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Shorty's Dark Past

Ducky123 · 227 · 27209

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Hope Ali doesn't die.  I love her too much!  

Also, don't hurt Shorty!  


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This was a rather nice addition to the story.  :yes We get some random humor from our two little love birds... er... sauropods... and they are beginning to reach many of the same conclusions that the readers have already reached concerning their relationship.  Despite these happy scenes, however, I have a feeling that the intentions of Kenneth and Shorty's little secret might have major implications later on.  I look forward to seeing how this develops.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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This was a rather nice addition to the story. in-yes.gif
Ah, that's good to hear :) I was a little concerned about my chapters becoming a little pointless...

We get some random humor from our two little love birds... er... sauropods... and they are beginning to reach many of the same conclusions that the readers have already reached concerning their relationship
Yeah, though there are also indications that love is complicated ;)

Despite these happy scenes, however, I have a feeling that the intentions of Kenneth and Shorty's little secret might have major implications later on. I look forward to seeing how this develops. smile.gif
Regarding Shorty, you're completely right. Even though we know now that Cho is his half-sister (in the same way that Tricia is Cera's half-sister), there are more secrets around Cho and Shorty is certainly involved in this  :smile
As for Kenneth (I guess it's obvious where I got the name from... just chose it because it's a rather unique and beautiful name), all I will say is that he will remain a mystery for a little longer. Whether his intentions are villainous or noble has yet to be revealed  ;) I know he shares some character traits with Doc but he isn't like him. I shall say so much just to make that clear...

Thank you for the review, rhombus :)

Hope Ali doesn't die. I love her too much!

Also, don't hurt Shorty!
It would be too big of a spoiler to tell you whether any of the options you named will happen. I like Ali a lot (though I'm not obsessed about her) and, as I was writing this story, I've begun to like Shorty too.
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It's been a while...  :angel


Chapter 39

"Is that Ali?" Littlefoot wondered. He knew that he was hidden from any small creature like Ali who was trying to find him. Despite that knowledge, Littlefoot decided to lay down into the muddy, swampy ground for he knew that Ali might realise she should check this place out...

"Crap, I shouldn't make my presence known to Littlefoot!" Ali scolded herself for snapping a twig loudly. "If he's here, he will be on alert now and it'll be harder for me to catch sight of him."
Frustrated and filled with new motivation, the young girl tried to gather information about the area she found herself in. "Lots of trees... some bushes too small for Littlefoot to hide in... and tall grass to my right a little ahead of me!" Ali knew now where she had to go for she would have gone straight in there was she not the seeker...

Littlefoot attempted to breathe quietly but it still appeared to be as loud as a roaring storm in his perception. Perhaps this was due to the thick silence in this area of the oasis? Wherever there were crowds it was noisy, the air full of chatter. Here in the tranquility of the forest it was utterly quiet. Except for his stomach, that was. "Oh crap, I mustn't fart now!" Littlefoot thought grimly. His belly was roaring like a Smoking Mountain yet he had to suppress the urge to let go of all the gas inside of him.

Ali entered the tall grass. The first thing she noticed was the softness of the ground. She sank into it, in fact, leaving deep, muddy footprints as she slowly crept into the tall grass. "Footprints! Littlefoot must have left some if he's in here!" Ali thought excitedly. "The search might not take that long after all."

Meanwhile, Littlefoot received some sounds which clearly indicated that he wasn't alone in the tall grass... and there was little doubt about the dinosaur in question's name.
"Ali..." Littlefoot hummed while rising his head to see if the girl was close by. Apparently, she was not but there was something else that caught his attention...
"Gee, I'm sure leaving a deep print in the mud..." Littlefoot figured when he saw the hole where his neck and head had been resting seconds ago, now filled with dirty water. Then his wandering gaze stopped at a point somewhere behind him.
"Oh darn it! I left bloody footprints! What kind of a bad hider am I?!" Littlefoot scolded himself. He had thought his hideout was good but now, with Ali supposedly searching for him in the swamp where he was right now and his footprints clear for her to see, his chances were rather small to remain hidden for much longer. There was nothing he could do so he put his head down where it was. With his eyes closed, he listened to the smacking sound in the distance which was related to Ali walking through the mud on the ground. Hopefully for the boy she would walk past him. However...

"Footprints!" Ali cheered happily when she encountered a trail of oval, water-filled holes which could only be made by a young Longneck like Littlefoot. "I will get you, my friend!"

Some moments later:

Ali could clearly see her target from the distance of a longneck-length. Littlefoot was lying on the muddy ground, playing dead. Ali assumed that Littlefoot was aware of her presence (her movement alone was quite noisy) so she wondered why her friend would do that. But then again she could just call him or keep on walking yet she wouldn't. Ali didn't know how to approach Littlefoot now. If she were to listen to her heart, she'd do something romantic; if she were to follow her conscience, she'd just call him out. She considered... and cast a decision.

Littlefoot knew that Ali was somewhere close since her steps had been approaching him directly. He already knew his hideout had been discovered, expecting the girl to claim that she found him, but then she stopped just when he assumed her to be close enough to see him. The young Lockneck waited... and Ali seemed to do nothing - at least she didn't make any noise he could hear.
"What is she up to? Maybe she didn't see me after all..." It was just that moment that Ali started to move again... towards him!

Ali walked to Littlefoot, standing right next to him. Then she set her plan into motion...

"OUCH!" Littlefoot yelped, jumping to his feet. Ali had slapped him with her tail - not hard enough to hurt him but hard enough to startle her friend all the same.

"Why'd ya do that!?" Littlefoot complained. The Longneck gazed at his smirking friend.
"Well, I thought you were sleeping," Ali explained. "It was funny..." She chuckled.
"I think you just like to annoy me, don't you?" Littlefoot yelled at her, pretending to be upset.
"Maybe?" Ali replied with a sheepish grin.
"Maybe I should return the favor?" Littlefoot shouted, maintaining his anger. He looked at his friend with sparkling eyes... that was when he farted...

Ali jerked in surprise when she heard Littlefoot's disgusting fart. Remembering his last one, she didn't need to experience the pestering odor again so she turned around and took flight.
Littlefoot finally allowed himself to laugh. His amusement rose to an even higher level when Ali slipped on the wet, muddy ground, landing in the mud with a splashing sound bellyfirst, splashing mud everywhere which also included Littlefoot who was already caked in mud anyway.
"Damn! Now I'm dirty!" Ali complained but she couldn't help it and joined in the laughter heartily.
Littlefoot put on a smirk and began a sprint of his own. He jumped and plunged into the mud right next to his friend, splashing mud all over both of them. What came next was a wrestling match between the two children. Neither of them thought about the issue of a relationship that went over the level of a simple friendship at that moment. They were just being kids and kids just want to have fun. Littlefoot didn't care about getting really close to Ali despite his earlier concerns (after all, he sort of liked it), and neither did Ali who enjoyed getting close to her friend anyway.
Eventually, Littlefoot had pinned Ali to the wet, muddy ground.
"Looks like I won again!" he teased the girl, grinning broadly.
"You're a boy; you boys tend to be stronger than girls!" Ali countered.
"Never say that while Cera's around..." Littlefoot mused.
"Don't worry, Littlefoot, I would never be that stupid," Ali replied. "Well, anyway, I don't mind losing if it means having fun trying not to."
"That's right! Some competition is what makes the game so much fun," Littlefoot said in agreement and released the girl who was still pinned to the ground.
"So what now?" Littlefoot inquired.
"Well..." Ali chuckled, shaking her mud-caked body, splattering some mud around.
"Watch it!" Littlefoot shouted for he was hit by Ali's mud.
"Sorry, Littlefoot," Ali replied meekly. "See, I think we are due to a bath. I don't think I can show my face around my mother when I'm so dirty."
"Yeah, you have a point there," Littlefoot admitted, musing. "My grandma won't let me go play if I'm dirty so... shall we have a bath at the nearest watering hole?"
"Yes, we shall," Ali replied. "Race ya!"
The two little Longnecks galopped through the tall grass and through the forest they played in previously.

"Shorty?" Bron dug deeper when his adopted son seemed lost in thoughts for several moments.
"Well, you sure remember how I've found Cho and the others, don't you?" Shorty replied. "I've found them all alone in the desert. It was like... a few weeks before you stumbled across me."
Bron gave Shorty an inquiring gaze.
Shorty's face stayed stiff, his eyes expressed honesty. Bron considered for some time; then he nodded. "Alright..."
"Alright what?" Shorty replied, alert. Did he discover his lie?
"I believe you," Bron said neutrally.
Shorty was about to utter a sound of relief when he reminded himself that it would have given him away. It wouldn't have been the first time he was discovered that way... Shorty didn't say anything.
After a short pause, Bron continued. "How come you lead them by the way?" the grown-up questioned. "After all, you could've gone your way alone. You didn't have to take care of them... yet you did."
Shorty instantly realised what Bron aimed at. He had just asked him a trick question and he didn't feel like telling yet another thing that was not quite true. At least it wasn't outright false... only the circumstances were a little... different.
"Well, it's rather obvious," the young one started. "I just... couldn't leave them all alone. They were so... helpless, defenseless and far too young to care for themselves. I couldn't ignore them and go on my way without a bad conscience... I mean.... they would've died without me making sure that they're alright." It wasn't difficult to describe these feelings as they were true. It were these very feelings that drove him on to rescue them from his dad, plus some others he just couldn't tell Bron.
"That's hard to believe coming from somebody like you..." Bron pointed out. "Since I know you, you've never been anything but mean towards them."
"They were orphans just like me..." Shorty answered. "I knew their fate, I knew their pain."
"So why did your empathy turn into that?" Bron pressed on.
"Sometimes, I wonder about that myself..." Shorty mused. "I suppose I've realised that upsetting others is fun. I guess my bloody dad made me, sorta..."
"I know what you mean..." Bron responded understandingly. "The upbringing often defines how a dinosaur develops, what personality they'll have, how they'll behave. The harsh education shaped you... I also think that jealousy is an important point here," Bron said.
"Maybe..." Shorty admitted. "What're you aiming at anyway?"
"I was only wondering why you've lead the kids and why your attitude towards them had changed. Your answers so far have been satisfactory. Let me tell you some theories of mine, okay?"
"Sure," Shorty replied neutrally.
"You like to have attention, don't you?" Bron began.
"Why... yes," Shorty answered. "It sucks if nobody even notices you, y'know?"
"And you like to be respected as you've said earlier?"
"Sure, yeah," Shorty answered.
"So... did you feel like Cho and the others paid you enough attention? Did you feel like they were looking up to you?"
Shorty pondered for a few moments. It was yet another question he had to answer wisely. "At first they were... but then they just got on my nerves most of the time. It wasn't easy to keep their spirits high, y'know? Hunger, thirst, they didn't wanna keep going, they were hot and so on. Boy it was annoying sometimes..."
"That's just what parents have to deal with..." Bron chuckled. "How did you urge them on?"
"Well..." Shorty replied. "I told them that we're gonna find a better place... though we could only reach it when they stopped complaining and moved their butts!"
"So you used force and appealed to their hope?"
"Yeah..." Shorty replied.
"Okay, that's all I wanted to know..." Bron spoke. "I'm happy that you've told me that. I'll go now."
"Alright," Shorty simply replied.
"Now you have enough time to think about everything. See you, Shorty!"
"Seeya!" Shorty called. He had already decided that he would try to change as Ali put it. Even though he knew that a long time of boredom lay ahead of him, he took it with dignity now that his eyes had been opened...
"Say dear..." Grandpa piped up. "Are you really sure that it is wise to allow Littlefoot to get to know his dad?"
The two elderly Longnecks had just woken up, now eating some leaves from a nearby tree and having a talk.
"Of course it is, Grandpa!" the female Longneck assured convincingly. "Just because Bron is hesitant to go to the Great Valley after the event we're here for, you mustn't ruin Littlefoot's chance to meet him and to get to know him. That is, in fact, his right and we, as loving grandparents, shouldn't spoil him this chance." There was no harshness in her voice at all and she didn't sound accusing either.
"Yes, I know..." Grandpa sighed. He loved his mate for many reasons but her ability to prove him wrong without making him feel bad for it was certainly a major one.
"I know you have some doubts about Bron. So do I..." Grandma continued. "We haven't had any contact in years and dinosaurs change..."
"Yes, true," Grandpa admitted. "I would have never thought that he has the necessary skills for a leader. I wonder if he is still as adventurous and unreasoning as I remember since these are traits a herd leader mustn't have."
"Well, he said that they had chosen him to be their leader because he had battled some Sharpteeth and won," Grandma mentioned. "You see, sometimes this kind of personality is also suited for a leading position in a herd. That is, if Bron has really learned to value the safety of his herd over his own adventurous nature."
"Yes, he said he is in charge of them for a long time already, didn't he?" Grandpa wondered.
His mate confirmed by nodding at him and smiling warmly.
"Then he must at least know how to keep them happy..."
"Now, now... you're beginning to doubt him again," Grandma chuckled. "Maybe you should be a little more easygoing sometimes, dear?"
"Yes... maybe," Grandpa grunted. "I'm only worried that our Littlefoot will be fooled."
"Fooled? In what way?" Grandma questioned, some furrows appearing on her face.
"Well, if Bron doesn't agree on abandoning his herd, appointing a new leader, then we might lose Littlefoot if the little one prefers to stay with his dad...

