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Legend of the Sierra Negra

Pterano · 107 · 14217


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Chip was more than a little glad to see that the Sheriff hadn't disappeared into thin air, but now he wasn't at all sure what he wanted the little lizard to do. This chuckwalla obviously wouldn't be brought down by gunfire, and the ferret doubted even his machete would cause much damage - a thought he didn't relish in the slightest. So when the little ruby came sailing through the air towards him, the ferret leaped for it, grasping it in his paw and turning over into a somersault.
"What do I do with it?!" He demanded, after he'd landed.
Beans ducked quick as you like behind her wagon, pulling out the little revolver she kept at her waist... for emergencies. "Rango!" She called back over. "You dead?" She tried not to sound as concerned. After all, no point in giving a psychopath leverage.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"Uhhh... well..." Rango trailed off, unsure on that part. "Well I'd say... get it up there and uh... let 'im see it!" the chameleon fumbled over his words, unsure really. "Uh, yes Beans! I'm alive!" Rango replied back, wondering at her unusual choice of words before it finally sunk in. "Oh! Right! Yeah... I'm alive!" he emphasized again.

Growling, Bandon began advancing on the ferret once more, looking like he simply intended to start torturing him to get what he wanted, as he could've easily shot him then and there in the street. Rango noticed this, and decided to buy Chip some time, taking aim and opening fire on Bandon, flinching as he did so, as he'd never killed anyone before, but his bullet slamming into the chuckwalla's side had about as much effect as the previous bullets did, but it did cause him to slide to the side and slow him down temporarily.

"Come on! Sheriff's got the right idea I think!" Bill exclaimed, resuming firing into Bandon's back, which seemed to do nothing but further anger the chuckwalla, whose eyes were blazing now as he shrugged off the wounds to his body. His teeth flashed menacingly as he began charging towards Chip now, looking as if he intended to rip him apart. As he advanced however, the ferret would see the ruby start to glow...

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"Gonna need a backup plan, Rango!" Chip yelped, scurrying backwards. "I don't plan on dyin' anytime today!" He broke off when he noticed the pulsing light from the gemstone. "---The hell?"
Snapping his attaention back at the advancing chuckwalla, Chip bradished the jewel like he was holding some sort of larger - and possibly more lethal weapon. "Take another step an' I'll--" I'll what?! Sick this on ya? "I'll sick this on ya!" Wow, creative...
"Good!" Beans called back, relief washing over her. "What's goin' on? Y'all start a little fight?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Stirrup fired shot after shot at the chuckwalla, not caring if a few of his bullets punched through the structure of the saloon where most of the civilians were hiding. He grinned with excitement - it had been almost a whole day since his last shootout. His revolver clicked - empty. As he quickly popped more bullets in the cylinder, Stirrup turned to Bill. "If this fella's goin' to so much trouble jus' to get Mel... whoever, jus' imagine how much that treasure's worth!" He cackled manically, sensing Bandon's appearance and Melander's fortune were linked.

Finished reloading, Stirrup snapped the cylinder in and turned back to the huge chuckwalla... and paused when he saw what Chip was holding out defensively. Jus' what th'hell is this now? "Is... is he tryin' to beat 'im with a pretty little stone?" Stirrup asked Bill over his shoulder. "He's gonna get torn to pieces..." After a moment, the lizard snickered at the thought.


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"Yeah!" Bill replied. "Whatever that treasure's worth... it's gotta be immeasurable, as Melander said, no doubt!" Bill started reloading as well, and paused as he noticed the crystal. "What in the hell? He really think THAT'S goin' to work? The sheriff's lost 'is marbles!" Bill murmured as he finished reloading, and then fired off another shot.

Across the street, Rango called back to Beans. "Well this guy just came in here and started shootin' the place up! Not a real friendly sort, either! And he doesn't die easily either!"

As Chip held up the stone, Bandon's eyes widened, and for the first time, he actually seemed fazed. "Where the hell did you get that?" he demanded angrily, the glow resonating more strongly now as Chip brandished it like a weapon. Sure enough, it seemed to have an effect. As Bill's shot struck Bandon's backside, his healing power seemed to retard, and slow to a crawl. It was still working... but at a much slower rate.

