now begone!"  Cera screamed.  She had already incapacitated the murderer of the threehorn younglings, but others were still being slaughtered as they spoke.  The sounds of screams could be heard echoing across the valley as fast biters attacked anything that moved.  The spiketails could be seen battling and chasing fast biters in the distance, but the enemy pack had successfully distracted them from their true destination.  They wanted to cause as much trauma to the valley as possible and that entailed one type of target.

The children.


Calin smiled, despite his injuries.  He wanted more than anything else to strike down these insufferable fast biters, but he knew that his mission was far more important than that.  He could kill Littlefoot another day, but if he failed Red Claw then he would not survive to see the next morning.  Of that he had no doubts.

"How do you like the show, Seeker?"  He mockingly asked the other fast biter.  "Utter chaos!  The leaf-eaters are running scared.  Just imagine how it is going to be when we finally finish them off..."  He then gave the pack a smirk.  "I must applaud your efforts to grab a meal at our expense and to take a few lucky shots at our forces.  Really.  Bravo."  The sarcasm was being laid on thick and despite the lack of time, Calin couldn't help himself.  "But now that you have helped bring me back into the leadership.. I must complete my mission.  I wish you the best of luck in escaping from the leaf-eaters..."

Littlefoot responded with a question.  "And just what would that mission be?!"

Calin sneered.  "Why... scaring these leaf-eaters out of their home so that Red Claw and we can bite them down to size."  He gave a small chuckle.  "That way there will be fewer for us to deal with next year...  Now as much as I have appreciated this little chat..."  He gave a dismissive gesture as three fast biters guarded his retreat towards the entrance to the top of the rock wall.  The children were now trapped.

"We won't let you harm the children!"  Chomper protested.  "They are under our protection!"

Calin and several of the other fast biters laughed at the small sharptooth's proclamation.  Why would they want to protect leaf-eaters?  Calin pondered to himself.  Food is food.  Even if they despise me, surely they wouldn't risk everything just to deny me a meal.

"Why would you protect sapsuckers, runt?"  One of his colleagues asked, to which Calin could only nod.  He was wondering about that as well.

"Because they are in our territory."  Littlefoot replied simply.

These caused more laughter in Calin's ranks, which he joined in with.  These sharpteeth sure were an arrogant bunch.  

"So you claim everything from the Land of Shallow Waters to this dung pit?  Well... claiming and defending are two different things, runts.  Now watch as we 'catch' your prey."

Calin sneered.  He had taken far too long in dealing with these rivals.  They were on a mission that required speed and ruthlessness.  Their sharptooth flyers had broken the leaf-eaters' communication lines, they had distracted most of the adults by using Red Claw at the main entrance, and now they needed to kill as many as possible.  As soon as they saw the cataclysm that had befallen their loved ones then they would panic and flee.  Leaf-eaters were so predictable.  Now there was the simply manner of spreading the destruction.

"Alright, packmates!  Go get the children!  We will take care of things here."  Calin affirmed.  He then gestured at the fast biters to his left and they sprinted towards Littlefoot's pack.  Littlefoot would now have the choice between losing his entire pack in a futile battle or abandoning the valley to its fate.  He smiled.  

This is going to be delicious!

That was when a scream could be heard in the distance.


 "Duck now!"

Upon that explanation, Littlefoot and the others crashed to the ground and pushed Ali down as well.  A move which was incredibly painful for the longneck.

"Ow!  What is..."

Suddenly a flash of blue light illuminated the entire valley.  A growing heat could be felt in the air as everything seemed to tingle and feel out of place.  The static electricity was followed by a unique scent.  The smell of ozone, like just after a lightning strike.  This moment of surrealism was soon interrupted however by an impossibly loud bang.

Ali could not see much from her vantage point under the fast biters, but she could hear the tell-tale sounds of falling boulders and screaming dinosaurs.  The ground shook for several moments as a portion of the rock wall gave way.  It was only when the sound stopped that she had enough courage to look up.

The entrance to the top of the rock wall was now blocked by rocks.  The children were safe.


Littlefoot slowly rose to his feet as the enemy fast biters looked dazed by the sudden onslaught.  It seemed that Petrie's message to Guido had gone through and the rainbowfaces had put their 'pain rock' to good use.  Now it was time to finish the job.

"Alright, guys!  Wipe them out!"

He and the rest of the pack stood for several moments as they waited for the next attack, but none came.  The enemy fast biters were up and reorienting themselves now.  So where were the rainbowfaces?

"Uh...  Guys?  Anytime now!"

Just then Littlefoot heard a crashing of small rocks at the top of the rock wall.  Turning his head upward in order to see them, he could see Chronos looking on, while Logos was yelling something incomprehensible at the rock.  This couldn't be good.

"Damn!  It's a technical fault!  Well calibrated my ass!"  Littlefoot had no idea what any of that meant, but he did understand the next sentence.  "You're on your own, kids!"


Littlefoot gestured for the others to resume their defensive positions.  Their opportunity for escape had passed.  Now they had no choice but to hold out until reinforcements arrived.

"Damn it!"  Calin raged.  "Now the other sapsuckers will know that we are here!  So much for the blasted mission!"

One of his packmates asked the obvious question.  "What in the name of sanity was that?!"

Another called out.  "Was it a sky stone?"

"A fire rock?"  Another offered.

As the murmuring and questions began in his pack, Calin shushed them with one exclamation.  "Who cares what the damn thing was?!  It has ruined us!  Red Claw will have our hides!"  He then looked straight towards Littlefoot's pack.  "But before we have to leave, I say that we ruin them!"  He gestured at Littlefoot with one claw.  "Let us at least make this worth our while..."

Littlefoot and the others closed in and made a defensive circle around Ali.  This was it.  Thirty-some fast biters against eight sharpteeth with literally nowhere to go.  There could be no victory in such a battle, only death and defeat.  Nonetheless, none of the pack lost their composure or their will to fight.  They would not shame their comrades by showing weakness to the enemy.  They would fight to the end.  Only poor Petrie would remain to tell their tales and to sing their songs.  The last legacy of the pack.

But that was when they suddenly heard the flyer speak.


"Hold on!  Longnecks coming!"

The assembled members of both packs looked at the unexpected visitor from the air and noted his words.  Longnecks were coming this way?  Was it a trap?  A distraction?

Regardless of the accuracy of the report, Calin gestured for his packmates to resume their pincer attack on Littlefoot and his friends.  If nothing else they were going to finish this once and for all.

That's when he heard it.

Thud!  Thud!  Thud!


Thud!  Thud!  Thud!

I was so close!

Thud!  Thud!  Thud!

"Pack, retreat!"  Calin reluctantly gave the order.  They had little to be grateful for in this mission, but at least they would survive.  He knew that they were not strong enough to face the wrath of the entire valley.  Not yet.  With a final look at his hated enemies he spat a vitriol-filled growl and then turned and ran.

He never looked back.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.