"If his grandparents don't agree on joining up with my herd, not returning to their Valley, then I might lose Littlefoot again if he prefers to stay with them..." These thoughts concerned Bron as he was taking a break after his unusually busy morning. He knew it was still too early to bring up the point - heck, they didn't even know each other very well, but he also knew very well that he had to try being a good father to Littlefoot. He felt he had enough time to be a good father. Whatever was going to happen, it wasn't going to happen soon since his urgent feeling driving him and countless other Longnecks to migrate and gather at this strange place had lost intensity since he arrived here. But it was gonna happen eventually...

Aside from the fact that Ali pushed her friend into the fresh water without his consent which resulted in a little splashing match afterwards, the bathing was uneventful. The two little ones decided to check back with their elders and meet again not soon after. The Bright Circle had just passed its highest point when they entered the forest again which, considering the heat the Bright Circle provided during that time of the day, was a rather comfortable place to go.
"So what are we going to play now?" Ali wondered. "Tag, Hide And Seek?"
"Well, we've already played that today..." Littlefoot reasoned. "How 'bout exploring this place a little more? It sure seems that we might have to stay here for more than just a couple days. Who knows what mysteries there are to be revealed? It's kinda like... like an adventure!"
Ali smiled. "You're right, Littlefoot. I bet we will have a lot of fun!" she spoke enthusiastically. "Besides, for an adventure there is not really any real danger for once," the girl pointed out.
"True," Littlefoot admitted. "Let's go!"


I promise this is the last chapter Littlefoots farts in  :angel  The plots seems random and pointless here and there but I'm working towards something which is eventually resulting in a new conflict. Also, this must be the 10th chapter or so dealing with the things happening at the very same particular day :lol I won't describe every day as detailed, don't you worry :p Though there will be a few more scenes before the night descents upon the mysterious place  :exactly

I hope that you liked this chapter :)

As I've caught up with myself, I can't really give true hints at the next chapters as I don't have much of the next chapter written and as a lot of scenes just create themselves without previous planning. The story "writes itself" so to say ;) However, I have something to tell you about the next one: Littlefoot's Grandparents and Ali's Mother realise... something  :lol
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Whatever happened here... double post I guess
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It is nice to see a new chapter for this story.  :) I find it interesting, but not surprising, that Shorty seems to be hiding something in his telling of his story to Bron.  I suspect that the secrets of Shorty's dark past are going to have repercussions in the future.  Additionally the thoughts of Bron and the grandparents about keeping Littlefoot are quite interesting.  It appears in the choice between Littlefoot and his herd, Bron has already made his choice.  But one thing really caught my eye:

"I know you have some doubts about Bron. So do I..." Grandma continued. "We haven't had any contact in years and dinosaurs change..."
"Yes, true," Grandpa admitted. "I would have never thought that he has the necessary skills for a leader. I wonder if he is still as adventurous and unreasoning as I remember since these are traits a herd leader mustn't have."

Bron sounds like Littlefoot in a way, though their questions about Bron's temperament might indicate some character flaws that we have only seen in passing thus far.  I wonder if that will play a role in the future.

Overall this was quite a nice chapter.  :) I look forward to seeing how this develops.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks for the review :)

It is nice to see a new chapter for this story. smile.gif I find it interesting, but not surprising, that Shorty seems to be hiding something in his telling of his story to Bron. I suspect that the secrets of Shorty's dark past are going to have repercussions in the future.
Yes, Shorty is hiding something  :smile I'm not sure when this will be revealed - might be at the end of the story or much earlier... :p

It appears in the choice between Littlefoot and his herd, Bron has already made his choice.
Well, it's not that easy. There's a choice either Littlefoot or the herd. Bron is trying to get his family (and Littlefoot in particular) to join his herd ;) Not sure if that came across in the story so far. If not, there's plenty room to make in clear in future chapters :)

Bron sounds like Littlefoot in a way, though their questions about Bron's temperament might indicate some character flaws that we have only seen in passing thus far. I wonder if that will play a role in the future.
I imagine Bron to be the kind of dinosaur who loves going on adventures and, as a result of that, might get into danger quite a lot (like Littlefoot indeed  :lol ) That's how I perceived him in LBT 10 somewhat. It'd fit his character very well so I went with it here :yes Of course he isn't flawless. You might have noticed that I've kept his paying-Shorty-not-enough-attention flaw. That changes pretty quickly though since he realises that Shorty might have felt that he wasn't wanted when Bron sent him away after finding out about Littlefoot.

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It's been a while... or a century rather but here's a new chapter!  :lol


Chapter 40

Ali's Mother sighed. Her daughter had just galopped away after checking back with her ever so happily. She could still recall what she was like when she was Ali's age which was exactly the reason for sighing. Ali was slowly but certainly approaching that age where children began to change on their way to becoming adults. It was always lovely to see her daughter grow, learn and florish but there were always hard things on that way too. The change from child to adult wasn't always easy and Fiona hoped that Ali wouldn't have as much trouble with growing up as she had back then.
One thing she had to learn the hard way back then was how to interact with the other gender properly. Her mother hadn't told her anything about boys. Consequently, her behavior towards boys was usually wrong and it only made things worse. Fiona didn't want Ali to repeat her mistakes – she didn't want to repeat her mother's failures.
Unlike her, Ali already had a good pal whom she liked. They were just kids but the border between just being kids and a romantic relationship was thin and easy to break through. Fiona recalled how severely Ali had been missing her friend all the time they kept on migrating in her old herd. They had only met for a short time yet Ali liked Littlefoot a lot more than the kids in that herd. Their bond appeared to be strong and tight. Now with the Time of Great Growing rapidly approaching, the feelings the two were having towards each other would slowly change and possibly result in a closer relationship.
Now that was the hard part for her as a parent. The body often developed faster than the mind, leading to problems. Being a child in an adolescent body could be dangerous. Fiona knew that; she had to tell Ali about some things in order to prepare her for the changes to come. "Better safe than sorry..."

The two elderly Longnecks were relaxing in the water when a thought occured to Grandpa Longneck.
"Littlefoot is still very young but he is also very unexperienced... Aside from Ali, he has never interacted with other Longnecks of his age so he can't know anything about these things... Now that he has Ali and many others around him..." Grandpa decided to bring up the matter.
"Yes, Grandpa?"
"I think we should have a talk with our grandson."
Grandma wore a surprised expression. "What kind of talk, dear? He didn't do some mischief again, did he?"
"No, nothing like that..." Grandpa sighed. "Do you remember when he asked about babies once?"
"Why yes, how could I ever forget that?" Grandma chuckled. Then she caught her mate's drift. "Oh, you're not implying..."
"No, no, Littlefoot hasn't, I mean he couldn't at his age, but consider how much he lacks experience in interacting with other Longnecks, especially girls like Ali..." Grandpa explained.
"You mean it's time for the talk?" Grandma asked in a mixture of uneasyness and confusion. "I think Littlefoot is too young to be told about babies yet."
"Well, we uhm... we don't need to go into detail of course..." Grandpa said quickly. "I was just thinking that we could tell him something about girls and how to attract them. He sure seems to like his little friend quite a lot after all..."
"And vice versa..." Grandma chuckled.
"Yes," Grandpa agreed, putting on a smiley face himself. "I still remember the time when we were his age."
"Ohhh, yes. I was a happy, young girl, ready for any adventure and you were..." Grandma spoke as memories of her childhood floated her mind, then trailing off.
"Yeah, we were so alike Littlefoot," Grandpa laughed. "And alike Ali too from what I can tell."
The two Longnecks gazed at each other.
"Do you remember how we would always..." Grandpa began.
"Yes, yes, we were a heart and a soul from the day on we met," Grandma mused.
The two elderly Longnecks cuddled their necks together in harmony.
"Littlefoot can be grateful for having such good friends," the female Longneck eventually mentioned. "Ali went after him when he - we found out about Bron..."
"And Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike would have done the same," Grandpa smiled.
"Yes, that's true. You were my only friend who always cared about me even when I was down," Grandma spoke dreamily.
"Yes, and so were you, dear," Grandpa replied just as dreamily. "Littlefoot and Ali are too young to think about babies but they're old enough to feel affection towards each other. We need to teach him about girls therefore."
"I agree," Grandma spoke. "I'm going to tell him about girls and you're going to teach him how to behave in order to get their attention."
"Hey, but I like your part better!" Grandpa protested.
"I know how girls think and what they like because I used to be one in my younger days, silly," Grandma replied in amusement. "Well, it was worth a try," Grandpa chuckled.

