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Shorty's Dark Past

Ducky123 · 227 · 27274


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Hello to my readers, I've been thinking about a few things concerning the last few chapters of "Shorty's Dark Past" which are, admittedly, quite different from the rest of the story because they're mostly about Littlefoot reliving his experiences from the first movie in great detail (because it's a ton of fun to write that :DD). By the time I've finished this LBT 1 arc, it'll make at least a forth of the total word count of the story at this point (total wc is slightly above 100000 words now, just crossed the border this week) and the chapter to come, telling the rest of the LBT 1 arc, is already at 9500 words as of right now (just finished the fight between Littlefoot and Cera so still a lot more to cover!)
Now I do know that you all probably want the actual story arc to continue (so do I by the way), after all this is "Shorty's Dark Past" and not "LBT 1 retold" :p so here's what I've been thinking about doing and I'd like to hear your opinion about this because you're the people I write this for, mostly  :lol

I'm thinking about turning the whole LBT 1 arc into an individual fanfiction (-series, who knows? :p), writing some scenes in even greater detail. So these scenes would be removed from Shorty's Dark Past as a result. I would like to keep Bron's reactions to the adventures of Littlefoot however and I think I already know how to do it in a much shorter way that'll still have all of Bron's reactions in it (I might, as a result, focus on these reactions a little more instead of what is actually told). It will require me to rearrange the last few chapters though but that won't be much of a problem and a great opportunity for you to reread these scenes since I'll need to post the updated chapters again ^^spike

So what do you think about this? I've already talked to somebody about it who's a really good writer and he said it's a good idea, but I need more imput :)
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Well, nobody posted here but people gave me lots of input in private. I've decided to do what I announced. I've almost finished writing the LBT 1 part of the story and now feel ready to continue with the actual SDP story  :angel Sorry for making you wait.

This week, two (revised) chapters will be posted. After that there will be new content ;)

So... here's a highly revamped chapter 44 (I kept 43 as it is since it's mostly written interactive with Bron, not as a flashback). Had to split it up though :p chapter 45 will have two short new scenes already ;)


Chapter 44:

Silence. Littlefoot had interrupted his story telling. He was by no means capable of going on now after painfully reliving his mother's last moment. Even the distant sound of chattering dinosaurs seemed to have been muted temporarily. Only the wind was blowing, a mild breeze touching their bodies.

"Oh Mother..." Littlefoot was on the edge of sobbing, moisture was forming in his eyes, blurring his vision.

Suddenly, huge drops of water impacted the ground. Littlefoot looked upwards to see his father crying.

"Dad?" the little Longneck spoke up softly. The fact that his dad was crying kind of helped him shake off his own grief.

"Thank you, Littlefoot, thank you..." Bron whispered. "I admire your strength at this young age. You are my son..."

"And you are my dad..." Littlefoot spoke silently. Bron's reaction wiped away every little bit of doubt Littlefoot had in him. Bron was his dad, there was no question about that anymore. Littlefoot felt strongly connected to him for the first time since they both shared the pain of losing the most important dinosaur in their lives.

"Thank you very much, son," Bron choked, not hiding his tears. "You can't imagine how important it is for me to finally know how my mate spend her last moments. She died protecting you. Only through her efforts, I now have the opportunity to meet you at last, Littlefoot, I'm so proud of her... and I'm also proud of you, my son."

"Thanks... it's true that my mother saved me from Sharptooth," Littlefoot said hesitantly, some darkness mixing into his voice. "However, maybe she would have never had to save me if I didn't wander off the herd back then..."

Bron gave his son a sad smile. "Oh Littlefoot, there's no reason to blame yourself. Look at me... I should have been there to protect you two but I was somewhere out there searching for the Great Valley. I've blamed myself for her death so many times but eventually I realised that there are things in life we can't change. We can only try to accept them the way they are and move on. Call it fate if you want but things happened... Most bad things also have a bright side to them, you know?"

"Yes... I know exactly what you mean," Littlefoot responded. "If Sharptooth hadn't killed my mother, I would have never met my friends."

"And I would have never become a herd leader," Bron smiled. "They're like family to me, y'know?"

"Yeah... just like the dinosaurs that live in the Great Valley..." Littlefoot agreed.

There was a short moment of silence between the two Longnecks until Bron spoke up again.

"Well, should we go on with the storytelling?" he requested carefully. "Of course I can understand if you'd rather not."

"No problem, I can continue the tale if you like," Littlefoot answered, lacking enthusiasm which, however, soon returned to him as more pleasant memories replaced the grief he was still feeling when he thought of his mother.

"Who are you?" Ricky instantly released an imaginary sigh of relief. "Shorty doesn't recognise me!" He was lucky that his colours had changed quite a bit through the years. When he and Shorty last saw each other their skin-colours were pale. Now they were much stronger and darker. On top of that, their voices had changed; they were sounding less like a child but a little more mature and deeper though not like an adolescent's voice yet...

"Name's Ralph," Ricky lied. It was all part of his great plan – pretending to be somebody he wasn't. He belonged to Hart since he was the one who fathered him in the first place. Serving his purposes was the least he could do to show some gratitude. Therefore, Shorty also belonged to him so he hadn't been entitled to run away... Ricky wasn't sure if Hart, was he aware of his actions, would want him to do what he was planning to do but he assumed it so he carried out his plan...

"Whazzup buddy?" he exclaimed coolly, grinning at the green Longneck in front of him who gave him a reserved look.

"What do you want?" Shorty grunted suspiciously. He was full aware that he wasn't supposed to talk to anybody due to being grounded but if people were dropping by without asking for permission he thought he might as well be allowed to chase them off... The first impression the blue Longneck by the name Ralph made on him wasn't exactly positive either so he was actually quite in favor of projecting his anger on unsuspecting and unfamiliar targets... such as him.

"Easy pal, why so rude?" Ricky sneered with false outrage. "Was jus' sayin' hello, y'know?"

"Name's Shorty..." Shorty snarled, giving Ricky a cold glare. "You do know that this area is only free to enter for members of my father's herd?"

Now Shorty entered the terrain of lying as well which was his element, frankly...

Ricky's level of excitement rose when he realised he indeed stumbled across his brother. He almost failed to hide it but caught himself in time.

"Aww, c'mon! You probably made that up anyway!" Ricky snorted. "Ain't you got friends, bud?" he then insisted with some amusement. He knew too well that he didn't have any friends either but tried to act like the cool guy he wasn't, not needing any friends.

"Again I ask you, what do you want?" Shorty growled, more vicious this time, anger building up within him.

"Man, what's wrong with ya?" Ricky teased. "I'm being kind and you sound like you wanna kill me!"

"If you were kind, you'd answer my question..." Shorty remarked with a growl.

He had a point. Maybe he should tell Shorty what he wanted? Well, what he pretended to anyway...

"Besides, you were asking if I had any friends but you're wandering around all alone too? Suspicious if you ask me, Ralph..." Shorty pointed out. "And what were you doing here in this lonesome forest anyway!? There are more populated areas here y'know?"

"'Kay, if you insist..." Ricky spoke, piqued. "I jus' arrived here, y'know, so I was exploring this neat lil' place when I ran into you. Thought I should say hello, y'know, like a well-behaved Longneck does. Oh, and I DO have friends. They were just too cowardly to come here so it's just me and my dad. Stupid of 'em if you ask me. Who knows what we're here for? There must be a reason..."

The stranger's response didn't help Shorty to build any trust but at least he didn't seem to be up to anything so he'd tolerate his presence for the time being. "That's less boring than just doing nothing!" he noted. He could still chase him off later... "Fair enough..." he simply replied.

"Wanna join me exploring the valley, mate?" Ricky then proposed. "Or got something better to do?"

That put Shorty into a tricky situation the outcome of which highly depended on his response. Of course he could simply say "yes" and go along. Nobody from the herd was watching and if anybody asked where he was, he'd just say he'd gone to the watering hole to drink. Surely he was allowed to meet his daily needs... Besides, Bron was busy talking to his replacement, Littlefoot. He wouldn't notice him either if he sneaked away. Still, Shorty knew it'd save him a lot of trouble if he just stayed where he was supposed to be; still, it was against his pride to admit that he was grounded. What should he do?

"...So that's how I met Ducky, the Swimmer." Littlefoot finished, having just told his father how the incredibly curious form of Ducky had approached him and instantly cheered him up. The Longneck had been severely depressed after the death of his mother, his life reduced to indifference about literally anything - even food! Ducky had managed to remind Littlefoot of the mission that he had: Finding the Great Valley… and Ducky would join him on this long journey! Now he gave Bron some time to react.

"Ducky sounds like somebody you can have... lots of fun with," Bron guessed, a little unsure. Of course he didn't like Ducky at all but she sounded like somebody very well suited for Littlefoot if she was a Longneck herself.

"She really helped me to feel better," Littlefoot admitted. "Because... Ducky is playful and always optimistic. That's just what I needed back then… somebody who would tell me that everything would be alright even if it was not going to be… and who could make me smile even when I was crying." Somewhat hesitant, he added. "Well, and it also didn't feel nearly as terrible at night because I was no longer the only one to cry myself into sleep… Ducky missed her mother just as much… though at least she still had a chance to reunite with her…"

"Yeah, I see..." Bron muttered.

"Well, soon after I found Ducky, I also found another friend of mine..."

Yuyun was dosing in the warm rays of the afternoon sun when she heard a familiar, warm voice greeting her.

"Hello Yuyun," Ali spoke warmly. "Sorry if I woke you up..."

"Ali, what a surprise!" Cho's mother replied in joy, rising to her feet. "Don't worry, dear, I was just relaxing. We all need a break every now and then, especially after this demanding journey." The grown-up chuckled to herself. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I take it you want to see my little one again?" She gave Ali a warm, knowing smile.

"Oh yes, I'm indeed here to visit Cho again," Ali replied. After all, she had to make up for all the time she neglected the friendship horribly... "On the one hand, I'm just curious how she's doing;" the young girl spoke. "She's sleeping, isn't she?"

Yuyun nodded. "Sleeping like a rock since you came over in the morning..."

Ali emitted a short laughter. "Haha, so I thought." Turning more serious, she added. "On the other hand though I feel like I have to make up for the time I spent with Shorty, neglecting Cho who was so kind towards me when I was injured and weak..."

"Oh Ali, you know Cho doesn't blame you for that and neither am I," Yuyun assured the young girl.

"I know, still I feel like I should be there for her now," Ali responded. Littlefoot is talking to Bron right now anyway so it's the best thing I can do to visit Cho right now."

"Fair enough," Yuyun admitted. "You know, Ali, Cho actually told me about you after she made friends with you..."

"She did?" Ali asked curiously.

"Yes, she usually never talks a lot about these things," Cho's mother mused.

Yuyun laid on the rocky ground, resting her legs after hiking across the mountains. Bron had called it a day in the afternoon since the place offered some safety and enough space for all members as well as a narrow stream with crystal clear water.

When she saw her adopted daughter Cho returning to her just around the dawn of night, she instantly noticed the happy face she was wearing.

"Hmm, now that's interesting. She's hardly ever like that..." she puzzled. Usually, Cho was always kind of melancholic, depressed or just unsocial and odd but she still loved her little one. Moments like this were rare so she got very curious what made her so happy...

"Hello dear, what have you been up to today?" Yuyun asked her adopted daughter warmly, smiling at her lovingly. Usually, the little girl wouldn't answer her this question but today seemed to be different.

"Hello Yuyun," Cho greeted her adopted mother as formally as ever. "I think I have met a new friend. She is really kind. Kind of like a big sister I never had..."

"A friend?" her mother exclaimed in surprise. "Why dear that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you! What's your friend's name?"

"It's Ali," Cho replied. "Tomorrow I will meet her again if I can and introduce you to her, she is really kind."

Yuyun felt a deep pleasure as she heard her daughter telling her the news. She had never been able to find a friend; the other kids wouldn't play with Cho though she didn't exactly try to get engaged in their games. She rather played on her own so it was quite some developement of her.

"I would love to meet your new friend, Cho," Yuyun reassured.

"But Yuyun?" Cho suddenly asked.

"Yes dear?"

"Please don't be shocked when you see her. Ali is the girl we rescued in the desert."

"Oh, that is who you made friends with?" Yuyun was quite surprised about that.

"Yes, you see... I saw her and for some reason I knew she would be different than all the other kids. I was totally right. She's really like me... in a way..."

Yuyun didn't comment on that further. Instead, she nuzzled her daughter gently who didn't object at all (sometimes she would).

The next day, she got to meet Ali indeed. Yuyun was just glad her injuries healed so quickly. She still remembered how terrible her skin looked due to the excessive sunburn.

"Well, do you think I can try to talk to Cho again?" Ali asked. She really wanted to talk to her again as she had just remembered how kind a soul the little girl was when she talked to her in the morning.

"Sure, let's see how our sleepyhead is doing, shall we?" Yuyun chuckled. "I'm just glad she made it and I'm sure she'll be fine in no time just like you, Ali."

"So... he's a Flyer who can't fly?" Bron questioned as if mocking his son after he had told him about his run-in with Petrie who had been hiding in a tree he was trying to eat which lead to a rather unpleasant encounter. He and Ducky soon realised that he was a very welcomed addition to their duo though.

"He learned how to fly eventually, don't worry," Littlefoot assured though Bron remained kind of reserved. "He may be very nervous and easily scared but he's a very good friend and always makes us laugh with his antics," Littlefoot explained then. "Moreover… he's quite an advantage to have around during adventures since he can see things from above."

"Which you do quite frequently?" Bron raised an eye-brow.

Littlefoot nodded, uncertain whether to feel proud or guilty about that.

"Very well... what happened next?" his father questioned with mild curiosity.

"Well," Littlefoot cleared his throat. "We eventually stumbled upon Cera, the Threehorn I told you about, later that day while wandering through a creepy forest with lots of dead trees... Cera was pretty scared because she claimed to have met Sharptooth in the underground. Of course I thought it was nonsense back then but I was wrong... she narrated the story to us much in the way I'm telling you this story right now. Ducky was impressed by the story of course and Petrie got scared while I was actually quite mad at her for telling us things which are not true – again, it later turned out that she WAS right... The whole situation kinda led to the discovery of the fifth member of our group..."

"Should I be a coward? Should I be daring? Should I disobey Bron?" Shorty just didn't know... but then a thought occurred to him. "Why am I caring for somebody I barely know when I'm not caring for others I know too well?" In other words, why should he risk the truce with Bron for that idiot? Why should he try not to lose his face in front of somebody he didn't know? Surely, it wouldn't help restoring the little self-esteem he still had but it wasn't exactly someone he cared about. In front of Ali, he would've gone with Ralph to show her how daring he was. However, Ralph wasn't Ali so his decision stood.

"Sorry, but I can't," Shorty spoke outright. He really did mean it. Even though Ralph appeared to be a jerk, he was still better company than his shadow or his reflection in the water. "Honestly, I'm technically not even allowed to talk to anybody right now."

Ricky, remembering hearing about Shorty hurting other children, quickly realised he'd have a better chance to keep the conversation going if he didn't act like a jerk this time. Nothing would be gained if he made his brother dislike him or even wake his anger that he already felt earlier.

"Grounded, eh?" Ricky questioned, attempting to sound empathetic though he wasn't so sure if he succeeded.

Shorty nodded, swallowing down his pride. He prepared himself in case Ralph had in mind to make fun of him.

"Ah, that's uncool..." Ricky replied, trying to sound sorry. "Don't worry buddy, I've been there too. Your dad's as strict as mine then?" Ricky was really curious now. Who was that "dad" his brother was referring to? Surely, it wouldn't be his actual dad?

Shorty, being quite surprised by the boy's reaction, began to drop his surveillance. "Well, actually he's absolutely not..." Shorty admitted. With some anger, he added. "Though I don't think he really cares about me. He's just busy getting to know his real son. I don't matter anymore all of a sudden..."

"Oh..." Ricky began to like that development. "So... you've been adopted? That sucks."

"Yeah..." Shorty grunted.

"You can be lucky you were adopted though," Ricky remarked. "Most orphans just get killed out there without anybody giving a damn. My dad wouldn't give a damn anyway but that's just my dad..." Ricky suddenly realised that he had let down his guard too much. His brother mustn't figure out who he truly was..."So anyway, your dad's not strict at all?" he questioned as if nothing had happened.

"Mmh, he really isn't," Shorty replied honestly. "I usually get away with a lot of mischief. He'd scorn me but who cares?" Shorty had a feeling the other boy maybe wasn't so much different at all. He certainly seemed to be understanding of his problems.

"Then how'd you get yourself grounded when you normally get away with everything?" Ricky wondered, trying not to tease Shorty. His brother seemed to open up and he'd better make sure he'd stay on good terms with him for now...

"Well, I've gone too far this time..." Shorty sighed, annoyance and regret welling up in him.

"Oh?" Ricky decided to see if another theory of his was true. "I've heard somebody almost killed a youngling from their herd the other day when I arrived here. That wasn't you, was it, Shorty?"