Growling as he felt that shot, Bandon began to back off now, and raised his gun at Chip, but didn't immediately fire.

"Hey that silly rock's actually workin'!" Bill exclaimed, firing off another shot to see if the effect would continue, and it did, the bullet horn closing up at a much slower rate than before.

Grunting a bit in pain, the chuckwalla started falling back to the saloon before firing a shot at Chip's throat. "This isn't over!" he roared, and leaped onto the back of Stirrup's roadrunner, hacking the bird loose with his claws, and digging his spurs into its side. It screamed out, and began carrying the chuckwalla off down Dirt's main road. "We'll be back! That stone won't protect you forever!" he shouted over his shoulder, firing the last of his bullets in his first gun towards Stirrup and Bill as a parting assault.

Bill had to quickly duck down out of the way behind a barrel, and prayed it was full, which it fortunately was, and his hide was saved.

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Stirrup's gleeful cackles turned to a gasp of outrage when he saw Bandon leap onto his roadrunner and take off. Roaring, he leaped over the barrel he'd been taking cover behind, ignoring the chuckwalla's gunfire as he sped past, and fired his own gun at the lizard's back as he escaped. "Get back here!" he screamed. "I'm gonna string ya up an' use ya fer target practice! I'm gonna saddle y'up an' beat ya like a mule! I'm gonna put my foot so far up yer ass yer gonna be tasting that thing I stepped in yesterday fer a week!" His revolver clicked as it ran out of bullets, and he stared after the pair despondently as they raced off into the distance. He cupped his claws around his mouth and shouted. "Don' worry, baby girl! Daddy's gon' come get ya real quick like!"

Holstering his revolver, he turned and trudged back to Bill, waving an angry finger. "I've been shot, set on fire, trampled, stabbed, drowned, starved an' buried alive. I even been hung once or twice. An' I ain't never complained. But takin' my baby girl?! That's too far. Too far!" He spat to the side and cricked his neck, heading back to where Chip and the others were. "Les' go an' find Melander. See what th'hell was up with that big guy."


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John watched the goings on.  He switched clips and was going to shoot the chuckwalla but hesitated since he wasn't sure he would not hit the roadrunner and he'd rather not hit it since it wasn't the bad guys' mount, but a stolen one.  He was also sure that they'd see him again at some point.  All to soon most likely.  

That done he started looking around for the others, and especially Melander.  He walked over to where Jack was, who had been watching the goings on, and had also not shot, since he didn't have a very good angle for a shot once the chuckwalla was on the roadrunner and had run off.  

John put away his pistol and held out his arms, ready to catch Jack, how jumped once he saw John was ready.   Once caught John put him on the ground.  


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Beans peeked out from behind her wagon. "Well, looks like things is clear," she remarked across to the chameleon. "This how you plannin' on mornings in Mud, Sheriff? With target practice?" She grimaced when she saw the extent of the damage done to the house fronts.
Chip had been relieved when he saw Bandon actually hesitate at the little red crystal - imagine, something so tiny could cause such panic - but the next moment, he'd found himself bowled over, his neck stinging.
Letting the rock fall from his grasp, the ferret touched his paw to the side of his throat, feeling warm wet blood staining the fur there. "Great," he muttered, hoarsely. "Ju's great,"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Rango gasped as he saw Chip go down in the aftermath of the chuckwalla fleeing. "Not planning on it!" Rango quickly called over to Beans as he ran out of the mayor's office now and darted across the street towards the ferret, holstering his gun in the process.

"Chip!" he called. "Chip! You all right? Need me to fetch the doc?" he asked, skidding to a halt near him as he looked down and saw the blood. Gasping a second time, the chameleon shouted out for the doc to come out and assist. "You're gonna be OK buddy, all right?" Rango tried to reassure him as he saw the doc emerging from the saloon now. "It just grazed ya, right?" the sheriff pressed, trying to get a better look at the wound.

"You reckon he was hit bad?" Bill murmured as he holstered his own gun. "And 'ey! Wot you yellin' for?" he asked, digging a claw around in his ear. "It's a mount, mate. It ain't THAT important, is it?" he asked skeptically, giving his partner a quizzical look.