Ali and Littlefoot were walking side by side through the forest. Ali was making sure not to walk too close to Littlefoot lest it'd come across as too close for comfort. After the incident earlier she had to be careful about her actions for as long as it wasn't clear whether Littlefoot shared her feelings towards him.
While they were slowly trotting through the foliage, Littlefoot was telling Ali about some adventures he had been having with his friends in the Great Valley.
"... at first nobody believed me but the next morning I woke up, seeing the whole valley covered in a thick layer of White Ground Sparkles. You know, I've never seen something like it – I didn't even know something like that even existed, and my grandparents also hadn't seen it happen before. Have you ever seen something like that, Ali?"
"I haven't seen White Ground Sparkles falling yet but I've seen some of the stuff on the top of high mountains we travelled across," Ali replied to Littlefoot's question.
"Ah okay. You know what fun you can have in it? Granted, it kills food and it brings along the cold but there's also a lot of fun to have."
"Like what, Littlefoot?" Ali implied.
"Well, first of all it's reaaaaaaally slippery so you can slide down hills and do things like that. I still remember how Cera and I slid right into a Spiketail..." Littlefoot chuckled at that.
"Hehe, sounds like fun!" Ali commented.
"It is! Another fun thing to do is making it fall off trees when somebody is standing underneath it and bury them. That's something Longnecks are good at. And you know, sometimes I really wish I had hands like Ducky and Petrie since these two can form balls in their hands and throw it at others."
"Oh, that sounds awesome! Hopefully we'll one day get a chance to play in it!" Ali exclaimed excitedly. "You know what's even cooler than having hands to throw white stuff at others?"
"Rolling a rock made of Ground Sparkles down my grandpa's spine? That's what Cera's Dad did anyway..." Littlefoot snickered at the memory.
"He did what?! Haha!" Ali laughed. "Anyway, what I meant is... we have tails to slap them, right?" Ali acted as if she was going to tailslap Littlefoot.
"Good point..." Littlefoot admitted. "Though Cera would just poke us with her horns and Spike's tail will be spiked one day..."
Ali chuckled. She was just going to reply when something else caught her attention. "Hey Littlefoot, look!" she called, pointing to a bunch of flowers to their right.
"Huh?" Littlefoot was confused. "What's so special about these flowers? You like them?"
"Well," Ali smiled. "Just take a closer look."
Then he saw it too. "A butterfly?" Littlefoot wondered. He saw them all the time in the Great Valley so they weren't very special in his opinion. Beautiful... yes but there were many like it.
"Isn't it lovely?" Ali asked in amazement.
"Sure, but what's so special, Ali? There are many of these after all."
"Maybe in the Great Valley, Littlefoot," Ali retorted. "To me a butterfly is a rare sight so it's special. Besides, I haven't seen this kind before."
Indeed Littlefoot noticed that the butterfly wasn't one of those he would see in the Great Valley. It had a complicated pattern of orange shapes on its yellow wings and its body had a blue-ish, metallic hue.
"Hmm yeah, I don't think I've ever seen such a butterfly before either," he admitted. "Wonder why it's different from the ones in the Valley though... I mean us Longnecks always look similar no matter where we come from and where we live... so why are these butterflies different?"
While Littlefoot was puzzling Ali observed the subject of her friend's puzzling closely, her eyes wide open with astonishment and wonder and her lips forming a wide smile in her face. The butterfly was gathering nectar the flowers offered. When it had done its job, it simply took off to flatter to the next flower ever so silently that not even Ali's ears could hear the motion of its wings. She crept closer and closer to the tiny insect until she could distinguish every tiny detail of its body and the colouration of its wings. Time and again, it simply astounded the young Longneck what the world she was living in had to offer. Sometimes it was simply necessary to take a closer look.
Littlefoot glanced at his friend from the side with a mixture of interest and confusion. He knew that he was already quite excited about discovering new things during their adventures but Ali seemed to have an even stronger urge to discover things than him and his friends.
"Maybe because Ali's life was very strict and rigid until she left her herd," Littlefoot thought while following Ali's example, taking an ultra-close look of the busy butterfly. "She couldn't play nearly as often as I could and there was always the danger of Sharpteeth attacking while I've been protected from them all the time." Yes, that made sense in Littlefoot's mind. He decided to adress the matter.
"You seem to be very curious about the world and like to discover new things, aren't you? I thought me and my friends were but I think you beat us in that regard." Littlefoot chuckled.
"Huh?" Ali hadn't exactly been paying attention to her friend. "How do you mean?"
"Well..." Littlefoot struggled to come up with a decent answer since he himself was watching the butterfly which took his attention.
"You see Ali, you have an eye for even little things like a butterfly which are taking your interest," Littlefoot eventually explained. "I, on the other hand, rather have an eye for bigger things like new caves or watering holes."
Ali moved her head slightly to her right, turning towards Littlefoot, their heads close to each other.
"Well, looks like we complement each other," she spoke sweetly, chuckling. "We'll be the best explorer's ever, won't we?"
Only now she realised that her words may have come across as a little flirt in addition to standing very close to each other but Littlefoot didn't seem to have caught that.
"Oh yeah, we will and so will Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike!" Littlefoot declared with some pride in his voice which made Ali giggle.
The butterfly finally took off and flattered away into the forest.
"Well, I think it wants us to go exploring some more," Littlefoot commented on the creature's departure.
"Oh yes, I agree!" Ali replied. "Good Bye, little butterfly!"
"Let's go then!" Littlefoot exclaimed, raring to go, and the two young Longnecks continued to walk deeper into the forest.

After a while the two young Longnecks arrived at the end of the forest they were exploring.
"Hmm, looks like this is a dead end," Littlefoot commented, facing a rocky cliff a little distance ahead.
"This must be the wall which surrounds this valley," Ali said, thinking out loud. "But we can still go left and right."
Littlefoot looked around. "Hmm, I don't think so, Ali..." he answered which earned him a strange glance from his friend. "Look to the left and to the right. There are steep walls behind all those trees too."
Now Ali saw it too. "Oh yes, now I see it. This almost seems like a little valley for itself!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"Exactly!" Littlefoot replied. "We kinda have some like this one in the outskirts of the Great Valley! This is where we usually go to play when we don't want any grown-ups around and besides there are lots of caves and stuff like that!" Littlefoot was very excited too - the urge to go adventuring in him had woken up.
"Considering this place is pretty similar to your Great Valley, maybe we'll find a cave too?" Ali reasoned. "Let's go find out, won't we?"
It was only a rhetorical question for Littlefoot. "Of course!" he replied, determined.
"We... we should split up," Ali then suggested.
"Yeah, we'll be quicker to find anything," Littlefoot agreed. "I'll take the right side of this valley and you'll take the left side. We'll meet up in the middle eventually."
"That is, if we don't discover anything," Ali remarked.
Littlefoot nodded.
"Well, good luck then, Littlefoot!" Ali called, smiling warmly before galopping away.
"Good luck, Ali!" Littlefoot replied and darted off - he wanted to find something before Ali did. With a little challenge things were even more fun after all.

Some moments later:

"Littlefoot quick! Come over here!" Ali called excitedly through the foliage.
Littlefoot stopped checking the rocky walls for any features worth exploring further and turned in Ali's direction.
"What is it, Ali?" he asked her loudly so that his voice would cover the great distance between them.
"I think I've found something!" her voice echoed through the valley. "Come over here!"
Littlefoot cursed inwardly but at the same time he was very excited and happy that they might have discovered something of interest.
"Okay, coming!" he announced and sprinted to the other side of the valley where his friend was waiting.

"Hey Ali!" Littlefoot panted when he arrived where Ali was waiting for him.
"Hi Littlefoot," Ali greeted her friend. "Have you discovered something yet?"
"Not yet..." Littlefoot answered, slightly annoyed. "B-but I wasn't finished yet!"
"Neither was I, Littlefoot," Ali admitted.
"Then why'd you call me over here? Found something?" Littlefoot inquired.
"Weeeeell..." Ali smiled sheepishly. "I think I did. You see that opening in the wall up there?" Ali gestured upwards with her head.
Littlefoot looked in the direction Ali was pointing to. There was a medium-sized opening in the rocky wall just about wide and high enough that a grown-up Longneck would fit through. It was fairly high-up - Littlefoot wasn't sure if even his grandpa or his dad were tall enough to peek into whatever was up there.
"Uh-huh," Littlefoot nodded, pondering how to get up there.
"What do you think, Littlefoot?" Ali asked. "Is this something we should explore further?"
"If you know how to climb these rocks without breaking your neck, Ali, then I'll be more than eager to discover what's up there," Littlefoot joked but he had a point. The walls were too steep to climb even if they supported each other.
Ali smiled at this.
"Are you smiling because you'd like to see me try and fail or what?" Littlefoot asked in a mixture of annoyance and amusement.
"Not quite..." Ali spoke mysteriously. "But I know a way up there! Or at least I think it leads up there..."
"Really!?" Littlefoot shouted in excitement.
"Yes. You see, Littlefoot, if you peek around this corner..."
"What corner?" Littlefoot asked, confused. He could only see a wall of rock. There wasn't any corner to peek behind... or was there? Littlefoot looked at the wall a bit closer.
"It's kinda... hidden," Ali admitted, chuckling. "Let's walk a bit closer to that wall, then you'll see it," the girl added.
As they walked about 50 metres towards the wall, Littlefoot slowly realised what Ali had meant. At some point to their right, the wall branched into two. The one in front of them just ended a few metres to their left. Due to the colour and texture of the walls being exceptionally similar, it'd take anybody a close look to figure this out.
Ali took her friend around the corner. There was some space between the two walls... and a path leading up to the opening they discovered.
"Looks like we can go up there after all!" Littlefoot shouted happily.
"Yes, I think so," Ali smiled. "The path is still dangerous though. Look how steep it is and all these pebbles could break loose any time."
"Yeah sure, but that hasn't stopped you before, has it?" Littlefoot mocked his friend. "You haven't been too worried about falling off that tree when you climbed it."
"Well, you see, Littlefoot, I learned from my mistakes," Ali responded in a more serious manner. "Anyway, let's go!"

On the way up - both were walking carefully not to slip on loose pebbles or worse, they started wondering about what would expect them up there.
"You think there's really a cave up there, Ali?" Littlefoot asked his friend curiously.
"I don't know, Littlefoot, but I really hope so!" Ali replied. "What else could be up there? Besides nothing at all of course..."
"I dunno..." Littlefoot shrugged. "But I really hope there is a cave too!"

A little bit of climbing later, Littlefoot and Ali stood in front of the opening in the wall. It was just like they had imagined and expected. In front of them was a small plateau and there was a path leading into the wall.
"What do you know, Ali. We found a cave!" Littlefoot exclaimed happily. Now he and Ali would have an exciting adventure together.
"Well, I found it," Ali remarked, giggling.
"Ehh, right...wanna go in?" Littlefoot asked.
"Sure, race ya!" Ali called and darted off.
"Okay, but you won't win!" Littlefoot declared, quickly chasing after the girl.

Unbeknown to them, the cave wasn't unhabitated...


Cliffhanger  :smile Hope I won't leave ya hanging for half a year again  :oops

So with this chapter I kinda return to the main plot of this story while the last few chapters were a bit more laid off to focus on Littlefoot and Ali enjoying some time together. I'm not too happy with how these turned out in retrospect but I won't change anything. I'll try to write more exciting and more serious chapters again. :yes

So what do you think about chapter 40? I think it hints at some interesting things to happen soon. Also if you spot a mistake or if you think I could word a phrase better, let me know. Haven't sent this to anyone to be proofread unlike with the previous chapters :p
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double post  :bang
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Very nice!  We get to see some more interaction between Ali and Littlefoot, and we can see that their mutual curiosity is playing quite well with each other.  Ali taking curiosity at every small thing, whereas Littlefoot is more fixated on big adventures... and his (girl)friend.  Furthermore it seems that Grandma and Grandpa Longneck have taken notice of their grandson's and Ali's mutual interest.  I sense a rather awkward conversation coming up pretty soon.  ;)

But with the last few lines the tone of the chapter suddenly shifts, and we realize that the duo might be in some danger.  I am curious to see what they find on the other side.

Overall this was a very nice chapter to resume the story. :) I only found a few minor errors and suggested modifications:

"Better save than sorry..."

This should be "better safe than sorry..."

Grandma's expression was showing surprise.

This is worded a little oddly, though it is not technically incorrect.  Perhaps "Grandma looked surprised." or "Grandma wore a surprised expression." would flow a little bit better.

"Good Bye little butterfly!"

This needs a comma before little butterfly.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Thanks for the review, I'm glad you've enjoyed this chapter! :yes

Furthermore it seems that Grandma and Grandpa Longneck have taken notice of their grandson's and Ali's mutual interest. I sense a rather awkward conversation coming up pretty soon. wink.gif
This is going to be awkward to write for me too  :p

But with the last few lines the tone of the chapter suddenly shifts, and we realize that the duo might be in some danger. I am curious to see what they find on the other side.
Yep, would be a bit boring to explore a cave with nobody in it :p Any guesses what/who they're going to encounter?

Also thanks for pointing out what I could/should edit. I will do so whenever is available again (couldn't log in earlier) and edit the chapter before putting it on :yes
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Next chapter... though it took me half of the night to finish it  :angel It's quite long with above 4000 words :o


Chapter 41:

"There, I won!" Littlefoot declared proudly after both he and Ali entered the cave simultaneously.
"You didn't win. We tied!" Ali assured her friend determinedly.
"Can you prove that?" Littlefoot grinned.
"Can you?" Ali retorted, poking out her tongue.
"Well, guess neither of us can prove it," Littlefoot admitted, sighing.
Suddenly, there was an eery breeze behind them and a shadow appeared out of nowhere.
"You need someone to judge?" a deep, growling and mysterious voice came from behind the two children out of the dark.
Littlefoot and Ali jerked in surprise and looked at each other in horror, then turning around to see who had just spoken.
"W-w-who are you?!" Ali asked, sounding a bit more scared than she actually was.
"N-no thanks, b-but thanks for the offer!" Littlefoot replied, trying to stay cool and failing horribly at it.
"Name's Hart..." the mysterious voice answered quietly. "You kiddies sure you don't need a judge? I've seen ya; I can tell the winner," he spoke, trying to sound somewhat friendly.
"That's kind of you but it really doesn't matter to us who won in the end, does it Ali?" Littlefoot answered.
Ali shook her head.
"Very well then..." Hart spoke in a drawled way.
"What kind of dinosaur is he? I can't see!" Littlefoot whispered to Ali.
"A Longneck most likely. See, There's a bunch of them at this place..." Ali replied quietly. "I"d be more concerned about what he's going to do with us though. He seems creepy to me..."
"Yeah... I know," Littlefoot agreed.
"Matters to me though..." Hart suddenly hissed. "Now I'm curious."
Littlefoot and Ali looked at each other, alarmed.
"Would you two have another race?" Hart asked seductively. "Please?" he added sweetly.
"Ehm... no thanks," Ali replied shyly and cautiously.
"We uhh... wanted to go anyway, right Ali?" Littlefoot spoke nervously.  
"Oh yes, you know how worried sick my mum will be if I'm home late," Ali replied, faking an amused laugh while jumping on Littlefoot's train.
"Why not race your pal on the way home, young lady?" Hart suggested.
"B-but I'm exhausted!" Ali lied.
"A-and we have a long way home," Littlefoot jumped in to support Ali. Technically, he was even saying the truth.
"I insist on it!" The stranger's voice was now demanding and threatening.
"Littlefoot, let's go!" Ali urged her friend. She was beginning to get scared.
"Yes, we'll leave now," he answered, trying to stay calm.
"Yes, you will," Hart spoke harshly. "But you will RUN!!!"
Littlefoot and Ali who had already turned around to walk out of the cave jumped in surprise and fear when the mysterious dinosaur suddenly started yelling at them.
"We better do..." Littlefoot thought. He didn't know who or what was lurking in the shadow but if it chose to chase them, they'd better be the ones with a head start.
"Run!" he hissed at Ali who didn't question his suggestion the slightest.
"THIS IS MY CAVE! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!!! GOT THAT!?" Hart yelled at the two youngsters furiously. "AND NEVER WAKE ME UP AGAIN OR YOU'LL PAY FOR IT!!!"
Littlefoot and Ali sprinted down the pathway they previously used to get to the cave in the first place – climbing down the steep slope was not an option just like it wasn't possible for them to climb up earlier. They were unmistakenly panicked, running as if a sharptooth was pursuing them.

"Why don't you give chase, sir?" Ricky questioned in annoyance. The two youngsters had woken him up as well as his father with their silly laughing. Due to travelling through the other night, he was still heavily sleep-deprived.
"Not worth the effort..." Hart grunted. "They won't show up again, that's all that matters."
"Still, they've disturbed your important sleep, sir!" Ricky argued. "I really desperately want to see these kids suffer!"
"So do I..." Hart mumbled to himself evilly.
"So I thought, sir!" Ricky exclaimed.
"If I engaged in a chase, I'd be wide awake. I need my sleep, y'know," Hart explained to his son.
"I see..." Ricky spoke thoughtfully. "So you want to snooze until the dawn of night then?"
"Exactly," Hart yawned. "I'd prefer not to be seen by anyone when I leave our hideout. Stirrin' up trouble is the last thing we need."
"But now I'm wide awake..." Ricky complained. "There's no way I can go back to sleep now!"
"Hmm, then how about you go out there to do some exploring and look for these plants, son?" Hart suggested.
"Of course! I'll do whatever you want me to do, sir!" Ricky exclaimed, salutating.
"Good lad, that's what your other siblings unfortunately lacked... obedience," Hart spoke in a mixture of amusement and bitterness. "You've never been a dinosaur seeking the dark like me but that's probably something we're hatched with. In a way, that proves to be useful in times like this... Now go and explore, be back at dawn and don't stir up any trouble, will ya? Don't be conspicuous and stay hidden."
"Sure, I won't disappoint you, sir!" Ricky declared proudly before turning around and walking out of the cave, hearing the distant laughter of the youngsters who woke him up. He'd get them for that one day. He wouldn't forget their names nor how these two looked like.
"You'll wish you've never been born..."

"Is it following us???" Ali screamed in panic as she raced down the path with dangerous speed.
"I'm too scared to look!!!" Littlefoot shouted back at her. "Just don't trip! Then we'd be in trouble!"
"Don't worry, Littlefoot!" Ali replied, panting. "I'll watch my st- AARRRRGH!"
"ALI!" Littlefoot screamed in panic as Ali did trip over a small rock, tumbling down the path.
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed. She was scared for her life, unable to stop her wild momentum.
"I'll help you!" Littlefoot shouted, picking up even more speed to overtake Ali and stop her rolling down the path, the slope still being steep enough to keep her body in motion and him at high risk of tripping too.
At first it seemed to work – Littlefoot had almost sprinted past his friend, about to take the impact, hoping that he could slow Ali down and manage not to fall himself, but fate meant things to go differently...

Bron stood high above the little valley on its high, steep walls, his back turned to the valley while his gaze wandered through the hostile land surrounding the little paradise he and his herd currently resided at.
He had come up here in order to meet somebody – somebody he had long given up until, the other day, he had finally found him. It was his son Littlefoot. However, Bron was still a bit early. Littlefoot wouldn't turn up in another hour or so but Bron needed some time alone anyway. A lot had happened since he had entered this valley and Bron needed a break from his duties as a leader as well as from his duties as a caregiver and father to have the opportunity to process everything that's happened and plan how to proceed.
Until very recently, he had thought he was the only one left from his family and herd. Long ago he had been told about the death of his mate and the fate of his son and parents-in-law had been uncertain. They could have been dead or prospering somewhere the big drought hadn't striked yet. Bron didn't know.
However, everything changed when he finally got an answer – when he met those he had lost long ago or, in case of his son Littlefoot, hasn't even met yet. Despite everything that had happened the other day other than meeting his long-lost relatives, it was still one of the best days he's had in a long while.
Bron was really proud of them. They managed to do something he had never succeeded at. They found the Great Valley and made it their home. Back then, as Bron noted with some bitterness, it was his task to find it in order to provide his family and herd and, most importantly, his son with a bright future. He failed. He could've been back before the big earthshake split the lands if he hadn't been looking for it for so long. He could've been there, protecting them, but he wasn't. He was simply glad that his failure only cost the life of his mate and not eradicated his entire herd. Ironically, despite his obvious failure as a herd leader, he managed to become the leader of a new herd that formed around him. It was a development he didn't like at first but slowly but surely he came to accept what had happened and decided to have a fresh start and things went really well. He was respected among his herd members and he'd always managed to find water and food.
Still, it meant not having a family. Taking Shorty in did help a little but obviously it wasn't the same like caring for his real son.
However, Bron was most proud of his son. He had grown into a very fine, young Longneck. Bron didn't know him very well yet but he assumed he was just as adventurous as he used to be. "I will change that later though..."  Bron thought. He'd been talking about himself during their first meeting, explaining himself. Now it was time that Littlefoot told him about himself...
There was another issue Bron had to think about. He hadn't only found his son but his in-laws too. They had taken on the role as Littlefoot's caregivers and loving grandparents, raising him to be a well-behaved (or so Bron hoped), smart and strong young Longneck. It was a role he should have had along with his mate.
Bron had always been on good terms with them yet he didn't like all of their decisions and methods. His biggest wish was to reunite the family and, particularly, spend time with his son. Unfortunately, he couldn't abandon his herd either. After all, he didn't just become the leader of any herd – he became the leader of a herd that formed around his personality, strength and methods. Over time, they became his family he had to take care of. Abandoning them would feel like betrayal to Bron. Long ago, he had decided to dedicate his life to the well-being of all of these Longnecks. He would not undo that decision; he would lead them until his death or until he felt like it was the right time to step down and appoint a new leader. He would persuade Littlefoot of joining him; whether his grandparents would join him or not was secundary...

Littlefoot felt something hit his hind limps hard, causing him to fall over, faceplant and start tumbling down the path as well. He sweared and cursed audibly.
"Sorry..." Ali exclaimed as she rolled right into Littlefoot, slowing her body a little bit on the bright side.
Luckily for the two young Longnecks, they had almost reached the end of the path where it didn't go very steep anymore. Eventually, both came to a stop after crashing into each other a couple more times.
"Watching your step, huh?" Littlefoot groaned.
"S-sorry, Littlefoot, I think it was my tail that tripped you," Ali replied in worry. "Are you alright?"
"I should be asking you this..." Littlefoot muttered, getting to his feet again. "I'm fine, looks like whatever was lurking in that cave didn't follow us at least."
"Yeah..."Ali stood up carefully as well. "I could be worse. I don't think I'm hurt too much."
"That's good to hear," Littlefoot answered. "Looks like we're just a bit bruised."
"And scratched..." Ali chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Littlefoot wondered.
"Oh, well we look like we've had a fight, you see?" Ali replied, still giggling.
"If anybody asks, Shorty beat us up, okay?" Now it was Littlefoot's turn to chuckle at his own words.
Ali gave him a stern look though.
"Well, I was just kidding. He's grounded anyway so it couldn't be him. Then we've been beat up by some bullies?"
"We were playing, our parents will believe that," Ali suggested.
"Playing wild games..." Littlefoot mentioned.
"Oh yes!" Ali laughed. "It's so much fun to play with you, Littlefoot. I will miss this time once it's over..."
"Me too, but now's not the time to think about that. Let's have fun!"
"Yep, yep, yep... as Ducky would say."
Littlefoot smiled.
"So... I guess we won't be exploring this cave then," Ali eventually sighed.
"Well, maybe there's a way but for now let's go back," Littlefoot suggested, taking a look at the sky. "The Bright Circle is slowly beginning its descent from the sky. I'll be meeting Bron soon I guess."
"Oh right, I almost forgot about that," Ali admitted. Looking at Littlefoot, she added. "But do you really want to meet him like... that?"
"Huh?" Littlefoot was confused.
Ali could hardly talk while she erupted in laughter. "Well, just look how d-d-dirty you are!"
"Oh... right." Littlefoot realised that he wasn't just bruised but also covered in a lot of dirt and dust... which also applied to Ali. "You should see your reflection in the water though," he remarked.
"Well, looks like we're due to another bath today," Ali said as soon as she had recovered from laughing.
"Yeah, I suppose so," Littlefoot replied, grinning. "Let's go then!"
The two kids walked back into the jungle back to the watering hole where they had started their adventure.

Hart sighed. It really annoyed him that he'd been woken up. The children would feel his wrath, should they dare waking him up again. Yawning, he retreated deeper into the darkness of the cave he had fortunately discovered to find some more hours of sleep before the Night Circle would replace the Bright Circle from the sky. It served him as a hideout just perfectly – hard to reach and even harder to find in the first place but Hart had experience in finding hidden gems like this cavern. Hart was a strong fighter, ruthless enough to kill anyone without any mercy. It seemed odd that he needed a place to hide but the green giant had his reasons.  Like all other Longnecks, he took a long and exhausting journey upon himself to arrive at this place. He was certain that his sleep-stories would guide him to a place where he'd finally find the plant he needed so desperately to be truly happy. He hadn't found any since the traitor had run away from him – quite a few seasons had passed since that day and the deprivation slowly drove him mad. He'd kill if it meant getting his leaves... though he'd also kill for less important aims of his. He slumbered away, smirking evilly.

Ricky smirked. Despite his orders, he had decided to spy on the two kids who had disrupted his sleep. Following them at a save distance, hid by the plentiful vegetation, he listened to their occasional conversations but there was nothing of interest for him. The girl annoyed the shit out of him in fact, stopping all the time and gawking at flowers and the like, but Ricky stayed on their track. He had a feeling it would be rewarding to follow them. How right he was...

"Littlefoot! That's disgusting!" Ali shouted at her friend, grimacing.
"Sorry," Littlefoot replied meekly. A huge number of bubbles rose to the surface of the watering hole he and Ali were just bathing in, removing the dirt and the dust from their skin. "I'll never eat so many Tree Sweets again – at least not these, I promise..."
"Not while I'm around," Ali suggested, chuckling. "Well, I won't risk such a rumbly tummy any time soon either."
"Yeah, might be for the best," Littlefoot admitted. "Or else all the gas inside of you will make you look really fat."
"How dare you..." Ali hissed dangerously, raising her tail.
"Uh oh..." Littlefoot muttered, realising that his comment might have been too rude.
Then Ali gave her friend a shower. "Take that!" she shouted, using her tail to splash a huge amount of water at the boy.
Littlefoot laughed. "Whew, for a moment I thought you'd slap me, Ali."
"It's never too late..." Ali replied, smirking and raising her tail again, splashing more water at Littlefoot.
"Thanks for the free bath anyway," Littlefoot giggled.
"You're welcome," Ali answered, also giggling. "Now I can finally look at you again!"
"Hey!" Littlefoot shouted, laughing. "Mind if I return the favor?"
"Sure, if you can catch me..." Ali teased, wading through the shallow water towards the deeper water in the middle of the watering hole. Littlefoot gave chase.

Grandpa was smiling warmly as he watched his grandson play in the water.
"Oh, sometimes I really wish I could go back in time to be young again," he spoke dreamily which earned him a light chuckle from his mate.
"Oh yes, so do I, dear," Grandma replied, snuggling her head against Grandpa's.

Ali reached the deep water before Littlefoot could get close enough to splash water at her. Here the small pond was so deep that they couldn't stand on their feet anymore. Littlefoot, therefore, couldn't use his tail anymore since he'd be too busy keeping himself above the surface.
"Wanna dive?" Littlefoot asked, curious what was underneath him.
"Sure!" Ali exclaimed, taking a deep breath and diving.
Littlefoot did the same. He still remembered the sheer beauty of the underwater world his swimmer friend Mo once showed him. The watering hole wasn't nearly as interesting but Littlefoot had something in his mind anyway. He dived as deep as he could where the water got murky. He waited until Ali resurfaced. Then, beginning to get short on air, he quickly swam upwards until he was right underneath Ali who didn't notice him, looking above the surface instead. Performing a somersault, Littlefoot, in the middle of the move, stuck out his tail towards Ali and gently touched her underbelly.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.
"Surpriiiiiiiise!" Littlefoot called once he had resurfaced and taken a deep breath of air.
"Littlefoot! You scared me!" Ali accused him.
"Well, that's what it was all about..." Littlefoot grinned.
Ali gave her friend a look full of anger but as Littlefoot tried to look as innocent as he could, Ali just couldn't keep her grudge and laughed.
"You're so much fun, Littlefoot!" Ali eventually told Littlefoot.
"You too," Littlefoot smiled.
"See, I also had a lot of fun with Shorty back then but it's just hilarious hanging around with you," Ali explained. "You really make my day."
"Well, I'm just glad to see you again," Littlefoot answered, slightly blushing at the compliment.
"Speaking of Shorty..." Ali spoke, changing the topic. "What do you think about him?"
"Huh?" Littlefoot replied. "I've hardly met him. How can I have an opinion on him without really knowing him?"
"True..." Ali admitted. "See, I was just wondering... you've barely interacted with him and most of what you know about him is either what I've told you from the time before I met you or what you've seen yesterday."
"Well, I'll admit that I'm still quite shocked about that," Littlefoot answered. "But I'm... not sure. I mean, he hasn't done such things before, has he?"
"Well, while I was there, he was entertained and peaceful towards others," Ali replied. "But Bron has told me that he'd often bully other kids, including Cho, when he's bored. Well... particularly Cho..."
"Why's that?" Littlefoot wondered.
"Nobody really knows," Ali explained. "Bron has told me that he's like that because of his father who abused him before he ran away and eventually met Bron."
"Bron also told me that he met Shorty on his long journey in search of me," Littlefoot chided in. "Though... why would that cause him to be like... that?" the young Longneck wondered.
"See... Shorty probably had to endure and see a lot of violence in his early childhood and the way Bron described his father sounds as if he was raised by a fanatic and violent jerk..." Ali explained.
"So... you wanna tell me the way his dad acted towards him has rubbed off on Shorty?" Littlefoot asked, unbelievingly.
"Yes... education decides what kind of dinosaur you will grow up to be." When Littlefoot gave her a puzzled gaze, Ali added. "Well, Old One always said that anyway. There are probably exceptions..."
Littlefoot suddenly got very thoughtful. If Ali's words were true, how had his mother influenced his very own personality? She was the kindest dinosaur Littlefoot ever got to know but then who passed on their adventurous nature to him? His grandpa? Surely it couldn't be Bron since he didn't raise him...
"Littlefoot?" Ali voiced up. "What are you thinking about?"
"Huh?" Littlefoot hadn't paid any attention to his surroundings or Ali. "Well ehm... I was just wondering how my mother influenced me through her education, y'know..." Littlefoot answered. "
"Oh, I know you lost her quite early..." Ali spoke tentatively. "She must have been a great mother –very kind and loving. She's certainly gifted you these traits." Ali smiled.
"L-loving?" Littlefoot chuckled. "You think I'm loving?"
"You know what I mean!" Ali shouted in defence, blushing slightly.
"I know my mother was the most loving dinosaur on the whole dinosaur world until Sharptooth took her life. Thanks for the compliment anyway." Now Littlefoot smiled.
"You're welcome," Ali replied quietly.
After a short pause, Littlefoot picked up the conversation again. "So anyway... you wanted to hear my opinion on Shorty, right?" Not waiting for a reply, he continued. "I still don't know if he is as terrible a dinosaur as his attack on poor Cho suggests. After all, he's shown his good side towards you before – though maybe only because he desires you..."
Ali rolled her eyes.
"I admit I'm not to eager to meet him again but... maybe I'd give him a second chance. Would you?" Littlefoot looked at his friend, questioning.
"Well, I've told him everything that needed to be told. It's up to him now," Ali said firmly.
"You're angry at him, aren't you Ali?" Littlefoot asked after observing the girl's reaction.
"Of course!" Ali shouted. "He hurt my friend Cho... and I thought he was my friend as well. I have offered him to be friends with him again if he truly changes but I doubt it'll be like nothing happened ever again. I hope he realises that and never does it again!"
"I hope so too," Littlefoot admitted.
Both sighed.
"Well, I'm just glad Cho didn't die. According to some herd members, she was very close to death," Ali stated.
"Shorty would have been banned. I doubt Bron would have allowed him to stay in his herd. Adopted son of him or not, the herd would have demanded him to leave because of the threat he poses to the children... to us," Littlefoot spoke.
"Yeah, you're right," Ali replied. "See, I think there are quite a few members in the herd who would have preferred to see him leave. In my old herd, he would have been banished for sure."
"Bron is the leader, he'll know the right decision," Littlefoot argued optimistically. "He's probably talked to Shorty, maybe yelled at him too... but... he-he sure wouldn't have let Shorty get away with his actions if he knew he'd do it again, right?"
"Yes, I think so too," Ali replied. "By the way, why don't you ask Bron when you meet him? I'm sure he'll answer you," she assured him.
"Right... how late is it?" Littlefoot realised that he almost forgot about the meeting with his father. His gaze wandered over to the supposed meeting location... where his father was already waiting, appearing to look into his direction. "Oh crap..."
"Ali, I really gotta go now!" Littlefoot exclaimed in a hurry. "I'll seeya later!"
"Sure, but... where do we meet again? Here? At the berry bushes?" Ali asked.
"The berry bushes sound good," Littlefoot affirmed. "Seeya later, Ali!" He rushed away towards the wall where Bron was waiting.
"See you, Littlefoot!" Ali called, smiling, before turning around to visit Cho again.

Shorty lay on the cool ground under the shade of the huge trees surrounding his nesting area. This would be the only location he'd see of the valley for a long time. He was so bored – there was absolutely nothing to do. Even observing other Longnecks and any other kind of creature – even watching the leaves gently sway in the flow of the wind was already beginning to bore him. But Shorty knew he deserved all of this. He had accepted Bron's hard punishment, knowing he would probably lift it sooner or later anyway. Just like him, Bron wasn't very good at holding grudges. Shorty would cooperate in order to be released as soon as possible.
In hindsight, he deeply regretted his attack on Cho. He still hated her – he always would, but he knew he went too far. Not only once he was considering banging his head against one of the many trees around him in a mixture of frustration and self-directed anger. What annoyed him more than anything else – even more than the boredom he was to face for a long time, was the fact that Ali who should be spending time with him was playing with Littlefoot all day while he probably lost every chance to ever conquer the girl's heart. He wondered how anybody could like something like Cho but then again Ali didn't know what he knew...
Suddenly, Shorty was on alert as he heard a rustling in the undergrowth that was too unnatural to be caused by the wind...


Yeah, there you go. Lots of stuff happens but I'll leave it to you to analyse that (I'm in a bit of a hurry right now :p) One thing I do request is the following: Could you please tell me if my dialogues are good? I get a feeling it's always just a block of lines between the respective speakers, lacking description inbetween. But I think that would often disrupt the natural flow of the dialogues... I never see the dialogues in other writer's fanfictions the way I handle them so I wonder if there's something I can improve there?

Anyway, hope you like the chapter (and the plentiful cliffhangers I hid in there ;)) While writing this, I've finally decided a few things concerning certain character's backstories... most of it won't be revealed in quite a while though  :yes
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I finally had some time to catch up with this story.  One of the side effects of teaching classes and taking a class at the same time...

We certainly had some more interaction between Littlefoot and Ali in this chapter.  This came across as quite believable as you have quite a skill at capturing their youthful play very effectively.  Although I bet this is going to make a certain green longneck jealous...

And here he is finally.. Hart.  Worse yet, it seems that he has a posse of sorts, though if this is a herd or merely a group is yet to be seen.  Though the fact that they were in the cave would seem to indicate that the cave was quite large.  I wonder what their motivations are at this point.  Will he continue to hold a grudge against Ali and Littlefoot, or does he have bigger plans on the horizon?  I suppose we will have to wait and see.  Worse yet, I fear that this will have a rather negative effect on Shorty.  If Shorty begins to act more fearful and withdrawn (even by his standards) then this would probably indicate to Bron that true magnitude of how much of an ass Hart was.

"See... Shorty probably had to endure and see a lot of violence in his early childhood and the way Bron described his father sounds as if he was raised by a fanatic and violent jerk..." Ali explained.
"So... you wanna tell me the way his dad acted towards him has rubbed off on Shorty?" Littlefoot asked, unbelievingly.
"Yes... education decides what kind of dinosaur you will grow up to be." When Littlefoot gave her a puzzled gaze, Ali added. "Well, Old One always said that anyway. There are probably exceptions..."
Littlefoot suddenly got very thoughtful. If Ali's words were true, how had his mother influenced his very own personality? She was the kindest dinosaur Littlefoot ever got to know but then who passed on their adventurous nature to him? His grandpa? Surely it couldn't be Bron since he didn't raise him...
"Littlefoot?" Ali voiced up. "What are you thinking about?"
"Huh?" Littlefoot hadn't paid any attention to his surroundings or Ali. "Well ehm... I was just wondering how my mother influenced me through her education, y'know..." Littlefoot answered. "
"Oh, I know you lost her quite early..." Ali spoke tentatively. "She must have been a great mother –very kind and loving. She's certainly gifted you these traits." Ali smiled.
"L-loving?" Littlefoot chuckled. "You think I'm loving?"
"You know what I mean!" Ali shouted in defence, blushing slightly.

This is a good encapsulation of the situation from Ali, despite her somewhat youthful, naive summation of it.  Shorty is currently trying to un-learn his education from his father, whereas Littlefoot is confronting how much of his personality came from his mother and grandparents.  Even though he has a father, does that mean that he should go with him?  After all, Littlefoot is a different longneck than he would have been with his father's instruction.  I figure that this will impact Littlefoot's decision on where to go later on.

Overall this was a very good chapter, I just need to point out a few typos before answering the question that you posed to me.

"Ehm... no thanks," Ali replied shyly and intimidatedly.

Intimidatedly is not really an English word.  Cautiously would probably work better here as describing her mannerisms.

See, There's a bunch of them at this place..." Ali replied quietly.

Should be: "See? There's a bunch of them at this place..." Ali replied quietly.

Shorty lied on the cool ground under the shade of the huge trees surrounding his nesting area.

Shorty lay on the cool ground.

Now to your question:

One thing I do request is the following: Could you please tell me if my dialogues are good? I get a feeling it's always just a block of lines between the respective speakers, lacking description inbetween. But I think that would often disrupt the natural flow of the dialogues... I never see the dialogues in other writer's fanfictions the way I handle them so I wonder if there's something I can improve there?

The actual exchanges between characters are quite good.  Especially the exchanges between Littlefoot and Ali, which fit the characters quite well.  However, I must admit that the lack of description between dialogue can limit the engagement of the reader with the story, as non-verbal expressions and internal thoughts often give context to the dialogue in a story.  That being said, it is possible to go too far the other way as well, and to fall into the trap of "telling, not showing" which we want to avoid as writers.

So all of that being said, it might be a good idea to try to add a bit of description between the dialogue (say, every 3 or 4 exchanges) to indicate the position and expressions of the characters.  Adding this detail would help to further engage the reader in the story, and to break up the dialogue.  Another thing that could be considered is breaking up the individual dialogue in some places so that the descriptions of expressions, tone, etc. is not always at the beginning or end of dialogue.  For example, consider this passage:

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.
"Surpriiiiiiiise!" Littlefoot called once he had resurfaced and taken a deep breath of air.
"Littlefoot! You scared me!" Ali accused him.
"Well, that's what it was all about..." Littlefoot grinned.

Could be revised to this:

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.
Suddenly, a large neck arose from the water like a monster from the abyss... however, this neck belonged to a rather familiar source.
"Littlefoot! You scared me!" Ali accused him.
"Well..." Littlefoot grinned cheekily,  "...that's what it was all about..."

Note how the description in the "Surprise!" line was taken out in favor of a stand-alone line of description.  Based upon what was stated in the line of description Littlefoot's identity no longer has to be expressed in the next line.  Additionally, in the last line, the dialogue has been broken up in order to simulate Littlefoot taking on a cheeky smile, before coyly mentioning his reasons for scaring her.  This is an example of how changing some of the descriptions can give the dialogue a new feel to it without actually changing any of the dialogue itself.

The only other thing that I would mention about dialogue is that, when writing adults, one must be careful with being too direct.  This might be a difference between German and English, but in English we often avoid being overly descriptive about our motivations in conversational speech, especially in the dialogue of villains, as being too direct can come across as cliche in English.  For example, this:

"Still, they've disturbed your important sleep, sir!" Ricky argued. "I really desperately want to see these kids suffer!"

Could probably be rewritten like this to avoid sounding cliche:

"Still, they've disturbed your sleep, sir!" Ricky argued. "Those kids should suffer for this outrage!"

Overall however, this chapter (and, in fact, the whole story) has been a joy to read, so I don't want you to think that this criticism indicates that I have deep reservations about your work.  This story is quite interesting and engaging, and, in my opinion, highlights your improvement as an author.  I merely wanted to offer some suggestions about how the dialogue could be modified to hook the reader in more, which can often be challenging to an author.

This was a good chapter as always. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to your next installment.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I have to say, I really love this story so far! I am usually pretty put off by gore in LBT fics, but the few times you included those scenes you did so tastefully, and in a way that progressed the story. So it didn't bother me very much :yes

I am now so curious to see what happened between Shorty and Cho! It is interesting to see that, while she obviously she doesn't like being bullied by him, and will fight him back in heat of the moment, she does not join others in condemning him. It seems like she may feel some guilt over the incident in question, hmmmmm.

I have read too much at once to write an in-depth analysis of the whole thing, but I will try to write more detailed reviews on future chapters!

This really makes me want to start writing my fic again :lol
I probably won't because I am not a great writer, and I don't think there is much interest in it, but I might doodle some scenes from it every now and then :DD


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Thank you for the detailed review, rhombus. This is just what I was asking for!  

I finally had some time to catch up with this story. One of the side effects of teaching classes and taking a class at the same time...
I can imagine... going to uni now doesn't exactly help me to catch up on Songs of the Hunters either :p

We certainly had some more interaction between Littlefoot and Ali in this chapter. This came across as quite believable as you have quite a skill at capturing their youthful play very effectively. Although I bet this is going to make a certain green longneck jealous...
Yeah, I just love these two together. It's a lot of fun writing the scenes with them interacting and goofing off. I just have to make sure not to overdo it (which I did in some previous chapter imo with all that farting stuff... shouldn't have started that plot idea in the first place...) ^^
Shorty is obviously not gonna like this development but he's apparently realised that it's his fault and that he (in a way) deserved this.

And here he is finally.. Hart. Worse yet, it seems that he has a posse of sorts, though if this is a herd or merely a group is yet to be seen.
Wait a second, where did you read that? It's only him and Ricky, you can hardly call that a posse :p Wonder where you got that impression... because I may have to clarify things there :p Well, at least you've realised he's up to no good... though I think I made that obvious enough already  :lol

Though the fact that they were in the cave would seem to indicate that the cave was quite large. I wonder what their motivations are at this point. Will he continue to hold a grudge against Ali and Littlefoot, or does he have bigger plans on the horizon? I suppose we will have to wait and see.
Yep, you'll have to wait and see what the Most Evil Swimmer himself comes up with  ;) The size of the cave is not yet known but it must be big enough to allow a grown-up longneck to enter, walk and sleep in there.

Worse yet, I fear that this will have a rather negative effect on Shorty. If Shorty begins to act more fearful and withdrawn (even by his standards) then this would probably indicate to Bron that true magnitude of how much of an ass Hart was.
Well, Shorty doesn't know about his father being around yet ;) There are many ways he could react to meeting him. Acting fearful is certainly one of the more likely options although not quite in-character for Shorty. Bron's reaction could be very important for the outcome of this...

This is a good encapsulation of the situation from Ali, despite her somewhat youthful, naive summation of it. Shorty is currently trying to un-learn his education from his father, whereas Littlefoot is confronting how much of his personality came from his mother and grandparents. Even though he has a father, does that mean that he should go with him? After all, Littlefoot is a different longneck than he would have been with his father's instruction. I figure that this will impact Littlefoot's decision on where to go later on.
Your analysis is really spot on. That paragraph wasn't planned, I was simply trying to make the conversation believable and I ended up with this ^^ Sometimes the best ideas come as you're writing the story I guess.
I honestly haven't thought of Shorty trying to unlearn his education so far but it's a good thought. he actually does it for Ali but maybe also for himself to become a better dinosaur others respect. Now I have a pretty cool idea for a conversation between Ali and Shorty later on in the story  :idea

Overall this was a very good chapter, I just need to point out a few typos before answering the question that you posed to me.
I'm happy that you liked the chapter :) Thanks for pointing out these small mistakes too. I don't think I need to have somebody pre-proofread my chapters anymore and I wouldn't know anybody who has tons of leisure time to do so :p But still there's a small mistake here and there but we all make them sometimes, yep, yep, yep.

The actual exchanges between characters are quite good. Especially the exchanges between Littlefoot and Ali, which fit the characters quite well. However, I must admit that the lack of description between dialogue can limit the engagement of the reader with the story, as non-verbal expressions and internal thoughts often give context to the dialogue in a story. That being said, it is possible to go too far the other way as well, and to fall into the trap of "telling, not showing" which we want to avoid as writers.
I see what you mean and I've already tried to apply this advice in the most recent chapter which I might be able to finish today :)

So all of that being said, it might be a good idea to try to add a bit of description between the dialogue (say, every 3 or 4 exchanges) to indicate the position and expressions of the characters. Adding this detail would help to further engage the reader in the story, and to break up the dialogue. Another thing that could be considered is breaking up the individual dialogue in some places so that the descriptions of expressions, tone, etc. is not always at the beginning or end of dialogue. For example, consider this passage:

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.
"Surpriiiiiiiise!" Littlefoot called once he had resurfaced and taken a deep breath of air.
"Littlefoot! You scared me!" Ali accused him.
"Well, that's what it was all about..." Littlefoot grinned.

Could be revised to this:

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ali screamed; something had touched her.
Suddenly, a large neck arose from the water like a monster from the abyss... however, this neck belonged to a rather familiar source.
"Littlefoot! You scared me!" Ali accused him.
"Well..." Littlefoot grinned cheekily, "...that's what it was all about..."

Note how the description in the "Surprise!" line was taken out in favor of a stand-alone line of description. Based upon what was stated in the line of description Littlefoot's identity no longer has to be expressed in the next line. Additionally, in the last line, the dialogue has been broken up in order to simulate Littlefoot taking on a cheeky smile, before coyly mentioning his reasons for scaring her. This is an example of how changing some of the descriptions can give the dialogue a new feel to it without actually changing any of the dialogue itself.
That example really helped me to realise how to improve my writing. :)

The only other thing that I would mention about dialogue is that, when writing adults, one must be careful with being too direct. This might be a difference between German and English, but in English we often avoid being overly descriptive about our motivations in conversational speech, especially in the dialogue of villains, as being too direct can come across as cliche in English. For example, this:

"Still, they've disturbed your important sleep, sir!" Ricky argued. "I really desperately want to see these kids suffer!"

Could probably be rewritten like this to avoid sounding cliche:

"Still, they've disturbed your sleep, sir!" Ricky argued. "Those kids should suffer for this outrage!"
Thanks for yet another advice. Interesting what unique traits languages can have. I've never heard of this being a problem in German language ^^

Overall however, this chapter (and, in fact, the whole story) has been a joy to read, so I don't want you to think that this criticism indicates that I have deep reservations about your work. This story is quite interesting and engaging, and, in my opinion, highlights your improvement as an author. I merely wanted to offer some suggestions about how the dialogue could be modified to hook the reader in more, which can often be challenging to an author.
As I've mentioned already, this was just the kind of critique I was looking for. You've told me how to do things better without making me feel like I suck at writing  :smile I really appreciate your efforts and I hope the next chapters in improved quality will be your reward. I still hope I can return the favor one day ;)

@DarkWolf: I'm VERY happy that you like the story  :smile It's a good feeling that I now have 3 regular readers instead of 2 and it certainly gave my writing motivation a boost!

I have to say, I really love this story so far! I am usually pretty put off by gore in LBT fics, but the few times you included those scenes you did so tastefully, and in a way that progressed the story. So it didn't bother me very much in-yes.gif
I usually don't write such violent scenes but this changed the path the story was taking immensely. The whole story isn't really planned, I often change my mind later and I often come up with the best ideas while I'm writing... Sometimes I had a feeling it was a bit too extreme but nobody complained so far so it probably wasn't :) Besides, it was fun to write ^^

I am now so curious to see what happened between Shorty and Cho! It is interesting to see that, while she obviously she doesn't like being bullied by him, and will fight him back in heat of the moment, she does not join others in condemning him. It seems like she may feel some guilt over the incident in question, hmmmmm.
Yeah, their relation is still pretty much a mystery and (probably) will remain a mystery for quite a bit longer in the story but I promise there will be further interaction between them in the future :yes

I have read too much at once to write an in-depth analysis of the whole thing, but I will try to write more detailed reviews on future chapters!
That's perfectly fine :) I'd love some reviews on future chapters (and I will try to finish the newest chapter today so you get the opportunity to do so  :DD ). Besides, I've been thinking about revamping parts of the story which would allow you to review these earlier chapters too. But that's not decided yet...

This really makes me want to start writing my fic again dino_laugh.gif
I probably won't because I am not a great writer, and I don't think there is much interest in it, but I might doodle some scenes from it every now and then dino_happier.gif
As I've already said in the Shorty discussion thread, I can only encourage you to give it a try while you're motivated and your head full of ideas ;) Since you're a good artist, a sort of comic could also be an option :yes

EDIT: Wow, exceeded the emoticon limit of the forum so had to scale it down xD
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Alright everybody, here's the promised new chapter!


Chapter 42:

"They are so bloody silly..." Ricky shook his head in a mixture of amusement, annoyance, arrogance and disbelief. He had already observed Littlefoot and Ali for quite a while, being used to their childish and immature behavior but this really topped everything they've done so far. "Why am I doing this?!" Ricky had to question himself – the two fellow Longneck kids drove him nuts. He was about to call off the observation to pursue his actual instructions but then he heard something that caught his attention immediately.
"See, I also had a lot of fun with Shorty back then but it's just hilarious hanging around with you," Ricky heard the girl chatter. There was only one word that really caught his attention but it did so in a tremendous way. Ricky felt a mixture of extreme excitement and anger rise within his belly. Surely the stupid girl wouldn't be talking about...
"Speaking of Shorty..." he heard the girl say again. There was little doubt that it was not a coincidence these stupid children would mention the name of his brother. What sane dinosaur would name their baby Shorty? "Well, my dad is insane..." the boy chuckled to himself. "My dad probably felt he'd be the runt of the litter and gave him a ridiculous name!" The thought pleased him anyway.

Bron had been watching Littlefoot and Ali for quite a while now. His son was a little late but he wouldn't trade the fun it was to observe them for anything. They were still young, innocent and carefree. Bron wished he could go back in time to live the happy life of being a child again, going on adventures and getting himself into trouble, looking out for the pretty, young girls in his herd... "Yes, those were the days..." he thought in a mixture of bitterness and nostalgia. As he was watching Littlefoot and Ali playing, he was reminded of him and his mate at the time. They were just like that back then – unseparable, playing all day and doing all kind of silly things. "Though my flirting never worked until much later..." Bron mused. He knew that Ali liked his son a lot since Fiona told him how much Ali had missed her friend and he could only assume that it wasn't much different for Littlefoot...

Ricky continued following the conversation until the two Longnecks separated. He still wasn't one-hundred percent sure if their conversation was really about his brother but he had enough indications to go search for the Longneck in question to figure it out himself.
When both children were out of sight, he left his hideout, walked to the watering hole to take a sip in an attempt to act as unsuspicious as possible. Then he looked into the direction of a small forest to his left. The children had often looked into that direction when mentioning his brother so he would go in there to seek him out. Determined, he set off.

Littlefoot felt a little uneasy when he started his ascend of the steep wall to meet his father at the top. The anger he had been feeling the previous day was almost gone, only the disappointment of not having his dad around for most of his life remaining, but his excitement was beginning to take over. Nevertheless, Littlefoot remained cautious and distant. Bron was his dad undoubtedly but Littlefoot had not yet accepted this –had not yet accepted Bron as someone he could consider a friend or a family member. It felt more like meeting a stranger.
Littlefoot tried to suppress those feelings and thoughts however as his father came in sight. He would give Bron a chance to become his dad not only by blood but also by heart...

Roaming the thick jungle, using its vegetation as camouflage, Ricky recollected what he had already figured out about his long-lost brother, if his information was correct of course...
"First of all, that traitor is still alive!" Everyone, including Ricky, had considered him dead. He went out into the barren lands all alone. There was hardly any food and water to be found and predators were only waiting for individuals who were lost, weak and defenceless. "Such as Shorty..."  Ricky didn't know how his brother had been able to dodge his almost certain death but he did know that he wouldn't be able to rely on his luck another time when his dad would finish the job he started seasons ago...
"Second, he's here in this valley – possibly around the corner or at the other edge of the valley." Ricky and his dad had been affected by the sleepstories just like any other Longneck so that must have lured Shorty to the valley too. "Heh, wonder if my weak sisters will turn up here as well..." Ricky mused. He hadn't exactly seen them dying just like he hadn't seen Shorty die. It was against all odds that they somehow managed to find water in the desert when his dad left them behind in their weak state but he had already thought that about Shorty's demise...
"Third, those annoying kids know him..." Ricky didn't know in what way that could play to his advantage but he knew he'd take the chance if he saw it.
"Fourth, he has hurt somebody..." Ricky was quite surprised when he had heard that – or at least he had interpreted it out of the annoying youngster's conversation. Shorty had never hurt anybody when he was still part of the family. He'd been an annoying, stupid kid, always seeking attention and having a level of pride that was even close to the pride Threehorns displayed. "But not a violent jerk like me..." Ricky pondered. "I was the one bullying him... though maybe he has decided to act up to me and hurt those weaker than him..." Ricky didn't know but he would find out eventually...

Ali was on her way to her friend Cho when she resumed her day so far. She hadn't had so much fun ever since her first visit of the Great Valley when she met Littlefoot and his friends. For the first time in ages, Ali felt truly alive. Life was worth living again and she could thank Littlefoot for that which only increased the admiration she felt towards him. As Ali thought about this, another thought entered her mind which made her smirk.
"We're going to watch the Bright Circle's descent from the sky later. That will be the highlight of the day!"
With a smile on her face, Ali continued walking towards Cho's nesting area.

"Hello Littlefoot," Bron greeted his son. He fixed his gaze on his approaching son cautiously. The tall Longneck was almost convinced he had been able to soften the initial anger of his son the previous day yet he remained careful. They still didn't know each other very well and one wrong word could enrage or sadden his son, breaking the little trust that they had managed to build up already.