Shorty was surprised to be accused of almost killing Cho, but then again he was not. The fact alone that Ralph had heard about this made him suspicious again but Shorty knew how fast gossip was exchanged when such a huge number of dinosaurs met at such a small place. He'd probably picked it up from some conversation. In fact, Shorty had done that earlier that day when he was so bored that even the most boring gossip was still more interesting than staring at something doing nothing at all all day...

"Y'know, Ralph," Shorty spoke casually. "Usually, I wouldn't tell you this since I barely know you..."

"But?" Ricky grinned. He knew he had him where he wanted him.

"But you seem to be understanding and not judgemental so I'll tell you. Maybe I'll feel better afterwards..."

"Sure thing, bro," Ricky replied, relaxed. "My dad's judging everyone right away and it sucks! Just trying not to become like him, y'know?" Again, Ricky slightly recoiled. "Too much info again..." he reprimanded himself. But it'd benefit him as long as Shorty didn't find out.

"Yeah, so... yes, I'm the one who almost killed the youngling..."Shorty admitted. "Go ahead and hate me..."

"Don't worry, why'd I hate you?" Ricky quickly answered. "Though, why'd you do this?" This question was of particular interest for the blue Longneck. If he knew how to spark Shorty's wrath without becoming its target himself, then he might even be useful in the end. And he'd enjoy manipulating him...

"Remember what I told you about my dad not caring about me anymore since he met his real son he abandoned before his hatchday?" Shorty explained. "Y'see, I was jealous of course and just generally pissed off because my girlfriend seemed to know that flathead, therefore I wasn't interesting for her either."

"You got a girlfriend? Good job, mate!" Ricky jeered.

"Not really," Shorty grunted. "As I said, she seems to like that other guy better than me." The thought of Littlefoot talking Ali away from his awoke his fury again but Shorty suppressed the urge to release it. " Anyway, so I ran away, furious. I was full of energy and I just needed to let it out on somebody... That somebody happened to be one of the annoying kids I often bully around. It's especially fun when I bully her because she's just a weirdo. Sometimes I can yell the ugliest insults at her and she'd just ignore me and then again she explodes at the littlest mention of an insult..."

"So Shorty's turned into a bully too? That's very interesting..." Ricky mused. He knew very well why Shorty became what he was now. Apparently, when somebody felt worthless, they'd lower others to raise themselves, even if these others stood no chance. Yes, that made Ricky actually quite proud. His brother wasn't the annoying brat he used to be after all.

"Anyway, when I finally caught that girl, I started beating her and I started to feel better. I lost control over myself and started torturing her. When I was done, she was bleeding so badly, that she'd have died without quick help from some herd members."

"Geesh," Ricky was sincerely shocked. "Well, I see why you did that but that was stupid!" Ricky's outrage was acted of course but deep inside he grew a little bit of respect for his brother, knowing he could technically do that to him if he wasn't careful. Ricky was of strong built, but Shorty seemed even more muscular than him, his tail in particular...

"I know..." Shorty cursed. "If anything, it made everything worse. Now everybody just views me as a threat to their children and those I care about despise me. Admit it, I'm a loser with no friends everybody hates!"

"Oh, so I was right about you not having any friends after all?" Ricky asked teasingly, forgetting that he shouldn't act like a jerk. However, Shorty took it lightly.

"Well, not anymore, Ralph..." the green Longneck sighed. "Not anymore..."

"Well..." Ricky was thinking hard. He had to find the right words now. "Looks like we both are pretty lonely right now. My friends are a bunch of eggs and your friends probably just don't understand you, not understanding why you did this, or they never really cared about you in the first place! A true friend would stick to their friends no matter what, right?" Ricky realised just how much crap he was saying but it seemed to have the desired effect on his brother. He wouldn't tell him any of this if he were still sane and if it wasn't necessary... What he was talking about right now was against his philosophy. "So..."

Shorty suddenly realised what the other Longneck was alluding to. The thought seemed a bit strange – after all he never really valued having friends nor did he ever get any until recently. "Does he want to be my friend?" Shorty wondered.

"So... wanna be friends?" Ricky offered.

"For once I must say the Threehorn had a point..." Bron spoke. "He was a burden for you..."

"How do you even know, dad? You weren't with me on this journey!" Littlefoot replied. After Ducky had discovered the new-hatched Spiketail Spike, there had been a vicious discussion about taking him along or not. Littlefoot had decided to take Ducky's advice to take him along after all under Cera's heavy criticism.

"He wasn't of any use for your group, or was he?" Bron said, testing Littlefoot.

"Even if he wasn't, how can you leave a hatchling all alone to get eaten by sharpteeth sooner or later?!" Littlefoot retorted. "That would have been morally wrong!"

"Sometimes you have to make hard decisions in life..." Bron spoke darkly. "Sometimes you have to let down others in order to ensure your own survival. Spike was only another mouth to fill and he wasn't useful to your group as a hatchling that just hatched!"

"Well we all made it, didn't we?" Littlefoot remarked. "And besides, he did help us when we were fighting Sharptooth!"

"Well, I can't blame you for making that decision at your young age, Littlefoot," Bron declared though actually he felt quite the opposite. "Would you continue with the story now?" Bron requested. He wanted to hear the actual exciting part about Sharptooth. "I don't think it's of much use to get into a fight about things that happened long ago in the past with no relevance to either of us nowadays…"

Littlefoot nodded, appreciating his father's diplomatic words.

"Sure but tell me first: Is this enough information about my friends now?" Littlefoot answered.

"Yeah, it is. Go on please..." Bron confirmed.

Following the adult Longneck's words, Littlefoot recollected his thoughts, then picking up the story again...

"Hello little sleepyhead," Yuyun cooed. If it weren't for her injuries, one could think she was slumbering peacefully. In truth, she wasn't really sleeping. In fact, it was much closer to nonconscience. "Your best friend Ali is here again to visit you, Cho."

At first it seemed like Cho would just keep on sleeping but when her mother mentioned Ali's name, she shifted ever so slightly.

"Are you awake, dear?" Yuyun wondered.

Ali observed how the little Longneck slowly shook off her unconscience, her mind slowly beginning to process the information that Ali was standing right next to her. Yawning, she slowly opened her eyes just a bit, her adopted mother's warm smile greeting her. Cho tried to return the smile but failed at it since pain erupted in her head. Instead, her features were contorted into a grimace of pain.

"Are you alright, Cho?" Ali spoke softly, a spark of worry in her voice.

Hearing Ali's voice, Cho's motivation to fight the drowsiness in her head increased, and the pain was suddenly a lot easier to endure. Cho tilted her head towards Ali, relying on her hearing sense. Then she opened her eyes again, this time much wider. Ali's bright, blue eyes met her – her friend was smiling at her.

"Hello again," Ali spoke, smiling.

Cho returned the smile even if it was hardly noticeable.

"I'll leave you girls alone now, okay?" Yuyun voiced up, knowing that Cho didn't like having too many other dinosaurs around her. She could have a talk with her once Ali left.

"That's fine," Ali replied.

Cho nodded slightly.

"Have fun!" Yuyun tweeted before turning around and resuming her late afternoon sunbath.

"There's one thing I should point out, son," Bron spoke up.

"Yes, dad?"

"You see, I think you were a better leader back then than Shorty is today..." A slight chuckle came from Bron. Littlefoot, in his opinion, had made a very smart decision back then when he had decided to follow a stream of water even though it didn't exactly lead him the way he needed to go. Water and food had been more important at the time… and where there was water, there was likely to be food.

"So you think I did the right thing there?" Littlefoot wondered.

"Of course you did, following the water is never a bad idea," Bron affirmed. "I wonder how you eventually found food... you did find something, didn't you?"

"I probably wouldn't be telling you the story right now if I didn't," Littlefoot chuckled. "We really did find food soon..."

Shorty considered his options. He knew he was technically not even allowed to talk to Ralph but he also realised the chance Ralph offered him here. Shorty still didn't fully trust him but he trusted him enough to hang around with him. If Ralph didn't hate him for what he'd done, maybe that was Shorty's chance to make a fresh start? Besides, Shorty had learned to value friendship when he met Ali. A friend was better than no friend. Maybe Ralph could even turn out to be somewhat useful to him?

"Are you serious?" Shorty responded carefully. "Nobody wants to be friends with a loser like me..."

"Aww, don't worry bro. You're alright. Really." Ricky reassured.

"And you don't mind that I can't leave this place for some time?" Shorty inquired. "I won't be able to do anything fun!"

"Well, you could always sneak off..." Ricky offered.

"No, I won't." Shorty had already made up his mind about that. "If I show my dad that I'm trying to redeem myself, behaving and not causing any fuzz, then he might lift the punishment. He usually isn't one to hold a grudge for very long..."

"Fair enough, I'd just be glad if I had somebody here I can consider a friend," Ricky explained. "So... my offer still stands. Wanna be friends, Shorty?"

"Well, I don't see why we shouldn't..." Shorty replied. Then he grinned at Ricky.

"Great!" Ricky exclaimed, surprised how easy it was to act like a good guy. He even kind of enjoyed it... kind of.

"Well, I'd better buzz off before we're caught chattin' ," he then called happily. "I'll drop by again tomorrow around this time, 'kay?"

"Sure, seeya!" Shorty replied, smiling. Maybe this day would start his redemption. It'd take him weeks, if not months, and he probably really had to change, not just pretend to do so. Yet Shorty felt like he could succeed. He already had a good idea what to do in the near future...

"So let me sum it up, you found food but a herd of Longnecks beat you to it?" Bron questioned, not able to suppress that he found this to be quite amusing despite the gravity of the situation his son had been in back then. They had managed to discover a small oasis filled with enough green food for all of them but a herd of Longneck had rushed by, almost trampling them in their mad stampede. When they were done, the once so green oasis was devoid of food.

"Yeah, that sums it up," Littlefoot affirmed neutrally, neither upset nor amused about his dad's reaction.

"Then how did you get food?" Bron wondered.

"They left some food for us," Littlefoot answered. "I don't know if it's true but I think they left it for us on purpose... or why else would they leave exactly one tree unharmed? They must have noticed us..."

"Unlikely in times like these that dinosaurs cared about anything else but their own survival," Bron spoke. "But like you said, it's the best logical explanation for this."

"Well, there's another theory of mine why there was one tree left when we arrived there but… I'll get to that later," Littlefoot quickly mentioned casually.

"Okay, carry on then," Bron requested, returning to his relaxed, lying position to listen closely to what his son had to tell.

"Sure. I was half fearing the others wouldn't even follow me down to the oasis but everybody came along..."


Well, nothing new except for the rearrangements (believe me, it took a while to do that :o). What do you think about the changes? Let me know, I'll have another chapter up this week  ^^spike

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  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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I quite like the revisions. :yes  Written as revised it allows for the plot of the story to flow much more regularly, while still showing the main points (and Bron's reactions) to Littlefoot's tale.  This greatly benefits the pacing of the story, and prevents the reader from getting lost in the plot.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Ducky
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Same I liked how you wrote this chapter I was hooked on it.


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I quite like the revisions. in-yes.gif Written as revised it allows for the plot of the story to flow much more regularly, while still showing the main points (and Bron's reactions) to Littlefoot's tale. This greatly benefits the pacing of the story, and prevents the reader from getting lost in the plot.
Thanks, I was hoping to achieve something along the lines of that :D We want pure SDP chapters again, right? ^^spike
  Same I liked how you wrote this chapter I was hooked on it.
Thanks, I'm happy that you enjoyed the chapter :)

Alright, so here's the second updated chapter. Enjoy :)


Chapter 45:

The two girls watched the grown-up Longneck leave. Only when she was out of hearing range, Cho spoke up.

"Hello Ali." Her voice was weak but not nearly as croaky as it had been in the morning. "I didn't expect you to visit me again so soon..."

Cho's ability to form full sentences again greatly relieved Ali. This time, they would be able to have a longer chat.

"Well, I was spending most of the day with my friend Littlefoot but now he's talking to Bron so I thought I'd come over again," Ali explained.

"Littlefoot?" Cho asked. "Who is that? I don't remember any Longneck of this herd by that name. And why is he talking to our herd leader, Ali?"

"Oh, your memory doesn't fail you, Cho," Ali chuckled. "You see, Littlefoot is someone I met long ago when I was travelling to the Great Valley with my old herd. We had lots of fun and a really cool adventure, he's really nice!" Ali's gaze became very dreamy.

Cho couldn't help but chuckle despite the pain it caused her to do so. Even though she had absolutely no idea about these things, she just knew what Ali felt there.

"I'll introduce you two tomorrow when I visit you again, Cho. I'm sure you'll like him!"

Cho didn't particularly want to meet a dinosaur she didn't know but she knew that Ali would greatly appreciate it if she didn't act like the unsocial creep she usually was. Though in a strange way, she knew she would get along with Ali's friend when Ali was with her.

"Okay, I'm curious," Cho replied. "Though, what does he have to do with our herd leader? Why is he talking to him?"

"Oh right... You see, Cho... you probably know that Bron had a son he never found?" Ali started to explain.

Cho nodded slightly.

"Well... Littlefoot..."

"He is his son?" Cho suddenly piped up in excitement.

"Why yes, good guess!" Ali exclaimed in surprise.

"Hey, that totally makes sense..." Cho suddenly thought out aloud.

"What?" Ali wondered. She just hoped Cho wouldn’t talk in riddles again like last time.

"Did Shorty oww..." Cho froze when her excitement got the better of her. She had moved her body around just slightly but was instantly greeted by a tsunami of pain.

"Oh no, are you okay?" Ali was quite worried about her friend now. She didn't want to imagine what pain she went through right now...

Cho took a while to respond. "I... think so..."

"Don't move yet," Ali advised. "I'm already glad you can talk. That's more than I hoped for. Just make sure you don't cause additional pain."

"Don't worry, Ali... I will not move... again," Cho replied.

"Oh I still don't get why Shorty hurt you like that!" Ali suddenly shouted at noone in particular. Seeing her friend suffer while trying to stay strong without whimpering enraged her. Cho didn't deserve that. Ali was amazed that the intense pain didn't make her cry. She would've cried when she was hurt at Cho's age...

"I think I do now," Cho whispered. All the talking slowly seemed to take on her voice. "Did... did Shorty see Littlefoot?"

"Huh?" Ali was confused for a moment. "Why yes, he was right there when Littlefoot found out that Bron was his dad. So was I by the way... why did you ask?"

"Then it makes sense..." Cho gave Ali a serious look.

"What makes sense, Cho?" Ali asked, confused.

"Don't you see it, Ali?" Cho wondered. When Ali shook her head, Cho sighed. "How did Shorty react then when he found out about Bron's real son?"

Ali considered for a moment. Then realisation finally hit her. "Oh, now I get what you mean, Cho..."

"It was my bad luck that I happened to cross his path," the girl explained. "He needed a vent – that was... me." Cho's expression went dark. "It could have been anyone smaller than him..."

"Then why you?!" Ali demanded in fury. "He always picks on you the most as it is!"

"As I said, it was bad luck that he ran into me," Cho repeated. "It is true that he hates me most."

"Why?! Why you, Cho?" Ali just didn't get it and she knew the next talk she'd be having with Shorty would be a very long interview...

"I'm the only one who doesn't submit to him, Ali," Cho answered. That wasn't the full truth but it was a valid reason. She was a dreamer, an individual. She had her own, sometimes stubborn, view of the world. She wanted to do what she wanted to do and not what others told her. Of course there were some rules she had to follow that actually made sense... like staying in a herd, not wandering too far from the others, being polite and so on... Shorty's rules didn't make sense to her so she didn't care about them... which earned her Shorty's loath.

Being the awkward girl she was, she also didn't want to reveal certain things to Ali. They had always been her very own secret she'd never give away. Unfortunately, one particular dinosaur knew them anyway...

"I will not tolerate this any longer, Cho," Ali shouted, determination in her voice. "Shorty will be up against me if he ever harms you again!"

"No Ali, that doesn't seem right..." Cho retorted weakly.

"So it feels right that he's almost killed you?!" Ali couldn't help mocking Cho for her naivety.

"No..." Cho's answer was simple but Ali wasn't any wiser.

"Then what is right in your eyes, Cho?" she inquired, sighing.

Cho sighed as well.  "Nothing, Ali... nothing is."

Ali felt some anger rise in her stomach. Why couldn't Cho just say what she was supposed to say for once?!

"Again, I don't get what you mean, Cho. Sorry..." Ali admitted, swallowing her anger. "If only you were more direct sometimes, not talking in riddles all the time..."

"I'm afraid that is a part of me, Ali... I have always been like that and I don't think I can change; I don't think I want to," Cho admitted. "Let me try to explain, okay?"

Ali nodded.

"For some reason I... I just can't blame him for what he did to me... I know I should hate him, fear him, feel the desire to pay it back... but, frankly, I just feel sorry for him."

"You feel sorry for him?" Ali couldn't believe what Cho told her.

"Yes, I do," the smaller girl replied almost defiantly.

"You'll have to explain that, Cho..." Ali sighed.

"If you knew Shorty for as long as I do, then you would see what I mean," Cho explained. "You know his backstory... you know the violence and wrong views he was confronted with in his early childhood... you know how he was never formally adopted and therefore feeling unwanted sometimes, especially now that Littlefoot is more important to Bron than he ever was... you know how all the other kids in the herd didn't want anything to do with him..."

"Well, they also don't want to play with you..." Ali remarked carefully.

"Yes, but that is because I chose not to play with them," Cho explained. "I am who I am; I am different, I am weird and odd. You try to understand me, Ali. You didn't judge me because of my skin, you didn't mind that I'm a loner with no friends, you didn't mind me being much younger than you... You are what every other dinosaur I have met so far wasn't... You are a true friend, Ali."

Ali brushed all reservations she had aside. Giving Cho a look of gratitude, she gently nuzzled her cheek which the girl returned, smiling.

"Strange, isn't it? I understand how others are thinking but nobody understands how I am..." Cho mused. A particularly nasty wave of pain delayed her next words. "I can somewhat relate to Shorty, Ali. He's an orphan just like me. If he has known his mother, he will miss her." With a lot of sadness in her voice, she added. "I miss my mother too – my real mother..."

"He won't miss his dad for sure..." Ali murmured.

"At least he knew him..." Cho mentioned, her mood becoming a bit darker again.

Ali realised that Cho had probably just told her something no other dinosaur had ever got out of the Longneck with the black skin. According to Bron, she had never said a word about her family. Hinting at the situation in her family already was more than she had ever expected. Already in the morning, she had mentioned her mother, now she was mentioning her dad. Ali felt that Cho was on a good way.

"But true, he won't miss him I think," Cho admitted. "Anyway, I can also relate to Shorty because he knows what it means to be lonely. I believe it is why he became such a jerk. He wasn't important to anyone..."

"While you became the victim of the jerk even though you were in a similar situation?" Ali remarked. "Come on, Cho. You could've also become like him but you became the very opposite!"

"Shorty isn't like me, Ali," Cho argued quietly. "That's why he became what he became and I became what I became. However, I believe Shorty can change if only he has someone to whom he really matters – someone who really matters to him."

"I don't doubt he can, Cho," Ali replied. "However, he will have a very hard time redeeming himself and I'm not sure if the constant negative reactions he'll obviously still receive for a while won't make him doubt his decision..."

"We will see, Ali," Cho spoke optimistically.

"Yeah, we will..." Ali replied, not as optimistically.


"That day I learned how important teamwork can be," Littlefoot concluded, looking up at Bron, who had just learned about his son’s efforts to reach the food that the herd of Longnecks miraculously left for his group through teamwork, waiting for a reaction.

"That's true, son," Bron replied. "It's the reason, why dinosaurs form herds. Even though it takes multiple amounts of food to keep everybody fed, the mutual support and protection outweigths that by far. Moreover, four eyes see more than two."

"Exactly," Littlefoot replied.

“It was a smart idea to stack up, good thinking there, son,” Bron mentioned casually, a mild smile on his face.

“Thanks, dad!” Littlefoot replied happily.

"I'm amazed how you were able to stand that Threehorn though, she makes me angry just hearing about her," Bron admitted. "Moreover, I'm amazed you're still friends nowadays."

"She changed a lot since then," Littlefoot explained. "I mean, she can still be an ass sometimes but she did learn the lesson of teamwork and, over time, grew a bit softer. You'll hear about that soon, dad."

"Right, let's continue then, Littlefoot," Bron spoke, continuing to listen to his son's stories.

Now that they had finished their discussion about Shorty’s motives for attacking Cho, they had nothing to talk about anymore... or did they? After a short break, their conversation picked up again.
Cho stared into Ali's warm, blueish eyes. She still didn't know how she was able to endure the pain in her small body. It was always there, like something was slowly feasting on her from her inside. Yet, when Ali was around, she had something else than the terrible pain to focus on. Right now, it were her eyes fascinating her. They were exactly the colour of her mother's eyes – those loving eyes she'd first looked into on the day of her birth... those eyes so full of pain when she saw her mother fall victim to him...

"No, I mustn't think about that right now!" Cho tried to force her thoughts in another direction. Luckily, Ali spoke up just at the right time.

"You know, Cho... there's something I didn't get when I visited you in the morning..."

Cho, happy to have something else then her physical and mental pain to focus on, replied eagerly. "Yes, what would that be, Ali? I'm not sure if I was thinking straight earlier..."

"You're now at least," Ali chuckled. "Remember when you mentioned that we two have a lot more in common than I could imagine?"

Cho commissioned her brain but it refused to deliver what she needed to know. Eventually, she resigned. "I'm afraid I can't remember, Ali," Cho answered, smiling apologetically. "Did I say that before I snoozed off?"

"Oh yes..." Ali laughed. "You were half asleep already!"

"That explains it..." Cho would've joined Ali's laughter but she suppressed it to avoid the eruption of pain that would follow inevitably.

"Do you think you can remember what you may have meant when you said this?" Ali requested. "I'm sure that's one of your riddles again, isn't it?" The pink girl giggled.

"Ah yes, I think I know what I meant but I will not tell you, Ali," Cho answered after some more thinking. "This is something I had to figure out myself when I met you so you should also figure it out yourself."

"Aww, any hints?" Ali begged.

"I shall grant you one hint but no more, okay?" Cho grinned at Ali.

"Alright, what is the hint?" Ali was very curious.

Cho grinned even wider until the point where it started hurting. She knew Ali wouldn't approve of the answer. "The answer is hidden in your eyes... happy puzzling."


“That fool…” Ricky grinned maliciously as he retrospected his encounter with his long-lost brother. It was pure coincidence that his outer appearance had altered over time but it was what made all of this possible. Shorty hadn’t recognised him at all - it was a great relief. Things would have turned dangerous and his mission not to stir up trouble and stay unnoticed would have horribly failed.

Ricky had also altered his voice a little bit during his encounter and he had been using a speaking pattern unlike his but he doubted he’d have to keep doing that for much longer. It’d have to be a slow transition to his actual self - slow enough not to make his naive brother suspicious at least.

“Well, it’s still not quite dark…” Ricky noted as he took a short glimpse towards the sky. His mission had not been to say hello to his brother after all. He was supposed to look for those damn leaves Hart wanted and he wasn’t supposed to be back before darkness spread across the lands.

“The Bright Circle is still up on the sky but it’s not too far from disappearing either. I’ll have to do some scouting but not for very long…”

Ricky decided to give it a try even if it was seemingly pointless to do so. During his own lifetime, Ricky hadn’t seen the mysterious plant. With the drought that started to haunt the land a few years before his birth also came the disappearance of the plant, the consumption of which was more important to Hart than anything else in the world. He knew exactly how it looked like - Hart had explained him in greatest accuracy every little detail about its appearance, but he doubted he’d ever get to see it. Nevertheless, he took off, combing through the undergrowth - he owed it to his creator.


“Say Littlefoot…” Bron interrupted his son’s story. “I notice that you often describe the feelings of not only you but also of your friends. How do you know what they were feeling back then?”

Littlefoot chuckled slightly.

“Oh, you see we’ve had many talks about our journey since then. It’s one of the favourite things to talk about on one of these days when the Sky Water just won’t stop falling and you can’t go playing anywhere so we either stay at home or meet up somewhere we won’t get wet and talk about things or play mind games…” Littlefoot elaborated. “But… anyway, that’s why I know how they felt back then.”

“Oh, of course,” Bron replied. “That makes a lot of sense, apologies for the interruption, son.”

“No problem,” Littlefoot smiled and picked up the story again. After all, they were getting closer to the most important parts of it...


Soon after Cho had told Ali about the riddle she had to solve, the girl had another wave of intense pain to endure. It lasted for several minutes and Cho actually did whimper a little. To Ali it was clear that she wasn’t allowing herself to show how weak she truly was. The girl supposed that Cho just didn’t like her to worry about her.

“You don’t need to stay strong, Cho…” Ali sighed sadly as she watched the bundle of misery that was Cho lying in front of her, her face uglified by the pain she was enduring silently. “I’m so sorry, Cho…”

Once the pain attack had eased down a little, the heavily breathing, small Longneck replied.

“Do… not feel sorry for me…” she whispered, hardly noticeable. “I… will be fine… probably.”

Ali gave her a sad look.

“You better be, Cho, you better be…”

Cho donated her a forced smile.

“Okay, I will… for you, Ali… when I’m doing better, we will go swimming, okay?” It was a totally random thing but Cho simply wanted to do just that. It was part of being her, wanting to do things spontaneously without an apparent reason.

Ali couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Sure, we will!” she replied, determined.

“Great... “ Cho mumbled dreamily. Ali could tell that it was time for her to leave soon - and time for a long nap for Cho.

“Well, I guess I’ll let you have some more rest so your injuries can heal and your strength returns soon, Cho,” Ali spoke up after a short break. “Littlefoot might be finished talking to his dad by now too…”

“I’m looking forward to meeting him…” Cho spoke… and she really meant it that way this time even though she wasn’t comfortable around dinosaurs she didn’t know.

“Before I go, Cho… is there anything I can do for you?” Ali wondered.

“Please inform Yuyun that I’m a little hungry… and thirsty too,” Cho answered weakly.

“I can do that,” Ali offered but Cho shook her head ever so slightly.

“You… don’t have to…” Cho whispered, smiling nonetheless. “You don’t want to be late when you meet him, do you?”

“Just bring you the water?” Ali negotiated. She didn’t fail to notice that Cho’s words had a subtle amount of wit in them.

“Okay then…”

“Be right back!” Ali tweeted, darting off to find a big treestar she could use to get the water to Cho, mentioning to Yuyun that she could start preparing a dinner for the little girl on the way as she was instructed to. Soon, Cho’s thirst had been treated.

“Thank you…” Cho whispered.

“See you tomorrow, sweety,” Ali chuckled, nuzzling her friend warmly. “And good night!”

Cho simply smiled as she watched Ali leave. She couldn’t tell why but the pain was suddenly not nearly as excruciating as it had been before. After she got fed by her foster mother Yuyun, Cho drifted off into slumber - and she was happy!


“Holy Treestar…” Bron was sweating in excitement. “How did you not get eaten there???”
Littlefoot and his friends had been caught off-guard by Sharptooth when he attacked them very early in the morning when they were still sleeping. Their escape had been about as narrow as it could have been - they had almost been swallowed by the beast who got stuck in a tunnel while Littlefoot and his gang escaped through it!

“None of us knows… it was like we all suddenly got a push so we’d enter the tunnel before Sharptooth got us. I can’t explain it either,” Littlefoot responded truthfully. For a moment, it had seemed like Sharptooth had caught them but then they were suddenly in the tunnel while Sharptooth missed them, getting himself stuck in the process. Littlefoot had a suspicion of course how this could have happened but that one was way too absurd to even consider it with seriousness.

“You lot are so lucky it’s almost scary!” Bron laughed. More seriously, he added. “You made the right decisions though as far as I can tell.”

“Thanks dad,” Littlefoot smiled at the praise.

“What happened to Sharptooth? Did he die there?”

“Of course not!” Littlefoot replied.

“You said you killed him…” Bron noted meekly.

“We did but… that was another encounter with him…”

“Another one?!” Bron couldn’t believe it. “That guy must have yearned to have his revenge for the eye you hurt.”

“He truly was chasing us…” Littlefoot sighed. “He was the meanest and worst Sharptooth ever to exist. He could jump ridiculously high and survived falling into the Big Underground during the earthshake that changed the land… it was much deeper than the walls of this valley are high.”

“Very impressive,” Bron remarked. “Most sharpteeth are pretty dumb and easy to outwit but that one was different. Yet you kids escaped him.”

“Yeah… somehow,” Littlefoot said with a mixed expression.

“What happened next?”

Littlefoot cleared his throat.

“Well, Sharptooth had got himself stuck in the tunnel…but we all knew he would get himself out eventually...


As Ali slowly wandered back to the meeting point she and Littlefoot had agreed on, she puzzled about Cho’s riddle.

“What did she mean when she said that the answer lies in my eyes? That makes no sense!” If anything, the hint she had granted her only made the riddle more complicated. If Ali didn’t know the little Longneck so well, she would have thought she was talking nonsense after taking a hit to her head but Ali knew Cho was totally serious. She was a smart Longneck and was very good at observing and understanding things. Ali knew that since Cho understood Shorty much better than her - she even noticed her crush on Littlefoot just by observing her during their meeting earlier.

“Okay, maybe I should start without considering the hint yet,” Ali thought since it was only causing her confusion.

“What is it that we have in common…” Ali puzzled for a few moments.

“Well, we’re both girls… though that’s nothing special, she must have meant something more specific that possibly only applies to us two…”

No matter how long Ali was thinking about it - even after she tried to take the hint into account, she couldn’t find a solution. There simply wasn’t anything about her and Cho’s eyes that they had in common… as far as she could tell. Sighing, she eventually plopped to the ground by the berry bushes, observing the going-ons around her until Littlefoot whom she could see talking to Bron, who appeared to be listening almost as if he was hearing a story Littlefoot told, would be back…


“... so yeah, we were all hurt and mentally distraught… but we were alive and we were there for each other… that counts.”

“Wow, you were going through a lot,” Bron remarked. Littlefoot had just described the after-effects that the attack of Sharptooth had had on them, turning Ducky and Petrie into mental wrecks until he had managed to calm down Ducky who then took care of Petrie, making Spike fall asleep on the spot and Cera throw up, moreover exhausting all of them to the bone and the tumble down the other end of the tunnel Sharptooth got stuck in - bruising them significantly.

“And yet you found the strength to be there for your friends. That’s quite outstanding, Littlefoot. I’m beginning to understand why these dinosaurs mean so much to you.” Of course that didn’t change his opinion much but Bron knew better than to upset Littlefoot at this point.

“Well, I needed them to overcome my grief and focus on my goal again and now they needed me so I was there for them.” Littlefoot explained.

“It was similar with my herd… they helped me to come over the grief of losing your mother… and you.”

“Yeah…” Littlefoot sighed. “Well, there was a good thing about meeting Sharptooth… since he chased us to one of the landmarks that marked the way to the Great Valley…”

“Just out of curiosity, how much longer is the story going to be?” Bron wondered. He could see Ali waiting for Littlefoot to return to her some distance away and he felt like his presence was needed in the herd again soon.. After all, he had spent most of the day away from them. And who knew what Shorty might have been up to while he wasn’t watching. From experience, he knew that his herd members usually didn’t feel too happy about keeping an eye on him, therefore often neglecting that duty.

“Well, there is still quite a lot to tell…” Littlefoot answered. “Would you rather hear the rest tomorrow, dad?”

“That’s probably for the best, it’s getting late… also,” Bron added with some mirth in his voice. “Ali is waiting for you.”

Littlefoot rolled his eyes.

“Well, I’m very, very happy that you told me the story, Littlefoot, and I’m looking forward to hear about the rest tomorrow,” Bron spoke, smiling.

“Alright, then I’ll meet Ali again now,” Littlefoot announced happily. “See you tomorrow, dad!”

“See you, my son,” Bron replied, smiling. He watched him and Ali for a few more minutes before he eventually trotted back to the area of the valley that his herd was residing in, mentally preparing to hear the worst stories about things Shorty might have done while he had been away...


So here's the second updated chapter, already containing a few new scenes towards the end. The next chapter will be completely new (and since I've managed to finish writing that one already, you'll get to read that one rather soon ;))

Since I couldn't fit all of the storytelling into the scenes I already had, I decided to split it up and have Littlefoot tell Bron the rest of it tomorrow, haha  :smile

What do you think about this one? :)

As I said already, there will be a new chapter within the next few days. And because I'm evil, have a teaser  :p

"Both understood the message. Without another word uttered, only mysterious glances exchanged, they slowly walked into a sparsely populated area of the valley, only the wind knowing what happened thereafter…"

Make of that what you will :D
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Ducky
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It was pretty good not a bad chapter at all.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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It was pretty good not a bad chapter at all.
Thank you :)


Chapter 46:

With joy, Ali watched her friend Littlefoot rush down the steep wall that surrounded the little valley they were residing in. This time, she hadn’t prepared a surprise for him but she didn’t exactly have enough time to prepare anything for him anyway, having only waited for him a few minutes.

“Hey Ali, I’m back!” Littlefoot exclaimed as he was approaching fast. “Did you have to wait long?”

Ali held back her response until Littlefoot had arrived at the berry bushes where she had been waiting for him, standing right in front of him. While she was waiting, she had also been thinking about what to do for the rest of the day. She had planned this already…

Littlefoot was caught off-guard when Ali suddenly nipped him on the face.

“You’re it!” she exclaimed, running away from him. This was a game of catch!

“Hey!” Littlefoot shouted in false outrage once he got over the initial surprise of the girl’s actions, pushing his legs to chase after his mischievous friend. “Oh wait until I get you!” he yelled after Ali who was laughing very hard about Littlefoot’s funny reaction. However, because of this fit of laughter, Ali couldn’t keep a high speed, allowing Littlefoot to catch up in no time, playfully biting Ali’s tail.

“Hey! How dare you bite me!” Ali shouted at Littlefoot.

“You’re it!” Littlefoot teased, trying to get away from the girl but her acted angry face made him laugh so hard that Ali got him in no time. This pattern continued for some more minutes until they eventually ended up wrestling each other in a play-fight which Ali, to the surprise of both, won after pinning Littlefoot on his back in such a way that he couldn’t get back up again.

“What are you going to do now, huh?” Ali teased, a triumphant grin on her face.

Littlefoot had to admit that he could struggle as much as he wanted but he still wouldn’t get back on his feet. Ali had placed a major portion of her weight on his front limbs, thus rendering him incapable of standing up.

“Well?” Ali pressed the matter, grinning smugly at her friend who tried to look as innocent as he could. She didn’t expect his response though.

“Just taking a sunbath…” Littlefoot answered, grinning himself. “My belly doesn’t get a lot of these…”

“REALLY!?” Ali sputtered. “This is all you have to say?! REALLY!?”

Littlefoot raised his eye-brows slightly.


Ali couldn’t help it anymore, holding her belly as she roared in laughter.

“You’re hilarious!” she managed to say inbetween her laughing fit.

Littlefoot finally joined the laughter too.

“Well, should I have said that I lost against a girl in a fight? How embarrassing that would have been…” Littlefoot snickered.

“But you DID!” Ali pointed out, still laughing.

“Uhh… yes,” Littlefoot admitted.

Ali shook her head. It took her another two minutes to get her laughter under control again.

“One of these days, Littlefoot, you’ll have me laughing so hard that I won’t be able to breathe anymore, so be careful,” Ali spoke eventually, exhausted from the games and the laughter.

“Don’t laugh so hard then,” Littlefoot advised wisely which only earned him a stare from the girl.

“Right, so uhh… what do we do now?” Littlefoot wondered, noticing with slight remorse that the day was drawing to a close - the Bright Circle was sinking in the west, about to disappear behind the horizon.

“Just don’t make me laugh like this again, please!” Ali pleaded. “As much as I like you for being able to make me laugh like nobody else can… it still hurts.”

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Littlefoot quickly stated, a little worried for a moment.

“Don’t worry, I’m more than fine,” Ali assured her friend, smiling. “This was so much fun!”

“I agree, it’s always fun playing games with you, Ali!” Littlefoot spoke, smiling back.

“Yeah, but, right now, I need to do something more relaxing.” Ali already knew something they could do which could be labelled as relaxing.

“Sure but… what?” Littlefoot asked, clueless.

“Well, I think I have an idea,” the girl spoke in a mysterious voice. “Just follow me.” She had been looking forward to this all day but it was still a bit too early.

“Follow you where?” Littlefoot wondered.

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, silly,” Ali answered, chuckling. “Now follow me, or are you scared?”

“I’m not scared!” Littlefoot retorted, scandalised.

“Well, then come along!” Ali exclaimed, walking towards the center of the valley.

“I wonder what she’s up to this time…” Littlefoot mused, trotting along his friend as they took a walk across the valley which also led them past the area where Bron’s herd was residing. Bron himself was seen talking to a couple herd members but they were too far away to catch any words of the conversations going on. They even caught a quick glimpse on Shorty but the green Longneck didn’t notice them, appearing to be thinking about something.


“So… how did Shorty behave while I was gone? Did he break the restrictions that I set up for him?” Bron asked a small group of Longnecks who were supposed to watch the little troublemaker during his absence.

“No, he stayed where you ordered him to be and he didn’t cause any trouble,” one of them answered - they hadn’t been watching him very well though, not noticing his run-in with Ricky.

“Very well, that’s a relief,” Bron sighed. He had been expecting to hear all sorts of things but this. “Well, thanks for taking care of this, I will appoint somebody else for the duty tomorrow. Good night!” With that, Bron turned away from them, heading towards his nesting area… to Shorty. He trusted his herd members but he would still ask Shorty a few questions…


“Where are we going, Ali?” Littlefoot eventually insisted after they had walked through much of the valley - the Bright Circle had already disappeared behind the high walls.

“We’re almost there, Littlefoot,” Ali promised. It was still a bit too early but it wouldn’t take much longer until she could do what she wanted to.

“Quite a long walk,” the boy complained. “What do you want to do anyway? The Bright Circle is going to disappear soon, Ali.”

“I know…” Ali spoke mysteriously, grinning.

Suddenly, it clicked in Littlefoot’s mind.

“Right… that’s what you want to do… you mentioned it earlier today!” Littlefoot exclaimed in excitement. “She wants to watch how the Bright Circle disappears behind the horizon with me! I should have known!”

“Pooooossibly,” Ali confirmed, grinning even broader.

“Then why do you lead me through the whole valley when all we would have had to do was climb the wall right next to us!?” the male Longneck suddenly raged. “We can watch the Bright Circle from literally anywhere on that wall!”

“Well, it was still a bit too early and I didn’t want to wait for an eternity until the time has come,” the female explained. “Are you tired from the walk?” There was a subtle amount of tease in her words.

“Why no!” Littlefoot disclaimed. “But still… I think it was unnecessary.”

“Look at it this way, Littlefoot,” Ali explained. “This way, we explore a part of the valley that we haven’t been to before… and, besides, this side of the valley is much better for viewing.”

“Huh?” Littlefoot didn’t get the girl’s line of thinking.

“See, the Bright Circle is disappearing behind the horizon in this direction.” Ali pointed to the wall in front of them which they were approaching while crossing a wide meadow of tall grass, using the trails that other Longnecks had long since carved into it. “Now, if we had decided to watch from the other side, we’d look across the whole valley too. But, from over there…” Again, the girl pointed to the wall in front of them. “From over there, there is only the Mysterious Beyond to look at. Isn’t that much more exciting, Littlefoot?”

“Hmm…” Littlefoot was still in the process of thinking about Ali’s words. “Thinking about it, I think you have a point…”

“I know,” Ali grinned, playfully bumping into Littlefoot.

“Still, there’s one thing I have to disagree with…” the boy mused, unimpressed by Ali’s attempt to start yet another play fight.

“What would that be?” Ali asked curiously.

“You made that decision to walk all the way, not we, only you!”

Ali facepalmed.

“Wow, and that’s important?”

“No,” Littlefoot chuckled. “Just wanted to point it out.”


Ali spent the rest of the way shaking her head in disbelief, much to the amusement of Littlefoot.


“Well, what have we been up to today, Shorty?” Bron entered the clearing where Shorty was residing. He scanned the boy carefully.

“I didn’t do anything, I swear!” Shorty shouted in panic, having interpreted Bron’s tone as a sign that he knew about his encounter with Ralph.

“Relax, Shorty, I’m not assuming that you’ve been doing anything that you weren’t supposed to,” Bron spoke calmly.

“I didn’t leave this clearing, I didn’t even go to the watering hole to drink,” Shorty promised. “Can I go now, I’m thirsty!”

“You didn’t drink? Well, drinking and eating is fine, didn’t I mention that?” Bron wondered.

“No…” Shorty replied quietly.

“Well, you may, sorry for not making that clear…” Bron apologised. “Well, I wanted to take a drink before preparing for the night. Wanna join me?”

“Why is he so friendly!?” Shorty was puzzled by Bron’s behavior, keeping his guard.

“Okay…” he answered, though somewhat hesitant.


“Ah, good timing!” Ali exclaimed as she arrived at the top of the wall, Littlefoot slightly lacking behind.

The Bright Circle stood very low above the horizon - soon it would disappear. Ali loved to watch this happen… and it did not occur often that she had such a good location and weather conditions to do so… not to mention the great company she had.

“Why do you want to watch this so badly anyway, Ali?” Littlefoot questioned as he arrived at the top as well.

“It’s wonderful, Littlefoot,” the girl responded dreamily. “Besides, it’s just a perfect thing to do to round up a great day.” Ali smiled.

“Sure it is! You didn’t need me though, did you?” Littlefoot wondered. He did like watching sunsets but he didn’t understand why Ali was that eager to pull him along.

“Hey, that’s the whole point!” Ali suddenly shouted. “The point is that we watch it together, relaxing, thinking about the day or just… talk. That makes it special to me…”

“Well, let’s relax then, the day was eventful enough,” Littlefoot replied, now understanding why Ali wanted him to be with her right now. Or at least he assumed so.

“Come on, make yourself comfortable, it’s starting,” Ali spoke invitingly, lying down comfortably. Indeed, the Bright Circle wasn’t far from touching the horizon anymore, slowly taking on the typical orange colour right before sunset.

Littlefoot did as he was told, taking a seat next to Ali.

“Hey, I’m not going to bite you,” Ali giggled. Littlefoot had taken his seat too far away from her in her opinion.

“Huh?” Littlefoot didn’t get the message.

“Well, come a bit closer…” Ali explained, chuckling about Littlefoot’s reaction.

“Well… if you like…” Littlefoot responded hesitantly. “Ali, what are you up to???”

“Closer…” Ali whispered sheepishly, after Littlefoot moved a little closer to her as he was told. He was still so far away that another Longneck would have fitted between them.

“Ali, what’s the p…” Littlefoot questioned but he was already interrupted by the girl again.

“Just do what I tell you to do, you won’t regret it, I promise,” Ali spoke warmly and also a bit shy. “Come on, Littlefoot, hurry up, will you???”

“Ali, what on earth…” Littlefoot was as confused as he could be. Nonetheless, he followed her instructions, approaching another few inches. Still not enough in Ali’s eyes.

“Closer!” Ali demanded, this time with more vigour. “He’s ruining the moment if he doesn’t hurry!”

Littlefoot moved another few inches closer to his friend but it was still not close enough in Ali’s opinion.

“Sigh, if he doesn’t move, so will I!” Rigorously, the girl got up from her comfortable position on the ground, walking over to Littlefoot and plopping down to the ground right next to him - so close that their bodies touched.

“THIS close, silly,” Ali shouted, shaking her head while sighing much to the amusement of Littlefoot. However, that amusement didn’t last long.

“NOW, we can finally watch this wonderful event!” Ali spoke a bit harder than she intended to. Indeed, the sunset was merely a minute or two away. It would take place any second now.

“So… we just relax now and watch it?” Littlefoot asked.

“Exactly, and that’s why I want you to be next to me, silly,” Ali explained sheepishly, a grin appearing on her face, a sparkle in her eyes.

“You need me to relax?” Littlefoot inquired in surprise, laughing a little.

“Yes, I do!” Ali answered defiantly, demonstratively edging even closer to her friend. “See, it’s very relaxing to be close to you while watching the Bright Circle disappear…”

As Ali slightly and carefully leaned against him, Littlefoot began to feel very awkward about the whole situation yet he didn’t want to think about that right now. The bottom of the Bright Circle was already beginning to touch some distant mountains. It was beginning.


As Bron and Shorty were drinking at the watering hole, the grown-up tried to start a conversation with his not-formally adopted son.

“Say Shorty, what do you think about my son Littlefoot so far. You’ve already met him the other day after all…”

Shorty interrupted drinking huge loads of water to satisfy his strong thirst. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a surge of anger taking hold of his whole body. “Great job, Bron, great job…one way to make me mad!” Somehow, the boy managed to hide it for the time being. His answer, however, was still not quite like Bron had expected.

“Well, I don’t like him!” Shorty exclaimed disdainfully.

“Could you specify that a little?” Bron requested, obviously not liking Shorty’s response at all but, at least, he wanted to know why the little troublemaker would think so.

“Well, because… because he’s a spoiled, little know-it-all, that’s why!” Shorty shouted, snorting. “I just don’t like him!”

“Hmm, I thought you always wanted a brother, Shorty?” Bron continued then, a little disappointed.

“What is he even up to?! Doesn’t he realise that this little despicable idiot is responsible for all of this?!”

“I thought you could become brothers but… if you don’t like him…” Bron continued.

“What are you alluding to?!”  Shorty was mildly enraged - the feeling that Bron was still on his side slowly beginning to fade.

“No thanks, I’d rather be brotherless than having a wimp like him as a brother,” Shorty declared rudely.

“Well, it was just an offer…” Bron shrugged, continuing to drink.


Ali leaned against Littlefoot as the Bright Circle began touching the horizon far away in the Mysterious Beyond. None of them understood where it actually touched the ground but, at this moment, none of this mattered. All that mattered for Ali was that Littlefoot was here with her to watch this phenomenal spectacle together - watch the huge ball of fire that grew even much, much bigger when touching down as it slowly descended from the sky, turning redder and redder the lower it sank - watch the air quivering in front of the huge, red form due to the heat from the day rising from the sun-baked ground of the Mysterious Beyond - watch the Mysterious Beyond itself as it was illuminated by this unusual light - all the same feeling the warm bodies of each other as well as the last rays of warm light before it would finally disappear to make room for the Night Circle to take over. Ali felt her heart beating a lot faster than it had to as she snuggled up even further with Littlefoot who returned the gesture half-heartedly while trying not to think about the feelings that this woke in him. Ultimately, as the Bright Circle had finally disappeared in its entirety, leaving only the ever reddening and darkening sky to be admired as well as a few high clouds being beautifully illuminated, he eventually couldn’t block the thoughts that were spinning around in his head anymore.

“What am I feeling? Why does it feel so wrong? And what is Ali feeling and why does she do this?!” His head was literally bursting with questions. Of course he hadn’t forgotten about the incidents of the afternoon. He had already figured out that Ali liked him quite a bit. Frankly, so did he. “Then why does it feel so… funny?” As Ali wore a smile of pure happiness on her face, snuggling up with him, all he felt was… awkwardness? Yes, that was a pretty good word to describe it. He really liked the girl, her antics and the games and adventures he’s had with her but such close body contact outside of physical games didn’t feel quite as great. Why was that? Ali seemed to enjoy it!

“Wasn’t that absolutely awesome?” Ali spoke quietly, removing her head from Littlefoot’s for the first time since the sunset had begun to look at the boy with sparkling eyes and a dreamy look on her face.

“Absolutely!” Littlefoot confirmed, shaken out of his thinking for a moment. There was no reason to deny that the sunset they had just witnessed had been a huge spectacle because it was. Secretly, Littlefoot thanked the girl for dragging him along to see this but, just as secretly, he wished she hadn’t. He felt like there was something about her which greatly changed the way he’d look at the first longnecked friend he’d ever made… and the look Ali was giving him only confirmed this.

Ali sought eye contact with Littlefoot, her eyes filled with wonder, excitement and curiosity meeting his filled with uncertainty, surprise and also a bit of worry.

“Littlefoot? Would you mind if we stay a little longer?” the girl voiced up. “Just until it gets dark…”

“Uhh, sure,” Littlefoot responded nervously, the intense gaze of Ali distracting him. “Why is she looking at me like this?!”


“By the way, Shorty, if you continue to behave during the next few days, I might allow you to meet others again provided I am supervising you,” Bron casually mentioned while observing Shorty, who seemed to be quite angry for some reason. “Some members of the herd are urging me to punish you even worse than I do, Shorty, but I know that this is not going to make things any better.”

“What do you mean?” Shorty inquired, muttering.

“What you did was horrible, Shorty, but…” Bron didn’t get to finish his response, Shorty violently interrupting him.

“I KNOW!!!” the green Longneck roared. “Yes it was a horrible thing to do but I had my reasons! You just don’t understand me, Bron!”


“I don’t want to do it again, I don’t want to hurt others like that again and I want others to give me a chance! So stop rubbing it into my face!” Shorty was breathing heavily, agitated.

“Would you let me finish what I have to say instead of interrupting me!?” Bron thundered, getting angry too. “In case you didn’t notice, Shorty, I am defending you in front of the herd time and again - I’ve been doing so for many years, in fact! I’ve always apologised for all the crap that you’ve produced and added the, oftentimes, frustrating task of looking after the naughty brat you often were upon me in addition to my duties as a herd leader! And how did you thank me? You produced even more crap, Shorty! Your attack on the little Longneck yesterday really tested my patience with you, my friend! Don’t test it any further!” Bystanders were muttering amongst each other as Bron continued to shout at the boy but the grown-up didn’t care.

“So how about you little troublemaker finally showing some gratitude!? I could have chased you out of the herd long ago! Heck! I could’ve left you and the little ones out there alone but I allowed you to come along only through my sheer kindness which you’ve abused too many times already!”

Shorty was listening to Bron’s lecture expressionlessly, knowing his lectures too well already to be afraid of this one - though he had to admit that it was one of the rare vicious ones… and one he, admittedly, deserved.

“Please don’t see the enemy in me, Shorty,” the grown-up continued, somewhat calmer. “You are your own enemy, I’m trying to help you in case you didn’t notice that yet!”

“I know.” This was all Shorty had to say.

“I do believe that you really mean it when you claim that you want to change. Prove it and you will be rewarded, show me otherwise and you will lose my support.”

“Fair enough,” Shorty grunted, turning away from Bron to eat some of the tall grass growing on the shore of the watering hole.

“That boy…” Bron sighed, trying to calm his mind by watching the high clouds in the sky being illuminated by the retreating Bright Circle.

Soon, they returned to their nesting area and, without another word uttered, tried to find rest, both dealing with their own thoughts.


Ali and Littlefoot continued to gaze into the distance for a couple more minutes without exchanging a word, each lost in their own fantasies as they huddled close together - well, Ali anyway. As calm and relaxed she appeared to be to an outside viewer, as nervous and excited she felt on the inside, her heart beating twice as fast as would be necessary, a tickly and tingling sensation making itself known in her whole body… and thoughts about the Longneck who was seated to her left being subject of her current daydreaming, plans for the rest of the evening being made.

Littlefoot’s thoughts were mostly focussed on the girl to his right too, however, he wasn’t getting any of the feelings that Ali was feeling, just confusion over the whole situation. As his gaze was wandering across the horizon, distant landscapes - unknown and mysterious at the same time, caught his interest - the adventurer in himself waking up. Oh what would he give to explore all of that. However, he knew that it was a dangerous thing to do… and, if he were completely honest with himself, he already had quite an adventure on his journey from the Great Valley to this wonderful place which also had many of the qualities that the Great Valley offered them. Getting almost eaten by an alligator was only the most perilous of many experiences that the young Longneck had made on his journey.

“Besides…” he mused. “Cera would kill me for having yet another adventure without them…” His friends… Littlefoot wondered how they were holding up without him as a central figure in their little gang. Would they miss him? Most certainly! After all, he missed them badly. If it weren’t for Ali, Littlefoot would feel their absence even worse since there’d be nobody to play with.

Soon, however, gazing into the vastness of the Mysterious Beyond got him bored eventually.

“Say, Ali, how is your little friend doing?” Littlefoot spoke up in an attempt to break the silence between them and to fight boredom, pulling Ali out of her daydream.

“Oh, you mean Cho?” Ali wondered.

“Yeah, you were visiting her while I was talking to my dad, weren’t you?”

“Yes, I was,” Ali responded, turning to Littlefoot to get a better look at him... at the cost of their heads not snuggling up anymore though. “I’m sure she will recover from her injuries in no time. She’s strong if she has to. Even though she’s constantly feeling a lot of pain, I haven’t seen a single tear in her eyes. She’ll be fine… and she told me she’s looking forward to meeting you.”

“That’s great to hear,” Littlefoot replied sincerely.

“Yes, it is. Though I find it weird that she is so eager about meeting you, considering that she usually hates strangers…” Ali puzzled, her previous thoughts about Littlefoot temporarily forgotten.

“Well, it’s a good thing,” Littlefoot said, shrugging.

“Yeah… she also gave me a riddle by the way… and I can’t figure it out!” Ali chuckled. “Well, I’m sure I will, eventually.”

“A riddle?” Littlefoot inquired curiously.

“Yeah… it… kinda has to do with the relationship between us… but I’m not sure if Cho would consent to me telling you…” the girl responded, hesitant.

“Oh, that’s fine,” Littlefoot spoke, smiling. Ali returned it.

“I wonder though… what does she think about Shorty after that attack…” the boy mused. “Did you talk about that by any chance?”

“Actually, we did indeed…. Quite a lot,” Ali confirmed. “Believe it or not but she is not nearly as mad at him as I am… don’t try to understand Cho, she is like that sometimes…” Ali sighed.

“Okay… will remember that tomorrow, when we visit her,” Littlefoot promised with a mixed expression. If he had been the one to be almost killed by Shorty, he’d be boiling. Why wasn’t Ali’s little friend?

”Anyway, what have you been doing with your father, Littlefoot?” Ali then questioned, smiling at her friend. “He seemed to be listening to you before you came back to me, were you telling him stories?”

“Why yes, he wanted to know more about my friends so I ended up telling him the story of my journey to the Great Valley with them… we didn’t get finished today though,” he explained, snickering.

“I really wonder how Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike are doing…” Ali sighed, remembering the rest of the gang she had temporarily become part of when she visited the Great Valley long ago. “I’ve missed them, do you?”

“Yeah, I miss them a lot too,” Littlefoot admitted. “And they also miss you, Ali.”

“I wish we all could just be together again, you guys are such good friends and…” Ali blushed slightly. “You’re my best friend.”

“Thanks, Ali!” Littlefoot grinned. “I don’t like liking one of my friends more than others so you’re all my best friends!”

“Fair enough!” Ali grinned back. “I’m your only Longneck friend though.” She gave Littlefoot a suggestive look.

“That’s true, I guess that makes you special in a way,” Littlefoot shrugged.

“It does,” Ali smiled warmly at her friend who, after a short silence, went on about his time with Bron.

“My dad loves stories about me going adventuring by the way!”

“Well, he’ll have a hard time catching up then!” Ali giggled, Littlefoot joining in.

“Oh yeah, you bet! At some point, we need to tell each other stories that happened since we last met!” Littlefoot suggested. Ali was on the edge of her seat.

“Absolutely! Why don’t we start right now?” the girl proposed but Littlefoot shook his head.

“I think there isn’t enough time for this tonight,” he said apologetically. “It’s getting dark and I do not think it would be wise to get into trouble for being home late.”

“He has a point…” Ali sighed.

“Well, maybe you are right, Littlefoot. I do not want to go home though… not yet.” “I want to be with you!”

“It’s a rather long walk since our nesting places are on the other side of the valley… we might get lost too since we don’t really know this part of the valley yet…”

“Aww, come on…” Ali begged but conscience won the raging battle in Littlefoot’s head.

“Sorry, Ali, but if we get into trouble, we might not be allowed to see each other at all,” Littlefoot pointed out, finally convincing his friend.

“Ehh, right. Let’s go then, the beautiful part of the show is over anyway,” Ali submitted, tomorrow would be another day. The sunset had passed its beautiful phase - now it was simply getting more and more dark while the colours on the sky were retreating to be replaced by an ever darkening blue which would soon turn into perfect black dotted with little white lights… and the Night Circle, obviously.

“Let’s take the same route back so we don’t get lost,” Littlefoot advised.

“Yeah, good idea…” Ali agreed, rewarding Littlefoot’s idea with a smile. “Even though it is safe here, I don’t feel eager about not finding my way back home…”

“Okay then, let’s go!” Littlefoot exclaimed, walking ahead though Ali was right next to him in no time, making sure to walk as close to Littlefoot as she could.


Littlefoot and Ali hadn’t been the only one’s to watch the sunset this evening. A particularly large couple of Longnecks stood on the southern rim of the valley’s walls, their necks entangled as they leaned against each other while the sky was slowly darkening above them, announcing the nearby arrival of the night.

“This was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time - aside from you, that is,” the gigantic form of Kenneth spoke in his calm, deep voice, bending his neck down to the smaller female who was considered a giant among her fellow Longnecks nevertheless.

“Stop it, you!” Sue retorted, blushing badly about the compliment of her compagnon. She had only met him a few hours ago and, already, they were as familiar around each other like an old couple.

“Thank you for inviting me to observe this little wonder of nature with you, it was a blast, Sue,” Ken spoke, affectionate.

“Why, you are much welcome, dear,” Sue chuckled. “A blast it was indeed.”

“Got anything else planned today?” the male casually mentioned. With amusement, he observed the reaction this caused in Sue. Extreme excitement.

“No-ho, I am free tonight,” Sue whistled, a sheepish grin appearing on her face. “What about you, Ken?”

“Got nothin’ planned,” he shrugged. “Not yet.” There was a flicker in his eyes which were directly staring into Sue’s.

Both understood the message. Without another word uttered, only mysterious glances exchanged, they slowly walked into a sparsely populated area of the valley, only the wind knowing what happened thereafter…


When Littlefoot and Ali arrived back at the nesting area of Bron’s herd, the sky had almost turned black already, only the distant orange hue on the western horizon providing a little remnant of daylight to the two children. Except for agreeing on a meeting point for the next day, there had been silence between them - after spending almost all day together, there wasn’t much left to talk about but a lot to think about and remember. However, as they passed by the sleeping area of Bron and Shorty, Ali suddenly remembered something.

“Littlefoot? Did you actually ask Bron about Shorty when you were talking to him?”

“Huh, why would I… oh…” That was when Littlefoot remembered. “Uhh, right... “

“Do not worry, Littlefoot,” Ali spoke as she noticed the guilty look the boy’d give her. “Ask him tomorrow then… also ask Bron if I may see Shorty to give him another lecture if necessary. There are some things I need to talk about with him…”

“Well, are you sure this is going to change him significantly, Ali?” Littlefoot questioned, doubtful.

“See, as you said earlier today, Shorty likes me… he wants me to like him so he will listen… at least I hope so.”

“Well, I’ll ask him tomorrow, won’t forget it again,” Littlefoot declared, sighing.

“Much appreciated,” Ali smiled, quickly nuzzling Littlefoot much to the boy’s surprise.

After another two minutes, they had to separate to walk to their respective families to spend the night.

“Well, today was a lot of fun!” Ali exclaimed, turning to Littlefoot, facing him. “Thank you for the wonderful day with you, Littlefoot.” With that being said, Ali, again, began nuzzling Littlefoot who slightly recoiled.

“Don’t you like it?” Ali asked in confusion and disappointment, retreating from her friend.

“I do… just…” Littlefoot was searching for the right words, noticing the slightly sad look on Ali. “It feels… funny when you do that…”

“Parents nuzzle their children to show them their love…” Ali explained, though that was only one part of the explanation. “And friends do it to show that they like each other. Don’t you like me, Littlefoot?”

Littlefoot was quick to respond.

“Ali, how is this even a question?!” he shouted. “I wouldn’t be playing games and do all sorts of things with you if I didn’t like you… silly girl.” He chuckled lightly.

“But you don’t like me nuzzling you…” Ali protested weakly, pouting slightly.

“Yes, because it feels awkward if you do so…” Littlefoot explained, shrugging.

“Okay then…” Ali spoke up, trying to hide her disappointment. “Well, see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Ali. Seeya tomorrow!” Littlefoot called before the two children separated, each going back to their nests where their parents were already waiting for them...


Now I'm just curious what you guys are going to write in the comments  :lol  Hit that reply button! ^^spike

I haven't started working on the next chapter yet so no promises when it'll be done since I never keep them anyway  :angel
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The Lone Dragon

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Well now this has been a very good chapter :yes

I must say I really liked the playfulness of Littlefoot and Ali, as friends they seem to get along just fine as is noticed during all their antics.

It was also nice to see the sunset with the two but that is where the different feelings settle in which I think you've done a great job at capturing, it's interesting to see that Littlefoot is not as ready as Ali to push the boundaries of their relationship any further. Of course who knows how long that will last and the scene with Sue and Kenneth being the icing on the, they really got into it    :lol .

It's also a shock that those so called guards have failed to keep watch over Shorty, I wonder what Bron would do if he found out what he had been doing and with whom he was doing that with, now that would be interesting. He sounded pretty pissed off with Shorty during that lecture and I can't say I blame him.  

I wonder where the relationship between Ali and Littlefoot will eventually turn out and how the respective meetings with Cho and Bron will go the next day. This was a very good chapter, looking forward to the next one ^^spike .
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Wow, I must have missed the two re-worked chapters! They look great! Definitely an improvement for the pacing :D

Don't have time to leave a super long review, but I love the most recent chapter :smile
I really like how you're continuing to build the conflict between Shorty and Bron while still giving Shorty an honest desire to change himself. I feel like things are about to get very interesting :yes

One thing that I noticed was that you had Littlefoot refer to Cho as Ali's "little friend." I don't know if it's a regional thing, but when someone says that here it is usually a subtle insult, meaning that the "little friend" is disapproved of, or barely worth mentioning. It was just a minor thing, but it was the only thing that threw me off while I was reading, so I thought I'd mention it :)

Can't wait to read more!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well now this has been a very good chapter in-yes.gif
Thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed it :)

must say I really liked the playfulness of Littlefoot and Ali, as friends they seem to get along just fine as is noticed during all their antics.
haha, yes I imagine them to be quite like that :D In LBT 4 Ali isn't that mischievous though but as she gets a bit older...   :lol

It was also nice to see the sunset with the two but that is where the different feelings settle in which I think you've done a great job at capturing, it's interesting to see that Littlefoot is not as ready as Ali to push the boundaries of their relationship any further. Of course who knows how long that will last and the scene with Sue and Kenneth being the icing on the, they really got into it dino_laugh.gif .
I'm glad you think so! :D While Ali has hopelessly crushed on him, Littlefoot doesn't seem to be sharing the feelings Ali is showing. It's gonna be complicated but eventually explained (in ten years maybe  :angel ). No seriously, I've got great plans and can't wait to get there eventually, this will be a major plot along with Shorty's arc... thought going mainstream and just have them fall in love with each other would be too clichË.

Kenneth and Sue... yeah  :lol  :blink: You figured that out correctly (did not forget about them, don't worry)^^spike

It's also a shock that those so called guards have failed to keep watch over Shorty, I wonder what Bron would do if he found out what he had been doing and with whom he was doing that with, now that would be interesting. He sounded pretty pissed off with Shorty during that lecture and I can't say I blame him.

Well, they just couldn't be bothered to watch him properly :DD The argument/lecture wasn't actually planned to happen... it just came to my mind as I was writing the scene at the watering hole. Shorty was pissed off because of Littlefoot so he was loaded... thought I should make use of that ^^spike Besides, Bron is actually god-damn right in what he's saying. It didn't occur to me until now for some reason but this should have been something he said in the very first lecture after finding out about Shorty's horrible actions.

I wonder where the relationship between Ali and Littlefoot will eventually turn out and how the respective meetings with Cho and Bron will go the next day. This was a very good chapter, looking forward to the next one land_before_time8_disneyscreencaps_com_2484_by_rockingscorpion-d9nxkr0.png .
Well, as I said, it'll get... complicated. You shall see soon what the meetings will be like but first... what happens at night while everybody is sleeping? Well, find out whenever I've got the bloody chapter written  :smile Glad you liked the developements!

Wow, I must have missed the two re-worked chapters! They look great! Definitely an improvement for the pacing biggrin.gif
Yeah, it's much better tha way indeed ^^spike

Don't have time to leave a super long review, but I love the most recent chapter Dino_grins.gif
I really like how you're continuing to build the conflict between Shorty and Bron while still giving Shorty an honest desire to change himself. I feel like things are about to get very interesting in-yes.gif
Glad you love the chapter! :DD Trust me when I say they will! It just might take me a little while to get there  :nyah Shorty is very conflicted too, I'm not 100% sure how far I will/should go with him yet. I'll just have to see how things develop as I get to the next important scenes that I planned :yes

One thing that I noticed was that you had Littlefoot refer to Cho as Ali's "little friend." I don't know if it's a regional thing, but when someone says that here it is usually a subtle insult, meaning that the "little friend" is disapproved of, or barely worth mentioning. It was just a minor thing, but it was the only thing that threw me off while I was reading, so I thought I'd mention it smile.gif
If that is the meaning saying this gets across in english language, then it was absolutely NOT intended lol  :lol More like, Ali's little friend as in... smaller and younger :p If it's sounding off, I can change it easily. Just let me know :)

Can't wait to read more!
Can't wait to WRITE moar!  :lol (seriously, replying to comments and feedback is perfect writing motivation!)

Oh a "Schnapszahl" post, hehe (post no. 5555 ^^)
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Ugh, writer's block is a bitch. Here's the next chapter, read carefully 'till the end ;)


Chapter 47:

The tall Longneck stood at the entrance of the cave, his gaze wandering across the lush vegetation, illuminated by the rising form of the Night Circle. Surely, in a land so fertile and green, he would find what he desired more than anything else - even more than power. A plant more powerful than any other on this earth - a plant which awoke feelings in him nothing else could… and it made him insane if he couldn’t find it!

For many years the lands had been suffering under a terrible drought. Recently, signs that the drought was drawing to an end had been accumulating but the Mysterious Beyond was still a hostile place. Ever since the land he used to call home had become dry and hostile, he hadn’t seen this mysterious leaf ever again. Ever since he had been restless, trying to find another place that offered him what he was looking for. So far, he hadn’t been lucky, it drove him crazy!

“Ricky, where are you?” Hart was waiting for his son to return from his scouting tour. Did he find something?


Shorty lay on the ground, restless. Bron’s lecture had helped little to reestablish the rest of self-esteem he still had and, if anything, he was more angry than he already was.

“I know it was wrong to hurt her, get over it already!” Shorty ranted. He had long since come to terms with his punishment and the things he had done - there had been plenty of time to do that after all. It had been an accident and, while the beating had been extremely entertaining, Shorty knew it was not worth the aftermath. As much as he despised Cho for what she was, he didn’t want her dead. “Which almost happened…”

As time passed by, seemingly in slow-motion, Shorty thought about the other aspect of Bron’s lecture.

“I am only causing him trouble…” It was a fact. Shorty had been doing a lot of things that were causing Bron problems. He had been a troublemaker and Bron was completely right about that.

But Shorty knew that now. He knew that he would have to change at least some of his behavior. It had always been the most important aspect of his life to be respected and admired by everyone around him. He had to be strong -  which he wasn’t back then, to impress others so he had trained hard, gaining skills in the process which weren’t only important in fights against Sharpteeth and other hostile creatures. There were many ways the green Longneck had tried. Showing off whenever possible and intimidating those younger than him were his favourite. He would bully those annoying hatchlings around because he had the courage, strength and attitude to pull it off… they were no match obviously.

However, and even more so now, instead of gaining respect through these actions, all Shorty received was rejection.

“They don’t see how strong I am…” Maybe a fight would show them what he was truly capable of. That was when a sharp reminder entered his usual line of thinking.

“If I fight others, they will reject and fear me so… there must be something else to do, something…”  Shorty was searching for the right word. “Something that will show them that I’m not a spoiled brat but somebody who… who is admirable and… and good!” At heart, he was good. He wasn’t like his evil father who had no hesitation at all to commit murder if necessary.

“I like being mean but I can change! I can be better than that! And if only for…” That was when he saw her… with him.

“Ali…” he sighed. The pink Longneck was walking side-by-side with the dinosaur he’d like to meet the least right now - aside from Bron or his father perhaps.

“Let my girl alone…” Shorty hissed. Rage was boiling in him upon seeing his girl with Bron’s son, walking suggestively close to each other. He’d just managed to calm down after the fight with Bron only to be enraged yet again.

“I’ll show that wannabe! I’ll beat the living crap out of him!!!” Gone was the promise to lock the violent and mean part of his personality away - right now he wanted blood! Littlefoot seemed to have conquered Ali - she was HIS girl. He’d show Ali what kind of idiot this Littlefoot really was!

As he was preparing to charge, some voice inside of him suddenly voiced up.

“They will reject you for fighting him,” Shorty’s muscles remained tense but he was less unreasonable now.

“Ali will hate me if I beat him up… what would I gain? If anything, I’d lose her completely!”  Gnashing his teeth, Shorty remained where he was as he had to endure seeing Ali and Littlefoot together until they finally separated. He’d get his chance eventually to show Ali who he truly was. All he had to do was being patient and keep his aggression under control to get away from his current punishment as quick as he could.


Meanwhile, Ricky was heading towards the cave where his father expected him to be by now, awaiting his report.

“Ricky, you’re late!” Hart hissed when he finally saw his son return to him.

“I had to make sure that nobody notices me, sir,” Ricky explained upon being called out for being back after dawn. “I was at the other side of the valley when the Bright Circle disappeared and I had to wait until others fell asleep - I had a feeling they were watching me so I made sure not to cause any trouble.” It was a blatant lie but it worked. All that mattered to his dad was that their agenda remained hidden.

“Okay then… Found anything?” Hart inquired.

“Not yet… but this place is too big to look at every spot in just one night,” Ricky replied cautiously.

“Yes, quite so…” Hart mused absentmindedly. “I’ve thought about a strategy, son.”

“Yes, sir?” Ricky wondered, mildly excited.

“We split up.”

“I thought we would do that anyway?” Ricky cautiously wondered.

“Unlike you, son, I’m a creature of the night. You are not so you won’t be of much help there. At night, even a tall Longneck like me is unlikely to be seen. You can do the scouting during daylight, you’re still young and small enough to remain unsuspicious even at daylight. Evesdropping on other herds and listening to gossip could come in handy…”

“Okay, good plan, sir!” Ricky exclaimed, saluting. “Though… what kind of gossip should I look for?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you in the morning, son. Now get yourself some rest. I’ll look around a bit meanwhile…” A faraway grin quickly appeared on his face. Then he turned around, heading towards to exit of their cavern, taking a quick overlook of the valley below him.

“The Night Circle is almost full tonight, good for scouting” he quickly noted. Then he quietly walked into the night.


With slight worry, the elderly Longneck scanned his immediate surroundings.

“Where is our grandson?” Grandpa Longneck knew that he had been with Ali for most of the day. Maybe they simply had a bit too much fun to realise how late it already was?

“I’m sure he’ll be back home soon, dear,” his mate spoke optimistically upon noticing the worried look on her husband's face. “What should have happened to him here? There are simply so many of us even at night to scare any pack of Sharpteeth or other malicious creatures away.”

“Well, he could have walked far, not remembering how to get back here…” Grandpa Longneck reasoned. “This place is quite similar to our valley and it is large enough to get lost. Especially in the dark.”

“I’m sure he’s just gotten a bit distracted playing with Ali, don’t worry,” Grandma assured. “Or he’s still with Bron, getting to know his dad better.”

“Right, that is a possibility too,” Grandpa admitted. “Though if he would like to spend the night with him, he should let us know!”

“I’m sure he would do that. And I don’t remember Bron to be that irresponsible either,” Grandma mused.

“I hope you are right…” Grandpa sighed, placing his huge body back on the ground, waiting for Littlefoot to show up.


“I knew it was a bad idea to stay away from home for so long…” Littlefoot was already far too late. Unless there were special days or nightly lessons of the Great Valley’s eldest Thicknose, the little Longneck was usually expected home before the Night Circle was high up in the sky. That moment had long since passed and he was beginning to feel the tiredness that usually came soon after that. Luckily, he was almost home.

“Hello Grandpa, hello Grandma!” he called from the distance as soon as he spotted his grandparents at their nesting area.

“Littlefoot!” Grandma Longneck sighed in relief.

“I’m sorry for being late… but Ali and I were at the other side of the valley so we kinda had a long way back home,” Littlefoot explained with an apologetic expression.

“We were worried about you, Littlefoot,” Grandpa stated in a neutral voice. “But anyway, how was your day my grandson?” A slight smile quickly flashed across the elderly Longneck’s face.

“Well, Ali and I had a lot of fun again!” Littlefoot chuckled as the memories of the day returned to his mind. “We’ll meet early tomorrow if there’s nothing you two have planned.”

“Well, after you’ve had your breakfast, dear, you may go play tomorrow,” Grandma Longneck spoke warmly. “Though now it is time for you to sleep, Littlefoot.”

“Yes, I’m already a little tired,” Littlefoot admitted reluctantly which earned him a chuckle of his grandpa.

“You must have had a very eventful day,” he mused, chuckling heartily.

“You bet,” the young Longneck replied, yawning a little.

“How did the meeting with your father go by the way?” Grandma Longneck asked as she prepared her grandson’s sleeping spot.

“Oh right…”  Littlefoot had almost forgot about that after the things that had happened thereafter with Ali.

“Well, it went alright,” Littlefoot mentioned. “I ended up telling him about how I and my friends found the Great Valley back then. He seemed to enjoy hearing about Sharptooth and about... my mother but… I have a feeling he doesn’t like my friends because they’re not Longnecks like me…”

“Well, your friends aren’t here, Littlefoot, so there shouldn’t be any problems,” Grandma Longneck spoke warmly though Grandpa remained cautious.

“He hates other kinds, Littlefoot. It might be better for the time being if you don’t mention your friends while he is present.”

“Why? What is so wrong about other kinds? They’re not much different at all!” Littlefoot complained. “I was shocked back then when Ali was afraid of my friends, she was taught that way by her herd.”

“Well, some dinosaurs do not like to mix with other kinds, Littlefoot,” Grandma Longneck explained carefully.

“That’s what my mother told me too…” Littlefoot grumbled.

“I am sure that Bron will tell you why he thinks that way if you ask him kindly,” his grandma encouraged him. “Though now, let us get ready for the night.”

“Yes, Grandma,” Littlefoot responded, yawning, curling himself up in his sleeping spot and falling asleep quickly.

Only then, Grandpa, whose mood had dropped significantly during the talk, dared to speak up to his mate.

“I am not sure if Littlefoot should hear this, dear…”

“What are you talking about? Surely, it is alright for him to ask?” she responded, surprised by her mate’s words.

“You do not know the story since you weren’t there at the time… you were away looking for food when it happened.”

Grandma still didn’t get what Grandpa was alluding to, giving him a questioning look.

“Well… there was a reason why we suddenly left our original nesting area in a hurry…”


As Hart strolled through the calmness of the night, looking for the plant, he was thinking about the plans that were constantly shaping in his head.

“Hmm, this is a good place. Lots of food, lots of water… enough space… and it has defined borders. Just too many people around here!” As Hart carefully lifted his feet above the tail of a sleeping Longneck, he felt the sudden urge to stomp on the Longneck in question - however, he knew it wouldn’t do him and his agenda any good so he quickly trashed that thought again.

“Maybe I should stay here for a little longer. Those pests should leave as soon as the event has occurred. Few might stay but I can chase them out if necessary. However, I will need to find the plant here, otherwise this place is worthless for me too!” Hart just hoped he would find it here. He had never seen a place so fertile since the day his home had become a hostile desert. It would be the perfect place to set his evil plans into motion.

“Ricky is a good guy but he lacks recklessness. He always does as I tell him and he worships me for what I stand for but would he be able to replace me one day? None of the other brats were of any use. I never wanted any females, only keeping them in case they could become useful one day… but they were weak. And the two boys were stupid and useless. Shorty even ruined my plans back then, stealing MY offspring. I have to find a female and mate with her as soon as I can… Ricky will be useful but he won’t understand what I am planning…”


A little later:

“That’s horrible, why have you never told me?!” Grandma was shocked to hear the story her mate had just told her.

“I don’t know, dear. Either way, this is why Bron thinks so low of any kind other than ours. And this is why Littlefoot shouldn’t know. He has only made positive experiences with other kinds in his life and I don’t want him to know about this. I doubt Bron would tell him the truth but I wouldn’t encourage him nonetheless.”

“Well, I’m sure he will have forgotten about it by tomorrow anyway,” Grandma sighed slightly.

“Probably… yes. I just hope he takes our advice when he meets him again.”

“I’m sure he will, dear. Now let’s settle for the night ourselves,” Grandma suggested.

“Yes, yes… you are right. Goodnight dear,” Grandpa spoke, both Longnecks finally laying down on the ground in a protective circle around their grandson, their heads resting on each other’s as they usually would.


“Ali, you’re late!” Ali had just arrived back home where her very unamused mother was waiting for her.

“Hello Mom, I’m sorry,” Ali stated quickly. “You didn’t say when exactly I should be back home so I assumed I was allowed to stay out until the dark,” the young female explained. “Oh blast it! Don’t ruin everything, mom!”

“Well, that was quite a bit ago though!” her mother retorted sharply.

“I still had to walk back home after all, mom,” Ali retorted. “And say goodbye to Littlefoot…” she added in her mind.

“Please don’t make me worry about you like that, dear. I’ve had a whole life’s share of worrying about you as it is…” Fiona sighed deeply as she relaxed visibly.

“Sorry, mom…” Ali apologised, looking down on the ground.

“It is okay, Ali, I’m not mad.”

“Is it okay, when I always come home like today, Mom? There are no dangers here, are there?” Ali pointed out, giving her mother a slight puppy face to look at.

Fiona sighed.

“I suppose I cannot argue about that. I would like you to be with someone if you stay out for so long though in case you get lost.”

“I’m with Littlefoot most of the time, we’ll be perfectly fine, Mom!” Ali reassured.

“Right… then you may,” her mother spoke hesitantly which earned her a quick hug from her daughter. She did not fail to notice the sparks in her daughter’s eyes when she mentioned her friend.

“Thanks mom, you’re the best mom ever!” Ali exclaimed, smiling.

Fiona couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Those are some big words out of the mouth of a small girl.” Fiona gave her daughter a quick nuzzle. “Now, though, let’s tuck you in really quick, dear. You must be tired after such an exciting day.”

“Okay, good night,” Ali called, knowing it was useless to complain. She wasn’t feeling particularly tired yet but she didn’t mind having to go to sleep now. There were a lot of wonderful things to think about after all until sleep would come eventually.



“Keep moving, I can almost see the shore!”

The group of four children waded through a swamp surrounded by vegetation everywhere. Lots of rotten logs, water lilies and insects could be seen around them as they finally made it towards the shore after many hours of crossing it. However, there were also crocodiles just waiting for such little young ones to walk right into their mouth. Though not these four young ones. As they climbed onto the grassy shore, one of them started to brag.

“Hah! Guess I taught that guy not to mess with a Threehorn!” While the Threehorn continued to bathe in her pride after accidently saving her friends from one of those hungry creatures, the others crawled onto the land exhaustedly.

“Now that we on dry land, can we please find place to sleep?” the Flyer asked groggily. It was already quite dark, merely moments away from the rise of the Night Circle.

“Like where for instance?” the Threehorn responded, shrugging.

Just at that moment, the Flyer walked right into a rock due to walking with his eyes closed.

“This look good to me…” he mumbled before dozing off in an instant. Nobody seemed to object his choice.

With groggy steps, a swimmer dragged herself over to the rock the flyer had bumped into.

“Do not worry, Cera, we will find Littlefoot in the morning, yep, yep… yep.” She spoke with a tired voice. As soon as she had arrived at the rock, she curled herself up, snoozing off quickly. The Threehorn and the Spiketail, who was the forth member of the group, joined them without another word. Within a blink of an eye, all four were sound asleep.


Oh come on, you didn't seriously think I was going to leave the Gang out of this, did you?  :lol

Well, I believe it took me about two dozen chapters to describe the events of one single day... at that rate, the story will have hundreds of chapters :DD I think the last scene was a good one to round it up.

The next chapter will start the next day... which will be no less eventful I think :)
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And the gang arrives on the scene.  :DD

We have some serious plot developments in this chapter or, more accurately, hints at plot developments as of yet unseen.  

It seems that Bron has had a history with non-longnecks that has led to his dislike of other kinds, but the details are unclear as of yet.  I wonder if the grandparents will be surprised if Littlefoot tells them about his friends' experience with unkind members of other species (the domeheads that tried to murder Cera, the longnecks that took all of their food, etc.) but yet his view of other kinds did not change.  

On the other side of the equation We now have Hart showing that he is truly heartless (as if we needed any more proof of that).  Hart is the classic sociopathic personality type and I can sense that no redemption is possible for him.  Though, for Ricky and Shorty, perhaps there is time?

I look forward to seeing what develops in the next chapter.  I wonder if Littlefoot might press the point about his father's dislike of other kinds.  If so... I wonder what he may discover.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Enjoyed this chapter very much! Particularly the hints at a darker plot from Hart, and some signs of self-restraint from Shorty... which was a nice surprise :lol

I also like the further development of Bron's history... really interested to see where this goes :D


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And now we see some more of Hart's bitterness come into play. Seriously, that guy spells nothing but trouble.

This chapter was quite an entertaining read, and I'm pleased to see many improvements since I last looked at this story for the fanfiction reviews! I look forward to seeing how the Gang will now fit into this story arc. it was also nice to see Shorty's evolving character. The Shorty of old would have acted on instinct in a heartbeat, but- as has already been mentioned by others- he's managed to restrain himself. I'm rooting for him!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Thanks for the reviews, guys! :lol

And the gang arrives on the scene. dino_happier.gif

It seems that Bron has had a history with non-longnecks that has led to his dislike of other kinds, but the details are unclear as of yet. I wonder if the grandparents will be surprised if Littlefoot tells them about his friends' experience with unkind members of other species (the domeheads that tried to murder Cera, the longnecks that took all of their food, etc.) but yet his view of other kinds did not change.
I took me quite a bit of puzzling trying to write this without revealing everything prematurely :p  To be super completely honest, I didn't think of the few negative interactions Littlefoot had in LBT 1 there but I don't think it created a plot hole, did it? :p
Anyway, you'll have to wait a little longer until you may hear more about Bron's past ;) (hopefully not because of my laziness :angel )

On the other side of the equation We now have Hart showing that he is truly heartless (as if we needed any more proof of that). Hart is the classic sociopathic personality type and I can sense that no redemption is possible for him. Though, for Ricky and Shorty, perhaps there is time?
Oh... Hart is super evil  ^^spike As for Shorty and Ricky, let's just say I have more in store (and I think it's safe to say that I'm not 100% sure myself how the story ends for them yet :lol)

I look forward to seeing what develops in the next chapter. I wonder if Littlefoot might press the point about his father's dislike of other kinds. If so... I wonder what he may discover.
Now that we know the gang is coming to the party... I think that will have to happen at SOME point in the story either way :p

Enjoyed this chapter very much! Particularly the hints at a darker plot from Hart, and some signs of self-restraint from Shorty... which was a nice surprise dino_laugh.gif
haha, even Shorty can be somewhat reasonable sometimes :smile In this case, he knew there was nothing to gain for him so he... restrained himself ;)

I also like the further development of Bron's history... really interested to see where this goes biggrin.gif
To be fair, I'm no less excited. I'm just curious to see where the story takes me in regards to his history. We've seen Littlefoot sharing his stories with Bron already... maybe Bron is going to share some of his too? Though, that, knowing me, might just end up turning into yet another fic within the fic  :angel

And now we see some more of Hart's bitterness come into play. Seriously, that guy spells nothing but trouble.
Hey Fyn, glad to see you're enjoying my story too :) Yeah, Hart is bad and worse than that :smile You'll realise this eventually, if you haven't already done so :lol

This chapter was quite an entertaining read, and I'm pleased to see many improvements since I last looked at this story for the fanfiction reviews! I look forward to seeing how the Gang will now fit into this story arc. it was also nice to see Shorty's evolving character. The Shorty of old would have acted on instinct in a heartbeat, but- as has already been mentioned by others- he's managed to restrain himself. I'm rooting for him!
Oh, I can't wait until I reach that point where the gang joins the party :smile It'll be so much much (though the main focus won't be on them, obviously)
And, we'll have to see how Shorty developes, stay tuned :)

(ugh, I actually wanted to work on something else now but replying to comments always makes me want to continue working on the story  ^^spike )
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The plot thickens slowly: I guess Hart's plans are beginning to move forwards soon and the Gang's arrival will bring more impacts to the overall situation in addition to simply making Bron and Littlefoot's relationship more awkward.  I have no idea yet what that'll be though.  :DD I'm wondering whether you'll drift even further from the main plot of the film but that would be spoiling. In any case, it'll be interesting to see whether Shorty will find it in himself to forgive Littlefoot in this fic or not or whether Ricky is going to follow his father blindly. Anyway, good job with this chapter!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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The plot thickens slowly: I guess Hart's plans are beginning to move forwards soon and the Gang's arrival will bring more impacts to the overall situation in addition to simply making Bron and Littlefoot's relationship more awkward. I have no idea yet what that'll be though. dino_happier.gif I'm wondering whether you'll drift even further from the main plot of the film but that would be spoiling. In any case, it'll be interesting to see whether Shorty will find it in himself to forgive Littlefoot in this fic or not or whether Ricky is going to follow his father blindly. Anyway, good job with this chapter!
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!  :lol

I think, in order to avoid spoilers, it's probably safest to say nothing in reply to your thoughts except for: Yes, the plot thickens indeed  ^^spike
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That story update came rather quick for my standards...  :p


Chapter 48

“Littlefoot… oh Littlefoot…”

As the Bright Circle rose above the crater-like valley, Fiona’s eyes were fixated on her daughter sleeping next to her restlessly while mumbling the name of a certain Longneck.

“Ali… is she already reaching that age when boys are beginning to become interesting?” Fiona wondered as she continued to watch Ali in her sleep. Even though the fact that her daughter was growing up caused her to worry about her girl a little, she couldn’t fail to chuckle about that circumstance.

“Well, at least I have something else to tease her with now,” she thought with a mischievous grin - teasing her daughter was something she loved to do. “Though it may also be about time to teach her about certain things… oh she’ll love that for sure.”

Fiona watched Ali for a few more minutes before she decided that it was about time to shake her little angel out of her romantic dreams… or so she assumed.

“Ali, wake up, dear,” she cooed, softly nudging the girl.

Ali took her time - despite dreaming vividly (or maybe just because of that) she slept like a rock! When she, eventually, woke up, she was perplexed and confused at first, her mind still caught in her dreams.

“Mommy, where is Littlefoot? He was right next to me and now he is gone. Where is he?” the young girl mumbled dreamily.

“Dear, Littlefoot is sleeping with his family. You must have been dreaming,” Fiona responded, highly amused.

“Oh okay then…” Ali mumbled, turning around, attempting to fall back into a slumber.

“Ali… even though I allowed you to stay out later than usual, you’ll still have to get up as early as always, otherwise…” Fiona was grinning.

“I’m awake…” Ali yawned quickly, reluctantly getting to her feet.

“Well, this worked…” Fiona mused as she got to her feet in order to gather some breakfast for Ali.


At the first signs of daylight, Hart had returned to his hideout before the herds started their morning businesses. Due to the interruption of his sleep the previous day, he was sleep-deprived anyway. Now, it would be time for Ricky to take over.

“Ricky, are you ready?” Hart snarled once the boy was awake.

“Always, sir!” Ricky responded quickly, rising. “What is it that you wanted me to look for?”

“Ah, you remembered it, very good,” Hart spoke in a slightly acknowledging manner. “I would like you to find out if there are any females around here looking for… a closer relationship. I’m sure you understand, Ricky?” The gaze of the grown-up was faraway, almost distant and dreamy. Quite unlike Hart as Ricky noted.

“Hmm, sir, does that mean you want to have eggs like back then when Shorty ran away after finding out about it?” Ricky speculated carefully. “I would really love to have some brothers and sisters again…”

“Yes… ever since that brat spoiled my last attempt to give you more siblings, son, we haven’t met any useful female. This place here is full of gossip-spreading, jabbering females. Listen to their nonsense and try to locate some that are looking for a male. I’ll take care of the rest…”

“Okay, understood, sir!” Ricky exclaimed. “I suppose the watering holes are a good place to start?”

“Quite…” Hart mused as he prepared to sleep, slowly retreating deeper into the cave system

“Okay… and what about looking for the plant?” Ricky reassured himself.

“The females have priority right now,” Hart explained. “If you happen to stumble upon it, good. If you don’t, that’s okay. I’ll look for it at night. Now go. Awaiting your report in the evening…” With that, Hart laid down to rest while Ricky left their hideout. After having some breakfast, he began to do his job…


After Ali had finished her breakfast, she quickly jogged to the berry bushes which was the meeting place she and Littlefoot had previously agreed upon, excited to meet her friend again. When she arrived there, there was no sign of her friend yet.

“Oh well, maybe his grandparents didn’t wake him up as early…” Ali remarked, still being tired from the rather short night - after all, she’d been lying awake for a long time before sleep had finally come. So many wonderful things had happened that she had to replay in her head the previous night. Though, things didn’t work the way she wanted.

“I still don’t understand why Littlefoot was acting so funny yesterday though… doesn’t he like me? I mean, he does but… does he like me the way I like him? Why can’t he just be awesome and do all the things I want to do with him?” Ali didn’t understand. Right now, all she wanted was him. All she wanted was to be with Littlefoot, to look at his strong body, his handsome features and his beautiful eyes, to chase across the whole valley playing tag and wrestling with him, to goof around while swimming in the water and to relax in the warmth of the Bright Circle, lying very close to him. However, it didn’t seem like Littlefoot was up to some of that.

“Well, maybe I’ll have to find out more about him and his feelings before trying again? I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable around me…” It would take Ali some self-control to accomplish that but the girl was determined to try. Before she could think about the matter any further, however, she spotted another familiar Longneck.

“Shorty… accompanied by Bron. Interesting…” Ali saw the green Longneck, standing at the big watering hole close to her herd’s nesting areas, watching how Shorty took a drink under the supervision of Bron. She wasn’t within hearing range but Ali could see Bron talk about something to the green boy who appeared to be listening with little interest.

“You’re better off not giving me that look when I talk to you later today my friend…” Ali thought grimly. “If Littlefoot doesn’t forget to ask Bron again, that is…maybe I should just ask him myself?”

Suddenly, Shorty turned his head, looking right at her, his expression showing slight hints of anger and annoyance.

“He must have seen me before I saw him…” Ali concluded. After all, Shorty hadn’t just spotted her by chance. He had directed his gaze at her location with lots of determination and precision.

“Hmm, so should I try to ignore him or should I be friendly?” Ali had to admit that both options seemed inviting at this point. On the one hand, Ali was still extremely mad at the green Longneck, but, on the other hand, some part of her believed in his promise to change for the better. Wouldn’t a smile be more encouraging than a cold stare?

“Yes, it would!” the girl concluded, therefore giving Shorty a quick smile, curious to see his reaction. She didn’t see his response coming though...


“Do you think I’m stupid, girl?”  Shorty was usually happy to see the pink girl but, today, seeing her only made everything worse - he hadn’t forgotten about her suggestive actions with a certain other Longneck…

“What do you think you’re doing there, Ali, huh? Acting all nice and friendly but stabbing me in the back with that Littlefoot guy, aren’t you?”  Shorty knew it wouldn’t help the situation but there had to be some opportunity to release at least a small portion of his anger so he gave the girl the coldest stare he could perform.

“I still love you, Ali, but you deserve that…”


“Idiot!” Ali’s expression turned from a friendly smile into an angry face in no time. “And that’s what I get for trying to be nice! Oh wait until we talk, my friend…” Frustrated by the actions of the boy, Ali deliberately looked into every direction but towards the watering hole until she could finally see Littlefoot joining her.


At the same time, Cera opened her eyes to see that they had overslept.

“Oh crap! Now how are we supposed to catch those stupid flatheads!?” Without hesitating she got to her feet, looking at the swimmer sleeping at her side critically. “Why did nobody wake me up? Urrrrghhh!!!”

“Ducky, wake up!” the Threehorn shouted fiercely.

Still very, very sleepy from the previous day’s adventures, Ducky reluctantly opened her eyes just a little chink. As Cera got up to wake the others, the smaller girl took a mighty yawn.

“It cannot be morning already, no, no, no…” she spoke up sleepily, hardly capable of keeping her eyes open. Once Cera was out of side, she simply laid back down, closing her eyes again.

“Petrie, let’s go! Get up!” Cera commanded as she arrived at the spot where the flyer was sleeping peacefully.

Petrie knew Cera too well - when he heard her angry voice, even while sleeping, he just knew he’d better do what she said so he, almost sound asleep, got to his feet, almost losing his balance, tripping over and falling on his back. Barely awake enough to pull himself back into a position that would allow for a better balance on the ground, Petrie yawned, his beak wide open.

“Me so tired! We go so far already…” he complained - all he wanted was going back to sleep at this point. Cera had already walked back to where Ducky was still resting on the grass.

“That’s ëcause we’re trying to catch up with Littlefoot!?” Cera retorted, talking as if the matter was as obvious as the fact that said Longneck wasn’t with them at this very moment while stomping away from the group. Ducky sighed as she finally got to her feet, taking a few staggering steps towards the Threehorn.

“But we still do not know if we are still going in the right direction…” Ducky mentioned. After all, they had been able to follow the Longnecks’ foot trails up to this point. However, now that they had managed to cross the swamp into which those foot trails had lead them, they couldn’t see them anymore.

Cera considered for a short moment, taking a quick observation of their immediate surroundings.

“I say we go around that big ol’ boulder and look for foot marks coming out of the icky place,” the Threehorn suggested, smiling for the first time.

“Whatever you say…” Ducky sighed, neither feeling up to question the Threehorn’s idea nor knowing a better plan herself.


Littlefoot instantly noticed that something was off when he arrived at their meeting point though he could not quite deduce what that something was.

“Hi Ali!” he called upon entering her hearing range. He had not forgotten about Ali’s odd behavior the previous day but chose not to think too much about it right now. Maybe, she wouldn’t repeat it today.

“Hi Littlefoot,” Ali answered as soon as Littlefoot had arrived at the scene, giving him a somewhat shy smile which didn’t express her current emotional situation at all though. At heart, she was still angry and disappointed. Which Littlefoot noticed.

“Everything alright?” the boy scanned her with a questioning expression.

Ali sighed.

“Well, I saw Shorty at the watering hole a few moments ago. I tried to be nice and smile at him and he only stared at me as if he wanted to hurt me…” the girl didn’t even try to hide her disappointment.

“I still don’t get why you even bother to be nice to him, Ali…” Littlefoot replied cautiously. “As far as I can tell, he’s only upsetting you.”

“He was a pretty nice guy before you showed up…” Ali spoke quietly. “And a good friend too. I want the Shorty back I got to know back then…”

“Are you blaming me?” Littlefoot wondered. “Except for that one time, I never met him…”

“No, but for some strange reason, he suddenly did these horrible things to Cho after you came..” Ali reasoned. “Oh well, now I’m happy to see you, let’s forget about him.”

“Yeah,” Littlefoot agreed. “Though, isn’t Shorty under arrest anyway? Then how could he even go to the watering hole?”

“He was with Bron,” Ali stated quickly. “I guess he has to go with him whenever he’s thirsty.”

“Hmm, maybe…” After a few thoughtful moments, he decided to focus on happier things than Shorty. “Anyway, Ali, I hope you didn’t have to wait too long here, my grandma didn’t let me go until I’d eat up.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he was reminded of it.

“And my mom woke me up too early…” Ali complained. “See, I was having a sleep story about the two of us having so much fun…” That wasn’t the full truth of course but, either way, Ali had a lot of fun in her dream…. While it lasted.

Littlefoot snickered at that.

“Haha, looks like our folks just want to annoy us, huh?”

“Yeah!” Ali shouted indignantly. After making a few especially annoyed faces, both broke into a short fit of laughter.

“Anyway, what are we gonna do today? Any ideas?” Littlefoot wondered.

“First, we visit Cho,” Ali announced, smiling. “After that… let’s think about that later, come on!”

“Okay,” Littlefoot agreed, chasing after Ali who was speeding ahead towards the nesting area of the little girl.


Suddenly, a loud snore startled Cera and Ducky for a moment. As Cera soon realised, it came from Spike who was the only member of the group she hadn’t woken up yet. She sighed.

“Will somebody PLEASE wake up Spike?”

“Spike…” Petrie had meanwhile walked over to the Spiketail, attempting to do the impossible since Spike was a deep sleeper. Shaking his legs with his puny arms. “Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!!!” he sqeaked a little louder which finally had the desired effect. Spike’s eyes opened - only a little but they did so nonetheless. Confused, he looked at his friends.

“That’s better!” Cera declared, turning away from Spike to go ahead. However...


“First!” Ali exclaimed, breathing heavily as she arrived at the nesting area of Cho and her mother. Littlefoot was lagging behind significantly, only arriving about 15 seconds later.

“I’ll never race you so soon after my breakfast again!” the boy complained, the rich breakfast of his grandma having quite a negative effect on his condition.

Ali could only chuckle about that.

“Just admit that I’m faster than you, silly,” the girl teased.

“In your sleep-stories…” Littlefoot grumbled.

Suddenly, a female voice could be heard laughing audibly.

“I can see you two like each other quite a bit if you try so hard to annoy each other.”

“Yuyun!” Ali shouted while laughing.

“Good morning, Ali. And you too, Littlefoot,” the female greeted the two children, walking out of the forest where Cho was recovering. “Cho is awake, you can visit her.” A smile flashed across her face.

“How is she doing?” Ali questioned curiously, a hint of worry remaining in her voice.

“Much better,” Yuyun confirmed, the relief clearly visible on her features. “The healers of the herd found a few rare healing plants here that can be used to keep wounds clean and ease the pain a lot. Cho can move a little now, they replaced her bandages last evening with bandages that had this stuff on.”

“That’s great!” Ali cheered. “Come on, Littlefoot, now you can finally get to know her!”

“Does she want to, Ali?” Littlefoot inquired. “I remember you telling me that she can be a bit uncomfortable around strangers… I don’t want to upset her, you know…”

“I’ll ask her, just stay right there,” Ali chattered happily, turning around to meet the little Longneck while Littlefoot remained where he was.

“It’s not like my legs wanna move right now anyway…” Littlefoot muttered under his breath, still out of air.

“Awww, did Ali beat you in a race, Littlefoot?” Cho’s Mother chuckled as soon as Ali had disappeared behind the trees.

“My grandparents were fattening me with treestars this morning, I had a handicap!” Littlefoot replied, half laughing, half complaining.

“Well, try racing her in the afternoon again. Your disadvantage will turn into an advantage, you will see,” Yuyun spoke, smiling mischievously.

“Okay, I’ll try,” Littlefoot replied, shrugging.

“Oh, and I’m sure that Cho will be willing to get to know you, Littlefoot,” she added. “It’s correct that she doesn’t feel comfortable around strangers at all. However, Ali is around who means a lot to her. You’re a good friend of her so she’ll trust you.”

“I hope so,” Littlefoot sighed.

“I’m sure she will,” Yuyun reassured. “She has a few quirks but she is a very likeable dinosaur, especially since Ali is her friend. She’s much more open and less reclusive lately.”

“That’s good,” Littlefoot replied, still a bit nervous.

Meanwhile, Ali had arrived at Cho’s nest.

“Oh, hello Ali, I heard you coming,” the little Longneck spoke warmly as she spotted her only friend approaching her, attempting to perform a slight smile.

“Hello Cho, how are you doing?” Ali greeted the younger Longneck just as warmly.

Happiness and an almost familiar warmth spread through her whole body as Cho realised that she’d get to have another chat with her only friend today. Ali was so nice to her, visiting her every day at least once. It made her feel liked - a feeling still pretty unfamiliar to her as she was just starting to get used to it.

“Much better,” came the response of the girl with the black skin almost immediately. “The new medicine of the healers is a blessing! It stinks terribly but I only feel dull pain “nstead of the sharp, stinging one. I can also move a little, see?” Proudly, Cho rearranged her legs and wiggled with some of her toes as well as her tail.

“That’s great, Cho! The smell is not too bad. If it’s helping…”

“It is,” Cho reassured. “A lot.”

“Hopefully, we can go swimming soon!” Ali cheered, Cho joining in.

“Yes, I cannot wait, Ali!” the girl agreed, giggling a little which, however, seemed to cause her some pain. “Remind me not to laugh yet, that still hurts a lot.” She went for a sad smile instead.

“Sure, I’ll try not to be too funny then,” Ali promised.

“Did you make any progress on my puzzle, Ali?” Cho then wondered with a hint of a mischievous smile.

“Uhm, not yet,” Ali admitted. “I’ve thought about it quite a lot but... “

“It’s okay, Ali. I did not expect you to figure it out that fast,” Cho explained in her usual mysterious manner when she was talking in riddles. “It took me almost a full circle of the Night Circle to make the connection. Just keep your eyes open and use your head.” Cho advised.

“Wait…” Ali was confused now. “What are you talking about, Cho?”

“Well, before I could tell you the puzzle, I had to figure out myself that we have so much in common… and what,” Cho tried to explain. “Ehm… I must confess though that I know something that you don’t… but you can figure it out even without knowing that.” She gave a shy smile. “One day she’ll figure it out either way…”

“You’re so encouraging, Cho…” Ali sighed with slight sarcasm. “Instead of just telling me… silly girl.”

Cho grinned, taking Ali’s words as a compliment.

“Anyway, Cho. I brought my friend Littlefoot with me today. Would you like to meet him?” Now Ali was curious.

Cho seemed to be cautious at first. Her old ways told her to run away and hide somewhere where she could be alone. But part of her didn’t want to be that old self of her anymore. Part of her was trying to remind her of the fact that she now had a friend to look up to who accepted and liked her the way she was and unconditionally at that! It was because of this that Cho’s expression instead forged into a weak smile… and because of something else...

“You have a crush on him, Ali, do you not?” Cho failed to hide her amusement as she saw Ali’s grotesk face.

“Why no!” Ali protested even though she knew she couldn’t hide it from Cho who had long since seen right through her, apparently.

The girl gave a very meaningful sly grin before answering Ali’s actual question.

“Sure, I am curious,” Cho answered, speaking in a very formal manner. “If he is your friend, then I will try to be less odd.”

“I’m sure he’s going to appreciate that!” Ali laughed. “Be right back!”

“No need to hurry, I will be glued to this place for a few more days anyway,” Cho sighed with some self-irony.

Ali shook her head, laughing. Hardly a minute later, she was back at her side, Littlefoot making himself comfortable on the ground to be more on eye-level with the younger girl, though keeping a respectable distance. Both felt slightly awkward around each other

“R-right…” Ali voiced up to break the awkward moment. “Cho, this is my friend Littlefoot.”

“Friend or… friend?” the little girl had found her previous state of mind back, a mischievous look on her face.

Ali rolled her eyes.

“Cho, are you sure the medicine isn’t making you funny in the head?”

“I do not think so, Ali,” Cho replied, not changing her expression a tiny bit.

“Silly girl, she’s acting the very other kind of odd today…” Ali mused, not being able to refrain herself from noting that her friend was unusually merry today.

“And this, Littlefoot, is my friend Cho… who is trying to be witty today,” Ali continued, sending a little twinkle of her eye in the girl’s direction.

“Hello Cho, nice to meet you,” Littlefoot spoke up warmly.

“Hello Littlefoot, Ali has already told me a few things about you,” Cho replied, her tone switching back to formal. “If it is okay, I would like to know more about you, Littlefoot.”

“She’s curious,” Ali mentioned, grinning.

“Same here, I’m also curious,” Littlefoot spoke in a reply to both girls, directing the second part of his message directly at Cho though. “It looks like we’ll see each other more often, since Ali is our both friend so it’s important to know each other a bit, isn’t it?”

Cho nodded.

“Friend or… friend?” Despite the pain it caused her, Cho giggled.

Littlefoot and Ali joined her. Ali was just happy to see Cho happy which was a rare event as it was while Littlefoot simply did so out of politeness, not really understanding the joke.

“Well, go ahead then. Or would you like me to tell things about me?” Littlefoot offered with a kind smile.

“Oh, I think I could do that too…” Ali smirked… but Littlefoot ignored her.

“I will ask questions… if that is okay,” Cho answered, a little shy all of a sudden.

“Go ahead, I don’t bite.” Littlefoot was curious what kind of questions would expect him. So far, Cho had not shown any of the characteristics that she was known for. Much rather, she was acting quite like a normal kid in his opinion. “A bit funny.. But I’ve seen worse.”

“You are the son of my herd leader Bron, is that right?” It was a rhetorical question only but it served the young girl well in overcoming her social fear by starting off easy.

Littlefoot confirmed. Cho continued, the shyness slowly reducing itself.

“I have heard rumors about the story but never the truth so I would really like to know… why were you separated from your father, Littlefoot? Did you know him before you met him here?”

“Well, I can only repeat the story that my dad has told me, Cho. He was looking for a place to live for my family - the Great Valley, to be exact. He never found it. When he returned to our old home, he could only find a huge rift in the land - everything was abandoned. Well, he was trying to find me for a long time apparently but, eventually, ended up becoming a herd leader.”

“It is a sad story,” Cho stated matter-of-factly. “So, until now, you did not know your father?” The girl gave Littlefoot an apologetic look. She understood what he was feeling and what hardships he must have gone through.

“Even worse… I didn’t even know I had a father to begin with…” Littlefoot exclaimed, uttering a cold laugh. “I never thought much about having a father since I didn’t know it any other way…”

“I am sorry…” Cho spoke quietly. “If my questions are too personal, you do not need to answer them if you do not want to…”

“Hey, don’t worry, Cho,” Littlefoot replied, offering a kind smile. “Ask anything you want, only that way we can get to know each other.”

“As long as you quit asking what kind of friends we are…” Ali muttered in fake indignation.

Cho returned the smile weakly.

“Okay, I am just not used to being open and others being open towards me. I am not used to people being so kind towards me either…”

“Except for me?” Ali offered.

“Yes, of course, Ali,” Cho replied with the hint of a smile on her face.

“It’s fine, go on. Ask.” Littlefoot offered.

Cho cleared her throat, her nervosity easing down again.

“Okay, so… if your father did not raise you, you only had your mother?”

“... and grandparents,” Ali added, helping her friend out a little.

“Yes…” Littlefoot affirmed, though he was hesitant.

“Did I ask something wrong?” Cho wondered as she tried to analyse the older Longneck’s reaction - one of the few things she was talented at.

“He is hesitant so there must be something that he doesn’t like talking about… hmm.” Then, suddenly, realisation hit her. “Oh no…”

“You see, Cho… “ Littlefoot was trying to formulate his next words very carefully. He didn’t know if the younger child was familiar with death so he chose not to say his next message directly.

“My grandparents are taking care of me… just like Yuyun is taking care of you, Cho. She is not your real mother is she? You were one of the orphaned hatchlings that…”

“... that Shorty protected, yes,” Ali finished.

“Well, my mother is always there too even if I cannot see her. I just know she is watching over me wherever I am… and, if I need advice, I sometimes just have to listen to my heart… very closely.”

Nobody spoke for some moments as everybody present let the words sink in.

“Are-are these things your mother told you, Littlefoot?” Ali wondered, awe-struck, never having heard them herself.

“If so, then she must have been a very wise dinosaur. These words are so beautiful… and true.” Cho gave Littlefoot an extremely apologetic look. “I cannot put in words how sorry I am for your loss, Littlefoot, so sorry…”

“Okay, she does understand death, good…” the boy noted.

“Listen to your heart… it whispers… so listen closely… those were her last words,” Littlefoot confirmed with a sad smile. “It happened during the Great Earthshake, my mother was protecting me from the meanest, biggest and strongest Sharptooth and lost the fight. We got separated during the earthshake but I found her just before she died. That was a long time ago though - I must have been younger than you are right now, Cho…”

“What happened then? You must have been very sad and far too young to care for yourself…”

“Just tell her the short version for the time being, Littlefoot,” Ali suggested, snickering. “For the long version is a story for a whole afternoon!”

Littlefoot nodded.

“I was depressed, didn’t eat and didn’t care about life anymore. Eventually, I met a few friends who helped me to get over the loss. Together, we found the way to the Great Valley. My mother knew the way so I followed my heart whenever I didn’t know where to go. It lead me right there.”

“How long did that journey take you?” Cho continued to ask. There were so many questions. Ali’s friend was much more interesting than she had anticipated.

“At least two Night Circle cycles… I can only guess…” came Littlefoot’s response.

“Hence it takes so long to tell,” Ali mused.

“Is it still your home?”

“The Great Valley?” Littlefoot wondered. “Yes, it is.”

“And, how is it like?”

“Imagine this valley, Cho, just bigger and surrounded by even higher mountains,” Ali jumped in.

“And it’s filled with all sorts of kinds, other than this place which is Longnecks-only,” Littlefoot added.

As he was reminded of his beautiful home, a stinging sensation made itself known in the boy’s stomach for a few seconds. He missed his home. Even though this place was reaching very close in terms of food and water sources, it just wasn’t the same. And, although he had Ali and his dad here, he missed his friends greatly. However, just as quick as Cho had pushed him into this moment of homesickness through her words, she managed to pull him out of it again.

“I have so many more questions, but I would like to give you the chance to ask me, Littlefoot,” Cho suddenly announced, shifting in her nest a little - she was now looking up directly at Littlefoot who had taken a few steps towards her after coming to the realisation that Cho felt comfortable around him. Then, she gave the older Longneck a smile that almost had a hint of admiration in it.

“That’s kind of you, Cho,” Littlefoot replied while returning the gesture. “I’ve had quite a few questions as it is but now I have even more!” He chuckled, giving Ali a short questioning glance. “Cho doesn’t seem odd to me at all, is she just acting or is this really how she usually behaves?” He’d have to interrogate Ali later about that.

“It is not any different for me,” Cho confirmed.

“Before I start bombarding you with questions, should I sit down?” Littlefoot spoke wondering upon inspecting the girl’s current resting position. Her head was looking almost straight upwards to him now that he stood right next to her.

“No, I am resting comfortably right now, do not worry,” Cho responded, moving her tail a little as she did so. “Now go ahead, I am curious.”

“Alright!” Littlefoot took a deep breath, trying to decide what to ask first. Should he ask her about her personality first? After all she acted unlike what he was told - quite to his liking, admittedly. On the other hand, though, he was also curious about her past. So far, he only knew that she was an orphan that Shorty found being an orphan himself who were taken in by Bron, his dad. But where did she come from? Why had she been an orphan to begin with? And what happened to her family and were they still alive? He knew that Shorty still had a family somewhere… a family he ran away from, frankly. And then there was the lingering question why Cho was despised by everybody around her, why others pushed her around, called her names and hurt her in more ways than he could name. That thought, ultimately, lead him to take a look at the girl with the black skin looking up at him expectantly. Littlefoot had been a witness of how she got her injuries so he could only imagine what pain she must have gone through and what kind of horrible injuries were hidden beneath those stinky bandages. He then decided to address just that.

“Well, Ali and I were kind of watching when this…” he pointed at Cho’s bandages with a downcast expression. “...when this happened. We heard you scream and we tried to get help. I can only faintly assume how much pain it must be causing you right now… and I wonder how you manage to smile despite of all that.”

Littlefoot noted Ali shifting closer to him upon him mentioning this - still remembering how upset the girl had been back then.

“Yes, I am feeling pain. It has become a part of being me,” Cho responded slowly. “Since the healers gave me improved bandages covered in a paste made out of healing plants, the pain is much easier to bear though.”

“So that’s what’s smelling so funny here?” Littlefoot joked, giving Ali a smirk. “Or have you eaten those sweet fruits again, Ali?”

Despite not fully understanding the context, Cho chuckled a little while Ali glared at her friend.

“Yes, it is the paste indeed,” Cho revealed. “Before I had it, the pain was so bad that I could hardly talk or move… but I am feeling so much better since.”

“Amazing, that girl has backbone…” Now it was Littlefoot to bestow the young girl with a look of admiration. Exchanging another glance with Ali, he continued.

“I know Ali already talked about it with you but… do you know why Shorty did this to you?”

“Well… I do understand his motivations quite well although I cannot say I am happy about the things he did. I instantly knew that he was changed when he attacked me this time…” Cho answered. “Though that was quite easy to understand. Shorty is very easy to understand if you know him like I do…”

“Which means?” Littlefoot pressed the matter. He noticed Ali communicating with the injured girl through gestures though he couldn’t deduce what it was all about. Though then, Ali saved him the trouble of finding out himself.

“You should know… Cho loves to talk in riddles…” Ali couldn’t hide the sarcasm of her words as she exchanged another meaningful glance with Cho.

“In other words, I will have to figure it out myself?” Littlefoot inquired.

Cho was expressing some mischief as she said her next words.

“Yes, you understood that right, Littlefoot.”

While Littlefoot began to realise that he had just been confronted with the kind of behavior he was warned of for the first time here, Ali leaned over to Cho.

“I think you should give him a few hints,” Ali whispered, both girls giggling though Cho stopped dead in her tracks when the wave of pain made her regret it instantly.

“Go ahead,” she instructed, giving a sore smile.

Ali quickly apologised before recalling what Cho had told her about Shorty’s motivations (or what she believed them to be, rather) the previous day before finding the right words.

“Something happened on this very day that affected not one but two Longnecks. Both were full of wrath - one crying and the other making others cry…”

“That was excellent, Ali, you are learning!” Cho mused, nodding when Ali looked in her direction. Meanwhile, Littlefoot was looking at the trees behind Cho as he considered Ali’s words with great care.

“Something happened but… what? Shorty attacked but that can’t be it - I already know that! It must be something else, something…” Littlefoot’s brain was steaming. He was determined to figure it out as soon as he could. “One of those two Longnecks was Shorty but who was the other one? Ali?! After all, she did cry and she was angry… but that was BECAUSE of what he did! It can’t be that either! Ugh!”

While her friend was puzzling about her riddle, Ali giggled. “He is making so funny faces when he is thinking!” As she was just about to pull a few funny faces to distract him, Cho suddenly shook her head a little.

“Don’t disturb him,” she whispered. Ali listened - she knew Cho had her reasons when she asked her to do things even if they didn’t make sense in her ears. After all, what was more hilarious than trying to piss off Littlefoot?

“Hmm, it really can’t be that, it must have happened earlier than that… I need to go backwards in time… What were Ali and I doing before it happened?” Littlefoot had a feeling that the answer was close. Closing his eyes, he saw the scene in front of his inner eye again. He was walking down from the walls, seeing Ali who had prepared some flowers and berries for him. He remembered feeling sad. “Why was that again? Oh…” That was when realisation hit him.


“... Well, I have to leave now,” Bron eventually spoke, after staying around Shorty at their nesting area for a little after returning from the watering hole, eating breakfast.

“About time he finally shuts up!” Shorty thought aggressively, Bron’s carefree chitchat annoying and boring him to the bone. A horny couple was less annoying to listen to…

“As I mentioned yesterday… if you continue to behave yourself, I will loosen the punishment a little as a reward as well as to give you a chance to prove that your word is rightful and true. I am trusting the word of those who watch you just as well as yours. Have a nice day, Shorty.” With that Bron walked away towards a group of Longnecks - members of the herd.

“Well, as annoying as he is… he won’t hold his grudge. I just have to bear his crap for a few more days I guess…” With that, Shorty took his position on the ground, closing his eyes and waiting for time to drag on.


“The answer is… me?” Littlefoot exclaimed, the girls’ eyes directed at him. “I am the reason for this, why though?”

“Well, this is only half true but close enough,” Cho spoke in a mysterious voice. “You see, Littlefoot, it is not so much you who made him so angry but your father and the fact that, all of a sudden, Shorty was not important to him anymore because he now had you!”

“And that’s the reason for Shorty to do such a horrible thing?!” Littlefoot didn’t want to believe the words of the younger dinosaur.

“Unfortunately, yes…” Ali sighed.

“Well, I hope he has talked to Bron about this!” Littlefoot exclaimed loudly. “I never meant to take Bron away from Shorty!”

“I’ll tell him, okay?” Ali offered. When Littlefoot gave her a questioning look, she added. “Remember, silly… I wanted to talk to him yesterday already. I’ll ask Bron whether I may while you are meeting him later…”

“Oh… right!” Littlefoot remembered now. “Uhh, anyway, I think I still owe Cho a few questions!”


Suddenly, just as Cera was about to start looking for the footprints of Littlefoot and his Grandparents, a much deeper and louder snore sounded across the little clearing they were residing in. Cera was beginning to get really pissed off by now.

“Spike, I mean it! Get up right…” That was, when Cera noticed that Spike was wide awake, staring at her, a questioning mark hanging in the air. “What the heck is that???” Cera wondered, a slight amount of worry mixing into her annoyance.

“That. Not. Spike,” Petrie stated matter-of-factly.

Upon inspecting the boulder next to them a bit more closely, Ducky piped up as well.

“I did not know boulders could snore…”

That was when Cera noticed that something was wrong. Awfully wrong.

“They can’t… BUT SHARPTEETH CAN!!!”


Right, in this chapter, we get to know Cho completely different than she was being described thus far. Don't worry, this is not a continuity error  ^^spike

The chapter doesn't move the plot forward a lot but it has lots of character interaction and development, apparently :p So yeah, I hope you liked it :)

I have also tried to apply the constructive feedback that I received during the Fanfiction Award Voting in this chapter, especially in the second half. I've revamped the earlier parts that I had already written before reading the reviews a few days ago but I still think the second half of it is where you have to look for improvement in terms of writing style. Feel free to point out any errors, as harsh as it is to hear about them, I can't eliminate them without somebody pointing it out to me since I, as a writer of my own story, am biased a lot in this regard when I try to find them myself  :DD

Uhh, what else? Ah right... In the next chapter, an event is going to occur which will have a significant importance for the future of the story. However, it's very small so keep your eyes open to find out whenever I get to finish the next one  ^^spike
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  • Ducky
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Yay! Another chapter :smile

It might be because it's 1 am here, but I can't think of any criticism this time :lol
I think this chapter flows very well! You had great transitions between separate plotlines :) I'm terrified for the poor female that Hart decides to harass :blink:
Also can't wait to see what role the rest of the gang plays in this! Great work, as always. Cho is quickly becoming one of my favorite OCs :)


  • Ducky
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