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Stirrup glared at Bill over his shoulder as they made their way to where Rango was fussing around Chip. "No, Bill, she ain't jus' no mount. Ripper's the bravest, fastest, mos' cleverest creature I ever did see. She's gon' tear off his head an' use his skull fer a toilet. Then I'm gonna use it t' snuff out my cigars. Not necessarily in that order. " His bottom lip quivered slightly, and he faced forwards, pulling his hat lower to hide it. "Sometimes, I reckon Ripper's the reason I ain't gone an' lost my mind in this crazy world, an' why I'm the pleasant lizard ya see today."

He reached Rango and Chip, and glared down at the injured ferret. "Aw, ya got shot?" he jeered. "Ain't that a shame. Tighten yer bra an' get up, ya big jessie! Ain't nothin' but a flesh wound!" Jerking his head to the side, Stirrup fixed his yellow eyes on Rango. "Where's Melander? I wanna know why that big fella ain't lyin' in the dirt with so many holes, we could'a stuffed him full of candy and made ourselves a pinata!"


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Chip grumbled up at Stirrup. "Yeah I got shot. Why? Ya hankerin' fer the same treatment?" He sat up slowly, paw clamped to the side of his neck. "Jus' get me bandaged up. I'll live," he grunted, a little dazed.
Beans stepped out and joined the crowd in the middle of the street. She looked the ferret over. "That was a stupid move ya pulled, y'know. Makin' him mad."
Chip frowned up at her. "Yeah, tell me sumthin' I DON'T know, Miss Beans."
"All the same," the lady lizard continued, "Thanks fer not gettin' the real Sheriff killed."
"My pleasure. Next time, he can show me his gratitude by doin' the same fer me," the ferret's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Now, ya gonna heal me'r what?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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(Dangit, sorry about the double post! My internet froze! D:)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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John walked over to Chip as he took out a handkerchief and handed it to Chip.  "if you can hold it on your wound, or someone else can, I can easily carry you to a doctor, or somewhere more comfortable then out here." He said, bending down so he could pick up Chip, after handing his handkerchief th Chip.

"Ya, layin in the street's no place for a wounded person to heal or rest." Jack said.


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Chip was stunned as ever at this newcomer's sudden appearance. Uhh," was all he could mumble. He pressed the handkerchief against his neck as he was directed, wincing slightly at the sting that accompanied it. "Um, much obliged...?"
Beans eyed the Gila suspiciously. "And where'd you pop in from? He a friend o'yers?" She asked Bad Bill.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"Just a minute..." Doc said as he began bandaging Chip's wound up with something a bit more permanent. "Well... that was a dirty trick..." the Doc noted, studying the wound. "Seems he's using bullets that shatter easily... you have a few small fragments in your neck... but don't worry..." Doc reached in and began plucking them out with his claws. "They didn't go too deep!"

"Uh yeah!" Rango added upon hearing Beans. "Thanks... I owe ya!" he quickly put in as he stood over Chip.

Melander stepped out now as Doc began reapplying the bandages to the ferret's neck. "Well heheheh, I guess you all weren't expecting THAT rather overpowered and practically immortal gentleman to show up in your fine town! Truth be told... I wasn't either. I thought I had ditched that guy somewhere in the Mojave but as it turns out... he was more persistent than I thought." Melander said innocently, as if it were no big deal they'd just been attacked by a hulking chuckwalla who could shrug off fatal wounds like they were nothing.

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Stirrup hooked his claws on his gun belt and squinted at John. "Yeah, who are ya? Yer meddlin' in affairs ya better ain't not be meddlin'!"

At the sound of Melander's voice, he spun around and cocked his head. "Not expectin'? Ya don' say! Nah, tryin' to shoot a guy who shrugs off bullets like they was raindrops, well, that's somethin' I reckon I ain't had much experience in." He rolled his shoulders and stared down at the lizard. "So spill it. What was the deal with that freakshow? Why's he so interested in you?""


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"Suit yourself." John said and turned to head in the direction of where he had his wagon stored.   Jack moving to slither along at his side.  John took out a bit of paper and a pencil, he crossed off something off the list then put put away his paper and pencil.  

"Crossed off eh?  Not surprised.  I'd have voted no, if I was part owner." Jack said, not sure if he liked the place, in their short time they had been here.  