Littlefoot finally arrived at the peak of the wall, looking up to his dad with a mixed expression.
"Hello Bron... dad..." he replied silently with not nearly as much enthusiasm as his father had greeted him. "Am I late?" Littlefoot admitted that he got a little too carried away playing and chatting with Ali.
"No, you're not too late, Littlefoot," Bron replied, smiling at his son. "I've come here sooner than we agreed on because I needed some time for myself anyway. Lots of things were happening these last few days and I needed to do some thinking," Bron explained.
"Ah, I see," Littlefoot replied. Obviously, he wasn't the only one going through a lot of positive and negative stuff these days...
"Besides..." Bron gave Littlefoot a look full of mirth. "It's been a pleasure to watch Ali and you. You remind me of my younger self..."
Littlefoot gave his father an oblique gaze.
"And of a girl I had my eyes on when I was your age," Bron added, slightly dreamy.
"My mother I take it?" Littlefoot concluded. A small part of his heart cringed when he thought about his loving mother who gave her life to save his. Another, even smaller part, envied Bron for having so much time with her while he lost her so shortly after he hatched. But the biggest part of his heart reminded him that his mother was what connected him with his father.
"Indeed, we were just like Ali and you," Bron snickered. "Anyway, how have you been since our last meeting?" With more excitement, he added. "And, if you don't mind me asking, what mischief have you two been up to?"
"Mischief? We were just having fun playing games," Littlefoot replied, puzzling about Bron's behavior. On the one hand, it was relieving to have a laid-back, not a stern conversation but on the other hand his dad's excited behavior reminded Littlefoot more of a child than a grown-up Longneck. Deep inside he had an odd feeling his dad had been quite like him in his childhood, which would mean... "What if my dad was just as adventurous as my friends and I? What if he was the one to pass it on to me? But... how???" Littlefoot was confused. Ali had told him that education could change a dinosaur but... how could Bron have passed on his adventurous nature to him? Certainly not through education.
"Heh, so I thought. You two haven't seen each other in a long time, right?" Bron reassured. Of course both Ali and Fiona had told him but he just wanted to hear his son's version of the story as well.
"Ehh, yeah," Littlefoot replied, shaken out of his thoughts. "We met when her herd visited the Great Valley. We became good friends," he explained.
"And I take it they left sooner than you two liked?" Bron mused.
Littlefoot still remembered the disenchantment and sadness he felt when his friend had to leave. It quickly got better again since his friends felt the same and they still had each other to play with but he had always missed her and would sometimes think about her.
"Oh yeah, that was too soon," he admitted. "We sure had a lot of fun and a big adventure while she was there."
"An adventure?" Bron exclaimed in excitement. "Mind telling me about it, son?"
Littlefoot knew Bron would get hooked when he mentioned an adventure. It was a test with the result he had expected. His dad shared his love for adventures and also his love for hearing the stories about others having adventures. Doc came to his mind. He had loved to hear the stories about him from his grandfather.
"I wouldn't mind, dad," Littlefoot replied, feeling a bit awkward about calling Bron his dad. "But mind you, that's a long story."
"Long stories are the best," Bron said with a smile. "Besides, we have until sunset and there's also tomorrow. I really want to learn more about you to get to know you better and be a good dad."
"And I also want to learn more about you, dad," Littlefoot replied. Despite his doubts about the whole situation, he still wanted to accept Bron as his dad one day. Having a dad was better than not having a dad after all. "Though... today is my turn to be the story teller so I'll tell you about how Ali and I met and... about our adventure." The last three words he said with some mystery in his voice to make his dad curious (which frankly wasn't necessary at all). Having a former story speaker as a grandpa surely helped being a better story teller himself.

Ricky had been searching for his brother for well above 30 minutes and it already began to annoy him. "How to find a green Longneck in a valley this big?! He could be anywhere!" he cursed. While he was complaining about this, he suddenly realised that, either way, he would have to search for something that was very unlikely to stumble upon. "Right... that other task of mine..." he remembered with even more annoyance. He loved and respected his father for who he was, what he did and what he considered a good or a bad thing. However, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings...

Littlefoot cleared his throat before he spoke up. He noticed the expectant and curious look on his father's face. "He must be expecting something really exciting..." Littlefoot deduced. "Well, it was some adventure... he'll like that story I suppose..."
"It was a day just like any other day," Littlefoot started narrating. Bron was listening closely. "I went playing with my friends like any other day but when we took a look out into the Mysterious Beyond we noticed this big herd of Longnecks heading towards the Great Valley."
"That was Ali's herd," Bron deduced.
"Indeed," Littlefoot confirmed, nodding.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you, son, but could you tell me something about your friends?" Bron asked curiously. If Littlefoot had friends, where were they? Surely their families would have followed their instincts too and travelled with Littlefoot's folks... so why weren't they at this place? Or was Littlefoot just too busy playing with his old friend Ali to give them much attention?
"What about them?" Littlefoot questioned cautiously. What was Bron alluding to? Did he want to hear about his adventure or not?
"I'm just wondering why I haven't seen you with anybody else but Ali," Bron explained. "Didn't your friends come over to this place too? I'm convinced all Longnecks had the sleepstories..."
"Oh..." Littlefoot found himself in a tricky situation. His dad thought his friends were other Longnecks... which they were clearly not. "I guess I'll just tell him and see how he takes it," Littlefoot suggested. He looked at Bron and replied. "Well, I'm also convinced that all Longnecks had those sleepstories. However," Littlefoot spoke nervously. "My friends aren't Longnecks...

Ricky hadn't watched his step, causing him to step on a piece of wood, cracking it in two audibly. Instinctively,  he threw himself to the ground, hiding behind a thick bush. "Dammit!" he cursed. If he were to be noticed, Hart would be furious... Ricky quickly took a look around himself agitatedly. Luckily, nobody was to be seen. He hadn't taken a look of what lay behind the bush though...

"My friends aren't Longnecks..." These words echoed in Bron's mind. It was as though Littlefoot had spit them right into his face as if they were some sort of acid fluid.
"They-they are not?!" Bron stuttered in a mixture of confusion and suppressed anger. The latter, he tried to hide for he didn't want his son to dislike him.
"Is something wrong about my friends not being Longnecks?" Littlefoot inquired. Deep inside, he hoped his suspicion – that his father was not fond of different dinosaur kinds mixing and intermingling instead of sticking to their own kind, was wrong but his strange reaction suggested otherwise...
"I'm... just a bit surprised," Bron lied. Truly, it enraged him. If there was one thing he hated more than Sharpteeth, it was dinosaurs who betrayed their own kind. "It's... not unheard of to befriend dinosaurs from another kind but it's not exactly normal," Bron spoke uneasily.
"My mother told me that all dinosaurswere always sticking to their own kind," Littlefoot mentioned. "I didn't understand why back then. I mean, what is so different about them? They look different and they all have their ways. So do we," Littlefoot argued. "But we all speak the same language – well, all but Sharpteeth, we eat the same food, we live at the same places and we have the same feelings. That's what my friends taught me." Littlefoot took a breath. "Besides, if I hadn't disobeyed mother in that regard, you wouldn't be hearing this story today."
"I wouldn't?" Bron raised an eye-brow.
Littlefoot noticed how the curiosity and excitement took over in Bron again. He nodded confidently.
"Well," he thundered, pushing his anger aside for the time being. "That sounds like a story worth being told, doesn't it?"
"Yeah..." Littlefoot suddenly noticed that there was another thing he could include into this very story which his father would probably love to hear from a first hand source... despite the painful memories it would wake in both of them... "I will tell you the tale of how I found the Great Valley. It's a story about loss, despair but also hope; it's a story about the importance of friendship; it's the story of how my friends and I became friends in the first place."
Gone was the funny look in Bron's eyes. He had laid down in order to be on Littlefoot's eye-level and listened, his eyes expressing youthful excitement and curiosity...
Reassured that nobody had seen nor heard him, Ricky got to his feet again, still maintaining a somewhat cowered position though. That was when he realised his mistake. He had forgotten to make sure nobody was behind the bush he was hiding in. All of a sudden, he gawked into an all too familiar face. His green skin colour had intensified over the years and his features were sturdier than he remembered. Ricky quickly got over the initial shock of discovering his brother when he least expected it and put on a face that all the cool kids would show – a mixture of arrogance and laid-backness. At this moment, he really was lucky to have planned this encounter in advance...

Shorty's boredom came to an unexpected end when, soon after the rustling in the underbrush had reached his ears, the head of a Longneck kid came out of it. It was a boy of his size and age with a deep-blu-ish skin colour, wearing a look on his face that he knew he himself had worn many times...
Shorty got to his feet and greeted the newcomer suspiciously. "Who are you?"

Ali had completed about half of the distance to Cho's nesting area when a thought stroke her mind, making her thoughtful.
"Now that I think about it, Old One's words might have more truth to them than I believed at first..." It was Littlefoot's reaction to her words that made her wonder. "If Littlefoot draws these conclusions then I wonder what Shorty would do?" After all, Ali knew his backstory and it was even more obvious in his case than in Littlefoot's that his father had influenced his personality gravely. "Hmm, I wonder how Shorty would react to it... I'd love to confront him with these wise words to see if he'll take that as motivation to redeem himself..."
But then another thought crossed the young girl's mind. "Though... what if he takes it as an invitation to blame his behavior on his dad?" Ali knew that Shorty would have to hear yet another lecture from her if it came to that. One problem remained though...
"It's of no use though if I'm not allowed to go to Shorty to tell him in the first place!" Of course she had visited Shorty against Bron's punishment before but doing it again felt wrong to the young Longneck. Surely, he would make an exception if her visit was for educational reasons...


Not ending a chapter with a cliffhanger for a change :p At least not with a nasty one. Of course a lot of things just wait to be continued in the next chapter :DD Let me know what you think about it, yep, yep, yep!

I just hope you like it and I hope it becomes visible that I've tried to apply rhombus' advice  :angel

As for the next chapter, even though I haven't written a single word of it yet, I can already give you a slight hint. Nostalgia ;)

PS: Trying to etablish a somewhat regular schedule again since I'm really into the story again  :exactly
Inactive, probably forever.


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... I didn't know there was an emoticon limit :lol

Aww, I really loved Littlefoot's storytime with Bron, it was quite an endearing scene :yes
And I have to wonder if Bron will be able to get over his speciesism... but if this is following the events of the movie, I guess that will be put to the test sooner or later :D

Didn't see any major issues with the writing in this chapter, and Shorty's pending meeting with his father has me on the edge of my seat  :blink:


  • *feels like Pterano*
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... I didn't know there was an emoticon limit dino_laugh.gif
Use more than twenty and try to post it (or just hit preview post, it'll also tell you not to use so many  :smile )

Aww, I really loved Littlefoot's storytime with Bron, it was quite an endearing scene in-yes.gif
If you liked that, you'll definitely like the next chapter :yes

And I have to wonder if Bron will be able to get over his speciesism... but if this is following the events of the movie, I guess that will be put to the test sooner or later biggrin.gif
Ah yes, the speciesm. I thought it might add some spice to the relationship between Bron and Littlefoot and I have a backstory to explain this at some point  :p I imagine Bron to believe in the old ways, being a Longneck-only herd leader... Old One would probably fall under that category as well (and her actions in LBT 4 suggest her dislike of other species...)
You'll see if it is put to the test or not eventually ;)

Didn't see any major issues with the writing in this chapter, and Shorty's pending meeting with his father has me on the edge of my seat blink.gif
I can imagine :D Well, neither of them know of each other's presence yet, only Ricky knows about Shorty now and it'll be interesting to see what he's up to :p And of course that guy has a plan ^^

Glad you liked the chapter and thanks for the review!  :exactly
Inactive, probably forever.