"Unsavory types, some ruder then other places, especially places that are venues.  I don't know whats who can't be killed and can do what they want." John said shaking his head, "No way I'd vote for here.  Can't guarantee anyone's safety. " John said still walking to the wagon.  

"That kills it then." Jack said, thinking maybe he was glad of that.  He wasn't sure he'd want to come back here.  They turned and went over to the building where the wagon was kept.  

"Yep, all decisions by the 3 owners must be unanimous or nothing can happen." John said "I made sure that was in the contract when our 2 circuses merged into one. "

"We heading right out?" Jack asked.

John nodded, "Would you trust to go to sleep in this town?" John asked looking at Jack.  

"No way." Jack said.  "Even considering I sleep with both my eyes open."


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Chip winced and squirmed. "Dad-gummit, if ya dig any farther, ya'll come out th'other side!" He waved a paw. "Jus' wrap me up already!" To Rango, the ferret merely rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He was secretly pleased to have some sort of recognition -- even if it did cost him a bullet in the neck.

Beans' eyes squinted. "Ya think he'll be back?" She tightened her grip on her pistol, as if Bandon were outside this very moment.
Chip scoffed. "If he's afeared - Dammit! Quit pokin'! - o' some little ol' gem, he'll likely stay out o' th'way." He finished with a growl. That chuckwalla had some nasty vengeance coming his way. No one put a bullet in Chip Ferret and got off scot-free.

(Even if they kinda do :DD)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"All right, all right! Quit yer squirmin!" Doc said, trying to get Chip to stay still for long enough as he started to wrap up his neck.

"That freakshow, as you put it, was part of Malachus's retinue. I remember encountering him in the Sierra Negra, and most likely Malachus sent him out to hunt me down and permanently silence me. However... he's not one of a kind, you see." Melander began explaining. "Bandon is just one of several that shares his abilities. You might have noticed his speed and reflexes, as well as his uncanny marksmanship. Malachus and his retinue all possess the ability to heal wounds at rapid rates. This is part of the curse of the mountains, and has something I suspect to do with part of the treasure. You see, I determined that something in those mountains has given them these abilities, but at the same time, their power appears to correlate with different stones that make up part of this treasure. That ruby that you held up before him was the particular one that resonated most with him. I found out that when Bandon is in the presence of their particular stone, his extraordinary powers are negated and severely weakened. Why this is I'm not sure, but perhaps the stones themselves are magical and placed such a curse upon them so as to make each one completely unique."

"So uh... let's say you handed Chip an emerald... it'd have no effect on that Bandon fellow?" Rango asked.

"Right... only that particular stone and not just any ruby or emerald or whatever you want has that effect on him. I managed to steal it before escaping, and figured it might come in handy." Melander replied.

"Seems like a pretty stupid thing to do... sending out the one who's weak to the very stone you stole." Bill muttered.

"Ah yes, but I don't think he knew I had it! You saw his reaction, after all! Total surprise! Now that means he's probably going to send someone else... someone who DOESN'T resonate with that ruby at all. Meaning... we'll have to be extra careful from here on out." Melander outlined.

Rango thought about this in his head. So... formidable enemies who could very well be immortal that had been placed under some curse in the mountains by the treasure. But only part of the treasure or maybe even something in the mountains had been responsible... Melander wasn't even sure on that bit. What he was sure of was that each cursed individual resonated with a certain stone... exposing their fatal weakness, or at least a weakness that was exploitable. This sounded way too dangerous to allow to exist, as it represented a clear and present danger to his town and his citizens, and the sheriff was already starting to think that heading to the Sierra Negra would be inevitable at this point.

"There ya go!" Doc said, finishing up the bandage job on Chip's neck. "Just don't snap your head around too much and you'll be right as rain in a few days!" the older rabbit declared.

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Chip tested the bandage with his paw - it was stiff and alien to him. He felt his hand swatted by Beans.
"Leave it be, 'r it won't never heal!" The liady iguana chided.
Chip flashed her a dark glare, but diverted his attention to Melander the next second. The fact that he'd had such a lucky miss sent a chill up his spine - it was really a chance in a million he hadn't been killed all because of that silly little ruby.
"Ahh, so ya wouldn't happen t'have more o' those stones around?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein